#oc char
kirric-the-fan · 3 months
magical girl design idea:
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She's your typical black and white emo and quite reserved girl normally, who is always wearing a snood/buff/neckscarf thing as a civilian, with it covering her chin most the time.
When she first got powers, her teammates were excited to see what sort of magical girl she would blossom into, what she would be like without the scarf, and then, um...
they got this. Which is a lot more floral and colourful than she is normally, but still quite reserved for a magical girl.
When fighting she gets a lot of lacy bow 2d punch sheets like the outline that seems to float behind her.
When she speaks in transformed form, it is always muffled. This includes all her attack phrases. Which means there's a lot of: Magical girl: "MmmMm-mm Mmm-mm."
Villain: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
Magical girl: "MmmMm-mm Mmm-mm!"
*Villain gets nuked by the power of love and a thousand rainbows*
She probably has some sort of linked fairy companion that does most of the tough-talking when transformed, with her occasionally agreeing.
One time in civilian form she dresses up smart, suit etc without the scarf, and none of her teammates recognise her.
She can blush through the scarf btw. Which happens. A Lot.
This is was based on vv btw (Hime/Cure Princess ninja dress-up form). I was reminded of this recently, and on the back of my Big Bow stuff (is vv diff char tho), my head went "what if..?"
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vex-bittys · 1 year
Could Char please get a Corny and a full sized Chain?
*Char thought today would be a good self-esteem day, but the longer she's in public, the more self-conscious she begins to feel. Today is an important day; she's finally going to adopt some lamia bitties ... but there's a nagging doubt in her mind that the lamias might be put off by her scarred appearance. She approaches the desk where a Corny perches atop a stack of papers, thinking that perhaps some self-deprecating jokes might be just the thing to put her mind at ease.
*"Any lamias here interested in damaged goods?" she starts, but the Corny makes his own joke before she can say anything else. "damaged goods are fine; it's damaged bads we dislike," he comments with a cheeky wink. With a blip, he teleports to a perch on top of her head, rolling himself in her curly hair like a very unnecessary curler. He can feel the smile and laughter as it vibrates through her body.
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*He'd been reading and re-reading a matchup request for a person named Char, and he's sure this is her. She definitely needs a Corny in her life, and he thinks he fits her needs. He launches another pun to further test their compatibility. "how does the rabbi make coffee?" he asks, and Char calls out what she thinks is the answer: "He-brews it!" but the Corny gives his own deadpan answer that has her good eye tearing up with mirth. "nah, he's a busy guy, he gets it at Star-(of David)-bucks."
*The Chain behind the front desk can't wait another moment. His Corny friend wanted to meet Char first, so he agreed to wait. He's done waiting though. He wants to tell Char just how beautiful her SOUL song is to him. He pops up from behind the desk, startling her, but she doesn't stay startled. Her SOUL and his are compatible, and being near him reassures her on a very deep level.
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*It isn't just the SOULbond settling that comforts her either; it's impossible to resist those deep orange eyelights when they're staring at her with such open adoration and acceptance. Coming to the Lamia (and Felid) Bittybones Adoption Center is the second best decision she's ever made. The best decision is, of course, adopting the two lamias!
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themagickingdomrp · 10 months
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Catarina Percival/Kit ▪ 30 ▪ Demi-Girl ▪ She/They ▪ Emeraude Toubia ▪ Unaffiliated ▪ Taken
Triggers: Mental Illness, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment
→ Past 
Catarina Cheshire was a sad little girl who wanted to be loved. Unfortunately, she never knew who her real parents were and her adoptive parents were absent at best. The only reason they seemed to take her in was because she could shapeshift into a cat, like her adoptive mother. Catarina's parents disappeared when she was young. That was how she and Pete ended up in Wonderland. It seemed perfect, at first. Fluid genders, powerful magic, many others without parents. They fit in. Unfortunately, the land soon made Catarina mad and Pete was forced to flee due to the queen. Catarina soon forgot her name, but she was given a new one by a boy her age. Knox found her in her cat form one day and mistook her for a stray kitten. He called her as such and, over the years, it became shortened to Kit. Kit didn’t know quite when it started, but her heart would beat a little harder in her chest every time she was in close proximity to Knox. She loved him. He loved her. It should have been simple. Instead, he ran off and married the Queen of Hearts.
→ Present 
Kit became a thorn in the Queen of Hearts' side. When Alice came to them, Kit was all to eager to guide her. The queen never liked anyone taking the spotlight away from her nor anyone who didn't follow her arbitrary rules. Anything that ruined her day brought Kit entertainment. Kit continued to love Knox, but it was easier to pretend she never cared for him at all. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. When his coup failed, Kit was somehow dragged into the entire situation. So, for the first time in a very long time, she left Wonderland. Though Kit does occasionally enter Wonderland (after all, it's hard to resist the temptation of a good bit of chaos), she mostly remains in the above world now. However, the longer Kit remains there, the more she starts to remember her life before Kit.
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ktzart · 9 months
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rented room
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solar-sparky · 5 months
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Escape Phase
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frm9pm · 9 months
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Post war recluse Harry who does interviews once in a while to get the public to leave him alone and is completely unhinged
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wildmelon · 12 days
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chocodile · 24 days
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More ref sheets for Art Fight! Couldn't go another year without Alex getting one.
(My username there is Skitty, by the way!)
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indorak · 10 months
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Pet the kitty!!
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doli-nemae · 3 months
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"I want to be your guide
Into the afterlife
It's a gift, look past the pain like I do
I want to see your eyes
Just before your demise
When only fear remains inside you"
- "Remains" by Aviators
(lasombra Deacon and tzimisce Viktor belong to @clericnortke !!)
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themagickingdomrp · 10 months
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Tootles (Formerly Marta Darling) ▪ Late Teens/Early 20s ▪ Genderfluid ▪ All Pronouns ▪ Victoria Moroles ▪ Lost Boys ▪ Taken
Triggers: Gender Dysmorphia, Attempted Murder Sorta (The Whole Wendy Situation)
→ Past
Marta grew up hearing about her father’s adventures with Peter Pan. Though he’d grown up and become a judge, Marta’s father wasn’t afraid to tell his six daughters of his time as Tootles in Neverland. Of all his children, Marta was most fascinated by Peter and adored every single one of his stories. She was the second youngest and had a tiny crush on him as a child, one brought on by how highly her father spoke of him. Though she grew out of that, she never stopped dreaming of the adventure, as she missed everything due to inheriting her father’s poor timing and ruined the few interesting things that happened to her with her lack of coordination. Marta’s only real skill seemed to be in marksmanship, practicing with her slingshot and bow and arrow whenever she could. Unfortunately, the threat of adulthood slowly loomed nearer, meaning there would be no more time for the things she loved. Aiming rocks at windows was definitely not very ladylike, something that she was told to be her entire life. The truth was, Marta wasn’t even sure she felt completely like a girl. Sometimes she felt like neither a girl nor a boy, sometimes she felt like both, but those weren’t thoughts she could bring up to anyone. Marta was supposed to be a devoted daughter and that was what she had to pretend to be. She felt doomed to live a lie until Peter Pan appeared at her window, looking for her father. With her little sister not at home, Marta was the youngest in the house. So, he took her to become part of the Lost Boys.
→ Present
Tootles is always willing to stand up to Peter when they think he is doing something wrong. It’s not difficult, since they prefer a discussion to any form of physical violence. Despite the incident where they shot at Wendy, the two have become close. Tootles even apologized profusely for the entire incident. Aside from Peter, Wendy is probably their closest friend. They are deeply offended if anyone ever calls them a Lost Girl for many reasons, but mostly because they are a Lost Boy, thank you very much. Though they are genderfluid, it is a title all their friends have and therefore, they should have it too. He occasionally spends his time looking for marbles since he once remembered losing something that started with the word “mar”. One of the boys suggested marbles, so she started developing a collection of them, though she tends to misplace them. In reality, she was remembering the beginning of her name. It is the only symptom she has shown of the curse fading. Much like his original self, Tootles still enjoys stories. They often listen to Wendy, enraptured, just like the rest of the Lost Boys. When Tootles finds herself alone, she either practices her aim or tries to go on adventures of her own. They have even found a secret hideout that they plan on keeping all to themselves. It beats getting left behind. Again.
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pioripan · 2 months
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Minecraft OC reference!!!
Aconita! A human player living what's basically a villager's life. Not a fighter and not the bravest soul out there, but she makes up with sheer determination to be kind to people she meets.
She lives in a village with her adopted dad, also a farmer. Though it is not her first home, its the most loved.
No one knows where she came from, it's best to leave it that way.
Reblogs > Likes!
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raystarkitty · 5 months
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Fun with friends!
Feat the ocs of @seanimal @vuiu and @mahouknightdrabunwolfcat :3
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ktzart · 3 months
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all this and the bathtub is completely dry.
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solar-sparky · 7 months
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Celebrating my character's birthdays like a normal person, happy 1 year to my 3, 4, and 8 :]
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holly-bearie · 9 months
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khaleel's outfit for @tzimizce's Palla Grande prompt!
he didn't go wild and fleshcraft an outfit (he's Lazy and prefers watching his ghouls scramble to assemble outfits For him), but he did give himself three new Ethically Sourced tiger eyes (he fought the tigers for them).
making a cool outfit?? nooo. messing with his own Ocular Nerves for a statement piece? absolutely.
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