#oc quad
egg-on-a-legg · 7 months
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mods r asleep post quadrupedal cas sketches
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wrayet · 8 months
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dragons cant be trusted around each other
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midmorninggrey · 2 months
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I don't know if our Inquisitors will show up at the Lighthouse, but I would really like the chance for Cece to ruin improve Lucanis' coffee.
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indigosunsetao3 · 2 months
Had a thought of about a new OC and the 141.
Perhaps a woman that’s closer to Price’s age, or even older. One that has life experience, that can handle her own and take care of herself. That maybe teaches the guy(s) something new for once versus the usual older boyfriend storyline of him showing her all new things.
And perhaps she isn’t as easily won over. Won’t put up with the tough bravado and cocky attitude because she can see right through it. Has known enough men in her life just like them so she knows the harder they try the more they’re hiding.
Rough plot under the cut. Feel free to chime in with thoughts or ideas.
What if one of the guys (all of the guys, some of the guys?) moves into a house on a lake? It’s a place to get away from life for a bit. Maybe they’re recovering from an injury, a retreat from war, or just a secluded spot for a bit of silence.
And what if there is a house next door, the house where she lives? The woman that keeps to herself, that the town whispers about because she’s so distant with everyone even if she always says hello and works at the local shop. They don’t realize she is trying to piece herself together after her own loss, too hurt to try and let anyone else in. Too scared to be shattered again.
But he realizes. He sees her sitting on her dock night after night watching the stars, mourning in the solitude. Sees the exhausted shuffle of her steps, the vacant eyes staring but not really seeing. He knows it well. It’s a face of someone who’s seen battle, who’s fighting a war alone and barely surviving.
So he tries to help. Pushes against those barriers she’s built to offer a hand to drag her from the pit. It’s a fight, every step a struggle as each brick comes down. And while he helps her, he realizes she’s healing a part of him too. A part he thought was long gone, too dead to bring back to life.
The lake offers a calm contrast to their struggles. It’s a place of peace and tranquility that helps ground them as they figure each other out. And, as if the water knows, it always brings them together when they need each other the most.
But life doesn’t stop, war doesn’t wait. They’ll be faced with a choice that will either break them further or make them whole again.
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thetitancurse · 3 months
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skate anne! 🍒
speedpaint under the cut ~
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uhhhhhh. more.
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lucabyte · 5 months
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horse and bug!!!!
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neptuniadoesstuff · 3 months
Elmwire Forest + The Copycat (Land of Fable Landmarks/Creatures #01)
Elmwire Forest is a Forest coveted in dark roots that seem to pulsate like bl00d... No one knows the origins of the place nor who created it (As Mina strictly stated that she NEVER made the place before nor has been there ever). It's known for being located in the bottom of the Earth Quad & there are warning signs to never go there's lest you wanna see the consequences of what you've done
Its a very dangerous place only the most known & fearless individuals can go to explore, so often the military based metros/trains (usually seen in Æruss'a) go there with the strongest & highest ranked soldiers to deal with whatever is in there. But somehow these soldiers... unfortunately don't make it out alive... But there has been a instance where a soldier did go out alive. She was a Nil/Apnoaw hybrid who somehow was spared but everyone else in her squad wasn't, now facing major ptsd from her OWN FRIENDS, who she thought of like family, die right in front of her!
One of the dangerous creatures (& also what was the reason for the soldiers not coming back alive other than that one single mynk) was a certain entity just referred to as "Mirrored Flesh" or "The Copycat". This entity is entirely made of black roots that are made of the same material of the trees with extremely sharp teeth & a very creepy smile. However this entity doesn't seem to target Nils, as for some reason it sees them as their own but will attack ANYONE who isn't a Nil (this includes mortals).
Now the reason why this creature us called "The Copycat" is bcs it's known to mimic other beings & individuals + CAN EVEN MIMIC THEIR VOICES but the only imperfection of theirs is that.... it's that thing's mouth & eyes... While the creature IS POWERFUL it isn't immortal since it does have 3 hearts & when the remaining soldier who found this creature shot it out of self defense, she shot it's heart which remains 2 hearts. It's like a vampire you can't truly kill unless you target it's heart.
The being also has a major need to infect others with this strange disease called "Elmwire disease" or "Shadowroots Syndrome" which is a dangerous disease which can kill the person if not treated instantly. When it bites you, not only it's taking your DNA to copy your appearance BUT ALSO infecting you!
Its said in some fables, "The Copycat" used to be a normal Nil who then unexpectedly mutated (which Nils should do, if they mutate it's causes them major pain thus having them to be "neutralized"... (aka a mercy kill)) which explains why it only spares Nils & no one else. But that doesn't explain the whole "pulsating black roots" part of the creature.
The Forest itself does have other creatures like a few crabs, slugs, & weird flying bug bats which are often found on the surface of the forest. The forest is a huge (but not huge huge, just bigger than your average city. Basically as big as a mega city) & dark, so you must ALWAYS bring a light weither it be a lantern or a torch.
& even though it's a part of the Earth Quad, no Eldahk Mynk really want to be near it as some stories say that they can hear the dying screams & terror of what seems to be mortals in the forest... As if the creature found them and took them there for their... next meal...
Yeh that's it for my ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING lore about wtf I have been thinking of for these past secs. I hope you enjoyed reading this, but if not... I'm very sorry for your mental health.
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ask-my-memoir · 7 months
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???: "..."
Anon , @ask-everything-nice
Thank you so much for the asks!))
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sketci · 10 months
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kaitaiga · 3 months
going through this one rugby fitness tiktok account while thinking about how big damien is 🧎🏻‍♀️
(One example of their tiktoks. I feel like if Damo crushed me, it could solve all my problems. Last clip had me speechless.)
time for some anatomy practice…for no particular reason at all…*sweats*
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socairnaich · 10 months
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⚠️ DO NOT REPOST OR REDISTRIBUTE! Zenith Quade // My TWST version of Zara from Disney Princesses: Enchanted Journey Bachira "Jet" Asitvaran // My TWST version of Bagheera from the Jungle Book! Knave Redhand // My TWST version of the Knave of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland (1951 ver.)
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months
Big Time Double Date - Mickames
i don't really have anything to say about this one. just that this is one of my all time favorite btr eps. i wish they did more bottle episodes, or rather more episodes where everyone was all in one place with intertwining plots. also, jett was the best part of this episode hands down! i loved all his scenes!
@partiallypearl @raging-violets @witchofinterest @myloveforhergoeson
Mickey heaved a sigh of relief when the broom closet door closed. She rested her back against it, eyes darting from side to side. The last thing she wanted was to get caught; she’d lose her job over this! Not that she really needed the job, being in a band tended to help with a lot of expenses but she wanted to keep it.
She loved picking up shifts at Chez Fancee when she wasn’t busy. Being in the thick of a dinner rush, creating delectable French cuisine, and providing a great experience and lasting memories for the guests gave her a rush nothing could touch. Performing onstage in front of thousands of people came close. And yet here she was putting it all on the line to make sure her friend had a great date.
They can’t say I don’t do anythin’ for ‘em!
“Katie, I love your style, but knocking him out was a little much I think,” Mickey commented when Katie rushed around the corner. A tree hat sat atop of her head, accompanied by leaves and fronds hanging off her clothes. If she stood still long enough people could mistake her for a plant.
“It’s just a dinner roll, he’ll be fine,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
“If that knocked Henri out, I don’t think he will be,” Mickey said, glancing over her shoulder at the closed door. She didn’t have much time to think about Henri and his apparently compromised health or balance due to a hissing by her ear. Katie and Mickey both looked in the direction of the sound. A second later James popped his head around the corner, his short hair slicked to his head.
“Pssssssst!” he hissed again, louder.
“Keep a look out,” she told Katie. Katie gave her a thumbs up sign and Mickey rushed around the corner, glancing back to ensure the manager didn’t catch her. He was a nice guy, especially for giving her a shot with her unpredictable schedule. She didn’t want to ruin that. But then again, on the flipside, she didn’t want Carlos to have a bad date with Jennifer 3. Jennifer 3 was very nice once you got to know her. And Mickey had total hair envy when it came to Jennifer 3.
“Help!” James hissed once Mickey got within reach of her.
Mickey came to a stop, blinking rapidly while looking him up and down. “With…with what?” She asked because, well, it couldn’t be with how he looked. He looked good. James always looked good, but he looked good. She actively had to remind herself to keep her jaw from dropping. Her momma always said to never underestimate the power of a guy in a suit, and she was not kidding. With James’ slicked hair and his nice clothes, he looked as if he were ready to film scenes in an old Hollywood movie. The only thing missing was a cigar nestled between two fingers.
“The guys are here!” he replied, tugging the bottom of his tuxedo jacket.
Mickey made a face, shifting the tracks of her mind from James on the glossy pages of GQ to the issue at hand. God, she hoped he didn’t notice the heat pooling in her cheeks. “Which guys?”
“All of them! Kendall and Jazz are here with Kelly and…some guy—”
“Oh, that’s Owen!” Perking up, Mickey breathed easier. This was a safe topic. “He’s our UPS guy. They were supposed to be going somewhere el—”
“And Logan’s here with some girl who looks like him and Camille’s here with Jett!” James continued, his voice kicking up a notch.
“Okay, that’s not too bad. …I gotta ask her about that later but that’s not too bad.” Honestly, she could do better than Jett. And weren’t she and Logan just together that morning? Mickey made a mental note to ask Camille about this whole situation later. Her dramatics would certainly make the story interesting, and something told her she’d need a good story after a long night. But damn they were more topsy-turvy than a see-saw!
“Gustavo’s here too!”
Mickey gasped. “Oooh, that’s bad!”
“I know!” James cried out, fiddling with the untied bowtie hanging around his neck.
“He’s supposed to be watching his blood pressure,” Mickey continued.
“…That’s kind of not the point—gah!” The end of his sentence chopped off due to him tightening the bowtie loop around his neck. His eyes bulged and his tongue stuck out, his fingers scrambling for the loop knot he’d made. Seconds passed and red grew in his cheeks. “Mickey…Mickey, help!”
“Oh my god! Stop, stop, let me do it!” Mickey slapped his hands away and stepped closer, yanking the knot away from his neck. His chest heaved with his deep breath and she swallowed the lump rising, watching the fabric stretch across it. Focus! Gathering her wits, she pulled the bowtie apart, letting the two ends lie parallel to his neck. Smoothing the ends between her fingers, she took in a Cuda-scented breath through her nose and began to let her fingers fly in practiced ease. Doing her best to ignore the rise and fall of his chest, Mickey clicked her tongue. “You can tie a necktie, but you can’t tie a bowtie?”
“Mama Knight usually does it for me.”
The simple sincerity in his answer made her take pause, her fingers fumbling before they stilled. Nose wrinkling, she pulled the half-knot apart and started again. “That’s nice of her.”
“Yeah, she’s really cool.”
She gave the finished bowtie a few tugs making sure it held tight and smoothed her hands down his chest. His heart beat hard beneath her fingers. Her eyes flew open wide and her lips parted and pushed out a squeak before backing away, directing her eyes to the floor, dropping her arms to her sides. “Sorrysorrysorry!” Her apology slammed together, falling off her tongue faster than she could form the words. If James said anything she didn’t hear it, didn’t want to hear it. The further away she kept him, the better. In fact, she managed to form some semblance of a sentence, telling him she’d be right back, before rushing off. She ducked behind the host stand when her manager and a few servers walked by, carrying large trays. It was where she wanted to go anyway. She tugged the box of items that had been left behind by patrons, rummaging through it until she found what she needed. With a triumphant grin, she hurried back to James. Along the way she grabbed an extra apron from the entryway to the kitchen; it fluttered behind her like a cape.
“Okay, tie this around your waist,” she said, a little breathless, once she reached him. “Keep a booklet in your pocket to take orders.”
“I can’t take orders!” James said, doing as he was told. A few quick twists of his fingers and the apron lay against his waist. “I’m not an actual server!”
“I know, but you’re going to take Carlos and Jennifer’s orders. And by that, I mean it’s already written. I picked out the best dishes for them. Pretend to take their orders and bring the paper to me. I’ll make sure the food is perfect and out on time.”
“Oh.” James took the notebook out of the pocket and opened it up. “You have nice handwriting.”
“Thank you.” Mickey sucked in a breath, blinked, and got her mind back on the topic at hand. “Katie will be running interference. Check on them every now and then. If you need anything, I’ll be right behind those doors. Now, how’s your French?”
“French. Do you know any French?”
James’s eyes lifted to the ceiling as he thought for a moment. When he looked back down, a light had ignited behind his eyes. “Voulez vous couch—”
“Stop it.” Mickey squeezed her eyes shut as she thrust out her palm, blocking his words.
James’s shoulders rounded. “Sorry.”
“Got it.”
Honestly, why was that always someone’s first answer? They needed to get more material. Whatever. She had more things to worry about. Waving her hands in front of her, she wiped his slate clean. “Forget it. How’s your French accent?”
“Oui oui, hon hon, try ze baguette.”
Her eye twitched. “…Close enough. Just keep that up and keep your face hidden and we should be fine. Just, one more thing…” She reached upwards and he obediently leaned forward, moving in sync. She pressed a large, fake mustache against his top lip, keeping a firm hold for a few seconds. Once secure she slipped a pair of glasses over his nose and took a step back, looking at him with new eyes. It was so unfair he looked good in glasses too. Her big reading glasses probably would look good on him too, on her they made her look like a nerd. Well, she was a nerd to a degree, but the glasses didn’t help. She clapped her hands together, the sharp sound making James jump. “Okay, team, we’re all set! Remember, we’re doing this for Carlos.”
“Friendship powers, activate!” James announced, pointing a triumphant finger in the air.
“I’m not doing it this time,” Katie said with a shake of her head, making James pout. Mickey jumped in, easily executing the odd handshake James had come up with, doing her best to ignore the spark at her fingertips upon their hands touching. He’d been working on it for weeks, mostly with Carlos and sometimes with her, noting it’d only be brought out when they really needed it. And Carlos really needed them.
The group split up with James holding his arm up to his face, looking much like Batman with his cape draped up to his face. With a few quick flicks of her wrist, Mickey cuffed the sleeves of her dress shirt, only catching the smirk on Katie’s face at the last second. “You two looked cozy,” Katie all but sang.
“Shut up, Katie,” Mickey grumbled. “You’re the one who didn’t want to do the handshake.”
“Because it’s dumb. I don’t know why you encourage those idiots.”
“I’m beginning to wonder that myself.” Deep down Mickey knew. It was because they were fun, and they were her friends. Back home she only really had her sisters as friends. And, yeah, maybe they all came along just because of their connection to Kelly but she loved the guys. They made her life interesting. She wouldn’t have fun like this back on the East Coast. She and her sisters had their own kinds of adventures but the adventures she’d been having out here with them were on another level.
“Do you really think Jennifer 3 could be the girl for him?” Katie spoke up after a moment of silence.
“I think he’s trying hard,” Mickey said slowly, “and he shouldn’t have to try hard. So, as long as we get him relaxed, anything could happen.” She bit her lip, peering past Katie to see Carlos’ and Jennifer’s table nearby. “He’s very sweet. Any girl would be lucky to have someone like him. They just have to notice.”
Shrugging, Katie went to blend in with the plants. Mickey ran her hands over her hair, smoothing down any stray kinky curls, blowing out a breath. She caught James’ eye from across the room. He grinned and held up his hand, wiggling the shaka sign. Their secret way of communicating, checking if everything was okay. She smiled and waved the sign back.
If there was one thing she learned about being around them, everything would work out the way it needed to.
She may as well sit back and enjoy the ride.
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Hibiscus studies some lizards!
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qiuthewhumps · 2 months
A minor annoyance: [11/07/2024]
Stuffy nose / Hate to be sick / “I'm fine, I can work.”
[KLEIO & SHOU] + [ARCHIE & SIMON MENTION (by @whumpbug)] — 837 words
CW: sickfic basically actually, hangover, fever, weed mention
Context: Kleio & Archie got drunk. Shou & Simon got high. Post-night happenings on Kleio & Shou's side. Late posting catching up is so silly (Yuuto i fucking blame you)
“You’re sick.” Kleio mentally groaned as Shou had told him that thrice in the last hour. The words were said as if it was a worldwide revelation—which wasn’t too far since his condition must be terrible for even Shou to notice.
“Shut up,” Kleio hissed out, which was followed by a sniffle. He wanted the ground to swallow him up already. He looked away from his laptop and over to Shou before stating, “I’m well. I’m fine. I can work.”
“It’s not a hangover,” Shou bluntly stated again. Which was fair. Kleio had thought he was just having the worst hangover in his life. But no, it got worse. He had apparently started a drunk fight with Archie about climbing a fridge, so his body was sore and bruised. “It’s not going away any soon.”
But the cherry on top? He actually caught a fever as well at some point. Which led to a stuffy nose and fever that Kleio was stuck with for the rest of the day. Fantastic.
“I’m not even going out. I’m just working on some MEP drawings. Electrical pazaz if you want to be so sure.” Kleio rolled his eyes as he showed his laptop screen which had AutoCAD MEP opened on a 3D project. His eyes hurt from staring at the screen but laying in bed was just worse. “I can work just fine.” He smiled like he still wasn’t still having a headache from the hangover.
“Okay, so what’s the perimeter of a building that has a size fifty by twenty?” Kleio rolled his eyes at that.
“A hundred.” The silence was stiffening. Kleio mentally groaned into his hands after a moment, “Fuck off, you know I’m terrible at quick math.”
“Contrary, I think that says alot about your current status.” Shou kicked at one of the chair’s legs that Kleio was on, making Kleio yelp as the chair shook. “Get off your laptop.”
“Love,” Kleio started, as if using a pet name would make Shou reconsider, “I’m fine. I promise. I can work.” The sniffle that came out of his mouth right after wasn’t very convincing.
“Huh, maybe I should call Archie and tell him that your body is still aching. I’m sure he’d love to apologize and beg for your forgiveness—” Kleio never shut down his laptop so fast at Shou’s words. Project be damned he was not going to deal with a sobbing hungover Archie in his condition. Shou’s little laugh at his action was only salt in the wound. “You… You really can’t handle him crying, can you?”
“Shut it. What am I supposed to do when he starts weeping for no reason?” Kleio huffed as he got off from his chair. His legs felt weak, gods. He almost tripped over Qiu, who was trying to get his attention. He sneezed as the cat stood up on her hind legs, trying to make him crouch down. Kleio eventually obliged as Qiu rubbed herself against his hand. “Not my fault he’s kind of a crybaby.”
“He beat you, his friend, half to death. Drunk. That’s certainly a reason to be crying.” Shou pointed out as he walked over before picking up Qiu to drag her away from Kleio. The cat made a meow in protest; Shou didn’t show mercy as Kleio watched his lover drag the giant mainecoon of a cat away into a different room before shutting the door with a click before Qiu could scamper out. “You have bruises all over you.”
“Yeah? My dad did worse, and he was sober. I don’t see him begging for my forgiveness.” Kleio deadpanned as he heard mewling from the closed door. He looked back to Shou with a sniffle as he stood back up. “Are you seriously going to jail Qiu until I get in bed?”
“You need rest.” Kleio rolled his eyes as he sluggishly and dramatically walked toward the bedroom. He sat down on the bed before laying down, slowly breathing. His vision was blurring as his brain seemed to have caught up that he had—forcibly been—stopped from working. The bed sank beside him as Shou sat beside him, softly assuring, “Just for a bit.”
“We are never all getting high and drunk with Archie and Simon again… Ever...” Kleio muttered as he draped his forearm over his eyes. It was dumb decision on all accounts. Four adults, two getting wasted and the other two getting higher than kites. Something was bound to go wrong. “Shit… Now, I feel the fever and hangover…”
Shou got up, pulling the comforter from under Kleio before covering Kleio with it properly. “I’ll get you some fever and hangover medicine.” Gods, Kleio could never understand how Shou could care so much with also such little understanding of pain,
Kleio curled up under the comforter. Well, some rest wouldn’t hurt after last night. He wasn’t that sick… He could work during the night… Yeah…
He fell asleep before Shou even came back with the fever pills and some green tea.
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beeonthymestudios · 4 months
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I have a pride YCH!
If you're interested in commissioning me for one please fill out my commissions form here
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