#oc konahrik
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the-elder-polls · 6 months ago
Response to the formal invitation :'3 *throws my stupid TES children at you*
(P.S. his story is everchanging as I figure out what the heck is happening in TES lore, but all of the core elements will likely stay the same) SO, his name is Djai. Djai the Curious, to be exact. Djai is a khajiit, more specifically Cathay. I'd like to split the information of him in two parts because his story is very much "before all of that shit happened" and "after all of that shit happened". His story is also very much based on the saying "curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back". He lived in Elsweyr for his first years of life, before his parents sold him along with a familial artifact for many reasons. Luckily, through black market slave trading he actually was "bought" by some rich people, but luckily they had some common sense(Crazy for people in TES, I know) , and they raised him pretty much like their own child. They brought him to skyrim, where he would grow up. When he was a young adult, he "moved out", so to say. He actually just said "fuck all of this shit" and went adventuring. He traveled for a long time, met some people, made some important connections - which led to him joining the collegue of winterhold under a fake/pen name, and eventually becoming the archmage, before he resigned because he wanted to adventure more. Later, he met an argonian woman Wonders-About-Stars, who had grown up in morrowind [Most likely in solstheim.] and only recently arrived in skyrim. They became rivals for a long time, but eventually they became friends and got married. Bought a house in riften and,, happy ending for them both, right?
. . . But something wasn't quite right. Djai wasn't satisfied with this, like, at all. Sure, for some people maybe his life would be perfect but he - he craved new adventures. To do something, rather than settle down and live comfortably. And so, instead of doing that, he started going out almost every day to a cave, or a place he deemed interesting, and also started a collection. . . He also became a lot more paranoid than before, almost always feeling that he was being watched. First it was just random artifacts. Anything that was sort of unique, or appeared unique enough to him was added to this collection. But it soon appeared that this would be quite a big collection if he continued that. So he moved on to rarer artifacts: he only considered items that were very rare, or even legendary worthy of adding to it. Until one day, he came across an artifact that would change his life. Forever. A certain book. . .
From his wife's POV, Wonders-About-Stars woke up one day, just to find her husband gone. Didn't think much of it; He's gone all the time, not a big deal probably forgot to tell he was going on one of his adventures again. But the circumstances of his disappearance was getting stranger and stranger the more she discovered. And the more time had passed. One day of him being gone turned into days, then weeks, and when it was a couple of months - she's had enough, and she left their house. No, she wasn't coming back without him. Or, at very worst, without knowing what happened to him.
Meanwhile, Djai's out there living his best life. He got a patron in the face of Hermaeus Mora. Pros; Acess to funky library dimension, gets to satisfy his curiosity and do a bunch of chores for Mora that are centered around knowledge and books. Oh, also, he now has tentacles, so that's a plus. Cons; he now has quite a monstrous appearance. Being that long in apochrypha + under Hermy's influence doesn't do any good for your sanity or appearance. Another con is that he now has Mora in his head permanently and that's annoying hearing that guy go "ERM, actually" every time you think about something the wrong way. Also some side effects from his time in apochrypha for him are really similiar [I based them on it soo] to the symptoms of rabies in cats. He's also friends with my Dragonborn, Isabella/Abdulamassu [She's a dunmer who lived in morrowind until going to skyrim. No, she didn't live in solstheim. Yes, she did go to skyrim because life was absolutely shit] and her "brother" [Not by blood. Or, to be fair, very very distant relatives by blood, but it's complicated to explain. They've just decided that they're so close that they're going to be brother and sister] Ziikreh, my dragon priest OC who's pretty much a TES version of a boomer complaining about "back in MY DAY!!" because he was dead for, like, a LOT of time and got fully resurrected when the dragons got resurrected [Again, it's complicated, but his soul is connected to the soul of a dragon so when the dragon "woke up" he also did]
They are all my Skyrim OCs!! I have a bit more, but it's already getting long, so I'll wrap it up here.
I also have OCs for Oblivion and Morrowind, but since i'm in the process of playing both games rn I don't know the lore fully, so they're underdeveloped at the current moment!
Just going to spoil it by sayin my Morrowind OC, Ma'eric, is based on my friend's cat. That all started as a stupid joke about how her cat is very similiar to a khajiit, and now I made it real lmao. Ma'eric is a necromancer who isn't sure who he is quite yet, he can't help but feels like someone trapped in the wrong body. Always having to pretend that the body fits him by acting like a different person, when in actuality, it does not. Hm, I wonder what that could be foreshadowing. . .
OH THAT'S ALL SO COOL. hermy mory hitchhiking a ride in my head would also drive me a bit cuckoo bonkers. also the dragon priest's soul being tied to their dragon is SO COOL i love it
fact for a fact: my oc version of konahrik was pledged to vulthuryol, the dragon you find in blackreach
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gortrash · 2 years ago
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Devolved into making low quality shitposts and I have no regrets
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theribbajack · 2 years ago
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"You were born a slave," said Konahrik. "Do you not wish for freedom?" The sightless eyes of the Falmer gazed straight ahead. "My people learned long ago," said she, "that to wish for the impossible would be too much to bear."
Tried a bit of a fancier style for an upcoming scene from my fic Death and the Maiden.
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jiubilant · 1 year ago
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what's more romantic than doing your wife's warpaint
(more about konahrik and grahmindol here)
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salemelas · 9 months ago
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my, my, those eyes like fire
today's warmup, konahrik being creepy
if you like my art and feel like leaving a tip, i have a ko-fi!
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strigital · 2 years ago
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lathez · 3 months ago
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Sujamma the Nix-Hound loves making friends! That's why he wants to learn all about your TES OCs! (Totally not because one of his parental figures is the Daedric Prince of Knowledge)
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Since he's just starting out this week, Sujamma is keeping it easy: he wants to know 3-5 fun facts about your OCs! For Example:
Dove Katherine
Plays the banjo in a bluegrass band
Brews bathtub moonshine
Makes the meanest chicken dumpling soup in all of Tamriel (so she says)
Your answers can be as short or as long as you like; he's just so excited to learn! Anyone can participate, but he's tagging 3 OC's he'd love to know more about: @kiir-do-faal-rahhe's Marigold, @nyarevar's Konahrik Malaar, and @sulphuricgrin's Lilliandra!
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helgiafterdark · 2 months ago
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my oc fraeja, who is haela's companion and aunt to her children. she was priestess of the cult haela was raised in (an inherited position) and one of the few survivors after it was attacked. fraeja and haela fled to skyrim from solstheim with their children and lived in winterhold for years.
as the oldest female child in the line of onikaan, she was raised to become priestess within her sect (similar to a wise-woman or shaman position). she also helped raise haela, who was revered in their culture for being dovahkiin.
during her time in skyrim she assisted haela in finding information on the ancient dragon cult, locating many artifacts and discovering information in the years before the civil war began. she is extremely informed on dragons, and can barely speak any language other than dovahzul (but she has improved enough to teach). she is a very powerful alteration wizard and also a poet. she is a mother to three children and her younger brother is hrafn (father to haela's three older children). she descends from the ancient line of onikaan, a dragon priestess who loyally served the dovah yuvonsahyolos and helped bring their people to solstheim to escape the dragon war.
i have her wearing the mask of konahrik only bc her actual mask is also gold and has a unique shape. it is called onikaan. the greatsword she wields is called smoliin, and her dagger is ensosin.
i love her !
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trickstarbrave · 2 years ago
heyyyy im making a pinned post as that is a feature and seems good to keep info all in one place esp for ppl on mobile
❤️im brave!! or rua works if u want to but brave is by far the most popular name i go by. he/him pronouns
❤️art commissions/art trades are NOT on the table rn sadly. i used to offer commissions and did art trades with friends but for the most part im really busy with work/health conditions. if i have a bit of free time i may change this or make a few exceptions on a case by case basis depending on my schedule. for the most part tho i just want my art to be a stress relief activity
❤️art requests i do take from time to time now, but there is no guaranty i will take it. please do not spam requests hoping i’ll do it and please do not get mad if i don’t do it. they’re requests for a reason. if i am particularly inspired i’ll be happy to get around to it if life lets me
❤️technically multifandom blog i would say, mostly i have been focused on the elder scrolls series lately. you will probably see me rb stuff from like, a bunch of series. if this changes i’ll prob edit this post LMAO (i do not control the special interest)
❤️not just an art blog but also personal. my art can be found in my #my art tag. wips can sometimes be found scattered on my twitter if they arent on here. and writing that i publish can be found on my ao3 (though i have like a million wips that dont get published and be warned much of my ao3 is rated E and not for everyone)
❤️ been doing a lot of oc posting so i can do a run down of them currently for anyone that wants to follow along/know the lore:
/// OCS ///
(under cut)
🌟 Eyja: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. past life incarnation was konahrik, alduin’s head priest, murdered by miraak. uses a bow and magic primarily. story can be found here
🌟 Senna: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. proud two handed weapon user and leader of the companions. fought and lost to the world eater who took her back to his den and make her his partner. proof prophecy can be a complicated thing. story can be found here.
🌟 Baldur: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, he/him. grew up on the streets stealing to survive, and certified trans of gender. fought and lost to the world eater who decided to force baldur to be his champion. helps him take over skyrim. story not yet published but will prob contain a lot of mentions of transphobia as a cw :(
🌟 Ansa: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. orphaned at a young age, and just a weird, feral child. learned to steal, and ended up joining the thieves guild. killed mercer and turned the guild over to karliah and is helping rebuild it when she finds a weird rock that turns out to be a dragon egg. story not yet published
🌟 Ahkrinaak: general elder scrolls oc, he/him/any pronouns. he is based off me as a sort of self insert/persona character purely for comedy, not a serious au. dragon/god who was corrupted in the war with lorkhan/shor and became more so an agent of lorkhan. he spends most of his time pretending to be a mortal and causing problems. he’s just sillay. looks like a falmer/snow elf and nord hybrid making pretty much everyone just in general uncomfortable. dragons dont have gender he just likes tits. divorced with alduin
🌟 Lyre: not a skyrim oc (yet) but my beloved dnd character i have made a million aus for, including one that has turned into a full on novel lmao. will update everyone when i start uploading the novel (its not gonna be too serious just a fun lil webnovel that is pg rate) and you can see me post illustrations for. depending on the AU uses either he/him or she/her. i just think theyre neat
🌟 Anthial: nerevarine bosmer, tired, angry, nb spellsword. he/them pronouns. just wants to cover their entire body until you cant tell what gender they are. vivec never got them the drink he owed them. was convinced as nerevar that voryn never liked them back all that much. had an open marriage with almalexia. this incarnation was emotionless and lacked a moral compass due to the betrayal in their past life.
🌟 Steren: nerevarine, technically. not actually the reincarnation of nerevar, but the reincarnation of nerevar’s son. nerevar never reincarnated bc he was too busy haunting his descendants, too upset to move on. steren has a couple of aus but mostly its him with vivienne the dragonborn who belongs to @mulberrycafe. calls voryn “ata” and nerevar “dad” because he technically grew up in cyrodiil but remembers his first lifetime in bits and pieces where voryn raised him for the first few years.
feel free to send asks abt my ocs i love answering them
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hello! I give you 💌 and 🔥 for Jia and Miraak! 💖
💖ask game💖
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
Jia: Living in Heljarchen Hall, there's plenty of space for Jia to plan a romantic idyllic evening outdoors—she and Miraak are both very attuned to nature, after all. I imagine her baking her favorite snowberry or juniper berry tarts, lavender dumplings, or crunchy bread warm from the oven with some fresh cheese, along with apple juice and later on, ale or wine to drink, she packs them all together inside her basket and plans their picnic! She will spread her blanket on the tundra (in a spot where they can marvel at the Throat of the World) and will demand Miraak to take off his shoes, just as she will, and sit by her side on the blanket, together enjoying their meals and their drinks, talking, and joking with each other... 🥰
Miraak: In continuance to Jia's romantic evening, Miraak will patiently wait for the sun to fall, so he will be able to take her to a spot where the cypresses are so stout and high that they hide the light of the moons and is completely dark. Then, he will ask her to lie on the earth, and they'll look up at the night sky together. The beautiful sparkling stars, Kyne's Lights, the constellations under which they were born—Jia's the Lord, Miraak's the Ritual—and who knows, amidst the various constellations they might be able to discern their own as well, their crescent moon... 🥰
I can see this romantic evening ending up being quite intimate...👀
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Jia: She gets flustered at the slightest compliment she possibly receives (and receives more than she can handle from her Miraak). It doesn't matter whether it's for something in her looks or something she has a skill in doing, such as alchemy or cooking. She receives flattery about anything, and has this exact pattern of behaving: her leg will start jiggling, or she'll start tapping her foot, and there'll be a very noticeable flush, creeping from her chest until her face, and ears, and she becomes as red as her hair, the poor thing… 🥺
Miraak: Miraak is as bad as Jia in being flustered. He is very proud and a bit insecure/afraid to let this be seen, maybe because during his days as a Dragon Priest his face was Konahrik, an expressionless mask, so every emotion was being suppressed, even forbidden to show. But now that he doesn't wear any kind of mask on his face, they all get to see how expressive he truly is, as every single word of kindness, intimacy, and compliment can make him flustered/awkward/grateful, a mix of emotions, really. Besides, the times he's experienced kind words in his life can be limitedly counted, so he receives a compliment/a nice gesture/an intimate touch from his counterpart? His eye start twitching, and his moon-pale cheeks are magically sun-warmed! 🥺
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shout-it-out13 · 3 months ago
My LDB tinkerer/artificer OC is bordering on being an evil genius/inventor thanks to mods and Spiders - I’m having the time of my life (well not downright evil, they’re more chaotic- they mean well - most of the time - but ye they definetly have a few screws loose and their tools via crafting definetly reflects that)
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Meet Eden Vonius (any pronouns, but they prefer they/them). This is them in their Werebear form (thanks to Growl and Refined Werebear Replacer).
I’ve been playing with this mini-build: https://theskyforge.ning.com/groups/tes-character-building/forum/character-mini-build-the-tinker
And been managing a mostly pure Warrior build , with only healing magic allowed - in addition to all the crafting skills (they worship Azura via the Gods and Worship mod, so no soul trapping allowed and she fills their lesser soul gems up once a day).
Because of the War they gained a literal phobia of magic but particular Illusion and Destruction magic - they mostly don’t wish other mages ill, except for Necromancers and Ice Mages (Skyrim is cold enough dammit) but even other mages like Araena Ienth, Erandur, Serana and Miraak are on thin ice)(they don’t like the college at all and had to be dragged there to get the scroll for Dawnguard, and they were out of there asap - Miraak will have to at some point drag them to Saarthal kicking and screaming to continue the Questline in order to beat Morokei, and thus able to claim Konahrik, but they won’t be having a good time - luckily I believe shouts like Fire and Frost breath work on the wall in Saarthal and Labyrinthian.
So I’m basically turning my already traumatised girlie into a triple-war veteran (even though she’s barely coping with losing their twin sister Floria as a teen in the Great War), via the Second Great War mod (is the Empire really worth it Bub? Or are you just clinging to what you have always known was deeply flawed, but to scared to change to consider other options?),(you deep down wanted to jump ship just for the hell of it, but common sense (if you can even call it that) brought you back) and I have now finally incorporated Spider Scrolls (via the Spider Bros Mod) and they’re so fun.
And I discovered now that there’s a Plantable Animals mod (for Albino Spiders and Chaurus), coupled with the LoTD Safehouse Patio Greenhouse and the “Back to the Drawing Board” quest for LoTD to install a Spider Imbuing machine in the Safehouse. And since I have managed to play for a full ingame year, they have an entire chest full of gemstones and the like…
Aka my dumbass (lovingly) is gonna head to Solstheim, get those plans and some spider pods, and then bunker himself in the Safehouse , and grow Spiders that they can turn into weapons to throw on people, during a literal invasion by the Dominon. Mods, why have you allowed this (I say in glee)
Edit: They’re also the Harbinger of the Companions (that’s how they became a bear and discovered that they loved it (in process of getting the Totems even though they lean more towards Tsun as a patron more than Hircine - mostly due to the Bear symbolism and of mourning a lost sibling), and had Aela, Farkas and Vilkas as followers for a while, ditched them at Autumnwatch Lodge (Homebase via Nether Followers Framework) along with Khash and Caryalind a time ago to just strike out with Kaidan and Miraak (worst polycule ever).
And I got the I’m Glad you’re Here mod mostly cause of the Letters dismissed companions can send you. And I recently got one from Farkas saying basically “why have you been gone so long, we’re called the Companions for a reason, come back 😊” , and the Humor of the situation and me coming up with this solution just as I was beginning to bore of this character (in theory, actually having to redo the main quest again drives that away instagly).
Farkas (known arachnaphobe); “why have you been gone/not let us visit? - we’re shield-siblings for a reason”
Eden (got spiders growing in their greenhouse (literally accessible to the public by a staircase from the entrance of the museum): “No reason, no reason at all” (they’re probably gonna change them out eventually, but might postpone the reuniting of them just yet 😅
Edit 2: Also I got the Vicn Trilogy (Vigilant, Glenmoril, Unslaad - that I’m hoping to actually finish in the correct order), and for this one - Glenmoril is right up their alley (artificer stuff like throwing knives via scrolls, Bloodborne inspired - literal Dwemer guns and crossbows) might just be enough to make up for all the trauma they will get, maybe. (Eden, I’m so sorry, but you’re just too good a fit to not drag you through that).
Edit 3: Was gonna add an addition to this post in a joking matter but it turned “sweet” (or at least less downright deranged, hopefully) instead.
Eden, doesn’t want to fight in this War one bit, extremely worried for their (loving and doting) dads back home in Cheydinhal, and has the Nord Courier deliver a hasty message to their family (“Please Be Safe”), tries for once to stay near Castle Dour as possible.
Also Eden: Farming literal spiders holed up in their Safehouse, unbothered (actually very bothered)
-But that’s just their way of coping I guess, and while it’s quite unorthodox (and gross) desperate times call for desperate measures - and the Gallery is just down the street so they couldn’t be nearer while not having to go anywhere to get what they need (they aren’t the biggest fan of Solitude, much preferring more smaller towns, but it more than serves its purpose now) - They’re trying (very stressed, but trying).
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the-elder-polls · 6 months ago
Skoll, my Dragonborn, ended up in the prisoner transport at the start of the game because he was in the process of moving back home to Skyrim from Cyrodiil. Skoll was a history professor in the Imperial City. He was transporting the last of his giant collection of books across the border when he got caught up in the Imperial ambush.
thats a violation of the tamriel convention. source: just trust me bro. i would be so mad. did he get his books back. please tell me he got his books back
fact for a fact: kona learned to read from vahlok after he "adopted" them. that's fine and dandy except vahlok started them off by making them read treaties and laws and stuff along those lines. because he's vahlok and he doesn't know how to be normal
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theribbajack · 1 year ago
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Dinok ahrk Vahdin - 'Death and the Maiden'
Posted this already in answer to an ask but I like how it turned out so I decided to make a standalone post for it :) The sequel to this picture featuring Konahrik and the Falmer in an alternate ending for my fic Death and the Maiden.
Progress GIF below the cut!
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jiubilant · 1 year ago
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konahrik, warmongering high priestess of the dragon viinturuth, and a lesser sonaak whose name was either purged from history or never recorded
in the early fourth era, the antiquarian who came into possession of this forgotten sonaak's mask met his end in the ruins of morokei's once-mighty city; about two centuries later, the relic was rediscovered there by the man who would become the ninety-third archmage of winterhold. konahrik's mask was later found in an atemporal pocket nearby, delighting and baffling historians. the nature of the relationship between konahrik and the forgotten sonaak—whose mask, curiously enchanted, allows its wearer to enter the chamber where konahrik's mask is enshrined—remains a matter of speculation
gefjon (konahrik) is @zurin's character <3
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salemelas · 6 months ago
OC Masterpost
hihi! having to redo this because my previous one got borked, and posting it publicly so that i can link it easier without redirect issues (^^ゞ y'know how tumblr is, etc etc.
warning: this post is very long and has multiple images! (and speaking of those images, this site was used to create the tokens seen below.)
◈ Elder Scrolls
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Rildras Moon-and-Star
Male, he/him
The Nerevarine, Nerevar reborn
Father of Vedyra, grandfather of Vedathyr, son of Nedrala and Azura
Former husband of Dagoth Ur
Husband of Voralen
May be a demiprince, but hates the daedra (and admittedly also the aedra) with all his heart
Sword warrior and destruction caster
Retired to a life of being a mushroom farmer after raising his daughter to adulthood
#oc moon and star (tag is attached to post)
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Dagoth Vedyra
Female, she/her
Scion of House Dagoth and Founder of the reborn House Dagoth
Daughter of Rildras and Dagoth Ur, mother of Vedathyr and Strides-Through-Ashes, granddaughter of Nedrala and Azura
Scholar with a focus on the dwemer, especially their disappearance
#oc vedyra (tag is attached to post)
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Dagoth Vedathyr
Male, he/him
Heir to House Dagoth
The Last Dragonborn
Member (not the leader!) of the Companions, werewolf
Dual-handed warrior
Son of Vedyra, grandson of Rildras and Dagoth ur, great-grandson of Nedrala and Azura
Mercenary much to his pleasure, legendary figure of history much to his displeasure
#oc vedathyr (tag is attached to post)
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Voryn Voralen
Male, he/him
The Sharmat, Voryn Dagoth reborn
Father of Vedyra, grandfather of Vedathyr
Husband of Moon-and-Star
#oc voralen (tag is attached to post)
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Female, she/her
Ashlander exile from the Urshilaku Tribe
Former consort and chosen of Azura
Potter by trade
Mother of Rildras, grandmother of Vedyra, great-grandmother of Vedathyr
No tag yet
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Strides-Through-Ashes | Dagoth Nehota
Female, she/her
Found by Vedyra as an abandoned egg
Shadowscale aspirant, assassin
Adopted daughter of Vedyra, biological parents unknown
Member of House Dagoth
No tag yet
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Dagoth Tsabi
Female, she/her
Found by one of Vedyra's scouts as the sole survivor of an ambushed khajiiti caravan
Vedyra's apprentice for dwemer studies
Illusion and restoration caster
Scholar with a focus on dwemer technology
No tag yet
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Dagoth Nenyael
Female, she/her
Joined House Dagoth after being abandoned as a teenager by her family in Morrowind following a tryst with a dunmer boy that resulted in a pregnancy
Mother of Cyrellas
Vedyra's apprentice for arcane studies
Scholar with a focus on Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora
No tag yet
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Dagoth Cyrellas
Male, he/him
Altmer and Dunmer
Born into the reborn House Dagoth
Son of Nenyael
No tag yet
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Dagoth Dralyn
Male, he/him
Was once a of House Redoran, but was exiled for sympathizing with Vedyra's desire to rebuild House Dagoth; was subsequently welcomed into the House Dagoth Reforged with open arms
Restoration caster
Dabbles in a little bit of every trade that he can get his hands on
No tag yet
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Lyrius | Wades-Through-Deep-Waters
Male, he/him
Hero of Kvatch
Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
Was adopted by two argonian fishermen after his parents died in a shipwreck off the coast of the Black Marsh
Has worshiped Sithis since he was very young, as that his adopted parents worshiped Sithis
Dual dagger fighter
Accidental daedric prince
Lover of Lucien Lachance
#oc lyrius (tag is attached to post)
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Male, he/him
Champion of Vivec
Nightblade, dual-hand wielder nonetheless
Devout believer in the Tribunal
Part of the Thieves Guild
No tag yet
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Nonbinary, they/them
Atmoran Nord
Other names include Hlirlef, Malaar, Silkoraav, Sosaalkro
Dragon Priest dedicated to Vulthuryol
Partner of Miraak
#oc konahrik malaar (tag is attached to post)
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Nonbinary, he/him
Full name is Rhoinuthal Du-Izvunrynn Ryunzcharn Khouthld Krevratch Nchul-Irhabgar Badrunz Anchamgar Chradzech; "Rho" for short
Cousin of Dumac
#oc rhoinuthal (tag is attached to post)
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Male, he/him
Bodyguard of Rhoinuthal
#oc kyzuzgnak (tag is attached to post)
◈ Dungeons & Dragons
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Vesper Dysgeyma
Nonbinary, they/he
Tiefling (Mammon)
Demigod of Umbra, god of the dead and dusk
College of Spirits bard
Lawful neutral
Joined the party to help them kill a despot king seeking immortality, stayed for the food
#oc vesper (tag is attached to post)
◈ Dragon Age
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Talasan Mahariel
Male, he/him
Dalish elf
Hero of Ferelden (main)
Lover of Zevran
Father of Kieran and the glorious Barkspawn
Two handed weapon warrior
Brokered for peace between the Dalish and the werewolves
Sided with the mages
Sided with Prince Bhelen and Paradon Caridin
Saved Connor with the Circle of Magi's help
#oc talasan mahariel (tag is attached to post)
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Andromache Surana
Female, she/her
Circle elf
Hero of Ferelden
Lover of Leliana
Spirit healer and blood mage
Brokered for peace between the Dalish and the werewolves
Sided with the mages
Sided with Prince Bhelen and Paragon Caridin
Sacrificed Isolde to save Connor
#oc andromache surana (tag is attached to post)
◈ Baldur's Gate 3
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Vharis Zhendiae
Male, he/him
Dark Urge
Paladin of Vengeance
Lover of Astarion
Rejected the Urge
Twin brother of Luminara (my boyfriend's Dark Urge, who is not listed here for the reason of not being my OC)
#oc vharis (tag is attached to post)
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Nonbinary, they/them
High elf
Dark Urge
Assassin rogue
Lover of Karlach
Rejected the Urge
No tag yet
Not yet added:
Dragon Age: Garrett Hawke; Inquisitor Athevera Lavellan; Inquisitor Ilrian Lavellan, Rook
Mass Effect: Ariane Shepard
Baldur's Gate 3: Azran, Serene
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strigital · 2 years ago
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