#oc: Brigitte Night-torn
littledragondork · 4 months
Brigitte: “Hey I have a question.”
Brynjolf: “sure lass, what is it?”
Brigitte: “why do rogues wear leather?”
Brynjolf, confused: “uh, well it’s a,light weight but sturdy material, it lets you be more flexible compared to other heavier armors”
Brigitte: “oh, well I always thought it was because it’s made of hide.”
Brynjolf: “…”
Brigitte: “…”
Brynjolf: “why did I hire you?”
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littledragondork · 4 months
Her enemies about my LDB Brigitte: “she is a cold hearted killer, vicious on the battlefield and can completely empty a house of valuables in minutes”
Actually Brigitte: *crying because a cat sat on her lap today* *avoids combat because she is scared of getting her dog hurt* *gets lost in windhelm every time she visits* *can’t make eye contact*
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littledragondork · 1 year
I want to infodumb about my OC Brigitte so that is exactly what I’m going to do :3
For starters, she goes by she/her pronouns but honestly wouldn’t give a shit if you referred by something else and she’s AroAce.
Technically, her full name is Brigitte Night-Torn Septim but she finds it to be way too much of a mouthful so she just goes by Brigitte Night-Torn
She was born 30th of Rain’s Hand and as such was born under The Mage Sign
She has joint problems and thus walks with a cane.
Despite the fact her dad is a 6’8” behemoth of a Nord man she is actually very short for a Nord/Imperial only standing at 5’1” and some change. Nobody knows why she’s so short but she jokes that her brother took all her height just as she took all his muscle (he’s 6’5” and has a very lithe build).
As stated: short but very burly, pretty muscular compared to the average not working person.
She has sectorial heterchromia, so left eye is blue but the right eye has a large brown section to it. (If her eye was a pie chart, about 65% would be brown)
Both she and her twin brother, Micah, are Dragonborn but only she really is the true Last Dragonborn prophesied because she was the one to land the killing blow on Alduin, was born first and dies last.
She is both Autistic and has ADHD, will infodump about Daedra and/or Dragons for hours.
Has a lot of social anxiety and often will go hours without talking.
Has a knack for magic and often uses it to assist on her heists or just to be an asshole.
Joined the Thieves Guild after a footpad from the guild tried to rob her and she beat him with her cane, took his valuables and hid using an invisibly spell and she knack for stealth, the rest of the guild was so dumbfounded that they just had to meet and later recruit her.
She is in a Queer Platonic relationship with Brynjolf
Absolutely cringefail, has accidentally made it a habit to fall into the Thieves Guild Cistern at least twice a month.
Girl can and would sleep though the end of the world, she’s a tired bitch (affectionate).
Has a major sweet tooth and her favorite food is chocolate cake and a hot cup of tea to go with it.
Pretty mellow with most things, when it comes to running the Thieves Guild, her go-with-the-flow attitude was a major adjustment and caused a few members of the guild a lot of confusion and/or stress for a short period of time.
Due to her dad being Daedric in origin (HOK!Sheo) she inherited what is essentially a “Daedra radar” so she can very quickly tell if an item, place or person has a Daedra linked to if in anyway or is of Daedric origin, and has a slightly extended lifespan (naturally her brother has the same abilities).
She is very mischievous and will pull (mostly) harmless pranks on people she knows will be okay with it. Her personal favorite is to slightly move furniture around and watch people bump into them and get more and more frustrated.
Has a habit of gently biting people she cares about, namely her brother and her Dads.
Her hobbies include: cooking, sewing, making weapons, making jewelry, and reading.
Character creation fact: I wanted her to have short fluffy hair early on because 1. I thought it would be cute and 2. The way I was writing her she sounded like the type who’d just cut most her hair off and call it a day rather than try to take care of a ton of it. I also initially made her dad be the one who has Heterchromia but changed it to her because I simply thought I’d look better on her
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littledragondork · 7 months
Little Dragons
This is my first real attempt at fanfiction, I've written stories in the past but never fanfiction and I'm quite proud of it if I do say so myself :3c
A content warning for some heavy topics in the beginning and middle but they get better I promise.
Silence. Deafening silence was all Balneim could hear from the two tiny bundles he held in his arms, the two of them combined wouldn’t be able to reach the size of his forearm. They were wrapped snugly in warm, soft blankets, their tiny bodies barely breathing. To look at them made Balneim want to wail in agony, to scream until his lungs gave out, to make himself feel even an ounce of pain they currently are feeling. They are dying and there is almost nothing Balneim can do.
All he can do is keep them warm, fed, clean and cast restoration magic on them once every few hours, at least that’s what his court healer told him to do, even then she didn’t seem hopeful in the slightest. They hardly moved, and when they did it was to either stretch out a limb or just wiggle a small bit. He didn’t dare separate them in fear it would just make them worse, loosing the only other creature that understood them in this time of need, their closest companion, their twin.
Balneim’s days became like clockwork. Keep them close while he worked, don’t go too far from the palace, feed himself and then them every few hours, cast the restoration magic on their tiny bodies and do not sleep. He thanked his newly gained godly blood for the ability to no longer need rest or food, but then again. It might have been that very same blood that put them in the pain they are now.
They were so small, just one of their tiny bodies would fit snugly in Balneim’s hand, born too soon and so very, very weak. Everyday Balneim would look at them and expect to see little corpses, but instead would be greeted by the shallow rise and fall of their tiny chests. They’re still fighting. He also began to notice differences, before the two would be identical, but now, he found the eldest preferred it when he would rub their back gently while the youngest liked to just be held with as little movement as possible. They both seemed to love it when he would sing to them. The soft sound seemed to help them sleep, but he always feared they might not wake up. At least his voice would be the last thing they heard.
He found they both hated it when Balneim would swap the blankets to clean them, their weak, hardly audible cries would go on and on until they could have them back. And he had to give the correct identical blanket to the right twin or else they would be even more furious with their father, how dare he mix them up!
After a few weeks they started to cry properly, and wow could the youngest scream. 
“Yes! I hear you little one!” He would say to them. “All of the isles can hear your voice!”
They started to get rounder, larger. Balneim couldn’t help but think they were getting too round. They were so skinny for so long and now they are getting so large.
 Are they bloated? Are they starting to die from the inside? They deserve a better father than me—
“M’lord!” The court healer would get his attention, ripping him from his spiraling thoughts. “They’re perfectly healthy! They’re just getting fat! It’s a good sign if anything!”
Now Balneim just felt silly.
He doesn’t know how they’ve made it so far. Balneim thought for sure they would have died a week, maybe even a few days into their life. But they just refused to let go. Whether it was pure will, a desire of life or just pure stubbornness Balneim wasn’t sure but he was grateful for every second he would watch over them and their little movements, and hear their little sounds.
The eldest one seemed to sleep a lot, it was so much to the point Balneim had to check if they were even alive and every time they would whine when woken up, only to fall back asleep. The youngest seemed to almost whistle when they would breathe, not all the time but enough to be concerning. This terrified Balneim, making him fear what life they would live if they were able to make it to adulthood. Will they live fulfilling lives or would they struggle to take care of themselves, could they follow their dreams or would they have to settle for less. He just wants them to be happy and know they are loved.
Balneim often wondered how his children’s other father would feel at their current state, would he hate him for inflicting the life they currently live? No, he would likely be just as terrified and paranoid as Balneim felt, he was a compassionate man, he would likely join in the hours of crying and exhaustion. Balneim wished their other father could be with them now.
Another day of not letting the little ones out of Balneim’s sight, bringing them with him wherever he would go in a palace and keeping them warm and close. They have their eyes open now, they just spend most of the time staring at their father’s face, taking in his details. Do they care that his face is covered in scars, that his red hair was rapidly turning white, that his eyes were no longer that of a mortal man’s? They just stared blankly at him, their little eyes would follow him and sometimes follow his gaze, like four little lanterns. Tiny eyes, so full of curiosity and wonder for the world around them. The youngest’s eyes are just like how his used to look, a rich brown that almost seem to swallow the light around them. The eldest’s eyes are a sky blue, just like their other father’s, looking into their eyes almost makes Balneim see the sky of nirn again, except for the left eye which is the same rich brown of their siblings.
He can tell they won’t be ‘normal’ he can feel it, but that’s okay, the mind is a place of Balneim’s expertise, and that only means he’ll have more fun with them. The eldest stirs in the lord’s arm, looking down he meets their gaze, the tiny face staring back up at him and taking in every detail. And they surprise him, they stare at him and something changes. Their little face moved to show off a large and bright smile across their face. A sight that makes all the lord’s months of fear and anxiety begin to melt away and tears begin to well up in his eyes.
They’re going to be fine, his little Brigitte and Micah.
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littledragondork · 11 months
What if I made Brigitte and Micah identical twins instead of fraternal...
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littledragondork · 11 months
grimsever and thane for the skyrim ask game!
Yay another ask!!
Grimsever: I almost always pick up Dawnbreaker, I think the quest is not too hard and the sword is just really cool and powerful, especially when I play the Dawnguard questline, makes it much easier if you side with the Dawnguard.
Thane: Me, as in the human person typing this, I'd think it was cool for about 2 seconds before stepping down because I cannot handle that much pressure lmao, I just wanna draw silly pictures, drink my tea, and sleep until 12 every day. - Brigitte and Micah would both react like "what... me? why? No one else to do this?" but they'd both be pretty good rules, Brigitte would be pretty lax but and just but would be prone to make rash decisions. While Micah would be prone to not take enough action and be more strict. - Silver-Claws would be arrogant af about it she'd be like "Oh hell yeah about time someone asked me to run something, haha!" but she'd then get all stir-crazy from being in the same place for so long and eventually just run off never to be seen again by that hold. - Ts'vari would cry, she is not built for leadership, an advisor maybe but not a leader, she could cave in probably 2 days and need to get people to help her out - Lillile, who is my rarely spoken-about Dark Elf, Vampire College of Winterhold Archmage oc would just deny it and try to leave, but is someone were to grab her and drag her back she'd be a pretty shit leader and try to get herself usurped on purpose so she can quit as soon as possible and get back to her school and live her undead life how she wants
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littledragondork · 11 months
Forbidden, Nightingale, and/or Windstad for the ask game :)
Oooh, my first anon ask! yay!!! Thank you for the ask!!!! :3
Forbidden: Probably the Blades tbh, they are useless by the time Skyrim rolls around anyway only have 2 real members and you can complete the main quest of the game without ever seeing them again. Brigitte would also choose The Blades for the reason she finds them stuck up their own ass and doing nothing but be rude.
Nightingale: If Brigitte weren't dragonborn I believe she'd still be the leader of the Thieves guild and a Nightingale because she'd always had sticky fingers, but if she had to have a non-crime and not Dragonborn life she'd probably be a tailor or a painter. Micah would still be an assassin but if he wasn't that or a Dragonborn he'd be a writer, specifically he'd write about what he knows about daedra and their types or stories from his life because he and Brigitte have a really weird family lol. Silver-claws, my newest and least developed OC, who is a Khajiit "do everything" character would probably be a mercenary or a treasure hunter, woman does not rest
Windstad: Probably those witch cults we find in some areas of the game they seem cool, just chilling and being some fucked up women :3
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littledragondork · 1 year
Because I can’t do one without the other here is my OC Micah’s infodumb!!
Link to Brigitte’s because some things overlap between them
He goes by he/him pronouns and is gay, and similar to his sister he won’t even bat and eye if got call him by other pronouns
Technically, his full name is Micah Night-Torn Septim but he finds it very pertinacious to go by his full name so he just goes by Micah Night-Torn
Born 30th of Rain’s Hand and is The Mage sign
He has the same joint problems as his sister but doesn’t need a mobility aid like she does as it effects his arms rather than his legs
Dude is tall as hell (6’5”), which makes a lot of sense given his dad his an absolute behemoth of a man, but he is very lithe, some could say he’s a twink (probably closer to an otter tbh)
His dad is a Nord and his father is an Imperial (yes they are he and Brigitte’s birth parents)
He is a lot more closed off and serious compared to his sister has a very strong No-Nonsense attitude
People are always shocked to hear that 1. Brigitte is not only his sister but his twin sister and 2. That he’s the younger one
Autistic and ADHD, the type to go non verbal periodically and as such occasionally communicates though TSL (Tamrielic sign language)
Magic is his main form of offense and uses it for pretty much everything he can
Joined the Dark Brotherhood just like in canon
When he met Cicero for the first time during the quest Delayed Burial he instantly wanted to be his friend, and they quickly hit it off even more so when he was found to be the Listener.
Hardcore stressed shelter dog energy, he will go a very alarmingly long time without sleeping before crashing, yes it is a problem and no he will not fix it
He has a sweet tooth like his sister (they get it from their Dad) his favorite food is a steamed pudding and a fresh cup of coffee, but he also adores a hearty venison stew
His behavior and work ethic means that the Dark Brotherhood runs like a well oiled machine but he knows peoples limits so no one is overworked
He shares Brigitte’s “Daedra radar” and slightly longer lifespan but he also possesses an ability to summon about 5-6 butterflies, an ability Brigitte also has but doesn’t do because she, ironically, is terrified of butterflies
He is quite mischievous but not a prankster as much as he is just a jerk at times because he thinks it’s fun
He likes to affectionately headbutt those he’s close with, kind of like a cat would
He's Red/green colorblind (deuteranopia color blindness)
He and his sister roughhouse a lot to the point that someone who doesn’t know them might just think they are straight up fighting but it’s all in good fun
When they were kids, he once dared his sister to eat a strange bug they found and got yelled harshly and grounded after it made her deathly ill. It’s something he still regrets even years later that she’s already moved on with it and even jokes about it
Both he and his sister speak 4 languages Cyrodilic, Nordic, Daedric and TSL
His hobbies include alchemy, baking, crocheting and gardening to name a few
Character design fact: out of all the characters I’ve made so far Micah’s overall appearance came easiest to me but his personality was harder to come up with, mostly because I didn’t want him to be too similar to his sister but also didn’t want them to be polar opposites.
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littledragondork · 1 year
🔥✨ Howdy ✨🔥
My name is Avery (or Derg if you’d prefer!), and this is my side blog for TES series, my main can be found here if you're interested. and you can get commissions from me on my Ko-fi
I am 22 years old, Transmasc and AroAce, and my pronouns are he/they
I'm a digital artist and furry who is also studying animation, might post a few of those here if I get the motivation to animate or if I'm really inspired
I mostly draw animals and anthros, see my art tag for those who want to see my very self indulgent art and stupid au art
I also have a link to my ToyHouse for anyone who wants to see some more examples of my non elder scrolls art and OCs :3 (link will take you specifically to my Elder scrolls OCs)
Feel free to request art and stuff though my askbox, it's open all the time and I likely don't have any ideas anyways lol
You might see me mention other games I am very normal about but I'll try to keep this one organized
To share a bit about my OC's I have (majority are for Skyrim because it's the game I play most)
Balneim Night-torn: my HOK, later the new Sheogorath, he is a trans gay man. He is a Nord in his 50's and took part in Cyrodill's arena before being framed for murder and thrown in the Imperial City prisons which jump starts the Oblivion quest-line. This man is too old to be dealing with this shit. He is my second tallest OC at 6'10"ft / 208.28 cm
Brigitte Night-torn Septim: my LDB oc who is Aroace and a Demiwoman and is the first born , is leader of the Thieves guild, primarily a dagger and magic user. She is Nord/Imperial, physically in late 30's, and they are also a demi-prince but chooses to hide it using shapeshifting magic.
Micah Night-torn Septim: Brigitte's twin brother and was essentially made Dragonborn out of convenience, He is Bisexual and a Demiman. He is the Dark Brotherhood's listener and uses exclusively magic. He is Nord/Imperial, physically in late 30's, and they are also a demi-prince but chooses to hide it using shapeshifting magic.
Lilille Madnes: my Vestige oc, they are a nonbinary Dunmer vampire who is so old they forgot themself, and would just move someplace under a new name and start a new life for themself. This would be a new thing they do every few decades. They are alive by the plot of Skyrim but they just run a bakery in Falkreath called "The Soulless Sweetroll" which they set up after they became Archmage of the College of WInterhold and immidiately gave Tolfdir the job instead.
Ts'vari is a Transwoman Khajiit (Cathay raht specifically) who is the Harbinger of the Companions. She is a poet on the side and is a werewolf as well. She's the second youngest of my OCs being in her mid to late 20's but is the tallest being 7'4" ft / 223.52 cm
Amadeus Night-torn Septim: my youngest OC being a literal 8 year old, youngest sibling of Brigitte and Micah, not too much to say about them beyond they really like birds, are a demi-divine and occasionally get 'kidnapped' by their siblings to some place they think Amadeus would think is cool.
I myself don't post or make any NSFW content (makes me uncomfy to create) so don't expect any of that from me (at least spicy content)
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