#oc muse: himiko minamoto
imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Uehhh... I gotta protect this castle all by myself now!"
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"Ohh, whatever! That's fine! That's fine and dandy! I'll just fight whoever comes through that door!"
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imperishable-prayers · 4 months
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"There's a swimsuit competition going on and I wasn't informed about it?!"
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"People are donning swimsuits..? ..Why? Are they planning to take a dip in the Misty Lake?"
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imperishable-prayers · 2 months
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“I’m more of a ninja shogun, you know?”
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“W-We’re not really samurai… unless we are..?
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“Well, we’re Lady Himiko’s elite soldiers, being second and third-in-command, so… you could call us that..?”
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imperishable-prayers · 4 months
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"It seems that the people of today have forgotten the kind of artillery that samurai used to hold."
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"Fairies!! Bring out the Twenty Barrel Simultaneous Rapid Fire Gun!! (Nijyuu Renpatsu Seihatsu Jyuu)"
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Hmm... Who would I date more... Yuugi or Suika..?"
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"I think I wanna date an oni..." I feel like you've said this before.
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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“Man, more Reimus only came up now?! That means they missed the time where we tried to take over Gensokyo and it was labeled as a new incident!!”
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
A few days after the incident...
The newly-made mountain that Minamoto Castle resided on had actually lowered in height over the past few days, allowing for more visitors to come to the castle. The castle itself has also been getting repairs done after it had gotten badly hurt. A lot has calmed down (although they did have to give back the things their fairies had stolen (they didn't have to give back a whole lot though, since a mouse must've stolen a good amount of it Nazrin)).
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"Gosh, that Reimu lady was so cool! She was stronger than I had realized! How does she do it?!" Sitting at a table with a bowl of rice in one hand and some meat to the side, Himiko retells of her legendary battle with Reimu... to Fuyu's dismay.
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"Lady Himiko, this is the third time you've mentioned that shrine maiden today and your battle with her and it still hasn't raised my opinion of her whatsoever." Fuyu has grown a large hatred for the shrine maiden for having hurt the castle so badly.
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"..." Koyuki feels uncomfortable being near such an angry Fuyu. She was going to eat her bowl of rice and meat when a thought appeared in her head.
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"...Lady Himiko... w-what type of meat of this..?" She decided to ask, to cut in some air that was being lost thanks to Fuyu's glare.
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"Oh, it's chicken! There's also some steak on the side!"
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"...Hmm..." Koyuki has started leaning more towards wanting to get into Buddhism now that she's been seeing Byakuren again... so now she's questioning where and... more importantly how Himiko got chicken meat. Does she have enough reason to believe that Himiko didn't just kill a chicken or something just to eat it, or did she just find it at a shop. She hasn't been all over Gensokyo yet, so she couldn't tell.
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Eventually, she just kinda gave up. "I-I think I'll just eat my rice with the steak instead, thank you..."
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"Oh! Alright then!" Things seem to be... somewhat well for the three now.
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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「Strike Sign: The Walls of Minamoto」
Many arrows would swiftly shoot from her bow, bullets streaming out from each of them as a way to create walls of bullets. Some of the arrows would even bounce against actual walls to make the space somewhat more cramped. When each arrow has done its thing, she'd move around and swing her sword to fling pointy shots that would be aimed toward the enemy, making them have to dodge the bullets within the cramped space that they were in. If those are dodged, then the walls of bullets would expand outward and fly away (would be best to dodge them too), restarting the cycle.
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"P-Please, I hope you understand, Lady Himiko..!" She had already explained the situation to Himiko before even noticing that there were fairies arriving.
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"Aww... Alright, fine, I guess I'll have to protect the castle by myself then..!"
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"T-Thank you!!" Equipped with her gear, she rushed out the front doors... and was met with the sight of armed fairies rushing forward, trying to get in!
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"Oh geez, here we go..." Quickly, a great barrage of blue bullets shot out from her, all moving like rapid water waves.
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Hm... I feel like we're starting to see less and less valuables come in..." She's noticed that some fairies were bringing back less and less things...
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"EHHH?! Really?!" She didn't notice until it was pointed out.
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"Hmm... It's entirely possible that some people are attacking the fairies... I'll go outside and check."
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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“Uwaaaaah..!” Her eyes are glued to the jewelry!
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“Teeheehee…!” She’s wearing some of them and they’re all shaking around, making noise.
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“Ehehehehehe! Tahahaaa!!” She seems very happy!
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Heeheehee! They're already bringing back valuable items!" The fairies seemed to be carrying jewels and gems galore!
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"Hm. She seems happy about how things are going so far."
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"Y-Yeah, well... I'm just waiting for the point where we get stopped and have to give all this stuff back..."
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Mmh... I was expecting more battles to come our way from this..."
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"W-Wait, what does that mean?! Were you TRYING to pick a fight with everyone?!"
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"Maaaan, I wish an oni would come by so we could kick their butt!"
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Hello, did you need anything?" She already opened the front doors, unknowing that the other side of the doors were semi-covered in ice.
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"Yeah! I'm her to beat you guys! Because Gensokyo belongs to the strongest! Like me!" CIRNO??
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"Huh..? Are you sure..? You seem a little weak to me..." She noticed that only made this ice fairy more mad.
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"U-Uhh, alright, alright! Let's see what you got then!"
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imperishable-prayers · 5 months
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"Sheesh, you two are real good at this. I wish I had powers like you two."
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"Hm? Oh, please, you're good enough with your legendary sword and arrows already, Miss Himiko." She was ordering the fairies that they had to fly through the areas and steal whatever valuables they can.
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"A-Aww... T-Thanks..." She had seen Himiko's words as complimentary.
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