#oc 'dusa
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artofthero · 2 years ago
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this sad pastel gorgon boy showed up in my dreams a while back. i think his name was 'Dusa
click for a better view - i don't think tumblr likes the blur filter i put over this l ol ( ; >>)a
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catboymoments · 3 months ago
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I’ve been meaning to work on Alek’s stepmom for a while now and today her design just (pop) came to me!! Appeared in my head!!! This is Hissabeth and she’s doing her best. I love making ocs for the boiling isles it’s so fun
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sarahs-malewives · 11 days ago
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my hades oc, Styx! she and Meg are a little 🤞 lol
uhh she’s the oceanid of the River Styx, and the goddess of hate
here’s a draft of her items, I’ll clean them up later lol
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lisanastudiosstuff · 5 months ago
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I recently got into the Hades game, and I watched a group called 'Drawfee' create god/Hadesonas. I couldn't help but create my own.
I was originally going to make myself the goddess of protection and security, but given how this is Greek mythology I found out there's already a goddess in that area: Soteria. Then I came up with a few ideas. One idea was to go with the Circe route where I'm half goddess from Soteria, the other idea is where I have been blessed/cursed immortality from her to protect the sanctuary.
I went with colours from my current avatar, somehow I ended up using Zagreus' palette but mix it with gold and cool colours for the accessories.
How is it? What kind of God/Goddess would you be?
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grozva · 3 months ago
oh how i love my low res pixel creations
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thought about posting these a while ago but forgot shksjksjkk. all are other people's ocs except for the third image liette belongs to @/tamachan221 min-ji belongs to @/plantdonut
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cannibalhousewife · 2 years ago
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Second thing done up for Mer-May !
My Hades OC, Ceto, gushing over her daughter Dusa! 
★ Commission Info ★ Art Twitter ★    
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thetunashop · 10 months ago
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Small something for mermay :0
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liviavanrouge · 1 year ago
Livia's most loyal Servant
Livia: *Walks to the throne then turns and sits down*
Shadie: *Meows, laying at her feet*
Livia: *Whistles*
???: *Lands in front of her in a kneeling position causing to ground to shake, their spear tip sticking in the ground*
???: *Stands up and pulls their spear out*
Dusa: *Bows his head* Yes, Princess?
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198
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auroragehenna · 1 year ago
Commision writing
CW/TW: Angry whumper, smartass whumpee, stabbing, threats of further torture, torture, implied fantasy racism, charming, DND whump Word count: 1'077
„I just like to wear them since I got them from a quest with a giant and a halfling. But I don‘t really need them. Everything below me though…They’re tiny. Definitely more necessity than fashion accessory. Well then, I have to go, safe travels.“
Fae didn’t notice the hooded figured following her out of the tavern. She walked towards the forest and quickly steered to follow a dirt path through its midst.“
The hodded figure, so long quietly following her, now bolted forward and tackled the young woman, using the element of surprise to drip a near-shining blue liquid from her fingertips into her mouth.
Fae let out a startled yelp as she was tackled to the ground. Her head hit the grass with a thud and the air getting knocked out of her lungs causing her to gasp and gulp down the poison.
„Aww what happened? Imp got your tongue?“
„Just surprised, that‘s all.“, Fae replies, hiding her growing horror as paralyzing numbness spreads through her body.
„That so?“, the hooded woman asks, clearly unimpressed. She roughly took a hold of the other’s arm and let’s it drop. Apparently satisfied she rises and her hood slides off her head. Exposing her black hair and sharp face. Yellow eyes pinning down her victim as she draws her rapier out of it‘s sheath. „So. Care to repeat what you said before?“
Fae tried her best at mimicking a shy smile over the paralytic. „What do you mean?“
Zestia delivered a fast blow over the length of the female's stomach. "Alright then, let's start with something easier. What's your name?"
Fae grunted in pain at the deep cut, it had felt reckless, careless even. "Fae. My name is Fae. What's yours?"
Zestia actually smirked a bit at that. "You have no right to my name. Now apologize for what you said before.", she demanded and pointed the rapier at Fae's face.
"I'm sorry I offended you, I truly meant no harm, please let me live.", Fae acted.
Zestia's face got hard. „Oh, I see. You're one that would talk their way out of everything, right?“ The Yuan'ti's eyes seemed distant as she spoke again. "One day you have to learn that talking won't save you."
Alright, change of plans. „Uff you learned that the hard way?“, Fae taunted.
Zestia‘s eyes lit up with rage and she stepped on Fae‘s throat, delighting in the choked sound it caused. The Yuan‘ti raised her rapier only to stab it down into the other‘s abdomen, right into the previous cut.
A mix between a groan and a poorly-supressed scream escaped Fae. Her eyes boring into her attacker's.
Zestia crouched down and in doing so leaned her body weight onto her rapier, widening the wound. „Anything else you wanna try, before I end your misery?“, she lured, hoping to get another foolishness out of her mouth so she could punish her further.“
The gears in Fae‘s head were turning. Amplified by the pain. What did her attacker mean by ending her misery?! Okay no, that was obvious. Shit, she had to come up with a plan. Why was this woman so fucking entitled? She had to be a noble of some sort. Maybe that will hit. "If I may speak…?“
„You don’t appear to do anything else.“, Zestia retorted pointedly, moving the rapier, deliberately slow.
„I truly regret I called you short, M'lady."
Zestia took a breath, closing her eyes to not close her hands around Fae's throat right here and now. Instead she opens them again, inspecting the girl laying underneath her. The paralytic should wear off soon...Good. Her eyes drift over Fae's pointed ears and the hotness inside of her burned. So instead of closing her hands around her throat she made eye contact, slowly removed the rapier from the girl's body-laying it down next to them both, and ever so gently plucked a loose curl out of Fae's face and to the side of her head. She silently urged the girl to keep her eye contact and continued petting her hair. "Ssh, ssh. It's alright. You can stop thinking."
Fae shortly held her breath as Zestia touched her hair. When she started speaking her eyes went wide. "I-I can't be charmed. My elven ancestory-"
Zestia lay a finger on Fae's lips, effectively silencing her. "Ssh, ssh. Yes, you can. By me, but don't worry, it won't hurt, you can just stop worriying. After all you're always doing that, aren't you? Gears turning, trying to figure everybody out, always calculating your next move. Worrying if people will like you. Its alright. You can rest now. Just listen to my voice." She can see her targets eyes go even wider in terror as she noticed that it really is working. She had never been charmed before of course. Gosh it was so hard to keep herself from grinning. She could basically feel the elve melt under her, apparently she hit a soft spot.
It was getting harder and harder to think and Fae was at a total loss. A feeling she never wanted to feel. Before there had been at least a rush, at least...But this-this was-no no. Bad. How could the voice of somebody that made her hurt so much feel so...warm!?
Zestia smiled. "Looks like it's really hard for you to relax isn't it. Let me help you, it must have been ages since you last felt safe. And so warm." Zestia stretched out two fingers and closed Fae's heavy eyelids. She wasn't even paralyzed anymore, but she didn't notice it.
Fae wanted to panic when the other closed her eyes, but it was impossible by now. And the darkness that now settled over her, took away her last bits of distraction. Oh no.
"It's okay now, you can rest, just listen to me, you did amazing. I never met one as strong and clever as you. I have to admit I'm impressed."
That's right, she was good at this, always had been. And now she was so tired, if she could just rest a little bit...Just a tiny moment...
Zestia grinned as she could feel her power take over completely. "There we go, smartass.", she murmured. She leaned back and quickly went to work. Cleaning her rapier before sheating it again and putting the minimum of bandages on Fae so she wouldn't actually pass out on the way before gently guiding her forward, repeating sweet nothings from time to time.
To be continued!
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, @imnotamurdereripromise
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heavisintheditch · 1 year ago
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(I was able to get my hands on my old account and made a new account sooo yeaa) We have two new characters/girlies joining Addison >:)
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First off meet Sam RoseScroll aka plantsmacker(blame addy for the nickname) He's the tired mom/dad of the trio and has to put up with the others' shit lol
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And second off meet Dusa Elfwatcher aka Elffy! there the one in the trio who would commit and has committed MANY felonies >:D
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ametau · 2 years ago
Medusa quartz
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Extremely strong quartz soldier
One of a kind
kind of like a bismuth-jasper hybrid
single gem
Used for eradicating rebels
very very pretty
Taller than almost every other quartz soldier, standing at nearly 8’9.
Favors her lil buddy (Sphene)
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auroragehenna · 1 year ago
This kinda has Zestia-Tierney vibes!
“I am not here to ensure your safety on your quest. I’m here to ensure your death- so really, it’s my quest.”
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threads-strings · 2 months ago
Bailey x OC
“I put as much pressure on you as you can handle.”
He looks eager. He looks guarded. He looks incredibly pissed off.
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++ Stress
I like thinking that Bailey has pitch-black eyes normally, but if hit right by light they look like an eclipsed sun.
Meanwhile Dusa’s eyes are ever changing in shades of greens, moving like the aurora borealis and usually get reflected in other people’s irises - but Bailey’s eyes are so dark they don’t emit any of her light at all.
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While Bailey never saw Dusa as his child (similarly to how he doesn’t see any of the orphans as his kids despite being their caretaker), he’s always treated her like a child regarding her autonomy. Everything she does is under his control, self explanatory he feels entitled to her life and information like a parent would with their child.
He means (somewhat) well, in his eyes the only way to survive in this town is to become like him or else it’ll swallow you whole, so the pressure he puts on Dusa to “harden” her is crushing.
Dusa meanwhile can hide her emotions well around others, but every time Bailey raises his voice at her she feels like she’s back to being 9 years old again.
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ponponnny · 9 months ago
Ma friend's OC like Dusa from Hades game (o゜▽゜)o☆ kitty Liquorice
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overlordneon · 7 months ago
What are your thoughts on Snake Bites? (Eloise x Dusa) °w°
Krickis out alone in the trenches, shipping my OCs together.
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I love them, almost makes me wish British people were real.
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blu3-ja3 · 9 months ago
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Credit To WingsForTheWicked here on Tumblr, I used one of their posts as a base for this work.
Meet Marrow (Marri), she's an OC I've had for a while. Specifically she's an OC that I just kinda stick wherever I can I think she was originally an OC for Aphmaus Minecraft Diaries but she slowly evolved into a character that I put everywhere. I have some of her original designs lying about somewhere.
Marrow in Hades is a demigoddess turned goddess. Her mother is Hecate; Goddess of Magic and Crossroads. Marrow was born to a nymph who drank water that had Hecate's blood in it. Marrow is the goddess of bones, death, and decay. (There are multiple fertility gods why not multiple death gods). She works closely with Thanatos (Gives him much needed breaks to be with Zagerius). She's often the one retrieving children and those who passed in a gruesome way; typically murder, (She sees a lot of Tisphone). She wields a sickle and has a pouch of coins made of bone. The bone coins are for the children; who tend to lose their coins for Charon. If a child gives Charon a bone coin he knows to take them to The House of Hades. Once they're there Zagerius goes into Hades and finds their closest kin, once found they are brought to Lord Hades. The shade will make a contract with Lord Hades to do a single day or night's work in the house. Typically gardening, kitchen work, helping Dusa and so on. During which the child is being watched by Cerberus who enjoys having little ones around. Once done the child is free to return with their kin.
She's the matron of ravens and vultures often being led by a albino vulture and being followed by a small murder of ravens. All of them have names and they help keep the children occupied and calm while Marrow leads them.
She's also a warden of graveyards, tombs, and crypts. She protects the dead and their secrets often dealing with foul magic trying to bring back those who've passed on.
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