#oc: Max
hawkepockets · 4 months
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commissioned @littlestpersimmon to draw my first dao warden matsendra surana & the result is soooooo 😖😖😖
the grapes are a reference to the fox character in aesop’s fables, as this warden is a little too clever for his own good and knows how to chat up a crow.
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dracononite · 2 months
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CHAMPIONS 🌈 my Pokemon Scarlet Team
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planefood · 1 year
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Drawing for a class project thing :) my guys just chilling everyday stuff. I’m a little sick with god knows what so it took a little longer than it usually would but I finished it
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Song: Pluto - Dance Stamina
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ursachaotic · 2 months
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"Where are you taking him?" 👁 🌌
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the-ethereal-god · 6 months
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i tried to make some ocs using this picrew
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callmegaith · 4 months
After so much waiting, the official KNOCKOUT CITY art book is here AND LOOK AT THIS!! MY ART IS IN IT!! 😭😭😭😭
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eirian · 11 months
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max really thinks hes gonna win this one
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basilone · 17 days
A blurred photograph + complexion for a MOTA character of your choice! Juno xx
Three months later and I'm finally getting 'round to filling this one. 🫣The time was apparently very, very right for this! Thank you for sending it. 💙
tug of war
“Fuck this. I’m fucking out. Some fucking bullsh–!”
Max winces as the door slams shut behind Lottie, effectively muffling the pilot’s tirade enough to no longer be understandable. One-Eye, furthest away from the door, casts a dark-eyed glare over Bucky’s shoulder toward the window. Undoubtedly Lottie has already stormed outside, not yet close enough to curfew to warrant trouble, and is making a case for herself being someone else’s problem. Max doesn’t track her any further than that, though One-Eye keeps peering over Bucky’s shoulder like it still matters what the hell Lottie gets up to these days.
“Draw straws?” asks Nora, casting a glance at everyone left in the room.
“Not it,” snaps Max, in tandem with Push’s coughed rejection.
“She’d put me in a headlock,” snorts Brady. His expression turns sour. “Again.”
“I’ll do it.”
“John,” says Major Cleven, sounding too tired to be surprised at Bucky’s volunteering. “Let Ace do the talking”– and Max is not imagining the collective wince that shudders through the room at Major Cleven saying Ace instead of Lot –“don’t push her too hard.”
“I’m a friendly face,” says Bucky, smiling so brightly that everyone can tell he’s lying. “She left her jacket. Gonna bring her that, before we have to ask the Ruskies how to defrost a pilot.”
Major Cleven’s hand folds around the letter Lottie left on the table. “You do that.”
Max swallows as conversations around the room begin to pick back up as soon as Bucky moves to leave. Nora and Crank certainly make a concerted effort to loudly discuss the camp’s insane music program with Brady and the rest, which Max leans back from solely because she's already told Brady anything but a funeral dirge is a waste to play these days. She doesn’t want to see their expressions shutter at the reminder of death again. She’d been too vocal about it, just like Bucky had, just like George back in England would not shy away from discussing it on the tarmac.
She watches Major Cleven’s eyebrow rise before he folds Lottie’s letter in a too-neat, too-precise manner. Sees that same letter go up in a flutter of flame – fed to the candle so decisively that it’s gone in the blink of an eye – and turn into a pile of ash in Major Cleven’s food bowl. There’s something hard in his expression. Chips of ice in his eyes and the flicker of deep-set fury around his lips. Max studies her kneecaps, knobbly in this too-big uniform, as soon as his gaze comes to rest on her bunk.
None of this is normal, but almost everyone pretends it is.
“Mama sent a letter,” offers Benny, next to her, voice remarkably steady for someone who’s just met the full brunt of Major Cleven’s silent communication. A DeMarco family letter is maybe the closest tether to sanity Max has got. “Papa included instructions on how to stitch the bedding. They’re both asking about you.”
“Yeah?” she says, leaning back against the wall, coming shoulder to shoulder with him. “What’d they want?”
“Ask how you are, if you’re getting through that cough from a few weeks back okay,” he says, nudging her slightly as if to underscore the ridicule of the mail’s slowness. “Mama’s asking if she can write to you, or if you’re expecting letters from anybody.”
Max frowns. “The hell would anyone be writing me for? Unless you count Val and George,” she amends, seeing Benny’s deepening frown out of the corner of her eye. “They’ve been writing to One-Eye and me, but George is also writing to Bucky and Val’s real busy and all.”
“That’s your crew family.”
“Only one I got, dumbass,” she shoots back, rolling her eyes for emphasis as she turns to face Benny. “I haven’t got a big family. Or any family. All I’ve got is some blurry photograph of a man who might be my daddy, might be a total stranger. Can’t write to what you don’t have, yeah?”
“I’ll tell mama.” His eyes crinkle with his smile. “She’s already adopted Frosty. She’s got room for one more.”
“Yeah, but you and Frosty are, uh, you’re all Italian and all,” says Max lamely, waving her hand as if she can shoo Benny’s stupid idea out the door again. “This complexion of mine? Pretty sure this”– she motions, rolling one sleeve up for emphasis –“is too damn dark to be Italian. First goddamn thing Huglin asked me when he clapped eyes on me is if I was one of those Tuskegee airmen. So much for being white-passing, huh.”
“You’re just very tan,” he says levelly, which she snorts at only because she’s used that excuse a million times before. “Doesn’t change the fact that my mama wants to write to you.”
Her eyes sting, then, and she has to cast her gaze to the top of her bunk until she’s certain she won’t do something stupid like cry about it. “That’s not fair,” she whispers, barely loud enough to be heard over the din of the music discussion. “I-If you… If you knew how many times…” How many times I wished someone would see me and take me in like that. She swallows the wish back down. Settles on the truth. “Folks don’t give a shit about orphans like me.”
Benny shrugs. “It’s just letters, Max.”
Max stares. “It’s never just letters with your family, Benny.”
“Yeah, so, maybe it’s not,” he says, setting his mama’s letter down. It covers the pages full of neat, looping script Max recognizes as Darlene’s – Darlene’s done all the lettering on their planes, she’d know it blind – as well as a shorter scrap of paper with the same script that’s not addressed to Benny at all. “But I’m getting real tired of updating my folks about you girls all the time, barely have enough space left to tell them how I’m doing,” he chuckles, “so be a peach and write to my mama for me sometime? You can do it with One-Eye and Push if you want, saves me even more space.”
“Right, because you’re such a poor little victim baby.”
“Cry myself to sleep about it,” he grins.
“Benny,” says Max, admiring, “sometimes you can be a real cunt.”
“All in an honest day’s work.”
“Honest, says the man who’s hoarding a letter to Lottie,” she says archly, nodding at the scrap of paper that’s still sticking out. “You gonna give her that?”
“Jesus, Maxine, I said later.”
“When? Because I’ll bunk with the fucking Ruskies on the day you hand her that,” she says, shuddering to herself. “Captain Petrov said he’ll find us a place with their bomber girls. I might even learn more Russian.”
“Captain Petrov needs to stop adopting everyone who reminds him of his little sister,” grumbles Benny back, expertly dodging Max’s question about the letter. “Hey, Buck”– and it’s a done discussion, apparently, which Max folds her arms and scowls about –“did you know Petrov put an offer in to adopt the girls?”
Max’s scowl almost breaks when Major Cleven’s confused which girls, Benny? mingles with Benny’s exasperated sigh and gesture at the room at large. And she’s gone and said it now – something else for them to focus on, something for Brady to mutter furiously about – and Benny’s already slipping off her bunk and conferring with the Major in low-voiced tones before Max can say she doesn’t think Captain Petrov would whisk them away without permission.
Her hand hovers over Benny’s letter a moment before she snatches it off the bed.
Dear Bernardo, she reads, settling in a huddle against the wall, eyes roving over the page until… She stops. Give little Maxine our love, it says, and she’s not…
She’s not ready for a thing like that.
She’s not at all prepared for something like that. And Benny won’t get that – not with his family like it is, not with Darlene writing to him like that – and Major Cleven will get it a little too well – she’s seen the way he holds his fork, all quick meal on the go – and she doesn’t want to talk to One-Eye about it because One-Eye still believes people can be good without wanting something from you.
There’s only one other person in this damn camp who’ll know something about what it means to be loved in spite of your own efforts to reject it.
“I’m going for a walk,” she announces, slipping Darlene's letter to Lottie into her large sleeve.
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rileyh20 · 2 months
I finally made an intro for y'all, because why the hell not? (I'm bored)
Hi, hello, konnichiwa, all that jazz. My name is Riley, but you can give me any nicknames or anything as long as I am fine with it after you use it! I write fanfiction mostly, but I'll write some stuff that isn't if you wanted me to.
I am going through a gender crisis, but I'm going as gender fluid for now. I'm using they/them as of now/today, I'll change this and other things that say my pronouns when needed
Things to call me: Literally almost ANY pet name, I love pet names :D. You can give me nicknames if you want. If I don't like something you've called me, I will tell you and ask you to please call me something else. There are only THREE things NEVER to call me as they are triggering to me, they are: babe, princess, and bear! But otherwise you can call me anything.
Things I'll write:
Angsty stuff
Crack fic's :3
Any Fandom's I'm in :>
Whump of almost any kind
Self harm of almost any kind (Specify what kind of kind you want)
Drug over-use, or alcohol intake
Child Abuse
Family Abuse
Hinted NSFW, maybe smut depending
I basically have almost no restrictions.
Suicide/Suicidal themes
Any sort of LGBTQ+ themes (Not coming out tho)
Mild SA/Rape themes (Not much tho, beware)
Sometimes x reader if you're lucky, but mostly male reader
Things I wont write:
NSFW on minors, or minor actors
Minor x Adult (Especially explicit)
Fandoms I'm not in
Hurt no comfort (Maybe?)
Pregnant stuff (Idk, just don't even ask-)
Coming out fic's, for now at least (LGBTQ+ coming out)
Fic's where the main plot is about breaking up (I just suck and don't like them)
Fandoms I'm in, and WILL write for:
The Outsiders by se hinton
BBC Merlin
Voltron: Legendary defender
Teen Wolf (Not the movies)
One Piece
ATLA (Not really Korra)
Demon Slayer
TMNT (Mostly 2012 and 2018)
Fandoms I'm in, but probably won't write for:
All Rick Riordan books
Stardew Valley
School Bug Graveyard
I will update this later depending! I'm mostly working on The Outsiders, with slight Voltron tho.
You may introduce me to a fandom, and I may join it!
My Ao3 is Introvert_Extrovert!
Uhh, I don't think I have a DNI list at all. But if you DM me any thing about romance, or kids, or being MARRIED, I will respond but I might block you if it gets out of hand. I'm aromantic, not asexual, but still.
Just, don't DM weird things romantic/sexual stuff, I'm cool with platonic stuff. But just don't if it's anything more. And no, don't ask for a photo of me or my face or anything. I will not show it.
I update this a lot, so maybe check this again before requesting just in case! General tags below.
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You guys know that "all my friends are pretty" moodboard trend? Yeah, I want to do that with ocs.
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I had to make it with all my video game blorbos 🥺 the WYGTYAverse (and the BG3 crossover with Hjaldir) are the first ones, and the Dragon Age ones are the last 2.
I'd love to see more of everyone's ocs with this template! If you want to, of course! I'm going to tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @thelavenderelf @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @nerevar-quote-and-star @illumiera @dirty-bosmer @blossom-adventures absolutely no pressure if you don't want to do this, as always 💖💖
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mizykissu · 25 days
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hawkepockets · 17 days
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dragon age summer?
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slayahbaba · 9 days
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Happy late father's day to Sherlock and Huey!
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planefood · 1 year
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Just guys being dudes
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leavemetoplaythesims · 9 months
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the twins (dina and christopher), their mom (diana), stepdad (max), dad (john) and future stepdad (caleb).
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ursachaotic · 2 months
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"Why don't you hate me, Maxwell?" ✨
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