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dry-gold · 11 months ago
What’s the best slime mould
I feel incredibly under qualified to answer this question, so I'm going to write a letter to me MP insisting we do a national inquiry to answer this urgent question.
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In the mean time I am a big fan of the iridescent obovoid Lamproderma species (or any of the shiny ones).
But can't go past Fuligo septica for it's ubiquity and sci-comm value for raising awareness that these diverse and incredible organisms, and want to reinforce here my position that 'witch's butter' is a cooler and more evocative common name than 'dog vomit slime mold'
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dykesreclaimtheuniverse · 7 years ago
yoooo thanks for the introduction to Team Dresch, i'm obsessed with them now!!
hell yeah, aren’t they great? glad you like em cuz we do too!
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eatyourfacecat · 8 years ago
obovoid replied to your post “how can erika moen and her awful husband afford an entire museum of...”
where do they keep them all do they have a designated area or are they just around the house spilling out of cabinets
i hate that i know this but they literally have them displayed on shelves. maybe not all of them but like. a lot
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redaynia · 8 years ago
14, 28?
14. Who was your first celebrity crush?faith from buffy i think? tho if cartoons count it’s probably embarrassingly she-ra
28. What gay or lesbian stereotype(s) do you fit?i prefer my hair shorter, i like hiking, love cats, i’ve been working my way towards vegeterianism, and i don’t really shave my legs.
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drhoz · 3 years ago
#1832 - Muehlenbeckia adpressa - Clambering Lignum
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AKA Climbing Lignum, Shrubby Creeper or pohuehue.
A prostrate low shrub, up to 2m high but usually lower, often found scrambling or twining over rocks, fallen timber and other plants. Scattered along the coastline behind beaches and on cliff-tops, across most coastal regions of southern Australia. 
In this case it was one of the few native plants along the edge of the Lake Richmond shoreline to have survived last year’s arson. That might explain why it was looking a bit unwell - a lot of the other vegetation had been burnt away leaving the recovering climber badly exposed to the sun. On the other hand it was also heavily infested with Black Scale and unidentified galls, which can’t help. 
It has slender, reddish-brown stems to 1 m long, and oblong, ovate or semi-circular leaves. Flowers are small and greenish or yellowish, with females and males on different plants. Flower-heads are 1-9 cm long, leafy and spread along the branches, and the nuts brown to black, ellipsoid to obovoid with three longitudinal ribs and furrows.
The genus, commonly called maidenhairs, are native to areas around the edge of the Pacific, but some have become weeds elsewhere. And some of the hybrids are even worse -  the highly invasive Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) hybridizes with Muehlenbeckia australis. The related Muehlenbeckia complexa (maidenhair vine, creeping wire vine, lacy wire vine, mattress vine, mattress wire weed, necklace vine, wire vine) has established populations around San Francisco,  southern parts of Britain. and in the Channel Islands.
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brownhillsbob · 7 years ago
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April 17th - Every day, new flowers and leaves. This is fantastic, and just what I’ve been waiting for. All I need now is the sun to do it’s thing...
Spotted in a roadside verge near Lower Stonnall on Gravelly Lane - one of my all time favourite spring flowers - muscari or grape hyacinth. A garden favourite, I’m not sure if they’re native here or a garden escapee. But they are so very gorgeous, tiny blue arrangements of even tinier obovoid flowers.
Welcome back.
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eatyourfacecat · 8 years ago
obovoid replied to your post “every time i see that post that says “if youre lgbt reblog with your...”
asking for lgbt opinions on peaches the performer makes more sense than peaches the fruit tbh
right! like if i read the words “lgbt” and “peaches” in the same post im obviously going to thing youre referring to Peaches. also wtf is a fruit 
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godai02-blog · 5 years ago
Cacti are clumps of fleshy shrubs, 1.5-3 m tall. Upper branches broadly obovate, obovate-elliptic or subcircular, green to blue-green, glabrous. The prickly yellow cactus has the light brown horizontal grain and the hard, barbs erect. Cactus with auger leaves are green. Filaments are pale yellow, anthers are yellow, style is pale yellow, stigma yellow-white. Berry obovoid cactus tip concave, surface smooth glabrous, purplish red, barb bristles and drill spines. Seeds mostly oblate, margin slightly irregular, glabrous and yellowish brown. Flowering period is 6-10 months.
Most cactuses have no visible leaves, and photosynthesis occurs on the stem.  The function of this leaf cannot be photosynthesis. Cactus spines are often used for identification because their species, number, color, size, shape, and hardness vary greatly from species to species, as well as whether all spines produced by dill are similar or of different species. Most thorns are straight or at most slightly curved, and are described as hair-like, bristle-like, needle-like, or pyramid-shaped, depending on their length and thickness.
Many cactus species have been shown to contain psychoactive agents, chemical compounds that cause mood, perception and cognitive changes by affecting the brain. Cacti have many other uses. They are usually burned and used for human food and animal feed. In addition to their use as psychoactive agents, some cactuses are also used in herbs. I like it because I thinkcactus is a very strong plant and it is useful at the same time.
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The resource is from:    
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kevinscottgardens · 3 years ago
28 mars au 3 avril 2022
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Monday morning I flew from Rome to Heraklion. I met Helena and James in Frankfort Airport. After hiring the car it was 21.00 so we decided to have dinner in a restaurant before finding our first camp site. Helena and James introduced me to wild camping.
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All the mountain peaks were snowcapped !
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Lupins and tulips.
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A bit of Greek mythology along the way.
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Mandragora officinarum in the wild.
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There were several wild orchids on the island.
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Romulea sp.
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Kapsa monastery.
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Cistus sp.
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This was our last night’s campsite; complete with date palms on Vai Beach.
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We collected seeds, cuttings and a few bulbs during the week. My next challenge will be to pot them all up and see what survives ! We flew home late Sunday, landing just before midnight.
Plant of the week
Araceae Dracunculus vulgaris Schott
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common name(s) - dragon arum synonym(s) - Aron dracunculum (L.) St.-Lag.; Arum dracunculus L.; Arum guttatum Salisb.; Dracunculus creticus Schott; D. dracunculus (L.) Voss; D. major Garsault; D. polyphyllus Blume; D. spadiceus Raf.; D. vulgaris subsp. creticus (Schott) K.Richt.; D. vulgaris var. creticus (Schott) Nyman; D. vulgaris var. elongatus Engl.; D. vulgaris var. laevigatus Engl. conservation rating - Least Concern native to - Mediterranean location - Crete leaves - deciduous with attractive leaves divided into several narrow, finger-like segments; bright mid- to deep green, occasionally with conspicuous white streaks flowers - dramatic, foul-smelling, arum-type flowers in spring or summer; spathe tube, oblong-cylindric to ellipsoid, convolute, exterior mid-green, slightly glaucous, rarely pale greenish white or dirty yellowish, interior deep purple, sometimes white to cream towards the opening fruit - berries, sometimes partially to completely encased in the dry spathe tube remnants; berries obovoid, orange-red when ripe; seed compressed globose, pale brown habit - geophyte with tuberous roots from sea level to 600m habitat - stenomediterranean species, distributed in sclerophyllous and mixed forests, maquis, garrigue, undisturbed olive groves, waste land, dry ditches and waste ground; in some places it's a veritable weed pests - generally trouble-free disease - generally trouble-free hardiness - to -5ºC (H3) soil - humus-rich, well-drained soil that dries out in summer sun - full sun to part shade propagation - offsets in spring or autumn pruning - none nomenclature - Araceae - arum - a name used by Theophrastus; Dracunculus - little dragon, a name used by Pliny for plants with serpentine roots; vulgaris - usual, of the crowd, common, vulgar NB - pollinated by insects (Psychodid, Staphylinid); the species can develop a considerable heat in the inflorescences that is accompanied by the production of a pronounced odour, the purpose of this is to attract a large number of insects
References :
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13133560/44462629 [23 Apr 22]
Plants of the World [online] https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:86985-1 [23 Apr 22]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/6115/dracunculus-vulgaris/details [23 Apr 22]
World Flora Online [online] http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000945756 [23 Apr 22]
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eatyourfacecat · 8 years ago
obovoid replied to your post “obovoid replied to your post “how can erika moen and her awful...”
they must live in a very specific social bubble
they live in portland
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juventudybelleza · 5 years ago
Beneficios Curativos de la Hoja de Papaya Contra la Mastitis - Carica P...
✳️➽Descripción botánica de la Papaya o Carica papaya: Planta de rápido crecimiento. Tallo erecto, columna, hasta 20 cm de diámetro. Hojas simples, profundamente lobadas, de un metro de largo. Fruto oblongo-obovoide, de 15 cm de largo, lomados longitudinalmente, amarillos al madurar; numerosas semillas negras y ásperas. Flores masculinas pedunculadas, verdes; flores femeninas sésiles, de ocho cm de largo, flores intermedias perfectas. •Distribución Cultivado. Amazonas, Ayacucho, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, San Martín, Ucayali. •Usos Raíz Hojas:  Infecciones urinarias: tomar como agua de tiempo el cocimiento de la raíz y las hojas jóvenes. Hojas: Heridas: estrujadas las hojas frescas, se aplican sobre la lesión. Mastitis: las hojas trituradas ayudan a la cicatrización de las grietas de los pezones. Frutos: Parasitosis intestinal: el consumo frecuente de los frutos de la papaya, con tres a cuatro semillas cada vez, ayuda a que los parásitos (gusanos) no se instalen en el intestino. Estreñimiento: el látex del fruto verde, diluido con agua, es purgante fuerte. •Compuestos presentes Papaína, carica-xantina, papaiotina, capaina, ácido málico, proteínas, grasas, sales de calcio, fósforo, hierro, vitaminas A, B1, B2, y C,  taninos y pancreatina. •Observaciones El masaje de los frutos verdes sobre las mamas ayuda a la producción de leche. Los baños de vapor de una decocción de los frutos y beber ésta, cuando está fría, tienen el mismo efecto. Papaya - Carica papaya L - Caricaceae - (Dicotiledónea):https://youtu.be/f0qbM2iodGA Plantas Medicinales de Uso Popular en la Amazonía Peruana EBOOK: KEMBER MEJIA * ELSA RENGIFO CLICK PARA DESCARGAR EL EBOOK. ✳️➽ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SmfTY4vejcYzC6gB-TcORK8eReWB1GXJ/view ➡️ ¡No Te Pierdas Ningún Video! SUSCRÍBETE hhttp://www.youtube.com/c/MedicinaNaturalyBelleza ➡️ SIGUEME EN FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/dietaparadelgazar101 ➡️ SIGUEME EN TWITTER: https://twitter.com/carmen_sakura ➡️ SIGUEME EN MI SITIO WEB:https://remediosnaturalescura.wordpress.com ➡️ SIGUEME EN TUMBLR:http://trucosdesaludybelleza.tumblr.com ➡️ SIGUEME EN PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.es/dogsmallbreeds/bellas-y-salud ➡️ SIGUEME EN STUMBLEUPON:https://tratamientonaturalcaidadelcabello.blogspot.com ➡️ SIGUEME EN LIVEJOURNAL:https://followerstumblr.livejournal.com ➡️ SIGUEME EN MI PAGINA DE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/remedioscaseros0 ➡️ SIGUEME EN TWITTER:https://twitter.com/GanarFlippa ➡️ SIGUEME EN MI GRUPO DE FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1492828174360070 ➡️ SIGUEME EN instapaper: https://www.instapaper.com/p/2880251 ➡️ SIGUEME EN xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Thiare_Nicole2/cv ➡️ SIGUEME EN plurk: https://www.plurk.com/marcel72 ➡️ SIGUEME EN viadeo: https://www.viadeo.com/p/002aa2c1so9ublx ➡️ SIGUEME EN ok.ru :https://ok.ru/profile/571448395158 ➡️ SIGUEME EN folkd: http://www.folkd.com/user/MarcoAntonioOsccodeObma SIGUEME EN reddit:https://www.reddit.com/user/camaleon1108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJETIVO DE ESTE CANAL ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------------- la medicina natural ha sido usado desde hace milenios por todas las culturas del mundo. En resumen, su eficiencia está plenamente garantizado. Así que más allá de preceptos ideológicos o de posturas frente a, por ejemplo, la medicina alópata, lo cierto es que las plantas medicinales te ayudarán a combatir incontables malestares que afecta  la salud. ---­­------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: La información de este canal no reemplaza el diagnóstico personalizado de un especialista de la salud, ni sustituye su tratamiento. Nunca deje de consultar a su médico para la supervisión de cualquier enfermedad, es el médico el que tiene la autoridad en materia de salud; este canal tiene un propósito exclusivamente educativo y para compartir experiencias personales con el deber y con el fin de intercambiar información. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NATURA AMIGO DE LA SALUD,MEDICINA NATURAL,REMEDIOS NATURALES,SALUD,Beneficios Curativos de las Hojas de Papaya Contra la Mastitis - Carica Papaya L,Papaína,carica-xantina,papaiotina,capaina,ácido málico,proteínas,grasas,sales de calcio,fósforo,hierro,vitaminas A,B1,B2,y C,taninos y pancreatina,Estreñimiento,Parasitosis intestinal,Mastitis,Infecciones urinarias,Hojas de Papaya Contra la Mastitis,Hojas de Papaya,Papaya,Carica papaya L,Caricaceae,Dicotiledónea,Carica
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what-s-up-friends-us · 5 years ago
No one will be wrong if he says that the Ubí, or Bejuco Ubi - Cissus verticillata, its scientific name -, takes over the fields and even the urban gardens of the country, where it emerges and develops to become owner of the area. It has no favorite places for the type of soil and is indifferent to the rainy or dry seasons. It is a species of climbing plant, perennial, of the very common family Vitaceae; it is found in fences and thickets, in the hills and calcareous mountains of a certain elevation. There is also in Florida, the Greater Antilles, in many of the Minors, and in Continental Tropical America; abundantly in Cuba.The amazing properties of the Ubi vine It rises to a height of six meters or more with foliage and pubescent or almost hairless branches; The leaves are used as anti-flu, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and facilitator of births. It is also used to make a refreshing drink known as Pru Bejuco Ubi that many consider to have aphrodisiac benefits. This species is attributed to anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, abscess properties. Juan Tomás Roig, a leading Cuban botanist, says that during an influenza epidemic that hit the country, it was a very effective remedy. In pharmaceuticals, leaves and branches are used. Its botanical description says that it has foliage and pubescent or almost hairless branches. Simple, ovate or ovate-oblong leaves, two to 15 centimeters long and two to 11.5 centimeters wide, acute, accumulated or occasionally rounded at the apex, truncated or armored at the base, sawn, sharp teeth or finished in a sow; the petioles one to four centimeters long; thin tendrils, often as long as the leaves. Flowers in pendulous, perfect or sometimes polygamous tops. It has four extended cup-shaped petals, attached to the base of the ovary, almost always four-lobed. Stamens four, inserted in the margin of the disc. Ovarian two eyepiece attached to the base of the disk. Two ovules in each cavity. Subglobose and obovoid berries, black, seven to ten millimeters in diameter; solitary, obovoid seeds, four to six millimeters long. Some experts say about this plant: “Its juice is applied to cure diseases of horses. It is also applied to wash the inside of the nose and mouth of an attacked animal, then putting a vine on its neck. The leaves are sometimes applied to the grains or inflammations and in Mexico, the decoction of the stems is used as a remedy for rheumatism. ” Decoction in equal parts of stems and leaves is a positive remedy against influenza, if you drink at the rate of four cups a day, as hot as possible, as sweaty. This same application gives good results against rheumatism. They also call bejuco ubí alC. trifoliata L., of the same genus, and which is a climber similar to C. syciodes L., but with trifoliolate leaves and leaflets very fleshy, incunched, above the midpoint of the margin. This species is attributed with refreshing, emollient, resolutive and pectoral properties. Other species of the same family are also employed in home medicine; the Parthenocissus quinquefolia (l.) Planch called cimarron parrilla bark and twigs are used. With juice, in addition to wine, they prepare the agraz, which is used as a refresher. The ripe grape is slightly laxative and the raisins are used as pectorals in cooking and infusion. In Venezuela, the ubiquitous leaves are used in poultices for the cure of inflamed tumors; the stems are wrapped around the joints, stretched and sore. Also, ubí vine is a good remedy for hemorrhoids. The ground plant of the grape vine is used in a poultice to fight inflammation. In the eyes of everyone is the ubiquitous beetle in Cuban communities with health and wellness benefits that surprise everyone. Click here for more tips
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kevinscottgardens · 3 years ago
17 au 23 janvier 2022
Exciting week. Monday I discovered the newly planted Vibernum were sulking so I watered all of the newly planted hedge. It’s been about three weeks and we have not had any rain. I suppose it was about time they needed a drink. At the end of the day, my arms really hurt, which I found strange because for the most part I was just holding the hose. I found just trying to lift or carry an empty pan was proving difficult.
Tuesday I called in sick and went to my doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. I’ve been told not to work until 31 January. I’ve been prescribed lots of pain medication, an ultrasound for my elbows and physiotherapy for my shoulders.
Tuesday evening I had a really nice chat with Alek. I talked through my ideas for the new nursery area and he was very helpful. I’ll update my Sketch-up drawing and source the material. I’m concerned about the logistics of getting all the material to that part of the domaine.
Wednesday, I received the seeds from Château Perouse Botanic Garden. They were beautifully hand folded envelopes. They even sent four additional seeds not on my list. Stéphane’s surprise 50th was cancelled due to many people either down with Covid or wanting to avoid it. So I told Lucien that I was now free so he decided to come to mine from Marseille where he was on Thursday.
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Thursday I had my ultrasound on my elbows. Then I went with Denis to Grasse to see how the house is coming along.
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That evening Denis and I headed over to Dee’s where we enjoyed sardines, radicchio salad and teriyaki salmon for dinner.
Lucien arrived Friday in time for lunch. We then had Denis over for dinner.
Saturday afternoon Lucien and I headed to Fréjus, just to the west of Cannes, to visit his father, who has quite a bad infection in his leg. They all played belote which I just couldn’t figure out why the tricks were being won. I let them play and took a walk along the sea at sunset. I spoke with Karen on the phone and she may come over for dinner Monday.
Sunday, after breakfast, we returned to Antibes. We’re enjoying a dimanchill afternoon. My left arm isn’t improving very much.
Cours de français hebdomadaire
les travaux d'hiver - winter work 
j'ai des spasmes musculaires dans les mains - I have muscle spasms in my hands
j'ai mal aux coudes - my elbows hurt
j'ai mal aux épaules - my shoulders hurt
mes avant-bras me font mal - my forearms hurt
ça fait mal de porter une casserole vide ou même une tasse - it hurts to carry an empty pot or even a cup
je prenais de l'ibuprofène - I’ve been taking ibuprofen
je portais des manchon de compression bras - I was wearing arm compression sleeves
les spasmes musculaires me réveillent - muscle spasms wake me up
J'ai creusé des trous - I dug holes
J’ai déplacé beaucoup de terre - I moved a lot of dirt
Plant of the week
Rhamnaceae Rhamnus alaternus L.
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common name(s) - Italian buckthorn, Mediterranean buckthorn; français : bourgue épine infraspecifics - Rhamnus alaternus subsp. alaternus; Rhamnus alaternus subsp. munozgarmendiae Rivas Mart. & J.M.Pizarro; Rhamnus alaternus subsp. pendula (Pamp.) Jafri synonym(s) - Alaternus angustifolia Mill.; A. balearica Duhamel ex Steud.; A. glabra Mill.; A. hispanicus Steud.; A. latifolia Mill.; A. phylica Mill.; A. rotundifolia Steud.; A. variegata Steud.; Rhamnus alaternus var. angustifolia DC.; R. alaternus var. hispanica DC.; R. alaternus var. vulgaris DC.; R. clusii Willd.; R. collina Salisb.; R. myrtifolia Willk. conservation rating - Least Concern native to - Mediterranean location - Domaine de l’Orangerie leaves - stems have reddish bark and pubescent young branches, rounded and compact foliage with alternating leaves, sometimes nearly opposite, oval or lanceolate, leathery, shiny green, yellowish-green underneath flowers - small and fragrant, in spring, gathered in a short axillary yellow-green raceme fruit - obovoidal red-brownish drupes, containing from two to four seeds, darken to black when ripe habit - a hardy, medium-sized, evergreen shrub to 3m tall habitat - widespread in thermophilic evergreen bush and scrubland of the Mediterranean climate regions, from Gran Canaria, Morocco and Portugal in the west, to the Levant in the east, from sea level up to 1,300m pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -10ºC (H4) soil - well-drained, calcareous, sun - full sun to part shade in very hot areas propagation - seed, cuttings pruning - damaged, dead, diseased nomenclature - Rhamnaceae - Rhamnus - an ancient name, ραμνος, for various prickly shrubs (rhamnos in Pliny) Rhamnus was a town famed for its statue of Nemesis); alaternus - alternate (referring to the leaves), an old generic name for a buckthorn, resembling buckthorn’s fissured bark NB - Its wood is heavy, hard and homogeneous, and therefore good for turning and carpentry; it was used to make small objects and utensils.
References :
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/19180829/122959816 [19 Jan 22]
Monde, Le [online] https://jardinage.lemonde.fr/dossier-3503-nerprun-alaterne.html [19 Jan 22]
Plants of the World [online] https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:718169-1 [19 Jan 22]
Senteurs du Quercy, Les [online] https://www.senteursduquercy.com/autres-arbustes/592-rhamnus-alaternus-nerpruns.html [19 Jan 22]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhamnus_alaternus [19 Jan 22]
World Flora Online [online] http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000462513 [19 Jan 22]
SARS-CoVid-2 update (incidence rate per 100,000)
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For just $9.95 1 Package of 12 Seeds Solitary or clustering palm. Stem to 1 - 4 5 m, without leaf sheaths to about 10 - 30 40 cm in diam., with crowded diamond-shaped, persistent leaf-bases, internodes very short. Leaves to 2 m long; pseudopetiole 20 - 40 cm long; leaf sheath reddish- brown, fibrous; acanthophylls about 15 on each side of rachis, yellow-green to orange, to 20 cm long. Pistillate flowers with calyx cupule 1.5 - 2 mm high, yellow; petals orange-pink to yellow, 2 - 2.5 x 3 - 4 mm. Fruit restricted to the distal half to two thirds of rachilla, ovoid to obovoid, 9 - 18 x 5 - 9 mm, maturing from green to blue-black when ripe. A very robust species which will thrive in temperate or tropical climates and, found to 1700m 5600ft altitude, it tolerates quite hard frosts. Germinate in vitro in gelatin, agar or other medium. Pre-soak seeds for 3 days in warm water and sow in containers. Germination takes 2 to 4 months.
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deadassdiaspore · 6 years ago
Magnolia champaca is a large evergreen tree up to 164 feet (50 m) tall. Its trunk can be up to 6.2 feet (1.9 m) in diameter. The tree has a narrow umbelliform crown. It has strongly fragrant flowers in varying shades of cream to yellow-orange, during June to September. The obovoid-ellipsoid carpels produce 2 to 4 seeds during September to October.
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kaifyer · 7 years ago
The void - de-void. 
Obovoid, oboid, subovoid? 
Naevoid, cuboid. 
 a void.
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