#oc koraan buxom
datorchoe · 4 years
Hircine: I’ve brought you all here to play the most dangerous game.
Farkas, nodding his head: Knife monopoly.
Koraan & the Circle: ....
Hircine: I was gonna hunt you for sport, but now I wanna know what knife monopoly is.
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datorchoe · 4 years
*in Sovenguard*
Koraan: Wait, your Jegen? I’m dating your son.
Jergen: Ah! I always knew my boy Vilkas would get a woman with intelligence!
Koraan: No, the other son.
Jergen: ...what’s 2+2?
Koraan: F-four?
Jergen: Shor’s supple asshole, Farkas managed to find a woman with a brain!
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datorchoe · 4 years
Farkas, on a phone call with Koraan: Hey babe, this ‘Neloth’ guy asked if I had any toes to spare and, since I have ten, I figured I’d give him one!
Koraan, screaming: Don’t give him your toes! I’m coming to save you!
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datorchoe · 4 years
Koraan trying explain what mental disability is to Farkas only to have him be like “Man babe your brain is mean you want me to fight it for you? >:(“
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datorchoe · 3 years
Koraan, shaking Farkas awake: Wake up! I just murdered your entire family!
Farkas: B-but I live alone!
Koraan: Wha-then who were all these people in your house?!
Farkas: Theirs people in my house?!
Koraan: Well not anymore! Dumb bitch, you could’ve died!! *tucks him in and kisses his forehead* Your welcome!
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datorchoe · 4 years
Development is Farkas learning how to say telekinesis after falling in love with Koraan cause that’s her favorite spell
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datorchoe · 4 years
Koraan and Farkas: *go to Riften*
Farkas: Hey Haelga :)
Healga: *runs for her life*
Farkas: Huh, I wonder why she did that.
Koraan, who told Haelga that if she ever flirted with Farkas again that she’d tear her eyeballs out and feed them to her:
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datorchoe · 4 years
Koraan: Have you eaten breakfast this morning?
Farkas: Nope. It’s really not that important.
Koraan: *sighs* Hang on. *digs in bag and hands him a protein bar*
Farkas: Hey! This has chocolate chips in it!
Koraan: Obviously. I know how to get you to eat a healthy breakfast.
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datorchoe · 4 years
Farkas: Wow Koraan, your freakin awesome! :D
Koraan, who hasn’t been appreciated in over 3 years:
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datorchoe · 4 years
Koraan, holding a thing of flowers: Babe did you get me these?
Farkas: What? No, it says it’s from a ‘secret admirer’
Koraan: Farkas, your name is poorly scratched out on the back of the card.
Farkas: ...no it’s not.
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datorchoe · 4 years
Cold Nights, Warm Blankets
A/N: BRO, I think the soff fic made me cry more than the sad one yesterday tbh. Anyway, this is about my OC Koraan and her himbo boyfriend Farkas so, your in for it now. Only warnings are cuteness and a lot of dialogue.  
Farkas yawned as he awoke early from his slumber. ‘Shor’s bones, it’s gotta be like 1 am or something,’ he thought to himself. He groaned as he thought about all the sleepless nights he’s had since becoming a werewolf. 
He decided to get out of bed and go get something to eat. He picked up his blanket and wrapped it around himself, not wanting to lose the warmth of it. He wandered up the stairs into the main hall, feeling a slight chill. He looked over at the door that led out to the courtyard and noticed that the door was open. He walked over and was gonna close it when he saw Koraan sitting on the stairs at the very end of the deck. He tilted his head in confusion. 
Farkas pushed the door the rest of the way open, walking out to see what she was doing. He stood behind her, poking her shoulder. Koraan nearly jumped out of her skin, jolting around to see the large man standing there.
“Two moons Farkas, you scared 10 years off my life just then!” Koraan scolded the tall man. Farkas chuckled at her phrasing. 
“Sorry, I was just wondering if you were ok?” He said sweetly. 
“I’m fine,” Koraan said, looking back to the sky, “I just wanted to look at the stars.” Farkas looked up too, noticing how pretty the sky was. 
“Mind if I join?” he asked. Koraan shook her head and patted the floor next to her. Farkas sat down, looking up at the sky in awe. 
“The sky here is always so pretty,” Farkas whispered. 
“It really is,” Koraan said through her lightly chattering teeth. Farkas raised an eyebrow and then chuckled. 
“Ya know,” he said, removing the blanket from his shoulders and placing it over Koraan’s shoulders, “for a Nord, you don’t deal with the cold well.” Koraan blushed. 
“I can’t help it, I was raised in the Imperial City and Elswyer. I like the heat.” Farkas laughed. 
“You get around huh?” he said, running his hands through his hair. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve been everywhere at this point. Of course, this is my first time in Skyrim, but I’ve traveled the continent up until…” Koraan stopped, “well, let’s just say I’ve been by myself for a while now.” 
“Really? Why’s that?” Farkas asked, tilting his head slightly. Koraan frowned. 
“Everyone I know is supposedly dead. They..they were all killed about 3 years ago. I actually came to Skyrim to look for my father, but I haven’t had much luck.” Farkas frowned. 
“I’m really sorry, that sucks.” Koraan nodded. 
“Well, as he always used to say, ‘Shit happens on the way to church’,” Koraan jokingly said. Farkas awkwardly chuckled. 
“Well, if your dad is anything like you, I’m sure he’s alright out there somewhere,” Farkas said. Koraan raised an eyebrow. 
“I appreciate the compliment, but you’ve only known me for like a month now. How can you say that barely knowing me?” Farkas smiled. 
“I can just tell. It’s all in the way you act. When a kid falls down, you pick them up. Or when that giant was attacking, you didn’t hesitate to jump in. Or that time when you stopped Skjor and Vilkas from arguing. I can just tell you’re a good person who knows how to get things done.” Koraan blushed at the compliment she was just given. No one had ever said things like that to her before, and honestly, it felt pretty good. 
“The others don’t quite trust you yet,” Farkas continued, smiling at her, “but I think your pretty awesome!” Koraan’s eyes widened as her heart began to beat faster, blushing even harder than before. 
Farkas looked back up to the sky and yawned. “I think I’m gonna try to get some sleep,” he said hopping up onto his feet. “Good night Koraan, make sure you get some sleep too yeah?” He turned to leave and took a few steps. 
“Farkas,” Koraan said. Farkas looked back. “T-Thank you,” she said contently. Farkas smiled and ruffled her hair before turning to leave. “Wait, what about your blanket?” 
“Oh,” Farkas remembered, “you can hang onto it. You probably need it out here in this cold weather,” he said, peering out the doors of Jorvaaskr. He shut them closed with a little wave. Koraan chuckled, wrapping the blanket around herself tighter, smelling it. 
“Damn you, Farkas, how dare you make me feel this way about you already...” 
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datorchoe · 3 years
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Koraan and Shalidor looking like whole meals.
(But really, I’m so proud of Koraan it’s not even funny. Shalidor looks ok but you can tell I gave up lol)
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datorchoe · 4 years
Random guy: *says something that makes no sense*
Farkas: Ah yes, we understand.
Koraan: No, Farkas that doesn’t make any sense.
Vilkas: She’s right it doesn’t.
Farkas: It doesn’t..? Actually, that makes no sense sir! >:(
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datorchoe · 4 years
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All the information y’all ever get about my OC’s is via memes
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datorchoe · 4 years
Koraan: *looses her mind in the Shivering Isles and tries to eat Farkas*
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datorchoe · 4 years
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Bought myself a Alteration tome notebook in honor of Koraan! Now just waiting on Malacath to get here!
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