#oc h
harbors-heart · 1 year
i found my tablet and got it working
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woe, ms paint creatures upone ye
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x0xomady · 4 months
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But Daddy I love him !
(based on the song from TTPD)
part 2
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
warnings: smut, p in v, marijuana consumption, oral sex, pet names, 18+
(harrystyles!dealer x female reader) both are 18!
summary: senior year of high school y/n falls in love with the new plug at school.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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i HATE high school.
that might sound stereotypical like i’m one of those emo girls that hates everything, but i’m not. i just HATE high school.
for the first couple years everything was going great. freshman and sophomore year were so much fun. i had a big group of friends and i was pretty popular. i was even dating the cute skater boy! it was literally a teenage romcom like ’10 things i hate about you’.
however, that all went to shit.
the downfall of my teenage years first began when my asshole ex thought leaking my nudes to the entire junior class was a good idea. so naturally instead of standing up for me, my friends turned on me and said i was a slut.
after that traumatizing incident, i learned one thing. high school is temporary so why waste my time on bitchy friends?
that’s the attitude i had coming into senior year and it’s the one that’s kept me going for the last few months.
i stopped dressing preppy and popular because my “friends” wanted me too and i started dressing like i want to.
life is going fucking great now. i smoke weed, go to class, and binge watch gilmore girls. i don’t have to go to those god awful parties on the weekends, i can just relax.
the only way thing going bad for me right now was the fact that my dealer moved away. now i had to find a new one which isn’t hard, just annoying.
from what i’ve heard there’s 2 other dealers on campus. one is a freshman that steals shit from his dad and sells it. the other one is a random british guy that moved here last year.
i’m probably going to choose the new british guy.
so that was my goal for today. i’m going to find the new british guy in my class and buy weed so i don’t die during midterms week.
from what i’ve heard about this mystery british guy is his name is either harvey, harry, or harden. i’ve also heard he’s insanely hot and rejects all the girls that ask him out. although, if we’re being real here, most british guys are hot just because of their voices. so, i’m doubting he’ll be that hot. he’s probably going to have nasty ass teeth and be short.
walking down the halls of the school is kind of fun for me. i blast music in my headphones and pretend like i’m not in this hell hole. my outfit is casual and comfy so i’m honestly pretty confident right now.
as i walk into my first class i sit in my usual seat i see a new guy sitting next to me. i glance at him and can’t remember if i’ve ever seen him before. i don’t think i’ve ever seen him, but i can say for a fact that he is very, very, VERY attractive.
the new guy is sitting back against his chair, manspreading of course, with his headphones in. he’s wearing a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. he looks so casually perfect it’s slightly alarming.
i turn towards the front of the classroom as my teacher begins to drone on about different math equations. however, throughout the 50 minute class, my eyes kept wandering back over to the very attractive boy sitting next to me.
i TRIED to keep my thoughts off of him. i mean, i have completely sworn off dating and crushes for the rest of high school because of the last one that fucked me over.
my thoughts are cut off by the boy tapping me on the shoulder. my mind freezes and i turn towards him.
“yeah?” i try to act all nonchalant and mysterious but i said yeah WAY to quickly and excitedly.
the boy smiles slightly and leans over whispering to me. “do ya get a thing he's droning on about?”
oh fuck. the british accent.
“no i really don’t i'm completely zoned out right now.” i whisper back to the british boy.
he nods and leans back in his chair watching the teacher talk. he is sitting there with his knees casually spread and his arms crossed.
we sit there for another 10 minutes listening to the teacher talk about different functions until he announces.
“alright for the last 15 minutes of class go over the problems on the board with the person next to you.” the teacher points to the problems then sits at the desk so we can all work with our partners.
the boy smirks and turns his head back towards me. “ready to fail together?”
i can’t help the small smile that creeps onto my lips. i usually try to stay pretty unbothered and calm at school, but something about the way this curly headed boy was smiling at me made me a bit giddy.
AND he has weed, small plus.
“yeah lets do it” i nod and we start working on the equations together. he scoots closer to me and rests his head propped up on his arm while i start writing things down.
he watches me write for a second before speaking up. “y’have pretty handwriting.”
i look at him a bit surprised but smile a little bit. blush slowly creeps up on my cheeks as he compliments me. “really? never heard that before.” i shrug.
“yeah never seen someone write their three’s with a curl before. it’s adorable.” he smirks and looks up at me for a second before looking back down at my writing.
i’m about to speak up again but the teacher cuts me off. “if you haven’t finished the problems yet, do them tonight and turn them in tomorrow morning.”
he looks over at me with a smile, “we still have quite a few questions left."
“yeah this is going to take a while.” i sigh looking down at the 32 questions we have to work on.
he turns his body towards me more and props his arm up against the back of the chair next to me. “where do you eat lunch?”
i shrug. “probably in the library today because i have a fuck ton of work to catch up on.”
“hm okay. mind if i join you? we could finish the work then.” he has a small smile on his face while i sit there looking flustered as ever.
“oh yeah sure.” i nod and smile a little bit. “i’ll just be on the couches in the back. come find me.” he nods and we both exit the classroom.
holy shit. THAT was the guy i’m supposed to buy from? i’m going to be needing a LOT more weed than i thought.
throughout all of the drama that went down junior year, i have had one friend remain loyal to me. y/bsf/n and i have been friends since freshman year of high school and have stayed close ever since.
as soon as i walked out of math i rushed to find her. naturally, i found her touching up her makeup in the girls bathroom.
“GUESS WHAT?” i squeal as i burst into the girls bathroom.
she immediately drops her mascara and whips around to face me. “WHAT WHAT”
i smile and grab her shoulders. “I’M EATING LUNCH WITH THE HOT BRITISH PLUG”
y/bsf/n face drops and she squeals excitedly. “OMG I SAW HIM THIS MORNING HE IS SO- ”
“can you guys shut up? i’m trying to wash my hands” a random girl glares at us.
“um no? can you go wash your shit covered hands then leave?” she snaps back at her. the girl rolls her eyes and walks out of the bathroom.
i’m too excited to even care. we stand there for the next couple minutes before class starts talking about what i’m going to do and how to talk to him.
another girl walks up to the mirrors and suddenly turns to us with an “i’ve got gossip” look. “you know i heard he only wears long sleeved hoodies and shirts to school because he’s a heroin addict that’s covering track marks.”
both y/bsf/n and i roll our eyes and shake our head. “that’s a dumbass rumor don’t spread shit like that.” i glare at her.
the girl rolls her eyes and shrugs. “might be true.”
“wait wait pause.” my face drops as i look at y/bsf/n.
“i don't even know his name. the only thing i know is that it starts with an H” my eyes widen in the realization that i didn’t even introduce myself in class today.
“uhhh i think it’s harvey? i’m like 80% sure.” she shrugs and continues doing her makeup in the mirror as i stand there freaking out.
“harvey?! like steve harvey? theres no way thats his name.” i roll my eyes.
“whatever, just ask him! oooh maybe if you guys hookup he’ll give you free weed!” she smirks at me.
“NO i’m not using him for free stuff. that is so fucked up.”
she rolls her eyes and applies her lipgloss. “fine fine. be all moral if you want.” the bell rings and the both of us leave the bathroom. i head towards my english class with the elated feeling of what’s to come.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
by the time lunch rolls around i’m feeling giddy as ever. y/bsf/n had been hyping me up for the last four periods which wasn’t helping my excitement die down at all.
i walk into the library building and walk to the back where my usual lunch study couch is. i set my tote bag and lap top down and get comfy waiting for “H” to show up. if his name is actually harvey theres no way in hell i’ll be able to take him seriously.
after about five minutes he walks over and plops down on the couch next to me. “ready?”
“yeah lets finish this shit.” i nod and pull out my work while he grabs his. “so can i ask your name? i totally forgot to ask this morning.”
he pauses and turns to me with a smirk. “wait you don’t know my name?”
my eyes widen and i try to play it off. “uh… no how would i know your name?”
he instantly starts laughing and covers his mouth. “really? we’ve been in the same math class for 5 months!”
i stare at him in shock and guilt for a second before snapping out of it and smiling. “i’m sorry. i’m pretty zoned out or high during math.”
“yeah i got that.” he smirks and looks at me. “i even know your name y/n”
i feel blush start to creep up my cheeks as i hear my name drop from his lips. is it from embarrassment or being flustered? we’ll never know, but it’s probably a mix. he knows my name? fuck.
“oh i’m so sorry.” i meet his eyes with a nervous and embarrassed look.
“no you’re good. this is only the second time we’ve ever interacted so i understand.” he still has a smug smile on his face. “well my name’s harry.”
“ohh harry? my friend told me something completely different.” i smile. thank GOD i didn’t call him harvey. i would’ve died from the humiliation if that slipped out.
harry smirks and looks back over at me. “wow already talking about me to your friends? good to know i make an impression.”
my face heats up at his teasing words, but i try to play it off. “well it’s not often a british guy sits next to me in math.”
“yeah i guess thats true.” harry nods and leans back against the couch. “i’ve always known who you were. which might sound creepy but i promise it’s not.”
“really?” how would he know who i am? besides math we don’t have anything together. we don’t even run in the same friend group.
“yeah you’re like the hot girl that got trashed by her friends right?”
i roll my eyes. “yeah thats me. i’m guessing you saw my nudes.”
harry frowns and shrugs. “i didn’t look at them myself but i heard descriptions. i’m not a pervert i wouldn’t look at some random girls nudes.”
“okay thank you but, oh my gosh hearing about it is 10x worse!” i groan in embarrassment.
“hey, it’s not your fault. that ex and those “friends” of yours were total assholes for doing that to you.” harry gives me a sympathetic look before returning to the math problems.
“wait. if you’ve been in my class this whole time how have i not seen you before today?” the realization hits me that i’ve never even seen harry in class before. i would’ve remembered if i had, he’s not a face you would forget seeing.
harry shrugs. “i usually sit in the back on the other side of the classroom.”
“oh. so then why did you sit next to me in the front today?” i look at harry slightly confused.
“because you’re pretty.” he smirks at me.
my eyes widen and i blush a little. “oh thank you.”
for the next 30 minutes we talk mindlessly back and forth while working on our homework together. as lunch time comes to a close i remember why i was originally seeking out harry.
“hey i totally forgot to ask, but are you selling?”
harry puts down his notebook and crosses his arms looking at me with a small smile. “hm depends what you’re trying to buy.”
i roll my eyes and give him a look. “i think you know what i’m trying to buy.” harry chuckles quietly and continues teasing me.
“wow what is an innocent girl like you doing trying to buy pot?” he looks absolutely gorgeous like this. he’s leaning back comfortable with his arms crossed. those emerald green eyes search my face with an amused grin. “i think you’re daddy would be disappointed if he knew.”
“oh whatever.” i try to act annoyed but the way he is looking at me right now is intoxicating. “so you have it? because if you don’t i’m going to have to go to that weird ass freshman.”
harry laughs and rests his head agains the back of the couch. “of course i have something for you y/n. except i don’t sell at school so if you want something you’ll have to come over later.”
oh. OH go to his house? don’t have to ask me twice.
“yeah for sure.” i nod at him and play it off with a smile like i’m not internally squealing with joy.
harry pulls out his phone and holds it out for me to take. “put your number in and i’ll text you my address.”
my heart beat speeds up as i take the phone from him carefully. i quickly type in my number and create a contact with my name as, ‘y/n 💞’
a bright smile appears on his face when he sees my contact in his phone. harry glances back up at me and says, “god you’re so cute.”
i blush brightly and feel extremely flustered but i ignore it and nod. “text me your address and i’ll come over after school.”
harry smiles and nods. “alright.” he quickly types something into his phone. i hear a ding from my phone and see a text message from an unknown number. harry’s address is written so i quickly set the contact to ‘harry 🍃’
“cool see ya later y/n” harry nods at me and exists the library.
“bye” i sit there in shock of everything that just happened. he called me cute AND pretty? tonight is going to be un-fucking-real.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
the first thought that comes to every girls mind when they are invited over to a guys house is, their outfit. so that’s where i am now. running around my room throwing shit around trying to find a cute outfit.
y/bsf/n was sitting on my bed telling me different things. “okay don’t wear a skirt that’s trying WAY too hard.”
“i know!” i groan and drop all my skirts on the ground before scrambling back to my closet.
“y/n look. the more you try the more shallow you’re going to come off. so just wear jeans and a cute top.” she shrugs and throws me a pair of my low rise jeans.
“yeah yeah you’re right.” i sigh and put the jeans on with a cute top, and my outfit is ready to go.
“ugh SO cute honey. you’re gonna wipe that sexy ass off his feet.” she claps happily and smiles.
i roll my eyes but smile. “okay whatever i have to go.” i kiss her cheek than head towards the door.
“yay go get high and laid bitch!” she giggles as i leave my bedroom.
harry’s house is a 15 minute drive from mine so i had to leave now if i was going to make it. i hate to admit it, but the gnawing feeling of anxiety and nervousness was finally hitting me.
usually when i’m over at guys houses, it’s very chill and i’m not worried because theres no reason to be. however, this time i’m actually nervous because i’m actually into the guy i’m seeing.
sure we only met officially today, but he’s hot, nice, and he has weed. what’s not to love?
as i drive up to harry’s house and see a decently sized house with a couple cars parked outside. i park on the street and touchup my makeup before walking up to the front door.
before i can chicken out and run away i ring the doorbell.
after a few seconds i hear someone run down the stairs and open the door. there, looking hot as ever, is harry. he’s wearing a white wife-beater tank top, and of course, the heavenly gray sweatpants.
it takes every ounce of self control in my body not to check him out.
“oh hey y/n. come in.” harry smiles at me and opens the door so i can enter his house. i step inside and see the typical suburban house. it’s very clean and there’s voices coming from the kitchen.
“thanks for letting me come over” i look up at harry as he is closing the door behind me.
“yeah for sure. cmon let’s go upstairs you don’t want to meet my parents.” he smirks and nods towards the staircase.
“okay” i nod and follow him up the staircase towards his room. it’s always fun going to other people’s houses and seeing little glimpses of what they’re day-to-day life is really like. it’s easy to put on a persona at school and hide yourself, but at your own home it’s impossible.
harry’s house is extremely nice. his parents have to be doctors or something because this is definitely upper middle class. there are pictures across the walls, awards for each person in the family, and paintings. It looks like harry has a sister… cute.
“that’s pretty.” i say pointing towards the large pairing hung in the middle of the wall. the painting really is beautiful. it was a picture of what looked like the New York skyline at sunset.
harry turns around and looks at the painting and then me. “oh yeah. my mom made that.”
“really? she's talented” i smile and continue following him down the hallway towards his room.
“hm yeah she’s an artist. we have a fuck ton of paintings around the house.” harry shrugs and opens the door to his room with me trailing behind him. “anyways… this is my room. just sit anywhere while i grab my shit.”
i nod and plop down onto the beanbag chair next to his desk. harry hums quietly as he goes over to his drawers and starts rummaging through them. harry’s room is decorated completely with posters, a guitar hung on the wall, and pictures pinned up.
i couldn’t help but admire him for a minute. it really was surprising to me how attractive this man was. theres cute guys, and then theres hot guys… like harry.
he continues looking through his drawers for a minute before pulling out a small paper baggie. i watch him put a couple things into it and then walk over to me.
i take the bag from harry gratefully and look up at him. “how much do i owe you?” i ask while pulling out my wallet.
harry shakes his head and sits down on his bed. “how about you smoke a joint with me and we’ll call it even?”
“really? that sounds like a win-win for me and a lose-lose for you. it’s fine harry i can pay.” i protest while opening my wallet and looking at him expectantly.
“mm nope. sounds like a win-win to me. i get to supply you so you don’t go to that weirdass freshman and i get to smoke with the pretty girl from my math class." he smirks and pulls out a joint shaking it between his fingers teasingly at me. “it’s alright y/n first times on me.” i roll my eyes but sense that he’s not going to give in and let me pay him.
“fine, fine, but next time i’m paying okay?” i never felt good about taking things for free. it made me feel like i owed a large debt to them in the future.
“sure whatever you say, love.” harry shrugs and pulls out his lighter and then pats the spot on the bed next to him. “now get up here with me so you can pay up.”
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ 2 hours later ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
how did i end up straddling harry’s lap? good question! i have no fucking idea.
it started out chill. we were passing the joint back and forth while having a casual conversation. we talked about the bitches at our school, our summer plans, blah blah blah.
it was all going great and chill until harry decided to switch things up. maybe it was the fact that we are both baked, maybe it’s that we’ve had a weird sexual tension since this morning, but it switched up so fast.
it first started when harry made a comment about my lipgloss.
“hm i’ve never had strawberry pot before.” harry smirks and hands the joint back to me. i look at harry confused for a second trying to figure out what he meant.
“what do you mean?”
“i mean… you’re pretty pink lipgloss is getting all over it and it’s making it taste sweet.” he has the most smug look on his face as he leans back against the headboard of his bed.
i roll my eyes as harry teases me about my lipgloss. “quit acting like you don’t like it.”
“i never said i didn’t like it! i was just saying, i think i have some lipgloss on too.” he chuckles and wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. there was, in fact, lipgloss. oops.
i’m too high to even care so i just start giggling at harry’s fake angry expression. my giggling pulls a small smile onto harry’s lips.
“hey! i’m just trying to be a good friend here. you need to moisturize your lips regularly curly.” i erupt into a fit of giggles as harry simply smirks and takes another drag.
“oh you’re such a good girl trying to keep my lips moisturized.” harry rolls his eyes sarcastically and hands me the joint. i take it him from him and take another hit letting the smoke fill my lungs before turning back to harry.
“seriously harry, i’m a great friend. girls won’t kiss you if you have crusty ass lips.” i try to say that with a serious and straight face but i instantly burst out laughing again.
“wow what would i do without you?” he chuckles and takes the joint from me. “you know now that i’ve tasted your lipgloss… i kind of want to taste those pretty little lips of yours.” harry grins and taps his index finger agains my lips lightly.
i smile and shift so i’m sitting on harry’s lap straddling his hips. “that’s fine with me.”
harry puts the joint down on the ashtray next to his bed and rests his hands on my hips. “really that’s okay with you?”
“mhm” i nod and bring my hands up to play with his curls. harry’s green eyes search mine for a second before placing his hand on my cheek. he hums and traces his thumb carefully across my bottom lip.
“such a pretty thing hm.” he smirks and leans his head forward nudging my nose with his. i smile and play with his curls.
“so… can i have a kiss petal?” harry cups my cheek and leans in. without hesitation i lean in and connect our lips. harry sighs against me and holds my head close to him.
i wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss opening my lips to him. harry bites my bottom lip and pulls away for a second. i smile and look at him. “you’re a good kisser”
harry hums softly and kisses me on the jaw making me blush slightly. his hands grip my hips lightly has his kisses make their way down my neck.
“so fucking pretty, you know that? i’m obsessed with you” harry mumbles against my neck. “how did i not ask you over sooner?”
i smile and shift my hips so i’m sitting closer against him, a light blush painting my cheeks. “you should’ve. i would have said yes.”
“hm that right? i’ll keep it in mind.” he smirks and pulls my hips against him. his kisses continue to travel down my neck before stopping at my collar bone.
“lay down for me y/n” he says while kissing my neck.
i roll off harry’s lap onto my back onto his bed. he smiles and crawls over me. he props his arms up on either side of my head. harry looks so hot above me.
“can i taste you petal?” his bright green eyes turn dark filled with lust as he looked at me desperately. i nod eagerly and press my lips against him once more.
“please harry, need you.” i let out a soft moan as harry nips at my neck and travels down my body until he’s between my legs.
“gonna let me see you y/n?” he asks before pulling down my jeans and tossing them off the bed. i nod and watch as harry smirks up at me. his eyes travel down from my eyes to my core.
“so fucking pretty i swear.” he hums and presses a kiss against my clothes center. i moan quietly as his lips travel down my panties before pushing them to the side.
he pulls my panties to the side and lets out a groan as he presses a sweet kiss to my clit. i gasp and hold harry’s hair tightly.
“you taste so sweet baby.” he hums against my clit, sending vibrations up my body. i tug harry’s hair to escape the delicious torture but he just smiles up at me and continues kissing me. his thick ring clad hands holding my hips against his face.
“please harry- ” i whine and press my hips up against him. he sticks his tongue out flat and runs it up my pussy while keeping eye contact with me.
he pulls away for a second and grabs the joint for a second. his lips wrap around it taking a deep hit while watching me sit there impatiently. he smirks and pulls the joint from his lips pushing it between mine. “hold that for me petal.”
i take the joint willingly and take a hit while harry reconnects his lips with my core. i let out a groan as harry sucks my clit between his lips just as he did with the joint.
my body is racked with pleasure as harry hungrily sucks on my bundle of nerves. my hand holds his curls tightly as he eats me like a starved man.
“fuck harry!” i gasp as harry pushes his middle finger into my tight hole. he continues lapping at my clit while pumping his finger into me. the ring resting at the bottom of his finger left a cool sensation run through my body.
“how are you so bloody wet?” he moans against my core while adding a second finger to the mix. my pussy clenches against him greedily as the sensations filled my heat.
harry moves his fingers faster while wrapping his lips around my clit once more. my hips buck up against him searching for the last bit of stimulation needed before i could let go.
“fuck m’gonna cum harry!” i gasp as he speeds up.
“that’s it pretty girl. let go for me, i wanna taste your sweet mess.” he smirks up at me and adds a third finger. this pushes me over the edge, my body consumed with pleasure. harry helps me ride out my orgasm by lapping at my core gently.
he crawls up my body and hovers over me. “i need to feel you baby. is that okay?” he whispers as he presses kisses to my neck.
i nod and wrap my legs around his hips, pressing my core to the front of his sweats. “please harry.”
harry groans and pushes his bulge against me for some relief. “okay petal. gonna fuck you.” he quickly tugs his sweatpants down and kisses my neck. “ready baby?”
i nod eagerly watching him. he sighs and carefully pushes past my tight entrance. my body eagerly welcomes him as i hold onto harrys shoulders tightly for support.
“oh fuck harry!” i groan as he pushes in all the way. he’s much thicker and longer than i thought he would be. my walls tighten against him tightly as he pushes to the hilt.
“so tight and wet for me.” he sighs and pulls back so it’s just the tip left in. harry moves his hand from my wait to my stomach so it’s resting just below my belly button.
as he pushes back into my cunt his large palm presses down on my stomach. at this angle i’m able to feel all of the veins and ridges decorating his cock. a loud whine slips past my lips as harry continues fucking into me.
he quickly brings a hand to hold over my mouth while the other continues to press down on my stomach. “shh i love hearing your sweet moans baby, but we can’t let my parents here.”
he picks up the pace, and the only sounds heard are the obscene squelching coming from where harry is fucking into me. he changes his angle a little bit and my body instantly floods with pleasure as i gasp.
“there it is.” he smirks and continues pounding into me at that angle. the tip of his cock perfectly hitting my spot as i moan into his hand.
harry moved his hand away from my mouth and brings it down to play with my abused clit. he groans as i clench around him and he picks up the pace.
“so- fucking- tight” he groans and pushes his face into my neck to muffle his moans. his hips continue to snap up into my mine while his fingers move quickly against my bundle of nerves.
i’m so overstimulated from the orgasm before this, so it doesn’t take long for my second to build up. “harry!” i whine as his hips move against mine furiously.
“yeah? gonna cum again for me? that’s good baby, m’gonna cum for you.” he moans against my neck and keeps his quick pace up.
my walls clench around his thick cock tightly as my body finally releases. i bite down onto harry’s shoulder gently to muffle my moans. harry groans out and thrusts a few more times sloppily before letting his release paint my walls.
we both ride out our orgasms slowly for a couple minutes. before harry pulls away shakily and speaks. “we’re doing that again”
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
2 months have past since harry and i first got together. it’s an understatement to say we enjoy each others company. as y/bsf/n said, we’re “fucking like bunnies”
if we weren’t at harry’s house, i was sneaking harry in through my window. luckily, harry’s parents were very chill and always let me come over. i’d really grown to like his mom, sister, and dad. my parents however, had NO knowledge of harry. if they did, i’d be dead.
harry and i are currently cuddled up in my bed at 1am. i always had to wait until my mom and dad are asleep before letting harry in through my window.
so, here we are now, wrapped up in each other whispering about dumb things.
“ugh anyways i hate her bitchass.” im currently complaining to harry about a girl in our class that’s being an ass to me.
“me too.” harry whispers back. his arms wrapped around my waist so im pulled against him. his tight embrace comforts me like nothing else. i can almost forget all the shit i endure at school when i’m with him.
“you don’t even know her.” i giggle as harry presses kisses to my jaw.
“doesn’t matter. i hate anyone who fucks with my girl.”
i roll my eyes and smile at harry’s cheesy comments. he pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head. i cuddle into his chest as he starts talking about other things.
“i’m so obsessed with you baby.” he whispers against my neck making goosebumps travel down my spine.
“i’m obsessed with you too.” i grin and kiss a sweet kiss to harry’s cheek. in all honesty it is much more than that. i can feel it, im very quickly falling in love with harry.
“good, because you’re mine now.” he whispers and kisses my neck.
it was WAY too soon to tell harry i loved him. i mean for fucks sakes, i’ve only known him for a few months. he is just one of the few teenage boys that has ever been truly kind to me.
harry and i continue talking about mindless things. both of us are too wrapped up in each other to realize how late it is.
my door is burst open as light pours into the room. i immediately sit up and panic fills my body. my dad and mom stand there looking furious as the see harry sitting there next to me.
“i- uh” i don’t even know what to say in this situation. my parents are NOT easy going people. this is quite possibly, the worst case scenario.
“who the fuck is he?” my mom yells as he sees harry sitting up. my dad is completely dead silent which is even scarier to me.
“i-im sorry- this is harry.” i say quietly.
“harry? oh so you’re bringing random guys into your room?” my mom yells loudly.
“no mom! this isn’t a random guy! this is harry, my boyfriend.” i quickly stand up and stand between my parents and harry. i give harry a look saying ‘don’t talk’
“YOUR BOYFRIEND?” she looks absolutely furious screaming her head off at me. my dad is completely silent and just glaring at me and harry.
“i’m sorry okay? we’ve been together for two months and we really like each other.” my eyes are begging my mom to stop yelling in front of harry.
instead, my dad steps in. “how could you bring a boy into your room? let alone be sleeping in the same bed as him!”
“i’m so sorry. i just really like him and wanted to spend time with him!” harry is quietly watching, not interfering with our argument.
“NO! you cannot see this boy anymore! get him out of my house!” my dad yells and points at harry.
“w-what? daddy please no!” i beg him.
“no! you went behind our backs and brought a boy in our house!”
“that’s because i knew you wouldn’t let me see him! please don’t do this!”
“yeah you’re damn right i wouldn’t let you see him. i don’t want my daughter getting knocked up at 18! you’re not even out of high school yet!”
my eyes prick with tears as i desperately try to defend harry. without thinking, the words slip out.
“but daddy i love him!”
everyone freezes. i feel guilt and embarrassment flood my body as the words spill from my lips. my moms mouth drops as she looks between harry and i. my dads angry face dissapears as he looks at me in disbelief. harry is sitting there with a small smile on his face.
“you what?” my dad looks at me with utter disbelief.
“i- i-,” i hesitate and glance at harry. he looks overjoyed at my words despite the situation. “i love him…”
“you love this kid? why? you’re a teenager y/n! you don’t know shit about love!” my dad says firmly.
fuck it
“yes i do dad! i know that harry makes me 10x happier than anyone else on the planet! i feel so completely happy when we’re together! that’s why i brought him over tonight. i was having a shitty day at school and needed to feel happy for once.”
i let out all my emotions to my parents telling them how much i love harry. “you can’t make me stay away from him! i love him!”
my parents look shocked at everything i say to them. they turn to each other and whisper quietly. i stand there unsure as they talk. harry remains silent as he stares at me with a small smile.
“okay y/n… maybe we’re a bit too strict with you” my mom says quietly. “you’re 18 you can have a boyfriend.”
“r-really?” this was coming from the same woman that wouldn’t even let me have a boys number in my phone until i was 16.
“yes. you deserve to be happy. we’re just looking out for you honey. we don’t want you to make a mistake and end up pregnant at 18.”
i nod and look at them with eyes full of gratefulness. “so i can have harry over to the house now?”
my dad sighs and rubs his forehead before nodding. “just no sex under my roof, okay? i don’t want a grandchild yet.” he glares at harry.
harry nods and finally speaks up. “of course sir. i care for y/n a lot. she’s an amazing person and i plan on taking care of her.”
he looks at my mom and then back to me and harry. “fine. but no more sneaking through the window, got it?” he looks at me sternly.
“yeah of course!” i grin and hug my dad tightly. “thank you.”
“okay y/n… walk him out for the night. we’ll continue this conversation later.”
i nod and pull away. my parents exit the room and head towards their bedroom. i turn back to harry and smile.
harry smiles back and gives me a peck on the forehead.
“i love you too petal.”
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
hope you loved this! i definitely plan on writing more for this story.
(i was a lil high when i wrote this so ignore the bad parts hehe)
- xoxo
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shepscapades · 3 months
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My profile is finally set up for art fight!!! Come fight me >:3
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kkolg · 16 days
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Last batch of A’s subjects, that actually sorta matter lol
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betweenmee · 2 years
You don’t get it, this pain never goes away
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arcadechan · 1 month
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living with a needy, socially awkward, shapeshifting holy beast is always So Much Fun and not at all wild and scary ever
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trustyalt · 1 year
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ok so i will last minute finish another ref. are you happy
Nutmeg my Y nuzlocke starter! Although at this point I'm 1 redesign away from making it my own type of animal
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jacesvelaryons · 6 months
spicy links (pt 3).
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part one
part two
asks OPEN
a/n: this has been in my drafts for a while but i don’t want to change it up too much so if any links don’t work i apologize! let me know if you want to be added to my taglist, and again my inbox is open for requests, comments, and any positive interaction as i love hearing from you guys. 🩷
school and moving has been crazy on my end but requests on top of original content from me should be coming in soon!
let me know if you want me to do more of these (with updated descriptions for each character)
-coriolanus snow
-billy the kid
-tom blyth
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size kink
please me
tied up
after school
in his office
stay quiet
arch that back
in the woods
like that
pretty in black
dolled up
size kink
stay quiet
skin to skin
just the tip
back and forth
come undone
from the side
feel good
nice and slow
high rise
slip n slide
bent over
from the back
take it
me and you
pull it aside
multi tasking
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clownsuu · 1 year
I give you an
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Also I stole this ask just so I can post this fuggin weirdo I made smhh (I raise from the dead just to post an oc again LMAOAOAOAO)
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Hopefully this will be my last one in a long while I can live with 7 fuggin wh characters HHFHFUDJSNKSSJ- well- technically 8 if you include Betsy-
But to keep it (somewhat) short and sweet- my loser- a ye ol Milkman- Zachary Milksop (chronically lactose intolerant) and Betsy (a lil mascot moo sentient puppet)
Another character made almost spur in the moment again (like Mari) though thankfully not another bUG, but just some average human smhh. He’s a really simple guy, a loser, is as interesting as normal milk— he’s just the ye ol milkman who delivers you that gud shid smhh— enjoyer of the finer things in life (lunchables). A lil flirty and charming (in possibly the cringiest way possible) however he doesn’t really seem to pick up anyone besides the local cows that constantly harass him (and eats his pants). He enjoys watching them though, from v e r y m u c h afar——
hes just kinda, “that guy”
Also Betsy- a very sweet woman! She always greets everyone and has the friendliest extroverted personality ever! Always the type to bring (albeit tiny) gifts for her favorite neighbors and always leads when talking to anyone. Not like she would allow Zach to say anything anyway, she hates his polyester guts (and only him smhh)
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kweldas · 6 months
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Wolfric Ehlers, the hapless trooper. in both drawings long before the events of the Festival.
he wanted to do better – got himself into a mess too young to truly understand it, and ruined his whole further life in blind worship. maybe I'll elaborate later.
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froggtogs · 11 days
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older lumi drawings
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dovewingkinnie · 7 months
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i cannot stop drawing them im cursed
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nebuladreamz · 3 months
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alsoika · 10 months
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Another round of these because the tism took over tonight.
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arcadechan · 1 month
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The Fool Supreme, Witch at the Open Door; Greased Hinge, Charter Delgado. She's partially blind, has a magical affinity for doorways, and is t4t married to a woman named Willowjay Utah. She serves the coven of M.F. Dogwood, home of the Fool.
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hains-mae · 1 month
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My OC has been gaining popularity on Tumblr lately, so I thought I’d make a nice little post of him. For those who don’t know: Jasper is the son of Beastboy and Raven in my timeline of Earth 22.5 (aka: Starlight Universe). His powers currently are shadow travel and manipulation. He can also conjure up an army of shadow animals to fight for him~
It’s incredible to see what had started out as a commission blew up into something the community actively talks about, I’m grateful for it 💚 thank you.
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