#obviously the man is not sane
chapinii · 11 months
(I lost nearly this entire post after typing it all out the first time so i'm sorry if this lacks passion LMAO)
I feel like I need to clarify that of Course q!Cellbit's state is the result of a massive trauma response, and right now, he's not 'all there' at all. He is in a massive state of stress induced disassociation in which the only thing he can truly focus on is taking his revenge on the Federation. He's only tactical in that regard because that's what's right in his mind, intellectually he's focusing all his energy on his strategies against all that Cucurucho represents because if his mind falters from his target, there's no telling who else will get hurt as he slips further and further into his own psyche. What he's failed to factor into this plan of his is that not everybody will be on his side, something which will come to affect him in the future. On one hand he thinks he's in much more control than he actually is, but in reality he's simply thinking in black and white as a result on the tunnel-vision he's developed. He's spent the last six months building himself as a family man, someone with strong morals, someone who helps people out. We've seen how he tries to mask his spiraling demeanor around the people he admires and explains what his motives are in this state, his sense of injustice is so strong that he expects the people he cares for to share his justification for his actions in killing workers of the federation, as they are ultimately the reason he and everyone he keeps close have been through so much in the first place. However, he's developing an 'us against them' mindset which, as the line blurs between Federation worker and whom he perceives to be its supporters, friends of friends will get hurt, then friends, then family. Only then do I believe he will truly become a victim of his own hubris.
As well meaning as the people on the server are, I truly think that what could open q!Cellbit's eyes through the red tinted haze he's surrounded by certainly isn't just continuing to back him into a corner and beg him to stop. He's too against himself right now, too locked in his own prison of self-hatred to be wavered by words. Events are going to happen in which I feel he'll be forced to understand the consequences of his own actions in the long term, be that by seeing their mental effects on the ones he loves, or worse. The Federation needs to be dismantled, of course, but it's not up to q!Cellbit to do it alone, and I think others need to step up with him and guide him towards a new angle before he goes to far and gets himself killed in the process.
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greencarnation · 10 months
eleven is fascinating to me because he came right off the back of tens horrible traumatic breakdown after he lost everything and he immediately tried to establish himself as the opposite of that. he is funny and goofy and almost childlike, and he bulldozes on in his adventures with amy like nothing happened at all. but then something happens and his masks slips and it's like oh! the core of this man is still anger. he is so so angry all of the time and this façade is the only thing stopping him from being consumed by it. he isn't over any of it and he hasn't moved on. he is wearing a fez and laughing but under that all that exists is age old anger and grief and it is going to consume him
#i do think that this pit of anger was eventually covered and soothed by the ponds#but he didn't adress it and he couldn't even look at it until he was twelve#when he stopped pushing back and repressing everything and finally allowed himself to exist as he was#but ok listen#its all layed out in the first 3 episodes of season 5 and in the way amy sees him#episode 1. here is the new doctor he is energetic and reeling and fun#episode 2. the space whale comparison. here is the new doctor. he is unthinkably ancient and almost godlike but he is so so kind#and patient and good. he is ancient and lonely but he can't stand to see children cry. so the doctor helps people#episode 3. daleks. the doctor is a soldier. these are his age old enemies. he wants them dead and he will stop at nothing#all logic and reason vanish. he is hitting the dalek with a pipe and yelling his head off while amy watches in horror#like obviously we know why but amy didnt#this is not a sane or rational man he is unstable and angry#and in that episode he was stripped back to what he largely is: hate#you would make a good dalek ect ect ect#anyway 3 episodes with 3 very distinct and equally definitely traits layed out like: here you go#i don't like elevens era much but those first 3 episodes were great#doctor who#eleven#amy#eleventh doctor#matt smith#dr who#dw#i mean idk this is what river literally had to spell out for him#eleven was careening completely out of control#how long til doctor means warrior indeed?#mine
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I ♥️ 5SOS indeed
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abyssalzones · 6 months
I'm probably nonbinary but I have college so idrc about that rn
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themintman · 14 days
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N e ways here's Jack's actual design for the au I posted about the other day lmao
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Love this sorrowful lizard.
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indigodawns · 5 months
god but yoon jeonghan looks incredible even fully covered. gloves. maestro suit. little smirk. long hair. YOON JEONGHAN
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mikeylivesattheend · 8 days
That moment when Fiddleford has the personality nice & southern 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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wyrmghost · 2 years
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Me: trying to find something to save Ryunoske, remembers I should look to the left
Herlock Sholmes: hehe no one will see me if I hang off the wall hooks despite the fact I am a full grown man wearing the least inconspicuous outfit possible
Me: what the fuck
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jewishcissiekj · 11 months
Why did all my Star Wars girlies (Aayla, Aurra & Asajj) have some degree of history of slavery in either their Legends or Canon origin story...
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phanthief · 1 year
isnt it so crazy how ariana grande seems to be one of the most annoying, entitled and genuinely bad people and she still has an insanely big following. at this point its over
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tut557 · 9 months
My boyfriend finally convinced me to watch Saw 1 and I can only say is just that Jigsaw is one ableist motherfucker
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corkinavoid · 2 months
DPxDC De-Aged Triplets and Their Tired Single Sister
Jason has seen the four of them a couple of times in Crime Alley now. They looked like a family, what with similar facial features- err, actually, the kids looked like carbon copies of each other, but their mom/sister/aunt/cousin looked similar enough to be related to them by blood.
Normally, Jason didn't care for each and every family that moved into Crime Alley. Sure, he cared about all of them as a whole, but there were a lot of people, and he couldn't possibly get elbow deep in every life story he came across. So all he knew about them were three things: a) they were on the run from someone or something, b) they trusted each other and no one else, and c) apparently, they have made it their life goal to never make any kind of sense.
The list of shit they have gotten into included but was not limited to:
• one of the kids biting a gun. Not the hand of the attacker who was holding it, no, the actual gun. And he bit a piece of it clean off, which earned him - or her, actually, Jason knew one of the triplets was a girl but he couldn't tell them apart - a lecture from their... mom? sister? parental figure. The lecture was about how chewing metal does not help with iron deficiency.
• getting kidnapped and creeping out their kidnapper to the point of him returning the kids back home. A few witnesses said one of the kids was actually driving, sitting on the kidnappers lap behind the steering wheel and cheerfully commanding the man to speed up or brake. Their mom actually apologized to the kidnapper for the incident and offered him homemade cookies for his troubles. He ran away without them.
• driving a lady at the laundromat insane by repeatedly walking inside and climbing into one of the washing machines. They never got out of it, just one kid walking into the laundromat, climbing into washing machine, then another kid, looking exactly like the previous one, walking inside, climbing into the same washing machine, then another kid walking into the laundromat- well, you get the idea. The lady claimed she's seen at least five kids do that in a row, but when she looked into that washing machine, there was no one inside.
• casually falling out of windows. Or, better, walking out of them like they were doors, at any given opportunity. The witness - an old man who was helping their mom with groceries - said the mom did not care in the slightest, and when he asked her about it, obviously concerned, she just said, tired and exasperated, 'they like the feeling of free fall, don't worry, they'll come back in a minute'. Sure enough, they did, not a scratch on them. The family lived on the sixth floor.
• eating insane amounts of food. Jason personally witnesses their mom give them her wallet, telling the kids, 'eat until you're full', and promptly passing out on the table, her head on her arms. The kids then proceeded to eat four whole pizzas, three burgers each, then seven brownies and at least five cups of soda. What was interesting about it was not only the amount of food they ate but the way they never left their mom unattended, one of the kids always staying beside her sleeping figure as the other two went to order.
And now, all four of them were standing in front of him. Not Jason Todd him, but Red Hood him. And he was... confused.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I said, can you watch them for a few hours? Three, maybe four," the mom, Jazz as she introduced herself, was looking at him like it was he who was speaking nonsense, not her. Because asking a crime lord to watch three kids in the middle of the night is not something a sane person would do.
"Why?" He asks, bewildered, because what the fuck else is he supposed to say?
"I need to kill a man, and if they come with me, it will take three times longer," Jazz tells him. Is she saying the kids slow her down or what? Jason can admit he's never been this confused in his entire life.
"You could ask me to kill a man, while you stay with them, no?" He tries to reason, but the girl waves him off:
"No, that will take even longer. Besides, no offense, but you kill people to simply end their life, and I need that man to fucking stop existing forever."
What's the difference he almost wants to ask. But instead of that, he just sighs.
"Why me? I'm sure you could find a babysitter-"
"No babysitter will handle them. The last one told me they have been running laps on the ceiling, which is, actually, not that big of a deal. They are kids. Kids like running around," she huffs, and Jason suspects she is missing the point here, but okay. He gets why babysitters are not an option.
"You do understand what they can witness if they stay here?" He asks, as the last attempt to reason with the girl, but she just nods and leans down, making all the kids turn to her.
"Okay, you menaces, tell me what not to do while you're staying with Mr. Red Hood."
"No eating people," one kid starts.
"No driving people insane," the other one continues.
"No, um, stealing eyeballs," the third one finishes, and what the fuck are those ground rules? Is this girl a mother to eldrith horrors? That would explain some shit.
Jazz turns to him, "See? They're all good."
In what world is that good? Jason debates if he should start running now or when she leaves.
"Do they have names?" He asks instead. The girl nods:
"Danny." His surprise must be evident even through the mask because she sighs and points to each kid, "Diane, Daniel, Dante. Dani, Danny, and Dan. Actually, you know what, let's make this easier," she rummages through her bag and gets a marker out before gesturing to the kids, "Come here."
As they do, she proceeds to draw numbers 1, 2, and 3 on their foreheads. Then she nods to Hood and puts the marker away.
"Okay, that's better. Behave, you monsters, I'll be back soon!"
After she leaves, Jason looks down at the kids. They also look at him, eerie and unblinking.
Finally, one of them - number 2, Dani, if he is not mistaken - asks:
"Do you want teeth? We have a lot."
"She doesn't mean her teeth," number 1 clarifies, "She means other teeth."
...This is going to be some very long three hours.
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namjooningera · 3 months
Yandere JJK react to you getting your period
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Characters: gojo, geto, Nanami, Toji
Your being held captive in their home, their love, but then you get your period. Unprepared.
Tw: basically all fluff, just period stuff. Slight Stockholm syndrome.
Nanami was a sweet man, really.
He just had his faults, like any person. He watched you for so long, then watched the hairs on his head start to grey. He couldn’t tell if that was from old age itself or gojos constant pestering that turned him old. And then there was you.
He really tried to hard to hold back, like any sane person. But he couldn’t. Watching himself get old, watching himself repeatedly be put in a friend zone. He couldn’t do it anymore, he wanted to have that domestic life, before he was too old to have one. And he wanted to have it with you.
So he snatched you.
Now, you lie in bed awake. You look over, and Nanami is sound asleep. Of course. At first, he let you sleep alone, for a few days that is. But he got impatient. He wouldn’t touch you though, he wouldn’t wanna stress you out or scare you. He knew that you just needed time to relax and then you’ll realize that this is all for your own good. He planned out everything for you. Buying you a closet full of clothes and shoes and expensive handbags all from your wishlist you could never afford. A fridge and freezer full of healthy foods for a special but yummy diet he prepared for you. The shampoos and body washes you use at home, here too. The house you both lived in now, like a replica of your dream home, with all your dream material inside. Except for Nanami. You didn’t want it from him.
And all those things, he focused on big picture things and occasionally the small details that go with.
But of course he forgot to buy you period products. Of course it went by his mind once at least, but he got so excited over spoiling you with other things that it went over his head.
So again, you sit on the bed, with a damp red spot under you, seeping from your shorts onto the bed. You quickly got up and ran to the bathroom when you realized your little accident.
And of course you accidentally slammed the door on your way inside. That startled Nanami. He tried to go back to sleep, but your absence in presence overwhelmed him.
He waited at first, but a few minutes went by, and he got worried. He slowly got up, walking over the door and softly knocking on it to not startle you.
“Honey? You okay in there?” He whispered gently, gruffy voice from just waking up.
You on the other hand, we’re stuffing napkins in your underwear, trying to make a makeshift pad. You didn’t wanna tell him you got your period. You didn’t wanna give him the satisfaction of taking care of you, going out of his way to get you hygiene products just so he can act like some loving husband who’s been doing this forever. Plus it was embarrassing. The blood stain on your pants, the cramps that slowly trailed to your stomach.
“F-fine!” You answered.
Obviously he didn’t believe that.
“You need any help in there? Should I come in?”
You grinded your teeth while adjusting your pajama pants. “Really Nanami I’m fine, will be out in a second..”
You talked to him like it was normal, like you weren’t being held captive in your-his home. The home he made you.
“…. Alright sweetheart. I’ll be waiting.”
Fuck. Of course he will be. You quickly wash your hands and step out, however the pain coursing in your stomach made you almost trip on yourself.
“Careful!” Nanami grabs you by your waist, hoisting you up from when you almost fell. God, it almost felt good. His insanely big and warm hands around your belly, warming up your sore belly.
Nanami holds your hand softly, trying not to scare you away, leading you to the bed.
That’s when you realize you never cleaned the stain off the bed. And that’s also when Nanami sees it, the red stain on the bed, on your side, the moon light from the window illuminating it.
“I umm-“ “are you hurt? What is that?”
He interrupted you, turning you around swiftly with one hand, looking at your bottom. Of course blush spread to your cheeks, seeing where he was glancing at.
“H-hey! Stop that!”
He sighed.
“Oh I’m so sorry honey. I forgot to buy you the products..”
You stayed silent, moving away from him and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yeah, kind of a dick move.”
He looked actually hurt by that.
“I am so sorry ___. I never meant to neglect you”
Ok, why were you feeling bad all of a sudden? That puppy dog look in his eyes? The genuine apology? The way he was too scared to step closer to you because he was so upset with himself. God you actually were feeling kind of funny looking at the sight, it was a genuine care in his eyes.
“I’ll make it up to you honey, how about I go pick up some right now? Actually- I’m unsure on what products you like to use, my dear. Why don’t we go together tomorrow morning and pick up some products hm? And perhaps some snacks and warmers for your belly?”
You just stared at him.
He… was going to let you go out? With him? A grocery shopping trip? You didn’t wanna act super happy to not change his mind so you just shrugged.
“Umm yeah I guess so. We can do that.” You say nervously.
He smiles at you, a genuine smile.
Perhaps the domestic life was closer for him then expected
Your cooking lunch for yourself, lunch while gojo satoru blabs and yaps bout his day. His day with his students. It’s actually quite sweet you think. You can tell he genuinely cares for his students, and loves to teach. It’s nice.
But it would’ve been nicer in a different situation. A situation where your not constantly being watched, stuck in his home as his captive, his y/n. His domestic partner, his ___friend, his lover, partner. And he acts like it’s all ok, and honestly, you do to. You realized it was easier to go with it all. Fighting at first made everything so bad. It put him in a bad mood, which put you in a bad mood, which made the whole home uneasy.
When you acted like his partner, his domestic lover, he was so much nicer and less unbearable. Sure he’d yap your ears off, but he’d reward you with all kinds of things. Before you were never allowed to touch the stove, or even go near the kitchen. You constantly had to ask for food or snacks, even water. And he loved it. He loved that power, being able to ask you to say things for him to give you your water.
“What’s the magic phrase?”
“Gojo, please. I’m thirsty.”
“Magic phrase.” He said more serious.
“…I love you”
And then he’d giddily give you your water while kissing your cheeks and declaring his undying love for you, too.
But now, you could roam the kitchen, make your own meals (you found out as well, making him breakfast in the morning also gives you free rein over the home, it makes him so incredibly happy.) you cooked yourself some comfort food while he talked on the kitchen island, laughing about some conflict two students had.
But then you felt something warm soil your panties. Something that felt so awfully familiar that you grimaced. And yes, gojo noticed that grimace immediately, pausing in the middle of his sentence to ask
“-huh? Hey what was that? My story annoy you or something?” He raised an eyebrow.
“…No no, I just felt weird all of a sudden.”
“Huh?” He got up immediately. “Do you feel sick? Nauseas? Headache? Is your throat closing up? Sweetie?” He asked so many questions you almost got a damn headache.
“It’s fine just.. I think.. cramps.” You look down at your stomach, holding it.
He looks down at your stomach. And then I’d slowly dawns over him.
“Ohhh.” He says. “Oh.”
You both stare at each other for a few seconds before he smacks himself.
“Eh? Gojo?” You exclaim.
“Dammit! I forgot to buy those damn tampons. I was in the store- heading to that isle but then this free sample lady wooed me!” He said so very dramatically, acting as if was wounded, falling to his knees.
“Would you forgive me my dear?” He sighed, hand over his forehead, back arching on his knees, acting dramatically.
“Umm it’s fine. Can you just go buy them?”
He immediately got up and hugged you. “Oh my most forgiving loving partner oh my dear!” He held you tight, making you grimace with disgust. Get off me idiot, is what yo wanted to say. But you bit your tongue.
“You know, I could always use my fingers to plug it up so no blood seeps out-“
Your sitting in his lap. Geto suguru says it’s your throne. Oh god ew. But, it puts him in a good mood. A good enough mood where you’re allowed to watch tv for an hour… well while sitting in his lap.
He hums and smiles while your back faces him, he snuggled his chest into your back while you try and ignore him, and just watch your favorite tv show. You try to imagine it’s someone else, anyone, but his smell, his arms, his presence alone reminds you it’s him.
Your old best friend.
Now boyfriend. Well, you didn’t choose that title for him. He gladly stole it. He stole you, happily. You knew there was something going on with him, something much deeper then a “bad mood” he was in constantly.
Satoru gojo told you not to worry about it. You asked geto about it, why he was being so closed off, why he seemed so… disoriented. Maybe you ended up becoming that hope that helped him feel better.
You remember when he smiled at you, thanked you for asking, that you were the only person willing to put up with his shit mood these past few months.
You stayed with him, basically nursed him. Made sure he eat and slept well.
And god did he want to reward you for that.
But then he realized he didn’t always have your time. Your attention wasn’t always on him. You had missions, family, friends, you had a life.
And his life, was you.
He watched you, with others. Spreading that same smile, same love, same nursing affection to others. And he realized, he wasn’t special. Sure he was your best friend, but you’d do the same to satoru even he felt unwell, too.
So he snapped.
And now, your captive, in his home, for what felt like weeks but probably not that long. Sitting his lap, chewing on a piece of fruit.
“What were you thinking about for dinner, love?”
He asks, that sinister smile he gives you oh so reminds you that he kidnapped you, that you’re a victim of Geto, and that this isn’t one of your hangouts as friends.
“Uhh I don’t care. Not really… fuck I’m craving chocolate.”
“Chocolate?” He grabs your arm slightly so that he can menouver u to your side, in order to see your face.
You hum, looking up at him- well avoiding eye contact.
“Yes- I guess I can drop by the store and bring you some chocolate my dear- but for a price.” He points to his cheek.
Ah, of course. You can never get anything unless you give him something to be satisfied about. You lean in to kiss his cheek, but something stops you.
A pain that crawls up your spine and down to your uterus, “S-suguru”
His eyes widens as you wince and crumble over, and he immediately puts his large warm hand over your lower tummy, trying to catch the pain.
“Sweetheart? Y/n? What’s wrong?” He frowned, smile dropping as you didn’t answer him.
But he answers himself, basically. When his hands go lower to try and find the source of your pain, accidentally swiping against your crotch, a it dampens his fingers.
Of course at first, his mind immediately feels out, his eyes wide in alarm and his body almost trembling. You feel that immediately and look up at him.
“N-no sugu… it’s just my period..”
And a huge sigh of relief leaves his mouth, as he grabs a tissue to wipe his fingers and his other hand warms your tummy.
“Alright love. Why don’t you go clean yourself up and I’ll go to the store for some heat warmers and chocolate?”
You now, getting up, but then realize you don’t know where the period products are.
“Umm… where.. are they?”
He stared at you, the wires in his head starting to connect, and he realizes he never bought any in the first place.
“Oh dear..” he grumbles, “how inconsiderate and irresponsible am I…”
You sigh realizing the man hadn’t bought any.
“I’m sorry my y/n. Don’t worry, I’ll get you all the most luxury items, I..”
“Suguru it’s fine.”
But he still frowns, and he seems almost.. guilty. And that’s the first time you’ve ever seen this man guilty (in your entire time being held captive by him, at least.)
He stands there, unable to look at you or even move. It’s been so long since you’ve been outside.
And you want to breathe that fresh air so badly. You decide there’s no reason that you can’t live a little. You slowly step to him, this insane man that somehow has a heart, and get on your tippy toes, pecking his cheek.
You grimace, but come down immediately, looking up at him. Now his eyes are wide but happy as he looks down at you.
“I didn’t deserve that.”
You hum though. “Maybe.. just maybe suguru.. I can go clean myself and we could.. go together? I can show you all the products I like to buy..”
He hums and smiles down at you, ruffling your hair. “Ah your too cute. Never in hell, my love.”
But after a lot of pouting and calling him “mean” and then trying to different approach, to flatter him, finally he agrees, as long as you wear some creepy ankle monitor (that unbeknownst to you, will shock you if you get too far from him), and a very gorgeous necklace, that’s obviously, a tracker.
You prounce around happily in the grocery store, showing him the products you like, and a reward for trying so hard, which he thinks you tried hard because you wanted to go on a date to the store with him (not that you wanted to go out in general). He buys you sweets, and snacks and heat warmers, all the things you point at.
He smiled at you as you giggle and jump around, the light finally coming back to your eyes. He pushes the cart as you head into another isle, pointing at the things you want, that he promptly tells you to throw in the cart.
And to everyone else, it just looks like some cute domestic couple, shopping for groceries.
But you know. And he knows.
And the diamond necklace you wear gleams with something other than just light from the shining crystal, but a tracker.
And the slight shock you get everytime you stepped to far from him, reminded you.
But that smile he gives you, it’s so familiar. It’s weirdly sweet. Like from before. Before his corruption.
And perhaps maybe, you do see a chance with him.
He did this to keep you safe, you know that right? With all those he assassined, all those dangerous people he met, he knew he had to keep you safe.
And what better way to keep you safe than in its home? Surrounded by cameras? And alarms? And him to keep you company? It’s perfect right?
He isn’t home too often, sometimes you wake up and he’s gone. Not that you miss him of course. His creepy smile and weird chuckle when you fight back, scream and argue with him. The way he ruffles your hair roughly every time he’s about to leave, like your his child, the way he teases you that way. It’s annoying, and he bids you goodbye that way. He loves you, can’t you see? But he doesn’t really say it much. He thinks that his actions speaks enough words.
“I’m leaving. Mission.” He says while you just shrug, sitting on the sofa as you watch some random movie you used to watch in your childhood.
He wants an answer from you, a real one. A goodbye, or for you to come kiss him his goodbye.
He waits there at the door patiently, staring at you. You know what he wants but you roll your eyes slightly not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
Oh, you know that tone. If you don’t get up he’ll make you. You get up slowly and grumble, your shoulders low and body dragging over to him.
“That’s it?” He says disappointedly.
You sigh, wiggling your finger to him so that he may lean down to you. You kiss the space between his nose and lips so that you don’t have to kiss his lips, you didn’t want to. And luckily he let that go.
“Bye doll, I’ll be back in a few hours..” He ruffles your hair harshly, supposedly in a way that’s supposed to be loving.
He leaves, and you sit back on the couch, continuing the movie. But then you decide to make some popcorn, to go well with your movie. You get up and make the popcorn, microwaving it and finally, when it’s cooked, you empty it out in a popcorn bowl.
You go to sit down but notice a very familiar stain on the couch. A fresh stain. You sigh as you quickly grab some tissues from the coffee table to rub off the stain, then run to the restroom, to find some pads or tampons or anything really. You grab a spare underwear on your way there, but as you open the drawers, the cabinets, everywhere, there’s no sign of period products.
You sigh on the bathroom floor, finished. Then you remember the emergency button he has downstairs. It’s part of the security system for the entire home, however this is the only part you have access to. You run downstairs to it, a small screen on the side of the front door. You press the “emergency button” which dials Toji immediately.
He answers insanely quick, fear and pain in his voice as he answers.
“Honey? Doll? What’s wrong? Are you ok? Are you hurt-“
You cut him off. “I.. umm I’m fine? It’s not an emergency.. I just.. I need period products. Maybe some pads? I couldn’t find any..”
He’s silent on the other end, quiet. Then he chuckled nervously. “Oh doll, I’m so sorry I forgot.” He doesn’t really sound sorry, he sounds smug, but a hint of genuine empathy comes to you from it.
“I’ll bring you some, anything else you need from the store doll? I’ll be there in a second.”
You squint your eyes confused. “I thought you were busy? With your mission?”
He grumbles slightly. “Don’t worry ‘bout it doll. I’ll be home right now.”
He comes home with everything you need, so soon you think he must have been sprinting through the isles, throwing his cart everywhere. You laugh at the image in your head.
He brings you gifts to make up for it. Extra panties, fancy chocolate mousses, chocolate covered strawberries, heating pads and obviously the period products. And obviously, all of them. Tampons, pads, period cups, you know everything.
“Sorry ‘gain, doll.” He smiles down at you, no not smile, a smug smirk. He wants another again.
But as you look down at the material items, you look at him, and you think about how he’s the only person who ever really… no, you can’t think that way. You shouldn’t. Not about your captor at least.
But fuck, he’s cute. He’s tall, muscly, his voice…dammit. And he actually cares. You think this assassin, this killer, this insane man, actually cares about you. He actually loves you.
A special kind of love, that only you will ever get. He doesn’t share this love he has for you, with anyone else. It’s only yours, forever.
And fuck, maybe you’ve been neglected from that kind of love, all your life.
Your mouth starts to twitch, the corners slightly winding up into a soft smile as you look at a the gifts, up to him. You softly smile, and his smile goes from a smug smirk to a real soft loving smile, as he looks down at you.
He’s bad, you think.
He’s a bad dangerous man.
But he’s cute. But he cares. And his hand goes to your arm, softly caressing it in such a loving way, that you think that the butterflies in your stomach are no longer that disgust feeling of wanting him off you, but something else.
Something, that makes a pink hue cover your little cheeks. And makes your mouth twitch upwards just a little more as his thumb moves gently on your arm, his hand tightly holding yours in place.
Something that makes you think, that perhaps this isn’t, too bad.
Requests are open! This is my first yandere post, so it might be a little rough.
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rambling-at-midnight · 2 months
Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks
Pairing: Jason Todd x Civilian!Reader. No pronouns so can be read as any gender!
Summary: Meet-ugly with the Red Hood due to a gas station robbery gone wrong.
Word count: ~2k
(I'm branching out to other fandoms, apparently. Let me know if you want a sequel. Enjoy!)
You weren't born in Gotham, so it sometimes still surprises you that you had adjusted so well to its particular brand of crazy.
You're from somewhere a little more south of New Jersey, although most places in the U.S. are a little south of Jersey unless you're a lobster farmer from Maine or a tree hugger from Vermont.
Both of those descriptions sound critical, but they weren't meant to be. Right about now you're seriously considering taking up lobster farming.
No one sane ever moves to Gotham. Everyone knows the stories, and even if most of the country didn't believe all of them, most people aren't stupid enough to disregard them. And you certainly weren't stupid. But rent was dirt cheap for a city, and so was tuition for GU's vet school. So you thought to yourself, "How bad could it really be," bought pepper spray and a taser, and accepted the admissions offer.
You'd always liked iced coffee more than green bean casserole and peach cobbler, anyway.
Reading news articles hadn't been enough to prepare you for the utter insanity of Gotham City, unfortunately. But you adapted. You always did. Upgraded your taser, memorized the bus schedule, learned the less sketchy areas of town, did your best not to get caught outside after dark. Kept your head down, ignored the crime lords and genetic experiments gone wrong and lunatics and vigilantes scurrying along the rooftops, and you'd survived for almost two years without many incidents.
But you'd gone to the library because you were critically unable to work in your apartment, gotten distracted by panicking about how little you really knew about next week's test content, and stared at the pages of your textbook for almost an hour as you fought back tears. So now you were running late and it was dark as you walked home because the buses were down. Of course they were. That lunatic that thought he was a crocodile had smashed a bunch last week and they hadn't been replaced yet.
Goosebumps prickle on the back of your neck, but you tell yourself it's nothing. Keep your head down. Criminals target the people that look most obviously paranoid first.
You're just burnt out. Severely. But the end of your sophomore year of veterinary school was looming, which meant you would have a relaxing three-month vacation before the next one started.
And no, you weren't thinking about next year's summer 'vacation' of clinicals. Because if this year was bad after a year of summer vacation, what will it do to you to have no break at all?
That's a future you problem, thankfully.
You're still feeling sorry for yourself when you reach the gas station right next to your apartment building. You walk right by it, remember what's in your fridge or pantry—thanks, grocery store self, thinking you don't need any snacking foods—then backtrack.
Since starting vet school, you've tried to be healthier with your eating habits. Brains lacking in nutrients absorb information less efficiently, after all. But you're still a sucker for Cheez-Its and energy drinks.
You won't drink it tonight, obviously.
Right as you put the items on the counter for the bored-looking cashier to scan the barcodes, something cold presses to your temple.
The cashier freezes, eyes blown wide with panic.
"Easy there," someone says to your left. A man, voice oily in a way that sets your teeth on edge immediately. "Do what I say, or I blow their brains out, then yours."
A gun.
A gun is pressed to your head.
Because of course it is. A shitty way to end a shitty day. You should have kept walking right past the gas station.
Before you moved to Gotham, you might have screamed and panicked, but you know better now. You know to stay calm.
You clench your fists to stop them from shaking so noticeably, but otherwise don't move. You've seen hostage situations before, because this is Gotham, but you've never been the hostage.
The gun feels heavy. And so cold, like it's sapping all the heat from your skin.
"Okay, dude," the cashier said soothingly. "You want the money in the register?"
The robber scoffs. "Obviously."
"All right." The cashier's voice is even and soft, unthreatening. You wonder if training for situations like these are required for cashiers in Gotham. It certainly hadn't been for your old job, although that hadn't been in New Jersey, and it hadn't been at a twenty-four seven gas station, either. "I need to get a key to unlock it, okay? So I'm reaching below the counter."
"Just get the key," the robber demands. The gun shifts against your temple. You fantasize for a half-second about acting like an action hero, disarming him and taking him down all on your own. But you're not a vigilante and you've never been in a real-life fight before. You don't think you're fast enough to get out of the barrel's way before he pulls the trigger. If you managed to shove it away, what if he fired and hit the cashier instead?
Then comes the sound of another gun clicking.
Great, you think half-hysterically. Just what we need. Even more deadly weapons.
"Lower the gun," growls a modulated voice, and everyone freezes.
The Red Hood is standing behind the robber, also pointing a gun to his head like the meme of people lined up in a church with guns aimed at the person in front of them.
The robber lets his gun dip a little bit. Distracted enough that it's not pressed directly to your temple anymore.
Not to brag, but you recover the quickest. It's probably the adrenaline.
Thank God you keep your keychain in hand while out at night. Your fingers shake, but you have your pepper spray up in a second, and the robber's turning to look at your sudden movement when you squeeze down on the nozzle.
The spray hits him directly in the eyes, and his howl of pain is immediate. But you don't stop spraying, even when the cashier starts to splutter and your own eyes water.
The gun goes off, once in the robber's hands, and a second time when it hits the ground because he's dropped it in favor of clutching his burning face.
You stop the stream of pepper spray, because now the air is spicy when you breathe, but can't force yourself to lower your hand. The Red Hood quickly handcuffs the would-be robber, which is only difficult because he's clawing at his eyes in pain, and executes a tricky-looking martial arts move to get him on the ground.
Despite everything, you're impressed.
The Red Hood is bigger than maybe anyone you've ever seen before. He could have punched the robber in half like paper, probably, but you appreciate the finesse a little bit more.
"Hey." A gentle voice, and gentle hands, take the pepper spray out of your grip. "Quick thinking there," you're complimented. By the fucking Red Hood, one of Gotham's most infamous crime lords. The first time you read about him in the papers, he was chopping off people's heads, and every story since has been similarly alarming. But he's not supposed to be here; the Red Hood stays in Park Row, which locals call Crime Alley, apparently, and you've always steered very clear from that part of town.
"Can you look at me?"
You do. Maybe he won't chop off your head if you listen well enough.
"Are you okay?"
You blink. That... does not compute.
The Red Hood doesn't save people. And he doesn't leave Crime Alley. So what's he doing outside of Crime Alley, saving people?
The robber is still screaming, eyes screwed up in pain. He's handcuffed on the ground.
"You should probably let him wash out his eyes, at least," you tell the cashier. "Pepper spray is pretty painful." You'd sprayed yourself once out of curiosity, realized how much it burned, then sprinted to the shower to rinse it off. Which, pro tip: not a good move, especially with warm water. Water reactivates it by opening your pores, or something, and when you're in the shower it just spreads all over your body.
Your eyes are watering. The Red Hood sees that, because he tells you, "Let's get some air," and tugs you out of the gas station.
He's right. The cool night air does feel good. You blink away the stinging in your eyes and he repeats, "Are you okay?" His voice is robotic from the mask, but kind of pleasant at the same time. You'd never guess just from listening to him that he's a killer.
"Yes," you say automatically. "Thanks," you add. You're lightheaded for some reason; you sway on your feet.
"You sure?" he asks critically. "You look... pale." Judging by the pause, 'pale' wasn't the word he really wanted to say. The red helmet tilts. "You weren't shot, were you?"
"I don't think so," you shrug. Then you look down at yourself and realize that there's a large bloodstain on your hip. "Never mind. I think I was."
"Jesus!" he yelps at the sight. It's kind of funny, actually, this grown man built like a brick shithouse yelping at the sight of blood. "Why didn't you say anything?"
You shrug and peel your sticky shirt away from the wound to inspect it. "I thought I just bumped something." Sure enough, it's just a graze. You weren't sure which shot had hit you, but you'd honestly been injured worse. Plus, supervising surgeries at the animal clinic you'd worked at for years has desensitized you to the sight of blood. Maybe it's also altered your perception on what 'serious injuries' count as; the amount of times you've been bitten by startled dogs...
"You need to go to the hospital."
"It's just a scratch," you argue. "I can't go to the hospital. I need to feed my cat."
"Your cat can wait. You're bleeding a lot."
"I'm already late, and if I miss dinner, he'll start pissing all over my apartment."
The Red Hood sighs. "Where do you live?"
Your mouth opens to answer on instinct. You snap it shut just in time and glare. "Why?"
"So I can feed your cat for you while you go to the hospital."
It's nice of him to offer, but... "No."
Maybe it's not the best idea to refuse Gotham's most prominent crime lord, but it would also be pretty stupid to tell a strange man where you live. Especially when he happens to be said crime lord.
"Look," you sigh. "I'm a vet student. I have surgical tools at home to treat myself with, and I promise, under the blood, the bullet barely hit me. I've been hurt worse by Chihuahuas that hate the vet."
"There's no way I can convince you to change your mind?"
"It's been a long day," you sigh. "I really, really just want to go home." And he's blocking the path. Your apartment building is directly behind him, just calling your name.
"At least let me walk you to your building." He holds his hands up at your suspicious look and assures you, "I won't ask for the apartment number."
"I'm literally right there." You point.
He turns, sees how close you are to being home, and says, "Seriously?"
"Seriously. What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were some kind of villain."
"I'm reformed," he grumbles.
"Well, good for you."
You make sure you have your keys and your wallet, then step around him and make it all the way to your building's door before he calls, "Wait!" The Red Hood's jogging to catch up to you, holding the box of Cheez-Its and energy drink you'd almost died for. "You forgot these," he says.
"Thanks," you say, taking them. It would have been a shame to waste four dollars.
"You're welcome," he says. There's something odd about his voice, but you attribute it to the mask, scan to be let into the building, and make sure it's fully closed before heading to the elevator.
Your cat is unhappy about dinner being an hour late. He weaves between your feet, making his protests loudly and viscerally known. You wince. He's worse than the dogs that bark in this building sometimes.
Your poor neighbors.
You give him his wet food, then hop in the shower to clean off your hip. It bled a lot, but once the blood washes away, it's actually not as bad as you thought. You've stitched up animals before, but never yourself, and decide against trying tonight. If it heals a little unevenly, who cares? No one will see it, anyway.
You pad the wound with gauze, tape it over, and fall into bed. Staring at the ceiling, you're forced to admit to yourself that you may be looking up more in the future. Just to see if anyone in a red helmet is running on a rooftop nearby.
It was a long day. But, strangely, almost dying wasn't the worst part of it.
Actually... it may have been the best part.
Forever tag list:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey @thehyperactiveteen @luxmoonlight @andreasworlsboring101
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retroaria · 1 month
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summary: (Sakura, Suō, Kaji) when they’re jealous seeing you with another guy!
WIND BREAKER M.LIST | enjoy 🥀 -aria
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Sakuras jealousy is a recurring issue. Once you’re his and he’s accepted that fact, he hates when anyone else gets more attention from you than he does. It makes him question everything, feels like he’s having a mid life crisis.
He sometimes get jealous of the way you interact with the other Bofurin boys as well. Is afraid you might think one of them is nicer than him, or that they could protect you better than he could. you constantly have to reassure him, which makes him feel even worse.
If he sees someone actively flirting with you right in front of him, he goes into fight or flight mode
Acts like you’re about to be murdered and his only way to save you is obnoxiously interjecting himself in the convo. “hahaha right MY PARTNER is soooo cool! you guys friends? Never heard of you before hahaha strange.” “Hey BABE, you seem to be having a lot of fun over here…WITHOUT ME.” The guy would just awkwardly walk away lol
Once he’s gone Sakura goes back to normal and tries to act like what he just did wasn’t borderline insane. “What do you mean? I was just talking to you how I always do.” Yeah suuuuure.
Just make sure he knows you love him and no one else. Appreciates when you include him in convos with strangers while you two are out, hates being left out of the loop.
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Ren definitely feels like you are the light of his life, his sunshine on a cloudy day, the only pure thing about him, keeping him sane and at bay. Deep down he’s terrified that you’ll find someone more gentle than he is, someone less angry and tense all the time. So when something threatens to take you away, he gets rather aggressive
He prefers if you don’t see him that way. So anytime someone seems to be a little too flirty, or trying to get a little too close to you, he stalks his pray and waits it out. Once the interaction is over (you obviously rejected them), he’ll wait until you leave, head off to the bathroom, or just aren’t paying attention to shoot them the most devious glance imaginable.
Eyes of a killer as he bites down hard, cracking the candy in his mouth. sending them a signal of what might happen to them if they don’t back off. If you aren’t around, “you shouldn’t go for someone so far out of your league” “back off”.
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Suo doesn’t tend to get jealous. He’s got you whipped (just as much as you have him) and he knows it. A confident king.
On the rare occasion he does feel threatened by another man, it’s usually by someone of his same stature, coy and nonchalant. It almost makes his blood boil to see someone teasing you the way he does just to see that cute flustered face.
Thinks its disrespectful for other men to bother you when they should already see how fruitless it is. In his head, someone like you is surely taken. (Though he still finds it hard to believe that he was the one who was able to take you)
He’s likes to let it go on for a little, wanting to see what tactics the guy might employ. He also wants to see the look on this persons face when they are inevitably rejected by you.
If they keep pestering you even after you’ve declined their advances, Suo will step in. “Hey darling, do you need my help here?” “How bold of you to assume you’d have a chance.” (He’s saying all of this with the most devious smile on his face, probably giggling too. Cheeky bastard.)
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hotchfiles · 8 months
instead of hotch being protective what about bau!girly standing her ground when a reporter flirts with her man
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You knew better than to be jealous. Aaron was more than loyal to you, more than faithful, to betray, to cheat, those were not things even in his vocabulary, definitely not in his moral code. But the thing is, you weren't jealous, you were baffled, to say the least. Just before the press conference the woman you had your eyes fiercely glued on right now saw Aaron gripping on your waist and placing a kiss on your forehead as you wished him good luck. She knew.
She knew very well she wasn't flirting with a single man, and she proved it every time she touched his arm after the cameras shut off, her eyes betraying her as she looked at you for few seconds at a time.
Aaron had already told her he was busy and needed to leave, but she was insisting on keeping the one sided conversation going, taking advantage of his politeness and the fact he couldn't be rude to news reporters, he couldn't misrepresent the FBI.
Luckily. Or unluckily for him, he decided to date someone not as preoccupied with the Bureau's image, so after the second time he tried to leave and the reporter held him by the wrist, you stepped in, gently taking her hand from him.
"For a news reporter you're really slow on catching on, huh?" Your voice and the smile you gave her sickly sweet, Aaron giving you his best I'm still your boss do not do this look, even if he knew you well enough to see it was a lost cause.
"Excuse me!?" Her eyes finally gave attention to anyone else rather than Hotchner, giving you her best offended expression. It was pitiful, to try and conceal her true intentions from an experienced profiler, really.
"Sweetie, this man is not interested in you. And we have a job to do here, so get off of him, will ya? Jesus." You shook your head at her, not giving her time to try anything else, pulling Aaron with you by the end of the sleeve of his blazer.
In other occasions he might have apologized for your behavior, but he was indeed bothered and he wanted to leave just as much as you wanted to take him out of there. It was nice to be the protected one at times. And it was cute to see you jealous.
"What about the whole too mature to be jealous talk we had months ago?" he teases you, hugging you sideways.
"Hotchner, don't try me, I could've arrested her, I was completely sane and controlled." You glanced up to him, met with his very known smile, lips lightly turned as he shook his head at you.
"Arrested her in what grounds!?"
"Trespassing federal property! I'm a federal agent and she was touching my property!" You're obviously making fun of the situation now, but your face looks dead serious and you're using your most threatening voice tone.
"Terrible, awful, jealous thing you." Aaron laughs and you mock his list of adjectives directed at you, he opens the door of the SUV so you can get on the passenger seat, and he puts the seat belt on you, kissing you tenderly right after. "I love you."
"Love you too."
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