#oc : vektor graves
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revenantlore · 4 months ago
Character Poll
tagged by @rhikasa
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite! [following the writeblr trend of naming five of my ocs across different wips]
tagging @wintherlywords , @winterandwords , @touloserlautrec , @indecentpause , and @space-writes to make their own polls
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characteroulette · 7 years ago
trash prince. it’s gonna be a long one.
1. What is your OC’sfavorite color?
  > Vektor is fondof gold, golden browns, and khaki or really ugly yellows.
2. Does your OC collectanything? What do they collect?
  > Not.. really??If anything, he collects interesting bits of code he sees and storesit all in his backup modem space. Like a nerd.
3. What kind of thingsis your OC allergic to?
  > He’s allergic tosuccess–no, haha, he has no known allergies currently.
4. What kind ofclothing does your OC wear?
  > Suits! He likesrefined, rich-styled clothes, mostly suits and button-ups and a tieor two here and there, but he hates shoes so he runs everywhere withbare feet like a heathen.
5. What is your OC’sfirst memory?
  > Hisgrandfather’s battle with a Mainframe enemy and his parents’ bodiesdisappearing into the code. (Always gotta have dead or estrangedparents I swear)
6. What’s your OC’sfavorite animal? Least favorite?
  > He thinks bearsare pretty neat and he’s not really a fan of vampire bats.
7. What element wouldyour OC be?
   > Computer.……nah probably metal or light, he’s got a nice glow to him withhis creation magic and all.
8. What is your OC’stheme song?
  > He finds comfort in thesound and the shape of the heart, how it echoes through the chestfrom under the ground. And as the hills turn into holes, he’ll fillthem with gold..
9. Do you have afaceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
  > NOPE I’m notreally good at those kinds of things. I always use my own voiceswhenever writing them (and reading their dialogue out loud to myself)and therefore have a hard time separating the tone/inflection/accentI give them and that makes looking for voices for them REALLY HARD.
10. What deadly sinwould best represent your OC?
  > Probably Pride?His carelessness and disregard for others’ feelings tends to be forprideful reasons..
11. What are your OC’shobbies?
  > Getting annoyedwith Dante and wandering around reality in WONDER with a perpetualtourist expression. Also chasing after Vektoria.
12. How patient is yourOC? How hot-headed are they?
  > Not all thatpatient, actually! He gets antsy very easily and likes to pace ifthings are taking too long, as well as getting aggravated at othersaround him if matters are not progressing quickly enough. Hisimmaturity holds him back from being a good King candidate…
13. What is your OC’sgender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
  > Vektor is codedMale, with no clear sexuality, mostly looks Israeli, and is acomputer being!
14. What foods doesyour OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
  > Vektor likes allfoods, whether or not they taste good, haha. He’s dumb and likes todrench his foods with different condiments to watch how the codingchange, with no regard as to how much food he ruins Vektor why do youact like such a rich kid don’t waste food
15. If your OC couldhave any pet, what would they choose? Why?
  > Vektor’s perfectpet fit would probably be a puppy, as they’d both be so excited andtire each other out. However, I can definitely also see him gettingalong well with ferrets.
16. What does your OCsmell like?
  > He smells alittle like the school labs and a little like a certain cologne nearconstantly, despite never using cologne or being seen in the labshimself….
  (I know nothing aboutsmells tbh don’t mind me)
17. How do they make aliving? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dreamjob? What do they think of their current job?
  > These are allgood questions that I’ll think about later after Vektor is out ofschool
18. What are your OC’sgreatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
  > Vektor’sgreatest fear is that he’ll fail his people and that they’ll alwaysconsider him a failure. His weakness is his impatience with otherpeople’s faults, while his strength is his pure belief in the best ofothers.
19. What kind of musicdo they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
  > Vektor’s beenenraptured by every piece of music he’s heard out here in reality andwhile his favourite sounds tend to be techno or electronica (or videogame), he loves it all.
20. If they came fromtheir world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react?What would they do?
  > Vektor is theliving embodiment of this question holy shit hahaha
  He’s a perpetualtourist expression, wowed by everything he sees and impressed by eventhe littlest of wonders. His favourite thing to do is wander theschool campus at nights and just look at the scenery and he continuesthis even after his sleeping schedule stabilizes.
21. What personalproblems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
  > Despiteeverything being so amazing and wonderful out here in reality, he’snot sure why he gets so frequently told not to use his powers.Surely, the others remember being able to utilise their powersoutside of the game? Also he’s struggling with the fact that hefucked up and projects pretty hard onto the others, especially Dante.Also he gets to go through an existential crisis YEAH
  His pet peeve woulddefinitely be someone having the power to circumvent issues, but notmaking use of that power.
22. What kind ofstudent were they/would they be in high school?
  > Vektor’s apretty grade-A student, mainly because he’s kinda a computer.
23. What is a randomfact about your OC?
  > In his currentform, Vektor is at a disconnect with his emotions, which is why hetends to slip into a more robotic tone and expression (kinda like hedisassociates due to being unable to tap into his emotions properly?)
24. What is theiroutlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think ingeneral about living?
  > Vektor’s prettypositive about life, believing that any sour situation can be rightedwith the correct steps and a fervent belief! If only that weretrue….
25. What inspired youto create them / how did you create them? Were they originally afancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you firstmade them?
  > YO OKAY so allof my Game Kids were supposed to be Code: Lyoko OCs, BUT HERE’S THESCOOP ON VEKTOR SPECIFICALLY:
  Vektor was meant tobe more sarcastic and deadpan, like my OC KS, but as I wrote him hejust turned into his excited tourist expression child haha. I wantedto create an Aelita-like character who held the keys to unlocking thedifferent areas in the game, and some of that has stuck (Vektor is aKey and has unlocking powers), but then there was also supposed to bethis huge thing about Day/Night shifts and a huge emphasis on notgoing against the stream which got phased out because it was toocomplicated.
26. Who is the mostimportant person in their life? Why? Who is the least important tothem (that still has an impact and why?
  > Dante isprobably the most important person in his life, for spoiler reasons.Both Jonathan and Frank are very important to Vektor as well, and Vektor has to admit that Vektoria is also kinda important.
27. What kind ofchildhood did your character have?
  > Vektor lived asheltered childhood in a rich setting and never wanted for anything(besides being able to go bare footed). He loved walking around thetown with his people and enjoyed the lessons his grandfather gavehim. The scariest thing really was learning all the different enemiesthat existed in the Mainframe and training his abilities in order tocombat them should they ever get loose again.
28. What kind ofnervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds ofaddictions?
  > Vektor paces alot. It kinda drives Sonya a little crazy. Which is why Vektor tookto walking around the school after hours.
29. If they couldchoose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
  > Uh. Vektor’s waytoo pompous to believe he’d die, ever. But after certain events, he’dprobably just want it to be his full name and title: Vektor Ketziah,Crown Prince of the Mainframe Kingdom.
30. Do they want to getmarried? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they havekids? Why?
  > Vektor has neverthought about relationships, much less marriage. (In the future,maybe, but first he has to solve the issues going on in his Kingdom.)
31. What is their mosttraumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
  > Probably thestory of his parents’ deaths that his grandfather told him is the most traumatic thing he can remember. Hisfavourite memory becomes the group hug with Dante and them, whoaccepted him and forgave him for his incomplete nature.
32. If they could haveone thing in the world, what would it be?
  > His people’seternal happiness.
33. Would they everkill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to killsomeone? If they would kill someone, why?
  > Even if Vektortried to kill Vektoria, I’m not sure his coding is capable ofdeletion at all. He could defeat her in the game, but that wouldn’tkill her…
34. What social groupsand activities does your character attend? What role do they like toplay? What role do they actually play, usually?
  > Vektor wanted toattend EVERY school event, causing a lot of scheduling hell for Paigeand Abraham (and total disaster as Petel couldn’t attend some of theevents due to band stuff and therefore no one was able to keep Danteor Vektor in check at times), but Vektor is eternally the tourist. Hehas to see the sights and try every stall and see everything! He’sgood in a debate, but he’s also kinda the worst customer at timesbecause of his tendency to list math equations explaining certainthings.
35. How is yourcharacter’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of thetime? Living in memories?
  > Vektor livesmostly in the present, as he’s not that great at daydreaming.Something in his processing is broken there. He has flashes ofmemories from when he was growing up in the Kingdom, but they’re notvery strong and as such he can’t get caught in them. Vektor is waytoo confident to be worried most of the time, at least.
36. What does yourcharacter want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively?What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
  > The thing Vektorwants most in his life is to take back his throne in the MainframeKingdom and heal the wrongs that Vektoria caused. Compulsively,Vektor needs to put others down to forget about the fact that hefucked up. To obtain his people’s trust once more, Vektor is willingto sacrifice himself to make things right once more.
37. What’s somethingthat your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
  > Vektorcalculates the formulas for how things work. I’m pretty sure not verymany people do that.
38. What would yourcharacter do with a million dollars?
  > Vektor has noconcept of monetary worth! (He’s a hopeless dork who would ask thecrew what he should do with the money and Paige would proceed to leadVektor through a very complicated series of steps that would end withthe crew suddenly owning some very illegal hacking tools)
39. What is in yourcharacters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor?Nightstand? Garbage can?
  > On top ofVektor’s desk in the dorms is his school books and notebook. Hisgarbage can is always clean it’s sorta terrifying to Sonya. Andmostly on the floor of their room is Sonya’s music sheets ofunfinished pieces he and Petel have been working on. (Vektor ownssurprisingly little in reality)
40. Your character isgetting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do theywear? Who will they be with?
  > Vektor’s off towander the campus in the dead of the night because he’s all readyfulfilled his sleep requirement! He just wears his regular suit,nothing fancy for those late night rendezvous with that lab nightowl….
41. What does yourcharacter do when they’re angry? Why?
  > Vektor shoutshaha. He gets mean when he’s really angry, most of the time you seehim he’s just irritated.
42. Does your characterhave any scars? Where did they get them from?
  > Vektor does nothave scars at the moment! Not sure if he ever will.
43. What was the mostoffensive thing your character had ever said?
  > Good question.
44. How does yourcharacter react to / accept criticism?
  > Vektor doesn’tdo well with criticism in the beginning because he’s so goddamnheadstrong and he’s right, you’re wrong. Royalty always has to beright, after all! As time goes on, though, he does start taking astep back to analyse his actions when told he’s doing somethingwrong. He starts to accept his faults rather than outright reject them.
45. If your characterwas given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (orsomething bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKEpineapple pizza?
  > Vektor’s neverexperienced it before, so he’d be open to try it. Not sure if he’dlike it, but Vektor likes weird shit so he probably would find itinteresting even if he didn’t like it. (Good luck finding somethingthat trash prince doesn’t like, though. He likes onion ringssmothered in mustard.)
46. Your character isgiven a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they seeif it actually works?
  > Vektor wouldtake it to Frank or Jonathan, convinced one of them would know whatit is (or know who made such an interesting code that was attemptingto ensnare Vektor’s health values). In the end, Dante’s the one whofigures out how to de-link the doll from Vektor’s health safely.
47. Can your characterdraw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
  > Vektor’s neverthought about drawing or doodling, but he’s a mixture of disgustedand fascinated by all of Dante’s drawings.
48. What were theirparents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
  > Vektor wasraised by his grandfather, as far as he can remember, so thatdefinitely shows through in Vektor’s antiquated manner of speech andmannerisms. Vektor is still a child, so he’s plenty flawed and moreof a mess, but that vindictive streak and callous disregard for humanfeelings definitely comes from his creators.
49. Does your characterlike candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when theyget a rush?
  > Vektor does likecandy, even if he thinks they’re a bit boring. He understands thatsugars attribute to energy gain, but has never experienced a sugarrush (and probably never will, his body processes that stuff fardifferently than a normal human’s would).
50. If your characterwas presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how wouldthey react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try tomake their last days count?
  > Vektor acceptshis death graciously, trying not to let on to any of his friends thathe’s going to die. After all, sacrificing himself to save someonewould cause a stir, but would be a much better use of his life thanthe current inevitable failure he’s destined for, right?
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