#obi-wan is just as stubbornly stupid tbh
tennessoui · 3 months
Anakin: i can't believe this shit!! Some clueless asshole is literally killing my master with his stupid cluelesness!!
Padmé: looks at the camera like jim from the office
It really is wild of obi-wan to be like NO ONE can tell anakin anything about who gave me these flowers it NEEDS to be a secret he needs to remain clueless or else he will feel terribly guilty which I do not want
as if vokara che, who isn’t particularly close with either of them, didn’t take one look at him and go oh so these are for your padawan right.
like if obiwan DID die, anakin would find out within 15 minutes because some random initiate would be like “I heard master kenobi died because you didn’t love him enough. Sucks for you.”
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