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glitterberry · 6 months ago
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Obiyuki Week | Day 7: West Coast Swing (Free Day) Themes: Improvising, Adventure, Friends-to-Lovers; Gold
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obsidiancorner · 6 months ago
Unedited, not proof read. No time. No brain power. Just had to get it out. 570 words. Canon-adjacent because Google Lens is hardly accurate so I did my fandom duty and took some liberties but it's ObiYuki week and I had a burst of inspiration because today's chapter is everything so I ran with it.
Then Decide
“If I decide I want to go to a new place…”
Innocent words spoken in a conversation that took place in a time that feels so very long ago needle at Shirayuki’s brain as she bows low to King Izana and Prince Zen’s uncle. He has already dismissed Zen from his house and he aims to send Obi away, too, leaving her with a Bergatt she doesn’t really know as her guard. 
She’s never had any trouble handling the nobility. At this point, she’s had years of practice serving the nobility their hubris for their dinner and even she doesn’t really quite understand how she does it without incurring their ire. But, this? This moment? 
This moment feels like a precipice that can change everything. It will change everything. It is everything. It’s everything that feels like home to her at risk. To take Obi from her is to take her home from her. 
Her nerves choke her making it hard to breathe and tears are threatening to spill. Obi can’t keep them together right now. Only she can. Only she can save the life they’ve built together for the past several years.
That’s the crux of the problem isn’t it? For years now, it’s been them against the world. A world where neither of them were born; a world where neither of them have ever felt they truly belong. In Lilias, surrounded by their friends, their found family, that’s where they do belong. Not with the nobility and not apart. 
Jiran could deny her. He could still send Obi away, back to Zen at Wistal or Wirant or wherever he will be finding himself in the days to come but that isn't really Obi's place. His place is with her. Yet it is well within Jiran's right to decide that he doesn’t want Obi to be under his roof for any reason and she would have to live with it. 
Or would she?
“Then decide something,” she says to herself but not without some volume to it. There's steel in her conviction and she can do this. She has to do this.
Her eyes close and she takes a deep breath. Swallowing down the fear, the tears, and the anxiety is tough work but she manages in silence as she stands up as tall as she can. Back straight, shoulders down and just a bit back, with her chin held high. She can lay it all on the line for him. For them. 
“Sir Obi’s position as my guard was given to him by none other than Prince Zen,” she says, proud of the way her voice manages to stay strong. “As such, I respectfully ask that he be allowed to stay as my guard.” She’s almost managed to get it out. All she needs to do is drive it home. “I’m free to leave your estate, if he is forced to leave, correct?”
There it is. It’s all on the line. She can disregard King Izana, Prince Zen, their estranged uncle. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is he is by her side, where he should be. There will always be somewhere else for them to go. They could go back to Tanbarun. They could go live with her father in the mountains. They don’t need Clarines. Clarines needs them. The only thing that matters to her is that she gets to keep him with her. 
She decided and he is her choice. 
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bubblesthemonsterartist · 6 months ago
this mess i made i made with love
She's calling for him.
He's not a boy, hasn't been for quite sometime - maybe even ever - but his throat aches and his eyes swell before spilling over. Gods, what a mess his heart makes.
Her voice calls out again, more familiar to him than his own skin, more beloved than all the riches he has broken glass and jaws for. She's calling for him, and he doesn't have the power, doesn't have the strength necessary to pretend that he didn't hear. That he doesn't know.
Those moments that meant something to him, meant something to her, too.
Nights like this are made for confessions, and before her is more of a confessional than he deserves.
"Miss." How to tell her everything that word has come to mean to him? He couldn't possibly. So instead he tries to stuff every last feeling into that single syllable instead. Obi points to his chest. To the scar she would have never let become a mark, and that stone meant to guide him through the darkest night. His heart. Still bleeding, still helplessly limping along.
It's all he has to offer.
"Will you keep this for me?"
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traditional-with-a-twist · 4 years ago
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Day 7: Loyalty
"For you, I ... refuse my name”
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thelionshoarde · 6 years ago
obiyuki fic - mature
been in a slump, and then i made the mistake of checking out the obiyukiweek prompts and oh ho ho guess who suddenly wrote some fucking Good Omens fusion shit for these two? jesus fuck
(but i deceived you with false virtue)
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maverae · 8 years ago
Obiyuki Week 2017
Day 7
He wakes up to her alarm. Within a few reluctant moments she is sitting at the edge of the bed and the dull orange of the streetlamps has illuminated her silhouette. His gaze, still foggy with sleep, follows the outline of her naked form, the cascade of her bedhead down her back, errant strands catching like fire in the light. Her goosebumps are visible even to him as she rubs her arms to warm herself against the autumn breeze crawling in through the window.
Before he can actualize his hazy urge to pull her back into his arms, to stave off the chill and keep her forever under their nest of blankets she is gone, ghosted away to get ready for the day. The clock reads 4:31 am. He listens to her soft steps padding around their flat until sleep takes him under again.
He stirs at the creak of the door, his eyes opening only just, and he sees her from between his eyelashes, peering in. Deciding that he must still be asleep, she moves as if to shut the door but turns to glance at him again, the look on her face soft, pleased.
This is a habit of her’s, he knows. A remnant of days past, when sleep for him was rare. He remembers another time, when she peered past the door only to be met with him sitting up in bed, arms crossed and braced for her quiet concern. This time, he rolls over, still half asleep, and gathers up her pillow in his arms. He breathes deeply in the scent of her shampoo and succumbs again to sleep.
He meets her outside the hospital doors two hours later than usual. She looks disheveled with an ancient baggy sweater pulled hastily over her scrubs, her eyes red and puffy. It’s clear she’s been crying. Before she attempts to apologize for her lateness he pulls her into a hug. He holds her for a heartbeat, then two, then three… he isn’t sure how many minutes pass as she sighs softly into his chest. He watches his breath condense in the air as he tries to swallow down the tightness in his own throat, the urge to fight her sadness, her loss away. Eventually, he chokes back his urge to fix the unfixable. When she is ready, she will talk. Until then, he knows she just needs some time to mourn, to figure out what she missed, if she made a mistake. When he notices the tips of her ears turning red from the cold, he steps back, takes her hand, and walks her home in silence.
She warms up again over some hot takeout. By the time he procures a microwavable brownie she is even smiling. She falls asleep on the couch before he’s even finished boxing up the leftovers. Wordlessly, gently, he lifts her into his arms and carries her to their bedroom. Underneath the pile of blankets, he pulls her close. Together, with her warm softness curled into his, they will keep out the cold autumn night.
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infinitelystrangemachinex · 8 years ago
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(edit courtesy of @heartamplifier)
Not all breaks are wounds.
Part two of “Analysand”
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shxdowofclarines · 8 years ago
day 4- be my escape
would you help me find a new way?
would you guide me through all of this again?
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youseimanami · 8 years ago
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The first laughter :)))) Proud Obi is so proud. :D <3 Obiyuki week 2017 - Day 2 - Laugh I hope you like it :)))
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glitterberry · 6 months ago
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Obiyuki Week | Day 6: Tango Themes: Passion, Close Quarters, Rivals-to-Lovers; Black
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sapiomorph · 8 years ago
Mkay, so...
I missed the last three days of Obiyuki week....last week...
It’s disturbing to me that time can run away from me so easily when I’m not emotionally stable.
Anyway, due to some emotional problems that I really didn’t need, I couldn’t contribute to those days. Or...do anything really. But I’ll be doing my best to get those three days in, because I still really want to share and add my two cents along with the rest of the fandom.
Also, I want to say Thank You to everyone who had a kind word for the stories that I did post. It meant so much to me! (And all of your works were fantastic and I’ll be blowing up your activity feed when things calm down for me.)
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kaedix · 9 years ago
“My Favorite Story”
Obiyuki Week 2016
Day 8: Free Day 
(Day 7 here)
“Hello, Miss,” Obi said, snow crunching beneath his feet as he walked towards her. She was already looking at him as he spoke, her head turned over her shoulder.
“There you are,” she said. Her eyes smiled at him. “It’s good to see you walking in a straight line.”
Obi stopped in his tracks. “What – ? Oh.” He hand nervously flew to the back of his head as he realized what she was alluding to. “Miss, I am so sorry about last night. I – I really don’t remember what happened.”
“I didn’t think you would.” Shirayuki turned and took a few steps toward him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him forward. “But all you did was fall asleep. You couldn’t even stand upright. So you collapsed on my bed and I told you the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but you were already asleep for most of it.”
“Ah, that’s a good one. I’m sorry I missed it.” They stood facing the sky, and her hand still held his wrist. Obi wondered if she realized she did. “Truly, though. It shouldn’t be your job to take care of half-asleep Obi. You should have called for a soldier to drag me out, or put snow down my shirt to wake me up.”  
Shirayuki laughed. “I didn’t think of using snow. But I was tired, too. I figured we would just be better off if we got a good night’s rest and moved our own selves in the morning.” She winced. “Although, I’m pretty sure I didn’t fall asleep under my blankets last night. Did you…?”
“I didn’t want you to be cold, Miss,” Obi said. “I hope that’s alright.”
Shirayuki looked at him with something like fondness, and Obi had the sudden urge to move out of her grip on his wrist and hold her hand instead.
“Thank you, Obi,” she said. “I probably would have woken up with a terrible cold if it wasn’t for you.”  
“Probably could have avoided it altogether if it wasn’t for my sleepwalking,” Obi said, winking at her.
“True,” Shirayuki admitted, looking away. Her gaze turned out to the sunset – the whole reason Obi had to track her down outside. She’d escape to see the sunset whenever she got a chance. “But I appreciated your company.”
They stood in silence for some very long moments, and Obi felt a shift in their standing with each other. Something was different. Last night had set things in motion, and although he felt much the same – if not more in love with the girl beside him – a change had taken place in her.
Obi was the first to break the silence. “If you don’t mind, Miss, I do have one more story to tell you, since last night didn’t really count.”
“I would love to hear it,” Shirayuki said, not taking her eyes off the sky. “Is this one I know?”
Obi shook his head. He, like her, stared ahead at the pink and peach sunset, a barely-there smile on his face. “You won’t be familiar with this one. This is my favorite story.”
Obi took a deep breath.
“Once upon a time, there was a boy.
“From the beginning of his life he was a wanderer, because he liked seeing the world and didn’t like to be tied down by fleeting things. He traveled to countless places, doing odd jobs and meeting people, but he never stayed in one place for long. There was too much to see, and, more often than not, people didn’t want to keep him around anyway.
“Like a child collecting stones or a woman collecting ribbons, this boy collected scars; he had received many injuries over the course of his short life, and came close to death many times, but he never asked for help. He nursed his wounds himself and even accepted on a few occasions that he was going to die – but he never did. Instead He was left with scars that reminded him of just how unfortunate, as well as how lucky he had been. But the damage extended further than just his body. He was sure if he could see his own heart, it would be scarred too. Some days he believed he was scarred to his very soul.
“Many years passed, and he was hired to do a job that led to him…watching over a girl. At first, it was just from a distance; but even from there, he was in awe. She was beautiful, resilient, and talented. There was something about her, some way she had with people that made them want to be more. 
“This girl – she changed his world. He was suddenly wanted, and cared for, and though his heart was scarred she taught him that it could still love. Because he did. He loved her. Instead of traveling the world alone, he traveled with her. They went to the ends of every kingdom together, accomplishing things and experiencing life in ways that never would have been possible on his own. Before, in his old life, he had been stuck, unable to become any more than the scarred, broken traveler. But with her, he lived, and as a person, he grew. He had been hired to be a help to her but he swore she’d done so much more for him.
“He loved her. He really did. And for as long as she would allow, he would stay by her side.”
Shirayuki looked at him, and Obi wondered if she knew. He hadn’t exactly been subtle. Vague, yes. But Shirayuki wasn’t a fool.
“There it is,” he said. “My favorite story.”
The story of us.
Shirayuki released her hold on his wrist, and for a fleeting second Obi feared he’d said too much – but her palm slid against his glove, down his hand, entwining their fingers. She squeezed tightly, three times.  Her brows pulled together, and she opened her mouth and closed it a few times; there was something she couldn’t say. He wouldn’t pry. Unsatisfied though he was, she would tell him in time.
“But – is that it? How does the story end?” Shirayuki finally asked, her eyes bright. Whether from the beginning of tears or – dare he believe it – hope, he wasn’t sure.
“That,” Obi said, “is entirely up to you, Miss.”
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traditional-with-a-twist · 4 years ago
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Day 6: Courtesy
“My mother taught me to be polite to dragons.”
reference: Talking to Dragons cover art by the incomparable Trina Schart Hyman
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lalesath-blog · 9 years ago
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✿ I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in this and, of course, to @obiyukiweek for taking the time to host it. ✿
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vfordii · 9 years ago
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Obiyuki Week Day 6: Little Mermaid
aha h a this is a bit late but here please have some merman obi
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maverae · 9 years ago
Zen and Shirayuki are end game for me but I read, write and breath everything obiyuki because they are always by each-others side and have such a deep trust in each-other. And I find there's a bit of untold story where obi's feelings are whereas Zen and Shirayuki are straightforward with there feelings. Why do you think the pairing is so popular ? :)
Oh my god I could go on about this all day.
For me, I really feel like Obi deserves love, that Obi deserves someone like Shirayuki. He’s a lost boy, possibly from a totally different part of the world. Likely thrown (or forced even) into a desperate situation where he has no choice but to start killing. When he is with Shirayuki he feels like maybe, possibly, he could be more than that. He sees how she has chosen her own path, and he thinks maybe he could choose for himself as well. It’s been a looong time since he’s been able to see himself as anything other than a weapon to be aimed and fired, but she looks at him like a person, like a man. She relies on him for more than just protection, but for strength and companionship. 
Also, Shirayuki is no stranger to danger. She grew up in a bar, never knew her parents, harassed and singled out for her appearances. She knows what it’s like to feel lost and afraid I bet. Her and Obi are similar like that. We all know she is a sucker for people who need help. Maybe her fascination with him starts like that. But then she realizes he is a complex individual, one who has suffered yet still rises at dawn with a smile on his face and a joke on his lips.
When I first watched the show, I really liked Zen and Shirayuki together. But thinking forward to their future together, I can’t see a way for everyone to get everything they want in that relationship. I don’t think it would be possible for shirayuki to practice her passion in medicine and be queen/princess. She would have to choose one or the other. If Zen wanted to be with her no matter what and she refused to give up her work, he would have to give up his royal title and I don’t think he would be content with that. Obi would never make her choose I think. He would do anything to make her happy.
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