#obviously wasn’t for me bc the first girl i fell in love w came into my life and i immediately dropped all those guys
spr1ng · 1 year
it’s just so funny that all my serious ass crushes were on girls
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 3)
platonic! yosano akiko x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff but trigger warning!! there may be a sensitive topic for others
*getting grabbed and pulled to an alleyway! alcohol mentioned!*
please remember that yokohama isn’t the friendliest place, especially at night.
previous: part 2 : their beloved president
author’s note: same ages as last time!! (so that means everyone is one year younger than canon; that makes yosano 24)
this one is actually pretty long :0
i got info abt her likes on her wiki page (careful! there’s spoilers!)
and yosano is a queen and no one can tell me otherwise
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the doctor is in the house (quite literally)
going grocery shopping was an okay chore in your opinion
it honestly depended on your mood or whatever kind of shit happens when you go shopping
cause like something always, always happens whenever you go do groceries
sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and sometimes it’s just plain weird
one time some weirdo proposed to you in the middle of the store asking for a double suicide
he was good looking you’d admit but it’s not like you’d ever see him again
or so you thought
a n y w a y s
every so often, you’d run out of real person food in your apartment
you mostly survive off all of the leftover bakery treats and ingredients—which works out pretty well actually—but bakery supplies unfortunately also run out quite often
and also unfortunately, one time when both fukuzawa & ranpo took a visit to Sakura’s, fukuzawa argued that “no you can’t live off sweets for the rest of your life”
ranpo was scandalized and scrambled to cover your ears
you guys were at it for a while
in the end you sided with fukuzawa causing ranpo to go off about “betrayal from the people he cared most abt” or smth like that
you guys were okay again after bribing him with sweets :)
for bakery supplies you usually have them delivered bc you order them in large quantities bc ahaha no way were you gonna carry like 15-20 50 pound bags of flour no way
when days like those happen, you close up the bakery early so you aren’t walking home when it’s too dark
you scheduled it to happen every first saturday of the month
on those saturdays, you close at 5 instead of at 8
currently, you were at the grocery store looking for basic cooking ingredients such as proteins, vegetables, fruits, and most importantly, snacks
ranpo’s been rubbing off on you
the sun was starting to set and you were walking home with your two bags of groceries when shit went down
tbh you were kinda expecting it cause your grocery run was peaceful for once
but what you weren’t expecting was a wack-a-do to appear out of goddamn nowhere right when you were opening the side door to get to the staircase up to your apartment
like honestly
let a woman do her own thing
the man who grabbed you tried to covered your mouth so you couldn’t scream but you didn’t exactly make it easy for him
you kicked and thrashed around even using the grocery bags—that were somehow still in your hand—as a weapon and the man struggled but he was still bigger than you and was able to bring you to a nearby alley
he reeked of alcohol and you spotted a wedding band on his left hand
not that you cared about the detail in the moment
you kicked him in the groin and in response he let you go only to fall on broken glass that was in the alley way
using the wall to help yourself up, you grabbed a nearby wooden stick and struck him right on his back
your attacker fell and you immediately turned on your heels to escape only to fall back down on the hard cold ground once again
you lift your face up and look back to see the man holding onto your ankle
grabbing a shard of glass—cutting yourself in the process— you begin to swing it at him only for him to easily grip your wrist and stop you
you get ready try and kick him in the groin again but you’re interrupted as your attacker gets sucker punched and flies to wall
you look up to see your savior and you’re blessed to see a beautiful woman, probably not that much older than you are—she’s probably around ranpo’s age— donning a white long sleeve button up, a matching black necktie, knee length skirt, and gloves, along with tights, red heels, and a pretty butterfly clip in her short black hair
but what you really notice is her eyes
ranpo’s eyes were pretty but you like hers just a bit more
you’ve always liked the color magenta
the pretty lady holds out her hand and you take it graciously and thank her as she helps you up
as that’s happening, your attacker gets himself onto his feet and his groan catches both of your attention
he struggles to stand and the pretty lady simples saunters over to him and delivers an uppercut knocking him out cold
you’re stunned and you breathe out a “thank you” making her turn towards you
she notices the condition you’re in
bleeding scrapes on your hands, arms and legs, small rips in your clothes like your tights, blouse, and skirt, and the ruffled state of your hair and clothing
she asks if you live nearby and you tell her that you own the bakery that’s one or two buildings away
when you tell her that, it clicks in her mind that you must be the bakery girl ranpo’s been talking about and the friend fukuzawa was cat sitting for
it’s been abt two weeks since ranpo and fukuzawa first met you and since then, they’ve seen lucky in the office plenty and the boxes of your signature sweets even more
if those two trust you, she has no reason not to
she smiles at you, holds out her hand for you to shake, and introduces herself as the doctor of the armed detective agency
your eyes widen and you smile back at her shaking her hand
“ah! you must be yosano-sensei then! ranpo-san and fukuzawa-san have talked about you! it’s so nice to meet you! im (l/n) (y/n)!”
“they’ve talked about you too, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you (y/n)”
after that exchange she insisted on bringing you home to treat you wounds which you told her it wasn’t necessary
she gave you a pointed look and that was when you realized what state you were in
you sighed and weakly gave in to which she only grinned at
before leaving the alley she walks over to the unconscious man and pulls out his wallet for some sort of identification and home address as you try to see if there’s any groceries still salvageable
after texting the details to kunikida, yosano turns to you poking around the now ruined grocery bags
she simply rubs your back and tells you that the both of you could go buy more groceries together as she was meaning to get some anyways; she even said she’ll pay for you
you refused obviously but she, unknowingly, used the same tactic fukuzawa used with you
“so you’re saying you don’t need groceries?”
*cue an eyebrow raise from our resident queen*
“...you agency members don’t like making things easy for me huh.”
you gave in reluctantly and at this point you don’t even know why you try negotiating with them
and that’s only three of them
apparently, she was on the other side of the street on the way to buy groceries for the agency when she noticed different produce items on the other sidewalk leading to the alley and she went to check out what happened
ironically, the way to the grocery store from the agency makes you go past Sakura’s but she didn’t realize it until after the two of you had met
before you know it, the two of you are in your apartment kitchen as she cleans and patches up all of your wounds
as she does so the two of you have a little girl talk
you find it quite comforting bc since you opened up Sakura’s you haven’t really had the chance to connect to many people much less other women
you definitely see yosano as your cool, loving, badass older sister
she thinks you’re adorable and agrees with ranpo’s opinion
that’s right
the opinion that you’re like a little kid </3
you called it a betrayal and all she did was laugh at you <//3
“awhh that’s really cool yosano-sensei!—MFPH?!?”
*squishing your cheeks the same way ranpo did* “ranpo-san was right (n/n)-chan, your cheeks are squishy!”
after that small fiasco, the two of you talked some more and bonded over your love for flowers, japanese sweets, and much more!!
you even made a date to have a girls day to go shopping and eat out!
you’re internally squealing a bit bc it’s been a while since you’ve gone shopping
yosano notices and she giggles behind her hand not saying anything bc she knows you’ll only throw a fit
the two of you came around the topic of ranpo when lucky passed by
lucky quickly warmed up to the doctor and cozied up in her lap
“i wish ranpo-san was able to meet lucky when he came by the first time, but then again, he’d probably throw a tantrum if i don’t pay attention to him for 5 seconds”
she snorted at that and like fukuzawa, she shared stories abt the slightly older male
“ranpo-san doesn’t know how to ride a train?”
“unbelievable right?”
“for someone so intelligent i expected more from him”
“i’ll be telling that to ranpo-san, (n/n)-chan”
“wha—?! yosano-sensei please don’t!”
like ranpo, she’s also a tease </3
but you love her anyway <3
eventually, she finished patching you up and promised to treat you to a new set of clothes when the two of you go out
“you don’t need to lose a good set of clothes just because of a sleazy man (n/n)-chan! you deserve better!”
you were going to argue that the rips in your clothes were fairly small and could easily be fixed—except the tights—but you stopped in your tracks when you remembered that it was practically useless to argue against an ada member
the two of you walked to the grocery store and bought both of your needed supplies—along with some extra goodies—and then she walked you back to your place bc it was already a bit dark out
but even if it wasn’t, she would walk you anyways
besides, if anything happened to you, she’s 1000% positive that ranpo and fukuzawa are gonna flip the fuck out not that she wont cause she most definitely will
speaking of which
you were drinking a bottle of water as the two of made your way back to Sakura’s when all of a sudden
“(y/n) you do realize that i have to tell shachou and ranpo-san about what happened today right?”
you choked on your water
“yosano-sensei you can’t! if you do they’ll freak! they won’t leave me alone for at least two weeks! one if im lucky!”
“exactly the point”
you just accepted your defeat already knowing that you’d lose
but maybe you can simmer down their anger towards the bastard with sweets and lucky
you arrived at Sakura’s shortly after and after bringing groceries in, you packaged a bunch of pastries leftover from today—bc you closed early—and bc you’re well aware that ranpo doesn’t share any of the sweets you send him with
you even gave yosano her own special box filled with goodies she loves, and a thermos of fukuzawa’s favorite, your special hot honey lemon tea
other than the sweets, you prepared lucky to spend the night at fukuzawa’s
you really really hoped that doing these things would make them calm down
you shivered at the thought of what their responses would be
you felt really bad for giving yosano all these things to carry and that you were keeping her very late
she assured you that she was fine and that if someone tried to mess with her she’d kick their ass
and after exchanging numbers, the magenta eyed queen bid you a good night and walked back to the agency with lucky walking by her heels
arriving back at the agency, yosano was greeted with some concerns asking if she was alright bc she came back from her grocery run pretty late
(she usually goes in the mornings but today was pretty busy so she left in the late afternoon but now it was already dark)
she waved off the concerns and plopped a couple boxes of your signature bakery boxes at ranpo’s desk, the one for her at her own, the last few boxes in the kitchen for any other agent or clerk to grab, placed the thermos on the desk fukuzawa was by, and picked up lucky and handed him to the president
the two males were pleased with what yosano had brought them, and pleased that another agency member had the chance to meet you
fukuzawa was rubbing lucky and ranpo already snacking on treats as yosano expected
but here comes the hard part
or maybe it’s gonna amusing who knows
“i met (y/n) today.”
“we could tell.”
in goes another treat in the green eyed man’s mouth
“would you like to know how?”
“you bumped into each other, had girl talk, made plans to go out, went grocery shopping, and you brought me and shachou presents.”
“great job ranpo-san, you’re almost completely correct.”
this caught the attention of basically everyone bc they knew ranpo was never “almost completely correct”
“we ended up meeting bc she got attacked on her way home from grocery shopping, i treated her wounds, then we had girl talk and did all the other stuff”
ranpo and fukuzawa froze right in their tracks
“i sent all the info of the bastard to kunikida”
“yes shachou”
“find out everything about that man and bring it to me and ranpo”
“...yes shachou”
“and yosano”
“text (y/n) and tell her that her cat, tea, and pastries aren’t going to work as a bribe”
just as you finished taking a shower you sneezed
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queenofimagines · 4 years
Request: “can i get something for jj where he's just SUCH a softie & always wants to be held by his girl, been friends since they were lil?? & maybe he finds out that she ran into his dad in public & he recognized her & said some shit abt how she could do better than jj / deserves better & she stood up for him w/out a single hesitation. & when jj finds out he just wants to hold/be held by her & then she calls him "baby boy" or "bubba" & he just breaks & needs needs NEEDS bc he feels so vulnerable & loved”
Warnings: None
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JJ didn’t have many things in his life that he cared to hold onto. His lighter? Nothing special. His hats? He could always steal more. His sunglasses? Well, he didn’t really wear them anyway. But you? Now you were something completely different. You had been there for JJ his whole life, having met at a young age in some obscure playground that he was sure was torn down years ago to accommodate the expansion that Figure 8 had undergone. He didn’t care that it was gone, not when he still had you in his life, not when he could still make memories with you at The Wreck or on the HMS Pogue. All that mattered to JJ was you, and as long as he had you, he had the world.
JJ was at the market with Kiara, picking up some supplies for a day out on the marsh. Kiara needed to run to the store for snacks and drinks while JJ had wanted to tag along to make sure that he got the exact chips he wanted. He also tagged along in order to get you those chocolates you loved so much. They were rather hard to come by in The Cut and while he definitely would have asked Pope’s dad since you didn’t want to (something about not wanting to make his job harder and not having enough money, although JJ knew Pope’s dad would have never charged you, you were his favorite Pogue after his son) Pope’s dad didn’t particularly like him very much. Pope’s dad probably would have helped JJ since it was for you but he still would have rather avoided the whole conversation, especially after the day he’d had. First, the stupid Kook family who hired him to mow their lawn had shorted him on his pay, claiming he had knocked over one of their garden gnomes, effectively scratching it and thus ruining it, apparently. He couldn’t see a scratch anywhere and he was sure that they just wanted to short him just because, maybe to flex their power or whatever. Then, his dad had tore into him just before heading to the same grocery store hours earlier. He promised his dad that he’d bring home the same amount that the Kook family had promised him, and bringing home less than what was promised definitely didn’t go over well. Shaking the memory from his head, JJ decided to focus on the task at hand.
“Kie, please! I don’t know what they’re called but they’re small and come in a bag that’s usually resealable and-”
“JJ! I don’t know what kind of chocolates you’re talking about!” Kiara sighed, “JJ I have literally never seen you work this hard for anything, not even for yourself, why would you work this hard for chocolate?”
“They’re for Y/N, she never gets to eat them because they’re so hard to find.” Kiara smiled at that. She knew how in love JJ was with you, he had been for as long as she could remember. Kie liked how you seemed to balance JJ out without restraining his wild personality and how your family had accepted him as if he was their own. She also loved that she wasn’t the only girl in the group anymore, having gained an instant best friend when you arrived.
“Just ask someone JJ, I’m sure the guy at the counter probably knows.” Nodding, JJ headed towards the front of the store while Kiara turned back towards the vegetable section, picking out some baby carrots and trying to find some ranch or hummus near by. JJ rolled his eyes, knowing that the only person who would eat them would be Kiara.
“Excuse me? Do you guys have these little chocolates that look kind of like-”
“JJ, my man! I didn’t think you’d be in today. Are you getting stuff for your dad? He came in earlier looking for some cigarettes and beer, but he didn’t end up buying anything. Instead he just caused a big ruckus that scared off my customers and left! Jerk.”
“Wait, he fought with someone?” JJ asked. JJ knew his dad had a temper but people weren’t always good at seperating JJ from his dad. He’d need more fingers if he were to count the many time he’d been attacked for his dad’s actions and he certainly didn’t need to add anymore to the list.
“Yeah, he fought with Y/N. You didn’t know? Isn’t she your girlfriend?” JJ shook his head.
“What was the fight about?” JJ asked, become agitated at the thought of you having any contact with his dad, let alone actually fighting with him. The clerk behind the counter rubbed his neck nervously, knowing JJ wasn’t going to like the answer.
“Well... Y/N was already here when your dad came in. I guess she found whatever she was looking for because she was making her way towards the counter when she bumped into your dad. Like head on, she even dropped the stuff she was holding. Your dad recognized her I guess cause he started saying something to her, I couldn’t hear what he said but whatever it was obviously didn’t sit well with her cause she looked like she was getting irritated. She said something to him about you, at least I heard her say your name a few times. Then she left, your dad leaving just a little after her.” By now JJ was on edge, knowing that whatever went down between you two couldn’t have been good. All he could think about was making sure you were okay. He quickly left the store, telling Kiara as he passed her that he needed to talk to you.
From the store to your house wasn’t very far, but at the pace JJ kept, the distance seemed even shorter. He quickly knocked on your front door, hoping you’d answer before he vibrated out of his skin. The door swung open, except it wasn’t your face he was looking at, but your father’s.
“Hey JJ, what’re you doing here? I thought you guys weren’t hanging out until later.”
“Hi, Mr. Y/L/N, you’re right but I just need to talk to Y/N really quick, can I come in?” By now JJ was practically bouncing on his toes. He loved your dad, he truly did, but right now he just needed to talk to you.
“Yeah come on in! She’s in her room but she’s taking a nap and, well, you know what she’s like when she wakes up don’t you?” Your dad laughed. JJ muttered a quick thanks before running to your room, gently closing the door when he spotted you sprawled out on top of your blankets fast asleep. He walked to the side of your bed and sat down, softly shaking your shoulder to wake you up.
“JJ?” You asked groggily, stretching before your eyes went wide as you abruptly sat up. “Oh my god did I sleep in? I was so sure I set an alarm.”
“You’re not late sweetheart, I just came early. I just needed to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?”
“The guy at the store told me you ran into my dad today.”
“What happened?”
“Well, I went to the store to pick up some snacks and when I was ready to pay I ran into your dad.” You didn’t really want to keep going, you knew he’d be upset by what his dad said and he really didn’t need his confidence to be any lower than it already was.
“And? I know there’s more to it Y/N.”
“Um... H-he said that I was a quite a catch, pretty and smart, and that I could have done better than... than you. He told me I should breakup with you.” JJ looked down, gripping you blanket so tight that his knuckles turned white.
“But I told him that wasn’t happening!” You quickly addd, beginning to get angry again as you thought about the whole interaction. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, there’s no way I’m just letting you go.”
JJ gently took ahold of your hand. He knew that you cared for him, but he never thought you’d be the type to stand up to his dad of all people, and he definitely didn’t think that you felt the same about him as he did you. His heart swelled at the thought that you had defended him, but he also felt guilty at the thought of you having to do so.
Seeing JJ look so defeated hurt your heart, more so at the thought that you might have caused it. 
“I’m sorry, Bubba. Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad, sweetheart, just surprised is all.” He quickly pulled you to him, kissing your forehead before laying down next to you and wrapping his arms around you. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For defending me. You didn’t have to.” You moved so that you were looking at him, eyes wide.
“Of course I did! No one talks shit about my boyfriend, especially not his own dad.” You said, laying your head on his chest after having made your point. Just then your alarm went off, signaling that you both would have to leave soon if you were going to be on time to meet up with the Pogues. You tried to get up but JJ held onto you tightly, not allowing you to move much as you tried to wriggle out of his grip.
“JJ we need to go if we don’t want to be late.” You laughed. JJ shoved his head into the crook of your neck, pulling you even closer to him.
“No, forget the Pogues, let’s just stay here and cuddle.” You wanted to protest, really you did but the way JJ was holding you, as if his life depended on it, let you know that he needed you right now to just be there, so without saying a word, you turned over and held him to you, running your hand through his hair until he fell asleep, soon drifting off with him.
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
Two faces of the same coin
Pairing: Tenma x ghost-looking! reader Part 1.
Hey! I had this awesome ask from sadly ages ago which I appreciated a lot bc honestly, just the fact that someone sent such a detailed thing?? My heart.
Request: (...) Tenma finds someone who looks like they got out straight from a horror movie- They could literally pass as a ghost anytime of the day! But once he talks to them they are just an extremely chill introvert, and actually really thoughtful and considerate? (...) So yeah, imagine Tenma who once was shitting his pants whenever that person was around slowly starting to enjoy their presence and even better: fall for them.
Enjoy! 💕
Classic horror icons and other disturbing creatures share common characteristics, pale skin, dark, sunken eyes, hunched posture, sharp teeth, and the like. These images inspire fear and revulsion in many with good reason. And while Tenma would insist he was okay with them- he really was and Yuki should really just shut up- he wouldn’t go out of his way to watch or read about that specific genre. And he was okay with that.
“A ghost in the school?”
He tried to not sound as worried as he internally felt, his brain still processing what Taichi was talking about while waiting for their drinks to drop. The redhead nodded unaware, eyes fixed on the vending machine “Yeah! You haven’t heard about it before?”
“W-why should I? It’s stupid to think paranormal stuff like ghosts exists anyway.”
With a clank, both drinks finally fell. Taichi crouched down to retrieve them humming happily, handing one of them to the summer troupe leader and keeping one for himself.
“I don’t know man, it’s kind of cool!” he crossed his arms behind his head, resuming their walk and looked behind. “What about you, Juza-san? You seen anything?”
The purple-haired boy considered it lazily, but ultimately shook his head. He didn’t seem too interested in the conversation anyway, and Tenma was pretty sure the main thoughts running through his head were today’s melon bread from the cafeteria.
It had been a while since their Ouka-high group had been able to have lunch together.
“Did you see? That Sumeragi Tenma is back!”
“Gosh, he looks so handsome!”
“Wait- don’t push me!”
“I heard he’s going to be a possible cast in that famous saga-”
“Are you serious?”
Whispers and tiny squeals kept circling them as soon as they entered the boundaries of the canteen. And while Tenma barely notices it at first, he can definitely see Juza’s stance going more rigid and Taichi’s eyes glowing at the attention received.
“I’ll go get our lunch” the golden-eyed teen announces heading towards the queue, hands buried in his pockets. He motioned Tenma with his chin. “You wanted set B right, no carrots.”
“Uh? Well yeah, but I can-”
“S’okay, you two go find some seats” he shrugged, looking around. There weren’t many spaces to start with and he’d honestly prefer focus on the food rather than the stares. “It’d be difficult to keep ‘em free with just one person anyway.”
“Roger! Come on Ten-chan, let’s go!”
“Aw, man. Everyone has their eyes on you as usual!” Taichi looked around, still indulging himself with all the people that were staring at them, some more blatantly than others.
How he didn’t get bored of mentioning it every time Tenma didn’t know, though he was low-key grateful. Not many people enjoyed being part of those types of reactions from a crowd- Juza for example-. When they finally managed to find some empty seats, Taichi placed his own bento on the table visibly excited. Tenma frowned.
“Since when did you start preparing lunch by yourself?”
“Ah, this?” the redhead laughed proudly at his confused look “See, I’ve been practicing my cooking skills! Tsuzuru has been super cool teaching me how to prepare some dishes for my siblings- plus, I’m sure I’ll get the attention of girls if they see my new talent!”
Tenma couldn’t decide whether he should make a comment as he took a long, thoughtful sip from his own juice can. Taichi’s lunch was a side of string cheese, a broken omelet, and some semi-burnt rice and it just didn’t seem very tempting.
He ultimately chose to leave it aside. Omi would surely know soon enough.
“So, uh, Taichi.”
He coughed, leaving aside the can and resting his back on the chair nonchalantly. “N-not that I care about that rumor, but- where is that ghost supposed to be?”
“Ah, the one we talked about? Mmm…” the autumn member caressed his chin, closing his eyes in deep thought. “No one really knows. It’s been spotted in pretty much all parts of the school” Tenma’s stomach sank at that. “But I’ve heard it likes room 1001 for some reason, you know, from the old side of the school? No one really uses it anymore- guess it makes sense!”
The redhead took again the chopsticks and started digging on the rice carefree.
Tenma shook his head. Cool. Great. Now he knew which side of the school he would never even try to approach at least.
“Tenma-kun!” a female voice, not familiar, made him jolt from his seat. When he looked up a girl followed by two others were are already making themselves comfortable on the chairs next to them- one of them even deciding to sit on the table. “Hi there!”
Third years.
"Hi” he repeated.
“We saw your appearance in that new series, it was unbelievable!”
“Are you going to be a recurring character there? I’d love if you could ask one of the leads to sign a shirt of mine!”
He simply showered them a practiced smile. He could already tell what type of fans they were. It wasn’t something out of the ordinary- people approaching him about his shows or to ask for favors- and honestly, it was better not entering in that dangerous territory. “Thanks. Nothing’s been said yet, that’d depend on the company. I’ll be counting on your future support.”
They instantly beamed at his reaction. “Of course!”
One of them clapped her hand together “That reminds me, when is your next performance in that theatre company you play? I so want to go see it again!”
“Ah, that will take a while. We just finished a month ago so next up is the autumn troupe” he motioned Taichi with his head, a proud, real smile featuring his face this time “These guys have been going all out, you won’t be disappointed.”
“O-of course!” the shortest Ouka high student practically jumped into the conversation. “If you all want, we could ask for a few tickets from our-!“
“But Tenma-kun is not in that troupe, right?” the girls looked at each other confused. As if it wouldn’t be something it’d cross their minds to do, had the child actor not participated before.
“W-well, no but…”
“Plus, the summer troupe is hilarious! I kinda prefer those types of performances, you know?”
“I totally get you!”
From his peripheral vision, Tenma could register Taichi’s face growing red- a strained smile before sitting back on his seat, not trying to add anything to the conversation anymore.
Smile. Remember to smile.
“…We all give our all on those performances, I don’t think it’s fair if you have just watched the summer troupe. You’ll definitely enjoy it if you give them the chance.”
“I mean… If Tenma-kun says so maybe we could go take a look.” one of them gave a chuckle, playing with their hair. “You think we could ask you to get us some tickets for-?”
“If you are not eatin’ you should leave.”
“Uh? Can’t you see we’re-” the sentence died in their lips as soon as they turned and encountered Juza. Not that he himself was proud of his reputation, but during these situations at the very least it paid to see they knew who he was.
The resulting glare was terrifying in its intensity, and the retreat took no longer than a few seconds. No one mentioned anything afterward- Juza’s calm and blank expression coming back as he sat down, handing the summer leader his lunch and squinting down at Taichi’s.
“What the hell are you eatin’.”
“Hehe it caught your attention too, right? You see…”
Tenma observed them. They were acting as if nothing had happened. Not so long ago people tended to stay away from him for those same reasons, so it still took him a few seconds to find the words again- For feeling this relieved at their reactions.
He left the chopsticks aside. “Sorry this... keeps happening."
They momentarily stopped the conversation, sharing a silent look before turning to the teen actor facing the table in awkwardness.
“I-It’s okay, Ten-chan! They would obviously be more interested in watching you than an unknown performance” Taichi laughs and scratches the back of his hair. He seemed to be fine- a bit uncomfortable, but fine. “Besides, that just means we have to work even harder to be recognized, right, Juza-san!”
“Yeah, don’t get stuck thinkin’ ‘bout it. We ain’t losin’ any time soon.”
“Anyway Juza-san, are you sure you’re okay with only melon bread and pudding for lunch? I can give you some of mine!”
Juza didn’t verbally answer Taichi’s offer, merely staring at the burnt rice being held in front of him with skepticism “…nah. I’m okay.”
Taichi frowned at his own food, tilting his head confused. A few seconds later, he gave it an ultimate shrug before going for one more bite, Juza doing the same with his own lunch. Tenma scoffed at the view, trying not to smile amusedly. The autumn troupe really was made out of beasts.
“If Sakyo-san saw what you two are eating he’d skin you alive, you know.”
“What do you mean why, Juza-san you can’t expect-“
"Ah, that reminds me!” Taichi suddenly rambled, mouth full of rice “We should totally go to the arcade before we head up to the dorm. I heard they have these new games that are supposed to be super exclusive!”
Tenma winced “Can’t. I have a meeting with my homeroom teacher after classes.”
The other two replied with a similar expression.
“I almost forgot you came from a big shootin’ and all. We’ve been seein' you in the dorm pretty much everyday.”
“Yeah! Geez I always say I envy you, but dealing with that after working must suck!”
“You tell me…”
Taichi shook his head, giving him both thumbs up “It’s okay, we can go another time. Good luck though!”
“You can sit here. I’ll go bring your work in a second and then we’ll talk.”
With a lazy look on his face, Tenma caught a glimpse of his own reflection from a trophy case- one of the few resting at the entrance of the teacher’s lounge. He had never paid attention to them before; Second prize in a football tournament, first prize in some races and a few diplomas regarding different competitions, nothing too special. Ouka high had never had the best score regarding academics, which is exactly why he was able to enter.
Igawa liked to insist it wasn’t entirely Tenma’s fault he had so many troubles keeping up with schoolwork though- well, not more than the usual of not being good at studying. No one actually knew how hard celebrity kids had to push themselves- at least that’s what his parent had said. On the other hand, they hadn’t really cared much more, so long the school allowed him to be flexible with his schedules.
School time was usually done while moving sets and camera changes. He and other kids and teens were at different levels of schooling most of the time, so the teacher was forced to divide their time. Honestly, one would be lucky to get 30 minutes of full tutoring.
Anyway, it was rotten work and even Tenma knew it. He also knew what his homeroom teacher thought about it, which is exactly why he couldn’t help himself raising his eyebrows concerned as he saw the pile of papers being drop over the desk.
“Is this a joke?”
“I know you’re busy, but there’s a minimum to do keep up with your classes and… general results.” the old man frowned scratching his grey four-days old beard. He clicked here and there at the computer, probably revising the latest results of the tests they had done.
He then leaned back on his chair, trying to find a comfortable position before his wrinkly eyes turned to him again. “I wish I could think of another way, but you are getting quite behind everyone, Sumeragi-kun. We’re worried.”
Well, it was not his fault he couldn’t remember all the information they gave him like a script. Was it really the solution giving him the same amount of work as his classmates with half the time?
Before he could open his mouth to complain, the man placed his hand on Tenma’s shoulder. It felt heavy. “I already talked with your manager. It seems you’ll be having a break for a month and a half just before finals and I’d like to help you. We can’t have one of the biggest faces of the school repeating a year, can we?”
Tenma’s jaw clenched. Of course, everything was always for Sumeragi Tenma the actor. Student Tenma could go drown himself.
“Here you’ll find some reinforcement materials I think will be good for you to do in school. Less time wasted while moving and I’ll be here in case you have any questions.”
His face twitched. That would mean he wouldn’t be able to ask for Tsumugi’s help or any of the adults back in Mankai. “I actually-”
“Suguro-sensei, Someone’s calling for you about tomorrow’s meeting!”
“Is it that time already... I’ll be right there in a second! In any case, I would suggest you go work on the library Sumeragi-kun.” the man got up, finishing that way their conversation. “It should be quiet enough, but if you see any students being too loud, give them a call.”
Tenma side-glanced again at his workload, groaning internally.
Just about his luck.
Twenty minutes walking.
How could such a big school not have a single sign to indicate where things were?
Squinting his eyes, Tenma looked both ways across the hall annoyed, his already short temper from before increasing. He was sure the library was two turns to the right, then left, and then up the stairs from the teachers’ lounge.
...or maybe it was a floor down now that he thought about it. Damn it. It wasn’t as if he had ever stepped inside that place, shouldn’t they make it more accessible for everyone?
“This sucks…”
It had been a while since he had seen other students or even teachers around, which also made him feel uneasy. He glanced down at the paperwork in his arms, gripping it tighter. He hoped no one would see him walking around like this.
Just where was the stupid library?
It wasn’t until Tenma decided to try entering inside any room that would allow him to work, that he found many were strangely closed. He was about to gave up when he finally saw the dusty word ‘library’ at the end of the corridor. Finally. With effort he managed to open the heavy door, immediately pinching his nose.
“Ugh, stinks.”
The person in charge of cleaning the school really did a worse job than Matsukawa- at least the man cleaned from time to time and organized stuff. The place was an absolute mess; boxes over the floor, piles of books on chairs and shelves full of documents and other various things he didn’t quite distinguish.
Leaving everything on the closest table Tenma sighed when he felt his arms relaxing without the weight. Frowning, he walked around the place, smelling a mix of dirt and old- even some shelves were full of dust. Really, how did a school like this had such a gross place to study? No wonder students didn’t try to come here.
He should have asked for permission to take his work back to Mankai. Less danger of someone noticing he was behind his studies and it becoming a gossip- or worse, finding he had been walking without an absolute clue for the last half hour.
Yeah, he had more options to pass the year with Tsumugi’s help rather than on his own. Just looking at the amount of work he had he was sure it’d-
The faint sound of walking steps brought him back from his thoughts freezing him on the spot- all his breath trapped. He hadn’t heard anyone since he entered, but it shouldn't be surprising to find others studying.
I’ve heard it likes room 1001 for some reason, you know, from the old side of the school? No one really uses it anymore- guess it makes sense!
Or it was probably the wind. The wind tends to make noises, Tenma reminded himself while swallowing with difficulty.
Was the air suddenly thick?
He strained to hear, his heart pounding loudly. “I-Is anyone there?” the nerves made his voice come out higher than he had hoped.
More cracks and sounds of steps. He couldn't see anything yet.
His stomach turned as his breath became louder. This wasn't happening. Yup! It was his imagination. What was happening could not be real, because ghosts didn’t exist. “I-I’m not afraid, you know?!” he shouted, positioning himself on a fighting stance while carefully moving backward.
That’s right- Tenma wasn’t scared. He had just rested enough, with or without a ghost in the room, and it was about time to leave. Ignoring his sweaty palms and nodding once more to nothing in particular, he turned around at the same time a pair of eyes made contact with his.
The figure opened its mouth.
And Tenma proceeded to absolutely destroy his throat.
This took so long though I’m not even sure If they are around. If you are love, I apologize! I found a few walls writing-wise. So not entirely to say I made it longer to make up for it but on the other hand... maybe. Thank you so much for sending such a nice idea so I was able to make this, really hope you like it. 💕
I promise this is a reader insert lol thank you for reading!
Part 2 soon!
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
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parings: Ushijima x reader , Iwaizumi x reader and Sakusa x reader 
warnings: NSFW (under the black lines) daddy kink w hajime, Timeskip Haikyuu. language? jealousy? fannon sakusa? anal w sakusa. bad grammar :)
a/n: as a compressed woman myself, i don’t think there is enough compressed content out there, or maybe i haven’t found any. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi
this man LOVES you, you cannot put it into words
let’s start with being in public 
he isn’t touchy feely with you in public, never. he think it looks bad and does’t wanna make you uncomfy
does hold your hand... kind of. You def. have smaller hands than he does so you grab his pinky most of the time, he thinks its really damn cute.
leaned down to kiss your forehead.
if you’re ever out to go eat at like a stand or sum, he sits down and he’s basically looking at you or at your chest depending on the chair.
When it comes to being at home, he’s legit the most handsiest airhead in the freaking world
He could be laying on the couch, he makes you sit on his lap and your like “mmm, no” but he reminds you that he’s legit full nelsoned your ass while standing in front of a mirror and you like “..... y-you don’t need to remind me!!!” so you sit on his lap
y’all start talking and he’s like really distracted with you chest, doesn’t matter the size he just want his hand on your boobs.
very touchy man in private, this man was touch starved until you came in and now he can get enough.
“Toshi? What are you doing?”
Hes caressing your boobies and he just smiles like the big dumb idiot he is and whispers something about being in love with your chest and he sits up a lil and just shoves his face in ur tits, like not even in a sexual way.
let’s also add a lil nsfw in this fluff
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when you guys first did the deed you hesitated in taking of your clothes, you did not want him to see you naked, not yet at least. he didn’t mind at, but he made you wear his shirt.
you kissed him and changed in the bathroom and when you came out wearing his shirt like a dress, he got embarrassingly hard 
that day he realized that his favorite position w you (only when you wear his shirts) is doggy style bc he’d ruin all his shirts and ball up the hem of it to pull you so deep into his cock and holy shit he’s never felt so much euphoria
he’s got you screaming his name, drooling over the bed sheets, covering his cock with your orgasm. god he loves the sight of your body giving out due to multiple orgasms.
also loves eating you out, wow
he’s told you that he’d be happy if he suffocated in-between your thighs
you had to let out a giggle but like it turned into a moan
cocky bastard
loves leaving marks on you, there’s so much skin to cover, and he wants to do it all.
Iwaizumi Hajime
I 100% believe that this boys mother is compressed as well and you cannot tell me otherwise
loves public pda especially at night
has to be touching you in some way shape or form
either holds your hand, your waist or your ass, just depends how you’re feeling and how he’s feeling
kisses your hand or the crown on your head
say if your ever standing in line and your in front of him, he will lean his head down and put his chin on top of your head
slaps your ass when he think no one is looking BUT SOMEONE IS ALWAYS LOOKING and he just makes you really embarrassed
i think he’s definitely an ass guy so he pinches your butt a lot
when he went to Irvine in Cali, he just had to take you with him, he couldn’t just leave his baby all alone without him.
you guys had a free day so y’all went to laguna beach, lucky it wasn’t as packed as it usually was or so you heard
at this point iwaizumi has given you enough confidence to wear a two piece, (obviously high waisted)  
half the time at the beach you felt like he wanted to bark at the guys who stared at your ass while you sun bathed.
he’d bother you a lot for kisses and low key make out sessions
and let me tell you when he pulled away from the kiss and saw how plum and fucking red your lips where, he was hard, he’s never wanted you to wrap you mouth around his cock so bad
he calmed down for a bit, went into the water and cooled down, while you still laid on you belly enjoying the sun
at some point he was the one sunbathing and you where in the water
and now he believes that he picked the wrong pair of short to wear bc he got hard while watching you walk back to your spot, water just dripping down every curve and in every crook of your body
“We’re going back to the hotel now.”
you don’t complain, it’s not like you didn’t fucking notice how hard his cock was, it made your mouth drool
god getting to the hotel, he wasted no time at all what so ever.
kissed you all around, you skin tasted salty and fresh on his tongue
you broke the kiss to tell him that you guys should probably get into the shower or sand will be everywhere. 
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Hajime has a love/hate relationship with shower sex but today he didn’t care, he just pounded into your pussy like it was the last time he’d ever feel you
He loves pulling your body, you back close this his chest while he’s ramming into you, whispering the naughtiest things in your ears.
it either “you’re so tight, fuck, you’re twitching. Does it feel that good, hm? You’re pussy wrapped around my cock, taking me in so well. You love this don’t you, filthy little thing you are.”
he also likes teasing you, god he loves just holding your hips just to fuck you so slowly, edging you. “Are you gonna be a good girl and cum on my cock? You’re gonna be daddy’s good girl and cum all over my cock, right?” 
he’s such an asshole, i need to stop writing bc i legit wont stop. i love hajime so much omfg
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Oh boy Sakusa is def hard to write about, but i love him so ill do it
I think is he dated a compressed reader, he’d def tease them about their height, never their weight
Although he’s always been iffy about touching, there’s just something about you
he always has to be touching you somehow
his teammates at MSBY are really surprised to figure out that he has an S/O and that he lives and breathes the same air as their Oomi
They are really surprised when you come one day after practice and he doesn’t immediately go to the showers, go goes straight to kiss you just to say a quick hello and then he rushes into the shower. 
Atsumu’s like, “how you do dat?” you shrug it off bc you have no idea either bc ever since you’ve started dating he gets a lot more comfortable with you
his teammates love you by the way especially bokuto and hinata (ima say u used to be karasunos co manager w yachi)
thicc boys and girls hang together
anytime bokuto tries hugging you, you’re ready to accept him with open arms but Oomi is just like NO. BIG NO
Pouty boy sakusa doesn’t want bo accidentally feeling you up bc thats his job
Obviously atsumu is the comic meme where it’s like “are you sakusa’s new girlfriend! Dude! He told me you were hot but i didn’t believe him, bc like have you seen him? out of his league. Like, btw, fuck him, dude. Lets elope- I AIN’T DOIN NOTHIN!”  atsumu thinks you’re hot always flirts w/ you bc he low key has a thing for thicc girls (probably gonna write something about that bc i know for a fact people believe that he’d call a big girl “pig” but i think he’d be the type of asshole to hide the fact that he’s dating you bc he’s called people pigs and what not but during his time at MSBY bokuto def. rubbed of on him.
atsumu high key doesn’t remember you but YOU DEF REMEMBER HIM
you bumped into him while refilling waters and he’s like “watch it pig”
sakusa heard what you said and atsumus like “oh shit....”
you can’t tell me sakusa did not grad his usual cute scarf and try to suffocate him with it bc he insulted his s/o before he was their s/o
“we barely knew each other then stop trying to kill him Oomi!”
high key sakusa saw you that day and was like wow.
you can out of the bathroom with ur cute hand towel and hand sanitizer, you were low key sick but didn’t wanna put anyone at risk so u had a mask on too
you caught his looking and you just waved, you don’t really remember that day but he def does bc he fell i love with u then and there
his cousin had to drag him away from following you down the hall and ask what was you cleaning regimen bc he knew id freak u out a lil but it really wouldn’t have.
sukusa is only public handsy if he’s tipsy or when he’s at home w you and the three boys (atsumu, bokuto and hinata) he says he hates them but he doesn’t and you know that bc he wouldn’t let them into their house if he did
You’re like covering them with blankets any everything and lightly waking them up to put a pillow under their head, hinata low key starts crying bc he says you’re so sweet and that oomi should be feel so lucky that he’s got someone like you
okay hinata almost makes you cry but u like just boop his nose and giggle it off 
while you’re covering up atsumu, he starts flirting with you and u just laugh but tell me why sakusa will come behind you and just wrap his arms around you, puts his chin on your shoulder and glares at him
basically saying “leave my woman alone.” 
atsumu is high key (even if sakusa doesnt realize but you do) enticing sakusa so you can get a good fuck tonight bc he feels a lil bad for intruding.
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Sakusa will like drag you to bed, tease you. tie your hand behind your back so you can’t touch him and all you can do is watch him strip for you
god his body is sculpted by Himeros himself because his body is so damn sexy 
after hes down to his boxers he covers your eyes with a cloth and he gives you a good face fucking,
you cannot tell me that he doesn’t get so fucking hard after taking off the cloth and seeing how red a watery your eyes are
also this motherfucker is so dirty in bed i’m sorry (cannon him will not touch u tho like mmm sakusa cannon is a pillow prince, its still hot, def will write about it soon)
he would lick up you salty tears, and kiss your plump lips after he made you swallow his cum
he fucks you in front of the mirror that day but not on the bed
he makes you lean into your vanity so you can see up close how much of a drooling and crying mess me make you
you’re gipping onto the vanity and you’re on your fucking tippy toes, you’re twitching and so close to breaking the fucking vanity bc this isn’t your first orgasm, its probably the third or fourth
he’s covering your mouth with one hand and the other on your hip for grip as he pounds you
he might stick a finger or two in your mouth 
OH GOD I JUST THOUGHT- I JUST THOUGHT OF HIM LIKE spreading your ass too see how much you’ve cummed on his cock and he get’s the sudden urge to put this thumb in you ass, so he just runs his thumb around and it surprises you but he sees how you just tightened around his cock
he gives you a cocky look and just leans into your ear AND WHISPERS SO MANY DIRTY FUCKING THINGS WHILE NIBBLING AND LICKING YOUR EAR
“You’re such a dirty whore baby, I haven’t even put it in and you just tightened around me so good. I think- god you feel so tight... I think you might just cum from slipping my thumb into that cute ass of yours”
a/n: i wrote too much for sakusa when i was like wtf am i gonna write AND I ENDED UP WRITING THE MOST FOR HIM JFSIBFBSDFSKFHS IM NOT SURPRISED do i smell favoritism? yes. i’m not ashamed. 
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lovelymaybankk · 4 years
midsummer - jj maybank
request - so can you do one where y/n is a kook /pogue like Kiara and they are at midsummers. JJ has a thing for y/n but she doesn’t know. Rafe and topper bring her alone in the Locker room to mess w her and have a reason to provoke jj. JJ comes in and tries to save you my fighting them, it is 5 against 1, so you help him fight and it rips y/n’s dress. Rafe talks shit and calls y/n a slut and finally y/n calms jj down after he wins the fight
a/n - I literally love this req actually sm wtf. its gonna be in lowercase again haha oopsies. and i changed 5v1 to 3v1 bc im cool
tw - swears, fighting, not necessarily a slow burn but it takes forever lol
w/c - 2.819
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y/n sat at the edge of her queen sized bed, fingers running oh so carefully across the dress. the dress was a long, baby blue color which looked amazing with her eyes. the dress fell off her shoulders, a slit in the right leg. it fit her perfectly, complimenting her figure in the most amazing way. because of the tightness, she couldn’t wear a bra or else she may have died from how tight is was around her chest.
her legs dangled over the edge, barefoot trying her hardest to not touch the cold hardwood. the last place she wanted to go tonight was the midsummers party. but, growing up a kook life she had to go. thats the one thing about her life she hated. a kook.
a stupid name for being rich. she hated the title so much, that she had decided the past few months of her life to change. it happened the moment she met kiara.
“holy shit!” kiara ran across the beach, kicking sand up behind her. the two girls ran straight into eachother, falling backwards. y/n rubbed her forehead, looking up at the girl that she had crashed into. they looked at eachother the same way, realizing they somehow knew eachother. “you go to kook academy?” kiara finally spoke up, breaking the silence. and for a moment, she forgot what she was running from. y/n nodded, standing and helping the other girl.
y/n dusted the sand off her ass, looking back up at the girl. “kie! stop socializing with the kooks,” a boy hollered, running beside kiara and slapping her back before running again to two other boys. was it that obvious y/n was a kook?
“sorry about that,” kiara smiled to the obviously concerned girl. “thats my friend. hes a dick,” she whispered to y/n, which finally got a reaction from her.
“so, why’re you on the cut?” kiara asked, trying to start a conversation. 
y/n shrugged, arms crossing over her chest. “can’t stand my family anymore.” she laughed, rocking from the balls of her feet to her toes. she felt awkward, having necessarily nobody to talk to. she hadn’t lied when she said she couldn’t stand being with her family anymore. all they did was criticise her, saying she had to be more like her sister who had a bunch of friends. while y/n stood mainly by herself with maybe one friend.
kiara nodded, glancing back at the boys who were waiting for her. “hey, do you know how to surfboard?” she asked suddenly, catching y/n off guard.
“yeah, a little.” y/n shrugged, still rocking a little.
“wanna come with my friends and i?”
thats where y/n met the rest of the group.
ever since that day, y/n had joined the friend group. she didn’t fit in immediately. the boys weren’t a fan of her being there when kiara introduced her, but eventually they came around. one more than others. jj thought she was gorgeous, a funny girl who broke out of her shell. but, she was a kook. and jj hates kooks. so he would always pick arguments with her, but y/n never took them to heart.
they got along well. jj always shared his beers with her, knowing she can’t handle as much alchohol as him. he was the most protective of her than anybody, never letting her out of his sight. it wasn’t hard for the pogues to see that he had a crush. everybody but the two knew about it.
when y/n finally fit in, it was like she was always there. her and kiara both agreed on how much they hated the kook life, though there were some upsides, being on the run was a lot more fun.
controlling your own life. it was amazing. refreshing. just being free.
the memory made y/n smile to herself, standing from her bed finally to finish whatever she had left of getting ready. she was going for kiara. the girl finished her makeup, sliding on the sandals she was wearing and going down the spiral stairs. she finished putting her earrings and entering the car with her family. they rode in silence, entering together and eventually everybody left to do their own thing.
“kie!” y/n called from across the porch, running to the girl and embracing her. “i already know i’m not gonna make it her for long,” she sighed dramatically, getting a slap from kie.
“don’t worry, your boyfriend will be here soon enough.” kie teased, arm draping around the girls shoulder like jj’s had done so many times. y/n’s face flushed, hard to tell under the makeup she wore. “oh y/n, be safe. i don’t want you getting hurt,” kie continued to mess with the girl, making her voice deep as to make fun of jj.
“oh shut up kie. you act like i don’t see the way pope and you eye fuck eachother.” y/n retorted, shaking the girl off of her. this got a reaction from kie, the two fighting eachother while making fun of pope and jj.
“damn,” jj spoke to himself, quite loudly, walking towards the two girls. he wore a butlers outfit, hair somewhat slicked back but still messy and untamed. jj looked sexy, as y/n would think.
“see something you like?” kie gestured to y/n, making jj bite his lip jokingly.
“hell yeah,” his arm wrapped around y/n’s shoulder like kies had done earlier, making kie’s eyebrows raise. “how are you two enjoying the party?” he acted like a sever, pulling away from y/n as a group of kooks passed by.
“oh its amazing,” y/n joked, eyes batting aggressively to help convince the boy it was a joke. from behind jj, y/n spotted rafe, topper and their goons. her face pulled into a snarl, “bogeys two o’ clock.” 
jj turned, eyes rolling. “they look dumb,” he muttered, connecting eye contact with rafe before turning around. y/n hummed in agreement, kie doing the same.
“hey, i see pope,” kie pointed to the boy who was turned from the group. “i’ll be back.” she let out a brief smile, picking the edge of her dress up to move quickly towards the boy. this left jj and y/n alone, in a peaceful silence. 
jj smoothed down the button up he was wearing, looking up at the girl in front of him. he felt the note in his pocket, remembering why he was at the midsummer party in the first place. “i’ll be back, madam, i have to go give a note to princess kook.” he spoke in a posh accent, taking y/n’s hand into his own and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
y/n nodded, bowing respectfully at the boy and walking away in time with him. she went to the back, looking for her family. knowing she wouldn’t be able to find them, she weaved her way in and out of the many people and successfully entered the building. 
footsteps were behind her, but she ignored them. suddenly, a boy walks infront of her. hes much taller, dark skinned and y/n recognized him as kelce. her breath hitched, but she continued to walk, trying to go around the boy.
a hand grabbed y/n’s arm, tugging her backwards making her trip on her heels. “um, excuse me-” she tried staying polite but stopped when she saw rafe was the one holding her. seeing the boy made her writhe and try and free herself. “let me go!” she seethed, falling onto her ass.
rafe tsked, looking down the hall before shoving her into the mens bathroom. it was conveniently empty, which helped to bring a sick smile onto his face. topper followed in, while kelce took a moment before also entering.
outside, jj was looking around for you everywhere. he had given the note to sarah cameron, pushing past many people as he tried his hardest to spot you over the crowd. “kie!” jj called, spotting somebody he finally knew. “have you seen y/n?” he was worried. you never just disappeared without somebody. or at least without telling somebody. 
kie shook her head, not knowing. “last i saw she was inside.” she nodded her head towards the building, making jj sigh. jj glanced around, noticing he didn’t see the three dickheads either. this made his heart speed up. he tensed a little, ignoring whatever kie was saying and leaving to enter the huge building. 
and back inside, y/n was struggling to get out of rafes grip, being dragged around the dirty bathroom floors still on her ass. he gave her arm a rough squeeze, which will most definitely be leaving a bruise before dropping it. y/n hissed, recoiling back into herself in the far corner. topper and rafe stood above her, topper more uncomfortable rather than the boy beside him.
y/n looked at them, concern laced on her face.  “what do you want-” she hissed, her leg getting grabbed as rafe crouched to her height. he pulled her close to his body, her knee flush with the boys crotch. where the fuck is jj? the girl wondered to herself, pulling herself away from the boy.
jj ran down the long halls, opening every door to try and find the girl who he was looking for. finally he stopped to catch his breath, waiting outside of the womens restrooms. they wouldn’t be in there, he thought, but he might as well check. jj gathered whatever self esteem he had left, pushing open the door.
rafe’s hand slid up from y/ns calf to her lower thigh, making the girls stomach drop. topper crouched beside the boy, grabbing y/n’s wrists as she went to slap him away. she struggled against him, her mouth opening to scream but she felt like her mouth was dry. she felt empty, weak, trying hard to fight but she knew there was no way. kelce watched from behind rafe, giving y/n a look of apology, almost, before looking away. 
y/n regained her energy when she heard soft footsteps outside of the bathroom, letting out a shrill scream of help. it was cut short by a very rough- and non-consensual- kiss. she pulled away quickly, eyes filling with tears as she did so. her head slammed against the wall, sending a shock of pain through her head down her neck. when had she gotten so close to the wall? what are they gonna do to her? now her heart was racing, letting out a silent sob. 
jj heard the scream. he stopped, waiting to see if he could hear another. he rushed out of the womens bathroom, bursting the mens bathroom door open. he stopped, his ears turning red from anger quickly. seeing y/n in the corner, surrounded by three guys who he knew she despised made his blood boil. 
his anger got the best of him quickly. jj jumped into action immediately, throwing a punch across kelce’s face, catching him off guard. kelce hissed in pain,  clutching his cheek before quickly retaliating.
the fighting made rafe and topper release y/n quickly, the girl cowering in the corner in fear. there was blood flying around, staining jj’s shirt as he was obviously cornered. y/n cursed, standing as she watched rafe go to kick jj in the balls. she jumped onto his back, grabbing the back of his collar to choke the boy. he coughed, flipping the girl off with ease. he turned, kicking her shin roughly with a snarl.
jj’s arms were pinned behind him, topper punching his stomach and watching the boy double over in pain. kelce released his grip slightly, giving jj the opportunity to  reel his leg foreward, pushing it backwards into kelce’s crotch with whatever energy he had left. 
y/n stood quickly, her arm swinging, punching rafe across the face and hitting his jaw. the sudden burst of adrenaline gave the punch extra force, knocking the boy back and making him stumble. he snarled, lunging at y/n and knocking her to the ground, he held her down, tearing the gorgeous blue fabric she wore. 
anger surged through jj at the sight, topper going to hit him again. he dodged quickly, punching the boy in the gut and pushing him backwards into the wall. he threw atleast ten punches at the boys face and stomach, slumping down quickly with blood rushing from his nose and lip.
rafe ignored what was happening behind him, one of his hands caressing y/n’s face in a sick way. “you’d be much prettier if you weren’t such a fucking slut.” he hissed, slapping her across the face with anger. his face softened for a moment as he saw what he just did, but quickly returning to his normal resting bitch face.
y/n thought jj might’ve killed him. jj pulled rafe backwards, both of them stumbling before regaining their form. jj grabbed rafes collar, grabbing his jaw roughly. a surge of pain ran through rafe’s body, stopping him from fighting back. 
“you never. and i mean fucking never. call my girl a slut.” jj hissed, lifting his leg to kick the boy back. rafe fell, to tired to fight back. jj’s eyes looked at you, covering your chest where the tear was. he sunk beside you, anger still coursing through his veins.
“i’m so sorry i wasn’t there,” y/n could tell jj was beating himself up for no reason, it wasn’t his job to look after you constantly anyway. jj shook his head, feeling so terrible. “what’d they do to you?” he asked softly, seeing as the girl looked a little stirred up but not awful. 
“he tried touching me. but im okay,” y/n cooed, arms wrapping around the boy. she didn’t care about the tear anymore. her hands wrapped around the back of jj’s head, holding him close.
“i’m gonna kill him. i swear,” jj spoke as though the boy wasn’t close by, though he may have left at this point (they weren’t paying attention to the three boys they fought off). y/n shook her head, staying silent. 
“is there an issue, gentlemen?” a guard opened the door, catching the five in there off guard. y/n looked at him with wide eyes, covering her chest again. 
“no there... actually yes.” jj started, clearing his throat and wrapping his arm around the girl beside him.  “we were in here for um, destruction of property.” he came up with something, smiling at the guard and squeezing y/n’s side as to tell her to go along with it.
“yup. and these men were about to escort us out.” y/n continued, smiling cheekily as she glanced at the boys around her.
“which is what you should do,” jj stood, helping the girl up.
“escort us. out.” y/n wasn’t the best at lying, but the guard seemed to believe them. he led them out, rafe catching their attention again
rafe let out a sly cough, muttering the word ‘slut’ under his breath. jj turned, ready to throw another punch but y/n caught his arm and stopped him.
“he isn’t worth it,” y/n said softly, leading jj back outside.
after jj taking a shot from a random man, and y/n escaping the wrath of her parents, the pogues escaped the party and ran to meet john b. y/n and jj stayed back, not saying much. there was plenty of awkward silence between them, both wanting to say something about what just happened but they couldn’t. y/n wore the blazer jj had on earlier, covering her chest from everybody.
“so.” y/n stopped walking, jj following soon and looking at her.
“so?” he seemed confused, stepping closer.
“your girl?” y/n brought up what he said earlier, a smile on her face. jj’s face dropped, hoping she forgot he said that.
“i have no clue what your talking about.” jj shrugged it off, continuing to walk. he sauntered away, trying not to show his embarrassment.  
“wow, okay.” y/n laughed, running to catch up with him. “guess you won’t wanna be my boy then?” she teased, arm wrapping around his arm and latching them together.
“well, who said that?” jj’s face flushed, grinning cheekily at the girl. the smiled at each other, before bursting out into laughter. they were far behind the group, turning towards each other.
it seemed like there was a gravitational pull between them. y/n’s hands cupped his cheeks, pulling him into a short but sweet kiss. jj’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling away from each other but shortly returning to each other again. they felt in that moment, like they were perfect for each other. and they were.
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audspods · 3 years
my girl
hi so this is my first time doing this but i want to try talking abt movies. idk here’s a lil introduction to this. ok so ig i’ve always been a movie person, like i like them but i’ve never rly got into the nitty gritty w them. but sometimes i do find myself looking up analysis’ of the movies once i finish them. but that only started recently. ok so here’s the deal w this post. there’s 3-4 parts. first part is the introduction (this is the introduction), then we have the when i watched it (i know this seems rly silly but i think it’s important on the atmosphere and shit when watching a movie), then the what i rly think abt it section, and finally a section called audrey trying to be johnny 2 cellos. this one will b abt 4 because this intro is kinda explaining how i’m going to be doing this sort of thing so let’s get started ig? IDK HOW TO START THIS I’M LITERALLY 14 YEAR OLD GIRL WHO’S BORED. oh i’m gonna rate the movie on a scale from 1-10, 1 being wtf this is not cute and 10 being cute cute cute. 5 is like oh cute? its confusing i feel like i need to draw some sort of diagram :/
ok so my girl is abt this girl (wow nice one audrey!) who lives with her dad in a mortuary. this girls name is vada and her mother died giving birth to her. i lowkey forgot some stuff from this movie but that’s fine ig bc it’s been abt a year since i’ve seen it. basically vada is this tomboy and she doesn’t get along w everyone until she meets this boy. btw they r in elementary school. so she’s freinds w this boy named thomas and he wears glasses. the actor is the kid who was in home alone. anyways shit happens some girl comes in and becomes like her step mom ig. but lets get into what actually happened. so one day vada and thomas r playing in the woods and vada is wearing this ring but she loses it. she realizes she lost it after they were done playing in the woods but after thomas went back to get it. as he was looking for the ring he bumped into a bees nest and a shit load of bees stung him AND MANS WAS ALLERGIC TO BEES. so his glasses fell underneath the leaves and he died. so sad omg. and so they held a funeral for him and vada was obviously sad abt this but when she went to look in the casket she saw he wasn’t wearing his glasses. this is where the famous line “he can’t see without his glasses” comes from. this scene hurt so much my lawd. eventually time goes on and she never forgets him but that’s basically my girl. 
how audrey watched this movie:
okay so i think it was summer. I can’t remember i just remember this day being very grey and bright. so it must’ve been summer. anyways i had a shit load of laundry to do so i thought i would put on a movie. as i’m scrolling through netflix i see my girl and it’s one of those movies that u always hear abt so i thought i would watch it. i thought it was going to be some cute cheesey rom-com abt childhood friends but oh boy was i wrong. the movie was on in the background as i was folding my clothes but i do remember knowing what was going on the whole time. i remember wearing this headband that made my forehead huge but i didn’t realize that until i looked in the mirror to see my crying face lols. when the scene of thomas in the casket came up i was sobbing. i mean i was not expecting that at all and i was not ready . i rly thought it was gonna b a cute kids movie. i was so shocked that during and after that scene i could not move. i sat over all my clothes and just cried all over them. literally so embarrassing but it was so sad. LIKE Y WOULD U MAKE A CHILD DIE HELLO? i mean shit happens but whatever. this movie will alwyas be memorable to me bc i literally was not expecting to cry and i literally sobbed like a baby. i’m so glad no one was home to see me cry like that oh my goodness. 
audrey tries to b johnny2cellos:
if u don’t who johnny2cellos is pls check out his yt channel. i think he does a great good in going deep into movies and tv shows. well idk if i should say movies i’ve only watched bojack related vids from him. but from what i’ve seen and heard i think he does a rly good job. anyways let me jump into my lame ass analysis. this isn’t going to be good bc i havent seen this movie in a long time. but i think the movie did a rly good job capturing losing a loved one from such a young age. the innocence and immaturity of vada shown throughout the movie and during thomas’ funeral. i’m not good at this lmao. but i havent seen this movie in a long time so im not surprised that this is bad lols. anyways that’s it bc i have no idea what to say and i want to talk abt a different movie bc i lowkey forgot everything about this movie. 
final thoughts:
this movie is meh. it gets a 6.5/10 from me, so it’s like a ok cute? idk if that makes sense lols. anyways it’s a good tear jerker but honestly it seemed a bit rushed, but at the same time i sorta like that bc that’s what going through childhood is like. everything goes by super fast and soon enough, something happens that makes you stop and realize the shit that’s going on around you. that’s it for now i’m gonna do my life as zucchini next. PEACE OUT!!
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goodtimingz · 4 years
dreaming you would come true
intro. pt1. pt2. pt3. pt4. pt5.
AN: I’m so sorry for the long wait, I have 2 weeks before midterms are over and I can write all about park jaehyung and day6 (can’t wait).(rn i’m writing bc 4am vibes) HAPPY MYDAY ANNIVERSARY BTW <3 
(I strongly insist that you check out the blm carrd  You can sign petitions, stream videos made so that all money from ads will be donated, and generally educate yourself/spread awareness. Keep the conversations going, don’t let this be just another trend. I love you all, please be safe if you are attending protests and fight the good fight. )
tags: studentlife, jae day6, fluff, college!au, sexual acts implied.
: the one where you meet jae in your second year of college and it’s basically love at first sight. just little excerpts of what i think a relationship w jae would be like c:
1k words. 
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As the day passes, my heart grows deeper and deeper for you.
The night before Jae had left to fly home, the two of you had been determined to make it memorable. That obviously meant eating McDonalds at midnight, walking around the town holding hands for hours and cuddling until his alarm sang at 8am. Maybe the two of you were clingy, the honey-moon phase very alive… But it still felt good to be together even if one month wasn’t supposed to be a long time.
Surprisingly it wasn’t so bad. Jae had rang you every day even for just 5 minutes to tell you a bad joke, and between that Wonpil had visited your room about 3 times a day just because he could. The break had felt great, but when Jae knocked on your door at 8pm on a Saturday, you couldn’t refrain from jumping into his arms immediately.
“Feels good to be home.” Jae laughed loudly, his arms tightly wrapped around you. You blushed, placing a kiss on his cheek for good measure. When he placed you down, it took about 20 seconds before you had pushed him onto your bed and joined his side, resting your head in his arms happily. Being with Jae again felt like meeting him for the first time, but feeling so safe at the same time.
Jae placed a kiss on your head before wriggling his arm out from underneath your neck. “I bought you something…” He reached into his bag, pulling out a big bottle of Vodka with a bow on it, but it didn’t stop there. He reached outside your door only to present you with a skateboard. Trust Jae, alcohol and skating was a summary of his favourite hobbies.
“Are you sending me a message here?” You raised an eyebrow before a grin spread across your face. Jae placed the two objects infront of you with a deep and dramatic bow. “For you my queen… and yes.”
Message received loud and clear. Tonight’s plans were skating and drinking until you couldn’t stand up straight. Jae had been wanting to teach you how to skateboard for so long, he wouldn’t stop talking about it. Although you whined in response about breaking your back if you tried, the thought of being able to skate with Jae late at night seemed fun.
“Thank you so much Jae!” You hugged him gleefully. You could feel his smile against your neck, the smile that knew he’d made you happy. “I also bought you something…” You detached yourself from him, reaching into your drawer before sitting on your bed. Jae raised his eyebrows in surprise but sat back quietly. Pulling out a small box with gold letters writing “TO Jae.” on the top. You handed it to Jae, watching as he gently took it from you and opened it.
You’d spent hours searching for something decent, something Jae wouldn’t call cheesy or tease you for (out of love), something he’d actually use. This lead you to a website that made cuff bracelets with personal engraving, and you knew Jae would look too good with one of them. Of course, it had only been one month (officially), so you went for the subtlest engraving you could think of, which was the longitude of your University. Hoping, wishing that the bracelet would be meaningful for a long time to come.
Jae’s big, wide eyes looked up at you from underneath his long hair. He looked so sweet and innocent like that and you couldn’t help but melt. “Thank you, I love it Y/N.”
Suddenly Jae was directly in front of you, his nose nearly touching yours. You had missed this, his breath fanning across your lips and his eyes shutting gently as you leaned in to meet his lips. When you kissed Jae it felt driven, almost every time. His lips moved quickly and then slowly, always first to swipe his tongue across your bottom lip, and you weren’t one to deny him.  He parted your legs to make space for him, pushing you back so you were lying on your bed with him on top. His hands travelled from your hips up, while you tangled your hands in his hair softly. When you finally pulled back for a breath, Jae scrunched his nose cutely before placing a kiss on your forehead. “I think it’s time you teach me how to skate, don’t you think?” You spoke breathily, pushing yourself to sit up again.
Jae whined, obviously a bit needy (which was beyond cute). Of course that lasted for about a minute before he excitedly picked up your board while you rushed to grab your coat. In the 2 days after you’d cried infront of him, you two had been … busy to say the least. But whenever you asked to stop or didn’t want to, Jae would always respect your decision. He would quickly bounce on to the next topic or activity like it was no big deal, and it wasn’t.
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The cold night air felt like a slap the minute the two of you stepped out of your dorm. Jae had been quick to place your hand in his pocket while you carried the skateboard to Jae’s dormitory. There were few people out at this time, but the familiar sound of skateboard wheels on concrete echoed through the quiet streets. “Youngk and Dowoon flew back about 12 today, wanna bet it’s them?” Jae informed you, listening as the sound grew louder. As expected, when the two of you turned the corner you were nearly hit by the pair.
"Jae! Y/N!" Dowoon greeted happily. He went in for a hug while Younghyun's just smiled awkwardly... Weird. Jae almost immediately noticed the fox-like boy's vibe was far off.
You greeted them from Jae's side, obviously noticing Younghyun's demeanour also. After about 2 minutes of making plans to meet later in the week, the boys went on their way.
"What's up with Younghyun?" You asked, gazing up to meet Jae's eyes as soon as the two were out of ear-shot.  Jae could only shrug in response with a puzzled expression. "Maybe his crush didn't text him back," is all he could say, but he noticed the worry on your face didn't fade one bit. He really loved that you put so much effort into getting to know his friends and caring about them, but he didn't want this to cloud your thoughts.
"I'm sure he'll tell us in the morning, you know how he is." Jae smiled, kissing you gently on the forehead. You'd finally arrived at his dormitory and he ran inside to get his board. Jae's mind raced as he rushed around his room to grab a scarf and some bandaids incase you fell (or he did). He also couldn't get Younghyun out of his head.
He returned to you with an apologetic smile, taking your hand in his. "Are you ready for this?"
You both placed your boards down and Jae positioned himself infront of you on the flat concrete outside of the dorm. He tried to explain the stance you should take and any precautions because the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. He'd spent hours looking for a decent board for you, altering it for the best control and he was beyond nervous. Jae watched as you had your first attempt, biting his lip nervously before a wide grin spread. You moved slowly, and your body wobbled despite him holding your arm (and you holding onto him with a death grip). However, it was adorable watching his girl taking enough interest in his hobbies like this, and you were trying so hard!
Jae could watch the grin that spread across your face when you passed each milestone on replay. The way you laughed every time you fell, and the way you poked fun at him whenever he fell was all too much like the dreams he'd had. You, Him, a freezing cold night, skating. His heart was full.
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Skating represented Jae well. Whenever you stood on the board it felt so unstable, but when you kicked off it felt safer each time. That's kinda how you felt with Jae. At first he seemed too chill, too much like he didn't really mind life passing by for your taste. However, as time went by you learnt that he did care, he was surprisingly organised (spreadsheets for days) and his main goal was to make you feel happy, loved and safe.
Just like the feeling of your cheeks going numb from the cold and the laughter that came with it, Jae's love felt like that. Like a cold night that didn't matter, because you had each other.
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Jae had fallen off about 3 times already, although he successfully performed an ollie after 10 attempts ("I swear I've done this 100s of times before!"), and you had laughed so hard that your voice grew hoarse. Which meant one thing, and one thing only. Time for a good old macca's run and some alcohol. Exactly how 2 college students should spend a saturday night.
"Y/N, I think you're making me an alcoholic." Jae laughed, pinching your cheeks in a teasing motion. The two of you sat once again on your rooms floor, listening to 88rising and making comments every so often. "Jae, we both know you're the bad influence here! Look!" You giggled, reaching out to point at the small plaster on his knee as an excuse to steal another fry from his McDonald's bag. Jae looked as if he was about to protest, before quickly diving in to steal a nugget from you. 
And for the rest of the night you caught up on everything and anything, stole a lot of food from each other and drank a bit too much. (Which of course meant you spent 20 minutes just laughing at each other hard out because Jae tried to imitate a spider).
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Amnesia
word count: 2.5 K!! (longest thing i’ve written lately!)
warnings: cussing, gets a little angsty boys!!
A/N: this idea came to me when i was bopping to my tb playlist and amnesia by 5sos came on so yeah get ready bc this gets angsty !!! 
also yes its a roger gif bc warren has zero fucking screen time and im out of gifs
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(Y/n)’s eyes were glued to his face, watching his lips part as if to make sure he continued to breathe as normal. Warren had taken a hard fall on their last rescue mission. This was his second day of being unconscious, but Hank assured (Y/n) that he would be up in no time, claiming Warren showed regular brain function.
(Y/n)’s brain was racked with thoughts about what would happen when he woke up. Their last conversation before the mission was, in a word, deep. The pair had stayed up until the late hours of the night, not even caring about the exhaustion they’d feel in the morning. That was the night Warren had finally been brave enough to make a move, sharing his feelings with (Y/n). They had spent a few hours fooling around, and then talked until the sun rose. 
(Y/n) felt nervous to see him once he woke up. 
Oh come on, (Y/n), let’s not think like this, she thought to herself. Remember what he said before he fell?
It wasn’t anything the team hadn’t done before. Flying out, saving civilians, bringing them back home. This time happened to be news helicopter that was going down over the Atlantic. It should’ve been easy in, easy out. Jean was slowing the rotors so that Kurt could bamf Peter and Warren into the helicopter to grab the civilians. As they were going through standard procedure, a plane flew by above the helicopter scene, causing a strong wind and noise that threw Jean off. She lost her connection with the rotors, making the helicopter drop. 
Kurt grabbed Peter and Warren to bamf everyone out, but on the exit, Warren’s wings were struck by the spinning rotors. He was pushed out of the copter, his wings failing him. As he fell towards the ocean, a scream ripped out from his throat. Not “help!”, not “save me!”, not even “AHH!” The only words he could think to form was, “(Y/n)!” 
The rest of the team were too preoccupied trying to get Kurt and Peter in with the civilians to grab Warren. He hit the water, causing a head injury that knocked him unconscious. 
(Y/n)’s brain snapped out of her memories.
He was thinking about me during his fall, he wasn’t joking when he said he loved me. 
“Hey, (Y/n). You alright?” 
Looking away from him, she saw Hank standing in the doorway. 
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just want to be here when he wakes up.”
Hank nodded, walking towards his cart with Warren’s graph information. 
“Should be up any minute. He’s showing more brain activity than he was yesterday so he’s probably starting to wake up. Just give him some more time.”
(Y/n) nodded, turning back to the bed, watching over Warren. 
An hour had passed since Hank had stopped by. (Y/n)’s eyes were glazed over as she stared at the monitor, holding his hand tight and praying he’d wake up soon. 
Her eyes widened as she heard stirring from the bed. Looking down she saw Warren’s eyes fluttering open, then squinting in response to the harsh lighting. 
“W-,” he cleared his throat, “Where am I? What happened?”
(Y/n)’s lips pulled into a smile, “Warren! You’re up! Everything’s okay, just took a bad fall a few days ago, but everything’s okay.” 
“Fall? What-”
Warren was interrupted as Hank entered the room, followed by Jean, Jubilee, and Ororo. 
“Warren! You’re up!”
Hank rushed to the monitor, checking his vitals, while the girls stood behind (Y/n), anxious to hear how their teammate was.
“Where’s everyone else?” (Y/n) asked.
Ororo piped up from behind Jean, “Training with Raven, but they’ll stop by after.”
Jubilee pushed to the front next to (Y/n), “Gave us quite a scare there, bird boy. Glad to see you up.”
Warren’s eyebrows were furrowed, “Bird boy? Who is that?”
Jubilee laughed, “That’s you, dummy.”
Warren clenched his jaw out of frustration, “Who are all of you?”
Hank stepped away from his monitor, “What did you ask?” 
Warren looked towards him before scanning the girl still grasping his hand, “Who are you? All of you.”
“Can you tell me your name?”
Hank’s face was wrinkled with concern, awaiting Warren’s answer. 
He raised his hand that wasn’t held by (Y/n) and point towards Jubilee, “Bird boy?”
“You don’t remember who you are?”
Warren’s was struck with confusion again, “No? No, I- I don’t.”
(Y/n) felt her stomach drop, her eyes burning, “Warren? You- you don’t remember me?” 
He looked at her, noticing her misty eyes, “No, I’m- I’m really sorry. You seem nice.”
Jean snapped her head towards Hank, “Now what?” 
He was tapping his fingers against the frames of his glasses, thinking about this situation. “It seems like a minor case of amnesia, should be back to his normal self in a few days.”
(Y/n) could hear her heartbeat in her ears as her thoughts ran wild.
What if it isn’t minor amnesia? What if he never remembers me? Or never remembers himself? What if-
Her head snapped towards Hank, “huh?”
“How about you go get some rest? You’ve been sitting in here for days, go rest.”
(Y/n) nodded, wobbling out of her chair. Before she left the room she took one last glance at Warren, sad that when he looked at her there was an emptiness in his eyes. He didn’t know her.
Jean waited until (Y/n) left the room to interrogate Warren, “You really don’t remember who you are? Or who she is?”
Warren’s mouth open and closed, “No, I-I’m sorry. Who is she?”
“Your girlfriend, dipshit!”
Hank interrupted Jean, “Hey now! Don’t be mad at him for having amnesia, it’s all our fault for letting the mission go sideways.”
Warren blinked, “Girlfriend? Her?”
Jubilee sat down in the now empty chair to answer, “Not official or anything, but you did ask her out and make out and stuff so yeah.” 
Warren looked down at his feet out in front of him, “How could I not remember a girl like that? She looked so sad..” 
Hank piped up again, “It’s not your fault, just give it some time. It’ll all come back.”
Warren nodded, his brain was busy wandering somewhere else. “What’s her name?”
Jubilee laughed, “(Y/n).”
He nodded once more, eyes starting to droop again.
Hank took note and ushered the other students away, “Give him room to rest. And please keep (Y/n) occupied, don’t need her going down a sad path because of this.”
It was a little too late to avoid the sadness road for (Y/n). She had grabbed lunch on the way from the infirmary to her dorm room. She realized it was the first real meal she had eaten the past two days. (Y/n) scarfed down her sandwich and headed back to her room, pulling the blankets over her. She felt gross and desperately wanted to take a shower, but just didn’t have the energy. Instead she felt herself start to drift off, eyes squeezed tight as if she could make everything and everyone disappear. 
Warren visited her in her dreams, a recollection of memories from their last night together. His red cheeks when he confessed his feelings, his warm hands roaming her skin, his soft lips pressed against hers. And suddenly everything turned black and cold like the life of her memory had been sucked out. Warren turned to her, “Who are you?”
(Y/n) woke up in a sweat, breathing hard. She decided she needed to take a shower and clear her head. 
After a 30 minute shower and a few tears shed, she went for a walk around the school to get her mind off Warren. Passing by the cafeteria she bumped into Scott and Peter, who probably just finished eating dinner. 
Peter wrapped his arms around her in a tight squeeze, “It’ll be fine.”
(Y/n) shrugged him off, continuing to put on a brave face, “I know. I’m fine, guys, seriously.”
Scott gave her arm a pat, “Hank said it should just take a few days.”
(Y/n) nodded, wanting to escape the conversation of Warren. She took the beat of silence that followed as her moment to leave, so she did. Walking outside, she ran into Kurt. 
“(Y/n)! Are you okay?”
She sighed, “I’m fine!”
(Y/n) pushed past Kurt and speed walked towards the pond. 
How am I supposed to get my mind off of him if no one SHUTS UP ABOUT IT?
(Y/n) sat down by the pond, eyes focused on the water. 
“Hey. (Y/n), right?”
“Oh for the LOVE OF GOD, I’M FINE!”
Her head whipped around to see Warren standing on the grass behind her, “Oh, I-I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“No, you’re good. I’m glad you’re okay.”
Warren took a seat next to her, his wing brushing against her shoulder. 
“I’m really sorry. I know you’re upset, but I am trying to remember. I want to remember you, so badly.”
(Y/n)’s eyes began to burn, “It’s okay.”
Warren nodded, “Well that guy in the clinic said it should just be a few days.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, “I know, it’s just- never mind.”
“No, tell me.”
She shook her head, eyes on the water again. 
“Come on, I’m your boyfriend, right? Tell me.”
(Y/n) could feel her heart sting, having been reminded that someone she loves so much doesn’t remember her.
“You’re not my boyfriend.”
“Well that girl said it wasn’t ‘official’ but still-”
“No, you’re not Warren. You don’t even know who I am.”
Warren opened his mouth, closing it realizing he didn’t know what to say.
(Y/n) looked towards him, her heart hurting once more. He was clearly frustrated with himself for not remembering anything and she wasn’t making it any easier for him. 
“I’m sorry. You are Warren, just not my Warren. Fuck- you’re you and that’s good? Sorry-”
“Listen, I may not know who you are yet, but I care about you because.. well I don’t know why, but you obviously mean a lot to me and I want to hear what you have to say.”
God, she thought, how can he be so charming with amnesia? 
“I love you.”
Warren’s eyes widened, “I- uh, okay.”
“Fuck- sorry that probably sounds really weird, but I’ve said it to you before and- and I don’t know it just slipped out.”
He nodded, biting his lip, “Did I say it back?”
“Yeah. We’re in- I mean, we were in love.”
“We still are, then.”
“What if you don’t love me when you remember me? Like- I don’t know. What if these few days not having feelings for me makes you not have feelings for me ever again? That’s- that’s what I wanted to say earlier.”
Warren let out a sigh, “(Y/n). I do have feelings for you. If I’ve said ‘I love you’ before then that’s not going to just go away because of some fucking memory loss.”
“No buts!”
(Y/n) shook her head, “Fine.”
Warren nodded, “Okay, well- give me a few days. And I swear I’m trying to remember.”
A few days had passed. Actually, over a week had passed. Nothing.
Warren couldn’t remember anything. He kept trying to spend time with his supposed “friends” and “girlfriend” to trigger his memories, but nothing was coming back.”
It was now 4:00 in the afternoon. Warren had been sitting in Hank’s office for the last hour getting test after test run on his brain. 
“What the fuck, Hank? You said a few days! It’s been almost two weeks!”
Hank’s head snapped up from his laptop, “Hey! Not my fault! Amnesia is tricky, it’s just takes time.”
“You said a few days and it’s taking forever. (Y/n) hates me.” 
“What? Why?”
“Because,” Warren slammed his hands onto Hank’s desk, “every time she looks at me, she sees the boy she loves, but I don’t remember it! And it just keeps getting worse!”
“What’s getting worse?”
“Our situation!”
“How? Is your memory getting worse?”
“What? No! I like her, Hank! I realize why I fell in love with her. She’s- she’s everything. The more I see her, the deeper I fall and she can’t even talk to me without getting sad because I’m not the real me. I’m hurting her and I don’t know what to do so please! Fix my brain!” 
“It’s not that easy, there’s nothing I can do.”
“Warren! Just talk to her about this. I’m sure it would make her happy to see that even without all your memories of her, you still love her.”
Warren took Hank’s advice and set off to find (Y/n). She was eating dinner by herself as she often did since his fall, her head buried in a book.
Warren nervously tapped her on the shoulder, “H-hey.”
(Y/n) looked up at him, dark circles around her eyes showing from lack of sleep, “Hey?”
“Can I talk to you? Outside?”
(Y/n) nodded, standing up and following him out to the yard.
“What’s up?”
“I love you.”
(Y/n)’s breathe was caught in her throat. She coughed loudly, “You- you what?”
“I’m in love with you.”
“You don’t remember me.”
“Yes I do! I’ve known you for almost two weeks-”
“Two weeks!”
“And it only took two weeks for me to realize why I must’ve fallen in love with you in the first place! (Y/n), you’re perfect! Please, I- I know I’m not the Warren you fell in love with, but I will be that guy again soon, I know it.”
(Y/n) grabbed his face, pulling his lips to hers. 
It was as if a firework went off inside of Warren’s stomach, being able to kiss the girl he loves. Then, he felt another firework going off inside his head. His mind was racing as different images came to him. Everything from tipping over his and (Y/n)’s canoe in the pond to the time Scott threw up on Jean at (Y/n)’s last birthday party. Warren also saw himself fall, the helicopter above him, the ocean getting closer until he smacked into the water. He broke off the kiss. 
Warren wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight.
“What? Ow!”
He picked her up and spun her around, “I REMEMBER YOU! I LOVE YOU!”
“Put me down! Put me down!”
Warren placed her down on her feet, “I remember you!”
“You remember me!!!”
“Yes!! One time Scott threw up at your birthday party! The first Saturday of every month is your girls night with Jubilee, Jean, and Ororo! One time your top came off in the pond after I tipped our canoe and you flashed me! One time-”
(Y/n) cut him off by slamming her lips against his again. She pulled away, “I missed you so much, Warren.”
“I missed you more.”
Warren squeezed her tight once more, “I can’t believe I fell in love with you all over again.”
(Y/n) laughed, eyes misty from emotion, “I know.”
“We’re really meant to be, god I love you!”
He held her closer than he ever did before, so she’d never slip away.
taglist: @chocolatealmondmilkshake @thoughtlesspace @billyhargovesgurl @babebenhardy @rexorangecouny @cyndagoaway @killcomet @mcrmarvelloki @queen-turtle-boiii @hardlylo @ziggymay @jacqueline1916 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ixchel-9275 @radiob-l-a-hblah
hmu to be added to my taglist!
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hellreads · 5 years
For anyone who saw this, i urge u to read Right of Way. Okay io, my heart. First, as a jk stan, i feel like a several punches hit me from every direction. I'm the kind of reader who easily immersed into the character especially w the pronoun 'you' i feel like someone is reading me a story of my life, so yes i am bawling, usually it took me a few fluff or smut fic to simmer down the emotion but not this one. I went to bed with swollen eyes. I couldn't read a shit after that.
I will put all my answers under the cut because this is RoW and my emotions for this fic has no end T_T | 🍒
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❤️ Rara | 🍒 Io (I decided to answer it as if we’re just chatting and not hurting rip our weak hearts for RoW Jimin, Jungkook, and OC)
❤️ : For anyone who saw this, I urge u to read Right of Way. Okay io, my heart. First, as a jk stan, i feel like a several punches hit me from every direction. I’m the kind of reader who easily immersed into the character especially w the pronoun ‘you’ i feel like someone is reading me a story of my life, so yes i am bawling, usually it took me a few fluff or smut fic to simmer down the emotion but not this one. I went to bed with swollen eyes. I couldn’t read a shit after that.
🍒 : Rara, I feel you!!! I am the type of reader who hardcore immerses herself even if the main character gets killed or is a ghost because the best way for me to relate and feel everything to the core is to immerse, I can never read something as an outsider, okay maybe there’s a few I started out as an outsider but eventually caved in (even named OC fics lol, it’s fun to be someone else), sorry to break it to you but NO FIC CAN EVER HEAL THE DAMAGE RIGHT OF WAY HAS DONE TO YOU, NO FIC CAN MAKE YOU FORGET OF THE EVENTS, THE MISTAKES, THE REGRETS, THE PENANCE, THE ACCEPTANCE, THE WEIGHT THIS FIC WILL HAVE ON YOU IS TOO HEAVY YOU NEED A SUPPORT/SUFFER GROUP. 
❤️ : RoW jk is childish, to me. But maybe he is just naive or confused. For him to fall for oc but still care about sohee is kind of dick move to me, but someone once told me “we cannot choose who fall in love with, and we certainly cannot choose how it will happen either”. That’s their fates. I’m pretty satisfied w the ending bcs there’s no bad person in this story, just bad decisions. What saddens me is, it seems like only OC who pays the price.
🍒 : That is true that he seems like a childish one but isn’t that the beauty of being a child? loving without limits, with all your heart? no hesitations, just trusting that love will be kind, good, untainted even, he saw something in OC that’s why he opened up himself to her and fell for her even if we cannot fully understand the set-up they agreed to have, I hated him for staying with Sohee, I could never understand that part but then again have you seen how feral Sohee was for Jungkook? the girl would kill for the boy, she snaked her way to get him and she’d do anything for history to not repeat itself, but the gods said fuck you Sohee we’ll let the boy stray, he cheated once, he’ll cheat again, what makes you think you’re special hun? you’re right nobody is a bad person here since they’re all humans, something led them to commit the sins they’ve done in this lifetime…
Sohee’s Fault was stealing Jungkook from Seulgi, she was head over heels for him she didn’t think twice, she just wanted to get him at all costs even if it means karma will find her sooner or later, she lusted after him and eventually loved him so there’s no way she was letting go, hence, she carefully planned everything so she gets pregnant with his baby, sick right? but the reality is she’s not the only one who did this thing to their partner, she just didn’t fucking care as long as she keeps Jungkook.
Jimin’s Fault was trusting and loving OC too much he shrugged every sign of her infidelity under the rug, what a libra thing to do Jimin (I am a Libra and I can attest to this Libra trait especially when in love) he was too blinded by love that he gave her every benefit of the doubt whenever she skips dates, goes home late, always tired, even asking to be fucked dog style, sigh, he lost the love of his life to his best friend (well he lost his loves twice to the same boy) she was nothing but an empty shell pre-programmed to respond to him like a lover would and that fucking hurt, I think among the four characters here he received the most damage cluelessly, what a poor loving soul, my heart shattered for him, he only wanted to give her the world but she decided to run to a different planet.
Jungkook’s Fault was being weak and not opening himself up to Sohee, if he only opened up to her the way he did to OC then this wouldn’t have happened,  she’s always been there but something is still missing but he should’ve talked things with her instead of finding solace in the arms of OC, because of the secret class they shared they had to write something together which I think could’ve been written minus their drunken state but whoops this is their fate, maybe in another universe they belonged together and they’re trying it as well in this one? (coherence fucked up my mind so I keep thinking of alternate universes) also, Jungkook did nothing to stop the sins they’re doing, he’s into deep inside her in every sense and there was no going back, he was willing to ruin relationships and friendships but fate was cruel, he only had a taste of his euphoria before everything came crashing down.
OC’s Fault was thinking she was strong enough to fight her strong feelings and urges, she thought she was not capable of doing such thing, she wasn’t a bad person, maybe the stable relationship really got to her (long-term relationships can get boring and it isn’t pretty) and having a taste of something or someone new is titillating, also, it wouldn’t be bad right? because it’s the worst, just like Jungkook she gave in to lust, god their sexual chemistry and actual chemistry off-sex is something every lover should have except they aren’t lovers but sinners trying to milk each other everything they got before the world reveals their secrets, she knew it was wrong but she always kept coming back for more, as much as she tried to stay away and forget about everything she keeps spiraling down with Jungkook, it was no longer a mistake but a choice. ultimately, she had to pay the price because that was her predicament, she got the short end of the stick, everything was ruined for her, her relationship with Jimin, Sohee, and Jungkook.
❤️ : If i could wish for a different ending i would say a happy ending but that is unreal. I would want oc to end up w jk, sohee didnt ended up pregnant. (Thats the thing isn’t it, when u’re pregnant u’re bound for life, for the sake of the child). Maybe oc can end up w jimin, she will live her whole life as jimin wife and also as a liar. Point is, the ending is “this is bound to happen, someone have to take the bullet” n i think it’s necessary rather than satisfying,
🍒 : You’re absolutely right about somebody taking the bullet and that’s obviously OC, this is why it fucking hurts, you know for a fact that she didn’t do all of this on her own, it’s not like she forcefully had her way with Jungkook, I’m just so appalled because he was a fuckboy and suddenly lost all knowledge and imagination on this exact position “It’s actually pretty shimple… The girl is straddling the guy, her back facing him while her face is turned to the side so he can kiss her.” imo, he tricked her by playing dumb, maybe it’s true they’re tipsy but he constantly bugged OC after which means he remembers everything they’ve done that one sinful night…
~ the first ending I hoped for was Jimin and OC getting back together, I prayed so hard that he’ll have the heart to forgive and take her back but this the reality of cheating and getting cheated on, no matter how much you try to mend and put the pieces back together it will never fit perfectly again, edges now cracked and torn there’s no way their perfect relationship will ever be the same, as one of my favorite songs said “with each passing day the pain still stays the same” no matter how hard Jimin tries, his trust and love for her will never be the same, he will always doubt her and be reminded of her infidelity, it will not be a pleasant ride for them so it’s better that they didn’t end up being together because even if time heals all wounds the scar she gave him will always hurt like a salted fucking open wound.
~ the second one I hoped for was that Jungkook gives up everything even if Sohee was pregnant, this is brutal I know but if he truly loved OC he would keep his promise and be with her, with or without a child growing inside his girlfriend because it’ll never be the same for them but unlike Jimin, Sohee was willing to try and forget because he loves Jungkook too much, I applaud her for trying but I believe she will never be truly happy, she will be constantly reminded of stealing Jungkook from Seulgi, forcing their child into this world as a trap to keep him, and the devastating fact that Jungkook was willing to give everything up for OC, and that for a short period of time he loved her like the world was about to end, and end it did, Sohee won in this lifetime, suffering is a small price to pay to be with Jungkook ig, they can try but reality will come checking up on them once in a while and it won’t be fun, their relationship is damaged but for Hikaru their innocent angel they will try. 
~ the last and ultimate ending I prayed for was OC ending up alone, another savage wish because I love suffering, but this was the only way for her heart to be free from all the pain and guilt, she suffered long enough by keeping secrets and coming back to Jungkook’s arms, she wasn’t a bad person, she was just weak and lost the battle in holding tightly onto her morals because love is something you can’t run away from, yes, I believe that she and Jungkook fell in love it was evident in the incriminating poem he made her “the tiny islands of your birthmark leading me to your center like a happy trail” he paid attention to every part of her and you don’t do that to a random fuck, it was hard not to love the pair despite the sins they’ve done because fuck I’m crying again, my chest now heaving from too much pain ugh, they were perfect (these lines should’ve been on my second ending but whatever I’ll get to my point) if only Jimin and Sohee didn’t exist or sure let them join the picture except they’re just random friends, but they’re not, and that’s why it sucks that she had to endure all of this losing a lover, losing a friend, and losing a soulmate (because fuck the way Jungkook loved her screams soulmate to me except he’s tied to another T_T)
❤️ : My favorite moment would be when jimin found the poems, man it went down like I’m falling from a cliff straight into the coldest sea on earth. U know when u ride a rollercoaster, on the falling part, u feel like ur heart is at ur throat? That how i feel as jimin reads the poem. Now imagine being jimin. Imagine being cheated on in the worst way anyone could possibly imagine. He was ready to propose to oc, jk is his bff, she fucked jk while he was away, on the couch next to their photo…
🍒 : RARA, I FELT THAT, I RECENTLY VISITED A FAMOUS THEME PARK AND FUCK THE ROLLERCOASTER RIDE THERE TOOK MY SOUL, ALL I SHOUTED OUT WAS LOOOOOORRRRRRDDDDD AND I DIED ~ anyway, that poem part fucked me up, I was literally bawling my eyes out, I have been cheated on but if I happened to discover the affair the way Jimin did I would die, when I discovered my boyfriend of almost 8 years cheated on me my heart froze, literally fucking freezing cold and not a single tear dropped that day, the following days were hellish, that’s when I wanted to cry and release all my pain but still no tears (I knew it was coming I guess) ~ this is why the length of a relationship doesn’t really matter because it’s never an assurance that your partner will be faithful to you, maybe things got boring okay I admit to that but what I can never understand is, why stay and cheat and hurt your partner if you’re no longer happy.
no one owns anybody nor is anyone entitled to own anybody or have them as a back-up in case your mission to cheat or flirt fails, that is just fucking sick.
❤️ : I love it that I major in literature study, bcs i can keep my mind sane instead of just blaming myself (oc), i see it from each characters’ pov and god, the author deserves a standing ovation. This is so many asks hehe, i feel like i still have a lot to say but I couldn’t think straight right now, too clouded by the angst smoke, hehe p:s i love u more!
🍒 : ohhh that’s an interesting fact, my major and my profession has nothing to do with literature or anything, in fact, people who studied my major probs hate English ghasdjfghjdsagfhjsadgfjksd, I’m just used to seeing both sides of the story and trying to understand why they are like that, did something happen to them to end up in the situation they’re in? what is missing in their lives? what are they craving for? what tipped off the balance? nobody wanted to be in the predicament they’re in, Sohee, Jimin, Jungkook, and OC were victims of time and circumstance, just because things didn’t turn out the way you want them to doesn’t mean life or fate or destiny is cruel, this is the nature and balance of this universe, if they give everything to us freely even if we tried taking it in the most inappropriate or evil way there would be nothing but chaos, I just hope that somewhere out there our girl OC is happy and having the time of her life, I’m no longer wishing for Jimin to come back, I just want all of them to heal and learn from their experience, it’s sad and painful but they were just never meant to be, Jimin nor Jungkook was never meant for OC, OC wherever you are my love, I hope you’ve healed and loved yourself well and put back the pieces of your broken self together, love will find you and it will be beautiful.
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giranswife · 6 years
A Taste of Power
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Summary: The beginning of a ruthless, angry werewolf. She’s done holding herself back and being the victim. It’s now her turn to fight, and she doesn’t like to play nice.
W: self-insert, angst, violence, bullying, alcohol mention
(( Note: ALRIGHT SO, this is my villain’s origin story. It’s very heavy, which is why I have so many warnings. Please, be careful to read those above before you check this out. It gets very heavy and has themes that might make people uncomfortable. This is also my villain insert, so just keep that in mind. A lot of her stories will be dark, obviously. Just want to warn you guys enough, but I went really heavy on the writing bc I was enjoying writing this a lot. ))
There was always a beast inside of me.
It’s ravenous and blood thirsty, hidden away in the depths of my insides.
A dormant monster just waiting for the perfect moment to awaken.
I felt it getting stronger every night, but mostly during a bright full moon. The changing didn’t begin until I hit puberty. Right at the pinnacle of my hormonal changes and growth, the perfect time to unleash my inner rage. Like a covered cauldron, boiling close to its breaking point. Being that young with a power that you don’t even understand yet… it’s a disaster waiting to happen.
For a long time, I didn’t believe that I had a quirk. Not a strong one anyway. From the day I was born I was just the wolf girl with ears and a tail. I may have had parts of a wolf and acted like a wolf since birth, but I had no other signs of having anything else special about me. No powers other than a keen sense of smell and hearing. And any other tendencies that a wolf might have.
Most of the things that I dealt with was name calling and attempts at grabbing my ears and tail all the damn time. It was humorous to mock me, because I was nothing special than a dog. A dirty, rotten, grumpy dog that no one ever wanted to be around. Not even my own parents wanted me. The only family I had ever known was my uncle, and he was never around either.
Too busy conning people out of their money on busy streets, pickpocketing and other shit that I could only imagine. When he came home, the last thing he wanted to do was pay attention to me. Not that I’d want him anywhere near me. He’s always too rough and too loud. He grips my ears so roughly and yanks them when I’m disobedient.
If he doesn’t respect me, then why should anyone else?
“You couldn’t have been born with some god damn wings or fire powers? Maybe then we’d have a nicer place and more opportunities.”
“Don’t think you’re getting dinner tonight, sweet pea. I don’t have enough money to feed your god damn animal stomach. Go fetch a rabbit or somethin’. Make yourself fucking useful for a change.”
“Get back inside. None of those kids want to play with a goddamn animal. Especially not a smelly one like you.”
I was tired of crying. Tired of listening to all of the nasty things that everyone had to say about me. The weight of everything began to pile onto my shoulders, until it was difficult to breathe. Even as an innocent child I learned right away that I couldn’t rely on anyone but myself. The bubbling inside me began to grow and grow, until there was a fire in my veins that I had never felt before.
It was like something had snapped inside of me. The inner monster inside me was rattling its cage, and it knew that I was on the brink. Feeding off of my unstable emotions, taking advantage of the weakest parts of myself.
The final straw for me was when a couple of kids in the class above me decided to pick on me one final time. Grabbing my tail and yanking it so hard that I tumbled backwards and dropped my books. The puddle that I fell into was murky, and mud decorated my uniform completely soaking me from head to toe.
The tallest boy, I remember his name being Futoshi. Had some kind of plant quirk and would always use it for ridiculous things. Mainly just to be an obnoxious boy and sometimes a perv. And yet he would always mock me for being a useless, wolf girl. Sometimes teased me for being cute in a gross way that made me uncomfortable.
“I thought you liked that, Wolf-Girl.”
“My name’s Ashley, you dimwit.”
“Ouch. Nice insults, fluffy. Where’d you learn them, the back of a cereal box?”
I narrowed my eyes and tried to stand up, only to slip back into the puddle.
The bubbling in my veins was beginning, but I never could have predicted that it was anything else than just a thing. I was never told any different. But how could I prepare for something like this?
The rest of the kids laughed at me, but at this point I was extremely numb to it. All I wanted was to get up and walk home at this point. There was no use going to school if I couldn’t even make it in the door.
It never made sense to me why they would mock me. I get that kids are assholes, but… there were plenty of students with weird quirks. Each and every one of them were different and that was what was so cool about having a quirk. It was the quirkless that were usually mocked, depending on who they were.
It must have just been me. I must have been an easy target.
“I think we should probably teach you some manners. A dog should be well trained.”
“I’m a wolf. Not a fucking dog.”
Finally, I was able to stand up, throwing my books down once I realized they were too soaked. My jaw clenched with anger, and I felt my fingernails digging into my skin. I wasn’t upset or on the brink of tears anymore. I was fucking pissed. Angry and tired of fighting against the current of my emotions.
I was done letting them walk all over me. I was finished being the victim. They were going to know what it felt like to be me for a change.
They laughed at my power stance, Futoshi using his quirk to grab at my ankles with vines that popped up from the ground. When I didn’t jolt or act surprised, he just found it amusing. It’s almost funny looking back on this now, because I’d never believe for a second that he would be a hero today.
“Let’s teach you some tricks, doggy. Now, why don’t you sit!”
The second that he whipped his vines forward, I felt something deep within me break. The cages erupted and the beast was finally released. It was a slow process from the inside out, but to them on the outside it was merely a few seconds at best.
My fangs were exposed through my clenched jaw, a loud growl sounding from deep within my chest. The color of my eyes began to shift to a violent red, the intensity growing with the anger pulsing through my veins. The kids surrounding me slowly started to become a little scared, and that was only the beginning.
“I said… I’m not a fucking dog!”
My voice was almost a demonic growl, another loud sound escaping from my throat. The first things to change were my feet, fur beginning to grow from my body and long claws lengthening from them. Slowly, the rest of my body began to take shape, growing massively in size. It wasn’t necessarily a pleasant experience, but I was too angry to feel much of it.
The beast within me had finally been exposed. It was finally free from the bindings, and the rumbling that I felt when I howled was chilling. It is a part of me, but sometimes I forget that it can take over. When I let myself become this angry and impulsive, I have little to no control over what it does.
That is why I still can’t really remember exactly what happened that day.
The minute that I shifted, it was almost like I had blacked out. I didn’t wake up again until I was in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors with a wound in my side. That was the first time that I saw myself for what I truly was. A caged monster, or a girl that was being held hostage by a monster. But I refused to believe that I wasn’t in control.
Futoshi and his gang were badly injured, but they were fine. They were able to restrain me long enough to get them to safety, but they weren’t there soon enough. I knew that I was going to be in a lot of trouble, but I didn’t even care. When one of the pro-heroes came to talk to me to discuss what happened and give me a lecture on the importance of controlling my quirk, I couldn’t care less.
This wasn’t the first time I had felt this way to authority before, but I was done listening. I was done being lectured when I was just protecting myself. I was also amazed by my own power that I didn’t even know that I had. All my life I thought that I was just somewhat special with my looks, and all along I was a werewolf.
There was a new power that I had just discovered, and it was strong. That didn’t even scare me like it would to anyone else. In fact, it was an awakening for me. A discovery that I intended to use to my advantage. I wasn’t going to be the underdog anymore. I was going to keep the promise that I gave to myself before.
Now, I just had a better reason to do so.
Starting with the one person that made me feel small. When they should have made me feel strong and loved.
That night I came home to my uncle sitting his happy ass down in front of the TV again. Not even an ounce of worry for me or where I had been all damn day. I wasn’t surprised, and this just sealed his fate in my eyes.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do this again, but it would be a great test run. Now that I felt my power coursing through my veins, I felt like I had finally found my purpose. Finally found something that I could use to my advantage. A way for me to not only get my revenge, but escape this terrible hell that I was born into.
Stepping in front of the television, I tilted my head and stared down at the filthy man in front of me. I could tell he hadn’t moved all day, especially from all the beer cans littering his feet. He was totally useless, and he had the gall to mock me. What a waste of breath.
“Get out of the way.”
“You even going to ask what happened to me today?”
He didn’t answer. Not that I expected any less from him.
“I’ve been in the hospital. My teacher supposedly called you. Don’t worry, one of the heroes gave me a ride home.”
“Okay, whatever. Just move.”
I felt the familiar clench of my jaw, and the sound that escaped next wasn’t a sound that I expected to make.
Seeing him glance at me, his body starting to stiffen a bit was the best part of my entire day. My eyes were glowing red once again, and I took a small step forward. Even though I was still fairly small compared to him and wasn’t really a threat, this time I was no longer scared of upsetting him.
“Go on, girl. Go to bed and… get out of my sight,” Uncle mumbled.
“I said… no…”
“I’m not gonna tell you again--”
“You’re not the boss of me anymore. I’m not going to let you bully me ever again. You or anybody else!”
This was when he started to stand up from his seat, getting a little scared but also pissed. It was just the look I wanted to see from him.
“I’m getting real tired of your shit! You little brat!”
He went to grab me, but I ducked just in time. It was like my movements had gotten a bit more precise, but it was mainly just my hearing and senses. Plus, with him being drunk it was a lot easier to predict his movements. Which also makes him an easier target.
“That was a mistake,” I growled, more inhuman this time.
“You are the child! I am the adult! You do what I say!”
“Not anymore. You think just because you’re an adult you get to treat me this way. You and everyone else think that you have some kind of power over me. But not anymore. I make the rules. I decide who lives and who dies.”
That was when I felt my anger reach another breaking point. But this time, I promised to be awake for this. My body slowly shifted one at a time once again, and I could see the fear cross my uncle’s face. It was sweet and humorous. I’d never seen a man become so terrified, and I was almost beginning to pity him.
“What the fuck!”
The growl that escaped my mouth next was pure animal. I’d never felt more alive in that moment in my entire life. I never felt more in control of my own destiny. No longer was I going to be the victim. I refused to let anyone walk all over me again.
There wouldn’t be any more tears or heartbreak. No more unwanted attention or fear. Instead, I would be the thing that everyone else fears. It will be my turn.
I had tasted power for the first time, and I was hungry for more.
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pokemagines · 6 years
future child. (michalis x reader)
anon asked: “I'm liking the idea of Michalis, meeting his future kid with summoner...whose not only a girl (whelp goodbye firstborn son and heir), but also rides a cute lil pegasus too and is ironically scared of wyverns. (it'd be nice if you could whip up a scenario/headcanon for this, but if not that's fine too..i just needed to get this off my chest bc its simply too cute)”
a/n: haha i’m glad y’all seem to like this... series of sorts ^^ the only difficult part is coming up w “fire emblem” names for the kiddos rip! --mod touko
also (i feel like i always put an ‘also’ on my posts bc i never shut up lmao!) i got fe: warriors this weekend and just finished the main story! it was aight tho the best part about it is unlocking f!robin she’s so pretty aaaa!!!
other “future child” stories: alfonse // sharena \\ fjorm & gunnthra // loki
   you had always had a fascination with the stars. they were the one thing constant in both your world and in askr -- and despite the different constellations, you could always look up at the maps in the sky and make up stories for the different shapes you would pick out. of course, alfonse would tell you what each constellation meant, but you found the stories in your head were much more interesting then the actual explanation for them.
   the one story you loved, though, was the story of the goddess of night, celeste. doomed to be forever separated from her lover, the goddess of the daytime, she weeps every night, the tears falling from her face and creating the beautiful formations in the sky to lead other lovers safely home, so they don’t suffer the same fate. it was oddly beautiful, in a way most tragedies are. 
   you’re thankful for your love of the night, as it let you meet her.
   just as the goddesses tears light the night, so does she as she falls to the earth, hurtling towards it like a comet. you quickly jump up, going to help the girl who’s passed out inside of a crater on the ground. 
   “are you okay?” you ask, though the answer is fairly obvious. she just fell from the sky, of course she wasn’t alright. the girl, thankfully, can stand, and she gets up weakly, looking around as if in a daze.
   “where am i?” she asks, holding her head, her voice barely a whisper. her clothes are torn, and she holds her arms close to her chest, her breath visible because of the cold. “w-who are you?” she scrunches her face up, and limps towards you. you lunge forward and grab her arms, making sure she’s fit to stand, inspecting her face closely. 
   you can tell she’s a bit younger than you, maybe by a few years, but there are dark circles under her eyes. her bright red hair is cut at her chin, [eye color] eyes dull and devoid of warmth. 
   “i’m [name], i’m the tactician and summoner of the army of askr... i could ask the same to you... what is your name?” she grits her teeth, looking to the left as if trying to rack her own brain of thoughts, but ultimately finds nothing. she grips onto you as if trying to steady whatever was going on in her mind. you wrap an arm around her shoulder, taking out breidablik and summoning a portal back to the castle.
   “i-i’m not sure... i don’t remember anything.” you look at her, searching her eyes and seeing nothing but sincerity. you smile softly, making a stupid decision to trust this stranger who could easily kill you. studying the freckles on her face, you realize that some look like your favorite constellation.
   “can i call you celeste?”
   celeste quickly falls asleep under the care of the healers working the night shift, who just happened to be mist and sakura. they assured you that she would be fine in the morning, she only had a few scrapes and a dislocated ankle (nothing a stave couldn’t fix), so you could turn in for the night. despite their words, though, you couldn’t bring yourself to fall asleep when you had so many questions about this girl. so, you resign yourself to sitting by the door, waiting for her to wake up.
   it’d been a few weeks since celeste crash landed in askr. she still didn’t have her memories back, but was quickly becoming very attached to you. not that you minded, she was a total sweetheart who loved animals viewed the world with wide-eyed optimism. she even got herself a pegasus and started training to become a pegasus knight, with some help from caeda. she seemed to be naturally talented with a lance. (you suspected that she might’ve been a pegasus knight before she lost her memories, but nothing was certain). 
   “isn’t she adorable?” you ask, watching her train from afar. michalis lowers his head, crossing his arms. “she’s growing into such a strong young woman already, despite only being here for week. i wish i had resolve like that.” you let out an airy laugh, the macedonian king seemingly listening to you, but his eyes focused straight ahead.
   “children should not be utilized on the battlefield.” he says, eyes flickering down to look at you, “leave the fighting to the strong ones.” you hum, opening the small journal in your pocket where you keep notes on the units.
   “you’re right,” you reply, flipping to a page where you had kept notes on michalis. “children have to grow up far too fast here, i mean, kana and sanaki are barely even teenagers and yet they have to fight. it’s cruel.” you doodle yet another drawing of the red-haired wyvern rider, this time smiling and happy with little flowers surrounding him. he takes notice, and doesn’t seem too amused, but says nothing of it. “did you train as a child, too?” michalis merely nods, obviously not wanting to share that part of him with you just yet. you knew not to press him, as he opened up to you little by little, and pestering only made him close up more. 
   “[name]!” you hear celeste call, bounding over to the two of you, with a grin stretching from ear to ear. she jumps into your arms, heaving trying to catch her breath, but still beaming nonetheless. 
   “i’m getting so much better! miss caeda is SUCH a good teacher! i think i’m almost ready to be on the front lines, what do you say, mother?” she says, so excited that the words come so fast you can hardly keep up.
   “i don’t think you’re ready qu-- wait, i’m sorry, what did you just call me?” you question, and see michalis shift beside you. the first thing that comes to your mind is that this is probably just a slip up, like calling a teacher ‘mom’ on accident, but she just smiles in response, confident in her words.
   “nope! as i was training, i think some of my memories came back to me!” she’s practically bouncing, shifting from heel to heel with nervous energy. “i saw a glimpse of you helping me get over my fear of wyverns, telling me something about how you used to fear them, then you met someone who helped you get over that fear!” she giggles, and you feel your heart hammer in your chest. you knew exactly who she was talking about, but your feelings for him weren’t up in the air yet. you glance at him, and his frown deepens, as he turns on a heel and leaves. your heart is telling you to follow him, but you couldn’t leave your daughter hanging. 
   forcing a nervous smile, you say: “please, tell me more.”
   word travels fast around the castle, the news of celeste being your daughter being the topic of everyone’s conversations. chrom had offered you a few words of advice, as he was one of the few people who could relate to your situation, and you were grateful for that.
   though, the speculations about who was the baby’s other parent were rampant as well. since celeste had red hair, it seemed every hero with a streak of red in their hair was rumored to be your “future spouse”. some heroes didn’t mind, such as the fearsome tactician saias and the candy thief gaius, but others, minerva, anna, and cordelia, quickly shot down these rumors, as though they did enjoy the summoner’s company, it was merely a platonic relationship between you two. 
   deep down, you knew who it was. it couldn’t be anyone else, you were sure of it, but you couldn’t seem to tell him. it’s only when celeste falls off her pegasus and bumps her head that she remembers herself.
   “it’s michalis!” she laughs, almost maniacally. “my father is michalis! we have to tell him at-- ouch.” celeste winces, rubbing her head. you tell the girl to go to the healers while you took care of the matter yourself, (half because you didn’t know how he would react, and it would kill you if he denied her), and she acquiesces.
   “michalis?” you knock on his door, anxiety swelling with each tap you make. you hear him respond with a quiet yes. “may i come in?” he doesn’t answer, and you know that means you can. 
   “what is it?” he responds sharply, not even bothering to look up at you as he scans through some war book at his desk. you clench your jaw, not knowing how to bring up the topic at hand. usually, you always knew what to say, but words often failed you when you needed them most. letting out a deep breath, you decide that it’s now or never.
   “it’s about celeste, you--” he cuts you off mid-sentence.
   “if it’s about who her father is, i couldn’t care less.” his voice is icy in a way you hadn’t heard since when you first met him. 
   “no, just--”
   “oh, you haven’t found out yet? the list must be very long considering that you flirt with half of the army.” your eyes water, gods, he always knew just the right words to say to make someone hurt, you just never thought it would be directed at you. he didn’t mean it, your brain told you, he’s just hurt and trying to push you away like he does with everyone else, but it still stings that he would think of you that way. you hadn’t flirted with anyone but him for the longest while, he was just too much of a recluse to notice. it’s then he finally glances at you, noticing that you’re holding back tears. 
   “you’re such a dastard michalis.” you curse, tears flowing down your cheeks freely, “i was coming here to tell you that you’re her father.” you want to yell at him, want to make him hurt as much as he made you hurt, but you can’t bring yourself to. instead, you add in a small voice: “i should’ve listened to minerva about you.” and then you leave, slamming the door behind you.
   michalis is left with the same feeling that he had after using his sister, maria for a bargaining chip. complete and utter disgust with himself.
   “you!” celeste yells, flying her pegasus in front of michalis to block his path. she quickly dismounts, standing in front of him defiantly, chest puffed out and a stubborn expression on her face. even in the darkness, he could see the resemblances to you, as you always made when he would first tell you to leave him alone. “you made my mother cry! why would you do that you jerk!” despite the fierceness in her voice, her eyes look scared.
   “i know,” he responds, voice barely above a whisper. “where do you think i was going, child?” 
   “i don’t think she even wants to see you!” celeste replies, her pegasus glaring at him behind her. despite her words, he continues across the courtyard to the hall where your room was. “hey! are you even listening to me!” she follows quickly, the only noise besides their voices being the soft flap of her pegasus’s wings.
   “i don’t care, i need to right my wrongs.” he answers, ignoring her words of warning. of course you wouldn’t want to see him, he was utterly rude to the only person who cared enough to be nice to him despite his cold demeanor (save maria), but he had to see you. what he did to his family was unforgivable, and that damage could never be repaired, but he could mend relations with you, his one beam of warmth in his otherwise frigid world. 
   “i don’t know what you were like in my world, but...” she trails off, “i don’t want you to hurt my mother because you don’t want me.” he’s stunned into silence, the small girl looking towards the ground, eyes watering and sniffling as if to hold back a sob. michalis mentally curses, wondering what good deed he did in some previous life to warrant him this lucky of a hand, because he was sure that he’s done nothing good in his life to deserve the love of not only you, but of this angel, celeste, whom he’s never shown kindness to in the months she’s been here. he wishes he was maria, or even minerva who, though blunt, was much kinder than he. 
   “you think i do not want you?” he says, clearing his throat, trying for once to say what was truly in his heart. “nothing could be further from the truth.” celeste breaks, freely sobbing as she lunges at michalis, clinging to his midsection. 
   “oh father!” she says inbetween sobs, “i love you!” he’s frozen in place, not used to this type of affection except from maria. he puts a tentative hand on the top of her head, slowly patting her hair.
   “yes. now, let’s go find your mother.” celeste quickly reels back, quickly wiping her face off and forcing a smile. 
   “yes! but don’t think you’re off the hook just yet!” she giggles, eyes puffy and red, “i’m still mad at you!”
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transfemmbeatrice · 6 years
Leverage for the ask meme? And the Star Trek of your choice?
imma go w tng for trek bc its a bigger ensemble than tos. also i deleted this halfway through by accident alsdkjl;
the first character i ever fell in love with:Leverage: probably hardison? i don’t actually remember but nate takes a while to warm up to, eliot has that terrible haircut, you don’t rly get to see parker’s depths yet, sophie doesn’t come in until halfway through but she’d be the only other one it might have been...but probably hardison, bc he’s so immediately charismatic and likable and has great dynamics with the other charactersTng: i assume it was Data bc i have a Fucking Type and its robot boys who want to feel emotions and understand humans
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:Leverage: i don’t think there’s anyone i changed my mind on this way? the reverse happened with Tara--i wasn’t sure about her at first and then came to love her--but afaik there wasn’t anyone who started out cool and then turned out to be shittyTng: wesley. i didn’t get why everyone hated him bc i loved him as a young, curious, precocious kid with terrible sweaters but then when he got older he was annoying.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:Leverage: very early on i liked the nate/eliot/sophie dynamic bc eliot sort of fit with them as someone with more experience/maturity? and i adore stubborn assholes in love? but then i Realized,Tng: i guess i kinda thought deanna and will were cute early on? but no
my ultimate favorite character™:Leverage: i can’t choose they’re a FAMBLY and i LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY (but its Parker)Tng: Data. it’s hard bc i love so many of them so much and it often depends what episode i’d watched recently as to who is my favorite, but. Data. closest second is probably Geordi?
prettiest character:Leverage: sophie!!!!!!! queen of fashion and lewks and everything. also eliot tho.Tng: Geordi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
my most hated character:Leverage: every single rich douchebag. i hate them all with every fiber of my being.Tng: WILLIAM RIKER OH MY GOD I CAN’T STAND HIM
my OTP:Leverage: natesophie and the ot3, obviously, this isn’t even a questionTng: qcard and daforge and.... deanna/beverly
my NOTP:Leverage: anything that isn’t eliot parker and hardison ending up togetherTng: Tasha Yar/heterosexuality
favorite episode:Leverage: there are too many good ones!! the buried alive one, the mountain climbing one, the saving orphans one, the we all stole the same thing on the same night and didn’t know it one, the boys and girls night out ones.....Tng: is it cheating if i say every q episode?... also that episode with the Borg guy who gains individuality. there are too many episodes to remember my favorites off the top of my head but those are definitely up there
saddest death:Leverage: nate’s son for sure. also when the ot3 fake died??? what the fuck nateTng: TASHA!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS AN INJUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
favorite season:Leverage: oof. s4 i think? lotta good episodes.Tng: i literally cannot distinguish the seasons at all. the middle ones tho.
least favorite season:Leverage: they’re all excellent this question is illegalTng: the early ones i guess but i also loved them
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:Leverage: again i don’t think there is anyone? i love p much everyoneTng: R I K E R
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:Leverage: NATE so much Nate he’s my trash dad(dy)Tng: Q........
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:Leverage: honestly they all have really good arcs so there isn’t anyone who i think “deserves better” than the writing? hardison is the Most cinnamon roll but Parker is the Most deserved better than her backstory Tng: let deanna REST............. also tasha, obv. ALSO data has done nothing wrong ever in his life, and also i haven’t mentioned him yet so let me say it on record that i love and respect jean luc picard v much
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:Leverage: NATE/STERLING OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM SM AND THEY’RE GARBAGE (also nate/sterling/sophie)Tng: i can’t think of anything that qualifies for tng??? i don’t think qcard is nasty but i do think q is trash and that they’re a mess together but like, a good mess
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:Leverage: parker/hardison i guess? like i really love their canon romance, but. we all know its the ot3.Tng: a lot of the canon ships fall in this category. like deanna/worf is fun! beverly/picard is good! but i’m not that invested.
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ckerouac · 6 years
fic: other duties as assigned
Title: Other Duties as Assigned  (AO3)
Fandom: MCU
Summary:  Peter wasn’t sure how exactly he ended up playing errand boy for the Black Widow in a department store downtown while she bullied Captain America into a new wardrobe, but if that's where the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was needed, he wasn't going to leave his SPIDER BRO hanging.
Notes: This is all @slayediest fault - the prompt was ‘anyone takes Steve shopping for new clothes’ and, well, this happened.
Peter wasn’t sure how exactly he ended up playing errand boy for the Black Widow in a department store downtown.  One minute he was working on a chemistry lab report with Ned, and then next he was getting a flurry of texts from Mr. Stark about an ‘intervention’ and ‘secret mission’ and ‘if it’s too much for you you can say no’.  Which, of course he wasn’t going to say no! He was an Avenger! Well, sort of… mostly… close enough. Technically.
And then there was a text from the Black Widow asking politely if he’d be willing to help out a fellow spider because there was someone in terrible need.  
Ned promised to keep the app open in his phone that they’d linked to KAREN just in case Peter needed his guy in the chair, because if it was something that Natasha Romanoff was asking for help with, it had to be something serious. Life threatening.  Maybe there were more aliens. Or an accident at a chemical plant. Or a nuclear bomb.  Or a mass arrest of guys on Wall Street because it turns out they were linked to HYDRA and that’s why they were trying to bring down American democracy.  MJ talked about that lot, so that would totally be something that the Black Widow would be involved in. He wasn’t sure what he could do to help with that, but he could web up bad guys with the best of them and if they needed him, it didn’t matter what it was.  He was going to be there!
“I just think the blue looks better,” Natasha said, reaching over to pull the navy blue t-shirt from the pile on Peter’s lap to hand to Steve.  “It brings out the blue of your eyes.”
“Is that really a thing?” Steve asked, taking the shirt and looking for all intents and purposes like a defeated man as he stood in the doorway of the dressing room.  
Natasha gave him a light squeeze of the shoulder.  “I get that you’ve been out of the dating game for a while, but trust me.  It’s a thing.”
“I’m not trying to get back into the dating game,” Steve replied.  But he took the shirt, along with the pile of jeans Natasha had already handed him and retreated back into the dressing room.  
“You can’t blame me for trying!” she laughed.  “What about Melissa?”
“Which one is Melissa?”
“The one who coordinated the HVAC repair to the tower last month.”
Natasha…” Steve said, his voice going for ‘warning’ or ‘not again’.  “You sound like Old Mrs. Goldstein who lived two floors down from me growing up.  She was convinced Bucky was going to die alone and unloved if he didn’t find a girl who was dumb enough to settle for him.”
“And what about you?” Natasha asked.
That got Steve to crack open the door and smile.  “She figured I’d die alone after getting punched by someone for talking back to them.”
“So, pretty much how you’re likely to die now,” Natasha pointed out.
“Pretty much,” Steve said, and closed the door once again.
“Excuse me,” Peter said.  “But… um… I thought you said that there was a big crisis that needed the Avengers?”
Natasha dropped down onto the bench next to Peter and smiled.  It wasn’t that it was unnerving when she smiled, Peter decided, it was just that you couldn’t tell at all what she was smiling about.  Like, was she smiling about Captain America in a dressing room? Or the pile of clothes in his lap? Was she smiling about how it was silly that Peter thought she wanted to be spider bros, even though he’d never actually used the spider bros line yet?  He was gonna wait until they were taking down the bad guys, and then slip is casually into conversation, and she was gonna laugh and think that it was brilliant, and then he’d name the text thread that they’d inevitably start SPIDER BROS and it would become a thing.  
It’s like whenever MJ decided to smile.  She only smiled when she thought he was doing something stupid.
Oh… shit… was the Black Widow smiling a ‘Peter you’re so dumb’ smile?
“What I said was there was someone who needed our help,” Natasha pointed out.
“And it was… Mr. Rogers?”
A bigger grin this time.  “I love it when you call him that,” she said.  “Look, I’ve been trying to get him to update his wardrobe.  He lives in khakis and SHIELD shirts, unless someone specifically pulls something different out for him.  I think if he had his way, he’d live in his uniform.”
“I mean, what’s wrong with that?”
Natasha leaned in a little closer.  “Do you have someone you like?”
Yes. “No.”
“Have you dressed up for them in the past?”
Yes. “No.”  Peter’s eyes went wide.  “Wait, does Mr. Rogers have a date?  Is that why we’re here? Are we getting him ready for a date?  Where would someone like him go on a date? Like, the Statue of Liberty?  Is that too cliche?”
She reached over and gave him a squeeze on the shoulder.  Peter tried hard not to look too excited. It was the same thing she did to Captain America!  They really were going to be spider bros! “It’s just a closet refresh,” she said. “Don’t think too hard about it.”
“But… if it’s not something… wait, why me?” Peter asked.  “Why did you and Mr. Stark ask me to come along?”
Natasha shrugged as Steve emerged.  “We told him you were struggling with a personal problem, and he jumped at the chance to help.”
“Wait, you used me as bait?!”
“And I fell for it,” Steve replied.  He placed his hands on his hips and glared at Natasha.  “Taking advantage of an old man is elder abuse.”
Before Peter realized what he was doing, he’d lifted his phone to take a picture of Cap’s stare of disappointment.  “Sorry, sorry,” he said. “It’s just that’s the exact look you have in the videos they show when we have detention, and I always thought that was some acting they made you do, but it’s…”
“It’s just his face,” Natasha beamed.  “But I’m immune to it. Plus, I don’t think that’ll be any way to get a response to profile I put up for you on SexySeniorDating.com.”
“What detention video?” Steve asked, ignoring Natasha’s jab because Peter was sure that she’d actually put up a dating profile for him behind his back.  Would she?
“You know, the ‘so you’ve found yourself in detention’ video,” Peter explained, doing his best Captain America expression, complete with sigh and pursed lips.  “There’s a whole bunch of them.”
Steve looked like he was going to deflate right there, and his frown was about as large as Natasha’s grin.  “I still can’t believe I let Tony talk me into those,” he mumbled. “Just like your USO tour,” he mimicked. “But enriching the minds of today’s youth.”
“You were recently thawed, your brain was probably still a little icy,” Natasha pointed.  
“No, wait, they’re great!” Peter insisted.  Insulting Captain America would probably completely squash his plans to be spider bros with the Black Widow cause even if she liked to make fun of him, no one else could make fun of Captain America.  I mean, he was CAPTAIN AMERICA. Why would anyone want to make fun of him? He was amazing, and he was here hanging out with Peter, even if it was technically because Peter was bait in a convoluted plot for the Black Widow to keep making fun of him…
Wait… ‘squash’... like a bug… he just got that!  He needed to remember to tell Ned that he’d come up with a great spider pun with his spider bro Natasha.
“I can pull one up for you!”
“Please don’t.” “I already have one as my voicemail message.”
Steve and Natasha turned to stare at each other.  Peter was pretty sure neither of them were telepathic, but he couldn’t actually be sure, but there was obviously something getting exchanged between them.  
Steve was the first to relent.  He sighed, shook his head, and grabbed another couple of shirts from Peter’s lap pile.  “Let’s get this over with,” he said, retreating back into the dressing room.
“Wait, I’m going to find you a jacket,” Natasha said.  
“I already have a jacket.”
“Not one you’ve gotten shot in, a nice blazer,” she called out as she left Peter to watch Steve and, as she’d explained when this whole outing started, ‘make sure he didn’t run away like a coward’.
“Is.. there anything I can get you, Mr. Rogers?” Peter asked.
A laugh came from behind the door.  “No, kid, I’m fine.”
“I’m sorry for being bait,” Peter continued.  “I thought there was, you know, a thing that needed attention and all hands on deck.  I didn’t know shopping was part of the… internship. Mr. Stark keeps it pretty… undefined.  You know, and I totally get why, and I’m not complaining about it at all. That’s not what I’m saying.  I’m happy to be here and do whatever I can to help. I just didn’t think it would be… shopping buddy.”
“I’m pretty sure this falls under other duties as assigned.  But if it makes you feel any better, people have tricked me into foolish job related duties since the 40s.”
OMG he and Captain America had something in common!  Maybe it wasn’t just him and the Black Widow that were going to be SPIDER BROS.  Maybe Captain America didn’t think he was just a kid from Queens and they were going to be bros too!  He didn’t seem to hold the airport stuff against him. Not too much. He only brought it up once. Maybe twice.  The Falcon brought it up a lot more. But if Captain America thought they were just like each other… oh man, if his seven-year-old self and his Captain America lunch box could see him now.  Wait, there could be a lunch box with both Captain America AND Spider-Man on it! With their arms around each other! Giving a thumbs up!
He had to text Ned.  He’d die seeing the same look on Cap’s face as the videos.    just out w bw & cap bc we’re bff now he texted along with the picture, followed quickly by disappointed!cap is disappointed .
The response was immediate, like Peter knew it would be.
...but it wasn’t Ned.
I thought you were at Ned’s studying??
He’d accidentally texted Aunt May.
sorry!! I meant to send that to Ned
That was fine.  She knew about… all of it.  And it proved he wasn’t getting shot at or thrown off a building or any of the number of things she’d yelled at him that Mr. Start was irresponsible for letting happen to him once she found him in his suit.  And considering that that’s what he thought he’d be doing on this little outing, she should appreciate how little danger he was in compared to how much he could’ve been in if what he thought was going to happen actually had happened.  How could she object to a shopping trip… even if he had told her this morning he was spending the day with Ned working on their lab reports?
Why is Captain America disappointed with you??  What did you do?? AM I GOING TO BE DISAPPOINTED WITH YOU??
no it’s fine I didn’t do anything. I’m at my internship.
“Are you texting the girl?” Natasha asked, scaring the shit out of Peter because for some reason she was the only one who could sneak up behind him without his senses catching on.  “Is it the one who you dressed up for that you said you didn’t?”
“What? No!” Peter tried to look as casual as possible, but his phone started buzzing again.   Wait, I recognize those dressing rooms.  I’m going to give Captain America a piece of my mind.
“Is something wrong?” Steve asked, cracking open the door to the dressing room and catching the blazer Natasha decided to throw at him.  “Do we need to-”
“My aunt is coming cause I accidentally texted her, and I thought I was texting Ned cause you made the face and I thought he’d find it funny, and May’s too worried that I’ve done something to make Captain America mad at me, and I think she’s coming to yell at you, so please don’t be angry with her, she doesn’t mean it, she just… I think she likes yelling at people.  Mostly Mr. Stark,” Peter explained. “But she doesn’t yell at him a lot! Only when he shows up. Or when I come home with a bloody nose. But those aren’t always Mr. Stark’s fault.”
“Just usually,” Steve said.  “Does she… know about...”
Peter nodded.  “Yeah, she knows.”
“Maybe this is a good thing,” Natasha said.  “We could use another opinion. Because those jeans are going to make Heather in Operations -- “
“Or how about Tonya in -”
She just smiled that MJ smile again.  Peter was certain there was no way she was giving up, and surely Cap realized that.  He could say no all he wanted, but Peter would bet money she’d have him on a date by the end of the week.  
It took 15 minutes, but eventually the back and forth interrupted by, “Peter?”
The three of them turned at the new voice and Peter gave his Aunt May the most contrite, most apologetic, most ‘but at least I’m not dangling off of a building and the highlight of the 11pm news’ wave that he could muster.  “Hi Aunt May.”
“I think you wanted to yell at him,” Natasha added motioning to Steve, who at this point was standing there with a pile of clothes draped across his arm.  
“Yes,” May said, pausing to just stare at him for a moment.  Peter was sure this wasn’t going to end well. She wasn't impressed at all with Mr. Stark each time he showed up, and sure he was the only one of the Avengers to show up at their apartment, but if she wasn’t impressed by Iron Man, surely she wasn’t going to be any more impressed by Captain America, especially once she got it into her head that he was angry with him.  “You’re a lot taller in person.”
Steve smiled.  “Yeah, I get that.  Sorry, where are my manners.  I’m Steve,” he said, extending his free hand.
May shook his hand and smiled as well.  “May Parker. You know Peter through… his internship?”
Steve nodded.  “He’s a good kid.  Quick on his feet,” he added.
“Sticks with something until it’s finished?” May volleyed back.  
“Really swings for the wall,” Steve replied, amused.  He was interrupted by Natasha clearing her throat. “Oh, and this is Natasha.”
May let go of Steve’s hand a gave the Black Widow a wave.  “Yeah.  These are not the friends I thought Peter would be hanging out with in high school,” she added.  “Or the job I thought he’d have in high school. I mean, Jesus, I worked in a grocery store in high school.”
“Oh, really?  Me too!” Steve beamed.  “And, I don’t mean to brag, but I got pretty good at stacking apples into a pyramid.”
“And there would be some ass who thought it was funny to pull the piece of fruit from the bottom of the stack?” May laughed.
“And then I’d point it out and get knocked around a bit in the alley,” Steve admitted.  “They didn’t pay me enough to put up with that kind of jerk.”
“How much did they pay you?”
He grinned.  “A quarter.”
“Oh yeah, you totally deserved at least 30 cents,” May replied.
“Yeah, that’s what FDR said too,” he laughed.
“See, May, he’s not angry at me,” Peter interjected.  He didn’t want May to get laughed at any more by Captain America, and if he could just convince her that he was fine, and Captain America wasn’t angry with him any more, and it was just a joke, she wouldn’t have to hang out in the dressing room with them any more.  “His disappointed face was for something else.”
“What was his disappointed face for, then?” May asked.
“I got tricked into going shopping,” Steve admitted.  “Natasha thought I could use some help with some new clothes and told me that Peter needed my help.”  
“And you just wanted to help him?” May asked.
“He’s a good kid,” Steve said.  “Of course I wanted to help him if he needed it.”
“Yeah, I like him.”  May turned and smiled at Peter over her shoulder.  “I think I’ll keep him.”
“So… everything’s cool,” Peter said.  “You can head home.”
“Or you could help Steve decide between a couple of shirts that he was debating,” Natasha intejected. “We could use another woman’s opinion.  I like the blue, but Steve is partial to the white.”
“Sure,” May said.  “Always glad to help.  And blue is always a good color.  Especially with your eyes,” she added.
Okay, so not how Peter saw the afternoon going.  At this rate he’d never find the right time to suggest to Natasha that they be SPIDER BROS, especially not with May bothering Captain America…
“May?” Peter called out as he closed the apartment door and dropped his backpack on the couch.  “I’m home.”
“How was school?” she called out from her bedroom.
“It was fine,” Peter answered.  “Sorry I’m late, we had Decathlon practice and then I had to finish my lab report with Ned.”
“Not a problem, dinner is in the fridge.  Blue lid. The spaghetti from last night.”
“Are you going somewhere?  I thought you worked days this week?”
There was a knock at the door.  “Peter, can you get that?”
“Sure.”  He opened it to find Steve standing there, in one of the outfits Natasha had bullied him into buying last Saturday.  “Hi Mr. Rogers. Hey, wait, what are you doing here? Does… does Mr. Stark need me? Did he send you to come get me? Wait, what’s going on, I can… May!” he called out.  “I’m going out-”
“Hey, no, it’s not an internship thing,” Steve said, stepping inside the apartment and closing the door behind him.  “Not an Avengers thing.”
“Oh,” Peter said.  “Then what are you doing here?”
May popped her head out into the living room and smiled.  “Hey, you found it okay.”
“Yeah,” Steve replied.  “Sorry, I’m a little early.  Never spent much time in Queens.”
“Not a problem, I’m ready to go.”  
Peter realized that May looked a lot nicer than her normal Tuesday night sweatshirt and… “Wait, where are you going?”
“Steve and I are going to grab some dinner,” May said.  “Like I said, spaghetti is in the fridge. I’ll be back in a little while.”  She kissed his forehead as she walked past. “Make good choices.”
“Good to see you, Peter,” Steve said before focusing on May.  “You look really nice.”
“Why thank you.”  She gave a quick little tug on the hemline of his t-shirt as he opened the door for her and led her out into the hall.  “Blue looks really good on you.”
It took Peter a full minute after the door closed before he was able to sputter out, “You… make good choices.”  Before he could question it any further, his phone buzzed.
Thx for your help on Sat!  Mission accomplished - FINALLY got old man out on a date
No shit, Peter thought, as he changed the name of the text thread from ‘Natasha’ to ‘SPIDER BROS’.  She could just deal with it.
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boopboopbichie · 7 years
Reddie headcanon
- Ok so Eddie is like this goodboi. He’s almost done with high school and he really wants to get into a great college.
- So, he is trying to focus on his school work because he’s not going to fuck this up for himself and things doesn’t come easy to him.
- So, one day Eddie is in the library, studying, when two people walk in. He only turns his head because one of them is being fucking loud as fuck and he’s like gosh this is a library jesus Christ.
- When he turns his head, he sees Stan Uris – He knows Stan, they’re in the same Bio class – And Richie Trashmouth Tozier – He also knows Richie (not personally) because everyone does.
-  Richie is loud and obnoxious and what the fuck is he wearing?
- But he is also really really goodlooking as he’s entering the library, laughing and pushing up his glasses.
- Eddie thinks the Tozier boy is super cool and he hates himself for it, because what’s cool about a tall boy with huge glasses, who cracks inappropriate jokes and inappropriate times and wears Hawaiian shirts underneath his jean jacket and has tattoos at the age of seventeen?
- The answer to this, Eddie has figured out is – Everything.
- Everything about Richie Tozier is cool. He’s laid back, popular, seems to always be having a good time and he’s a fucking genius.
- Also. he’s gay? Bi? Pan? Eddie honestly doesn’t know, he just knows that he has heard about Richie kissing a lot of girls and he has heard about Richie kissing a lot of boys as well.
- But that doesn’t seem to bother anyone and maybe that’s why Eddie is so jealous? Because his coming out wasn’t that smooth?
- Anyway, Stan and Richie walks in and Eddie makes eye contact with Richie, but quickly looks back into his book.
- He hopes they keep walking but suddenly two people are standing in front of him and he looks up again.
- “Hey Eddie, I just wanted to ask you about the homework for bio tomorrow. I’m not sure what I even read”, Stan says and Eddie glances at Richie who is grinning from behind Stan.
- “I can send you my notes?”, he offers, and Stan thanks him.
- They’re about to leave but Richie leans over the table and smiles and Eddie wants to die, because he’s even prettier up close.
- “There’s a party at my place on Friday Kaspbrak. You should come. You can bring a friend if you’d like”.
- And then he just leaves.
- And Eddie is left sitting there with huge eyes bc holy shit he knows his full name?
- So, when he goes over to Bill’s that night he tells him about it and Bill – who most definitely has a crush on Stan is begging him to go.
- Eventually Eddie says yes, even though he doesn’t want to. Like, he needs to study he doesn’t have time for silly parties.
- So fast forward to Friday and Eddie is in his room freaking out because what the fuck should he wear?
- Like he knows that the people who are going to be at Richie’s party are probably as cool as Richie and he has absolutely no clothes.
- He ends up wearing his high waisted jeans with a red t-shirt tucked into them and his vans. He doesn’t do anything to his hair because he kinda likes it when it’s curly.
- Bill picks him up and off they go.
- The whole ride Eddie is trying to get Bill to turn around because: “Bill he probably invited me for the laughs it’s gonna suck and I need to study”.
- Bill is having none of that though and eventually they’re at the house and Eddie can’t breathe.
- When they knock on the door, Richie opens up and Eddie can’t stop staring because Richie looks so good.
- He’s wearing baggy blue jeans, a worn the cure t-shirt on top of a striped long-sleeved shirt and his shoes got holes in them.
- Basically, he’s the biggest mess Eddie has ever seen but boi does he look great.
- “Eds, you came! You look cute”, he says and Eddie is still speechless.
- “Hi bigbill, come on in”.
- They walk in and Bill is instantly gone to talk to Stan and Eddie is left with Richie who is smiling at him making him blush.
- There are a lot of people and it stinks of something Eddie is not sure what is but he suddenly doesn’t want to go home anymore.
- Richie pulls him to the kitchen to get him a drink and he asks him what he wants and Eddie is like ??
- Because he has never tasted any alcohol before.
- Richie laughs at this, but not in a mocking way and hands Eddie a beer.
- Eddie hates it but he doesn’t say anything because he can’t help but feel cool as he’s standing in Richie’s kitchen drinking a beer while Richie is sitting on the kitchen counter with a bottle of Jack.
- Beverly Marsh then comes into the kitchen and Richie follows her out but he promises Eddie he’ll find him later and Eddie is like all right.
- So he wanders off and he is actually having fun.
- Then twenty minutes later Richie shows up again and asks Eddie to follow him.
- Eddie is surprised because why the fuck is Richie Tozier pulling him towards the basement??
- “Are you going to bring me to the basement and murder me Tozier?”
- “That’s exactly what I’m going to do Eds, but can you please act surprised when I do it?”.
- Richie’s room is down there apparently.
- There’s nobody there and Richie just sits down by his desk and Eddie stands awkwardly in the doorway not knowing what to do, still trying to figure out why he’s in Richie’s room.
- “Please sit down, that’s stressing my out Eds”.
- “Do not call me that Trashmouth”.
- Eddie does sit down though, in Richie’s bed.
- Richie’s room is huge but it seems small because his walls are covered in posters, pictures and spraypaint(?).
- Eddie admires it for a while until he looks at Richie who is lighting something that Eddie is pretty sure isn’t a cigarette.
-  He scoffs and Richie raises his eyebrow at him.
- “Of fucking course you’re a stoner”.
- “Huh?”.
- Richie is obviously amused and Eddie rolls his eyes.
- “Who says I’m a stoner, this could be my first ever joint for all you know”.
- Eddie scoffs again and walks around Richie’s room looking at his stuff.
- “I suppose it’s not”.
- Richie just chuckles and Eddie looks at him take his second hit of the joint.
-  “Do you even know how fucking unhealthy that is?”. He says this but he can’t help but think that Richie looks even hotter smoking that.
- Richie just winks and blows the smoke in Eddie’s direction.
- “I think I’ll be fine. You should try”.
- “No fucking way, I’m not trying to get into drugs, thank you very much”.
- Richie just chuckles again and Eddie feels this warmth in his stomach from the sound.
- “It’s weed Eddie, not cocaine, you’ll be fine, just take one hit”.
- Eddie knows he shouldn’t want to but he actually really does want to.
- So he nods.
- “Fine, let me try”.
- Richie’s eyes widen but he hands Eddie the joint and Eddie stares at it unsure.
- “Just put it in your mouth and breathe in. You might cough but that’s fine, then you just try again”.
- Eddie does and he does cough.
- But when he tries again he doesn’t and he feels accomplished.
- Half a joint later they’re both sitting on the floor, giggling, passing the joint back and forth.
- Eddie is looking at Richie and he feels his entire stomach fill with butterflies.
- Richie is beautiful and Eddie can’t stop looking at the other boy’s lips.
- Richie then stops giggling and scoots closer to Eddie.
- “I wanna try something”.
- Eddie is unable to speak so he just nods.
- Richie then takes a hit and then presses his lips against Eddie’s.
- Eddie doesn’t have time to react before Richie has blown the smoke into his mouth.
- He then pulls back and Eddie looks at him wideeyed and he feels his cheeks heat up. He stares at Richie and his fingers slowly finds his lips.
- Then he leans in and presses his lips against Richie’s again, this time harder.
- The kiss is wet and messy and there’s a lot of teethclashing but Eddie feels his head get even more light if even possible and it feels like he’s flying
- He thinks he might pass out.
- Eventually he does because Eddie is woken up by someone moving from beside him. He opens his eyes and he has no idea where he is.
- He turns his head and there is Richie, sitting on the floor. Eddie then remembers everything and he giggles.
- He’s still high from last night and his giggling gains Richie’s attention. Richie is smiling at him softly and Eddie thinks he might be dead?
- “Am I in heaven?”, he whispers and Richie chuckles.
- “If god loves the cure then yes”, Richie answers back and Eddie can’t help but laugh. It’s not even funny but he can’t stop again and Richie joins in.
- The laughter dies down and Eddie is suddenly aware of the situation.
- “What the fuck happened last night, why am I still here?”, he asks and Richie laughs.
- “You fell asleep while we were making out and I couldn’t bare to wake you up”.
- Eddie blushes hardcore and hides his face in his hands bc how the fuck do you fall asleep while making out?
- Also he’s mindblown because he actually smoked weed and made out with Richie Tozier last night.
- Richie is just smiling at him lazily though and offers to take him to mcdonald’s to get some breakfast and Eddie accepts the offer bc mcdonald’s sounds fucking great atm.
- Fast forward a few months and Eddie and Richie is dating and they eat crappy breakfast together every Saturday.
 This is a mess but I wrote this last night and I thought the idea was kinda cute idk. 
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hulahoopingholt · 6 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Live - Philly
Okay, so I was writing this mainly to share the full scoop with my frenemy @msjessicaday, but then I figured there might be some other people interested in hearing about it, so I’m posting it publicly for all to hear about the most amazing time I had on April 7, 2018 at the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia. This is MEGA comprehensive, so cutting for extreme length, but do read on if you want a play by play of the show, or if you want to hear how Smash Mouth and Sugar Ray made surprise guest appearances. 
Doors opened at 7PM, and we showed up around 5PM. There were probably about 20 people in front of us at that point. We were surrounded by a really great group of people who were SUPER entertaining and made time fly, thank god, because it was COLD and there wasn’t much to do, haha. People walking by seemed REALLY confused by why there was such a crazy (punny!) line, and when we said we were there for CXGF, most said they’d never heard of it. But then at one point a city tour bus drove by, and the guide looked over at us and said into his mic, “it’s a lot more nuanced than that!” It was fab.
It was general admission seating, and we managed to get 2nd row center seats, thankfully. (I say thankfully bc the theater frisks people as they enter, and so ladies had to line up on the left and guys on the right, which wouldn’t normally be a big deal but since this audience skewed so heavily female, guys from way back toward the end of the line were being allowed in before women who had been in the front of the line which feels like a MIGHTY PAINFUL BIT OF SYMBOLISM WHOLLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR THIS SHOW but I digress, because fortunately we had a guy in our group and we sent him ahead to grab our seats, haha.)
Okay I do have the set list so from here on out that’s what I’m going to refer to, but some of the asides/ad libs I may not have in exactly the right order because there was just a lot going on and my memory isn’t the best.
First off, you can see the first 10-15 mins of this show on Rachel’s Facebook Live but I’m still going to paraphrase what happened.
They started with Where’s Rebecca Bunch? Everybody except for Rachel came out and dramatically looked for where Rebecca could be! Gabrielle had Rachel’s phone out and was filming the crowd. She came around the front during the “the town is all atwitter ‘cause the whole town is on Twitter,” and that + the phone got a really loud cheer from the audience. Then Rachel popped out and was like “um, guys, I’m right here, I was just taking a dump in the scary bathrooms.” (Okay so I gather this whole bathroom bit is scripted but this theater REALLY DID have murder bathrooms, the ladies’ room was ALL this Pepto-Bismol pink, the stalls were a) made of what felt like plywood and b) were REALLY short, like I’m only 5′6″ and my head was WELL above the stall wow.) And then Scott was like “that’s just the song we sing whenever we can’t find you” and Rachel goes “um so you just burst into full band and choreo whenever you can’t find me?” So then they all agreed to start with the REAL opener, West Covina. It was really short, but fab. Highlights included Rachel singing “my life’s about to change...oh my fucking gosh,” and then when she got to “because I’m hopelessly, desperately in love with...” and then Vinnie stepped forward and just PREENED. Our audience LOVED him and cheered for him for a really long time. It actually seemed like they were ready to move on but we were all NOPE, WE ARE HERE FOR JOSHUA FELIX CHAN LET US HAVE THIS MOMENT. But then Rachel finished and instead of saying “West Covinaaaaaa” she sang “PHILADELPHIAAAAA.” And Donna Lynne just casually brought up that final note an octave or two and DAMN that is a talented woman. 
Then the rest of the cast left and Rachel did a welcome and said how excited they were to be in this historic city. The Trocadero is a rock theater, so she asked how many people in the audience were musical theater nerds and thus this was their first time in a rock theater. Only a few people cheered, so she said “ohhh, this is a pretty cool crowd. If it had been me, I would have [raised hand]. My first concert was Bette Midler at the Staples Center.” She introduced the band, which included Adam Schlesinger on piano and Jack Dolgen on guitar/bass. She said that women have been known to throw their underwear at Adam...and in fact, somebody in Boston had given them their dirty underwear, so we just had to be trashier than Boston. She then said women have been known to throw their tampons at him and mimed removing a tampon from her vagina and throwing it at him. She then said “that is terrible and classless, do not laugh at that joke.” Obviously we all laughed. Then she said “speaking of classless, let’s do a song.”
Song was Sex with a Stranger! Dance moves were appropriately raunchy. Girl was feeling herself, as she should. Highlights included “My name’s Jason.” “Shut the fuck up, Jason, I don’t care about your fucking name.” 
She then came back and asked if there were any children in the audience, because it was going to be on a full on sex show. (There was, in fact, one child in the audience, she was behind us in line, haha.) She brought out Vinnie (who walked out with TP on his shoe, oops?) and said “Vinnie...have you ever hooked up with someone in your life...I mean, have you ever hooked up with someone in your life...Vinnie are you a virgin?!” and then got back on track and clarified hooked up with someone you SHOULDN’T have, which then led into We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now. Yup, full on sex show. Lots of thrusting. It was fab and awkward and anything. Honestly, just watch the Facebook Live. It’s about 16 mins in. 
Vinnie then wanted to show off his West Covina hoodie that you can buy at merch. Rachel said he’s a really big fan of capitalism and therefore you should buy his hoodie. FUN FACT in the Facebook live when you hear Rachel say “and that gentleman is holding up a t-shirt,” that was my friend holding up the CXGF he had bought before the concert, BOOM RECOGNITION.
So then apparently Boston had an ASL interpreter, and they shared that Period Sex basically looks like holding up a pager to your face, then two bunnies fucking. So she then demonstrated “paging all bunnies...time to fuck.” Oh Rachel. 
Rachel then exited and left Vinnie on stage. He said he wanted to share something really personal with us, and when he was little he was super into martial arts and thought that was all he wanted to do, but then he saw a Gene Kelly film and that transformed him, and then he went from wanting to do this [martial arts move] to this [fancy Gene Kelly-esque dance moves]. And he talked about how excited he was to have this number in S3...yes, of course, I’ve Got My Head in the Clouds. Oh, but a great moment was before he started he took off his hoodie, and the audience went wild, and you could just hear Rachel from backstage go, “You all are thirsty. He just took off his hoodie.” LMAO WE HAVE NO SHAME IN OUR THIRST. But the number was great, and the HOLY GHOST came out and was AMAZING and sparkly. And then Vinnie said “let’s see who the Holy Ghost is tonight!” and it was GABRIELLE, who did a high kick and smiled and waved goodbye. (Sidenote, can’t remember when this happened, but Gabrielle was all about the high kicks and Jack would always do a drum hit when she did, and at one point made a crack about how Gabrielle never leaves the house w/o a drum set...to which she responded with another high kick.)
So then Rachel came back out and asked who was single, and made all singletons stand up and lock eye contact with someone, and then said “there, you know each other. Now go meet up for drinks afterward.” She then went into this whole bit about how, and she was totally serious, if anybody met their sig other at this concert, she would marry them at their wedding...but don’t think you could cheat the system, bc she would check up on you. She’d go through social media, interview you both, probably watch you have sex to see if you had chemistry...so honestly, is it really worth it? But then that led into Fuckton of Cats, which was amazing, and the whole cast came out with cat ears and they each had their own kitty personalities and it was just the cutest thing ever. 
Then at this point (I’m pretty sure at least) they said how they’d love to meet fans at the stage door, but their schedule is so tight they don’t have time to, so this was time for everyone to get their selfies. So then they posed facing each direction of the theater, like “okay, now this pose is how you’d look when the Eagles won! And now this is how you’d look if someone told you the Eagles suck.” NGL I got some pretty amazing pictures...
Also I can’t remember if this is actually when it happened, but I know the whole cast was on stage for it and it was toward the beginning, so I might be right...there was a center row reserved for cast comp tickets, and there were 3 empty seats. Rachel went “whoa, whose comps didn’t show?” And everybody was mumbling to themselves like “well my people are here.” So Rachel said “actually, those seats are reserved for our founding fathers. That one is Thomas Jefferson... and that one is Benjamin Franklin...and that one.....is Betsy Fucking Ross. Because everybody else is out there with their quills, and she’s like, you know what? I’m gonna sew a GIANT FUCKING FLAG.” 
Next up was The Math of Love Triangles. Rachel segued into it by saying she writes with two guys, so sometimes it feels like she’s in a love triangle. She was going back to flirt with the guys in the band...and when she was by Jack, COMPLETELY wiped out, fell right on her ass. But she kept going, so at first we weren’t actually sure if it was an accident or not. Still amazing. But then she got to the end and she couldn’t hit the high note...just raspy air. We cheered anyway. And she then said the cast has been getting really run down with the tour, and in other shows they’d been telling the audience that, but then Jack said it was a real downer, so she decided not to that night...and LOOK what happened. And Jack goes “yeah, well I also say things like...don’t fall.” ASJDKASLFJASLFD They just roasted each other CONSTANTLY it was amazing and honestly Jack is my new fave. 
Pete came out next, and Jack stood next to him on guitar as they did I Love My Daughter But Not in a Creepy Way. Pete was super earnest and made a lot of uncomfortable eye contact, and all the while Jack was making these “wtf this is so creepy” faces. ALSO there was a guy in the balcony right by the theater who dressed up like Darryl in Getting Bi, right down to the ‘stache, and Pete pointed him out and you could tell he genuinely loved it and said it was his favorite venue just because of that. OH BUT ALSO when Pete came out, he said “wow, Rachel, you’re looking very rock and roll tonight, all that leather.” She thanked him, and then he said “now you’re supposed to say something about me.” So she said “you look....exactly the same as you always do. It’s like the TV show Doug...you know when he opens his closet and it’s just all green sweater vest? Hmmm, which green sweater vest should I wear today? That’s like Pete...but with yacht clothes.” ASDJLKFNASFAK
Next up was Donna Lynne doing Maybe This Dream, and omg, that woman is a goddess. Seriously. That’s all there is to it. On a really shallow/superficial note, it became really clear to me that they frump her up on the show, because she is GORGEOUS IRL, and also a lot thinner than she looks on TV. But her voice...goddamn. She just makes it seem so effortless. Audience adored her and gave her a standing ovation because she’s magnificent and that’s just what you do in the presence of magnificence. But her niece was there and had just gotten engaged so she congratulated her and said “yay love!” before starting, it was so cute. (Jack, being a snarkosaurus, was like “oh they got engaged? And Donna Lynne said yes, and he goes “I don’t know those people.” AJSDKLASDNA)
Then was Women Gotta Stick Together. Gabrielle referred to it as “remember in S1 when Valencia was just always hangry...let’s go back to that.” Apparently normally during this song she comes into the audience and twirls people, but this stage didn’t have steps so she said “if I point at you, you better fucking dance.” Some people were a bit hesitant but overall people were into it and it was fab. Oh and when Gabrielle got to the line “so if some weird troll named Rebecca moves here from New York and is all up on my boyfrienddd” she turned to Rachel, who gave a tiny wave and said “hiiiiii” in that little voice, you know the one I’m talking about. It was adorable.
Back to the sex with Let’s Have Intercourse. Again, nice and raunchy. At the end Scott handed Rachel the condom and walked off stage, and Rachel asked who wanted it. Crowd obviously went wild, which led to her asking “you DO know it’s not a used condom, right? You’re acting like he personally used this condom...to be clear, this is an unused condom, still in its wrapper.” People STILL cheered, but then one woman in that balcony near the stage by Fake!Darryl shouted “I lost my job three months ago!” Rachel looked taken aback and was just like “whoa, okay, well ifI don’t give you this then I’m the asshole, here you go, take your unused condom.” There was a bit of an exchange trying to get the condom to the woman because it kept falling back down to the stage and Rachel joked about stopping the show so we could get this woman her condom, but alas, had to move on.
Rachel brought out Kabir Akhtar, who is an editor for the show and is from Philly. They talked about Philly for a bit (here). Rachel was also giving him props for being so great at editing and said how he fixes their acting and is so nice about it, because she’ll say “do we have a take like this?” and he’ll say “no, the actress was not in the mood that day,” or she’ll say “oh do we have a shot of my dancing from this angle?” and he’ll say “well the actress had some trouble with this choreography.” And he said “well it’s better than saying ‘ya did it wrong, bitch.” WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THEM CONSTANTLY ROASTING EACH OTHER?! and then Rachel said since he’s from Philly, she told him he could perform any song he wanted...he chose Where’s the Bathroom (here). Then Rachel said she forgot a prop so he had to kill some time...so he talked some more about Philly and then led the crowd in the Eagles chant. Jack was SUPER judgey and was like “I cannot believe a bunch of CXGF fans know ANYTHING about sports let alone care enough about them to know the Eagles chant” LMAO.
Rachel came back out and said “let’s do a song that makes me feel the opposite of how I feel about sports...which is interested,” which of course led into Strip Away My Conscience. Gabrielle and Vinnie joined her and it was appropriately sexy. Rachel tossed a thong out into the audience at the end. Alas, just slightly too far to the right for me to grab.
Then Rachel said there are really three types of guys...there are the Josh Chans, the Nathaniels, and the Gregs. And the problem with loving a Greg is how hard it is to have a relationship when they don’t love themselves. So then Jack came out and did I Could If I Wanted To. He changed a verse to be all about Philly, and it was HILARIOUS. It sounds like he changes a verse at most, if not all, venues to be about their current city, but at least some of this HAD to be improv, which made it even more impressing. He went on a rant about how everybody from Philly has to tell you that they’re from Philly, all you ever hear is that they’re from Philly, if he knows where a person is from they’re from Philly bc it’s all they can talk about, he doesn’t even know where his own family is from except for his Uncle Joe, who’s from Philly. And THEN he went off about how he STILL can’t believe a bunch of musical theater nerds care anything at all about sports or the Eagles or the Flyers, our faves are Miss Saigon, and honestly, I’m SO upset it wasn’t recorded because it was ACCURATE and hilarious and I’m in love. (Seriously Jack, please marry me, bye.)
Then everyone came out and Gabrielle announced it was the intermission and time to stretch, so we all stood up and did I’m So Good at Yoga. At first people weren’t really joining in and she said “no, this is no good,” and insisted we do the yoga moves. (But honestly it was really hard, there wasn’t much space.) Rachel was hilarious in this, basically reenacting the scene from the show. And then at the end the whole cast circled her mockingly while she was on the floor, and Scott ended his post basically thrusting his crotch in her face? And the entire cast burst out laughing and Rachel afterward was like “wow, if I had a nickel for every time Scott’s dick was in my face...I’d have one nickel because that has NEVER happened before.”
Oh also after this Rachel was like “you know, that line ‘I come vaginally...’” and went off on her PSA about how most women can’t climax from vaginal penetration alone and gave us extensive details about the wonders of the clitoris. But she acknowledged there were still going to be some guys in the audience going “no, my dick’s so good,” lmao. It was amazing and Jack was amusing here as well but I can’t quite recall what he said, except he expressed wonderment that nerve endings from the clit extend toward the anus in some women.
That led into the Horny Angry Tango. So they were using handheld mics the entire show, and at one point Vinnie and Pete came out to hold the mics in front of their faces so Scott and Rachel could do the dance and still sing. It was oddly comical. Also at some point here, can’t remember if it was before or after, someone in the audience shouted out “SCOTT I LOVED YOU IN ONCE UPON A TIME” and he seemed startled and said thank you. Rachel said “wow, that was like the equivalent of YouTube comment,” and Scott said “yeah, and I think I did the equivalent of liking it.” Then somebody called out “Rachel, they did a musical episode in S6, you should check it out, I think you’d like it.” Rachel said “okay, and that was an Instagram comment.” They then joked that they just needed someone to say “Come to Brazil!” to make it complete.
Then Adam did What’ll It Be and it was lovely and beautiful but honestly I miss Santino sigh.
Next was First Penis I Saw and i was a fucking delight. Donna Lynne is the cutest, Gabrielle and Rachel doing backup were delightful, and seriously, that song is just so much fun and seeing it live made my life complete.
Then, of course, we had Getting Bi. Pete came out and gave it his all, and the cast joined in with inflatable musical instruments. Scott did the sax solo on a kazoo held up to a mic. Digging it.
This is a random aside because I can’t remember exactly when it was said or why but I need to call it out. At some point Rachel was talking (honestly can’t remember to whom or what about, which is making me sad) and it was going on for a while, but then heckler Jack called out “what are we doing, recording a podcast?” And it was LOL seriously this man is my hero can he be onscreen in S4?
So then Rachel did I’m a Good Person and honestly, what else is there to say? It’s an amazing song, Rachel killed it, she made someone in the audience tell her she was a good person...god I just love this concert take me back please?
Then Rachel came out and said in a stage whisper “okay, I just don’t want the band to hear this. But we’re going to do what’s known in rock venues as an encore. So since for a lot of you this is your first time at a rock venue, an encore is when the band, let’s say Smash Mouth (here we all laughed bc wtf Smash Mouth? And she said it was the only rock band she could think of) finishes their set and they walk offstage to go shoot heroin up their eyeballs, and everybody in the audience goes NOOOO WE NEED MORE SMASH MOUTH and starts chanting SMASH MOUTH SMASH MOUTH, and so then the band goes okay we’ll stop shooting up heroin and do one more song, and so they close on All Star instead of Walking on the Sun. Okay, we’re gonna do that.” 
And then Donna Lynne came out to do Face Your Fears and did I mention this woman is a goddess????? Seriously her RANGE is phenomenal, she didn’t even break a sweat hitting any of those notes, her voice is just FLAWLESS and SHE IS A FLAWLESS QUEEN. She started off solo and then the whole cast came out wearing white choir robes to do backup behind her. And when she finished she got another standing ovation (of COURSE, Philly may be obnoxious but we know a little thing called RESPECT) and the cast literally got down on their knees and bowed to her AS THEY SHOULD.
Then there was an empty stage....oh no! But we know to do what we’re told! And started chanting... SMASH MOUTH. SMASH MOUTH. And we had a view of Rachel backstage then and she LOST IT, literally bent over at the waist laughing hysterically at us chanting for Smash Mouth. 
So Smash Mouth didn’t come out, BUT Vinnie and Scott did! They performed Fit Hot Guys. They stripped off their shirts to reveal t-shirts w/super ripped bodies drawn on them. They were doing their thing, and then who appears but PETE, wearing only fireman’s pants and a cap, his torso completely slicked up with what he told us later was Pam cooking spray. Vinnie and Scott were all “whoa what are you doing, have you even seen the show?” and Pete’s like “um YEAH HERE I AM” and got SUPER into it, and when they sang “without these pants” he stripped off his pants to dance in his American flag boxers. Anyway Pete is as pure as Darryl and I will protect him with my life. He also proudly stated at the end that he had just started working out this morning. LOVE.
We had the guys, so next up were the ladies doing Let’s Generalize about Men. The crowd just loved it, it’s such a fun song, and you could tell they were having a blast doing it, but I missed Vella. :( 
Then there was just Rachel. She spoke to us first (I think? I might be getting my order mixed up slightly here) and said how she had chills hearing us chant Smash Mouth, that it was the perfect mix of improv and flash mobs. So then some girl called out “Rachel, I have a question.” And she went “Wow, okay, that was so polite and direct, okay, what’s your question?” The girl then asked if they could do a song from Rachel’s Sugar Ray Jukebox Musical. She said no, they weren’t remotely prepared to do that...but then Adam started puttering around on the piano and Rachel was like “wow, you know some Sugar Ray?” Soooo that’s the story of how we had a brief singalong with Rachel Bloom to Fly by Sugar Ray, and yes, she did the dance moves she did in the video.
 Then we got to Stupid Bitch, which she said she knew everyone could relate to at some point in their lives. Right before the final note, she stopped, walked over to her water bottle, played up taking a looooooong drink of water, and then came back to center stage to hit that final high note. We were proud of her.
And then FINALLY, we closed out the night with Heavy Boobs. Rachel stripped off her shirt (she said we had earned it) and showed off her bra, which she said was a Natori. My friend shouted out that it was a great brand and Rachel nodded and agreed that it was a great brand. The entire cast came out midway with bras over their clothing to dance along with her...and that’s it! That’s the show!
Seriously it was beyond amazing. I didn’t take any photos/video other than the selfie moment since I was so close to the stage I thought it would be really obvious/obnoxious...I KIND of regret that just because I want to LIVE IN THE MOMENT FOREVER, but honestly, it was just SO MUCH FUN that I wouldn’t change a thing. It was more than 2 hours long and it felt like 10 minutes. I laughed SO much, and was blown away by all the crazy talent on stage. And I need them all to be my best friends. 
I know the tour’s winding down now, and tickets are all sold out, but seriously, if they do this again? Do NOT hesitate. Go. Just go. (Also maybe have a guy in your group if it’s general admission, really my best tip.)
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