#oc x cedric diggory
lacesgirl · 8 months
burn those flowers|t.nott
part 2
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summary: Nott could be sweet, romantic and overall perfect boyfriend but at the end he make you to burn his promise that he's going to love you till the end.
parings: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
warnings: bad grammar, smoking, kinda angst
word counts: 2593
author's note: I'm back again just to disappear for another year but school and ib program has been lately too much and I barely got any sleep but I want you guys to have fun even tho if I'm not having fun at all.
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Theodore Nott was really sweet at the beginning and during it but then…How a person can change so quickly and without a reason but maybe there was a reason.
Somehow I knew that me and him would end up close to each other but I never expected that we would end up that close. Theodore Nott and I were at the same house so it was obvious that we’re going to spend some time together. 
At first it was always because of Mattheo who was even a bigger drinker than me so I usually went with them to Hogsmeade or Forbidden Forest. Mattheo gets to know me with Draco, Blaise, Lorenzo and Theodore. It's not that I didn't stand out and was quiet. As early as the first week of school, me and Mattheo got detention together. I just didn't think me and them would become friends. They were unapproachable and especially Draco, who had unexplained feelings about Pansy. 
But here we are at Black Lake for the weekly Slytherin party. This time it wasn't a big deal because it was just our group but muggle alcohol could walk on water. We were sitting by the fire when Pansy and Draco decided to leave us for the Forbidden Forest. 
“Have a nice conversation,” Blaise said, amused by the situation, to which Draco gave him a look. 
“Leave them alone," I said, "There are no worse of them than unexplained feelings about each other.”
I felt Mattheo put his arm around my waist and hugged me tightly.
 “Unexplained feelings you say.” He commented.
“Leave me alone Riddle, you're drunk.” I answered him.
Out of the corner of my eye I watched Nott whose jaw clenched. It was between us that there were unexplained feelings. It's not that Mattheo was infatuated with me, we just liked to flirt with each other and later he told me about more girls whose hearts he broke. He was good looking but Nott had something about him. Something that no one else had. Nott was also unfortunately very nonchalant and secretive but gave blunt signals.
“Why do you have to break my heart every time and even later I don't get a goodnight kiss?" he asked.
Before I had time to answer him Lorenzo threw up.
“Well, now it's time for you to give someone else your attention.” I said standing up and patting him on the back. 
“He is also your friend.” He answered me. 
“Yes but you are a strong man and it was your and Blaise's idea to drink.” I replied sitting down next to Theo.
I rested my head on his shoulder and we watched the others take Lorenzo, who was unable to get up. They had a hard way to go and an even harder crossing of the dormitory ahead of them.
When they disappeared from sight and Mattheo's cursing was not heard I knew I could ask Theo about his day.
“How was your day?” I asked. 
“Good except for the fact that the girl which I adore ignored me all day, avoided me as much as possible and at the end of the day flirted with my friend and let him grope her.” he responded.
“You should be less nervous," I said, then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
I saw him tense up even more so I snatched the cigarette from his hand and took a decent drag. It was because of them that me and Nott became close to each other when on the Astrology Tower he was thinking that he’s not going to say sober and I couldn't sleep. Our first kiss was also thanks to cigarettes when I asked him for one and he did a shotgunning cigarette and then kissed me in the same place where we were now, exactly 7 months ago.
“Could you give it back already," he asked even though I knew he could pull out another one.
I looked at him and then sat on his lap and inhaled. I put my lips to his mouth and slowly blew cigarette smoke into his mouth. After a few seconds his hands were on my waist and our kiss seemed even more intimate. When we pulled away from each other, he pulled me closer and held me even tighter. 
“Y/N will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
“Theo, you know the answer.” I responded.
“After today I’m not sure,” he stated.
“Yes, I will be your girlfriend.” I said then I placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
Kissing with Nott has it that it never ends in one and is never just kissing. Before I knew it I was lying on the ground and he was above me playing with the hem of my skirt. I knew it wasn't the best idea but the alcohol I drank earlier gave me some courage. I didn't know if it was the alcohol that warmed me up or Theodore himself. The next thing I felt was his lips sucking on my neck and his hand going higher and higher on my thigh. When he unbuttoned my first button we heard the breaking of dry branches.
“Sorry, we didn't want to interrupt you," said Draco. 
“Are you officially together now?” asked Nott.
“ I don’t know, are we.” said Draco then grabbed Pansy's hand tighter and walked away.
I think if it wasn't for those two me and Theo would have ended up the same way. Draco had his shirt unbuttoned and Pansy better not comment on that out of respect for our friendship.
“We'd better get back," I said, then quickly reached for a cigarette.
“Do we really have to?” my boyfriend asked me.
In response, I got up slightly to my feet and buttoned my button. Theo sighed then reached into his backpack.
“I have something for you, I know we haven't been together long but I'm sure I've been in love with you for a long time,” he said, pulling artificial flowers out of his backpack, “ Y/N I'm giving you these flowers because they will wilt only when I stop loving you.”
I felt my eyes glazing over so I just kissed him and took his hand.
“This is the best gift I ever got," I said as he pulled me closer to him. 
Deftly snatched a cigarette from me after which he lit it. We walked like that through the night and it was perfect. Our beginnings were perfect too. I stopped being his secret and became his priority. 
The next day I was talking to Pansy about what had happened between her and Draco in the common room, when I felt someone cover my eyes and place a light kiss on my shoulder.
“Guess who it is," he said.
I grabbed his hands tightly and turned around then placed a light kiss on his lips. I felt Pansy's gaze on me, which penetrated my soul and drilled a hole in me. 
“After training I'm taking you on a date," he said, then disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
“So…” shouted Pansy.
I grabbed her hand then directed us to our room. We spent this time very productively and it was not without slurs under my name, because how could I not tell her. As Pansy was getting excited about the idea of double dates, someone knocked on the door. Standing in them was not only Nott with flowers but also Draco. 
“We leave you alone," I said, "Don't forget to put some spells on the door.”
I left with Theo and this was accompanied by a quiet thumping sound when Pansy threw her shoe at the door.
When I entered the room it was well after midnight and I found Draco and Pansy there in one bed. I knew they were pretending to sleep. As I walked away, I just threw a quiet slur and left the room. 
As I walked in silence to the men's section, I quietly knocked. The shirtless Theodore opened it for me. 
“You already missed me," he asked piteously.
“I preferred not to hear two people having sex a few meters away from me," I replied and then went into the room.
“Thank you for inviting me in and letting me sleep," said Nott ironically.
“I can always go to Matteo's to sleep," I replied and then went to the closet to put on something more comfortable to sleep in. 
I felt that the atmosphere in the room thickened but I tried to ignore his gaze. When I went to bed, Nott was still standing in the same place. I knew he wouldn't go in if I didn't give him some attentiveness. I got up and walked over to him. I put my arms around his neck and started kissing him. However, he still stood unmoved.
“Even in a million years, me and him will never be together," I said and then pulled him toward the bed.
I knew it would work so a moment later my head was leaning against his bare chest. With my finger I was drawing stamps on his shoulder. It was quiet but peaceful. I knew he didn't like to talk much so I was filling in the silence for him. However, today the silence was different. It was a peace that he obtained because deep down he was afraid that I would actually end up with Mattheo. 
I don't even know when Snape's lessons turned into a lesson of sending me notes instead of me and Mattheo getting detention. Theodore always made sure I didn't drink too much because I had no moderation. He always made me feel better. Weekly dates turned into twice a week dates, often double dates. He always moved me from the couch to my room. When I got too drunk with Pansy I would fall asleep there. I always went to his games and made sure he went to his lessons. I often found flowers or small gifts from him. We rarely argued and it was perfect. He was not selfish in bed. It was really wonderful. 
The warm summer day was giving out. The Snape chamber in the basement seemed like a dreamy nightmare when the Slytherin got extra classes. I sat bored fighting my sleep and ignoring the taunts of Mattheo, who had recently become insistent. He couldn't understand that now I couldn't spend as much time alone with him. When being awake was almost impossible, I got a note.
We’re sneaking out. NOW!!!
Before I had time to react, I was pushed out the back door.
“We are going to be fucked” I said.
“Tought,”replied Nott pulling me behind him.
We didn't have to wait long for the consequences of this escape. All seven of us were called back the same day. Snape swapped us in pairs for a project we were to hand in by the end of the semester. I felt that me and Mattheo would get the worst pair, and I wasn't wrong. Mattheo got Ron Weasley, and I got Cedric. Fucking Cedric, with whom I used to have something in common. It wasn't the other but it was awkward afterwards. 
I didn't even have to look at my boyfriend to know what he looked like. After the reprimand, we left the room. The mood was no longer the same as before.
“Anyone fancy a drink," Pansy asked. However, she didn't need to know the answer, because everyone knew where they were going.
While the party was going on at its best, I went to get another drink. When I returned, Theo was smoking a cigarette again. I sat down next to him on the ground, and he put his arm around me. I could feel him tense up so I quickly took a drink. It warmed me up from the inside and I guess that's what I needed.
“Teddy, I can always do this project myself," I said.
In response, I felt him squeeze me tighter. When he smoked a cigarette, he picked me up and began to lead me into the woods. When we finished, the party had long since ended.
“Are you sure everything is fine?” I asked.
Yes, I'm just afraid that what used to be between you two will come back. It's not that I don't trust you, I just." Before he finished talking I just hugged him.
For the first two weeks everything was the same, the only thing that changed was his need to be near me and my touch. However, later we stopped going on dates and he stopped talking. Later he spoke less but needed more and more touch. Later he just kept his hand on my thigh and rejected every other form of closeness. One day he didn't come at all. Since that day I haven't seen him and when I did it was always drunk. He avoided me and everyone else however he remained faithful to me. I tried my best to reach out to him until I gave up because I knew he would be at the party at the end of every project we had. 
As I slipped through the empty castle, I didn't know if I could hear my beating heart more or the feeling walking behind me. Walking like this however, I hoped he would be there. When I got there, I didn't see him so I went to Mattheo, who was making drinks as usual. After a few drinks, I fired up a cigarette and took Mattheo aside.
“Do you think he has another?” I asked and inhaled my cigarette.
“No, believe me he was in love with you before he got to know you.” he answered me.
“Do you think he stopped loving me?” I asked. 
“No, I already told you that he loves you more than anyone.” he answered me. 
“Do you know what happened to him?” I asked again.
“If I knew, everything would have been fine long ago?” he answered me.
Before I had time to ask another question, we heard screams. We quickly bolted from our seats. The only thing I saw was the moment when Draco with Blais pulled Theodore away from Cedric. I quickly approached them but when he saw me he started to pull away and go to the front. 
No one was paying attention to Nott, but to Cedric. I started to run towards him, however he did not give up. When we had gone far away I knew that this was the only opportunity to talk to him
“Theodre Nott what the fuck is your problem!”I shouted, but he ignored me.
So I ran up and pulled him by the hand so that he stopped. He stopped and turned towards me. For the first time I saw his eyes, so black and full of pain. Although maybe it was hatred.I’m not sure.
“Burn these flowers,” he said quite quietly.
“Talk to me," I said, although my heart had already managed to shatter into tiny pieces.
“Burn these fucking flowers,” he said, then snatched his hand and just start walking without even looking at me.
I stood like that, in the dark night, and a light wind blew on my back. I could do nothing but cry, and while I was crying like that, Mattheo found me. He hugged me tightly and sat with me all night while I alternated between crying and drinking. 
Deep down I prayed that these flowers would burn on their own, because I couldn't do it.
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let me know if you want part 2
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slu7formen · 9 months
icy nights | cedric diggory x f.r
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cedric invites you to go ice skating on christmas night, and how could you say no to him?
warnings: kissing, just pure fluff. <3
reminder: english is not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes.
“Where did you even get those?” you asked Cedric as he closed the front door behind him, the yelling and laughing of the people at the living room now becoming a barely mumbling as you both walked.
Cedric was holding two pairs of ice skates, one for you, one for him. He smiled as he talked. “My older cousins. They were the ones allowed to go ice skating during the holidays while I just watched them from my room because I was too young and I could get hurt. Now they get to watch”
You laughed as you kept walking, hands deep inside your pockets as you looked up at the sky. Despite being late at night, the stars were enough to light up the sky along with the moon.
Cedric’s house was a comfy place to spend Christmas at. It smelled just like the perfect amount of pumpkin and gingerbread, with the fire and those amazing cookies that Cedric’s grandma made and basically forced you to eat more than once. His family was nice, more than nice actually, really sweet and caring, and it made you feel like part of the family too, despite only being with Cedric for a few months.
His house was small, but it was located at a rural zone, and it had such a landscape that every time you looked at it when you woke up, the soft sun and orange dawn would take your breath away. Also, it had a lake, one in which him and his cousins would swim during summer and now, skate on during winter.
Only this time, it was just you and him.
“Do they fit?” he asked as he finished tying your laces, and placed one of his hands on your calve as you shook your foot, smoothly drawing circles with his thumb.
“They’re a little big, but it’s fine” you answered. He nodded once, then sat at the bench next to you.
“Let me put on mine” he said as he took off his shoes. “Have you ever ice skated before?” he questioned.
“No” you replied as you looked at him. You loved how soft yet smooth and marble looking skin looked tonight. His cheeks were red, as always, but it contrasted perfectly with the pale color of his face. His lips, plumped and pink, weren’t even dry because of the freezing weather. Unlike yours, you had to apply lip balm every five minutes.
Truth was, Cedric looked good at all times, but something about this particular night that made your tummy flip in a different way whenever you looked at him, almost as if it was the first day you met, in which you felt the exact same.
Winter just went so good with him. The turtle neck, the long coat, almost brushing his ankles, the ridiculously long scarf and his black jeans. His ears were red because he refused to wear a beanie, so you wore it instead.
Cedric thought it looked cute on you. After all, your cheeks were just as red as his and the soft cream colored accessory on your head that combined with your outfit just made you look like a tiny marshmallow to his eyes. He loved it.
“Okay, slowly” he pointed out when you almost fell once you stepped into the ice. You gripped his hands tightly as you closed your eyes even tighter. “Okay, honey, you have to use your eyes” you heard his laugh ring in your ears.
“How can you do this so easily? Skating backwards!?” you panicked. Your feet were moving smoothly along the ice, and you could stay like this forever, if it wasn’t for the fact that the reason why you were moving forward, was because your boyfriend was pushing you towards his body, that kept moving back and back and back.
“It’s easy, you’ll see” he tried to sound as calm as possible to calm you down. After a few seconds he decided to let go of your left hand slowly, to which you didn’t complain as much as he expected you to. “Open your eyes”
You shook your head.
“Come on” he smiled “I won’t let go of you”
He could never let go.
You both stopped your slow skating as you opened your eyes, looking down at your feet. The fact that the only thing that was holding you to the ground was a thin and sharp piece of shiny blade was what made you the most nervous. Staring off wrong would definitely make you fall to the ground and have the worst embarrassment from your life.
“H-how do I do this? I feel like I’ll fall”
“You won’t fall” he laughed out loud. “Merlin, you are so cute” he muttered almost to himself, but he knew you heard. It made your cheeks redder. “Just go slow, I promise I won’t let you go”
You nodded as he took the initiative, smoothly sliding his thin skates through the ice, which made a satisfactory sound anytime the blade cut the thick layer of frozen water.
You then started to do it on your own without even noticing. The cold wind of the night hit into your face sharply, but you didn’t care. Cedric held your hand as you started to go faster and faster, almost as if you tried to race your boyfriend.
“See? You got it!” he encouraged you. “Can I let go now?”
“No! You promised you wouldn’t, Ced!” you yelled as you abruptly turned around. The sudden move made you both trip in your own feet and soon, you fell to the ice.
Your butt hit the hard surface as Cedric slightly groaned when he hit his forearm, but quickly started to laugh.
“I’m sorry” you giggled.
“It’s fine, honey”
He sighed deeply as he let himself fall in the cold ice, coat getting wet and a deep freezing breeze brushing his head and neck. You imitated him, laying next to his body as you felt both sensations, the coldness of the ice and snow, and the warmth of his body.
The sky was shiny, just as every night that you saw this past week that you slept at Cedric’s house. However, seeing it from the middle of the lake, staring directly at it, was completely different than looking at it from a window.
This was much better. It was like your eyes weren’t big enough to look around you, but everything was at your sight. The leafless trees, the house yellow lights, the big and white moon as the stars shinned around it.
You suddenly felt out of breath at such beauty.
“It’s beautiful” you whispered.
“It is” Cedric agreed.
Only that he wasn’t looking at the sky. He was looking at you.
You turned your head when you felt his eyes on you. You thought his words, and hid your face in the thick layer of your coat to prevent him of seeing your poor red face. He laughed as he put his forearm over his forehead, really looking at the sky this time.
“I’m really glad you’re here with me” he said. The tip of his fingers touched yours, laying on the ice and wetting your fingertips.
You gripped your hand around his index finger, holding tightly. He secretly loved it when you did it.
“I’m glad you’re with me too” you answered, then turned your head to him, so you could live this moment one last time before getting back inside, as you promised Cedric’s mum you would so you wouldn’t get sick. “Merry Christmas, Ced”
His dimples showed when he smiled at you again. “Merry Christmas, baby”
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dvstlah · 4 months
Cedric Diggory
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Cedric Diggory X reader
an imagine of cedric from harry potter
2084 words
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- Hermione is right! You can get hurt, boys. - y/n says placing her hands on her hips.
- oh, please y/n, don't be annoying- Ron complained.
- Cedric! Please tell your girlfriend that nothing would happen if- Harry began as Cedric approached the group.
-sorry man, I'm not willing to disagree with her if she thinks it's dangerous for you to do... whatever you're going to do - he says, placing his hand around y/n's shoulder and kissing her head.
- but!-- no more boys, if I find out that they did this I will tell Professor McGonagall and Mrs Weasley - y/n said looking mainly at Ron.
-You wouldn't do it-he said.
-oh, but I would- he said confidently.
-it's okay- they said and Hermione gives a grateful smile as she and Cedric leave.
-What did they want to do?- Cedric asked curiously as he pulled her towards a tree near the lake where they sat.
-The same stupid boy things they always do,- she said, resting her head on his chest. -I'm amazed Hermione didn't kill them both - she said with a small laugh as he placed a small kiss on her forehead. "How was the training?"
-It felt good- he said stroking her arm with his hand. -I am tired.-
"Well of course you are, did you eat anything before going to practice?"
-I uh- w-well-
-Cedric!- She said sitting down.
-I didn't have time, love! I overslept and I can't be late! I'm the captain!
Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. She grabbed some bread rolls and an apple. -I knew you'd say that,- she said handing them to him. -Don't look at me like that, Cedric Amos Diggory!- She said trying to stay mad at him but it was really hard when he was smiling at her the way he was.
-You're amazing, you know that?- he said pulling her closer.
-Stop it, I'm trying to get mad at you,- she said, letting out a small laugh.
-I know- he said kissing her cheek. -And you're absolutely adorable when you're mad,- he said as she patted his chest.
-This is not true!-
"Yes it is" he said smiling dreamily at her.
Cedric then laid down on the grass, resting his head on (Y/N)'s lap as she ran her fingers through his hair and read her book.
-Hmm?- he replied, his eyes still closed.
-Do you think I'm boring?-
-What?- he asked confused, opening his eyes. -Of course not, love! Why would you say that?-
-I don't know,- she said, closing the book and looking away. Cedric frowned in confusion and sat up to face her.
-Baby, what is happening?-
-Nothing,- she tried to ignore. -I was just curious- she said, still not looking at him.
-Y/n, baby, look at me,- he said sweetly. Y/n let out a small sigh and finally looked at her boyfriend directly into his gray eyes. -Did someone say something to you?- he asked softly placing his hand on your cheek.
Cedric and Y/n had been together for about a year. She was one of the sweetest, kindest people he knew. That's what he loved about her.
-N-no- she tried again to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. -It's just... what Ron said-
-What did Weasley say?- Cedric asked, getting upset.
-Nothing,- she tried to convince him with a warm smile. -He just said I wasn't fun,- she said rolling her eyes a little. -I know he was just saying that because I wouldn't let them blow up the Slytherin brooms, but-
-What were they going for?!-
-It's just... it's not the first time someone has said that,- she told him.
-Who told you that?- he asked, worried.
-Well, no one in particular, I just want to say... You know what? Forget I brought it up,- she said with a small smile.
-No, love- said Cedric getting irritated. He hated whenever someone Y/n felt bad about it. She was very kind and nice and only cared about everyone's well-being. -This is upsetting you. What happened?-
-Well, I don't know,- she continued. -I feel like I'm always telling them off or trying to get them out of trouble and I've heard some people say that I'm no fun and that I can be overbearing at times and why would someone like you want to be with
-Y/n, don't finish that sentence- Cedric interrupted her. -You know that's not true, right? You know why I like being with you?
-No, really,- he insisted. "(Y/N), you are the most wonderful person I know. You have the biggest heart anyone could have. You help everyone you can around you. You stayed up all night once, just to make sure that I didn't have a fever after we played a match in horrible weather and you made soup for the whole team,- he said with a small laugh. -You're nice to everyone, even people who aren't in our house. You always bake cookies for the losing Quidditch team, even Slytherin- he continued, making her laugh a little. -Because you hate seeing people upset. You're always helping first and second years with their assignments, even if it means burdening yourself later with your own assignments. You're always looking out for me, even before we dated. You bring me breakfast, take care that I don't overdo myself, you are the most caring person I know-, he said as she looked at him with a small smile. -And you're so much more than that Y/n, you're very smart, brave, you always know how to make me laugh and you know, there's really no other person's opinion that I care about more than yours,- he said before pulling your face so he could give you a quick kiss on the lips. -That's why I love you,- he said suddenly.
Y/n's eyes widened a little in surprise and Cedric saw the biggest smile on her face. -S-really? Y-you love me?-
-Yes, Y/n, you know that,- he said like it was nothing.
-You didn't say that before,- she assured him and Cedric realized she was right.
-Oh- he said with a touch of red on his cheeks. -Sorry, I didn't say this before, but...yes. I love you,- he repeated.
-I love you too, you know?- she said before leaning in again to kiss him.
-You do?-
-Of course I do,- she told him with a small laugh.
-Do you feel better now?-
-Yes, thank you- she said leaning on his shoulder again and he kissed her forehead.
-Good. Because you're definitely not boring,- he repeated. -And I will fight anyone who says otherwise or makes you feel upset!-
-You don't have to fight anyone- she said letting out a small laugh and turning to face him. -But thank you,- she added, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
-Anything for my girl.-
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Y/n was walking (more like running) down the hallway. She was late. She didn't want to be, but she had lost track of time and was now late for Ancient Studies. She was almost there when she felt a hand pull her arm into an empty hallway.
-Holy crap!- she said, pulling out her wand.
-Y/n, love! Calm down, it's me. -Cedric said putting his hands in a sign of surrender. -I'm sorry I scared you- he said laughing.
-Cedric!- she said, putting away her wand. -What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be in class-
-You too,- Cedric said with a raised eyebrow.
-I know, I lost track of time and-
-And we're leaving now- he said as he pulled her away from his class.
-Cedric, what are you doing? We have to go to class- she whispered, trying to pull him back.
-Oh come on, Y/n, as if we were going to miss anything in Ancient Studies, you memorized that book anyway,- he said, pulling her out again. -It's a beautiful day outside and I would like to have a picnic with my beautiful girlfriend-, he informed and it was until that moment that Y/n saw the picnic basket in Cedric's hand. -Please?- He said, pouting at her and looking at her with big puppy dog ​​eyes, making Y/n's heart flutter and let out a giggle.
-Okay,- she said, trying to keep her smile from getting bigger. -Just because I love you.-
-I love hearing that- he said, kissing her roughly -And I love you too- he video
Cedric set everything up and Y/n just stood there, smiling at her boyfriend. Cedric took her to his spot by the lake and took the food from the basket revealing all of Y/n's favorites.
-Do you want to know why I love you?- she asked him suddenly.
-What?- he asked with a small laugh.
-You told me a few days ago all the reasons you loved me,- she told him. -But I didn't tell you why I loved you, would you like to know?-
-It's okay- Cedric said laying down on the grass once again, as he did that day and letting her hand play with his hair once more. -Let's hear it!-
-I love you because you always, always know how to make me smile, like take me on a picnic with all my favorite food,- she began. -You make everyone around you feel good and happy and special and I remember the first time I saw you, when I was sorted into Hufflepuff and you were standing there next to me and you smiled,- she continued. -I knew right then that I would be falling head over heels for that smile,- she said with a small laugh. -You always made sure I had my scarf or my sweater and if I didn't, you gave me yours. You always waited for me in the library so I wouldn't go back to the common room alone. You say I have the biggest heart, but you're wrong... you have- she said leaning in to kiss his forehead. -You make me happier than I ever thought I could be,- she assured him.
-Well if you let me, I intend to spend the rest of my life doing this- he told her as he sat up and kissed her once more.
-Is that so?- she asked with a raised eyebrow as the
two began to eat.
-Well, y-yes,- he said. -I've been thinking about this for a while now,- he said with a small smile.
-And what did you think about?- she asked really interested in this conversation.
-Well, about what we're going to do when we graduate,- he continued. -And you know about us- he said without looking at her. Y/n found herself smiling when she saw how
Cedric looked adorable now.
She gently lifted his chin so he could look at her.
-It is us?- she said, smiling.
-Well, we're going to get out of here, go somewhere far away, we'll get married-
-Oh, shall we?-
-If you accept me, yes- he continued. -We're going to have kids and then live happily ever after, like in the Muggle fairy tales you always read.-
-Well, I must say, Mr. Diggory, that looks very attractive,- she informed him.
-Really?- he asked letting out a sigh of relief.
-Yes, Cedric, I love you, you know that and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you,- he stated.
-Well then,- he said, clearing his throat a bit and leaning back against the tree, while Y/n leaned against him. -I think you're stuck with me,- he said, placing a soft kiss on her head.
-And you're stuck with me,- she informed him.
-I wouldn't have it any other way,- he said, hugging her closer to him. The two stayed there for a while until they spotted Harry and Ron, this time with Fred, George and Hermione nowhere to be seen. Y/n was sure they were likely to blow something up. -Do you want to go there and find out what it's all about?- Cedric asked, knowing her very well. But Y/n turned around and faced him with a smile.
-No. Not today,- she said kissing him once more. -I have better things to do today,- she said, resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder and enjoying the picnic he had planned for them.
-That's my girl.-
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breadbrobin · 4 months
the bet
cedric diggory x oc — harry potter
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summary: morgan ridge could turn down many things. food, romantic advances, friendships. but she could never turn down a good bet.
warnings: quite a lot of swearing (morgan is a bad influence methinks), kissing, betting/gambling, NOT x reader, fem!oc, GOD they’re in love with each other, minor character death (sort of), i think i’m a comedian with this story apparently (spoiler, i’m not), third person pov.
word count: 5.7k
(LOOK i knowwww that x oc fics don’t do as well on tumblr so if this doesn’t do well i’ll rewrite it and post as an x reader too but i don’t really want to rn so i’m just posting it as is bc idgaf really. anyway i’ve had this in my drive for like three years and it’s finally time to share morgan with the world yayyy (i love her she’s so silly))
The Inciting Incident
It all started when Lizzie Crawford entered the bathroom.
“God, Liz, do you ever knock?” Morgan asked, mostly unfazed. She was used to her friend bursting in unannounced almost every time she was showering.
“No,” Lizzie said, perching on the edge of the closed toilet and picking at her chipped nail polish. “Now, I have a proposition for you.”
Morgan poked her head around the opaque shower curtain. “Oh?”
She hummed absently, running her hand through her hair. “So you know how Diggory’s spending some of the summer with you, and then you don’t live that far away so you’ll probably be in each other’s pockets all break?”
“Uh… yes? Obviously, I know that? Why does that matter?”
“Well, I’ll bet you twenty galleons that you’ll get some action with him over the holidays.”
Morgan turned the shower off and peeked around the shower curtain at her friend. “Come again?”
“I bet you twenty galleons that you’ll get some with Diggory over the holidays.”
“He’s my friend.”
“And? Do we have a deal?”
Morgan paused, considering her options. On one hand, she knew she didn’t have feelings for Cedric. On the other, it felt wrong to take a bet like that. Finally, her lack of moral compass won. “Fine. We have a deal.”
“Great! I can’t wait to be twenty galleons richer.”
“Yeah,” she laughed, turning the shower on again and running conditioner through the ends of her hair. “Keep dreaming, Liz.”
“What are the conditions?” Camilla Maquez asked, leaning across the table at dinner.
“Conditions?” Morgan asked, buttering a bread roll and handing it to her.
“Yeah, like, what constitutes as ‘getting some’,” she used quotation marks. “Because you two are so affectionate anyway, so Liz, you need to specify.”
Morgan rolled her eyes and pulled a face at her friend.
“No, she’s right,” Lizzie cut in. “Kissing? That counts.”
“Only lips though right?” she clarified.
“Yes, Morgan. Holding hands romantically counts. Gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes.” she hummed in thought. “Hugs with romantic context.”
Camilla snorted into her bread. When the other two shot her a confused look, she raised her hands. “It’s funny because they do all of this anyway.”
“Not romantically,” Morgan pointed out.
“Mhm,” she smirked.
“Piss off.”
“Anyway,” Lizzie continued. “Legs. Anything to do with legs. Touching your leg with his hand or leg or anything romantically.”
“Mm, that’s sexy stuff,” Camilla mocked.
“Like I said, piss off.”
“Obviously sex.”
“Which you probably won’t do, but I need to keep my options open here.” she rectified.
“I have a bet myself,” Camilla spoke up again.
Morgan sighed. “Yes?”
“Not with you.” she waved her off. “Five galleons says Diggory makes the first move.”
“That is not fair. We all know Morgan’s a pussy.”
Lizzie laughed. “Just speaking the truth, hun. Oh! Pet names, but like, meaningfully, counts.”
“Are you taking my action, Liz?” Camilla implored, sticking her hand out.
She shook her head. “I guess so. You better prove me doubly right, Morgan!”
“Not planning on it,” she sang quietly, returning to her dinner.
The Cow Situation
Before Morgan knew it, the school year was over.
She woke up around midday, that first day back, and stared at the ceiling, relishing in the silence that surrounded her. The birds chirped outside her window and a thin ray of sunlight peeked through the tan curtains, leaving a golden line across her body and room.
With a sigh, she rolled out of bed and rubbed her eyes. Her hair was a tangled mess around the back of her head, but she simply pulled it into a loose bun and headed downstairs.
A note sat on the kitchen counter.
Taken the dog for a walk, be back around 1:30. Hopefully you’ll be up by then…
Love, Mum
Morgan smiled softly and put two pieces of bread in the toaster.
She leaned against the counter and stared out into the yard. A few chickens pecked and scratched the dusty ground and a pair of cows grazed in the field behind them. A small girl sat on the trampoline, not bouncing.
She frowned as she opened the door and walked over, scaring a chicken out of her way.
“Hey, Little C,” she called. “What’s up?”
Cordelia Ridge, her nine year old sister looked over her shoulder and looked back. “Hi.”
Morgan’s smile fell from her face and she climbed up onto the trampoline beside her. “Uh oh. What’s going on, Cords?”
“Mummy says Diedre is sick,” she pointed at the black and white cow.
“Sweetie, Diedre’s always getting sick.” she sighed. “Shoddiest immune system I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen you.” she poked her side, enticing a giggle out of the girl.
“So she’s gonna be okay?”
“Of course! It’s Diedre. She’s always pulled through before. Why not now?”
They were holding a funeral for Diedre the cow.
Cordelia was absolutely beside herself. Morgan stood behind her, a hand on her shoulder, the other hand holding a bouquet of long grasses, hand picked and arranged that morning.
It was a dry day, and the sun was shining, and Cordelia was glaring up at it like it was personally offending her.
“Don’t look at the sun, Little C. You’ll go blind,” Morgan chided, pulling her sunglasses off and slipping them on her sister’s face.
“Maybe I want to,” she sniffed. “Maybe I deserve it.”
Her face contorted in confusion. “What?”
“I should have realised sooner,” she wept. “I should have given her the love she deserved.”
Morgan stared down at her younger sister, whose bottom lip was wobbling precariously. She crouched down and tucked her wispy hair behind her ear. “Listen to me, Cordelia. There was nothing you could’ve done. The animal doctor said that it was just time for her to go. Like Grandma.”
That apparently did not help.
The floodgates opened and the sunglasses fell off. Cordelia planted her face in Morgan’s shoulder and wailed.
As the young girl cried, Morgan’s eyes caught onto two tall figures walking towards the family.
Her mum smiled softly at her before walking over to the people.
The larger of the two hugged her and she led them over to her daughters.
Morgan saw it was Cedric and she waved slightly.
He raised his brows at the crying girl she held before crouching down beside her and tapping Cordelia’s shoulder.
“Hey, Dells.” he said quietly, making her sobs quieten and her head turn towards him. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
She sniffled once, then twice, and detached herself from her sister. Morgan breathed a sigh of relief, believing the worst to be over, when the nine-year-old launched herself onto Cedric, crying into his black shirt.
He shot her a small smile, reaching out and patting her knee gently as he comforted her sobbing sister.
Her stomach lurched.
That should have been her first sign.
The Flowers
Cedric was splayed out on her bed. One of his feet hung off near Morgan’s head and she was infinitely glad for his quality hygiene.
She was reading the Wizard of Oz again, and he was dutifully drawing something that he refused to show her.
“Okay,” he finally said. “I’m done.”
She finished her page and slipped the bookmark in, turning to him. “Can I see?”
“No, I drew this for you but you’re never allowed to look at it.” he teased, straight faced.
“Never.” He broke into a smile and shoved the sketch pad in her face.
It was a… Well, she wasn’t exactly sure what it was. There was some interesting shading, a tuft of what could either be grass or hair and a strange egg shaped blob in the middle.
She hoped her face didn’t show her emotions as she quickly schooled her features into a smile. “It’s great, Ced.”
He had a wide grin plastered on his face as he nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I know. Now turn the page.”
She did as he said and blinked in shock, her jaw dropping. “There is no way you drew this.”
“I’ve been practising.”
“Have you been taking classes from freaking Van Gogh in between Quidditch practise?” she gaped, looking from the sketch of sunflowers and daisies and his beaming face.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “An artist never reveals his secrets.”
“I think that’s meant to be magician.”
“Same thing.” he waved her off. “Anyway, I know sunflowers are your favourite, and daisies are my favourite. So I combined them.”
“This is honestly incredible.” she gushed.
“Oh, stop it.”
“No, seriously.” She stood up. “Can I put it on my wall?”
“Go for it,” he beamed, somehow even brighter than before.
She gently pulled the page from the pad and ripped a tab of blu-tack off, sticking it to the wall above her desk. Once it was hung, she stepped back to admire it. “Oh!” she gasped. “You need to sign it!”
Cedric stood up and brushed past her, scribbling his signature on the bottom right corner with a small heart. “Happy?”
That should have been her second sign.
They stood side by side and admired it for a moment.
Then Morgan broke the silence.
“I can’t draw for shit,” she laughed. “And look at you. Mister Artist himself.”
“Oh, piss off,” he groaned, hugging her shoulders from behind and resting his chin on her head. “You can sing though. I can’t.”
“Liar.” she scoffed, patting his arm. “I’ve heard you sing. Besides, you’re practically perfect at everything you do.”
Just as he was about to respond, Cordelia burst through the lightly shut door, eyes still red and puffy. The two separated quickly. “Lunch is ready.”
“Thanks, Dells,” he nodded. “We’ll be right there.”
As she left, he wrapped an arm around Morgan’s shoulders and led her out. “God, I’m starving.”
“You’re always starving.”
“Very funny.”
The Second Week
As with most summers, Morgan and Cedric spent almost every waking moment in each other’s company.
Unlike most summers, however, Morgan couldn’t chase the thoughts of a certain bet from her mind.
She knew, she knew, that there was nothing to it. That it was just her friends being annoying and messing with her and everything she’d started reading into was just in her head… But, God, was it hard to remember sometimes.
She was just worried that he’d find out. Maybe one of her friends would send her a letter mentioning it? (Not that he’d ever read her letters.) What if Liz came for a random visit? Or worse: what if she told her friends, the Weasley twins, and they came for a visit?
She chased her swirling thoughts from her mind as Cedric walked through the front door, performing the mental equivalent of shoving all of the mess in your room into the wardrobe and hoping it closed right.
“Hey,” she smiled, standing up with her bowl of milk that used to hold cereal. “You’re early.”
“It’s eleven o’clock.”
“Yeah, early,” she shrugged, setting the now empty bowl in the sink. “What’s up?”
“Wanna go into town?” he asked, leaning on the counter and gesturing to the fruit bowl.
She tossed him an apple. “Sure. When?”
She sighed heavily, half-joking. “A bit more warning would be nice. Lemme go get changed.”
“Yes!” he cheered through a mouthful of apple. “You’re the best, Mo!”
Mo? She wondered as she jogged up the stairs. Since when am I Mo?
If she’d been listening carefully, she would have heard Cedric bang his head against the kitchen counter.
The town was quiet as always.
A farmer’s market was dying down, most vendors packing their remaining wares and smiling sheepishly at Morgan and Cedric as they wove their way through the stunted stalls. They purchased a fresh bread roll and split it between them as they walked, both surprised that it was still warm.
“You know,” Cedric said after a few minutes of silence as they left the market and strolled along the main street. “We should do this more often.”
Morgan squinted as she looked up at him, the sun assaulting her eyes. “Really?” she asked dryly. “What, burn ourselves to a crisp and get blinded while we’re at it?”
“No, dummy. Do stuff.”
“What? You don’t like doing nothing with me?” she teased.
“No, no, I love doing nothing with you,” he stole a chunk of bread that she’d been eyeing up. “But I also like spending money.”
“I bought the bread. I was the one who spent the money.”
He gasped, as if he didn’t already know. “What? Really?”
“Shut up, Ced,” she smiled, pushing him and stealing the last chunk of bread from the packet.
Morgan was awake uncharacteristically early, so when she knocked on the Diggory’s front door, Cedric looked supremely confused.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked. “Did someone die?”
“No, why would you— You’re an arsehole, you know that?” she pouted.
“Yeah, I know. Come on.”
He led her down the short hallway and into the living area. Morgan sighed contentedly. The Diggory’s house always smelled amazing; a combination of vanilla, coffee and cleaning supplies that somehow worked. Cedric often smelled similar, she realised. The vanilla that clouded the house seemed to hang around him as well. She shook herself out of it as he began speaking.
“My dad’s gotten obsessed with the TV,” he admitted, nodding towards the man who was watching with a rapt expression. “He doesn’t really understand it, but he’s addicted. He really likes cricket. Probably because he can’t figure out how to change the channel.”
“Oh, I used to play cricket! I love it so much!” she gushed, joining Amos on the couch. “Who’s playing?”
“England and India,” he said distractedly.
“ODI, T20 or test?”
“Test. We’re on Day Two.”
“So England’s batted?”
“Not bad,” she squinted at the numbers on the screen, showing one-twenty-eight for six.
“I have no idea what you guys are saying,” Cedric cut in, looking blankly between them.
“We’re talking sport,” Amos said, almost giddily.
Morgan didn’t spare either of them a glance as the English captain went upstairs for a review. “Yeah, get back in the kitchen.” She teased. “Go make us a sandwich.”
“I thought you were coming to hang out with me,” he almost pouted.
She finally dragged her eyes from the screen. “But… Cricket…”
He shook his head with a smile. “Right, of course. Two sandwiches coming right up.”
The Moment She Knew
Their days seemed doomed to repeat. Groundhog day, Morgan’s mum had called it. So, when she found a way to rid herself of the monotony of daily life, she took it without a second thought.
“Mum, please!”
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll even get petrol! I’ll… I’ll… I’ll pay for it myself too!”
“Mum,” she pleaded. “It’s just me and Ced. It’s a twenty minute drive and I’ll get petrol on the way back. We’ll be back by four and I’ll wear suitable shoes while driving.”
Whitney Ridge pursed her lips in thought. Then she sighed. “Fine. Don’t bother getting petrol, I’ll fill up on the way home from work on Monday.”
Morgan squeaked in excitement, hugging her mum tightly. “Thank you! You’re the best! I love you!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Love you too, Moggy,” she smiled.
True to her word, Morgan did wear suitable shoes. The drive ended up taking around twenty-five minutes, but she supposed her mother couldn’t fault her for driving just under the speed limit all the way there.
There was a secluded lake she’d found out about from an old magazine in her mum’s collection, when she’d been looking for something, anything, to make her days less boring.
“This is awesome,” Cedric breathed as they broke through the treeline and onto the rocky shore of the small lake.
“Yeah,” she sighed contentedly, breathing in the fresh air.
They set up their towels and supplies in the shade of a tree and pulled off their sturdy shoes.
Cedric pulled his shirt over his head. Morgan would be lying if she said her eyes didn’t catch on his muscles.
“Race you in,” he said as she had her own shirt halfway over her head.
“What?” she asked, hearing him run away. “Oh, you prick!”
She tossed her shirt on the ground, followed by her shorts, leaving her in her bikini, pouting as Cedric splashed around in the cool, blue water.
She stomped over to the water’s edge, frowning down at him. The rock she was standing on was about a metre above the surface, casting a navy shadow over the rippling water. He waded a few metres out from her.
“You coming?” he asked.
“No,” she pouted, folding her arms. “I don’t swim with cheaters.”
He barked a laugh, swimming over to the edge and pulling himself out. Droplets of water hit her skin.
She backed away. “Cedric…”
He took a step closer.
“Don’t you dare, Diggory…”
He tilted his head, grinning widely as he continued to step closer to her. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Sure, you don’t,” she pointed at him. “Stay back!”
He laughed and pushed off his heels, springing towards her. Before he could reach her, however, she turned tail and ran, feet skimming over the rocks as she raced for the safety of the towels.
She only managed to get a few steps away before he caught her, his cold arms wrapping around her waist and lifting her off the ground. He spun around, carrying her back to the edge of the water and tossing her into the lake.
She yelped as the cold water hit her, but remembered to hold her breath, her dark hair swirling around her face in the water. She heard the telltale sound of him jumping in too and forced herself up to the surface.
“I hate you!” she gasped, pushing her hair off her forehead. “I hate you so fucking much!”
“Liar!” he retorted, shaking his head and sending water droplets flying everywhere. “You love me.”
She didn’t respond for a moment, treading water and staring at him. “You wish,” she finally uttered.
He just smiled.
The days ticked by much faster than expected. Soon, Cedric was waving his parents off on their week-long trip and then hauling his bags over to Morgan’s house, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“What did you do?” she immediately asked when they were alone.
He closed the door gently before skipping over to the bed in the guest bedroom he was staying in. He sat on it cross-legged, still smiling, and patted the mattress ahead of him.
When she finally sat down, he leaned forward.
“Guess what I bought,” he said.
She waited.
“You’re meant to ask,” he sighed.
“Oh, my bad,” she cleared her throat. “What did you bring, Cedric?”
He didn’t answer, simply reaching down to his backpack and pulling out a bottle of firewhiskey.
“That’s it? Oh, you sweet, sweet child,” she teased. “I have three of those in my room.”
“Sorry, Mo, not all of us are casual rulebreakers,” he sniffed.
She pushed his shoulder. “I’m kidding, Ced. I mean, technically, I’m not, but I do appreciate the sentiment.”
He poked his tongue out at her.
The Night Things Happened
The day started like any other.
Morgan and Cedric usually woke up at vastly different times, so when he woke up, he went for a run, had a shower and ate a light breakfast before going to wake her.
A lot of groaning and a few thrown pillows later, they were standing in the kitchen making pancakes.
As Morgan flipped another one, leading to Cedric cheering as if she’d never done it before, Whitney entered the kitchen.
“Morning, you two,” she greeted, kissing her daughter’s temple and patting Cedric’s shoulder. “Cords and I are going to that Girl Scouts sleepover tonight, remember? So you’ll have to make dinner yourselves.”
“Yup, we know, Mum,” Morgan said, taking the pancake out of the pan and slapping it onto a plate. “We’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you burning the house down. Remember last time?”
“Mum.” She turned to her grimly. “We don’t talk about last time.”
Whitney raised her hands in surrender. “Right, right. But, on a more serious note. I shouldn’t have to tell you not to invite anyone else over and to be in bed by one, should I? And I won’t come home to drunk teenagers all over my house?”
“Nope, we’ll be all good, Ms Ridge,” Cedric shot her a winning smile.
She pursed her lips jokingly. “Mhm… Alright, I trust you two. I’m going to the shops, need anything?”
“We need more eggs.”
“Eggs, got it.”
The night was when things changed.
After Whitney and Cordelia were gone, at least long enough that it was unlikely they’d turn around and come back, they took their first swig of firewhiskey.
It burned its way down Morgan’s throat, like it always did. Cedric coughed and sputtered, nearly spitting it mouthful out.
She held back a laugh. “You alright, Golden Boy?”
“Shut up,” he seethed, voice hoarse.
She raised her hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. I was just asking.”
They sat and ate the pizza they’d ordered already, taking sips of firewhiskey whenever they felt like it.
Morgan closed her pizza box one slice after Cedric did, placing it on top of his on the coffee table. “You good?”
“Great,” he smiled dopily. It seemed the whiskey was hitting him harder than he was letting on.
She smiled back. “Yeah?”
She took a larger swig of whiskey, shaking her head at the strength. “I just wanna point out that if you get sick, I’m not cleaning you up. Got it?”
“Yeah, got it.” He nodded, looking a little bit more put together. “I’d clean you up though. If you got sick.”
She smiled again. “Thanks, Ced.”
The night was going surprisingly well. They’d turned on the TV, both staring, fixated at Friends reruns, leaning heavily on each other. The bottle was half gone and, as the advertisements came on, they each took another swig.
Cedric was looking at her weird.
She straightened up, frowning in confusion. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” he slurred slightly. “You’re just… Fuck, you’re pretty.”
Her heart fluttered. “Oh. So are you.”
He blushed, looking down. “Yeah, I know.”
Morgan couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “Yeah, I bet you do, Goldie.”
“Golden Boy. It’s cute.”
“You’re cute.”
“You’re cute.”
“No, you’re cute.”
“You’re cuter.”
“No, you are.”
“You are.”
“You…” he was very close to her now, his grey eyes darting between her brown eyes and her lips. “You’re very pretty, Mo. You know that, right?”
“Yeah,” she breathed.
“No, I don’t think you know how pretty you are. Like… When you laugh your eyes light up, and… And when you do that thing when you’re thinking… Where your eyebrow twitches… Oh, and that thing you do… The thing when your favourite songs come on and you tap your legs really fast…”
Morgan swallowed tightly as his hand brushed her cheek. His breath smelled of firewhiskey, but she was sure hers did too.
He wasn’t looking at her eyes anymore. “You’re incredible, Morgan. And you deserve to know that.”
“Cedric…” she started.
“Sh,” he cut her off. He was hardly an inch away now. “Don’t talk. Just…”
Friends came back on the TV.
“Just watch Friends with me.” He leaned back, looping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her flush against his side.
She tried with all her might to ignore her pounding heart.
She wasn’t sure if she was going to win this bet after all. In fact, she thought she might have just lost it already.
The Rainy Days
Neither Morgan or Cedric had brought up what he’d said that night, but it hung in the air between them, stagnant and stiff, leaving awkwardness to rest in the growing distance.
It was odd, Morgan realised. One moment, they were closer than ever before, hugging for a second too long, soft touches as hands brushed, then the next, they were sitting at opposite ends of a metaphorical couch, shooting furtive glances at each other when they thought the other wasn’t looking.
It was confusing, and Morgan was conflicted.
She almost wanted to bring it up. She knew he remembered, that much was clear. It was obvious in the subtlest of looks, the gentlest of touches, the softest of smiles. But sometimes, it would leap to the forefront of his mind and, cheeks red, eyes downcast, he would retreat into himself.
And so, neither Morgan or Cedric brought it up.
No matter how much they may have wanted to.
The days passed in almost comfortable normalcy.
There were no trips to the lake or the town, just sitting and enjoying each other’s company.
She and Cordelia taught him how to play Last Card on a thundery Tuesday, all pouting out the window at the storm.
“I hate thunder,” Cedric shuddered. “It’s the worst to play Quidditch in too.”
“I don’t think it’s safe to play in thunder,” Morgan huffed, collecting the cards after he won again. “I mean, lightning strikes the highest object, right? And look what happened to Harry last season.”
“Yeah, that was horrible,” he cringed, taking the cards from her and shuffling them. “Although that was the Dementors too.”
She pulled a face. “Still not an excuse. It really isn’t safe.”
Cordelia looked between them in confusion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You remember Quidditch, right?” Cedric asked. “On the broomsticks.”
She nodded slowly. “Did you know that witches riding broomsticks used to be a euphemism for riding the devil’s—”
“—Oh-kay, that’s enough cards for today!” Morgan cut in. “Cords, why don’t you go grab a board game, yeah?”
“Okay!” she chirped, dancing off upstairs.
Morgan breathed a sigh of relief and slumped in her chair.
Cedric shot her an amused look.
“Shut up,” she muttered.
When Morgan saw a person running towards her house without an umbrella in the pouring rain, she decided they were an idiot.
Then the figure got closer and she realised that it was her idiot.
“God, Cedric, you dipshit,” she whispered, dropping the knife she was using to butter her toast on the bench and running to the door, grabbing a towel from a clean pile on the way.
She opened the door just as he reached the front steps, having to grip onto the handle tight so that the wind didn’t rip it from its hinges.
“What are you doing?” she asked over the downpour, letting him inside and handing him the towel.
“I swear it didn’t start raining until I was halfway here.” His teeth were chattering. “Gotta love English weather.”
She shook her head in defeat. “Shut up and go take a hot shower. I’ll bring you something to wear.”
He didn’t even move to object, shuffling towards the bathroom instantly.
Morgan left a bundle of warm clothes outside the door and sat on the couch to wait.
Thankfully, she wasn’t alone with her thoughts for very long.
Cedric padded into the room with his hair wet and messy and in a hoodie that he’d left at her house a few weeks before. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
“Are you okay?” she handed him a blanket as he sat down next to her.
He nodded. He looked significantly less cold than before. “Merlin, the last time I was this cold was when you pushed me into the Black Lake.”
“I didn’t push you, you slipped.”
“Yeah, right,” he huddled closer to her, making her tense up briefly. The last time they were this close on the couch…
“Hey, Morgan…” he said quietly after a few beats.
“About that night—”
“It’s okay, we don’t have to—”
“No, I think we should—”
“Cedric,” she said firmly. “Don’t worry about it. You were drunk. It’s okay.”
He paused, studying her like he was committing all of her features to memory. She knew she was doing that for him. “Okay.”
They sat in silence, watching the rain stream down the window.
The Confession
Morgan had a confession to make.
First, to herself: she liked Cedric—No. She was in love with Cedric.
It was the way he said her name like it was made of porcelain, fragile, delicate. It was the way their bodies fit perfectly together when they hugged, their bodies and hands made for holding each other. It was the way he looked at her, that night and every day since—every day ever, actually; like she’d hung the moon and the stars in the sky. It was the way he made her feel safe.
Was that so difficult?
Yes, a nagging voice in the back of her mind muttered. You’re going to be twenty galleons more broke because of your stupid feelings.
Maybe, she countered. But I don’t even care anymore.
Her next confession would be to Cedric. That was slightly more difficult.
It wasn’t like she didn’t have the opportunity; they were almost always at each other’s houses. It was more to do with the issue of her being too scared. She shied away from admitting it every time she thought she was ready, pushing her feelings down and down until they were compressed under a pile of anxiety.
So, the confession was going well. Really well.
She stole another glance at him across the room, peering over her book to find him already staring at her. She withheld a squeak and looked back down, sinking lower into her end of the couch.
“Alright, what is it?” he asked, slipping a bookmark between the pages and setting his book on the end table.
“What is what?” She didn’t take her eyes off her book, pretending to read with her eyes locked on one phrase: ‘I love you.’
Is it that easy? She asked herself. I just say it?
Cedric leaned forward and pushed her book down. “Well, either that page is very interesting or you suddenly can’t read, because you haven’t turned the page in about twenty minutes.”
“I’m absorbing it properly,” she lifted it back up but he pushed it down again.
“Absorbing it, huh?”
“Well, my other thought was that you were so distracted staring at me every five seconds that you forgot to actually read.”
She dropped her book, struggling to catch it and sending it careening onto the floor. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. “No.”
He was smiling, that soft, almost smug smile that she’d fallen in love with. “Really?”
“Uh-huh, because from here, it looked like you were staring at me.”
She sat up straight. “Really? How odd.”
“Hmm…” he smiled a bit brighter. God, she wanted to kiss him. “Alright, I’ll take your word for it.”
She breathed an inaudible sigh of relief as he leaned back.
“Shame, because I was actually quite flattered.”
“Oh, I bet you were,” she scoffed.
He leaned back into the couch, opening his book agonisingly slow.
Morgan stared at him, legs crossed and brows furrowed. Her head was swirling with thoughts, all repeating, Cedric, Cedric, Cedric. She’d never wanted to kiss someone so bad, to just hold someone. She’d never, ever in her life, wanted to lose a bet.
His grey eyes flickered up to her once, then twice, then again. “Can I help you?”
“Oh, what the fuck,” she muttered, pushing herself forward and pressing her lips to his.
He dropped his book, the hardback thudding dully on the floor right next to hers, but neither cared. His hands found their place on her waist as she leaned over him, one arm supporting her on the wall behind him, the other entangled in his brown hair.
Butterflies danced in Morgan’s stomach, her heart racing wildly as their lips melded together. It was like they were made to kiss each other; the way they fit so perfectly, the curve of her cheek and the straight line of his nose. All of her swirling thoughts subsided, leaving only one: Cedric.
God, she never wanted to stop kissing him. He was like sugar; tantalising, sweet, addictive.
He pulled away first, thumb digging subtly into her hip, lips parted and gasping for air. “Morgan…”
“I’m sorry,” she breathed, unable to find her voice. “But I couldn’t wait another—”
He kissed her again, more passionate; noses knocking, hearts pounding, hair standing on end. She wondered how she got so lucky. God, she was lucky.
This kiss was more intense, all those weeks of pent up emotion, released in that moment.
She never wanted it to end.
But, as her lungs gasped for air and her head began to swim, she pulled away. He chased her lips, pressing a final, sweet kiss to them, before resting his head back again.
“Never apologise for that,” he breathed. “Never.”
“Got it,” she whispered, eyes tracing a pattern in his faint freckles. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”
“Amazing at kissing?” he tilted his head.
“Just amazing in general.” She kissed him again.
The Pay-Up
Morgan had twenty galleons ready the second she set foot on the Hogwarts Train only a few weeks later. Cedric was holding her free hand as they wove past loitering students and nervous first years until they found Lizzie and Camila.
“Hey, Morgan, Cedric,” Lizzie raised her eyebrow at them.
Camila saw their connected hands and started prodding her arm.
“Hey, guys,” she smiled brightly. “Just paying up.”
She tossed Lizzie the bag of galleons and turned to Camila. “Sorry, I made the first move.”
“Liar,” she pointed at her. “Cedric, please tell me she’s lying.”
“Nope,” he let her hand go and wrapped it around her waist instead. “She kissed me first.”
Camila groaned, digging through her bag. “Fuck.”
As Lizzie danced in victory and Camila complained about Morgan finding her balls, Morgan had to admit, she had never been happier to lose a bet.
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zeeader · 3 months
can anyone give me story reader insert abt when us (the reader ofc) suddenly got shift or sucked or anything that make us came to hogwart and teh change the whole plot (or maybe save people who's not suppose to die) and maybe we got an love interest to in thereee
in any apps I'M OKAY WITH THAT (tumblr, AO3, Wattpad or any writing app)
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citruswriter · 1 month
Hogwarts Masterlist
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Hermione Granger 💚
Harry Potter 💛
Ronald Weasley 💛
Ginny Weasley 💚
Fred & George Weasley 💛
Seamus Finnegan 💛
Oliver Wood 💛
Pavarti Patil 💚
Everett Goldhorn 💛
Gregory Goyle 💛
Draco Malfoy 💛/🩷
Vincent Crabbe 💛
Blaise Zabini 💛/🩷
Pansy Parkinson 💚/🩷
Tom Riddle 💛/🩷
Mattheo Riddle 💛/🩷
Theodore Nott 💛/🩷
Lorenzo Berkshire 💛
Adrian Pucey 💛
Lucian Bole 💛/🩷
Padma Patil 💚
Cho Chang 💚
Michael Corner 💛
Luna Lovegood 💚
Neville Longbottom 💛
Rowan Silverthorn 💛/🩷
Cedric Diggory 💛
Lucas Blackwell 💛/🩷
Ernie Macmillan 💛
Anthony Bitterwood 💛
Susan Bones 💚
Aura Silverthorn 💚
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Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 1
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 2
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 3
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 4
Harry Potter Characters Reacting to You Singing a Song at Them
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Hermione Granger
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Harry Potter
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Ron Weasley
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Ginny Weasley
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Fred & George Weasley
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Seamus Finnegan
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Oliver Wood
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Pavarti Patil
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Everett Goldhorn
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Gregory Goyle
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Draco Malfoy
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Vincent Crabbe
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Blaise Zabini
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Pansy Parkinson
Character Sheet
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Tom Riddle
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Mattheo Riddle
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Theodore Nott
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Lorenzo Berkshire
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Adrian Pucey
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Lucian Bole
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Padma Patil
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ◈ █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█
Cho Chang
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Luna Lovegood
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Neville Longbottom
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Michael Corner
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Rowan Silverthorn
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Cedric Diggory
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Lucas Blackwell
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Ernie Macmillan
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ◈ █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█
Anthony Bitterwood
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Susan Bones
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Aura Silverthorn
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Polyamorus Fics
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happyhauntt · 9 months
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OH, CAPTAIN!, a harry potter fic.
─── summary: Megan Wynne Jones wants to be the best. The eldest daughter in a family of muggles, she has always had a strong will. The big sister, the reliable one, she has always been there. Always. Above all, though, she wants to be the best at Quidditch. Megan makes the team in her second year, in the midst of turmoil brewing at home. She might be the youngest on her team, but she’s fast on a broom and quick-thinking. She knows all the plays, she knows how to score. She’s good. One day, she might even be the best. but there’s one person standing in her way: CEDRIC FUCKING DIGGORY. He’s a year older than her, and just a tiny bit better. Their rivalry makes the team better, they push each other to be the best, and as much as she hates him, she admires him, too. When he’s made captain, she admits he deserves it. She’ll get there one day, even if she has to kill him for it. It was a joke, though. She was supposed to earn the captaincy. She was supposed to become better than Cedric, and prove herself as the best. IT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS.
─── warnings: canon-typical violence, religious trauma, major character deaths and near-deaths, pining in spades, graphic-ish descriptions of injury in later chapters, angst angst angst.
─── fic tag.
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fan-goddess · 2 years
What if a Slytherin was picked as Hogwarts champion instead of Cedric Diggory?
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Here is the original Pinterest post I got the idea from: https://pin.it/46UnRD6
Here is my masterlist with my other content: here
Harry Potter had never met nor heard of Barnaby Thorn before he was chosen as the original hogwarts champion. He was a fifth yeah, the same as Cedric. Yet all seemed to groan when a Slytherin was chosen to represent hogwarts.
The Slytherins all cheered though when one of their own was called. Snape even let a smirk befall on his face before letting it go back to its neutral expression.
When the first task was going on Harry had decided to let Barnaby know about the dragons. When he approached him the Slytherins all looked at him distastefully. Yet Barnaby only looked curious. “Hey um, Barnaby can I speak to you? In private…” Harry was surprised he had agreed as quickly as he did. After he told him about the dragons Barnaby looked almost genuinely frightened. “Are, are you sure?”
“Yes I am. I’ve seen them and I know that Fleur has been told. Meaning there’s also a high chance Krum knows too. I didn’t want to leave you to be the only one…”
Barnaby shocked Harry by smiling at him thankfully before placing his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Well thanks Potter. For not being prejudiced and stuff. Also I’m sorry for the badges. I tried to get my mates to stop wearing g them. I’ll make it up for you when I can though yeah?” He soon left after that in the direction of the library while his friends followed quickly behind to ask why Harry was talking to him.
In the second task, Barnaby realised quite quickly what the meaning of the egg was and quickly returned the favour to Harry. He told Harry what exactly he needed to do with the egg with a small note.
Potter, open it underwater. Told you I’d make it up for you when I could yeah?
When Harry looked up he already found Barnaby looking at him expectedly nodding silently before returning to a conversation.
Barnabys person in the lake was one of his best friends Juno James. He had used a bubble head charm and offered to go back into the water to help Harry but his other friends wouldn’t allow him nor would the teachers. Though when Ron and Fleurs sister came out of the water Barnaby was their to pull them out and give them his blanket. That was the act that earned Hermiones respect and gratitude, as well as a little bit of Rons.
When the Yule ball was happening, lots of girls asked Barnaby to be their date, yet he rejected them all. There was only one girl he wanted to ask to the ball. His long time crush. Helaena Jones. A fifth year Ravenclaw who just so happened to be a muggleborn. Still, Barnaby didn’t really care much about his reputation. He asked her with some lily of the valleys one afternoon and she said yes. He even based his suit of her dress (it was navy blue). They danced all night and even talked a little with the other champions. Though by the end of the night, Barnaby was sitting with Helaena their feet aching like anything. Barnaby took his chance though as he tucked her loose hair behind her ear and kissed her. It was easily Barnabys favourite nights of his life. He could not stop smiling as the girl he fancied for ages kissed him back.
During the third task Barnaby practised as many spells as he could with both his mates and his new girlfriend Helaena, who’d agreed to go out with him a little after the ball.
He even managed to conjur a patronus by thinking of when he kissed Helaena and got the opportunity to tell her how he felt. His patronus is penguin. Barnaby got really confused why Helaena was laughing about it so much.
When Barnaby was going through the maze he didn’t want it to be a tie, but he didn’t want to leave Harry behind and just so happened to touch the cup at the same time anyways.
In the cemetery, Barnaby is prepared with his wand at the ready and back to back to Harry. He thinks it is just another part of the maze designed to test their reaction on their feet. Voldemort kills Barnaby Thorn with zero remorse as no matter what blood-status they are, no matter what house he was, all that mattered was that he was the spare and wasn’t supposed to be there.
Harry brings back Barnabys body in tears and Helaena is the one who screams at her lovers corpse. She is the one who runs to him with zero hesitation and cries for him as she hold onto her lover for dear life. The slytherins are silent as they mourn for one of their own. They realise even if they are pure-blood slytherins, they are not safe in this war.
In Harry’s fifth year he takes notice how the Slytherins are acting more defiant that year. More and more Slytherins are wanting to join Dumblsdores Army and even Goyle, a once loyal son of a death eater, is bringing Harry to the side after a lesson asking how he can help. Even offering to be a mole in Umbridges inquisitorial squad.
Umbridge loses all notiriarity within the slytherins when she says Barnabys death was an accident. They all gain respect for Harry when he sticks up for Barnaby saying how he was murdered. They all liked him as even if he wasn’t a traditional slytherin he helped make people believe not all slytherins were bad.
Barnabys death was the first official casualty in the war and the Slytherins do well to not let others forget it. When the war is happening, many slytherins are helping muggleborns by forging them into their family trees. Juno James, who in their first year stated firmly that they hated ‘mudbloods’, is claiming Helaena Jones to be their second cousin.
Slytherins are teaching first years on how to pretend to be under the cruciatus curse so no one needs to torture eleven year olds. They teach other students how to make the wrong gesture subtly enough so the carrows don’t notice the wrong movements. They lie to the carrows with silver tongues and hearts made of solid steel.
When the war came to hogwarts McGonnigal ordered Filch to send the slythsrins to the dungeons, yet the other houses all protested. Staring with Helaena Jones and the first years who owe their lives to the slytherins.
The younger Slytherins were taken to the evacuation tunnel. Though many stay to defend the castle with their friends. Slytherin or not.
Many slytherin children fought their parents in the battle. Juno James was forced to battle his mother who disowned him on the battlefield. Helaena Jones though went against Barnabys Father. She cried as the saw the resemblance of him and his son and knocked him out. When Voldemort stood opposite them encouraging for the slytherins to come forward as he shall show mercy to his fellow Slytherins, they all stay with their fellow pupils. As where was this supposed sympathy for Barnaby Thorn? Who was a slytherin and a pure blood.
The slytherins may have been the most untrustworthy house in Harry’s third year. Yet by the war they all faught tooth and nail because Hogwarts was their home too.
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fandomsaligninstories · 8 months
Then I Met You
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Description: Violet Ellis is about to have her whole life change in ways she never could have predicted. A story of love, loss, anger, and magic. If you had told 10 year old Violet that she was a witch, she would have laughed. And if you told her that her entire life was a lie? Well, she wouldn’t have believed you. But 15 year old Violet? She doesn't know who to trust or who is on her side. Except for him.
Song Rec.: Violet and Draco's Playlist
TW: Angst, Big Emotions™️, death, abandonment (of child), illegitimate child, mentions of war and death eaters. Bullying (from slytherins). Slowburn. I’m not British, so forgive me if I completely butcher this… If I missed anything, let me know.
Other: Slowburn romance, sort of fast-paced story.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x OC
Alternative Reading: Wattpad , Ao3
Status: On-Going
Year One: The Hogwarts Express
Year One: The Welcome Feast
Year One: Day One
Year One: Day Three
Year One: Halloween
Year One: Lamest Quidditch Match Ever
Year One: The Hufflepuff Entourage
Year One: End of Year
Year Two: Flourish and Botts
Year Two: Return to Hogwarts
Year Two: Boy Trouble
Year Two: Gilderoy Lockhart
Year Two: Slytherins Prank First-Years
Year Two: More Boy Trouble
Year Two: Jealousy, Jealousy
Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets
Year Two: Astronomy
Year Two: Astronomy Part 2
Year Two: Rogue Bludger
Year Two: A Bit of Draco
Year Two: A Touch of Kindness
Year Two: Jade(d)
Year Two: A Friends Breaking Point
Year Two: Sick Day
Year Two: The Dueling Club
Year Two: Parseltongue
Year Two: Polyjuice Potion
Year Two: Valentine's Day
Year Two: Secret Admirer
Year Two: Another Attack
Year Two: Just Another Monday
Year Two: Apology Twice Over
Year Two: The Chamber Entrance
Year Two: The Corridor of Secrets
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starsluver · 1 month
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Theodore Nott!
Mattheo Riddle✰
Draco Malfoy ✭
Blaise Zabini ☆
Tom Riddle ★
Lorenzo Berkshire ☆
Ginny Weasley!
Fred and George Weasley ✰
Cedric Diggory ✭
James Potter ☆
Sirius Black★
Regulus Black!
Remus Lupin ✰
+ others (fancasts and OC's)!
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lacesgirl · 7 months
You didn't burn those flowers, did you|t.nott part 2
part 1
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summary: Sometimes it's better for us if our prayers are not listening by anyone.
parings: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
warnings: bad grammar, lack of self -respect
word counts: 2131
author's note: It's part 2 and I hope y'all going to enjoy this. Also I started working on something bigger than one shots so I hope that you're going to like this.
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Love is like poison, once you will be loved by a person, you’re going to end up in pain. The only thing that love is doing it’s just crushing your soul and you will never be the same.
“You didn't burn those flowers, did you?” Mattheo asked.
This night was so peaceful with a bright sky and music blasting somewhere behind us. I couldn’t see Theo tonight. He was way too drunk and his eyes once blue now was just dark and full of hatred. 
“I couldn’t. I’m still hoping that he’s going to change. He’s going to talk to me.” I responded and passed him a pack of cigarettes. 
Mattheo sighed and took one cigarette from the pack. Then he lit my cigarette. I really appreciated the fact that he was worrying about me. I decided to give him a chance because deep down I know that he liked me. We both know that I still loved Theo. 
Ever since we barely see Nott. And when we were seeing him, he was drunk or high. I lose all hope that he’s going to talk not only to me but also the rest of our group.
“So now you and Mattheo are a thing.” Pansy theoretical asked.
“Yeah… but he knows that I still have feelings for Theo and I didn’t burn those fucking flowers. I don’t think that I will ever be ready to do this” I responded.
Pansy looked at me and started to look for her favorite black skirt. I was really hoping that she’s going to say something but she didn’t do it. When I was finishing my makeup, she came closer. She sat down and at this moment I started to regret my wish. She was doing that when she wanted to tell me about something which wasn’t really good news to me.
“If you want to drop Mattheo and run back to your ex, just keep it in mind that Cedric is single,” she said.
“Pansy what the fuck are you talking about?” I screamed at her.
“When I was looking for a Nott because I wanted to ask him about a book I borrowed to him I heard something” she responded.
“Girl, don't try my patience” I said.
“Cedric was talking about getting back to you because you two did a project together. He didn’t tell what you two were doing but he was getting at you cheating Theo with him.” Pansy stated.
“You're kidding right?” I asked.
“If you want to take this as a joke then yes.” she ironically responded. 
“Fuck me.” I commented.
“What do you want to do with this?” she asked.
“Well I want to show him that me and him hooking up was just a simple mistake.” I responded.
Pansy nodded her head and started talking about her idea of revenge. I was just simply in shock because me and Cedric agreed that our relationship has to end. When Pansy was ready we went to a party and I decided to play a game with Cedric.
I was sitting at the counter. Mattheo was touching my thigh. And I saw Cedric sitting on the couch with Aurelie. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
“Go and talk to Aurelie, I know that you like her now.” I told to Mattheo.
“You sure?” he asked.
“Yes, we both know that we like to flirt with each other but you can’t kiss me because you’re going to betray Theo and I can’t kiss you because I love him. Holding hands and cuddling it’s nothing. So go and talk to her.” I responded and playfully hit his head.
I couldn’t wait long for him and Aurelie disappearing outside. I jumped off the counter and went to Cedric. I sat at his lap. The best part was that he wasn’t surprised, it was almost like he wanted me to do it. 
“Tell me, this is what we did, when we were doing a project” I asked. 
I knew that his friends were looking at us and were interested in this situation. So I kissed him on the cheek. I knew what I was doing but I didn’t know that Theo was here and he was looking. But when he saw this he just left. I mean that’s what Lorenzo told me after.
“Or maybe we were doing this” I stated. 
His face turned red because I didn’t knew what he told his friends and his friends were smiling, some of them were laughing.
“That’s what I thought. Next time, when you decide to make out with me while doing a project, just tell me what we did because I still don’t know. And I think I’m supposed to know.” I said.
Then I headed to the yard. I needed to smoke. It didn’t last long when the yard was full of people who wanted to know what just happened. I was making myself a drink when Cedrics’ friends were telling everyone what happened. I was really glad that some of our friends had a house where we could drink on the weekends. Once the party was over, a new week has come.
Something changed after that party. Me and Mattheo were still flirting because Aurelie and any other girl didn’t last long as befits Mattheo. Lorenzo was still a loser when it comes to drinking and poor Blaise had to take care of him. Pansy and Draco would still make out with us in one room. It was all the same but the change was in Theo. He was still intoxicated when we were seeing him but we could see him frequently. I mean I was seeing him more often than the rest of us. But he still refused to talk to us.
One time Pansy and I were talking about a borrowed book and even though Nott didn’t talk to us, he gave it back. He didn’t come to us and gave it back but the next day a book was laying in front of our bedroom. He was attending Quidditch again. He was signing me to be his partner at every work even though he was doing this all by himself. This is how three weeks passed. When we were all sitting in the common room when Elijah came with a big smile on his face.
“My dear friends, I will be throwing a party on Friday, so feel free to come and get drunk” he screamed, “And my dear Y/N, Cedric is also invited so yall can make a clusterfuck again” he added. 
I sarcastically smiled in response. 
“Oh come on girl, after your whatever that was everyone was concentrating on you and made a pretty big mess in my yard.” Elijah said.
“Thanks for reminding me. I would kill myself without this quick reminder.” I responded. 
Elijah looked at me and smiled. 
“Do you think that Theo is going to be there?” Blaise asked.
“I guess so.” I responded.
Before the party I decided to go to Muggle world for a pack of cigarettes. It was way much better than ours. It took me too long so I arrived a bit late. I always wonder how Elijahs’ parents never realized what was happening in their house. When I was inside I realized that I might have arrived too late because Lorenzo was already drunk. It’s not like he needed much alcohol, I just knew that at first they don’t drink too much. They are always waiting for some kind of drama and then the party begins. I was looking for Theo but I couldn’t find him, so I just sat down with my friends.
“Do you have it?” Pansy asked so I showed her a pack of cigarettes.
“Here’s your drink” Mattheo said while passing me a coup.
The smell was so strong and I knew that today I’m not walking by myself but someone is going to carry me from this house. 
Many drinks after, Theo came. He was already drunk so TROUBLE was screaming loudly. All of us were waiting for him to do something but he went to make himself a drink. 
Then to our surprise he sat with us. 
He sat next to me. 
The silence was so loud even though the party was yobby. He didn’t even look at us. He was just sitting. I was chugging my drink and thanks to the drunk Lorenzo, the silence was over. He started saying stupid things and Pansy started to respond to him. After a while they all were again loud but I felt really uncomfortable. When I was about to stand and go to make another drink, he grabbed my cup to make me a drink. 
“You should just chill Y/N and be natural.” Draco stated.
“Easier said than done…” I said but I was interrupted by a glass bump.
Theo decided to bring alcohol to our table. I looked over and saw Cedric. He was looking at me and if Lorenzo was telling the truth and Theo saw what I did last time, I wasn’t surprised that he brought alcohol here. 
After a drink Pansy and Draco just disappeared, Lorenzo went to some bedroom to sleep. So on the couch was me, Theo, Blaise and Mattheo. I chugged four more drinks and I knew that I had to stop. I was way too drunk so I decided to go outside to smoke but I took a drink with me. I also couldn’t stand Theo, I was happy that he’s with us but the way he acted, more like he didn't act unbearable.
I went to the end of the yard and the wind was whipping me gently. It was still night. Music was softly blasting and there was no one outside so I could be alone for a minute. But to be honest I don’t know how long I was sitting there. I knew that drink and half of cigarettes were gone.
When I got inside the mess was insane. A lot of broken glasses and blood. Fucking blood. I could feel like my heart stopped for a second. I sober up in a second. I started to look around but I couldn’t find him. But I saw Cedric all in blood. And I knew what happened. I started to look for Mattheo or Blaise. I found Blaise by the exit when he was looking for Theo.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Y/N” Blaise said while hugging me, “you didn’t come back for a solid hour and we didn’t see you in the yard so Mattheo went to look for you.” he added.
“I was just sitting at the very last corner of it,” I said.
“Yes, that’s the problem. It’s dark and we always know where you smoke.” he responded to me.
“I know, I just needed to be alone for a second and I’m sorry for worrying you.” I said, “but what happened to Cedric?” I asked.
“You weren’t coming back and Cedric started to make up the stories of you two doing a project. So Theo went to him and started to fight. Then he grabbed alcohol and just left.” Blaise responded.
“How long ago did he leave?” I asked.
“10 minutes maybe.” Blaise responded.
“I’m going to look for him. I might know where he is.” I stated.
I knew that Blaise didn’t want me to go alone and drunk at night but it was the only way to find Theodore.
The night was still peaceful but my heart wasn’t. The only place he could go was the heathland. We were always going for some privacy there because only we knew where it was. As I was closer and closer I could hear him breaking a bottle. 
“Theodore, can we talk!” I screamed when I was close enough. 
He decided to ignore me and just walk by.
“Theo, can you just fucking stop!” I screamed again. 
He ignored me again so I decided to walk faster to him. When I was by his side, I grabbed his wrist. He pushed me but I did it again. This time he stopped walking but he didn’t look at me. 
“Teddy, let’s just talk.” I calmly said. 
He grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me. It was a long and passionate kiss but something was off. 
“I don’t want to talk. I just want you to love me but you had to choose fucking Cedric. At first I didn’t believe the rumors but then I saw how you smiled at each other. Every time you two were together, you were laughing a lot and I knew that he makes you feel good. And then the fact that they knew was even worse. Because that day I lost not only a girl I love more than anything but also my friends. And then I saw you and Cedric at that party and I realized that I need to let you go even though I still love you.” Theo said.
He was still holding my face so I grabbed his arm so he couldn’t just go away.
“It’s not like that,” I said and then I explained everything to him. I knew that he wanted to listen to me because he let me talk.
“I’m sorry, I really mean this. I love you and I don’t want to lose you ever again.” he whispered to my ear while hugging me. 
“Let’s clean you up.’’ I said and gave him a peck on the lips.
I wanted to start over, he wanted to start over and it was all that mattered to me.
“You didn't burn those flowers, did you?” Theo asked but it sounded more like he wanted to convince himself.
“I prayed that these flowers would burn on their own, because I couldn’t do it.” I responded and hugged him even tighter.
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if you have any request just let me know!
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slu7formen · 11 months
HEY HEHEGE IK I JUST SENT IN A REQUEST but can i pretty please have another slytherin reader x ced sickfic😭😭😭😔😔😔 this cold is kicking my ass rn i need ced to take care of me🤞 how bout if the reader is like stubborn denying she’s sick but ced is a casual dom taking care of her and reader just complies when he gives her the stern look😫😫 and he’s worried sick not letting her out of bed n stuff omg i want someone to scold me for being sick ffs im lonely as hell. also thank you sm for the last request i made you r a godsend🥰🥰
also can i know what to call you pls i feel rather awkward calling you, well, you. love you tho 💋💋 i’m confident im ur biggest fan if there’s no appreciater of ur work then im probably dead in a ditch somewhere
you’re always requesting and I think that’s just so sweet 🥹 thank u ! also, had so much fun writing this.
Cedric taking care of you when you’re sick <3
slu7formen’s masterlist | cedric diggory masterlist
Sometimes Cedric hated how stubborn you were. Like, really, he truly felt that you behaved like a child that tried to get everything their own way and everything else was just wrong.
He noticed. It was not fucking hard to notice that you were about to catch the worst flu of your life; you looked so sick you could easily be mistaken for someone who was dragon pox. Your sore throat, the pain in your chest, the phlegm in your chest when you coughed, and the sneezing. And still, you were bold enough to lie to his face.
“I’m fine” you affirmed, followed by a small sneeze. Cedric raised his eyebrows at you, you rolled your eyes. “Seriously, it’s nothing”
“It’s nothing?” Cedric raised his voice, looking at you in disbelief. “Honey, you can’t even talk without choking in your own phlegm”
“Don’t overreact” you bit back. “I said I’m fine”
He didn’t want to fight. Whenever you did, it was because most of the time, you behaved like the most stubborn person ever… but he just relaxed. Maybe you could get better, maybe you were right this time.
Of course you weren’t right. Do you really believe that you’re ever gonna prove Cedric wrong?
The next morning your body was hurting, swollen and sore everywhere and constantly groaning as you sat down in chairs during classes. Cedric noticed every single time.
“Can you please let me take you to the Emergency Wing?” he had whispered to you once Snape had walked past you two.
“No” you argued.
“You’re not even writing there” he pointed to your hand, where the ink had dropped a few drops since you just lifted your wrist in the air, without writing anything.
“Cedric” you called. You rarely called him by his name, it was always ‘Ced’ to him, unless you were mad. “I’m fine. Stop it”
He let it pass just one more day, but when you didn’t even show up to your first class the next morning, he truly started to get mad.
You woke up with him sitting at the edge of your bed. You gasped as you sat on the bed, desperate and confused. “What time is it?” you asked, already trying to get out of bed.
“Don’t worry, you’ve missed classes already” he interrupted. You sat on the bed, angry.
“I what!?” you yelled, as painful as it was for you to do so.
“You’re staying in bed” he demanded, big arms crossed over his chest as he stood up, standing in front of your weak body like a giant statue, demanding you to stay where you are.
But of course, you had to complain.
“How many times do I have to tell you?” you stood up and pushed his shoulder, walking past him. “I’m f-…” before you could reach the door, an invisible force bounced you back into your place. You scoffed in disbelief, and Cedric grinned, satisfied. You tried to walk again, but the same bouncy feeling hit your body, much harder this time.
“Imperturbable Charm” he explained. “You’re not getting out of this room”
“Imperturbable-, where’s my wand?” you walked towards him, almost hitting your chest to his, even though the scene was not threatening at all. To Cedric’s eyes, it looked quite funny. You, all red nose and sore throat, smaller than him, trying to act angry at him. Yeah, as if he would let you win this time.
“I’m not giving you your wand. You’re staying inside this room, so do as I say, and go to bed”
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “No”
“Oh?” he dared, raising both eyebrows and lowering his head. He studied your facial expressions for a moment before speaking again. “Baby, that wasn’t a question. Let me take care of you, and go to bed”
You bit the inside of your cheek. His grey eyes were working their way inside your brain; you fucking hated it and loved it at the same time. You groaned when you slowly saw his satisfied smirk grow on his face, he knew he already won.
Once you got yourself covered in bed again, he walked to the nightstand next to your bed. On top of it, there was a small ceramic bowl with a brown liquid inside, it smelled good. He grabbed it carefully and handed it to you. “It’s chicken and pumpkin soup” he explained. He slowly placed it over your lap, instantly feeling the heat grow over your thighs, it was still hot.
He then squat down and took his leather bag, the one you gifted him just a few months ago. He opened it, and took one small glass bottle, placing it at your small nightstand bed. “And this,” he pointed to the horrible red liquid “is Pepperup Potion. You have to drink it. Madame Pomfrey said it’s just a common cold that you have, but since you’ve been like this for days, if you’re not better by tomorrow morning, you’ll have to stay at the Emergency Wing”
You gulped, looked down at the hot soup, and then back at him. “Okay” you said in a small voice. Cedric sighed heavily before taking a spoon and sitting in front of you at the bed, next to your thighs. You tried to take it, but he quickly backed it up. He served some soup on the spoon, making sure that a small piece of chicken stayed there, he knew how much you loved to have in the first bite… or drink.
“Open” he demanded. You did so, and the warm and salty taste of the soup felt good against your tongue, already satisfied with your food for the first time in three days. You didn’t say anything, just letting your boyfriend put food into your mouth as he placed his free hand over your thigh, squeezing and soothing up and down.
“Thank you” you said after taking one particular big spoon of soup. “And, I’m sorry for being stubborn… and for not letting you take care of me”
He snorted. “It’s okay, angel” he replied. He knew how much you loved it when he called you that. “I know how hard that skull of yours can be sometimes”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up” you laughed. He forced you into taking more of your food before it gets cold. “You shouldn’t be doing this. I can take care of myself”
“No one takes cares of you better than I do” he took the bowl out of your legs and placed it over the table.
“It’s not like I have a choice. You locked me up here”
He moved closer to you. “And don’t you like it?” he asked. “You and me, locked inside your dorm-…”
“Ced!” you gasped in disbelief before he bursted out laughing. “You’re supposed to be taking care of me, remember?”
“Excuse me, am I not doing it?”
You placed a hand at the back of his neck, slightly running your fingers through his scalp. “No. I would say you’re more of a distraction”
His face got closer to yours. “Am I?” he leaned in, but you backed up, surprise.
“Aren’t you afraid you’ll get sick too?”
“I really don’t care” he said before softly placing your lips over yours. Kissing Cedric always felt like kissing the smoothest and plushiest cloud. His lips were warm, and the way he captured your lips between yours was always the hardest thing to separate from whenever you broke the kiss. If you could, you’d kiss him forever.
He leaned back and placed his forehead on yours. “Want me to give you a massage?” he asked.
“Yes, please” you groaned. He laughed.
“Okay, okay” he stood up “But before that… your medicine” he took the glass bottle and shook it in his hand.
“Nooo” you whined, hiding under the covers.
“You have to drink it, honey” he tried to uncover you, which was already hard enough since your hands gripped onto the sheets with amazing strength.
“You won’t get better unless you drink it”
“I already feel better” you lied.
Cedric found your head hidden under the blanket and gave it a light smack. “Liar” he panted.
After fighting for some time, Cedric promised you a chocolate frog after the medicine. He stayed with you for the rest of the day, only going to his own room when your roommates came back to your dorm to sleep, not leaving without kissing you first, and getting rid of the charm he had put around your bed.
It still felt weird when Cedric took care of you like this. You knew he was someone that cared for the people he loved, but you never thought it would go as far as staying with you in bed for a whole day, missing classes and risking himself on getting sick too.
But the truth was, Cedric loved you more than anything in this world. Taking care of you was the least thing he could do after you agreed in giving your heart and soul to him.
Is it a bad time for me to ask you to go check on my new ethan landry one shot ? 🥹
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hmmithinkimanartist · 7 months
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Maria (my hp oc) and Cedric. I’m big fan of this Hufflepuff boy.
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eevenus · 5 months
I think I'm gonna commit to writing something AAAA! I'm unsure of what identifier to use, can y'all help me pick?
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 1
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
🧡🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡  
𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 a nice, pleasant conversation with Severus. By nice, pleasant conversation, I meant that my lips, and his lips, were touching and he was holding me in a way that made me want to stay there forever.
But we couldn't. Dad would probably kill me- or Severus- if he walked in on us. Considering he lived here, there was a very high chance of us being discovered.
I lowered my lips from his and said, "You should probably go. Dad'll be looking for me now that the meeting is over." I whispered. A lovely shiver went over me as his lips went to the side of my neck. My hands, which were on the front of his robes, curled into fists, pulling him closer to me.
"In a minute." he whispered. I grinned as he brought his lips back up to touch mine. I closed my eyes and fell deeper into the kiss. I could just barely feel the tip of his tongue on my bottom lip.
"Alright." he said, pulling away as we both gasped slightly for air. "Now, I'll go."
I got up from the chair and he stood and ran a hand through his hair. "It looks fine." I said, handing his his traveling cloak. I, meanwhile, checked myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. I quickly smoothed it down. Severus kissed the top of my head.
"I'll see you later." He said, his fingers trailing across my cheek.
"Bye." I said and he left the room.
Once he was gone, I felt happy for a little longer before the depression I'd been suppressing set back in. I took in a shuddering breath and tried to push Cedric's death out of my mind.
I went to the dresser in the corner, in the room I got to myself, and quickly pulled out parchment, ink, and a quill. The only way to get my mind off Cedric's death was to write to Harry.
Harry wasn't here. Dumbledore didn't want him here yet. I thought it was bloody stupid that we weren't allowed to tell him a damn thing. There was a large injustice to it. If it wasn't for Harry, none of us would've known that Cedric was dead- or Harry for that matter. And because of that, we wouldn't have known Voldemort was back. (Well except for the fact that I had visions and would've told them unless Peter had managed to get to me before Severus). So, I tried to tell him as much as possible.
In the first couple weeks of June, Dad and I had stayed at our house and I had been really glad about this. Sirius had stayed with us and I had gotten to hang out with Trang every day. I had also explained every detail of last year to her.
Trang had been very alarmed about Voldemort rising- she'd accepted my story without questions. She was also alarmed that I'd been tortured to stop me from preventing the rise of Voldemort, and that a student, my best friend in the Hufflepuff house, had been killed.
I clenched my quill as an image of Cedric lay, eagle-spread on dead grass and dirt, eyes open and blank entered my mind. I quickly pushed it out of my head, trying to think of him alive, soaring on his broom, chasing a snitch, racing me, dancing with me- but even thinking of him alive was painful. A tear dropped onto the parchment. I cursed and tossed the parchment in the trash. I didn't need Harry knowing I'd been crying while I wrote to him.
But now, Dumbledore had made Sirius move into 12, Grimmauld Place. Dad had moved in as well, mostly to keep Sirius company, and so had the Weasley family- minus Percy- and also Hermione. But that meant that I was far away from Trang, for Trang had not moved into the house, and Dad had told both of us that it wasn't a good idea for either of us.
So, we had to contend ourselves to sending letters and only seeing each other on Saturday and Sunday when Dad would let me go back to the house using side-along apparation- we were never allowed to use the floo network.
I knew what it was like to be trapped and so this is why I wrote to Harry telling him as much as possible.
Now we were in the second week of July and today I wrote:
Dear Harry, I know you're looking for information on Voldemort or what's going on. It's hard to say, you know? But you deserve to know so I'm going to try my best. I know you've been watching the Muggle news and getting the Daily Prophet. No, the Daily Prophet is never going to print anything about Voldemort- Fudge won't let them. Voldemort, we've decided, is laying low so you're not going to hear anything on the Muggle news either. I know you're frustrated with Ron, Hermione, and Sirius for not giving you more information. I would find it frustrating as well considering you are the one that came back to tell us Voldemort is here. I've asked Dad to ask Dumbledore to let you come but Dumbledore keeps saying 'not yet'. I don't know what he's playing at. You should probably know, so you're not surprised, that Dumbledore has people following you. I won't share their names just in case, you know? We also aren't at the Burrow, so, while I know you're tempted to fly there- don't. I'm not allowed in the meetings so I don't know what the adults are talking about. It's stupid really. I thought Sirius would let me in even if dad wouldn't, but even Sirius seems to want to keep me out. Says I've been through enough. Bloody hell Harry, I know for a fact he'd let you in the conversation in a minute! It's so unfair! But I won't talk about unfair while you're stuck there and I'm at least here. Even Severus won't tell me anything! (Professor Snape). I'm trying to see if Dad will let me come and visit. I haven't asked yet. I'll let you know soon. I'll send this the minute Sadie comes back from visiting Trang (or if Hedwig shows up before Sadie gets back). I won't tell you to be a good boy or stay out of trouble (though I hope you do). But it is of utmost importance you do your best not to use any magic. The Ministry would love an excuse to put you on trial and expel you from Hogwarts. I'd tell you to stay inside at all times but I can't because I'm inside at all times and it sucks. Write soon, love, Elizabeth
Yes, that looked about right. I was giving him information- Voldemort wasn't doing anything, people were following him, meetings. . . but not too much information.
I set the parchment aside and heard a knock on my door. I quickly pulled some runes homework onto my desk and said, "Come in!"
Dad came in, closing the door behind him. My eyes quickly scanned the bedroom in case Severus had left anything but he hadn't and my eyes flicked back up to Dad. "Meeting done?" I asked a bit coldly, turning back to my homework.
"Elizabeth." Dad said in a warning voice, "You know perfectly well why I won't let you into the meetings."
Yes. Because I had a tendency to try and take things into my own hands and dad was afraid I was going to do something rash and dangerous with the information.
"Besides." Dad continued in a soothing voice, "Fred and George aren't allowed to attend and they're two years older than you."
"Yeah, but you're not supposed to keep me out of stuff." I said grumpily. "We promised not to lie to each other."
"I'm supposed to keep you out of trouble and that's what I'm doing. And it's not lying, it's just not telling you more than you need to know." Dad said sternly. "Now, have you seen Professor Snape?"
My cheeks flushed red. Bloody hell. "Why would I have seen S- Professor Snape?" I asked, letting my hair fall down the left side of my face so Dad didn't see the flush on my cheeks.
Dad sighed. "Alright Elizabeth. We need to talk about this."
"No we don't." I snapped, standing up angrily. "Don't you think your being a bit unfair?" I regretted the words the minute I said them. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated and sat back down, my anger blown out. "Sorry." I muttered. "I didn't mean that."
"Parents need to keep dangerous things from children." Dad said, standing before me. "but children are never supposed to keep things from parents because they could be doing something that is dangerous."
I narrowed my eyes. "Well maybe you're right about that, but then again, it's a good thing I'm no longer a child."
And I snatched up my letter and stormed out of my bedroom. It was Friday. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I was going to go straight to Trang's and not come back ever again. Except I said this every Friday when I got angry with Dad, and then ended up coming back because I missed him.
I went up the stairs, retreating from the rest of the house. And then up another flight of stairs into Buckbeak's empty room. Buckbeak was so used to me, I didn't even have to bow anymore. I locked the door behind me and went and sat down next to Buckbeak, petting his feathers.
Sadie flew into the room, dropping a letter into my lap from Trang. She saw the other letter next to me all folded up and ready for mail and stuck out her leg.
"You don't want to rest first?" I asked softly.
She hooted and kept her leg out. I tied Harry's letter to her leg and I kissed her head. "Safe flight Sadie."
She flew out of the room and I leaned my head against Buckbeak, closing my eyes to rest.
🧡🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡  
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 to someone carrying me into my room. "Dad you're going to hurt your back." I muttered, my eyes fluttering open to see his drawn face.
"No I'm not." he muttered stubbornly.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you." I said sleepily. I really was sorry. I hated when dad and I fought.
"And I'm sorry I called you a child." Dad said though he sounded more amused than anything else.
"Well I guess I can't blame you when I throw childish fits." I muttered.
Dad sighed, laying me down in my bed, pulling the covers over me and sitting on the edge of my bed. "I haven't tucked you in since you were ten." A pause and then, "I am sorry I'm keeping you out of the meetings. I just don't want you to get hurt Elizabeth."
"I know Dad." I said, taking his hand. "I get it, I'm just. . . just frustrated I think. . ."
Dad bent down and kissed my forehead and left his lips there for a second longer and then pulled away. "Good night sweetheart."
"Night dad." I said sleepily.
The door clicked closed softly. I lay awake, my eyes looking up at the ceiling above me. Slowly, I sat up. I crept to the door and looked out both ways, making sure no one was there. Then, I crept back into bed and opened up a side dresser drawer. I pulled out the charm bracelet that I had gotten from Fred in my first year. On it were charms from Cedric and Fred. I fingered the charms on the bracelet that were from Cedric, my pointer finger resting on the Snitch.
'Your going to make a great seeker one day, Elizabeth, I can feel it.' Cedric's voice seemed to whisper through the air. I swallowed hard and tossed the bracelet back in the drawer and buried my head my pillow, my sorrow overwhelming. I took in a shuddering breath and did my best to fall asleep.
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toilandtroubled · 5 months
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𝙢𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙣 + 𝙘𝙚𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙘 ( @happyhauntt )
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