#oc - viveka
madameoni · 2 months
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She got her wings! 🦋
My Azata knight commander, Viveka. A dhampir witch turned fairy, an appropiate level of chaotic. I wanted to update her profile pic since she has changed so much.
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callistometry · 5 months
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Lots of ponies ^w^ (or well... not ponies LOL)
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defira85 · 6 months
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THINGS I HAVE LEARNED FROM TODAY: I can't draw dragonborns. Maybe if I had more than 45 minutes per pic I'd manage better but my thumb hurts. I tried to do some stronger shadows and unnatural lighting shots this time to give myself more of a challenge after yesterday
I'm sorry to @tiefighter @anarchyinplasma @maeglinhiei and @memaidraws for inflicting my particular brand of creative violence on your children. I'm not sorry to @garret-spork because he did this to himself by handing me a dragonborn
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shannaraisles · 5 months
Come To Me - for @memaidrawsmaidraw
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For the ever patient and lovely @memaidraws, who has waited a long time for this and been an absolute star. Thank you, darling!
Come To Me
The city is quiet today.
Fitting, that it should be. After all, had the people of Baldur’s Gate ever truly elected an Archduke freely and of their own will? Yet here he stood, about to be given that honour and be named Archduke Enver Gortash ... about to take hold of the power just within his grasp and finally set in motion the final act of this narrative. 
A day long in the coming, yet none too soon given the varying spanners being thrown into the ironworks of his plan. No ... their plan. Oh, yes, he knew she was out there - his favourite assassin, his partner-in-all. Orin really shouldn’t have let that slip to him. Until that moment, he had expected to have to wrestle control of the Netherbrain for himself alone once he finally skinned the pathetic braggart who had killed his love. But now ...
A slow smile coaxed the corners of his lips into an upward curve, unnervingly soft for anyone who had not known him when he was at his lowest. With Ketheric dead, Orin was already pushing her luck, and now she had informed him she was not his only option. Such a witless little fool she was, so devoted to the gore and bloodlust of her god that she forgot her own mortality. He would enjoy unlocking the keys to her destruction at the hands of the woman she thought she had defeated. And once that was done ... he would have his love returned to him, his partner-in-all. His Archduchess, dripping in blood. Just as he liked her. 
The dukes and nobles were watching him, both respectful and wary. They all knew of the unrest in the city, unwittingly stirred up by the Prism-bearers as they entered and began to explore a city that remembered most of them. Perhaps the dukes even knew just who the leader of that wayward band of adventuring heroes was. Perhaps they knew how dangerous it might be to cross her now she was returned to the Gate. 
There she was, right on time. She never could resist an invitation from him, even now. And, gods, but she was a sight to behold. Sharp features unsoftened, unashamed of that deadly jaw and piercing brown gaze, dark hair his fingers itched to tug at pulled taut into the braid he had used in so many interesting ways during those early days of their all-too-brief alliance. Her armour was stained with blood, no doubt horrifying those nobles who never used a knife for more than cutting their meat at table, and her eyes ... her eyes burned. He knew that look; that curiosity, that demand, that need to know that he could use to lure her in once again. All that was missing was the familiar arrogance of her lust as she looked on him, and that, he knew, could be kindled anew. 
“Ah, Viveka,” he declared, moving to greet her. “It has been too long. Welcome home.”
He could have laughed at the outraged surprise in her eyes; clearly, she had not considered that she might be known by the people she was meeting in the city. Orin truly had scrambled her mind, but not so much that she had not come home to him, not so much that she was not still the deadliest sword dancer he had ever known, the bloodiest death-dealer he had ever had the privilege to witness. Reports from across the Coast had shown him all too well how little her talents and skills had abandoned her. 
As they spoke, as he explained the plan she and he had concocted together, the plan that could still become reality, his gaze flickered to her hands, to the long fingers he could almost feel on his skin once again. His mind’s eye drifted over her, removing layers of leather and metal and cloth, remembering the glorious sight of her arrayed before him, lost in lust and perhaps learning something more even as he showed her what it was to truly be worshipped as the goddess he intended to make her. He heard in his mind’s ear her cries of shuddering ecstasy, the surprise, the delight, the crowing need for more. He recalled the heat of her mouth on his, the sharpness of her teeth on his skin, the aching vulnerability he had shown her and finally coaxed her to show to him. The softness hidden beneath the bloody armour of Bhaal’s Chosen that had been her downfall. 
Anger surged in him as he recalled again how Orin had boasted and bragged of the death-dealing she had given to her sister; of the torment and torture that had only been possible because he had drawn from Viveka a feeling she had not known she was capable of. If she had not been so distracted with considering ways to kill him for making her feel that, she would not have been such an easy mark for Orin’s selfish ambitions. He would not allow that to happen again. This time, Viveka would deal with Orin first. 
And just like the dark-haired siren he remembered, words were not enough for her to be convinced of his sincerity in offering this alliance. Her eyes, almost golden-touched in the afternoon sunlight, travelled over him, examining every facet of his face and form, reading him as intuitively as she always had. Some part of her recalled, it had to. Why else would she be giving him the time of day? And if there was a chance, however small, to regain what had been lost, then he had nothing to hide. 
Let her see the loving lust in his eyes, the wetness of his lips, the clench of his hands. Let her note the way he leaned toward her just enough, the way he almost snarled as her male companion reached to get her attention. The possessive desire that flared hot in his gaze as her eyes locked with his ... and let her feel it as an echo of that same yearning need ignited the suppressed sparks within her. 
Let her swallow down that sudden desire to touch and be touched, to feel pain and pleasure combined in the arms of the one man whom she could ever truly trust with her heart, her mind, and her body. Let her burn as he stepped back, bowing to her with seeming indifferent politeness, extending a further invitation to enjoy the party. 
Had she not been removed from him, she would have been at his side at this party. Let her imagine that as he mingled among the great and the good of Baldur’s Gate, careful never to fully lose sight of her. He made a point to catch her eye often enough that she could not take her watchful eyes from him, noting how her interest surged each time he paid a little too much attention to other dark-haired beauties in the room. He had not thought he would be able to kindle her longing so easily, but surely this was what he wanted? Her thoughts to revolve around him until she was mad with longing; Until she would do anything for him, as he would for her. 
Oh, how difficult it was to ignore her, to mingle and charm and be the warm, strong leader these dukes and nobles thought they had elected to his position. To be the centre of attention when all he truly wished was to slip away with her, to the library, to his study, to a closet, and show her once more how good they were together. It seemed an age that he had to make nice with these people, all the while feeling the Netherbrain pushing against his grip, feeling her eyes on him. 
But it was necessary. Even he knew these things could not be rushed. She had to wallow in the feelings he had roused, discover for herself the true treachery of her sister, bathe herself in blood and Bhaal’s favour. She had to walk the streets of the city they had planned to take, reminded of him with every turn she took, every Steel Watch she saw, every toast raised in his honour. She had to learn that the burning within her could only be quenched by one decision alone. Only then would she be ready.
Only then would he send her a missive with three short words, certain that she would not be able to refuse. 
Come to me.
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aevallare · 9 months
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there's no hexblood option obv but this is viv just imagine my girl has an antler situation
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halogeist · 23 days
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memaidraws · 7 months
For Viveka - ❤️ (positive traits) and 🐉 (favourite mythical animal, you know I've gotta ask that when it's the dragon just like a certain tyrant's favourite)
OC Asks
❤️ 3 positive traits
Viveka is loyal to a fault. If she says she's sticking by you, she means it (which makes her later revelations oh so delicious to explore). Viveka is practical and rational. She's not great at "reading the room" per se, and doesn't see the emotional side of things. Things are either logical or illogical, they either have a solution, or don't. You can tell Gortash was the more creative innovator in the relationship, and she preferred it that way. Finally, she's a determined bugger (even though many people who dislike her would call that stubbornness). It ties back with the loyalty aspect, she will see things through. She doesn't talk for the sake of talking and does not make promises she doesn't intend to keep. Home girl takes it as seriously as a paladin's oath.
🐉 Favorite mythical creature
You're right to say it's dragons ;) Power is alluring and she's not shy to admit that she's attracted to it (anyone who says they're not are either stupid or lying). But it's also just how malleable dragons are for symbolism-- they can at once be noble and brave, but also tyrannical and merciless. Most people believe in either camp, Viveka thinks there's truth in both.
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usernameproxy · 4 months
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working on designing a new dnd character. her name is viveka bell veileyes and she is a paladin of the oath of redemption!
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berryblu-arts · 1 year
Forgot the most important doodle from that last post:
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Very serious, very professional, you can just feel the emotions-
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djfatchip · 2 years
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V’s I created in Cyberpunk 2077 thus far!
Only 1st V, main V, has playthrough finished! :D Anyone else make OC’s and don’t finish their playthroughs? No? Just me? xD
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statuesquueart · 1 year
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end of term art dump! (technically a mid-exam week art dump, HOWEVER when i initially posted this on instagram it was the end of term, sue me)
characters under the cut! (please click for better resolution! tumblr eats the quality apparently)
elwing the white, the silmarillion (specifically, i think, from the one with all the birds by @clothonono)
tabitha minci (mother of lisa minci), genshin impact (an oc from the wind rises by @sword-dad-fukuzawa)
the base sketch of my silmariën and isilmë piece
dress ideas based on aredhel, eärwen and finduilas, the silmarillion
my genshin impact oc, viveka kaldr (5 star cryo sword, the 12th fatui harbinger)
the honourable miduchi tané, from the priory of the orange tree by @sshannonauthor
four of the ladies of the valar (nienna, varda, nessa, vairë), the silmarillion
my star wars the old republic oc, isaalis amavane (sith inquisitor assassin)
padmé motherfreaking amidala, star wars (my beloved!)
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madameoni · 2 months
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Viveka - dhampir, scholar, and stigmatized witch.
I'm playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Let's see what happens.
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potionboy3 · 9 months
oc asks: character design edition @cursed-herbalist thanks for the ask!
for jimmy crouch, alexej kavinsky & viveka raeburn
at first glance, what stands out most about your oc's appearance? what's their distinguishing feature?
with jimmy i think the first thing one would notice is his expression. he rarely looks at people in a welcoming way. but his fluffy hair is also a good option cause sometimes that hides part of his face!
in alexej it has to be his height... specially if he's standing next to people. he's a funny little guy. but i do think his eyes are also a thing to notice, they're very captivating.
for viveka i feel like it's the eyes as well. they're just very bambi. but then again also powerful gaze??
how does your oc act while still? are they fidgety? do they have any common gestures or tics? does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
jimmy can be very restless and anxious and it can be hard for him to be still. he also has some back pains and is often sitting and standing in a bad posture. it's hard for him to find a good position. if he's focused on something then he can be very still though. clothing doesn't really affect his stillness.
alexej has his durmstrang background which taught him to be in a good posture and still. it kinda sticks to him even when he's alone and not under orders. even when he's relaxed he's mostly still. his calmness was one of the reasons why he met knusper and befriended him.
viveka gets impatient quickly and is usually tapping her feet to a level where it can get annoying. if anyone else would do the same thing she would absolutely tell them to knock it off though. she doesn't like to stay still and would rather be doing something useful but secretly she kind of wants to learn to enjoy being still and just relax. her outfits also make her look much cooler when she's on a move than when she's just standing still.
does your oc have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? what is it? what's the meaning behind it? do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
for jimmy it's his stupid hat 😂😂😂 we love to hate on it. but let's also give appreciation to black converse (jimmy 🤝 dawn) and his leather jackets that jupiter steals borrows. but like most beloved thing is that hat. but what is the story behind the hat??? where did it come from???
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alexej loved his mothers old buckle ring but he did give it to sydney. for clothing, he loves warm jumpers and big blazers.
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viveka loves any type of black clothing that's flowy. flowy pants, suits, dresses, capes etc. her patrnous is a runespoor and she was in the slytherin house so she has always loved snake shaped jewelry as well.
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camotherogue · 3 years
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Wow, two posts in one day!
Figured I’d set a lil project for myself for Pride this year and make pride icons for all my ocs! Which is...a big project, but I’m gonna have fun with it!
The flags, top to bottom and left to right: Genderfluid + Pansexual; MLM (Man Loving Man); Butch Lesbian; Lesbian
I thought I’d start with my characters for M:NTW first, had tons of fun doing the lineart!
I may add these to the commission sheet soon as well so keep an eye out!
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thestory-tellers · 3 years
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Weekly Doodles ‘21 11
Viveka! Iris’ little mouse ballerina that she said we could borrow for Rose’s nutcracker story
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aevallare · 4 months
Hey I got a question. 🙋‍♀️ How do you come up with the names for your OCs? I got a handful of them and I swear coming up with a name for them was so hard compared to actually making the character backstory and design. I tried baby name websites, I tried google translating meanings for words that might relate to the character. Funnily enough I ended up with the name Sienna for my artist character because I glanced at a colored pencil of the “Burnt Sienna” hue. I was just like huh I guess that works. Is there a secret? Am I overthinking it? How did you come up with Aurora and Viveka?
hi!! it very much depends on the character for me and how i'm feeling that day. if we take auri, for example (the original auri, the d&d character i never played), her name was aurelia, and the reason was simple.
aurelia means 'golden' or 'the golden one' and she looked a lot like rapunzel as depicted in tangled.
she became aurora for narrative purposes - astarion's whole bit about 'lights in the blackest sky.'
other names i use baby name sites or name generators, but it's rare that i'll use a name as it comes. i'm more likely to frankenstein names together. viveka came about this way. she was 'vivienne' combined with 'anneka.'
i have all kinds of anecdotes about choosing names, though. julien from pour one out? his name is ripped from the carly rae jepsen song entirely lol. he was this princely type that auri thought was irreplaceable. she was willing to forgive anything because she was just so lucky he'd chosen her, she felt. it's a bit of a bastardized read of the song on my part, but that was the logic hehe.
sometimes i steal character names from other media. something original i'm writing currently stars a character whose name has been lifted wholesale from league of legends.
but sometimes names just feel right, though that's rare. that's how we got amar and rhys. :)
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