#obsidian houndoom
wannabepokemonidol · 4 months
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me and obsidian, my good boy
never really done sprite comics...this one's pretty simple, I just wanted to see how it goes. Going to try and do one with a bit of a background this one is just Spriter's Resource green. sorry about obsidian popping up from the floor in the middle panel, also I quite like Nic's expression in the last panel, ive never tried to change an expression on a sprite before
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trainerjoshie · 10 months
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Pokémon TCG SV Obsidian Flames (2023) & Paradox Rift (2023) illustrations by Haru Akasaka ❤️❤️
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what kinds of rockruff/lycanroc breeds are there? they're my favorite, so i'm curious
Hello! Here are some of the most common rockruff/lycanroc breeds that exist.
the Igneous breed is born to a Growlithe or Arcanine father. They are named after the types of rocks found on their fur being igneous rock. Some people believe that Rockruff and Lycanroc split off from the ancient Hisuian Growlithe and Arcanine and that this breed gives us an idea of what this transitional species looked like but there is no evidence to support this theory...yet.
the Petrified breed is born to a Houndour or Houndoom father. They are named after the hard, bone like structures that replace their rocks.
the Obsidian breed is born to a Poochyena or Mightyena father. They are named after the dark coloration of their fur and rocks.
the Magnetic breed is born to a Electrike or Manectric father. They are named after the magnetic properties of their rocks.
the Diamond breed is born to an Absol father. They are named after the fact that their rocks are diamonds!
the Meteorite breed is born to a Shinx, Luxio, or Luxray father. They are named after the rocks often having a similar composition to meteorites. They're also named after the star tip on their tail they inherit from their father.
the Sandstone breed is born to a Lillipup, Herdier, or Stoutland father. They are named this because their stones are sandstone.
the Fluffy breed is born to a Furfrou father. They are named this because they actually lack stones.
the Limestone breed is born to a Yamper or Boltund father. They are named this because their stones are made from limestone.
the Ruby breed is born to a Maschiff or Mabosstiff father. They are named this because their stones have a distinct red hue.
the Fossil breed is born to a Greavard or Houndstone father. They are named this because their stones have fossils in them.
the Amethyst breed is born to a Snubbull or Granbull father. They are named this because of the purple hue their stones take.
the Mud Pie breed is born to a Fidough or Dachsbun father. The inverse of this breed, a Fidough or Dachsbun with a Rockruff or Lycanroc father has the same name! Two pokemon having a breed that shares a name is very unusual but it is more common when it's the same two species.
-Prof. V. Maple
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Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 26
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Hello again, readers! Are you ready for another chapter of chaos? Of course you are, I doubt you’d be reading this post otherwise! And I’m sure this chapter will be quite chaotic indeed, considering everything that happened in the last chapter. Last time…oh, last time. What can I say about last time? It was a lot of stuff- it was exploration, it was battling, it was new teammates, it was SEVERAL questions, it was me spending about 4 hours grinding for a Gym challenge. 
I won’t beat around the bush much longer- let’s get into the recap for a better understanding of all the absolute baggage Xera was left with coming out of Chapter 25.
CW: mentions of suicide, dismemberment, and death
After helping with some advertising for Central Salon (in the form of battling a Tsareena), the stylist gives Xera a Bounsweet as thanks, who she names Mango.
Exploring Obsidia Slums, Xera finds a hungry Makuhita, who she is able to catch and names Knuckle.
Visiting the same totem pole where she caught Cephalon, Xera encounters a Natu. She catches it and names the tiny bird Quetza.
In Obsidia Slums, Xera finds a playground-like area. In addition to catching a Shiny Trubbish who she names Odie, she also witnesses some familiar-looking Scraggy being taken away by a gang of Pangoro. Xera heads into the Slums Playground to give chase.
Even after defeating all three Pangoro to save the Scraggy, the three bear Pokémon make one last attempt to attack Xera all at once. Luckily, she is saved by the intervention of a certain Scrafty. As Scrafty begins to leave with her Scraggy, one decides it wants to stay with Xera, which Scrafty accepts. Xera agrees to take Scraggy in, and she names him Rumble.
Down in the dark recesses of the ruined Underground Railnet, Xera not only finds the Flash TMX (which she cannot use yet), but hitting a metal pole causes an Aron to fall on her. She catches it and names him Wulfrum.
Returning to North Obsidia Ward, Xera is given a new task from Maxwell of the Magma Gang: to assist in a complete takeover of Aqua Gang’s hideout in Lapis Ward, driving the rival gang out for good. 
At the Aqua Gang base, Xera provides a distraction for Maxwell and Break to come in and cause havoc, but Xera is left with facing off against Archer, the Aqua Gang’s leader, herself. She wins the hard-fought battle and the Aqua Gang is forced to retreat.
Back at the Magma Gang base, Maxwell rewards Xera with a certain Pokémon that is a staple of the gang: a Houndour, who is named Obsidian. 
That night, Xera visits Obsidia Alleyway to find a Zangoose rummaging in the trash. She battles and catches it, naming him Gash.
Xera also visits the Beryl Cemetery; one of the pumpkins reacts to her Soul Candle, causing a Pumpkaboo to appear. Xera catches the ghostly Pokémon, naming him Jack.
Atop an apartment building in Beryl Ward, Xera spots the unmistakable image of the late Corey. After he escapes, Xera pursues him into Peridot Ward and then North Obsidia Ward before finally cornering him. There, “Corey” reveals himself to actually be an illusion disguise made by a Zorua. Xera battles and catches the mischievous (and disrespectful) fox, naming him Mal.
Visiting the Abandoned Power Plant (or Yureyu Power Plant), Xera learns from Ame that the reason the train she arrived into the Reborn region on was attacked was because of Ame herself; evidently, Team Meteor sought to kill her specifically. Ame apologizes profusely to Xera for what happened, but is unable to concretely say that it will be fully taken care of.
While preparing to take on Shade and his Ghost-types, several evolutions take place: Obsidian into Houndoom, Ace into Swellow, Kirby into Jigglypuff, and Wulfrum into Lairon. Additionally, the electromagnetic energy present in the power plant allows Prong to evolve into Vikavolt.
As she activates panels to open the way to Shade, Xera is shown events on screens throughout the plant: Corey’s suicide, Agent Grass being beheaded (or dismembered?), Amaria also committing suicide with a red-haired person being unable to prevent it, and a Garchomp cutting down a person with purplish hair.
At the heart of the power plant, Shade reveals his true face and battles Xera. It’s a difficult fight, but Xera comes out on top. This not only earns her the Omen Badge, but also the right to hear Shade finally speak as he turns the power back on and shows her some security camera footage.
The footage displays the Underground Railnet, where Cain, Charlotte, Shelly, Heather, Noel, and Anna watch the previously locked doors open. However, a certain Team Meteor commander- Commander Redeye, revealed to be the previously-mentioned Commander Sirius- appears for an ambush, ordering his Grunts to capture the group.
Anna tosses…something to Cain, urging him to run. Cain is able to escape with the help of Nidoking, but Heather and the others are captured- as per the agreement with Dr. Connal.
Suddenly, Agent Grass appears. She delivers the news of both her own promotion to Agent as well as the selection of a new Systems Manager, with Sirius mentioning something happening regarding Ace. Agent Grass speaks disrespectfully to Sirius before giving him a strange warning, then leaves. Annoyed by Agent Grass’s impudence, Sirius and his underlings depart to continue their work.
As the camera feed cuts out, Shade leaves Xera with a strange riddle or prophecy of sorts before she is free to leave.
Yeah- it was a lot, in both meanings of the phrase. But the main thing now is that Heather and the other kids are in danger all over again, and I am NOT gonna let it stay that way! Even if Xera has to beat up Connal again, even if she has to beat up Sirius, even if she has to beat up many more Meteor Grunts, we are GOING to save them! This is personal, this is war! And that starts with catching up with Cain! So let’s take care of that first, make a plan, and go from there! I am SO ready for more violence!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
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moddedmoor · 10 months
favorite and least favorite megas, go.
also why do some pokemon have 2 mega evolutions?
i am a bit biased here on my favorite mega evolutions. but they're houndoom, garchomp, and charizard x. houndoom because of my dear Clover, garchomp due to Nourrice, and charizard x due to Obsidian. being around my dad's mon has swayed my love for these evos heavily.
as for least favorite, i would say both mewtwo evos and glalie. why tamper with a pokemon that already has trust issues with humanity and give it a process that, if done wrong, can have serious health effects later on down the line?? as for glalie. i just don't like how that thing looks. both in the normal and evo state. i am not a fan.
and as for divergent evos, this one is actually really neat! it depends on the actual base stones for mega evolution! first off, very basic recap of base stones here. but all mega stones come from a base stone that occurs naturally. it's a white/translucent stone that is easy to miss, but reacts to a keystone and the energy of a pokemon that has mega capabilities. the stone, once exposed to the energy of both items (or naturally, just the mon energy), the stone will "evolve" itself and become that pokemon specific stone!
anyway, divergent mega evos! this phenomena occurs entirely based on the base stone. when experiencing mega evolution for the first time, the properties that make up the stone resonate with the energies on different frequencies. a good example is charizardinite x and y. say we have one charizard hooked up to two base stones to create the evo stones. one was found near geosenge, the other near anistar. these two stones pretty much look the same, but because of where they came from, they will have different natural influences. so, you can get both and x and y stone/form from one evo process! it's really quite neat how the natural environment influences this :)
there is also a bit about it being on the pokemon energies itself, but from what i've seen, it really has looked like it's base stone properties.
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crossbones-n-skull · 10 months
It's a mask that makes you able to hide easier
[Image of a houndoom mask with little bits of obsidian around the eyes, it looks really old]
Hm. That's interesting.
Can't see exactly how a clunky old mask can help me do any hiding. But it would make a nice wall decoration. Maybe even one that Skull won't try and eat.
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notbroadwaybound · 1 year
watched an opening of the new Pokemon TGC set (Obsidian Flames) and wow, lots of doggos in this set. 
eevee --> espeon, umbreon (i know espeon is more cat like but still) greavard (x2) --> houndstone & houndstone ex rockruff --> lycanrock (midnight form) houndour (x2) --> houndoom & houndoom ex (and houndour character art) lillipup --> herdier --> stoutland
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former-grunt-kopi · 10 months
It's related to hiusi, specifically a pokemon from then
[Image of what can only be described as an old houndoom mask, heavily stylized with bits of obsidian on it]
you weren’t kidding this is really damn sketchy
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ribbononline · 3 years
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team hcs lets go! lets go!
Numel/Camerupt (Sandstone) ; Caught when having temporarily ran away from home as a child, the pokemon he's had the longest. She's very chill and just vibing most of the time- she loves to cuddle and she’s well behaved, Due to having been with Maxie all his childhood, she’s seen a lot of the… less then pleasant stuff, and will still fly into a panic if she ever sees anyone attempting to harm him physically. She’s very protective.
Poochyena/Mightyena (Granite) ; His parents owned a Houndoom and a Mightyena, who had two Poochyena pups together. When Maxie ran off in highschool he took them both with him. Granite's very lively, and out of the whole team has the most trouble fighting against Archie's team. She just doesn't get what happened between them. She listens well however, she just…. doesn’t get why she can’t hang out with her sister anymore.
Poochyena/Mightyena (Obsidian) ; The other Poochyena pup Maxie took from home, though she ended up as a part of Archie's team somewhere in highschool.
Zubat/Golbat/Crobat (Mercury) ; Obtained in Rocket, one of the Pokémon issued to almost all members. Mercury was a recent catch of the team, so while he was a little freaked out and untrusting, Maxie ended up winning him over fairly easily with some treats. He loves to sit on Maxie's head and/or wrap his wings around him. It doesn't make seeing easier but Maxie has never managed to get him to stop.
Weezing (Chalcantite) ; Obtained in college, from an old teacher Maxie got along with well enough. She was retiring, and wanted her Pokémon to be able to travel a while longer. So, Maxie took the Weezing over! Originally he'd never gotten a nickname- and even though Maxie technically gave him one, it's kind of a 50/50 chance if he remembers that thats his name and responds to it. His original owner died somewhere in the Rocket years. Chalcantite is fairly slow, but very enthusiastic. He's doing his best. Post-ORAS Maxie let's him retire to a Pokémon daycare since he's already getting old- but he still gets very excited whenever Maxie visits. He's living out his last days being spoiled by the employees of the daycare.
Gligar (Novaculite) ; Obtained post-ORAS. Once Maxie and Archie moved in together, they kept finding items around the house missing, and someone kept going trough their trash nightly. Eventually Maxie (literally) caught the culprit. He originally meant to release it, but Archie convinced him to try training it- Gligars don't normally live in Hoenn, so it probably got here by accident somehow and didn't know how to adapt to the environment, leading to the thefts. Training it would help it! Also it's a ground type come on Maxie you know you want another cute ground type let it join, It worked. A spoiled little thing that loves to constantly be held and cuddled and will demand attention if it's not given. Novaculite- or Nova, as literally everyone including Maxie as this point calls him- rarely joins battles, it doesn’t really enjoy them- but it likes to just hang around and watch, eating whatever treats it can get.
Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon (Mica) ; Obtained post-ORAS, about a year after Nova. Originally found as a trapinch when Maxie was trying to research in the desert of route 111, apparently in the area this Trapinch called his territory. After days of fighting with the thing, eventually it just... didn't show up one day when Maxie got into the space it normally protected. Kind of curious (and slightly concerned) Maxie ended up looking around for it, finding it stuck under some collapsed desert ruin fragments it couldn't get out from again. Taking pity on the Trapinch he helped it out, and after that it started following him around. After a week or two when research was done, Maxie ended up taking it home, and that was that. Very brash and competitive, Mica loves to fight- and also loves to be praised afterwards for it. Having only recently evolved into it's final form, it's still not used to it's larger body and keeps accidentally breaking furniture.
Volcarona (Tephra) ; Obtained post-ORAS, the most recent addition to the team. Caught when on a vacation in Unova with Archie- Maxie kind of fell in love with the look of the Pokémon, and decided to take her home. Archie nearly got a heart attack when he saw Maxie with it. Tephra is very regal, very large, and (like most of Maxie's pokemon) very spoiled and pampered. She does not tolerate a no for an answer- though she never causes a fuss. If she disagrees with you she will just burn her path to whatever she wanted- very calmly, and very regally. She only listens to Maxie.
She's the one Pokémon on Maxie's team Archie can not figure out how to win over. She just... hovers there. Will she burn you? Will she just let you pass? You won't know until you walk past her. For your sake, have some treats on hand to bribe her.
Carvanha/Sharpedo (Dusk) ; Caught as a child with the help of his mom and one of his older siblings. They found it without the rest of it's school, and Archie was adamant he wanted it as his Pokémon, so they helped him catch it. Stubborn and kind of aggressive, it took forever to tame him- As a child Archie was just constantly covered in bites from it. He never gave up or was even discouraged though- this was his Pokémon!! He loved it!! Over time the Pokémon finally started feeling safe around him, and they got closer until it evolved. As a Sharpedo he honestly mellowed out a lot. It's very easygoing, and great with kids. It loves to be pet and cuddled- which Archie always indulges, despite the fact that Dusk very much has the rough skin ability.
Grimer/Muk (Pizza) ; Found as a child in a nearby trash dump- the Grimer was actually sitting in an empty pizza box. Being like 10 and thinking he was so smart it thus got named Pizza. Pizza's also pretty chill, and loves to eat and sleep. That said, when it is awake, it's very good at sneaking up on people. Maxie doesn't get how a literal goop of toxic waste can do that but Pizza is a toxic waste goop of many talents.
Poochyena/Mightyena (Granite) ; Obtained from Maxie in high school. Like her sister, she's very energetic and lively. Granite loves to run, and is pretty much always doing something. She listens very well though, and she’s mostly just a good girl. She’s a bit smaller then her sister. Much like her sister, she has the hardest time fighting Maxie's team in battle. She just doesn't get why they must fight <:[
Zubat/Golbat/Crobat (Fangs) ; Obtained in Rocket, one of the Pokémon issued to almost all members. The zubat had been caught a while ago, and had been passed from grunt to grunt- with some... not great owners inbetween. When Archie got him, the thing was incredibly skittish and aggressive with massive trust issues for humans. It took Archie forever to even get it to stop trying to bite him whenever it was out of it's pokeball, but he never gave up on the tiny Pokémon. Eventually managing to win it's trust, Fangs still has a lot of trust issues towards other humans. It tolerates Maxie, Shelly and Matt, but prefers not to be touched by anyone but Archie. Still, it loves him very much- and it's loved a lot in return. Fangs has the best life he can now, Archie always does his best to make him feel comfortable no matter the situation they're in. He also turned out to be a very strong fighter, despite being fairly weak (mainly due to mistreatment) as a zubat.
Mantyke/Mantine (Tidal) ; Caught just before somewhere in Rocket years. He met her on one of his walks along the beach- thinking over his life’s mistakes-with one of her fin being caught up in net. After helping her out she turned out very playful and he definitely could use something nice- besides, because of her injury she seemed to have lost her school and needed the company. So he ended up catching her! Once she evolved (somewhere in Aqua) she got trained to help rescue people- mainly in case a grunt ever got stuck in a rip current or something. As such , while still playful, she knows to be careful gentle and caring when it comes down to it! She's a good girl. While Maxie knew of her in Rocket he never saw her much, and she had the hardest time warming up to him after the teams reunited again. She doesn’t battle often. Archie takes her along sometimes when battling for fun or if he truly thinks he needs her- but usually he lets her do her thing. As such, she was not present in the deep sea cavern fight.
Castform (Missy) ; Obtained post-ORAS. A little pest who wants to get her way. The reunited team tried catching her to help study and watch out for lingering weather effects Kyogre and Groudon might've caused, but failed each time. Instead she got very good at ruining the equipment near the base or that was brought out on field missions. Eventually Archie literally made a deal with her to Stop Doing That in exchange for pokepuffs. It worked! She stuck around, and became a part of the team. She's no good at fighting and never battles, but she's very good at demanding attention. Plus, she ended up helping the team out with the research on lingering weather effects after all, so she deserves some extra treats for her hard work, she thinks. Archie has no idea how to deal with her, but she’s happy and helping out, so… he supposes he can deal with it.
Archie also has a bunch of Pokémon that are by no means actually his- they’re wild Pokémon that he’s helped along the way, and remember and recognise him. A lot will hang out with him, some follow him around, and a select few will happily temporarily join his team if he asks. The most notable ones are;
A Quagsire named Mr. Goop. She was found sickly from having been caught in an oil spill. After having been rescued and cared for by Aqua, she was mistaken for male for the longest time due to her large backfin. Once Archie found out she just had a larger fin then normal for females of the species but what still very much a girl, she’d already gotten used to the name of Mr. Goop, so Mr. Goop she stayed.
A Sealeo named Tundra. Found as a spheal without a group and living in waters to warm for it, Archie helped it migrate to a better environment. However, the thing never seemed to want to join another spheal pack, and as such just ended up traveling around with Archie for a long time. It was always however very interested in battling, and evolved soon enough- ending up strong enough to survive on it’s own fine. Tundra joins Archie’s team most often whenever he needs an extra fighter- Tundra loves the battles, and it loves the treats. Still, it appreciates being able to return to the wild seas again in the end.
A Lanturn named Siren. Found with her lightstem damaged, Aqua helped repair parts of it with prosthetics. Once she could hunt on her own again, she was released back to the seas, but still visits the base every few months and hangs around there for a couple of weeks.
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wannabepokemonidol · 4 months
so about the contest
well i didnt win lol
i didnt do very well. like I know obsidian tried his best but we lost.
it was our first contest so. maybe i should have been more realistic. im probably being a bit dramatic.
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takeyoutoskull · 5 years
About Obsidian
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Name: Sidney “Obsidian” Aomura
Age: Early 20s
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'11
Region of Origin: Kanto
A somewhat imposing young man from Kanto that moved here approximately eight years ago, two years prior to Team Skull’s founding. Fiercely loyal to Guzma, he usually runs the equivalent of security for Po Town so that no undesirables (themselves not included, of course) can get in. 
Though he was born to a rich pair of business magnates, a series of shady business dealings and unfortunate events in Kanto brought his family to its knees. His father’s company lost nearly all credibility after its connection with a certain crime organization was made public. 
Disillusioned with her husband’s affiliation and his ailing health, Sid’s mother divorced him and won custody before moving to Alola.
Her current whereabouts, however, are unknown…
As a member of Team Skull, he’s quite at home, even with the shenanigans that the team gets itself into.
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♂ Lycanroc
Lv. 48
Ability: No Guard
Item: ?
▹Thunder Fang��Scary Face◃
▹Crunch▿Stone Edge◃
[The last gift Sid received from his father before their separation. Often seen perfectly imitating Sid’s gestures. Their bond is unbreakable, and he is rarely inside his Luxury Ball. It was in a moment of desperate desire to protect his partner that Flannel evolved…]
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♀ Doublade
Lv. 42
Ability: No Guard
Item: ?
▹Iron Head▿Retaliate◃
▹Shadow Sneak▿Aerial Ace◃
[A more recent partner Sid received from the estate of a certain Hex Maniac. Chivalrous and noble, she often finds herself exasperated by her new master. But an oath is an oath, and she’ll protect him with all she can.]
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♀ Houndoom
Lv. 45
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: ?
▹Beat Up▿Punishment◃
[One of the earliest presents Sid received from his father as a Houndour. Gentle and motherly outside of battle, Luci watched over a young Sidney and often kept him out of troubling situations (i.e. keeping him from tipping over expensive vases, falling over too quickly). They were only recently reunited thanks to some unseen benefactor’s machinations, and you can bet that she was more than thrilled to see her pup again.
Woe and Burn Heals to those who stand opposed to her, though…]
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♂ Stoutland
Lv. 43
Ability: Odor Sleuth
Item: ?
▹Psychic Fangs▿Surf◃
▹Reversal▿Giga Impact◃
[An earlier present Sid received from his father in childhood. Keen and clever, you can count on this old man to keep track of most anything. Lose your phone? As long as he has your scent, he can find it for you. Recently reunited thanks to the kindness of an anonymous benefactor…]
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hollyhockhund · 6 years
On a Pokémon Binge
Enjoy :D
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Drusy the Garchomp (M)
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Obsidian the Noivern (M)
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Peridot the Alolan Exeggutor  (F)
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Pearl the Drampa (F)
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Jane the Stoutland (F)
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Conan the Lycanroc (M Midday)
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Edgar the Houndoom (M)
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Magic the Drifloon (F)
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And last but not least Salem the Murkrow (M)
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Chapter 25- Part 20
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Hm. Big talk for someone who's gonna get decapitated in the future! Maybe! I dunno, the lighting wasn't very good, it was hard to tell!
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Oh, there's no way we're taking any of this sitting down- even if Xera has been frozen in place by the power of cutscenes! This was already war, but now it's REALLY war!!
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…WHAT?? Man, he really does speak in riddles, and I am not in the mood for it right now!
Well…either way, at least we have a chance to see what the Omen Badge looks like and marvel at this fourth Gym victory-
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I…I'm sorry, what is that Badge? What kinda design is that? That doesn't look like anything ghostly or omen-related, that looks like it has a tumor! At least with the other three Badges, you can tell what they're referring to and the typings- the Volt Badge is a lightning bolt, the Canopy Badge has like…leaf-looking parts, the Cocoon Badge has silvery bits to evoke a silky cocoon. But the Omen Badge doesn't really…have that? It doesn't even have any purple!
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Well, with that out of the way…I think it's time to put an end to this chapter. A lot happened, and a lot is going to happen, no doubt. Looks like we've got another rescue mission on our hands, so soon after the last one…but it's just as personal as before. 
So join me next time, dear readers! Because we're gonna (hopefully) reunite with Cain, track down the kids, and murder two entire men! It'll be so exciting, it won't lead to more horrors I'm sure, and I most certainly won't continue to give my character increasing amounts of existential dread! See you then!
Species: Feraligatr
Gender: Male
Level: 40
Ability: Sheer Force*
Item: Quick Claw
Brave nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Vikavolt
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Ability: Levitate
Item: None
Rash nature; Loves to eat.
Species: Camerupt
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Ability: Magma Armor
Item: Quick Claw
Hardy nature; Often scatters things.
Species: Lairon
Gender: Male
Level: 39
Ability: Sturdy
Item: None
Lax nature; Strong willed.
Species: Houndoom
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Ability: Unnerve*
Item: None
Rash nature; Very finicky.
Species: Zangoose
Gender: Male
Level: 40
Ability: Immunity
Item: Rawst Berry
Bold nature; Likes to relax.
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As someone who loved minding his own business, people watching wasn't something Fire usually got very invested in. Sure, he'd do it every now and again, it was unavoidable for someone who liked to keep a close eye on his surroundings, but few people tended to be interesting enough to catch his attention for more than a second.
Pokémon on the other hand...
Well, certain ones at least. Fire was currently sipping away at a soda whilst watching another trainer's Houndoom with barely hidden interest.
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royal-writer · 7 years
Essie - questionnaire
Just trying to get to know Essie better, ignore me! Will add more later.
1. Does s/he enjoy puzzles?
Not particularly. Even given nothing to do, Essie would probably prefer much anything else.
2. Does s/he enjoy education?
I don’t even know if she had a real education. I’m sure she learned more on her own means. I think she’s pretty neutral on learning. It helps better you but she doesn’t see it as fun but neither does she see it as terrible.
3. What is his/her sexual orientation?
Pansexual Panromantic.
4. Is s/he right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous?
Right-handed but ambidextrous casting spells cuz, well, ya almost gotta be..
5. Is s/he fashionable?
Essie don’t give a fuck. She wears what she likes, or wears what is suitable to the weather, or wears shit just to piss people off. So probably not.
6. What is their favorite food(s)?
Okay, here goes: smoked salmon on a bed of greens, herb roast pheasant, venison steak cooked rare to med-rare with roasted potatoes, garlic clam soup, mushroom and leek stew, berry tarts with mint, stuffed trout, pickled duck eggs, sharp cheeses, sunflower seeds, almonds, honeycakes, and she has a preference for drinking spiced ale, orchid wines, and elven made wines that are sweeter and aromatic. I can also see her having a taste for tea, particularly with honey, and sweet or spiced ciders. Maybe some hard spirits in a group atmosphere.
7. Has s/he ever broken a bone?
Nope, not yet at least.
8. Any interests or hobbies?
She enjoys magic, even using it to make kids happy. She enjoys dancing, secretly. Gambling maybe, uh... going on adventures obviously. Will add more if I think of it; she’s lived a life of survival so she probably doesn’t hide many hobbies.
9. Does s/he consider themself organized?
lmao no and she knows that. Ms. Throw-It-All-In-The-Bag.
10. How does s/he handle feeling nauseous?
No food, only liquids. Try laying down. If it doesn’t stop after a while, try walking around slowly in hopes to agitate self enough to just hurl.
11. What is his/her full name?
Essätha Medüza - the last name is a kick on Medusa from mythology.
12. Introvert or extrovert?
She’s a wanna-be-extro. Doesn’t trust others well, but has a desire to fit in and hang with others. At the moment she’s honestly more intro by nature though.
13. Can s/he cook?
Probably okay. Still prone to burning food from time to time lol whoops. But for the most part it’ll be edible, probably just not super tasty.
14. Did s/he have any friends growing up?
Yes! I plan on doing art for some of ‘em eventually.
15. How does s/he react to storms? Being caught in the storm?
Essie likes a good rainfall. Probably doesn’t mind being caught in them, even ‘bad’ storms, so long as it isn’t snow. Too damn cold.
16. Does s/he collect anything?
Nope. Maybe scars. //bricked// Nah because of her lifestyle, she’s not one to gather trinkets or stuff. Necessities and useful stuff only really.
17. Is s/he religious?
lol nope. Doesn’t care for gods or religion or any of that junk.
18. What inspires him/her?
I don’t know... uh, music for dancing. Sunsets and sunrises. The idea that life can get better. Transformation/growing.
19. Do they have a role model?
Maybe her mom, despite not knowing her. Eventually I’m sure she’ll see some of her fellow team members in this way.
20. What’s their favorite joke?
Probably secretly snake puns. Examples: “let me give you a hiss”, “viper that smirk off your face”, “I’ll snake some puns in there”, etc.
21. How would your character describe his/her friends? Lover? Parents?
dnd group companions to be determined.
Opal: (kind stranger) Orange furry cat woman. Seems to follow her own moral code of good which is pure and generous. Pretty kind.
Kraw: (teacher) Bird man of tans, reds, and dark browns/blacks. Grumpy but has a good heart. May try eating you if you’re an animal or can turn into an animal but otherwise nice. Drinker but a sad drinker when he does.
Solace: (ally/best friend) Outgoing, bubbly, considerate reddish-pink tiefling with obsidian eyes and violet blue-toned hair. She’s a rebel but is caring despite her dicey past. Essie considers her a better person than herself.
Phoenix: (aquitaine) Lady crazypants. Charcoal skin with scar-like markings that glow like lava flow when she’s using her powers. Fiery colored eyes and hair. Very much gives a masculine vibe. Will kill you with no regrets. Something’s wrong with her but she is willing to work with others for her own gain which is relatable.
Bretella: (frienemy) Considered a trustworthy ally. Green skinned redhead with golden eyes. Tends to weary flashy or seductive clothing. Will bail you out of a situation but patronize you later. High self-esteem.
Miz'ri: (enemy) A lost friend. Light grey skin, white hair, pale lilac eyes. Essie wishes that the millions of things that went wrong between them hadn’t. She hopes there’s still godo to be found in Miz’ri. A sad, broken soul.
Hepsiba: (mother) Truly the most beautiful person in existence. Warm, loving, considerate, gentle, sweet, gorgeous. Hepsiba is gone now, but her memory is still a vibrant light of warmth. Essie probably looks to the stars and likes to think her mom is up there, staring down at her. Mom was an auburn-skinned beauty with brown eyes.
Tyfiell: (father) Never met him. Mom spoke well of him, but Essie doesn’t think well of someone who ditched her mom. Said to be a dark-skinned Yuan-Ti Pureblood with dark eyes and a wicked smile. Rogue class.
22. How would s/he describe themself?
LOL nothing good unfortunately... She thinks she’s physically ugly due to how she was treated by others when she was young. She doesn’t find redeemable qualities in herself too much, either. Resident snake lady would probably say “I don’t got time for this” if asked. “I’m a scaly Yuan-Ti woman, hi.”
23. What is his/her birthday? Star sign? Do they fit it?
April 12, which would make their zodiac the Aries. It sounds semi fitting, as they’re labeled as ‘courageous, confident, short-tempered, and impulsive’ but like anything else, there’s some manners that aren’t perfectly fitting (optimistic, aggressive, etc).
24. How good is s/he at mending clothes?
She doesn’t know the Mending ability lol! Kidding aside, I don’t believe it’s her hobby or anything. I mean, if you look at some of her clothes, they’ve got tears and threads pulled free. Probably not.
25. How does s/he react to someone spilling something on them?
Depends on the atmosphere? 90% of the time she’ll realize it’s an accident, jump when it happens, and then request the server or whomever fetch something to help clean up the mess- not impolitely just with some urgency in her tone. She’d probably only have a .1% chance going off an the server because hey, shit happens, but if she’s in a bad mood already she may snap at anyone around she’s unhappy with at the moment.
26. How does s/he react to being approached by law enforcement?
‘Oh shit time to run they’re probably after me’ is her thought processing.
27. Do they paint/draw?
Nah, not really her cup of tea.
28. Does s/he prefer any musical instruments?
Essie can’t play, but she probably enjoys winds and strings for daily life, but the occasionally ‘sick beat’ of a big band of instruments to dance to would be A+.
29. If they had a tumblr, what would their account name be?
30. How good are they at keeping an eye on their money? Do they also splurge frequently?
Admittedly, Essatha enjoys hoarding funds. As someone who grew up with little, she’s a bit of a hoarder and is very unlikely to misplace even a copper piece. If she splurges, she’s likely drunk or enjoying a ‘luxury’ she didn’t have much as a child (ex: tarts), or items useful for survival, combat, friends, etc.
31. 3-5 random pieces of trivia about them that doesn’t come up often?
Essie loves music; especially pieces with a soft melody. She grew a garden once. Lastly she has had no real schooling; she’s mostly self-taught or listened in on others or hired other’s to teach her. This might be one of the reasons why she’s a bit of a slow reader.
32. Does s/he prefer dawn or dusk?
She feels more ‘lively’ during dawn but enjoys dusk for the twilight glow, the stars, etc. So both with maybe a slight preference for dusk.
33. Have them describe themself in 3 words!
(no, Essie, you can’t use ‘snake lady’ for 2 words, use adjectives).
confident, misunderstood, bull-headed
34. How would s/he react to someone confessing they have a crush on them?
All the blushing. So much blushing. Open-mouthed like ‘uhh??’ If she doesn’t return the feelings, she’ll probably be really embarrassed. Stuttering as she tries the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’. Unless it’s not someone she’s close with, in which case, she’d use their ‘crush’ to her advantage. If it’s someone she has a crush on as well, she’ll blush and look away. Be shy. You’d probably need to convince her to speak or look at you again cuz she’d be like ‘?! they like me? me???’
35. What is his/her favorite scent?
Desserts, rain, the outdoors (especially earthy scents).
36. If they had a Pokemon team, what PKMN would they have?
With ‘starter’: Serperior, Weavile, Houndoom, Phantump, Dragalge, Togetic.
Without ‘starter’: same team, replace Serperior with Kangaskhan.
37. Can s/he sing? act?
She can’t sing well but that won’t stop her when she has the urge. Obviously she can act, or she wouldn’t play people so well lol.
38. Can s/he swim?
39. Does s/he drink? Do drugs? Smoke?
Yes she drinks, no she doesn’t do drugs (unless medicines in the d&d count? I don’t know what sort of drugs they have), no she doesn’t smoke.
40. Are they good with children?
Yeah actually! She wants kids to have a happy youth, unlike what she had, so she’s willing to do things to entertain and help kiddos. If a kid cons her, she’d try to even hunt them down purely to see if there’s any way she could help them.
41. What sort of atmosphere does s/he give off?
Depends. Either antisocial or exceptional flirt depending on what’s going on to the average person.
42. Do they believe in any form of afterlife?
Yeah, she thinks there’s an afterlife. What it entails, she doesn’t dare imagine.
43. What’s the first thing s/he does in the morning after waking?
Roll outta bed/sleeping bag and get dressed, think about getting something to drink asap.
44. Who would be his/her voice actor/ress?
Morrigan from Dragon Age, voiced by Claudia Black. Dragon Age: Inquisition seems the best bet, as Morrigan’s voice seems more controlled and less bubbly than Origins. Perhaps Origins though when she’s interacting with Sul?
45. How would you describe his/her aesthetic?
Clothing wise: revealing/sexy. Personal taste: nature, stars, anything that’s just lulling, tranquil, natural to the world...
46. How would s/he react to supernatural/paranormal phenomenons?
Willing to fight a ghost. Probably be spooked at first, but after the first encounter with these sort of creations, she’d probably be okay. Just that first time... “woah let’s punch this ghost” half damage “holy shit you can punch a ghost? Cool. Also magic time becuz wow that didn’t do shit”.
47. How would s/he confess their love to others?
Judging by conversations with Heather, she’d be hecka frustrated. What are feelings. I don’t know what this is. Why do I care about you so much please explain this to me? And once she figures out that it’s love she’s feeling... that explains the confusion, the butterflies in her stomach, the awkward shyness even she couldn’t explain when she reacted to them being nice but... I must now blush... and hide my face...
48. How do they react to being bored?
Time to unbored herself by doing something. Hunting, pestering others, flirting, gambling, anything but sitting there jiggin her leg if she can help it. Restlessness doesn’t fit her.
49. Have they ever been stung by a bee?
50. If they had to pick a Disney Princess/Prince, which do they like? Which do they feel most alike? Which do they aspire to be most like?
Essie would probably really like Tiana for her go-getter attitude. She probably feels most like Rapunzel, locked away from the world and badly treated by her ‘caretaker(s)’ (the city she grew up in) but now she’s free and adventuring and seeking her own trues and fulfilling her curiosities. Who she’d probably most aspire to be I guess would be Moana (not qualified as a Disney princess yet, but admirable all the same. Moana went on an adventure, conquered it, found herself, defeated the big bad, etc) or Merida (they share like-characteristics, and Merida didn’t need a man to complete her, though family/friends it reveals are important).
21 Q’s for d&d Chars and OCS, taken from here
1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
First d&d campaign. Kept getting stuck between a handful of races. Finally got down to 4, then 3, then 2. Had to wait and see if Ammy would approve Yuan-Ti Purebloods. Got approved. Suddenly whAM - inspiration. Didn’t want a flat typical ‘evil’ Yuan-Ti. Her background was helpfully inspired by the one I picked- Urchin. I just continued adding tragedy because I’m an asshole.
2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.
Essie’s only known family was her mother. She was very close with her, sadly, her mom passed when she was young, probably 3-4ish. She never knew her dad. Her relationship with chosen family is positive. Details on ‘chosen’ family will be thought up further later, as I’m confident she’ll come to consider her traveling companions like family.
3. Who is the closest person to them?
Her mum (deceased), and eventually probably Sul and the group. I feel she’ll particularly enjoy Cackle and Adela but we’ll see~
4. What were the conditions surrounding their formative years?
Harsh livin of survival all her life yo. Fighting for food, stealing to get by, learning how to use and deceive people to get things she needed and then eventually, things she wanted.
5. What creature would they like to have as a pet?
Snakes and doggos.
6. Do they have any bad habits?
Does stealing count? Lmao uh, other than that, maybe gambling a bit..
7. Is there anyone they’d die for? Kill for?
Old friends, later their dnd group obviously.
8. Who was their first love?
I’m gonna be cheesy here and say Sulhadur. Mostly because she never really knew what love was anymore until him. Whoops feels-
9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?
^ See up there, I know I answered a question like this already.
10. How old is this character?
11. Are they normally peaceful or aggressive?
Peaceful probably- just leave her be and let her do what she gonna do.
12. How does this character handle stress?
Probably get frustrated. Pull on hair, get loud, vent and rant.
13. Does your character consider themselves lucky?
Hahahahaah- no.
14. What is their favorite holiday?
I... Honestly don’t know? If we’re going by holidays present now, probably Halloween or smth low-key based around family. As for d&d holidays, of those I found, she’d probably prefer Trolltide (a variation on Halloween), and either Feast of the Moon or Feast of the Ancestors.
15. What is the best gift they could receive?
Mom’s love. //bricked// Mom’s ring??? That seems about all at the moment...
16. If they could instantly kill one person in the world without consequence, who would it be?
Probably everyone in their childhood city whoops- or at least someone there that caused her tremendous pain.
17. If they were in possession of a trio of wishes, what would their three wishes be?
Mom to come back to life (probably rejected), happiness (rejected), money (rejected), new clothes, new items to help with spells, idk something to help the dnd group as a whole then.
18. What is their favorite spell or method of attack?
Unknown at the moment. I’ll probably say her Magic Missiles and Acid Splash.
19. What are their guilty pleasures?
Give her desserts!
20. What is something this character is or could be addicted to?
Happiness? Desserts. Yes happiness and desserts sounds about right.
21. Have you actually played this character yet? 
Just started! :D
25 Q’s for your d&d Chars and OCs, taken from here
1. What is this character’s alignment?
Chaotic Neutral
2. What is a notable quote from this character? Alternatively, what is their favorite quote?
No notable quotes yet, just started playing her. Favorite quote would probably be something like ‘only the strong survive’ or ‘a sheep in wolves clothing’.
3. Summarize your character’s backstory with no more than three sentences.
Small innocent snake-child is born to a snake-lady whom has no spouse. She’s raised by her loving mother until she passes away of illness. The remainder of her life has been an uphill battle for survival and equality.
4. Describe your character using a song title.
Snake Charmer. //bricked// oR What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.
5. Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
6. What would your character like (or have liked) to do with their life?
They’d like to find happiness. They’d have liked to have a better childhood filled with joy and happiness too, and a healthy mom, and to better herself.
7. Who is your character’s best friend?
Solace technically from her old group. We’ll see what happens in her new group!
8. Who is your character’s worst enemy?
Miz’ri from her old group thus far~
9. Who has, for better or worse, had the most impact on your character’s life?
Thus far, her mother and the people of her childhood city.
10. What is the most badass thing this character has done?
Nothing really yet? Other than survive. Maybe persuaded Lord Hardon- I mean Amon- to chill his nuts.
11. What crime is this character most likely to be convicted of?
Thievery obviously lmao. And being too cute.
12. What meme would you use to describe the character?
Hello Darkness My Old Friend, But That’s None Of My Business, Fuck That Shit I’m Out.
13. Does this character swear frequently?
14.What is this character’s relationship with religion or the church?
Fuck that shit I’m out, no thanks!
15. Would this character ever make a deal with a devil or dark spirit?
Under the right circumstances, maybe. But doubtful cuz she ain’t that stupid. Usually. Probably. Unless dire circumstances.
16. Emotion or Logic?
Logic. What are emotion. Plz explain.
17. Soup or Salad?
Soup and stews!
18. What is the character’s favorite Pokémon?
Phantump :’I
19. What Pokémon Go team would they be on?
Team Valor.
20. Is your character currently in love? Is there anyone in love with your character?
No-yes. Eventually.
21. Do you ship your character with any other characters? (This includes characters from other universes and canons)
Sul and her are meant to be okay.....
22. How would this character seduce a lover?
OH GOD well- apparently with flirty, charm, good looks, lots of hip swaying, smooth talking, etc (and her high Persuasion stat) works in her favor. Sul it- it would just come naturally. Essie’s shy with him it’s precious. It’s because she loves him tho.
23. If your character could play any part in a drama, stage production, or musical, what part would they play?
Behind the scenes, probably something like a makeup artist. In a piece, she’d probably be an actress, and a more low-key role because plz don’t spotlight me the arts aren’t my thing...
24. What is your character’s favorite album?
WIP WIP WIP ?? No albums in d&d realm so??? questionable.
25. What does this character mean to you?
I love her she’s my new daughter duh.
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pokefreakguide · 7 years
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Competitive Battle Team ; Pt. VII: Choices
Links: Pretext ; Pt. I ; Pt. II ; Pt. III ; Pt. IV ; Pt. V ; Pt. VI
This is the last article for my competitive team! And in this article I’m going to explain the pokémon I chose, why I chose them, and summarize their nicknames. I called this team the Kitelike team because the reason I chose all of these Pokémon is because I liked them and gave that precedence to the actual competitive viability (p.s. my name is kite, hence kitelike) First up:
Scolipede ; Atari 
I chose Scolipede because centipedes have always been one of my largest fears since childhood, and through my life, I’ve found the best way to conquer my fears has been to study them. So, one day I set out to learn everything I could about centipedes and became fixated. I adore them now, and though they certainly still freak me out a bit, I had to add Scolipede to my party. In addition to this, I love poison type pokémon. Centipedes are the harbingers of bad news and the symbols of death. I chose the name Atari as a deviation of the word Ataraxia because of the song Centipede by Wisen, in which the artist speaks of receiving ataraxy. Ataraxy is an extreme serenity, a peace. I thought this name would be cool because of Scolipede’s attack. It adds an almost sinister element. Calmly, cooly, killing you. 
Toxicroak ; Redlight 
Toxicroak was always one of my favorite designed pokémon, primarily because of its neat raptor-like claws. I have also, since childhood, loved frogs, and though my fixation has since faded, it’s a good ol’ call back to when I was 13. Generation IV is also one of my favorite generations, so had to pay homage. I chose the name Redlight for multiple reasons. First, Toxicroak looks very naughty at first glance and Redlight has connotations of naughtiness due to its association with the red light district. Second, it gives thoughts of a red traffic light, which is an indication to stop- like a directive to faint, a stop to your game. 
Hydreigon ; Gwendolen
It took some getting used to, but when I finally understood Hydreigon, it swiftly became one of my favorite pokémon. I wish it had better stats, because it’s seriously an awesome character. Its two auxiliary heads are actually arms, when I understood that, it changed my opinion on the pokémon, entirely. I also had a revelation that its covered head as Deino and Zweilous, peels back to form its mane as Hydreigon. It’s truly a disturbing design, and with Dark as one of its two types, I had to have it. Hydreigon reminds me of artist Nick Bantok, whose art has influenced me a lot throughout my life. Again, like centipedes, I started off being very afraid of Bantok’s artwork, but came to love it. Should my Hydreigon have been male, I would have named it Bantok. However, it wasn’t: I chose the name Gwendolen because of Queen Gwendolen of 11th Century BC Britain, who fought a battle against her husband, the king, and defeated him. She took his throne and became the first Queen Regnant (meaning she ruled alone). I chose this name because I really wanted a male Hydreigon, I had the name picked out and everything! But I landed on a female and decided I would roll with it. She took him down. Gwendolen is my second 6 IV Hydreigon, the first I named Itzpapalotl (meaning “obsidian butterfly”). I bred two because the first has a weird spread and questionable nature. 
Porygon-z ; ZZDZZAZZ4ZZ
Ah, here we are. Porygon-z says more about me on this list, than any other. It’s my star. I can’t get enough of it. When I was younger, I used to love Porygon. I used to think it was really cool, but as it evolved I never really paid attention and didn’t have the knowledge, nor attention span to appreciate what was going on. I didn’t know what “dubious” meant, I didn’t know anything about computers or graphics, and though I loved Generation IV, I mostly loved it because it took place in a snowier region, Sinnoh. However, as I grew older, some naivety faded. I got massively into Glitch art culture as I grew older. I became an avid fan of Alva Noto, a glitch/minimalist musician. I love glitch digital sounds and artwork more than I can even describe, it shaped me into who I am more than any other type of music/artwork. I dowloaded VC Red about a year ago. I played through it, purchased my Porygon at the Game Corner, and had a good time. But when I transferred my Porygon up to Pokémon Sun and Moon and evolved it into Porygon-z, it all hit me. I had no idea that Porygon-z’s design was to be based off of a glitch/virus, until I saw the frantic manor in which it moved in Sun and Moon. The Dubious Disc now made sense. A bootlegged up-grade gone awry. If you pay attention, it could even be argued that Porygon-z’s head is simply Porygon2′s head, detached and flipped upside-down. The pokémon is literally a whacked out version of it’s preevolution and that. That. Is RIGHT up my alley. Everything from its cry to its physicality is exceptional thinking. Of course, I had to give it a proper name, so I named it after the harrowing ZZAZZ glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue. I didn’t name it “ZZAZZ” because in the glitch, when in battle, your opponents name contains the characters ZZDZZAZZ4ZZIZZ9 and so on. I shortened it to ZZDZZAZZ4ZZ so I could justify calling it “zaz” verbally. Regardless, I mainly chose the name because this glitch corrupts your save file, destroying your progress, again, making an allusion to destruction. 
Houndoom ; Niko
Back when I was younger, I used to play Monster Rancher 4 on the PS2. It’s ... such a good game, it’s fun, makes collecting species fun, and includes battling and training, much like pokémon. I used to have a Tiger/Zan mix (Nightfang) that I named Niko, after my grandparent’s Samoyed dog. Niko was a staple in their house when I was a child, but died when I was still young. SO this nickname is a massive homage to several bits of myself in a more nostalgic sense. I’ve always liked Houndour/Houndoom and have definitely raised them before, but never with the intent of being a party member, and with all of the increased interaction we’re seeing with pokémon via Pokémon Refresh, I HAD to have a Houndoom. I want to pet it and love it <3. 
Mandibuzz ; Ulna
If I could be reincarnated as any animal I would want to be a vulture. I love them so much, but, fun fact: I do not like Mandibuzz. I chose several other pokémon beforehand. Alolan Marowak, Dragalge, I tried a bunch of options, but kept coming back to Mandibuzz. I just... do not like it’s design as much as I could. Vultures are so neat, badass, would make an AWESOME pokémon, but instead they made Mandibuzz. As is the norm for me, through my dislike blossomed amiability and I actually grew to accept Mandibuzz as an option for my team, ultimately feeling like the team was missing something when I removed it. And so here we are. One of my massive qualms is its cry, I know, it’s not a real vulture, but vultures don’t make vocal calls because they lack vocal organs, so instead they make raking, guttural, hisses that sound SO FREAKING BADASS I CANNOT TELL YOU ENOUGH. Instead they made it a squawky mess. I also love bones, but the idea of giving this awesome-ass bird a bone .... apron.. . . ? ? //? /? /  because? ? ?it’s a woman?? ? I have no idea, regardless, it found its way onto my team and I appreciate it enough to allow it to stay. Before anyone starts on me, it’s named “Mandibuzz”, implying it might be meant to be a “buzzard”, right?? But my kind fellow, No. It’s named that because here in the good ol’ US of A we call vultures “buzzards” and actual buzzards are unknown to most the good folk ‘round here because they have no clue what they’re talking about. A true buzzard is more like a hawk, but Mandibuzz is clearly meant to be a vulture, much to my chagrin. Another reason for choosing it was all of my childhood reminiscing and glitchy folly, lead me to offensive team member after offensive team member and I needed a good defense option. Instead, I chose Mandibuzz, an okay defense, but a powerhouse if played correctly. I’m really hoping that this pokémon grows on me, and I think... it could. I named it Ulna after the bone in your arm, conterpart to the radius. It took me a while to name this one, but I’m happy with what I landed on. 
I learned a lot through this experience and I’m actually going on to create a more viable team. I’ll do an article on that team, but I won’t draw it out over 7 parts. For now, thanks for reading all this jargon and going on this journey with me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go raise and EV train 6 pokémon. 
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