#oc relavent
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the-elemental-alchemist · 2 years ago
Came across another picrew. Though decided to make two versions with the different hand hand options
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oh-mother-fucket · 29 days ago
Alright, let's do this again.
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15 bucks a pop! come and see them
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thrushppelt · 2 years ago
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uncreative-cryptid · 2 months ago
May I offer "Hungover in the City of Dust" by Autoheart for Valerian's playlist?
Arguments include: piano, missing people who are gone and, most importantly, "there's no feeling in my left arm"
big brain i am adding this to my list
autoheart is so good and has valerian vibes in some songs but man "Hungover in the City of Dust" and "Foolishly Wrong" are my top picks, and really unrelated would be "I Know That He Loves Me" cause the vibes are him but i wouldn't really say it's relavant to valerian specifically.
shaking valerian
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not-another-robin · 1 year ago
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wackyworldcomics · 9 months ago
Henchmen for Hire Cave Finders update (sorry it's late)
So... the name "Henchmen for Hire" has already been used for multiple IP's including an already existing Web Comic series that better fits it's title. So now the series that I am making is going to be recalled "Cave Finders" (which I don't already think has been taken, but I could be wrong).
As mentioned before, the series will follow two indentured magic users- Claire B. Ellody who is an ex-magician's assistant with the power to not get hurt by attacks, and Atka Boid who appears to be some sort of ancient deity that can manipulate rock however he pleases. Both of them work for an organization (which will now be renamed) where upper-class/rich residents of their planet (known as Elites) hire people like them who had trouble finding a job to loot old caves or do random tasks in their favor (such as guard a door... or perform an ASSASSINATION OF A POLITICAL FIGURE!!!)
Claire and Atka will begrudgingly do these jobs so they can achieve their ultimate goal of living comfortably with a roof over their heads. While simultaneously being confronted by enemies of the past that wish to either use them for their nefarious schemes, or try to destroy them for standing in the way of said schemes.
The name "Cave Finders" might also not quite fit as the title of the series, but its a work in progress still. I will try to have a pilot for the series out by July or October here on Tumblr or some other platform, but likely if you are at all interested in this series, you may need to wait until October for the pilot. I am very inexperienced when it comes to publishing a series and my energy levels tend to be really low these days alongside a busy schedule. The series will still happen- it will just take a heck of a long time. It- along with perhaps the pilots to two other series I've been working on (again though- based on my energy levels and schedule might not be realistic) will have pilots advertising them. Whichever one gets the most attention will get a full, free to view series while other series after that might get a charge (I still need to look into the legal business work on that).
The other two series that I plan to advertise maybe later on and create pilots for are as follows:
Angels Heard on High- a bit of a mild NSFW series following a group of remaining super soldiers referred to as "Angels" that were originally created to destroy monsters and those infected by their power. Most of the other angels have seemingly gone missing while an evil organized monster group continues to rise, meaning that its up to the remaining Angels to protect the world from their terror. However, they will soon learn that the lines between good and evil are not as clear as they've been told.
Mike and Icky's Crazy Adventure (title subject to change)- College Frat brother Mike Riverman decided to smoke a joint near the Agriculture Department's cornfield when he spotted who he thought was another student out at the same time he was. He decided to take his new homie back to the frat house as he looked a bit beat up only to find none of his crew was in the dorm. Now he and his new friend, Icky, are on an adventure to return all the fraternity members back safe and sound. No cop, monster, or mad scientist are gonna stop these guys from- wait, what do you mean Icky's a scarecrow?
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negative-speedforce · 5 months ago
when your OCs were kids, what did they want to be when they grew up? :)
Siv: Engineer
Cassandra: Country Singer
Hailey: Olympic Track Runner
Esme: Musician
Kyle: NFL Linebacker
Onnie: Astronaut
Cory: Rock Star
Jamie: Gymnast
Kayla: Librarian
Erin: Wife + Mother
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darewolfcreates · 1 year ago
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d20owlbear · 21 days ago
OC asks: 11 and/or 22
So for this ask, I'll focus on a pair of my older OCs that just kick rocks in the notes section of my phone lol.
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
So this was entirely based on a dream I had at one point, I tend to have relatively cinematic (I guess we could call it) dreams. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, at like 2am, and was possessed by something that made me write somewhere around 2k words of notes and surprisingly coherent outline of an entire time-traveling/pseudo summoning novel
22) Fight or Flight? Are they a lover or a fighter?
Both Takeo (the one from modern times) and Danuja (the one being "summoned" through time randomly, is from a pseudo-mythical/magical dimension/time) are Fighters.
They're both liable to fight outright, and sometimes do in the early parts considering they're both pretty startled by the whole 'summoning' bit -- but their styles of fighting are a bit different. Takeo more might makes right/brute force whereas Danuja is a bit more of a strategist, having been made to study warfare and tactics from a young age. Neither of them like to retreat, though.
I'd say that even their loving is a bit like fighting, at least with each other, since they know the other can take it and they don't have to be careful or tiptoe around accidentally hurting the other.
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the-headless-horsedude · 5 months ago
i can't stop rotating lavendula around in my head
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angel-atelier · 11 months ago
Creepypasta au in the works...
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evilminji · 9 months ago
As I have recently discussed, with the ESTEEMED Quirk Scholar @mayfay !
Suprise Quirk Accident Babies! Gotta love um!
They're the, ironically enough, love child of "suprise child acquisition" and "suddenly pregnant" troupes! But SPEEDRUN! Because THAT IS A TODDLER/BABY! Right here. Right now!
And now YOU! Yes, YOU! Get to deal with it. All those vague "do I want to be a parent someday? Would it be SAFE? I am READY?" Questions AND MORE! Suddenly NOT SO VAGUE.
Suddenly VERY RELAVENT. Immediate. People are asking you questions you are GOING to need to answer. And?
You are not the only parent.
You might be JUST out of fucking high-school. Staring down a top lister, high 20, maybe TOP TEN, Hero. Who is society gonna choose here? Your barely adult ass... or them? You might never see your kid again if they decide to take them. Decide to be an asshole.
They have enemies, too.
Can... can you HANDLE those enemies? To protect your kid?
It's been less then fifteen minutes. Fight has barely ended and your sitting under a shock blanket. Decisions are going to have to be made. And all you can think is the sound of your own panicked screaming. Static white noise. The reporters and shady Goverment officials already circling like sharks. Gotta make a decision. Gotta make a decision. Gotta....
It is? The BEST.
The more unlikely the combos the better! My asexual ass is thriving! Fuck yeah! Free baby, no sex!!! You can have platonic child rearing shenanigans! Interesting Self Insert Setups! New OCs! Character dramas! Or romance, if your into that sorta thing!
But you know what I think would be funny as hell?
The continued bloodline curse of AfO being so Platonicly Yandere at his own kin that they go Rabidly Feral Wet Cat and try to claw his throat out, bare minimum! Because obviously HE isn't the problem here! No, no, it's everyone ELSE that caused the issues last time! He doesn't have to learn from past mistakes! He's perfect! (Spoken by the world's most delusional man)
He ALSO has lost track of how many minor quirks he has shoved in metaphorical pockets at the moment. As he is, as always, a kleptomaniac. The way the react to each other? Cascade and shift? React to OTHER outside quirks?
Ha! He's never fucking studied that. Why would he study that!? He has power to steal.
So... set the scene~
Toshinori v. Afo: Kamino Ward.
Make the changes you please, add or subtract Heros, but the BIG TWO are there. They clash. Like Titans. Like GODS. AfO getting frisky with his quirk use, throwing everything at the wall. But?
Oh. This time. THIS TIME, you bastard! Toshinori is NOT ALONE!
The power of community, of an ARMY, is not to be underestimated. They make be struggling. Have broken bones and worse. But they know he just... just needs ONE shot! They... they can give him one shot.
Even if it's the last thing they ever do.
Because? They are god damned HEROES.
AfO feels his legs rip out from under him, just as he's about to dodge. It's going to be a killshot. He may... potentially... THEORETICALLY... conceivably... possibly... panic... just a bit. MAYBE. A microscopic amount.
He lashes out.
With everything.
And he DOES mean everything. Yes, including that "grow flowers" and the "summon apples towards you"Quirk, for all the good THOSE would have done.
Something? Happens.
The blast hits the Oaf infront of him... and? Resonates. Like the striking of a great clear bell. It RINGS. Deafening. Without noise. The damn brat...rewinds? No. He's not younger. He RESETS! OH YOU MOTHER FU-!
Something sliding off him. Like dust. From the reset. Drifting towards other dust.
Swirling. Some merging, like planets forming. Most not enough. Turning grey and falling to the ground. But... but he can SEE it. A whisp of white hair gets in the way. HIS hair. Ha. Ha ha hA HA HA HA HA!!! Reset! NOT JUST YOU, ALL MIGHT!
The heroes are getting up. It doesn't matter. He'll just put them BACK on the ground.
INTO it this time.
But then?
The dust from him, all might, so many others. Solidifies, compresses, the pops like a firework. Dumping a very started black hair, blue eyed, toddler on the ground.
AfO connects the dots first. He has AfO hair texture. Quirk weirdness just happened and their is ALWAYS a cost or drawback to Quirks. Such as... any overflow creates an infant? Did he just make his own child?
Not risking it.
He lunges.
All Might lunges for the simple reason of "oh GOD SUPERVILLIAN AND A BABY!" D:> same as every other hero there.
Meanwhile DANNY? Retired Halfa Superhero, Zone Councilman, and LATE to his DnD night... is beginning to suspect THIS is what Clockwork meant when he said "some roads take longer to get home".
Was that that a "Lol good luck buddy"!?
@mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @hdgnj
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ehhh2000 · 9 months ago
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Tekken 8 - Anti Reina Mishima Stamp(Rant) Huge Tekken 8 Spoilers!
This is gonna piss off Reina fans, but just a friendly reminder..... this is my opinion. If you love her, go on a page that praises her. You won't get it here. Alright here goes.
I was playing Tekken 8 at my friend's house. It was a fun time, and the story has improved from Tekken 7 (with the bland, monotone narrator gone, thank god) and..... Tekken 6 (ugh!) but has a few flaws.
The biggest flaw which almost ruined Tekken 8 for me, was this character, called Reina Mishima.
This is without a doubt, one of the most poorly written female characters I have ever seen in my entire life.
You mean to tell me that Lucky Chloe gets shit from Tekken fans, but Reina Mishima gets a free pass? WTF? I mean I am not a fan of Lucky Chloe (ok her character design is cute, but she is abusive AF to Eddie T.T) but at least she wasn't a forced and contrived, plot device character like Reina, and is just a dumb troll character from the creator, as a middle finger to their haters that really hated her guts.
Like you think Rey from Star Wars, Disney Remake Mulan, Bella Swan, or Captain Marvel were bad?
Well, that is nothing comparred to this DeviantArt OC, Mary-Sue reject.
So Reina is the daughter of Heihachi Mishima. (Oh, so we are doing the Lars Alexandersson plot-twist, from Tekken 6 again, in 2024... aka lazy, repetitive writing for Tekken 8 when it comes to introducing new characters... got it 👍) 
My issues with her that makes her a poorly written character is that:
-She is a flawless fighter, like Disney remake's Mulan bad. I know she is suppose to have flawless fighting moves like Heihachi, but good god, this is just embarrasing.
Edit: Ok, I understand that it is a fighting game, and the Mishima's are suppose to be powerful, badass fighters, so Reina should be no exception. Fair enough. I still think she is a self-insert character because she was just thrown into the story, with no buildup or references from previous games (Same issue I had with Lars in Tekken 6 btw, he just exists to replace Jin as a MC, and they made him a Mishima to make him more relavant, instead of him just standing out on his own as a character. I don't hate Lars btw, he has a cool character design, but the hair is riduclous, and I felt indifferent towards him at first, but now I kinda see him as a potential father figure to Jin in Tekken 8.)
-She is trying too hard to be a hardcore, edgy, tomboy, cool-looking version of Asuka, so I will call her the poor man's Asuka Kazama.
-Her character design and oufit is uninspired and too modern for my liking (Black boots, black short-shorts and A black and purple hoddie, huh.... how creative... -_-) oh and short black hair and purple streaks to add to the edgy, tomboy look. (Or the Karen look as I like to call it ^^)
-She is younger than Jin Kazama, YOUNGER! Despite being Jin's aunty. Yes, you heard correctly. I think the creators wanted a self-insert character to have some sort of sex appeal, which is why they made her look younger and prettier, and show off her legs (which gives me the ick.) And her calling Jin "Senpai" didn't help either.
(I also didn't like the fact the creators made Kazumi Mishima and Jun Kazama look younger than their own sons, like what is wrong with looking a bit older, mature and graceful? I actually want to see a badass, old lady in Tekken that can fight! Kazumi felt like a missed opportunity in that sense.)
-She manages to beat the shit out of Kazuya in her ending, despite her looking like a twig. Reminding me too much of something out Inuyasha, when that abusive, unbearable, bratty, girl Kagome would do the same thing to her love interest Inuyasha, for comedy! 🙄
I will admit that Kazuya is a shitty father (Sorry fans 😭 don't kill me) at least Kazuya has flaws, he is a damaged man, blinded by hatred, rage and has an obssession with power, like it's a drug to him. A wrathful devilman, but not completely heartless, otherwise he would just be another mini Heihachi.
Reina has no flaws, no personality, no interesting backstory and is just a pathetic Jerk-Sue Character (a Mary-Sue that is a Jerk, with no consequences for her actions.)
-She is also not a good plot-twist character either, again, she just ripped off Lars' backstory, so there is no originality from her.
-And to add to the cherry on top, when it comes to her being a poorly written, fanfic-styled Mary-Sue character, she is also....... a devil! 😈 Unless if it is revealed that she is Kazumi's daughter or something, then why the hell does she have to devil gene? And she wants to be the new Heihachi, huh? Wait till she finds out that Heihachi is the OG devil hater.
Terrible twist, terrible story, and a terrible first impression of Reina. 🤬 Fuck this character!
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uncreative-cryptid · 2 months ago
i have been thinking a lot about the resonator in relation to valerian's story and i am off tomorrow so maybe ... mayhap ... i write tomorrow ... a little ...
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monochromaticskies · 5 months ago
31 days of horror '24!! :D
hi! i'm going to be participating in the 31 days of horror challenge this year -- writing every day for the whole month based on prompts by @31-daysofhorror. i will be doing it slightly differently to how i've seen other people do it, by using my own original characters.
i've been planning out what i'm going to be doing for each prompt today so that i can make sure i can keep up with it, and it doesn't get too overwhelming with both planning and writing a drabble/oneshot.
ones that are (potentially) canon to my oc universe are tagged "neoverse"; ones that are not canon, using characters who do not appear in the neoverse stories, are tagged "eonverse". the eonverse is a relatively new universe in which i can dump all my unused characters and write whatever i want, because there is no real canon. there may also be crossovers between both these universes, and between universes myself and my friend (kiose_ on wattpad) have created together.
in keeping with the title, all of the drabbles will (obviously) be horror; i will tag specific themes/triggers, though all of them are written with horror in mind, so i understand if people don't enjoy the genre and don't read them. they will also likely be posted on ao3 and wattpad.
even if you don't know the characters i appreciate if you read the stories; relavent facts will of course be explained in the stories, and if you want more information, check my blog, ao3 and wattpad; i am also in the process of creating a masterdoc.
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popironrye · 7 months ago
Sometimes I think it'd be a great idea to get into my oc backstories. Write their incredible complex interactions or maybe draw a scene of plot relavence.
Then I doodle them in bed clothes. That's close enough, right?
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