#obviously if someone is like a criminal or predator or something you call out genuine bad behavior. but having a separate adult space isnt
koboldfactory · 10 months
its a good thing to point out that people draw nsfw content, they should keep their porn away from real content
You do realize that the first half of your statement conflicts with the second half right? People pointing out an artist’s literal separate adult only space to people outside of it is directly at odds with any safety measures an artist may take to keep their adult only content in an adult only space.
Going “erm that sfw artist has a PORN alt btw!” Is a harmful solution to a non-issue
Edit: also separating the categories into “nsfw” and “real content” makes me want to laugh and also roll my eyes so hard my head pops off
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woeismyhoe · 4 years
Spill the tea, what's the deal with you and the BSG group (avatar-chang and her squad in particular)?
Ok anon, sorry for taking so long! I wanted to get everything right and honestly collecting the posts took a longass time xD
Anyways, the only ones I have a problem there are avatar-chang, hexful/dykesia/bizukos, catrademption, cardboardseagulls (never seen interacted b4) and bizulas (also never interacted b4).
I’m going to be really transparent about this whole thing so it’s gonna be long as there’s gonna be several links and I’ve included the dates so it’ll be easier to understand. Since I’ll be fully transparent about this, i’ll probably get hate or whatever. Honestly, I just want to put everything out there without being biased or hiding anything. I’m going to disclose everything here.
So, the whole thing between me and avatar-chang started off with this post I made last year on 10 March 2019. Afterwards, she PMed me on the same day and this was the conversation:
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After that, I thought the argument was over because she blocked me lmao. The only ones I spoke to about this was nbw and my real life friends (who had nothing to do with ATLA lmao I just ranted to them).
And then the next incident I think was on 16 March 2019 when I made this post about Azula’s abuse of her friends. I was new and 16. I genuinely wanted to know why people labeled Azula as an abuser. It was dykesia who responded to me at the time.
Now, unlike avatar-chang, I had a few conversations with dykesia (who was bizukos then) that was generally civil. I first interacted with her when she made a post calling out Zucest shippers or something?? I was very new. Like fresh newbie baby ATLA tumblr fan new lmao so I thought what she said was too aggressive. I didn’t realize that there were actual Zucest shippers until after some time. And then she PMed me on 13 March 2019, saying that she doesn’t always agree on characters with me but I do write some interesting pieces on Azula— that she’s a huge fan of Azula but she just tends to stay away from her fandom. I apologized about the previous incident of the Zucest thing and it was fine after then. We talked about zuko, the fandom, the comics, Mai etc etc. I thought we were on fine terms.
And then I made a post about the cliff scene in the comics on 16 March 2019. Avatar-Chang made a post that was pretty directed at the post but it seems like she’s deleted it.
On 17 March 2019, I received an anon mail telling me that avatar-chang was talking shit about me behind my back. I censored her name then because I didn’t want to believe without any evidence. No one sent me any screenshots about it so I just dismissed it.
On the same day, avatar-chang answered an anon and talked about the 13 child post theory I made on 9 March.
On 23 April 2019, I received another anon mail about avatar-chang, asking if I’d seen the post she made about Azula. I censored her name again cuz I didn’t want to start any shit over having differing opinions. I’m assuming this is the post the anon was referring to.
On 28 April 2019, dykesia/hexful/bizukos PMed me to ask if I was talking shit about other people behind their backs, and her. I denied this because I hadn’t. This was how the conversation went:
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Yes, I didn’t censor any name because as I said, full transparency. I have afp blocked because we’ve clashed several times and he’d still come for my posts last year despite already being blocked. If you’ve followed me long enough, you probably would’ve rmbered that time lmao
Anyways during then, I don’t think I realized that dykesia was actually being passive aggressive. It’d been barely a year since I started the blog and I just didn’t want to full out make enemies. Reading the messages now tho lmao she really was passive aggressive. But yeah then she said this in bsg so I don’t even know why she bothered to ask me if she wasn’t even going to consider believing me.
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The 9th of June 2019 was the last time she messaged and it was to ask if I mind her discoursing this Zuko post while ‘hard and drunk’. It was the first time she could apparently agree with me so it was I quote a ‘Yay??’. Afterwards I don’t know when she did it but she blocked me lmao
On 17 July 2019, I received another anon mail telling me that avatar-chang publicly called me a bitch when she was answering an anon about me posting the scans of the EK Chronicles. She mentioned this in bsg again on 19 April 2020 lmao (she’s that petty) it seems:
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On November 8 2019, an anon (one of avatar-chang’s friends actually) asked about my thoughts towards the allegations against Aaron Ehasz. I still believe in the system of ‘Innocent before proven guilty’, so I didn’t side with anyone. I tried to be as objective as possible. When I said that I hoped men would also come forward, I said that because I don’t want men to just sit on the sidelines and let the women get the heat if they were telling the truth. At the end of this whole thing, I concluded that Ehasz was a dick of a boss to the girls. Being called an abuser carries more weight than just being a dick. Everyone has been a dick at one point, but being an abuser is something else. Just because Ehasz was a dick doesn’t mean I’m going to stop watching TDP or dismiss his involvement in ATLA.
The next day, BSG brought the issue up despite both avatar-chang having already blocked me by then lmao
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On 5 February 2020, after Legacy of the Fire Nation came out, I made a post calling out Iroh’s bs to Azula (guy literally blames Azula for everything that happened to Zuko (something which avatar-chang agrees with apparently, and Iroh even sees Ozai in a better light).
That’s so far what I’ve remembered that involved avatar-chang and dykesia.
Moving on to the next three attackers: catrademption, cardboardseagulls and bizulas.
I’ve seen catrademption around, but I don’t remember if we’ve clashed before. We must have though cuz she’s got me blocked lmao and I mostly only debate back to people when they reply to my posts. For cardboardseagulls and bizulas, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them them before but obviously they’ve seen my blog and misinterpreted everything I’ve written.
But according to them, I’m apparently a Azula apologist, extremist, irrational, toxic, coddles and woobifies Azula, justifies everything she does and invalidates abuse victims.
You can see the posts I’ve made to judge whether I actually am an irrational Azula apologist who blames everything on Zuko. One of the most recent posts I made about Azula’s character is this, and there’s still several more posts like that. Just search #meta or #analysis in my blog search and all of them will just pop up. I can assure you, I have never acted as if Azula has done nothing wrong or did everything right or whatever lies these people are spewing.
If anyone has proof that I’ve talked shit about people in the fandom to other people before, please, present your evidence. I highly think this is impossible because I actually don’t have many friends on Tumblr, nor do I usually initiate conversation because I’m awkward af.
I’ve also tried approaching those I recognized in bsg to find out more about the situation (and at least give my side of the story). Most of them have chosen not to speak to me LMAO but one of them who’s chosen to remain anonymous for their privacy, admitted that dykesia (hexful) forced them to block a blog before (after realizing they were interacting with said blog) and if not, they would be blocked themselves. I can’t post the conversation publicly because they’re afraid their speech mannerism will give away their identity. @space-sword has also shared his experience with avatar-chang on his blog and was pressured to cut off ties with ppb21 just to join the oh so magnificent Ba Sing Gay.
There’s absolutely no reason to judge someone based on their sexual orientation, race, color or age either. They rant about being discriminated against or being generalized or stereotypes but they’re the ones hypocritically committing these actions, and then justify their actions by saying ‘we’re oppressed, they’re not, so it’s not racism or discrimination’. And yet people still wonder why discrimination is still rampant LMAO
I can’t speak for the blogs they victimized in bsg, but I personally don’t agree with talking shit about them on a public server and then criminalizing them as if they’re actually predators. I also don’t agree with involving the blogs’ friends simply because of their association. I also don’t agree with demanding people to block blogs they don’t like because that’s just pure manipulation. That’s wrong and marginalizing people. Unless someone has actually been harassing or literally preying on people, then there’s no reason to actually go around warning blogs about them unless they’re asked about it.
If they feel uncomfortable about something? Then avoid that blog, filter their tags or even block that blog if they’re that uncomfortable—BUT they shouldn’t demand others to do the same just for their own benefit. It’s not up to them to decide what a person can or cannot see or who they can or cannot interact with. They’re not their parents, and they obviously have no right to pressure people into doing things they don’t want to. If they think it tactless that I shared the conversations? Oh honestly, a line was crossed when they spread shit about me so idc. If they actually feel terrible for being called out? GOOD. That’s what they should feel, because in no way was any of what they were doing right or justified. If they’re going to shit on me then expect to be burned because I’m not someone who’ll just shrivel in fear because they have a bigger following.
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meflemming · 4 years
The dEtEcTiVe and the vAmPiRe || Agatha and Miriam
TIMING: Current
LOCATION: Flemming’s Leather
 PARTIES: @detective-keen & @meflemming
SUMMARY: Miriam’s store gets robbed. Agatha’s on the case.
The store had been broken into. The store had been broken into, and Miriam was seething. No one, not once, had ever broken into her family's store in all their years of owning it. Yet she comes back from the dead for only a few months, and a break in happens. She arrived at the store a little before daw, planning on spending her day inside to do paperwork, when she found the door cracked open. The cash register had been broken into, but, more importantly, some of the handcrafted pieces that she’d made were stolen. Miriam spent hours at least once a month counting her inventory and keeping track of prices. She knew each piece that had been stolen as well as its value. Which is why she called the police department immediately, requesting an officer on the scene to take her statement and begin hunting down the criminal that had stolen from her to the fullest extent of the law. She leaned against the cashier’s counter, angling herself away from the rising sun as she waited. The bell on the door rang, and her head shot up. “I do hope you’re an officer?” she asked, quinting towards the door.
“Mrs. Flemming?” Agatha gestured at a policeman to get closer and have a look at the inside of the store while she spoke to the owner. “I’m Detective Keen,” she took out a notepad from her jacket and flipped it open. Had she spent hours and hours practicing that move ever since she was a child ? You bet she did. Was it worth it ? You bet it was. Her eyes wandered toward the busted register. She had taken notes of the state of the front door as she got in, and the more she looked around, the more she saw the damage inflicted to this shop owner’s finances. “If you have any sort of surveillance footage, we’re going to have to have a look at it,” otherwise, the bank on the other side of the street had an ATM that might have caught something. There were ways to get an idea of who was responsible for this. “Can you give me a rough idea of when this could have happened?” She looked up from her notes and paused, to have a look at her face. “Would you like to discuss it elsewhere?”
“It’s Miss, actually,” Miriam said, her smile a bit tight. “I haven’t been Mrs for quite some time.” She looked the young woman, Detective Keen, over. She was young. It was hard for Miriam to believe that she was a detective, being someone so young, but she’d take what she was given. “Thank you for coming out, Detective, especially at such an,” she looked outside at the sun barely coming up, “early hour.” She looked around the store, the damages, the loss of property. She was furious. She hoped they found the bastard that had the audacity to rob from her, and soon. She had some words for them, among other things. “Surveillance?” Miriam pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’ve been meaning to get something installed but haven’t gotten around to it. One doesn’t expect this kind of thing to happen in such a small town.” She sighed. The sun was steadily rising. “We can go back to my office.” She started walking down the hallway, assuming the detective would follow. “It would have had to happen between midnight and 5:30 this morning. Probably earlier than that.”
If Agatha’s eyebrow raised, she did not say a thing. One of the reasons why she called women Mrs was because she did not like how they made a difference for them depending on their marital status, when the same could not be said about men. It felt archaic, and she did not care for this. She unbuttoned her blazer and started pacing around the shop, having a look at the mess the thieves had made. “There’s nothing more cowardly and lazy than theft,” she commented. She was mostly speaking to herself, as she doubted anyone cared about her stream of consciousness. She hated this. B&E was terrible, because it left people living in fear for a long, long time. Fear that it will happen again, fear that they won’t be safe anywhere. “I’m sorry that you have to go through this,” the detective turned on her heels to face Ms.Flemming. The look in her eyes had not soften. She had not come here to make friends, after all. Still, you could see that her apology was genuine. Following the woman behind, she took a seat in her office, glancing around the room. It was nicely decorated, and it certainly looked more tidy and comfortable than hers. “I’ll get the surveillance footage from the street. The cameras out there might have caught something,” she explained, writing down the approximate time given to her. “That’s actually quite precise. It will save us a lot of time, thank you,” she couldn’t help but think that this was quite a short time for someone to leave and come back to work. The woman must have been quite hardworking. “Everything here is handmade?”
Allowing the woman to look around the room, Miriam herself took it in, wondering if her superior vision could pick out something that the detective might have missed. She’d already scanned the place over first, but the thief had left nothing around the shop that could help with identification. Just a mess and a distinct lack in some of her more expensive merchandise. “Thank you, Detective.” Though it didn’t do anything to help the situation, Miriam could, at least, appreciate the detective’s apology. She sat at her desk chair, drumming her fingers against her knee. The surveillance would help, certainly. She wondered if she could convince someone from the bank to give her the information. Part of her wanted to take matters into her own hands. She could. She should. Revenge was kind of what she lived for. “I like to come by the shop sometimes at night, even when I’m not working, just to check on things.” She was out and about anyway. “All handmade, yes. Mostly by myself and two other employees, though I also sell products from other crafters. My family kept up a lot of contacts. But I have a hand in most of what’s been stolen. I should be able to get you a comprehensible list soon, should you need it.” Or even if she didn’t.
“This place is your baby,” Agatha absentmindedly said, sitting done on the other side of the desk. Her elbows on her thighs, she wrote done a few things in her notebook again, mentioning among other things, that Ms.Flemming spent a lot of time here. Clearly whoever had broken in here had been watching her for a while. Fucking creep, she thought to herself. She decided not to tell her that. Clearly, if whoever had done this wanted to hurt Miriam, they wouldn’t have picked a time where she was absent. “Have you noticed anything lately? Seeing the same person in the street quite often?” Hard to notice, but she couldn’t leave this question unanswered. “I will obviously need the name of your employees, but if there are perhaps people you know that might want to harm your business, I will need their names too,” she nodded, “I will need that list. You will have to contact your insurance company, you can copy me on this email, I’ll be able to confirm the robbery directly.” She sat up, and looked Miriam in the eyes. She could not quite get a read of her, and that bugged him more than she let show. “Since when have you been owning this shop?”
“It is,” Miriam said quietly. She put almost all of her time and effort and energy into this store. That and hunting was what kept her going. The store was a service to people that they could see and appreciate. She made art. She made things she could be proud of. She tried to think back to her week, to anyone being overly suspicious around her store, but she was drawing a blank. She couldn’t be on the main floor all day, and when she came by to check on the place at night, she hadn’t noticed anyone. “I haven’t noticed anything,” she said, feeling frustrated, “and I tend to be quite aware of my environment.” Came with being a hunter (a predator, really) she supposed. “I would have noticed someone if they’d attempted to stalk my business with me around.” She sighed, running a hand over her eyes. God, she felt tired. She wished she could sleep, really sleep, like a normal person. Instead, she jotted down a list of her employees, only six names total. “I have three clerks, two other leatherworkers besides myself, and my assistant, Elle.” There were plenty of people that wanted to harm her, the witch hunter. They wouldn’t target her business, though. At least, she didn’t think so. She handed the list over. “As soon as she gets in contact with the insurance company, I’ll make sure she gets you the information you need. I’m terrible with computers, I fear.” In fact, most of what the detective said about email went right over her head. She leaned back in her chair, her hands folded in her lap. This was a story she knew. “It’s been in my family for as long as I can remember. My cousins owned it before me. They had a tragedy in the family about thirty years ago, never really recovered. It’s always been a dream of mine to own the place and, well, here we are.”
I tend to be quite aware of my environment. Agatha wouldn’t have been able to tell why, but those words sent a shiver down her spine. Maybe it was how Ms.Flemming had enunciated them, but she found it quite a weird thing to say for a shop owner who sold jackets and shoes. She tried not to show it, and cleared her throat. Her pen still in hand, she wrote down the number of her employees, and took the list handed to her with a polite smile. Another thing bothered him. That woman looked about the same age as Agatha, she must have grown up around computers, just like herself, and yet, she claimed to be so bad with computers, she could not send an email. Now Agatha, she knew people bad with computers, but they were her mother’s age. In fact, she had to do most of her paperwork these days, as everything was informatized. And so, she wondered why the hell someone like Miriam could not just do it herself. It took her a lot not to comment on it, but she managed. Instead, she listened to the shop owner as she went on, explaining that this was a family business, and that her family had gone through a tragedy. Obviously, this couldn’t have been the woman’s plan, but stories like that could only remind Agatha of her own family, and her father’s tragic death. “You should always try to pursue your dreams, no matter what hardships are on your path,” she commented with a sigh. It seemed like she would not learn a lot more here. “I’ll see what they found,” she stood up from her chair and put away her notepad. “Maybe you could go for a walk, it’s such a nice day today,” she offered, referring to the fantastic sunny day they had been blessed with.
As the detective wrote everything down, Miriam watched the other woman. She was about the age Miriam had been when she was turned, though it was hard for Miriam to tell. She’d never been good with ages. For all she knew, the detective could be years older or years younger, though she had a sort of youthfulness to her that Miriam hadn’t recognized in herself in a very long time. Far before she was turned, maybe even before she married. Miriam could not remember the last time she felt young. “I agree completely,” she told the detective. “Dreams are meant to be followed.” She believed that wholeheartedly. And owning the leather shop had always been her dream, though perhaps the company had been forced upon her when she was little. It became her dream, and she’d grown to love it more than anything else in the world. Miriam stood up along with the detective, giving her a bright smile. “Thank you so much for all of your help, and do keep me updated on what you find.” She walked Detective Keen as far as the main floor to the shop, but stayed in the hallway to the back rooms, avoiding the sunlight. “I’d love nothing more than to take a walk, but, unfortunately, I told my assistant I’d wait her in my office once you all were finished. My work doesn’t stop, I’m afraid, even for crime.”
“Mmm,” she hummed in response. It was not often that you saw people so passionate about their jobs. Some didn’t get to pick, and some others picked it for the money. “Thank you for your time and your answers,” she replied, courteous but curt. If she had not expected that the woman would stop in her tracks, she expected her to stay in here instead of enjoying the sun. Agatha would have never said this to her face, but this woman looked as if she did not see much of the sun, although, considering how good her skin looked, she could not blame her for that. Damn porcelain. However, the detective wondered why she couldn’t at least go get some fresh air, change her mind, instead of staying stuck in her office to work. Clearly she could have used a break. Agatha held back her frown, and instead smiled at Miriam. “Then I suppose I’ll see you in a few.” And with those words, she walked away from the woman, and up to the officer in charge of evidence, who looked as if he was almost done.
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housetyrellian · 6 years
Headcanon ask: theory on whether Silvermoon would actually tolerate street orphans and runaways or not and what they'd do with them if not.
Short answer: Yes, but not by choice. Longer answer:To be brutally frank, poverty is an eyesore. No one likes to be reminded of the fact that some people live in those conditions, whether that’s genuine sympathy for their hardships or “ew, poor people” revulsion. While some people do try to make a difference, most people toss their spare change in a cup and call it their good deed for the day. Moving on. Now, as many of you may know, I consider Quel’Thalas to be very meritocratic. While the powers that be are, by and large, made up of the aristocracy, the Magistry and military provide avenues for social and economic mobility. Furthermore, as elves live for thousands of years, public education* would be much easier and cheaper; teachers don’t grow old and retire nearly as often, ensuring that, not only are there more teachers available per student, the glut of available educators ensures that there are enough teachers alive who are passionate enough about their jobs that they tolerate the low pay for fear of someone else taking the post instead, and I highly doubt the State would permit unionization to improve that. Tough luck for teachers, but hey. (*Contrary to popular belief, free public education is not a purely modern phenomenon, dating back to at least the 17th century in the West and much later in the East, including 5th century BCE (!) Judah and 16th century BCE India (!!).)Where am I going with this? With education and opportunity readily available, the explicitly aristocratic government before the Fall (the monarch and the seven most powerful nobles) gains a basis to blame the poor for their poverty. After all, they can be successful with hard work - so they’re choosing to be poor, right? Right?Obviously, they’re not right. There’s always room to slip through the cracks, and runaways and orphans rarely have the desire to go to school, where studying and corporal punishment await them if they don’t toe the line. Without a family to support them, basic amenities such as clothing become difficult, and they may be more concerned with not being victims of criminals. They may even have difficulty obtaining food, if they want to escape the orphanage and/or school.This brings us to possibly the biggest problem they face: Quel’Thalas may be overwhelmingly wildness and small rural settlements, but Silvermoon contains most of the population, for the same reason cities do now, as magic allows an almost post-scarcity society, as far as food supplies. Having a lot of people, however, means there must be space for them - and orphanages are not productive industries. They don’t work, they don’t pay taxes, they don’t produce anything of objective value. They’re expensive to run, and most importantly, they use up room that simply doesn’t exist in the city. Those orphanages would be overcrowded, likely understaffed (public children’s’ homes and orphanages have an extremely high turnover rate, so the population doesn’t really help here beyond improving the quality of staff), and simply unable to cope with the number of children they must. Now, there are not as many children as a similarly-sized human city would - elves don’t reproduce that fast and/or as much (depending on your take on it). This means that the situation isn’t as dire as it would be in, say, Stormwind. However, having a smaller problem doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Bear with me here, I swear this is going somewhere.Despite what one may think, the Fall wouldn’t have really helped much. While most of the children at the time no doubt perished, many of the survivors were orphaned, and many more orphans would be created by the continued deaths of the remaining adults, including young children born as part of the repopulation “effort” that are entirely unable to fend for themselves. It would also have drastically cut the numbers of surviving orphan matrons/patrons (can YOU see one abandoning their orphanage in the Fall, or successfully defending it?). The few resources left to that system would be struggling to upkeep buildings at the bottom of the government’s priority list, with very few caretakers for the children available at all, let alone that care about their work. As was (and is) common in RL orphanages, older children will likely be expected to more or less fend for themselves to reduce overcrowding and make room for actually helpless children. Adolescents especially, and perhaps even children barely out of toddlerhood, are lucky to have a place in the orphanage to sleep at night, where it’s relatively safe from predators. Many are not so fortunate. Especially among older children, this can lead to fierce competition and even violence over scarce resources - you can conjure bread and water, but not clothing or shoes or more nutritious fare, never mind something that actually tastes good. Abuse for the sake of it is also inevitable, and with too few caretakers to protect everyone. Almost there. No doubt, being an orphan or “successful” runaway is a harsh life, but in many cases inevitable. Depending on if your glass is half empty or not, runaways especially may face the additional trouble of the government not bothering to help parents without strings to pull find their children, let alone helping a muddy orphan find parents that are probably dead anyway, go away I don’t have food. Now, my point. There isn’t enough room for them all, albeit more because there’s too little room rather than too many orphans. Without expending resources that they’d rather spend elsewhere, a long-term solution isn’t really possible - but resources ARE available, as we all know, to make sure Silvermoon at least LOOKS like a utopia. What this ends up meaning is that the only places where orphans and runaways won’t just be scooped up and dumped at the nearest orphanage (which doesn’t have room for them) would be the places the powers that be don’t go - the slums, or the closest approximation to a slum Silvermoon has. In actual RP, this would usually be Murder Row. Anywhere else (except perhaps the construction site), they’d just be swept under the rug stamped “return to sender” once the city guard gets enough complaints about orphans being depressing and ruining someone’s day.
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
alright, we’re here live with phoenix wright at temple temple 
lets see where we go.
aw he’s worried about maya. thank god someone is.
“I didn’t come all the way to khura’in to be useless”
prove it, edgey
oh its one of those lady gaga guards again
Lah’kee. aww cute
“I advise you accept the invitation”
well he can’t really decline it, miles.
Also “Lakhee” haha. at least edgeworth’s ability to mess up names is still here.
hm i wonder how she’s really spying on everyone. something ridiculous no doubt. 
oooh the ‘audience chamber’
i smell a cutscene 
ooh i was right
“this place is still as magnificent as last time”
wait what do you mean last time
it was listed as a new location in the map
“looks like you’re doing well”
damnit nick you made me laugh.
phoenix now has ‘bludgeoned by child’ to add to his list of stuff he’s survived 
we’ve already established that you cant get spiritual power from the orb unless you’re a medium already. come on now.
“For in Khura’in, only those who possess spiritual power may sit on the throne” 
uh im all for feminism and that but you might wanna open your king or queenitude to a wider and possibly more qualified range of people. 
i mean spirit mediums are awesome and all but summoning ghosts does not necessarily make you a good politician. 
“But the queen seems almost giddy for someone who’s husband was just murdered”
well I'm glad you told me that, phoenix, because i cannot fucking tell on her flat ass face
poor rayfa... she’s really grown on me. i hope she’ll be okay.
hmm. something just happened that i *think* should have tripped the magatama... but who cares. nothing works anymore.
“When it turned out Dhurke was forging evidence the people were devastated, and trust in the legal system plummeted”
“We have the divination seance, so we don’t need lawyers anymore”
yeah you also don’t need prosecutors anymore either. all you need is a judge to go “huh, looks legit” and into the slammer they go.
...and yet... and yet...
also thats literally Morgan’s laugh but flipped. She’s evil. 
“it’s missing? I'm sure Dhurke had it when he went into the tomb”
why is phoenix so fucking stupid when he goes to kooraheen. its like when he sets foot on their soil his brain just drops every single shred of self preservation it once had. i mean i know he used to show evidence to blatant criminals but like, at least he had misgivings about doing it.
“From his odd hairstyle, may we assume him to be a relative? Perhaps, your younger brother?”
‘no, he’s my son.’
haha but in all seriousness considering Jove’s facial similarity to phoenix and the amount of shoehorned backstory for Apollo, they could pretty damn well be related.
wow. not only does phoenix yell EW NO HES NOT RELATED TO ME but he /also/ lets slip that he’s related to Dhurke. You know. Right in front of the queen who hates the living shit out of Dhurke.
Thanks for draining my baby’s braincells, SOJ......
“whats she whispering to that guard?”
oh i dunno nick maybe something about that thing you said about Apollo being related to the queen’s ARCH NEMESIS.
“That’s one swanky throne. I wouldn't mind taking a seat there myself.”
the audacity. and yet i love him for it.
“The jester and the crown. I imagine it’d make quite the interesting picture”
“You know, Edgeworth, I hate to say this, but you’re absolutely right.”
he’s remembering that time he got all doe eyed over Dhurke’s mouldy jacket. 
why is the bazaar also a new area
we’ve been there before
...oh. warbaads sound like lions?? the fuck????
its a form of mimicry? to protect against predators??
when did he learn this again?!
oh god. of course. of course it would be Vore Machine who makes a fucking gunshot noise in the middle of a crowded area.
“since more people are joining us, ive decided to employ something that sounds like a gunshot to scare the fuck outta them!’
flawless strategy as always, dingel.
“What with the murder/suicide!”
he shouts with a huge grin
“Hopefully this means Tahrust’s death won’t be in vain after all”
GOD. even brain dead nick noticed it was abso-fuckin’-lutely pointless.
“see, i give my fellow rebels things that sound like gunshots, that will of course draw attention AWAY from them. yes, the loud noise things will definitely ward OFF the royal guards” genius.
“those firecrackers are more useful than i thought”
yeah because he used one on a fucking vulnerable child. maybe try it again when the actual trained police are on your tail, see how well that turns out for you. 
also fuck you Datz.
aw i love Rayfa and Nick’s interactions. She’s adorable and he humours her so much. It’s sweet. 
this is genuine by the way; its the highlight of the kooraheen cases for me. as i said Rayfa’s really grown on me. she was annoying at first but now it’s just kinda... cute?
“But hearing her all alone I... I can’t help but think of Trucy”
“it’s as if your brain-to-mouth filter shuts off the second you step out of the courtroom” 
oh man edge. you'd be snacking on your words if you saw his internal monologue. 
phoenix: men are messy. i am messy. 
where IS nayna...
in other news, Phoenix continues to dad at Rayfa
(weeping) oh god Rayfa’s so cute
please be kind to her pleaaase
(rayfa seems really worried for Nayna...)
yea maybe you should do something about that nick
Phoenix: rayfs maybe you uhh shouldnt do the divination thing i can do that
wehhh protect her nick
god she’s even feeling bad for being a brat. please just give her a hug or something, jeez;
i know its just a call back but how /did/ he get his hands on some J’suis Lebelle?
“I like my natural stress-grey very much ,thank you!”
“Do you suppose if I slept on it, I could see my father once more?”
obviously phoenix agrees with me. jesus.
shdgah i thought the notepad was a sandwich 
Huh! Inga was face-blind. who knew?
i kid, i kid. its probably related to queenbean’s magic surveillance shit 
hehehe everybody luuuurves edgeworth
Phoenix: drugs??? oh no I'm a cool kid. say no
(steals drugs)
n’awww. her birfday was the safe code. i guess even bad men love their daughters.
(yells) gfakgkkajafksj THERE’S AN ‘ASSASSINATION PLAN”
fake. fake fake fake. fake as fuck.
people don’t write little “my evil plan” notes to themselves. 
Rayfa: *sees picture of someone other than her mother holding her as a baby* MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIIIIIIIE
“I wonder what’s afoot?”
Edgeworth’s bitten by a fuckin dog and he STILL Cant manage a human emotion. good lord.
hmm. i know that was supposed to be comedic but the lack of visuals really kinda dampened the thing.
...plus, to choke edgeworth, the pressure would need to be applied to the front of his neck, not the back, and since the dog is on the front, it cant have choked him. it couldn’t have even pulled the “cravat” tighter because it’s not actually tied up.
(sigh) oh whatever.
Datz, emerging from a manhole to recruit 
Wow Datz sure loves to scare the shit out of children. What a class act.
SUCH a class act.
“Ahlbi’s not exactly the picture of self restraint...”
phoenix he’s nine
“I worry about his future sometimes...”
of course you do, dad ;)
“You cant go trespassing like that, even if it’s for a good cause; it’s just not right!”
hey, trilogy and AJ nick would say otherwise, old man. you use to be cool. and interested in doing bad things for good ends.
weird haircut - friend of phoenix 
“a big orange spider leg” AHLBI 
he's right, but he shouldn’t say it!
“they were being pursued by royal guards!”
:) hey phoenix :) maybe next time dont tell the queen :) that they’re involved with her mortal enemy :) maybe :)))))
alright and that’s part 2 of the investigation over. apparently there’s a part 3? they sure are breaking the established time codes for cases in this game... oh well! stay tuned for the next time!
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