#oc : Rhea
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more art of rhea, my aaracokra paladin! commission by @beebeedibapbeediboop !
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fay-run · 11 months
are we not one in the same?
you, raised like cattle from birth. your blood perverted, corrupted, letting you change your likeness at a moments notice. a gift, they told you. a miracle. but it was no miracle. "father" thrust this upon you before you were even a quickening in helena's womb. this was a curse. you were a puppet, and they showered you with prayers and praises to keep you from seeing. the ultimate assassin, you would be.
then i came. it called to me when i was young, too young to understand. sometimes i still feel the warmth of the blood on my hands, the blood of the ones who raised me from my "birth". i ran, and ran and ran and ran, for years. i stole, i slaughtered, i starved, i survived. and i was barely human when the demon-butler found me. he promised me a home, safety, family. the years had not been kind to me, though i was still a child. i went to the temple and i found you and i felt it must have been fate. though much was still unknown to me, i knew you were my sister the moment i laid eyes on you.
sister. we were still so young. when we could steal away, we would braid each other's hair as we might have if we were born into a simple life. we laughed and cried and confided in one another. you told me how your mother beat you, i told you when i ran the temple one day, she would pay for laying her hands on my sister. it was then you swore yourself to me, to be my right hand when i rose to my birthright. though i think even then, the bitterness in you festered. i saw it when you killed your mother the next week, as if only you should have the right. the demon told me i should have sarevok punish you. perhaps i should have.
the blasphemy i had thought but never uttered during those early years in the temple. how badly i wanted to take you out of that wretched undercity and out into the wilds of faerun. but i was so frightened. i was being threatened and praised as bhaal's chosen-to-be in the very same breath. i was safe for the first time since feeling that blood on my hands. who would i be to take you out to the streets, to endure what i had endured? helena was a witch; but trust me when i say she was nothing to the monsters i had faced.
years passed. a decade; two. a wedge was driven between us beyond our control, tension thickening and thickening until it threatened to snap. pawns. our rivalry was fabricated for the entertainment of a cruel god. neither of us could see beyond our hate; hatred that, when pulled back, was only a cover for the most painful type of love. a love that was not strong enough to withstand fate. because, dear sister, this end was fated from the very beginning.
he knew we would find comfort in one another when we were young, he knew we would see ourselves as one in the same. he knew his influence would place the seed of distrust in the two of us until it grew and grew, taller and faster than we could ever hope to control it. he knew you would betray me.
in many ways, i betrayed you, too.
i was angry for a long time. now, as i stand above your pile of gore, i am just sad. it is over, i am free of him. forever. but why does freedom taste so bitter? is it because i know you were never given this chance i was? is it because i am suddenly remembering you for who you once were to me? you loved the stars when you were a girl. you said you believed each one was its own world, and if the fates had shifted even only slightly, we might have been born on one of them instead.
my sister, i loved you. my sister, i mourn you.
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drekkahedron · 2 months
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Rhea Blizzard, the daughter of oreo milkshake from my imaginary doll line, Delicacy Descendants: the Culinary Chronicles!!
I really like how she turned out, my little yeti gal :]
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Sneak peek: Is this how it ends?
Next chapter is in the works, I’m about 70% done…loose eta is 10/16 on A03!
Fic info
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Pope adjusted the volume on the record player, lingering there until he got it right where he wanted it.
“Light those.” He ordered.
The butler quickly lit all the candles on the long table, then took a step back, almost blending in with the wall until he was called for something else.
Eyeing the dinner spread, Pope moved closer to the table and sniffed the open bottle of wine, then put it down. As he heard oncoming footsteps, he faced the doorway and waited for them to enter.
Rhea adjusted the front of her dress again, catching the lingering gaze of one of the guards. She shot him a sharp look, then crossed her arms as they guided her into the kitchen.
Pope slid his hands in his pockets, his eyes greedily drinking her up. “Good evening, Hermosa.”
“I rather be in my own clothes.” She commented with a long stare. She felt boxed in, the guards on either side of her giving her very little space to herself.
Pope dismissed them with a flick of the hand, but they didn’t go too far away. From the corner of her eye, she could see one by the doorway, and another in the hall. Pope stepped into her space, lightly cupped her face with one hand, then leaned in to kiss her cheek.
When she reeled her head back, he didn’t move or step away. He didn’t even release his touch, he just smiled at her.
“Still angry?”
“Can we just get this over with?” She looked him in the eye, then moved to the seat furthest from him.
Pope watched with an amused expression, then motioned to the wine as he sat. “This dinner is special for you, all your favorites.”
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thevalkyriewarrior · 1 year
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Day Six Drawing! It's Rhea! It was later than normal cause I had to drive to a Family Reunion.
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cycyanart · 8 months
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Been sketching some character drafts for my main project Good Night Romy. I'm doing some planning, researching, writing, and creating some visuals when I can.
From top-down, left-right: Avalon, Romy, Robin, Juniper, Karinya, Chrys, Valeria, Rhea, Lawrence, and Oswald.
Some of these designs are over a year old and some I just made today tbh, so nothing is super set in stone!
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juliusmode · 1 year
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Finally ported over! My girl Rhea in her updated gunslinger design. Happy 2 year anniversary to the green girl of all time~
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infestedviscera · 2 years
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The original project idea, it didn’t have enough stuff to fit the theme but it’s still really pretty :’)
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
i know it might be early but can you write about reader being in the judgment day and seeing her family breaking up at summerslam and so even if rhea and damian just lost they comfort her because they know how important was the jd to her? like they were her family.
oh i’ve been waiting for this request honestly
damian priest x reader (platonic) + rhea ripley x reader (platonic)
tw : mention of abandonment, family issues, feeling of loneliness, brief panic attacks
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don’t break my heart
if someone told you a year ago that you would have joined the most successful faction in the wwe at the moment you probably would have laughed at them in their face.
and yet, a year ago rhea and the rest of the judgment day saw your potential when you were just in nxt. they saw as the fierce and feisty teenage girl that no one could handle and they knew that they wanted someone like you in their team.
you were only twenty but it felt like you were in the business for forty years. you knew that wrestling was your passion and you wanted to trasform that passion into your everyday work.
your family didn’t agree. they didn’t see what you saw in wrestling and so they couldn’t see the talent you actually had. they said you had to focus on a real career path, that once you finished high school you had to apply for more colleges you could. they wanted a future for you that you didn’t want.
and when you tried to explain to them that all you wanted to do in life was wrestling, they kicked you out. they didn’t want you in the family anymore and you never felt so broken in your life. you were lucky your best friend let you into her house so you helped her with what you could. you found a part-time job so you could help her pay the bills or the food while you were still training to become a wrestler.
it was hard but somehow you managed to get signed into the famous wwe.
but once you joined, you realised that it wasn’t perfect as you thought it would be. you struggled with getting booked and the first time you actually got booked they set you to lose even if you knew you would have won those matches easily. but the pay was good and fans started to recognise you more.
in reality you felt lonely and alone. you barely made any friends as they labelled you as the new one and you didn’t feel welcomed at all. your family still didn’t talk to you and due to you constantly being on the road, you lost contact with your best friend.
one special day the judgment day surprised everyone in nxt, claiming that they were looking for you so when they saw you fighting on the ring, they decided to make a special appearance and shocking everyone.
“we want you y/n” you remembered rhea saying and the crowd screaming of joy “we want you in the team” and so you joined them.
you thought it was all for publicity but truth was that they really saw potential in you. you were young and you already had a big potential of becoming a real threat for the women division.
so they helped you train. rhea and damian showed you some moves and techniques you’ve never saw before, finn was like the mind, teaching you how to trick your opponent with simple mind tricks and dominik was your comfort person, he helped you gaining more confidence, especially during your first matches.
later on you opened up about your past with them. how you basically had no family as they kicked you out, how you had no friends because the girls at nxt didn’t like you and how lonely you felt but they made sure to change all of that. they always included you in their car trips, sundays together and movie nights.
you finally felt like you belonged somewhere.
so you couldn’t believe of what you were witnessing while watching rhea losing against liv at summerslam. tears in your eyes as you watched dominik turning on rhea and betray her like that.
you were backstage watching the whole match with finn and jd and you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking.
“no no no no…dom please…don’t do that…” you whispered as your eyes were glued to the tv.
you couldn’t deny there had been tension this past weeks but you were the judgment day, you always solved all the issues you had so why was it happening now?
“y/n…” finn slowly approached you. his heart was breaking for you, mostly because he knew what was going to happen and mostly because he knew you didn’t deserve to be put into this mess.
“finn…we have to do something we…” he hugged you because he couldn’t lie to you. he couldn’t find words to comfort you because what he was going to later was gonna make you hate him.
you cried into his arms until damian broke into the room and started screaming. he was visibly upset and he couldn’t understand why dom turned on rhea.
“did you know that?” he started screaming at finn but before he could answer you jumped in.
“of course he didn’t…”
“no i didn’t know man” finn lied. he didn’t care about lying to damian, but you, after he said that he simply left the room without saying anything to you.
you stayed there, confused while your brain was trying to elaborate everything that happened in the past 30 minutes.
you knew rhea wanted to be left alone so you guys waited for her to calm down. she joined you a few minutes before damian’s match started “hey” you smiled at her.
“hey…” she put her arm around your shoulder and let you rest your head over it.
“you good?”
“i’ll be okay…not the match i imagined but it will be okay” she softly smiled at you. you knew she was hurting and that she was clearly pissed, but she didn’t want you to worry for her so she pretend that everything was fine.
as damian’s match began, you both had hopes for him to retain his title but everything went downhill when you saw finn turning on damian.
“rhea…what-what is he doing over there?” rhea was as shocked as you were because finn wasn’t supposed to be there.
“i…i don’t know”
“rhea we have to do something! damian’s gonna lose and…” but before you could continue, she grabbed your arm when she saw that you were about to leave the room and she stopped you.
“there’s nothing we could do y/n…” she was hurting as much as you were.
“no no, please rhea…i can’t, this group can’t break up please…” it was like losing a family all over again “we have to go there and help damian, talk some sense into finn’s head and…and”
“hey y/n…calm down, come here” she hugged you as she sensed that you were panicking “there’s nothing we can do right now…they made up their minds”
“but finn…finn, he told me everything was going to be alright, he told he didn’t know anything about dom and now, now he’s just going to betray us like that…rhea we have to stop him…” you were visibly crying right now.
but before you could continue or before, she could answer you, finn did unthinkable and betrayed dam on live tv. he made damian lose his title and while coming backstage, he had this twisted smile on his face that made you sick enough.
“where are you going y/n?” rhea asked you when she saw you about to leave the room.
you stayed there for a minute, thinking if you should go to talk to finn or go to comfort damian “i don’t know…i wanna talk to finn, i need him to tell me to my face that he doesn’t care about us, that he doesn’t care about this group and…”
“love, please stop” rhea’s heart was breaking for you because she knew how much you loved the group as it was your own family “there’s nothing we can do now…finn and dom turned on us but me and damian aren’t leaving you, i promise you”
“rhea’s right…” you both turned your heads to face damian. he had a broken look on his face and it was clear that he was hurting “we ain’t going anywhere y/n…”
“damian…” you went for a hug and he softly smiled when he felt your arms hugging him as strong as you could “i had no idea finn was going to betray you like that…he told me everything was okay and then…”
“it’s not your fault y/n…you couldn’t have known that…”
“are you okay damian?” you asked, feeling guilty that they were the ones who just got betrayed and you were the one crying about it.
“i’ll be okay…you know finn was like family to me and see him betraying me like that. it will hurt for a while but we are a family and we stay together through all of this” he smiled at you.
“i just…i wish i could talk to them and”
“y/n, love…nothing you say would make them change their minds…” rhea softly spoke to you.
“i know but they can’t break this family apart…” you wanted to say group but you never felt like you were part of a group, you felt like you were part of a family and suddenly you felt 18 again, when your parents kicked you out and turned their backs on you.
damian and rhea knew how much that affected you, how scared you were of abandonment and they promised that you would have never felt like that again. but they couldn’t keep their promise as long as they wanted because finn and dom were breaking the group apart and they couldn’t do anything about it to stop them. they knew how much you struggled to make friends and apart from them and a few other wrestlers, you didn’t have many friends.
you struggled again in the women’s faction because they all were too focus on themselves to make space for someone else, apart from shayna or bayley, the rest of them never acknowledged you.
damian introduced you to jey uso and some other people like drew or la knight and even if they were all kind to you, you couldn’t really rely on them as friends because they weren’t.
so all you had left was the judgment day, until now.
“hey hermosa…we are not leaving you okay?” damian reassured you.
“everyone leaves at some point…”
“hey none of that nonsense okay?” rhea almost scolded you “you probably weren’t expecting this, i saw it coming eventually but trust me when i say that me and damian won’t leave you alone…you still are part of this group and we ain’t leaving you behind” rhea gently rubbed your back while you were wiping some of your tears away.
“rhea’s right…we are here and we are here to stay…” damian smiled at you.
“thank you…”
“don’t thank us love, it’s the truth”
maybe, in the end you still had a family that cared about you but for now, you couldn’t wait to kick finn and dom’s asses on monday night raw.
part two
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visionarymode · 7 months
✧ warnings: smut, language, 18+
✧ pairing: rhea ripley x female reader
✧ word count: 804
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“No,” you chimed in recognizing the familiar, tension-filled silence between the two of you. 
“I didn’t even say anything,” she laughed. 
“You didn’t have to,” you eyed her through the mirror as she smiled at your tone. 
“Where you going?” she asked as you walked over to the doorknob. “Tired of me already?” she joked. 
“No, I was gonna go get a drink,” you crossed your arms as she walked over to you. 
“A drink?” her jaw sarcastically dropped with a whisper. “Thirsty, huh?” she smirked as her face was inches away from yours. 
“Rhea,” you sternly said before your eyes fell to her hands that slid around your waist. 
“What?” she whispered, pulling on your body so it was touching hers. 
“We can’t,” you whispered back, eyelids low on her lips as she licked them. 
“Why not?” she asked, her right hand roaming down to squeeze your right ass cheek. 
“B-Because…” you stuttered as you felt the heat between your thighs get hotter. 
“I’ve yet to hear a reason,” she taunted as she moved your hair out of your eyes. 
“We just can’t,” you snapped out of it and looked her right in her eyes. But her power was just too much. 
“Then why does it feel so good?” she whispered, her lips brushing yours as she used both hands to squeeze your ass again. She tilted your chin with her finger and you felt yourself getting wetter as the both of you were locked into each other’s eyes. 
“Relax…” she whispered, her thumb grazing over your bottom lip. She gently pushed you back up against the door as you heard the lock click. Her thumb pulled onto your bottom lip as you let out a sigh and gave in, again. You both moaned as your tongues reunited, the tension leaving with the spark reigniting. You took turns sucking on each other’s tongues, raking your fingers in each other’s hair, and heavily breathing between kisses. She abruptly scooped you up into her arms as you wrapped your legs around her waist. You giggled as she dropped you on the couch but turned it into a moan as she smoothed her hands over your body to snatch your top off. 
“Fuck…” you gasped as she audibly popped your breast in her mouth, her tongue speedily flicking and licking your nipple as you shut your eyes. 
“Can’t ever get enough of this body,” she mumbled with kisses up your stomach, massaging your breasts in her palms. 
“Turn around…” she purred in your ear with a nibble. She slowly and menacingly hooked her fingers under the hem of your laced thong. 
“Rhea…” you whined before she bit your ass cheek, playing with your clothed pussy making you tremble on all fours. 
“Can’t wait huh?” she giggled as she flattened her tongue over your clothed wetness making you shudder. 
“You’re so wet my love,” she moaned before taking your panties off, throwing them across the room, and spanking you again. You rolled your body back in her direction as she planted a sloppy kiss between your folds. You gasped as her tongue swirled up, down, and between your folds. 
“Fuuuuuck…” you whined as her licks and kisses became louder. 
“You taste so good baby,” she moaned as she squeezed your ass. Your head fell to your chest as your moans heightened along with the pace of her tongue. 
“I-I-“ you whined as you gripped the pillow in front of you. 
“Mhm…mhm,” she mumbled as she buried her lips deep inside of you, her loud slurps filling the room. 
“I’m gonna cum…” you gasped as she spanked you again, her hands sliding down your back and around your hips. 
“Cum for me…” she purred as her palms found their way back around your ass to spread you open wider. You felt heat pool your lower back as your eyes fluttered from her warm and enticing tongue casting you right under the overwhelming spell. 
“Fuck…” you moaned one last time as your arms staggered on the couch, your orgasm taking over as you came all over her needy tongue. She moaned and caressed your lower back with her nails as she licked up every drop of your nectar. 
“Mmm, so good…” she whispered as she left kisses on your inner thighs. You tried to catch your breath from all the panting as she left little pecks up your back.
“Look how good you taste,” she purred in your ear as she turned your jaw, and squeezed your cheeks open as she dipped her tongue in for you to catch a taste. 
“Mmm,” you sucked on her tongue one last time as you both smiled on each other’s lips. “Time for me to get a taste now, huh?” you teased with another sloppy kiss before pushing her onto the couch. 
thank you so much for reading! if you'd like to be tagged in any future rhea fics let me know :)
you can read my other rhea fic here 💜
you can read more of my fics here ❤️‍🔥
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dani-dear · 4 months
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cw for blood
My big beautiful Dragonborn lady, Tora. ;-;
(this is like also a redraw of a previous collage of her, at least for a couple of the poses here lol)
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more art of my paladin rhea, herald of dreams <3
art by @mostly-natm !
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fay-run · 9 months
When a bhaalspawn sleeps, she dreams of murder.
She tosses and she turns, she drenches skin and sheets with sweat, she clenches her teeth and holds her fists so tight her nails break skin. There is a fountain of crimson behind her eyes and her body yearns for it; to bathe in it or to drink, it matters not. There are corpses dancing for her, performing for her, serving her. She is carving into a body, she is assorting jars of organs, she is perfecting the art of torture, she is drinking in the screams of her victims. The scenes play out in front of her and bleed into one another as she can only watch.
Many nights she wakes with a shout, only to find her misdeeds had been figments of her wretched mind's imagination. Other nights, her sleeping form walks and acts without her knowledge. She wakes, not fully in her right mind, in an unfamiliar place above an unfamiliar victim. 
She stands disconcertingly still and takes in quick, sharp breaths. The corpse below her does not move like the corpses in her dreams, but it seems to speak. It tells her her work is not finished. Two somethings inside her are struggling, fighting to be free, and one combatant wins momentarily as a knife drops to the ground and she falls to her knees in front of the corpse.
The body is a young human man, no older than five-and-twenty. His eyes are wide in terror, but still intact; though the same could not be said for his lips, or his ears, or his hands. One thing inside her glistens with pride, while the other recoils in disgust. Her fingers reach out and brush against his face, before falling to the wound at his neck and the pool of blood besides it. When she brings her fingers back to her face they are slick with it, and when she can no longer fight the urge to gorge herself on it, she takes her middle finger into her mouth. It is salty-sweet and metallic, and she quickly brings another finger into her mouth and closes her eyes, taking in every drop. 
But a sound to her left startles the bhaalspawn, and her eyes snap open. 
“Oh, Rhea…” The stranger sighs, coming closer and closer before kneeling in front of her. He is pale, white of hair, red of eyes, and looking at her with a startling amount of sympathy. Her right hand twitches, inching towards the knife at her right, but one of the somethings within her stops it. 
When the stranger first reaches out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear, she at first flinches. Then she realizes she feels a strange sense of fondness at his presence, at the way he brings her other hand into his. She brings her thumb to his lip, so that he too can indulge himself the way she has. He gently takes her wrist and moves her hand to the side, though he licks the blood clean off his bottom lip. 
“You must snap out of this, darling,” He says, bringing her hand down and setting it in her lap. “We need to clean up this mess of yours.”
“Mess?” She echoes, still entranced from the high of the Urge being sated. Though, slowly, she is beginning to recognize the walls around her, as well as the face in front of her. One something snarls and retreats, and the other pushes to the forefront in victory.
“Yes, love,” Astarion replies, taking her head between each hand and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Gods, do I ever find you beautiful when you’re covered in blood. But I’m afraid the Flaming Fist may not agree if they come across this scene.” 
She nods, though she still does not fully understand. Who wouldn’t appreciate this creation? This act of worship to her Father?
Astarion stands and helps her to her feet. The poor soul on the ground beneath them has gone silent, but she stares at him, expecting him to speak to her again. To tell her this was okay, this was her place, this was what she was made for. 
He only stares back. 
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starlightsreigns · 2 months
slow down | the judgment day
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summary: maia looks innocent, that's her trademark, but a certain group of misfits knows an act when they see one. it's time to test their theory, and they've met their match - she's their hardest opponent yet and she's here to win.
warnings: 18+ nsfw! unprotected sex, public (sorta) sex, cursing, drinking. smut x1000, minors please don't interact!!
word count: 3.4k
author's note: pls this is truly material to call me a sl*t, but here we are with NO shame. one of the only work that I have that's more than two people, so... yeah. part two, maybe???
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darling, slow down
Maia’s hips sway to the beat of the loud music blaring in the club. Her hands are in the air, completely in a different headspace, thanks to the immeasurable amount of liquor she’s consumed in the past hour and a half. Her friends surround her, almost as a shield, in their own worlds. Her eyes slowly close, feeling free, not even realizing the eyes that we’re watching her, interested, thirsty, and ready to pounce.
Damian sits at the back of the room, perfectly centered to where Maia is dancing. He crosses his arms, so transfixed on her that he doesn’t even hear what his stablemates are talking about. 
“Uh-oh, look who found Maia.” Dominic slaps his hand on Damian’s shoulder, peering over to watch Maia. “Damn, man, I get it, she’s..” He trails off, almost lost in her movements. 
As the song changes, Maia opens her eyes, perfectly falling on Damian through the crowd. She smiles realizing his gaze on her. For a second, she contemplates her next move, but the fire from his gaze lights something deep inside her and she goes with the action she’d never do on a sober mind because she was way too chicken to ever do it. Her long legs are bare, her skirt is short and her stride is long and sultry as she approaches where The Judgement Day members all sit. She glances at them all, taking a moment to lick her lip. 
“Anyone wanna dance?” She leans over to ask, her breast slightly on display and the guys can’t help but take a look. 
Rhea sits back, taking in the slightly younger woman and how everything she wears hugs her body in the right way. Her eyes settle a moment on the black bralette she’s wearing and the way it doesn’t hide her hard nipples, even in the dark. Dominik focuses on her perfectly red lips and the way the lipstick hasn’t moved all night and the way he wants to smudge it. He shifts in his seat, trying to push the thought away before it manifests in a way he couldn’t hide it. Finn, on the other opposite side of Damian whose sitting in the middle, has his eyes on the length of her skirt and the way that he could drag her into the bathroom and fuck her over the sink without messing up her outfit. Then there was Damian, who is stuck on the thought that Maia wasn’t as innocent as she portrays on screen or backstage — he could see it in the way her eyes light up.
As the next song picks up, Damian stands, “I’ll take a dance with you.” He glances back at his stablemates, sending them a knowing nod. “She’ll be right back.”  
Their plan was in action, and little did they know, Maia was on a mission of her own tonight. 
Slow down. 
Maia clasps Damian’s hand as she leads him to the dance floor. A nice funky, R&B beat fills the tight space. With her back pressing onto him they move slowly and sensually. She is pleasantly surprised at the way Damian falls into step with her. The lyrics felt directed to them and she can’t help but turn to look at the older man. 
Baby, I’ve been fantasizing, just looking in your eye.
Their eyes lock on each other. Someone stumbles past and pushes them further together. Maia rest her hand on Damian’s hard chest, her motions still on the beat. Damian snakes his hand around her back, following. 
You know I’m looking for more, and you’re what I’ve been praying for.
Maia turns again, pressing her ass against Damian’s crotch, whining down, bending at the waist to slowly grind against him. His hands move towards her hips, dangerously close to her ass, and squeezing. 
I’m not one to play around like this, it’s so real, and I love how it feels, love it when we slowly sway.
She comes back up to rest against his chest, laying her head back to look up at him. They sway with the music, Damian's arms now around her stomach, staring back at her. 
I love the way we move, the way we move. 
Maia smiles to herself, feeling his light touch – Damian’s hands start at her shoulders, lightly tumbling down her exposed sides. His warm hand on her lower back makes her hum as she glances back at him. His head ducks down to press a warm kiss on her neck. She sets a hand against his thigh, wanting him to get closer to her. His scent was intoxicating and that’s all she wanted. 
We can have every night, yeah, we can have every day. Ooh, I want you too. I need you.
They stay like that for a while. Maia lets her eyes shut, letting the music take control. She doesn’t even realize the effect that she’s having on the Puerto Rican man behind her or his friends seated not too far away from them, completely checked in to what’s going on. 
And when the song transitions to another, Damian goes to move back, but she holds him in place, turning to look up at him. Nothing is said as he lets his hand slightly fall a little lower, resting on her ass. They don’t move, feeling everyone else around them. Her hand rests on his tattooed arm, slightly grazing her fingernails down making him unknowingly shudder. 
Dominik comes up from behind Damian, resting his hand on her hip. Her bright eyes met his with a smile. He pulls her into him and her thoughts shift. His hand lays flat on her stomach with her back to him, once again dancing. 
“You’re too sexy.” He mutters in her ear and she presses her thighs together in search of some relief from the pressure. “Don’t push it away.” Dominik kisses her neck. 
She throws her head back gently into his neck with her eyes closed. Dominik bites his lip, focused on that red lipstick again, desperately wanting to kiss and taste her. Maia puckers her lips, leaning up slowly as he leans down to meet her lips. The kiss is slow and deliberate. Dominik spins her around so they’re chest to chest, reconnecting their lips. She caresses his arm, lost in a trance for a while. 
“Come home with us.” Dominic breathlessly whispers in her ear, letting his hand travel down to the hem of her short skirt. 
Maia turned slowly taking him in, “And what will I win if I do.” Her lips moved perfectly and that’s all Dominik could focus on. “Lost for words?” She teases. 
“We’ll make it worth your time, mami, I promise.” 
He glances back, locking eyes with who could only be described as The Demon. Finn takes his time coming to meet the pair. Dominik gives his place. Maia’s eyes are low in the smoky room and it could drive the Irishmen crazy — and when she licks her lip, he has no choice but to give in to his desires, knowing that he couldn’t wait any longer. 
“C’mere.” His voice was thick with lust. 
Finn leads Maia past the bar, towards a bathroom, pushing the door open with his back. His friends shared a look, knowing things were going perfectly. The bathroom, matching the atmosphere of the club, was dim. He locks the door behind him and stalks towards her, where she leans against the sink, one heel slowly kicked up. Maia smirks when he finally stands in front of her. The music still pulsates through the room and her eyes dips from his to the front of his pants, pleasantly surprised to see how rock solid he was. 
It all felt like slow motion — Finn grabbed her by the hips, spinning her around to face the mirror. They stare at each other through it and Maia can’t help but press her ass against him, moving slowly, teasingly. 
“C’mon, don’t try to be a gentleman, take what you’ve come to get.” Her voice was laced with sex. She slowly hikes up her skirt, arching her back as she leans over — nothing hiding her pussy from his vision. 
At the sight, Finn groans, unzipping his pants. Maia’s breath gets stuck in her throat, feeling the tip of his dick pressing against her entrance. Her lips find themselves between her teeth again, feeling Finn pushes into her slowly. Her mouth hangs open slightly, a moan escaping. When he’s flesh against her, Finn moves his hand to sit around her stomach, pulling her up against his chest and thrusting deep. 
“Fuck.” The profanity leaves her mouth. 
As the music picks up, so does Finn’s movement. It’s not soft and she loved every second of it, he pounds into her as if he knew that’s exactly what she liked. And Maia feels like she’s on cloud fucking nine. The moans never stop from her and Finn can’t control himself at the faces she makes. He hits her g-spot, over and over, pushing deeper into her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck..” Maia is breathless, holding onto Finn’s arm, squeezing tightly.
He didn't let up and Maia was in absolute bliss. Finn’s hand moves from her stomach, down to her clit, rubbing along to his pace, making Maia reach her peak quicker. A single tear falls from her eyes and Finn kisses it, feeling her cling around him. 
A moan falls from his lips, “Go on, baby, come for me.” He bites her lips softly as she completely falls apart against him, feeling the orgasm shake her to the core. “Good girl.” He grunts, and his pace becomes sloppy. 
Maia has to muster all the power in her body to pull him out of her, crouching down in her heels to take him in her mouth. She strokes his dick, letting the tip hit the back of her throat until Finn’s eyes squeeze shut, coming down her throat. His groans are like music to her ears and when she swallows, she looks up at him through her eyelashes, plastering an innocent look on her face. 
She stands up, pulling her skirt down. Maia presses a kiss on his neck, smiling at the light red stain that she leaves. Her finger lightly traces it. 
“Wanna take me home?” Her manicured finger rests on his bottom lip. “I’ll think about it.” She winks, stepping out of the bathroom, and leaving him to get situated.
After more dancing, Maia stepped out of the club in desperate need of fresh air. She leans against the windows of the building, staring out at the parking lot. Even after her bathroom quickie earlier, she wasn’t satisfied and the cold air hitting her skin only heightened that need. As if on cue, Dominik pushed the door open, his eyes immediately landing on hers. 
“What you doin’ out here, mama?” Dominik comes up to her, pulling her towards him.
“Just gettin’ some air, what’s up with you, Dom?” Maia hooks her finger around one of his belt loops. “Come to keep me company?” 
They shared a quick look that solidified the fact that they weren’t outside for air. 
The car is parked in the back corner of the parking lot. Maia rested her back on the cool leather, humming as Dominik peppered kisses on her warm skin. She smells like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon. He lays his hand gently on her thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. They maintain eye contact as his finger finds her heat, slowly running a finger through her slick folds. Maia bites her bottom lip with an exhale, resting her head back. 
“So fucking pretty.” He murmurs, sliding a finger into her wet cunt. Maia’s mouth slightly falls open, arching her back looking for more. “Mm, so wet.” 
“Fuck me, please,” She whined.
Dominik chuckled, drinking her in as he unbuckled his belt. Maia had her skirt bunched up around her stomach and her top down slightly to expose her hard nipples. Maia sits up slowly as he pulls his dick out of his pants, stroking a couple of times, his eyes on her. 
“Come ride me, baby.” 
Maia peels off the leather, straddling over him, pressing a kiss onto his lips as he pushes into her. Dominik squeezes one of her breasts, flicking his tongue over her nipple. The sound of their slapping skin is the only sound in the car. 
“fuck,” Maia moans, resting her forehead against his. “oh yeah, just like that.” She holds his face in her palms, printing her red lipstick all over his mouth.
Their pace quickens and their moans start to mix together. The windows start to fog as Maia throws her head back, holding onto Dominik’s shoulder trying to chase the high. His hands connect with her ass several times, the slaps ringing out in the car. Maia groans, 
“You look so fuckin’ good, baby,” Dominik murmurs in her ear. “Come here.”
The new position had Dominik hovering over her with Maia’s legs basically touching the roof of the car. A yelp escaped from her mouth when he slid back in her, making her eyes roll to the back of her head. The pleasure rushed over her again. Her breath caught in her throat, pressing her hand against his chest. 
“Fuckfuckfuck,” Maia moaned, filled with lust. “Holy shit.” she gasped feeling the butterflies in her stomach. 
Dominik’s moans and grunts filled her ears as he drilled into her at a relentless pace. Maia could barely open her eyes to see the fogged-up windows or his sweaty chest, all she could see was stars and her release on the brink. She was so close. 
“Go ‘head, Maia.” Dominik’s voice lulled her on. “Cum for me.” 
And with that, Maia feels all her walls tighten. She lets out a ragged breath as he fucks her through her climax and proceeds to chase his. Maia locked eyes with him while licking her still-red lips. That tears Dominik apart as he pulls out, cumming over her stomach with a grunt. 
Maia smiles drunkenly, closing her eyes for a moment in bliss. 
 The air in the car was thick. The anticipation of what was coming was enough to power the city. Damian sits behind the steering wheel, Finn in the passenger seat with Maia in the backseat between Dominik and Rhea. Her eyes slowly look up to the rearview mirror, catching Damian's gaze as she licks her lip. His hands tighten around the steering wheel, impatiently. 
The house is impressive, but Maia’s thoughts were on everything but that. She holds a new cocktail in a square glass in her hands. She stares out at a pool in the backyard, nearly done with her drink when someone comes up behind her. The lights in the room are low, and music from the club is playing. The person behind her moves her hair, resting a kiss on her neck. She slowly closes her eyes, leaning back against them. 
“I never got that dance.” Rhea’s Australian accent fills her ears. 
Maia turns, setting her glass down. “I can give you a dance.” She murmurs, looking around the room to see them alone. “Or something better.” 
Rhea leans down, taking Maia’s lip into hers, kissing her roughly, trying to memorize her sweet taste. She leans down, hooking her arms under Maia’s ass and wrapping her legs around her waist. The kiss is breathless and they both refuse to be the first to pull away. 
“I have plans for you, baby.” Rhea bites Maia’s bottom lip. “But you have to wait.” She presses her lips to Maia’s one more time before setting her down. 
Dominik appears beside Rhea, taking the chance to capture Maia’s lips in a deep kiss, smacking her ass. She rests her hand around the back of his neck, letting her nails graze over the soft skin then moves them down to the hem of his shirt, wanting to feel his warm skin. Dominik, not breaking the kiss, moves them back to the center of the room. Another body presses up behind her, peppering kisses on her neck. 
“Let’s take you upstairs.” Finn says, lightly nibbling her ear. 
Finn leads them up the stairs, with Dominik closely behind Maia. She holds onto his hand, keeping them both steady as they enter the dimly lit room. Maia takes a moment to scan the room — it’s huge, and her eyes land on two armchairs near the window where Rhea and Damian were sitting, having stopped their conversation at the sight of her. 
Maia walks around to sit on the edge of the bed, facing the pair. She grabs the straps of her top, sliding them down her shoulder slowly, giving them all a view of her breast. She bites her lip, resting on the palm of her hands when Rhea gets up, stalking her like prey. 
“Touch me, gorgeous.” Maia groans softly. 
The Australian woman caresses Maia’s thighs, deeply gazing into the eyes of the woman under her, then gets on her knees to come face to face with her dripping wet cunt. Rhea places a soft kiss on her inner thigh, so close to Maia’s heat causing her to softly fall back against the mattress. Finn and Dominik watched for a moment but received a look from Damian and took their leave.  When Rhea’s tongue met Maia’s clit, a deep sigh left her lip, slowly arching her back. She can’t help but tangle her fingers in Rhea’s hair. 
“So good.” She moans, her breath hitching in her throat. 
Rhea rests her arm over Maia’s lower stomach, keeping her in place as she devours her as if it were her last supper. Her tongue swirls over Maia’s bundle of nerve, her tongue laying flat, sucking roughly on her clit. Maia couldn’t help but grip the sheets, trying to keep her body flat on the bed, but her body had a mind of its own. The euphoric feeling washed over her, leaving her breathless. Her breathing was labored and her hands searched for something, anything. The release was so close that she couldn’t help but shut her eyes as it washed over her with so much force. 
“Good girl,” Rhea purrs, licking her lip as Maia tries to find her breath. 
Her fingers dug into Maia’s hips to keep her still as she ate her like a starved woman’s first meal in years. Maia tried to push her legs together but was unsuccessful as Rhea dipped a tongue into her, disarming her immediately. She grinded down into Rhea’s face, moaning loudly. Maia glanced to the side to see Damian watching them intently and that only turned her own even more as she threw her head back. 
As Maia tiptoed the edge, the rougher Rhea got until she couldn’t take it any longer. For what felt like the hundredth time tonight, she came so hard until all she saw was blackness. Her breath was ragged as Rhea kissed up her body until her lips were on Maia’s in the softest kiss ever. All Maia could do was murmur a word, but she wasn’t even sure of what she said. 
It took a while for her to come to, but when she did, Maia realized that it was just her and Damian in the room. He stood from his chair and came to the front of the bed as Maia got up onto her knees. She watched him carefully as she fixed her clothes. Maia licked her lips as he crouched down to her eye level. 
“Is the nice girl back?” he teased with a smirk. 
Maia shrugged her shoulder, “who says that wasn’t the nice girl?” she whispered, looking at him from underneath her eyelashes. “I been watching you priest, you can’t fool me.” 
Damian chuckled, “and what do you mean by that, Maia?” 
“I want you and you want me all to yourself, am I right?” Maia questioned, moving closer to him. “Because I see how you look at me, I see how you all look at me, but you in particular…” 
Maia gave a dramatic sigh, “I can feel your eyes on my body, so I walk slower. Baby, I always know when you’re around, just tell me I’m wrong.” 
The room felt 1000 degrees hotter as they stared at each other. Damian took in the way Maia rubbed his arm then laid back onto her elbows on the bed, watching him with an innocent smile as if she didn’t just turn him on. 
“I want you, Maia.”
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:) thank you for reading. let me know if I should do a pt. 2, but I fear I write too much damian x
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koboldfactory · 5 months
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daenysthedreamer101 · 6 months
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~ Daughter of Steel and Bronze (Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong)
This is the story of Princess Daena Targaryen - daughter of the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce. What role will she play in the impending doom of House Targaryen?
Follow along as she learns to navigate the complex life of the Red Keep, uncovers treacherous plots, falls victim to dangerous lies, and falls in love with the heir of Harrenhal.
Will she survive the Game of Thrones or perish as so many others did?
Character profile
Daena x Harwin
Ch 1 - To King's Landing
Ch 2 - Claiming your birthright
Ch 3 - Dragonstone
Ch 4 - Blood of the Dragon
Ch 5 - Victory
Ch 6 - Gone with the Wind
Ch 7 - Loss of Innocence
Ch 8 - Crossroads
Ch 9 - Child no more
Ch 10 - Signs and Portents
Ch 11 - The comforts of home
Ch 12 - Hidden secrets
Ch 13 - Daughter's anguish
Ch 14 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Ch 15 - To Mend a Broken Heart
To be continued...
Depictions of Daena
Pt 1/ Pt 2 / Pt 3
Pt 4 / Pt 5 / Pt 6
Pt 7 / Pt 8 / Pt 9
Pt 10 / Pt 11
Secondary characters
Lady Amanda Royce
Ladies Joy and Hanna Strong
Lady Rowena Redfort
Rowena's reaction to Rhea's death
Daena's outfits
Pt 1
Pt 2
Daena's style
How Vermithor bonded to Daena
Daena's style during mourning
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