#oc : Mercurius
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Mercurius - H-Game: Dies Irae
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terekusart · 1 year
Magic Monday
Everyone, we’d like you all to meet Mercurius. He is a human wizard from the Shard of Esper on Alara. From an early age Mercurius exhibited an innate ability to control and mold etherium. When he came of age he was allowed to join the Ethersworn in their progress of the Noble Work. After a year with the organization Mercurius was granted an etherium heart for his attention to detail and the intricate designs he created.
Everything was going Mercurius’ way. With a slight control freak personality he reveled in his ability to mold the very world around him in the way he desired. When the Conflux occurred, Mercurius wasn’t prepared for the Shards to overlap and undo his work. This stress and defeat ignited his planeswalker spark and he traveled to Eldraine.
While there he meets a wide eyed merfolk with a fascination for human ‘artifacts’. Seeing the strange new world he was now a part of through the merfolk’s eyes woke something up inside Mercurius. He came to the realization that he can’t control everything and needs to accept the good with the bad.
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shuruzy · 2 years
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Mercy & Elly
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Some more OCs! They're from the same story as the ones from my last post, these are just the main protagonists (and one of the "villains" who is actually just a silly little guy lmao)
Their names (from left to right!!):
Mercurius...and his crows (he/him)
Brooke (she/her
Noel (he/him)
Alternate versions below!! :)
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Mercurius II
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Relevant Posts: Hermes Trismegistus, Aoife, Blood-Wraith
Relevant Lore Posts
Master Post
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- - 6 Iterations back? - -
    Every universe goes through cycles of expansion and contraction. These are referred to as "big bang cycles." Going further, higher dimensionals also refer to these as iterations. One might think that once an iteration ends, that is it... that is foolish, close minded, third dimensional thinking. Entities can easily escape their iteration if they were to go into a realm like Hell, Purgatory, or the Unlight. Some examples of such individuals are Aoife Crawford and Ignatius Daren Ford. Aoife is the oldest we know of... that we know of. One entity has persisted since 6 iterations prior to this big bang cycle. 
    Mercurius II is the son of Mercurius, or that is how third dimensionals interpret it. During his time, that version of Earth was focused heavily on Alchemy. Interestingly the next iteration would focus heavily on Necromancy, but that is beside the point. Mercurius sought to become god... and he would do that by using the power of god to refine himself into a perfect entity. This led to a conflict with a group of Alchemists who were out to stop him. This group was led by Hermes Trismegistus (of the time) and opposed such a great heresy. During this conflict, an entity of raw Prima Materia would manifest with the intent of assisting Mercurius. This entity would call himself Mercurius II.
    Mercurius would be stopped by the Alchemists. Before he could return to the Prima Materia, someone stepped in. In a great void, an entity of fire and metal would begin refining the failed usurper. This entity was Adonai, the emanation of God. Adonai had taken pity on this emanation of the Prima Materia and wanted to give him a second chance. This resulted in the creation of Ianoda, the shadow and wrath of God. What happened to Mercurius II though? He was sealed away in a Philosopher's Stone and imprisoned in the Unlight by Hermes Trismegistus. And so the chaotic entity sat for the rest of time...
- - Current day - -
    Normally a pitch black Philosopher's Stone would sit in the Unlight, whispering into the ears for anyone who would listen. Mercurius II was trying to get people to release him to no avail. Then Rebis and Baphomet happened. The two felt that he deserved a second chance, much like what Ianoda had been given so long ago. Hermes and Ianoda promptly sensed this and rushed to the Unlight... the blackened stone was long gone. Hermes' chief concern was Dorn Von Hohenheim, his student who had unwittingly become friends with Mercurius II. If Dorn had not persisted to the current iteration, this would not be a problem... but he did.
    Mercurius II received a lot of shock when he had learned how long it had been. For a while he just caused chaos on Earth. He had no direction of ambition since his father had lost and given up. The ruckus of this entity spurned a legend about a black philosopher's stone that could grant unlimited power and immortality, leading it to be sought out by those of ill intent and fowl disposition. After a series of encounters with the vile Death Knell coven, he realized what he wanted to do: He wanted to reunite with Dorn. Surely they could be friends for real now, right?
    Just who is Dorn Von Hohenheim currently? Well let us just say he is a lot closer than you think.
- - Just what is Mercurius II? - -
    The entity in question is a one dimensional manifestation of Prima Materia. He is quite powerful, but not as strong as the famed Sir Odo, Knight of the Unlight. Impossible to destroy, Mercurius II would be a threat to all life in the universe if he was still aligned with his father's old ambitions. Fortunately the Philosopher's Stone embedded in his chest seems to be keeping him in line. He can turn his body into anything he needs, with the only limit being his imagination and creativity. He is also capable of holding things within him, either to imprison them or absorb them. Interestingly attacking the stone forces him back into the Unlight. This appears to be one of many failsafe's in case he gets too out of control.
    Personality-wise, he is a stinker and wise-guy. He also uses his wit often, making playful jabs and quips. Perhaps this stems from an inferiority he cannot escape, given that he is raw Prima Materia. Despite this, he is capable of being nice and friendly. In fact, he really wants to make friends. He is deathly afraid of being alone. and lastly, something that bothers him is his existence. Why does he exist? Why did he come into existence? He had a lot of time to think about that while sealed away and he still does not have an answer.
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Further reading:
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This is a... this is a weird one off character I did that doesn't have proper connecting tissue to the rest of UMAE. I mean yes, the implications are there... but this another character I am not sure what to do with. He isn't going to appear for a very long time.
Jeez, no wonder my stuff never takes off: look at how unorganized I am...
Also can you tell what I'm drawing inspiration from?
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persona 5 royal oc ask game
—not necessarily for persona ocs! go wild with these. second awakening spoilers under the cut.
arsene: has your oc ever been wronged by those around them? how bad was it? does it still affect them?
zorro: does your oc remember their past, if they have one? do they miss it? how do they feel about it?
captain kidd: does your oc have any scars or injuries? where do they come from? have they healed? how do they feel about them?
carmen: what's your oc's relationship with their own body, in general? do they have any true confidence in their own appearance?
goemon: is your oc partial to the arts? which ones? do they actually partake in them? do they see meaning in them?
johanna: what are your oc's religious beliefs, if they have any? are these beliefs commonplace where they live? do they practice this religion?
necronomicon: is your oc skilled with technology? to what extent? is it appreciated by the people around them?
milady: does your oc come from wealth, poverty, or somewhere in between? what's their current situation with wealth? how'd their economic upbringing affect their current personality?
robin hood: did your oc have any childhood heroes, real or fictional? do they still look up to them now? why?
cendrillon: what's your oc's relationship with sports? what affects it?
azathoth: what formal education has your oc received? what other forms of education? do they have any relation to academia?
more questions utc!
satanael: has the system failed your oc? are they at a societal disadvantage? do they wish they could change it? would they? at what cost?
mercurius: does your oc believe in hope? in resilience? when everything seems doomed, what do they cling to, if they do at all?
seiten taisei: does your oc feel indebted to anyone? who? could they ever pay that debt back? do they really have to?
hecate: what's your oc's experience with sexuality? how do they feel about it? do they wish they could change it?
kamu susano-o: what's your oc's true passion? how do they pursue it? how did they acquire it? at what cost does it come?
anat: where's your oc's self esteem at? high? low? why? what, or who, does it depend on?
prometheus: how does your oc cope with guilt? with loss? with loneliness? are they able to reach out to others for help?
astarte: how does your oc feel about their bloodline? their parents? do they have a legacy to uphold?
loki: does your oc believe in revenge? in retributive justice? in punishment? at what cost? for whom?
vanadis: has your oc ever lost someone they loved? an equal? how do they feel about this person? do they wanna go back to before the loss?
adam kadmon: does your oc yearn for control? why? of what? do they have it, could they ever have it? should they be in control?
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naoreco · 3 months
alrite. starting my FE artscuffle repertoire off with all the chibis and creatures i drew :)
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solo chibis. day of devotion faye for @crebbyhermit, vika for a server member, OC juliet for @emotiandon, OC luna with sommie for @lunacchi-fe3h, OC noel for @catrione776 and OC mercurius (as a duck) for midnightcapricorn
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groups :) OCs valerius and lyall for @tobegii and @luce-speaks, and fuga/izana/gunter/yukimura (part of a big matsuri-themed mass attack) for a server member.
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more expansive doodles. miitopia AU lyon (about to spare some snurps and make his life harder) for midnightcapricorn and a little OC basil for @astaraxion!
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oh and makoto and morgana's personas for sulien :D
Ask Game!
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zorro: does your oc remember their past, if they have one? do they miss it? how do they feel about it?
There are spots in Sulien's memories. Blank areas.. Like hallways he doesn't have access to. There are days where he wonders what are in those gaps but he doesn't consider it important enough. You can't miss what you don't remember.
johanna: what are your oc's religious beliefs, if they have any? are these beliefs commonplace where they live? do they practice this religion?
He's VERY Catholic. Very commonplace! Sulien is staunchly religious, its very much part of his story arc. He prays constantly, and before every battle.
mercurius: does your oc believe in hope? in resilience? when everything seems doomed, what do they cling to, if they do at all?
Hope is nothing more than miracle. He believes in himself, in his determination. He kisses his cross and does his best.
anat: where's your oc's self esteem at? high? low? why? what, or who, does it depend on?
Sulien has a lot of walls for a guy who claims to be self assured. Always secretly seeking validation.
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ehnrat · 1 year
[kills u] so— some of them did not have much thought behind them other than being regular names or they just sounded like it would fit, but I will include the ones that do
Raine/Bunie/Beau: Bunie came first and he was a dream oc who was a slasher that wore a rabbit mascot head and I'm so creative so instead of Bunny, it's Bunie and I ran with it. I feel like my process for Raine was that I liked that name and thought it was androgynous/fluid for a neutral name. Beau came last because I wanted another 'B' name for Bunie when they name themselves and I always thought the name Beau was cool and my fav animal crossing character is named Beau. Later I realized how Raine and Beau connected and I lost my mind even more. Fun Fact, Bunie was almost gonna be named Wolper
Adori Phoebus: No thought behind this besides "hrm this rolls off the tongue nice". Phoebus was because I wanted a Greek surname.
Mika Enzoi: I thought that name Mika was cute and chipper sounding and Mika is a cute and chipper guy !! It made me happy to call him that.
Loki (Locurious): A mischievous catboy need I say more >:3c Locurious is his old name that he ditched when he left the circus and I think it was a play on "curious" (his overall nature on 'teehee what if i did this') and "mercurius" (the god Mercury and being quick, nimble, and a bit of a trickster which Loki tends to be with his cat reflexes, abilities to float a lil, and his self given title of "Trickster Villain for Fun")
Julian Malachi-Florence Nightingale the Third: Would you believe me if I said this was impromptu when I was thinking of making a fancy-like long ass name for a fancy mage idea ? Julian was created to be Omir’s bane and I’m like “what’s an obnoxiously long name I can give to this person…?”
Omir Lyrria: I already had a fondness of the name Omir and Lyrria is a play on the word “lyric” since Omir was musically characterized when I created his design
Dolión: So he was created as the mortal husk of my oc Dendé for this Kingdom Au me and my friend were indulging in, and after a lot of rotting, the husk seemed like his own person far removed from Dendé and so I was like “he would definitely call himself a different name to further removing himself from Dendé that he hates so much.” At first I was playing around with like reversing the name Dendé but I felt like the husk also fitted a D name, so I went searching and came across Dolión and it looked really nice. THEN I looked into the name some more and found out it was GREEK and meant something along the lines of being deceitful and I’m looking at my friend like “DENDÉ IS LITERALLY GREEK AND THE MEANING FITS THEM BOTH PERFECTLY.”
Clam Mari: He is a merperson and this though the name is similar to the play on words ‘calamari’, the initial thought process was like “Imma name them Clam. Oh, I should give them a last name too. Clams are like marine creatures, let’s go with Mari.” (I felt like Marine would be too on the nose so I shortened it). I didn’t notice until after someone pointed it out when I showed it to them that it was like calamari.
YoYo / Nayu: They, like a lot of characters I have around, are actually a play on words of my own name. My name is not common and never see it, and there was a point in time I had to play a game as a child where we had to say something positive about ourselves or something using the first letter or our names and my tiny ass could NOT think of anything other than nice or something negative. I also then realized I didn’t hear many names like mine with the letter N so I always tried to create names with the letter N or similarly like with the letter O too, or whatever sounded nice and uncommon. Some others with the similar naming convention include Nikk, Remi, Mo, Kinn, Naiya, Nalia, and Necea (maybe more but these are what I can think of atm)
Zavannah “Zavi” Ohm: It started out with Zavi because I like how the ‘Z’ felt to say. Zavannah came after because I thought Zavi could be like a nickname she goes by, it’s also a play on the name ‘Savannah’ which I took a liking to bc of a Hamtaro amv I saw on a hamtaro fansite. Originally, she never had electric powers, she was just a kickboxer/Sikaran fighter, but then I gave her electric abilities and gave her the last name Ohm.
Lambertghini “Lambert”: He’s a goat….. Lamb…… Lambert….. “hey I’m here in my garaaaaaaage just bought this uh new Lamborghini here.mwv”…….. Lambertghini..
Toddmaus “Todd”: Todd sounds like a cute name for a lil mouse ! Todd was already taken in the game so I’ll add ‘maus’ at the end (I was studying German at the time) ! Toddmaus ! Your best friend, Todd !!!!!!!! 🫵
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
Get To Know My OC
I was tagged by: @coffeewritesfiction
I'm going to tag: @aalinaaaaaa @sehnxsucht @inkspellangel and @talesofsorrowandofruin (I have more of these to do, y'all have escaped if you're not here...MWAHAHAHAHAH)
I let Pinterest decide which of my OC's to do this time...
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Ollandrius Theodorakus Horastus Mercurius Aggelos
1. Are you named after anyone? No
2. When was the last time you cried? When Abriella kinda, sorta, almost died
3. Do you have kids? By the Source, I hope not
4. Do you use sarcasm? Often
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? If they're armed
6. What's your eye color? Blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Both
8. Any special talents? I can set people on fire. I love to do it. Especially Deacon and Talon, Dez often.
9. Where were you born? No one knows, it's been over 1,000 years. It's like a small detail at this point.
10. What are your hobbies? Killing the legion of the princes, training, and cooking.
11. Have you any pets? Dez
12. What sports do you play/have played? Kill the demon
13. How tall are you? 6'9 1/2"
14. Favorite subject in school? Killing Demons
15. Dream job? What could be better than being a Horseman? Get to kill everything, practically invincible, and limitless money. The hours kinda suck though. *shrugs*
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @writingpotato07 @kjscottwrites @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @andromedaexists
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zheida · 2 years
Pleaseee tell me about Mercury!! The design is so cool :)
OH THANK U!!! Mercury is a bit of a mashup of things, but he's a pearl dragon! His whole name is Mercurius because i was inspired by the old pc98 game mercurius pretty which is an old like... fairy raising sim, so a lot of his inspiration and design come from that and also (hilariously) he and his partner (sirah, belongs to my frien :)) are based off scorch and magic the dragon beanie babies LOL
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but he is a pearl dragon, one of the children of my prismatic dragon named Eceri and here he is;
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Mercury and Eceri are both seers, they can see into the future, Eceri moreso because he's an ancient prismatic dragon, Mercury mostly sees future outcomes in his dreams when he sleeps.
His personality is-- all over the place he's very outgoing, kind of weird. he's the oldest of his brothers but doesn't really act like it (tbh i dont think any of them act their age) he likes to pick on people and joke around, very silly and fun, while his partner is serious and sort of a stick in the mud. He doesnt have too much of a story just yet because me and friend reset a lot of oc lore to remake my world setting and fit everyone in but he is somewhat important to the dragon population.
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milordvalentin · 2 months
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Hello everyone, my name is Valentin(not real)! I am a new artist on tumbler!!! And this is my OC – Mercurius!
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farbeyondtheflames · 1 year
I post like two art pieces a year on tumblr. but. I’m going to do that more often because I’m doing artfight!
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Please rb with your artfight link if you have some cool dnd ocs/want me to look into your characters for attacks :)) If you want to rant about lore I made a form :)
full character refs under cut
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Question for the crow-man: does he ever talk to his crows (like little evil henchmen) or nah? Can the crows speak back?
Oh he absolutely does!! But that doesn't necessarily mean he understands them, or that they can talk back. It's like talking to cats :)
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randomys-art · 3 years
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As fast as one can be - and hot. Literally. Mercurius is the messenger between the planetaries, though a bit mischievious. Due to that, they don’t get along with the gas and ice giants. The terrestials are quite annoyed by them, but love them nonetheless.
Called the planet of love, but nothing about her is lovely. Her skin is cracking and breaking away, having already lost her eye. No matter how much damage she suffers though - she still calls herself the prettiest.
The smartest one. Terra is the scientist from the planetaries and the smartest intellectually. Though she is quite... impulsive, having harmed her body by placing micro-organisms on her self. She and Veneris always bicker too, due to her recklessness.
The last of the terrestials. Marte shows himself as tough, but he is quite sensitive. Having lost his ability to host life, he feels rather ashamed, so he compensates that with letting Terra study him. After all, they have a deal that she’ll help him to host life once more.
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coriandher · 5 years
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Yes. Reviews differ depending on overall safety and the view received up there.
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