#obikin coded
bottomlessp1t · 2 months
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new trope alert i guess
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laysidel-dekie · 10 months
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A rare image of Anakin watching over Obi-Wan sleep.
“Master, why did you have to choose this dustball for your self-imposed exile?”
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tennessoui · 3 months
giving the best dialogue to anakin and padmé divorcing once more lol <3
“If it were your best friend who choked on flowers he couldn’t give you, what would you do?”
Anakin blinks, more than a decade’s worth of Jedi training the only thing keeping him from reeling back. “What?” Padmé’s eyes gleam back at him, hard as flint. “If Master Kenobi developed hanahaki for you, if you saw him in pain because of you, would you have done what I did for Sabé?”
Anakin shakes his head, suddenly lost and feeling rather like the trap has been sprung. “You didn’t do anything wrong to her,” he says helplessly. “You said you paid for her surgery–”
“There were two things I could have done,” Padmé replies. “But I was a good wife. I didn’t even think about the other option. I didn’t even try. Because of you.”
The other option. The only other cure for the flowering disease: for the love to be returned.
Anakin cuts his eyes away from the face of his wife. They jump from the fireplace to the open doors leading to a balcony, to a chair in the corner to the old-fashioned books tucked neatly away in their alcove. “Don’t ask me this,” he says, begs, because Padmé is his wife and once, he loved her ardently.
But she is also a politician, and she knows to never give in when she is so close to her victory. “Tell me what you would do,” she demands softly. “Tell me you would do the same. If it were Obi-Wan dying, tell me you would hold his hand as he underwent the surgery. Tell me that you would remember me.”
“He would never develop flowers for me,” Anakin snaps as if the words have been ripped from his throat, and his hands loosen behind his back, grab at the ends of his hair and then scrub roughly over his face.
Padmé’s lips curl and her eyes flash, a spark of embers beneath a blanket of ash. “Put aside your belief that your master is too much of a Jedi to fall in love, that is not what I want—”
Anakin shakes his head, once, sharply. He feels cornered. Like a wild animal, biting at anything that encroaches into his space. “You asked me to speak and now you will not listen,” he snarls, and he is being cruel. This is cruel.
But this is also the truth, and it is what she wanted. 
“He would never develop flowers for me,” he says again. “Because you only develop flowers when the love is unrequited. And there has never been a moment in my life that I have not been in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Is that what you wanted to hear, Padmé?” 
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nolouvreart · 1 month
Your artwork is genuinely stunning. I can't stop staring at your young Obi-Wan pieces. Not sure if you're an Obikin fan but do you have any fanfic recs? I just found the ship after rewatching the prequels for the first time in years and would love to read some more.
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Thank you!!🤍 And well… I rather enjoy it!! Even have this WIP but there too much to clean up💀
There are few fics that I read about them and that I actually enjoyed: “Second Chances” by Lorixjake, “Needing/Getting” by chapstickaddict and “Streets of Gold” by BarmaDumet
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Obi-Wan: I'm off. Got some Paperwork to do.
"Paperwork ":
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mmelolabelle · 1 year
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— i think i’ve seen this film before, and i didn’t like the ending / i’m not your problem anymore, so who am i offending now? / you were my crown, now i’m in exile seeing you out
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liltaireissocute · 1 year
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i hope this amount of grievous is okay lol i can add MORE
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billowypantss · 8 months
if not for the obi wan of this land i would have slaughtered you
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gaily-daily-musings · 3 months
"Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead"that would definitely hit hard, dunno if I would like it if it's about my favorite couple and them not getting together but they could be the two love interests as well. I dunno. Whatever rows your boat 😁
This sorta reminds me of my hallmark au (the second chapter specifically) in which the love interests of two separate relationships find each other at the airport in which they were abandoned by their fiance in for the Small Town Christmas Hunk. But let's give this a proper go!!!!
“And that's why I choose you,” Padme whispers softly. She smiles, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I love you.”
Anakin looks stunned, unable to speak. He doesn't move, unnaturally still under her touch.
“Well?” She laughs. “Say something.”
She can forgive his loss of words. After all, it wasn't everyday a girl ran out of her own wedding. She must look ridiculous standing there in her wedding dress in the middle of the hallway. But she doesn't care. Love made you ridiculous.
They both flinch. Padme turns to see her fiance (now ex) panting at the top of the stairs. Obi-Wan stalks down the hallway, stopping a few feet away from them. His hair is in disarray, his tie is askew, he looks an absolute mess.
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin stares at him, eyes wide.
Padme's hand falls back to her side. Shock doesn't even begin to cover it. But it didn't matter, she'd already made her decision.
“I'm sorry it came to this. Truly I am. You didn't deserve to be left like that.”
Not to mention leaving all their family and friends. Frankly Padme is surprised he bothered to chase after her. She would have thought he'd be too busy with the mess she'd left him in. Again, she feels guilty for doing so. It'd been a spur of the moment kind of thing. Like something out of a romcom. Turns out running out of the church in the middle of your wedding wasn't as cool as the movies made it seem to be. Still, regardless of how poorly she'd handled herself, she loves Anakin. She wants to be with him.
Over the past six months leading up to the wedding, Padme never in her life would have thought she'd meet another man and fall head over heels. But she did. She'd agonized over whether or not to go through with marrying Obi-Wan. She'd known him for years. He was a kind and good man.
But Anakin? Oh, he was a whirlwind. He'd swept her off her feet. She didn't want to settle. She wanted a spark. She wanted fire.
She'd met Anakin while bike riding. She'd taken a tumble and he'd lifted her up in his arms and carried her back to safety. It was incredibly romantic all things considered. He even went back for her bike and promised to fix it for her. They then exchanged phone numbers so he could inform her when the bike was finished.
He sent her a text the next day along with a pic of him in front of the bike. He was shirtless and holding a busted chain. Padme, against her better judgment, texted back.
That evening Anakin asked if she wanted to go to a local Cafe for coffee? She'd hesitated. But then reasoned she could tell him she was engaged at the Cafe and hopefully they could remain friends. (She did not tell him she was engaged.)
The weeks passed into months and she found herself spiraling. He finally found out 3 months in. He'd been in a state of absolute panic. Padme had cried saying how sorry she was. He left after that. She didn't expect to ever see him again.
A week later Anakin showed up at her door. She'd never taken him to her place before, lest Obi-Wan find out. But she had let him drop her off before. Her mistake.
“What are you doing here!?” she'd hissed.
Too late Obi-Wan emerged from the back to ask who it was. He froze, staring right at Anakin. Anakin spoke before he could get a word in.
“Hello sir! You must be Obi-Wan! I'm Anakin! Your fiance had a fall on her bike a couple months back and I offered to fix it for her! I got a little caught up but I finally finished it!”
Anakin presented the new bike. Padme hadn't even noticed it off to the side. Obi-Wan looked like he was having a hard time computing the situation. Padme quickly thanked Anakin and shut the door in his face.
The ensuing conversation was thankfully short. She told Obi-Wan that yes she fell and yes she was fine; it was months ago after all. Obi-Wan asked several questions about Anakin. They struck her as a bit odd as they seemed overly suspicious and Obi-Wan had never been a particularly jealous man. But he dropped them quickly enough.
Everything was fine again after that. Except then Anakin texted her again. Padme knew she shouldn't respond. But she did.
So now here they all are. Standing outside Anakin's apartment. She should have broken it off sooner with Obi-Wan but she was a coward. She hadn't wanted to break his heart.
Padme waits for the outburst. For the anger. For the confusion even. But it doesn't come. In fact he isn't even looking at her. Obi-Wan is staring at Anakin. He hasn't once glanced in her direction.
A thought crosses her mind. Padmé’s brows wrinkle. “How did you even know I was here?”
The question drops to the ground with a thud. Anakin exhales, heavy and harsh. No one is looking at her.
“I didn't want you to get married,” Anakin's voice is soft.
She turns back at him and gives an incredulous little smile. “Yes, I know.”
Anakin frowns, not saying anything more. Padme's smile falls. She takes a step back as if that will help her figure out the situation. She just needs a new angle to see clearly.
Anakin closes his eyes then opens them. He looks right at her. “I met Obi-Wan two years ago. It was brief. It ended quickly. When I met you I swear I didn't realize who you were. But then I saw Obi-Wan’s picture on your phone and you told me you were getting married and I couldn't take it. I couldn't…”
He trails off. Padme has an ugly sinking feeling pooling in her stomach.
“It was like the universe was pushing us together again.”
Padme's head slowly turns to her ex fiance. Reality crashes down on her. She's standing in a hallway in a wedding dress, and neither man she loves wants her. She feels foolish. Ridiculous.
Padme bites her lip. Tears form in her eyes. She gathers her skirt and quietly walks back out the way she came. One of them, or both of them, call out. She doesn't respond.
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bunnywan · 10 months
creep by radiohead is so obi-wan having a crush on his underage padawan coded
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arobiwan · 4 months
Obikin at Mustafar:
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Hanging by a Thread - Billy Talent
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
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"Yes, it is actually a thing" lol
Honestly I'm not sure I'll ever outdo myself in "putting these men in ridiculous situations"
I peaked with goat yoga (chapter 34 of Pining in Preschool)
thank you for the smile to start my day :)
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Can we talk about how it’s pretty much canonically accepted that Obi-wan just makes every eligible human/alien around him horny? He’s just that attractive.
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tennessoui · 3 months
vos has entered the hanahaki au group chat <3
“There is one more thing, Obi-Wan,” Healer Che says as he is smoothing down his robes, holo scans of his lungs clutched in one hand.
“Force,” he snaps, “what else is there?” 
I’m dying, it’s unavoidable this time, it’s because of my own foolishness, it’s because of my uncontrolled heart, it’s because of my own weakness. I’m dying and there is nothing to be done except allow it to happen and now you tell me there’s more?
The smile she gives him is one part wry, two parts sad. A sliver of his pride rankles at the perceived pity, but he should probably get used to it. Eventually, he will be incapable of hiding his condition, and everyone will look at him the way Che is now.
“It is rare that we must give a terminal diagnosis,” Che says. “When we do, it is our practice to contact the patient’s emergency contact, pull them back from their mission or their leave should they be outside the Temple, so that the patient does not have to come to grips with the news by themselves. But given the nature of this disease, I want to have your explicit consent before moving forward. Do you agree to allow me to reach out to your emergency contact?”
Obi-Wan looks at her and then scrubs a hand over his face, letting his shoulders drop. “Force,” he says, drawing out the word like a curse. There isn’t really much in the way of a choice, though he appreciates Che for taking the time to frame it as one.
After all, his emergency medical contact will find out soon anyway. Best to give him permission to abandon his mission before he does so of his own volition and looks to pin the blame on Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
“Fine,” he says. “Fine, you may contact him. Tell him I’ll be in the Room of Some 30 Odd Fountains, meditating. He’ll know what I mean.”
And it’s truly a mark of how dire the situation is that Healer Che does not point out that she is not his messenger nor his secretary. Instead she inclines her head, and shows him out of her office, smile falling gracefully into an unreadable expression, tinged with sorrow. 
Not without empathy, but without pretense.
“Do you think Skywalker knows I’m still listed as your emergency medical contact?” Vos asks, dropping into the empty seat across from Obi-Wan and immediately leaning forward to steal his drink. “Because if he doesn’t, I think I’m best suited to break the news myself.”
“I do not wish to speak about Anakin Skywalker,” Obi-Wan says, stealing his drink back from Vos’ wandering hands and downing it in one go.
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bitter-caf · 1 year
You try so loud to love me
I cannot seem to hear...
And as you grip me like an animal that you're about to spear,
"Be good to me" I whisper
And you say "what?" And I say,
"Nothing dear"
-That Unwanted Animal, The Amazing Devil
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obikin247 · 2 years
One thing I did not really did pay attention to all this years .Is how Palpitine played the whole Jedi council with his demand that Anakin should be on the council. In a way they doomed themself without konwing it by pushing back against Palpitine . He of course did know how Anakin would take that personal .
To show it was them who decide which should be a master and on the council .
Because Anakin is such a entilted manchild, he could not see through Palpitines lies and manipulation .
And no I dont think he deservd to be a Master at that point even if Obi -Wan thougth he would be in the near future . That makes Obi-Wan to the most tragic charachter in the whole saga. He had so much trust ,hope and Love For Anakin . And he lost everything .
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