#oc: Ghost/Gabriel
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spinchs-field · 6 months ago
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gabr1elr0rk3 · 7 months ago
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puuuders · 25 days ago
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Uh oh! Bad decision, Miasma!
@whentheangelsweep its your fault I’m falling back into my Mandela catalogue phase 🫵🫵🫵🫵
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waywardbabysis · 1 year ago
Just things Supernatural fans understand 😎🖤😅
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gunnrblze · 7 months ago
Mood boards for the Ghost boys (+ my oc Strike)
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maymaylyn · 3 days ago
Haven’t drawn mommy and daddy in a while
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Not my fav but dats ok
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theotheronedotorg · 4 months ago
What would mama walker be like at a holiday party, particularly one that included the other Ghosts? How would she “control” the Ghost boys?
Thank you for sending in a request, Anon! I'm sorry if it wasn't what you were thinking.
Warning: A little mention of 9/11. I don't know much about toddlers, so I apologize if I got the personality and/or attitude wrong.
Mama Walker!Reader AU
• So, Mama is the type to be quiet and awkward when the party is just starting, or when she just gets there, but then she'll be pretty talkative and the nicest person you'll ever meet.
• Of course, if it was her party that she'd be throwing, she'd still be pretty awkward, but instead of growing more comfortable, she'd secretly get panicked.
• She wants her guests to be as comfortable as possible, but she'll be too awkward to forwardly ask if everyone is enjoying their time or not.
She took in a breath, smoothing out the Christmas red dress she wore, the material stretching out lovingly around her pregnant belly. The white fluff that circled her shoulders from behind and dipped to meet just above her swollen breasts felt like a cat's fluffy hide against her pale skin. The dress was made with the image of a pregnant woman in mind, with the front of the skirt being a bit longer than the back to give off the illusion of it all being one length as it reached her slightly swollen ankles.
She couldn't understand why she felt so nervous. She knew everyone at the party, and she wasn't the host of it, but she still felt nervous. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen most of her and Elias's friend group since last year. That could be it, but then again, her and the girls tended to talk a lot on the phone.
Maybe it was because of the planes? Ever since the four planes struck American soil three months ago, there hadn't been many outings. Many were still grieving, and most were in denial of such a tragedy occurring. Mama knew that things like this happened. She was married to a soldier for Christ's sake, but even she still couldn't believe such a thing could happen.
"Nervous?" Her husband's voice sounded from behind her, his hand pressed to the small of her back as David held his other one, staring off into the winter-covered land. His 2-year-old brain was still rather scattered, all memory and focus all over the place. Though, one thing was for certain. He didn't like social gatherings.
Mama blinked once more and tilted her head to gaze into Elias's eyes, his brown ones peering gently into her more green ones. Honestly, how could one's eyes look more green than their natural color? It was weird, but it was so perfect on her.
"Only a little." She responded after a hesitant pause. "I haven't talked to Gabe in a while." She breathed out, shuffling on her feet. The light brown boots she wore kept her feet patted comfortably, but even she could feel the slight pain in them from standing for so long in the lobby.
"Last time I talked to him," Elias hummed as he raised his eyes towards the ceiling, tracing the lines that were painted against the panels, "he was focusing his time on fixing his cars and being on deployment."
The woman hummed lightly, sliding her hand to the underside of her swollen belly and raising her other one to brush some hair behind her ear. She knew she should have put it up before they left. "Well, I hope he doesn't drain himself with how much work he's putting himself through."
Elias nodded, looking back down to his wife, "You and me both, hon."
"Bunny!" Mama jumped from her stance at the slightly bigger-than-average round kitchen table and turned towards the strong voice, smiling when she saw the bald man walking over to her.
"Hey. Gabe." She spoke softly and opened her arms, inviting the male in for a hug, which he greatly appreciated and accepted. Minding her baby mound, he wrapped his arms around her upper back and squeezed her gently, smiling as her arms encircled his upper back and applied slight pressure there. "How are you doing?" She asked softly and pulled away, holding his strong biceps for a moment as her eyes darted over him, taking in the black wrap that stood against his red Christmas sweater. She honestly forgot he sometimes needed a back brace. He was still young, about 27 now, but the poor man had messed up his back a few years back to the point he needed a back brace for when he was going to be standing for long periods of time.
She took her hands back and placed them to her stomach, her eyes darting back to looking into his warm brown ones.
"I'm doing good." He responded, nodding towards the drinks, ones that weren't alcoholic, and raised his brow in a silent question. "Been working on a few bikes here and there. Landlord is still a bitch, though." She smiled at his words and moved towards the front of the round table. She's always liked Gabriel Rorke, he was the one who introduced her and Elias. Even though it was he who was flirting with her that night, she was glad to call him a friend.
"And I'm guessing your neighbor is still the old lady who flirts?" She laughed out as he groaned, already knowing the answer to her question. She tipped her glass to her lips, taking a sip of the liquid gold (water) she had picked from the non-alcoholic section of the room. Her eyes roamed around the room as Gabriel began to talk about Mrs. Clark and how she kept on scaring away any potential flings by grossly flirting and/or yelling at him about cheating.
She furrowed a brow when she noticed a bump in a tablecloth from across the room. When she glanced towards Elias, who was by the table, his eyes met hers, almost as if sensing her intention of a silent conversation. Her gaze glanced around his person and found no 2-year-old child. She looked at the bump one more time before glancing back to his eyes. All he did was nod and jerked his head towards the said table.
She took in a breath and looked back to Gabriel, placing her cup down and smiling apologetically at the 27-year-old. All he did was stare at her for a moment before he sighed.
"Yeah, okay. I'll be here."
"Thank you, Gabe." She smiled and walked past him, sending him a parting wave, to which he returned it with one of his own.
"Now," she mumbled and sat down, rubbing her stomach slightly as she felt the kick of the baby against her insides. It made her let out a breath and rub against the offending area. "Easy on the kicks. Any more, and you'll pop out." She took in a breath and leaned back in her seat, letting it back out as she felt another kick, this one softer.
She tipped her head back and closed her eyes, keeping herself still and relaxed before she tipped her head down and looked to the tablecloth.
"David," she mumbled softly and tilted her head to the side, her eyes questioning, "Why are you under the table?"
"There's a lot of people."
"And you don't like a lot of people?"
"I don't like people."
Mama blinked at his response and looked away, raising her hand to hide her smile behind the back of it. He'd had such a way with words that it made her crack up sometimes.
"Really?" She asked and looked back to the white material that draped around the table's legs. She blinked when no response came, but a smile quickly rose to her lips when she watched the 2-year-old crawl out from under the table and stand, holding onto her dress and watching her stomach. He's been fascinated with it ever since she began to show. Her hand moved, lifting from her cradled position against her stomach, and placed it on his blonde fluffy hair. At this point, it was useless trying to tame it. He'd just mess it up five minutes after she'd finish.
"That was boring," David grumbled into his father's chest, the man held him against his strong build as the three walked across the parking lot and to their car. The response he got was an amused snort from his father and a giggle from his mother.
"Really?" Mama questioned lightly, the image of David passed out on the couch inside the big apartment's living room still amused her. "Is it because people were there?"
Elias gave his wife an amused smile and rolled his eyes at the nod the toddler gave.
"Well," she started, "You did great tonight. How about we get ice cream tomorrow?" The promise of a sweet treat made David perk up and he looked to her with stars in his eyes.
"Really?" He smiled wide, "Can we get ice cream now?"
She let out a soft laugh and shook her head. David could be seen physically deflating as she stopped before the car and watched as Elias opened the front passenger door for her.
"We can get some tomorrow." He promised, watching his wife shuffle in, making sure her feet and hands were safely inside before closing the door. He glanced back to it before his eyes met his son's and he pressed his forehead to his smaller one. "Plus," he whispered and smiled as David placed his small hands on his cheeks, "Mama's tired. It's best to sleep now before she falls asleep in the car."
David's smile rose to his rather tired face and he let out a giggle."Mama's hard to wake up she's sleeping."
Elias hummed in agreement as he opened the back door and placed David into his car seat, buckling him into place.
• As for why Keegan and Merrick weren't there, those two aren't old enough to join the army.
• Keegan is roughly around 8 years older than Logan, 6 for David, and Merrick is 13-15 years older.
• I feel as if it would be a bit weird to put them in.
• I like to think that none of them lived in the same state before they joined the military as well, so to go to a party that would probably not even be in their state would have been pointless.
• As for 'controlling' the Ghosties, I don't exactly see her being a mom to any of them.
• Not that I don't think she wouldn't be, she totally would have. But I don't think she would have met them.
• Other than Rorke. She'd known him the longest, which was, like, minutes before she met Elias.
Taglist: @brokenpieces-72 @rerejunebug
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stargazing-sapphire2 · 5 months ago
Legacy - 1/?
Summary: With the disappearance of Logan and with Rorke still out there, the Ghosts soon find themselves back at war with the Federation. Amidst the chaos and death, Beth and Hesh will soon find their relationship put into question when an unexpected surprise finds its way into their lives...and whether or not they will live to see the end of this conflict.
[A Post Call of Duty: Ghosts fanfiction; David "Hesh" Walker/OC]
TRIGGER WARNING(s): Canon-Typical Violence, spoilers for the Ghosts campaign, Unplanned Pregnancy, Alcoholism/Drug use, Psychological Torture/Brainwashing, Rorke is a whole ass trigger warning, PTSD *more to be added for future chapters*
TAGLIST: @thatonesillyducko @deeptrashwitch @gunnrblze @maymaylyn @blacktacmopsi @milkteaarttime @imagoddamnonionmason @me-is-confused @seraphiixiao
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“So…is this it?”
Hesh lifted his head as he heard her speak. He glanced over at her curiously, noting the frown on her face.
“About what?” He questioned.
Beth shrugged, reaching over to push back her bangs from her face.
“You’re going after Rorke.”
Beth went silent, as if contemplating her next words. Hesh watched her passively, but some part of him knew deep down he was not going to like what she said.
It was the way she is, after all.
“I could go with you,” she offered softly.
Hesh immediately sat up with a start, and she mimicked the gesture.
“No,” he said, a little too quickly for his liking.
Beth frowned, sitting up next to him.
“Why not?” She demanded.
He hesitated.
How so badly he wanted to tell her…
“This is mine and Logan’s fight,” he replied.
Her eyes flared.
“It’s my fight too!” She snapped. “You’re not the only one who has a stake in this!”
Hesh’s hands grabbed at her shoulders, and Beth froze, eyes widening as she stared at him.
“I can’t..” His voice was shaky, breathless. “I can’t lose you. Please, don’t make go through that…”
Beth stared at him, her eyes softening monetarily as he said this. The pair sat in silence, waiting for the other to speak first.
Finally, Beth exhaled, reaching over to grip at one of his wrists as he slowly released her.
“It won’t come to that,” she murmured, squeezing it lightly as if to reassure him, or herself.
Perhaps to reassure both of them.
Hesh gripped both her hands now, his green eyes staring into her blue ones.
“Don’t make me go through that…” He repeated, voice wobbling as he looked her in the face. “Please…
“You won’t lose me,” she told him, leaning in closer and--
Hesh opened his eyes.
The first sight he was greeted to was the black canopy of a tent, and a dull, aching throb in his abdomen. Breathing heavily, he slowly sat up, flinching as his hand instinctively went to his torso as pain shot through it.
A startled gasp came from a few feet away, and he turned his head, locking eyes with the source.
“Eva..?” He spoke, wincing at rough his voice sounded, and his throat felt like sandpaper.
“You’re awake,” Eva replied, sighing in relief. She set the clipboard that she was holding down, and made her way over to him, checking over his vitals and the wound in his abdomen, which was currently wrapped up. “How do you feel?”
“Awful,” Hesh admitted as she pulled away. Before he could ask for water, she departed from the tent, most likely going to inform someone he was still alive.
He was left alone with his thoughts, and everything came rushing back to him.
Rorke’s boot smashing into his jaw and knocking him back; his own screams echoing in his head, and laying there, helpless and useless, as Logan was stolen away from him.
All because he did nothing
He did nothing.
What kind of brother am I?
The tent flaps opened, and Hesh lifted his head to glance at the intrusion, his eyes meeting the sharp emerald gaze of Henry Ashford.
After the death of Elias, the other Captain had been named his successor, and as of now, remained the current acting commander of the Ghosts. Despite having grown up with the other man as another authority figure in his life, Hesh had seldom ever seen the man in person ever since he enlisted; having only ever spoke to him on the comms when they were out in the field.
To see him in person now meant it was important.
The Ashford patriarch looked tired, his eyes bloodshot and his hair slightly disheveled and a five o’clock shadow on his face. However, he offered a wry smile to the younger man.
“It’s good to see you alive, son,” he said. Hesh sat up, wincing as pain ripped through his abdomen, but he did his best to ignore it.
“We’ll be moving out as soon as you’re recuperated,” Henry said, cutting off whatever Hesh was going t say. “We put a dent in the Federation’s forces, but—”
“Henry-“ Hesh tried to get out, frustration bubbling inside him.
“-With Santa Monica destroyed, we’ll need to find another base of operations. I’ll be getting our guys from DC on the line soon and—” Henry continued to drone on.
“Henry, where’s Logan?”
Henry paused his yapping, immediately focusing his attention on Hesh.
“Lieutenant?” The older man questioned.
“Where’s my brother?” Hesh repeated. “Where’s Logan?”
Despite his earlier thoughts, Hesh clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, they managed to catch up to Rorke, and managed to rescue Logan.
Maybe he was nearby, maybe he was outside the tent right now, waiting to be called in.
His heart sank when Henry remained silent.
“Henry, please,” Hesh begged, desperation bubbling inside him. “Where’s Logan?”
Henry closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling as if contemplating what to say next. Finally, he opened them again, looking Hesh dead in the face.
“He’s gone.”
His heart shattered.
‘What do you mean…” Hesh stammered, trying to keep his voice steady. “That can’t…he has to be—”
“He’s gone, David,” Henry repeated, a little more sternly this time. “Wherever Rorke took him, he was long gone by the time we got to you.”
Hesh stared at him in disbelief, and Henry shook his head, glancing away from the younger man.
“I’m sorry…” He continued. “But I can’t afford to squander anymore resources looking for one man on a wild goose chase, nor is it a top priority. I’m sorry, David, but Logan is gone.”
He’s gone.
The words repeated in his mind over and over, like a broken record.
Anger, sadness and despair all welled within him, cracking at the wall he tried to hold up; damned if he would weep in front of his commanding officer.
Henry watched him passively, although there was a glean of sympathy in the green of his eyes.
“Take all the time you need alone, son…” He said in a low voice after a heavy pause. “Just shout if you need any assistance.”
He seen exited the tent, and Hesh was alone again.
Bringing his knees up to his chest, Hesh buried his face in them, his body shaking as heaving sobs began to tear their way out of him.
I’m sorry, Logan, he thought sorrowfully. Mom, Dad…I’m so sorry…
He let them down.
He had failed all of them.
What do I do now?
The dam broke, and the tears finally fell.
And he began to weep.
“I’m sorry…” He cried.
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aweisz · 8 months ago
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finally oc time!
some info about them under the cut
remember how i (i think?) mentioned the thing with the 19th century? this is it
papa tristis ii was papa in the 1860s–1880s. had an older and a younger brother. also at least one kid who became papa after tristis' younger brother in the 1890s
gabriel is a cardinal who fucked that old man (tm). former catholic priest. grey eminence. loved his little evil plots and schemes and things like that. outlived tristis and hated himself every second of his remaining life because of it
toxic tragic old man yaoi yippee
also paintless option
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spinchs-field · 10 days ago
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i hate him
og picture/post
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gabr1elr0rk3 · 6 months ago
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lemonqii · 4 months ago
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spicelod · 20 days ago
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fed-chan !!!!!
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gunnrblze · 7 months ago
The Ghost Boys as Deftones songs (+ my oc Strike)
Hesh- Cherry Waves (bc it sounds like him) & Headup (also cause it sounds like him, and for the lyrics. I couldn’t choose just one and there’s like four others I want to give him cause he’s very deftones to me)
Logan- Sextape (“take me one last time, take me for one last ride. I’m out of my head, tonight” Fed Logan, hnnshjdks I’m crying! this whole song) also honorable mention; their ‘Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want’ cover
Elias- Change (In the House of Flies) (yes actually. it’s giving him and Rorke, “I watched you change, into a fly. I looked away, you were on fire, and I watched a change in you” etc etc. also this song is attractive, you see where I’m going…)
Merrick- Kimdracula (love this song, save this fuckin man cause he’s been through it actually) & Hole in the Earth (can’t pick, love this album he is Saturday Night Wrist actually, lyrics are very him. i 🩶 Merrick)
Keegan- Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) (“I don’t care where, just far, so far away. away so far” this man is tired okay, save him. also…be quiet and drive…cause he’s quiet and bad at-okay) & Risk (another honorable mention cause I’m indecisive and love their music. him ‘n Ajax vibes!)
Kick- Entombed (“from the day you arrived I’ve remained by your side, in chains, entombed” one of the final ghosts left…I’m WEEPING. one of my fav deftones song eva, he’s very Koi No Yokan to me) & Dai the Flu (because I said so)
Rorke- Beware (“do you like the way the water tastes? It’s like gunfire. You knew but you could never say” deceased! HELLO Caracas, wtf. this man needs a break, yes he’s the villain, someone kiss him on the forehead anyways)
Strike- Diamond Eyes (my precious pookie wookie angel…no explanation he’s just woven into the fabric of my mind and it makes sense. also a deftones listener like half of these mfs probably)
Can you tell this one means a lot to me lmfao
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evelynevelyn06 · 1 month ago
Gabriel Rorke - my Fanart
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Neige and Dimitri (my ocs)
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maymaylyn · 6 months ago
Welcome to tonights cut of! Risky texts from Amara
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