#obamitsu if you squint
m1khailingf · 20 days
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If you squint you can see a bit of obamitsu
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theserlingbucket · 8 days
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Birthday boy!
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applepie-enthusiast · 1 month
Reapers and Guardian Angels AU ft. Sanegiyuu, Sabigiyuu and others
(Warning: Brutality, Murder, Suicide mention, Bullying, please proceed at your own risk please.)
Reapers are souls of the humans who have passed away but have committed a grave crime (a tricky definition) during their life time when they were alive, and they have to "atone" for their sins by reaping other souls and delivering them to either heaven or hell. Their memories as a human are erased for convenience. (Leader: Muzan)
Guardian angels are souls of the humans who have passed away saving people (also a tricky definition) and thus their lives were cut short i.e. untimely death. They retain their memories of their past lives in order to be more empathetic and kind. (Leader: Ubuyashiki)
Reapers and Guardian angels ("guardians") don't get along well for the reason that reapers think that guardians disrupt the natural order of things by dying earlier than their scheduled deaths. Guardians often don't like it when they weren't allowed to save their humans anymore because of reapers saying "it's time for them to go. Don't interfere."
Sanemi is an exceptional reaper who has been reaping souls for more than three hundred years. He does his task fast, with no unnecessary attachments, and often leads souls to where they belong without blinking an eye or feeling sorry for them when the humans think their deaths were "untimely". He however offers VERY rare comfort to the souls of confused good kids, as well as loving mothers who are worried for the children they will leave behind. Though he tries to control his emotions, he doesn't really like reaping souls of abusive fathers. The specific reason for that, even Sanemi didn't know. Three hundred years of reaping hasn't made him completely numb, as opposed to his other colleagues who seem to has complete zero damn about the souls they reap. He's close with Obanai, Rengoku and Tengen, though, they aren't assholes. Rengoku has been around for two hundred years while Tengen for one hundred years. Obanai has been around for Two Hundred and Fifty years. Sanemi hates Kokushibou and Douma, who are the top reapers.
Sabito is one of the newest Guardians. He passed away only ten years ago, and was given the chance to look after his best friend, whom he had sacrificed his life for as a human. Sabito requested to be Giyuu's guardian which took a lot of convincing from their leader. He has the privilege and at the same time, the curse of seeing Giyuu again while seeing him continuously blame himself for his death. Sabito is close with Makomo and Mitsuri, who are his seniors. Makomo has been a guardian of lost children for three hundred years, and Mitsuri has been a guardian for girls who had suffered from heartaches. She has been around for Two Hundred Fifty years as well.
Giyuu Tomioka is a lone office worker who lives alone and has no friends, aside from Shinobu, who occasionally gives him her time, though by teasing him but nevertheless she is obviously worried for him. She often visits him to check on him.
Giyuu has been living while being depressed for losing his parents, his sister in a gruesome and brutal burglary gone wrong and murder. He was found by a kind old man and his grandson Sabito. Being around the same age, Giyuu and Sabito bonded and eventually made dreams together. Giyuu was incredibly happy again.
Until he wasn't. Giyuu was being bullied in the school where he went with Sabito. That fateful night that the bullies planned to go too far and beat him up, Sabito came to the rescue and was the one stabbed in the chest multiple times. After that, the bullies left. He had also lost Sabito.
The one who was supposed to die was Giyuu, but Sabito took his place. Because of that, Sabito became a soul and later on the assigned Guardian for Giyuu.
Anyway, Giyuu is an anomaly and no matter what he did to end his life, he wouldn't die because no reapers want to mess with him for evading death multiple times.
Until Sanemi was assigned to reap him.
Suffice to say, Sanemi and Sabito don't get along well.
Sanemi tells Sabito to fuck off, but Sabito for the first time, also held his ground and would mess up Sanemi's attempts to reap Giyuu.
Sanemi was starting to get pissed off as well, until he got to know why Sabito was desperate to save Giyuu and why Giyuu is as he is.
He began to wonder more about Giyuu, and became curious of him.
Perhaps staying longer than he planned and delaying the date, Sanemi gained the rare permission to become a soul with a temporary physical body and he interacted with Giyuu as a new neighbor.
Needless to say, they bonded as well and little by little, the light in Giyuu's eyes returns.
Sabito began to question his own efforts to separate the two as he sees Giyuu is finally himself again;
And Sanemi is conflicted to reap Giyuu, especially when an ultimatum was given by his boss. Otherwise, other top reapers will reap Giyuu if he doesn't.
And they weren't exactly gentle or kind.
Cue Sabito and Sanemi fighting for Giyuu, and unintentionally dragging their friends for this one simple man.
Sanemi didn't know why he became so easily attached to Giyuu, until he remembers his past, his human life.
And he is shocked to have seen a glimpse of Giyuu in his memory, yet it was set in a scenery from too long ago; and he couldn't understand the intense and unbearable pain in his heart at the thought of losing Giyuu again.
Flashback of how they met as children more than three hundred years ago. Sanemi came from an abusive home where his father always beats his mother and siblings up. While Giyuu had a brother who also left him due to a plague that hit their village years prior.
Soon enough, as they got to know each other as the years went by, Sanemi and Giyuu became lovers, in a small village far too invested in the thought of a deity. Yet Giyuu was accused of being a "monster" just because he held "a flower that wilted upon his touch". It has no basis whatsoever but the villagers who were too engrossed in superstitions aimed to kill Giyuu. Sanemi found out that they had killed his mother and siblings as well.
Devastated, to add salt to the injury, his father became insane and instigated the hunt for Giyuu, who they believe is the reason for all the misfortunes in their lives. Sanemi protected Giyuu by killing all of those villagers, yet during the onslaught, Sanemi succumbed to his injuries on Giyuu's arms as the latter cries in anguish and pain.
Sanemi was sentenced to be a reaper for an indefinite amount of time to atone for his sins.
(Also tengen unwillingly killed his siblings due to crazy death match by his father and was sentenced to be a reaper after he died)
(Rengoku protected his family dojo from ransacking of the rival dojo and ended up killing their leader, thus was sentenced to be a reaper as well)
(Obanai backstory as well with his cray family being one of those crazy fanatics as well except he met Mitsuri. They bonded and fell in love. When Obanai was about to be killed by his own family, Mitsuri took the blow for him and died in his arms. Suffice to say he killed them in rage as well)
So as you can see, the qualifications to be an unwilling reaper is so hazy, with morality being disregarded and the reason for killing not justified. They were all stuck to this life with no escape. Even sadder they don't remember a thing.
Anyway, you can see how Mitsuri became a guardian for saving Obanai. Makomo saved her grandfather from death as well.
This story is aimed to mirror human cruelty and brutality throughout the years smh and how there will always be shitty people no matter.
Anyway back to the story, Tengen, Obanai, Sanemi, Rengoku, Mitsuri (SHE REMEMBERS OBANAI BUT BUT...) Makomo and Sabito fights Kokushibou and Douma for Giyuu.
Anyway that's all for now ahahaha.
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skullywullypully · 2 years
Shinobu, teaching Obanai to drive: Okay, you're driving and Mitsuri and Giyu walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Obanai: Oh, definitely Giyu. I could never hurt Mitsuri.
Shinobu: Same.
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sunnyasswaffles · 3 years
if the hashiras had a modern au group chat
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- 9 dumb bitches -
Flame Himbo 🔥: Good Morning Everyone! 😁
a literal watermelon 🍉 : good morning Rengoku!
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: so are you mfs gonna ignore the fact that its fuckin 6am or??
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: shinazugawa your ass sleeps in until noon stfu
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: also who changed our usernames? 🤨 i thought “festive sugar daddy” was a keeper :(
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: okay and?? that doesn’t mean i want to be woken up at the ass crack of dawn
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: whoever changed my fuckin name better change it back or i’ll eat your ass
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: B
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: PFFFFFF
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: I MEANT BEAT DAMMIT
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: it’s too early for this shit
*ugly feral chihuahua 💨 is now offline*
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: AHAHAHAHAHAHA
a literal watermelon 🍉 : poor shinazugawa :(
Flame Himbo 🔥: What’s A Himbo?
a fucking god 🌊: come to think of it, you should keep that name, rengoku.
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: agreed
Flame Himbo 🔥: ?? It Was A Genuine Question :((
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: wait
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: hold on
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: tomioka was it your ass that changed the usernames?? 🤨
a fucking god 🌊: it was and i have no regrets
a fucking god 🌊: until the bitch that ate my onigiri fesses up, the names are staying as they are.
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: istfg..
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: sanemi lookin kinda sus
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: bro your late
Flame Himbo 🔥: You’re*
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: im this close 🤏🏻 to blocking you
Flame Himbo 🔥: Awh Why? I Was Just Making Sure You Use Proper Grammar, Uzui :((
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: damn, i didn’t know this was english class bro. im such a silly goose 🤪✌️
Flame Himbo 🔥: 🥲
a literal watermelon 🍉: don’t be mean uzui >:(
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: anyways.. it was tokito that ate your onigiri @a fucking god 🌊 because he said you took his squishmallow and haven’t given it back yet 😁
vape cloud ☁️: bitch, why you gotta snitch on me
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: because you know i wanted to eat it to piss him off
a fucking god 🌊: i hate you both
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: 😁💕
vape cloud ☁️: @a fucking god 🌊 give me back my squishmallow
a fucking god 🌊: i gave it to obanai
vape cloud ☁️: without my permission?? bro-
im a slithery lil slnakey slnake 😝🐍: no you didn’t…
vape cloud ☁️ : tomioka. if you dont give me my squishmallow back i will send your ass to mars.
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: ☕️👀
Flame Himbo 🔥: …
a literal watermelon 🍉: 🍿
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: 🤭😈
dilf THE ROCK johnson 🪨: Tokito, must you threaten him with such violence?
vape cloud ☁️: yes
a fucking god 🌊: i’ll give it back i promise just let me have it for one more night
vape cloud ☁️: no, buy your own.
a fucking god 🌊: fine, but you owe me onigiri.
vape cloud ☁️: i dont owe you shit
vape cloud ☁️: and, kocho. don’t think you’re off the hook for snitching..
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: you try anything, and i’ll throw your ass on the streets.
dilf THE ROCK johnson 🪨: No you won’t.
vape cloud ☁️: see? himejima got me.
dilf THE ROCK johnson 🪨: That doesn’t give you permission to torment Kocho.
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: 😚✌️
Flame Himbo 🔥: I Still Don’t Know What A Himbo Is.
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: google is free
a literal watermelon 🍉: what does that have to do with himbos, uzui?
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: Rengoku, Kanroji, i love you both but sometimes i really feel like you both share the same braincell.
okay im a slithery lil slnakey slnake 😝🐍: uzui stfu, leave mitsuri out of it.
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: silence simp
vape cloud ☁️: simp
ai yai yai im your little butterfly 🦋: simp
a fucking god 🌊: simp
*ugly feral chihuahua 💨 is now online*
ugly feral chihuahua 💨: simp
*ugly feral chihuahua 💨 is now offline*
Flame Himbo 🔥: I Don’t Know What It Means But, Simp.
im a slithery lil slnakey slnake 😝🐍: i hate all of you
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: except for Kanroji 😉
*im a slithery lil slnakey slnake 😝🐍 is now offline*
a literal watermelon 🍉: guyyyss stop being mean to obanai :((
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: you know i had to do it to em
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎:
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vape cloud ☁️: i respect the drip 😔✊
a raging bisexual with big tits 💎: as you should 😌
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somereaderinblue · 3 years
We Don’t Talk About Muzan
(Sabito & Giyuu)
We don’t talk about Muzan, no, no, no!
We don’t talk about Muzan
It was my wedding day (It was our wedding day)
We were getting ready and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky
(No clouds allowed in the sky)
Muzan walks in with a malicious grin
You telling this story or am I?!
(I’m sorry, my love, please go on)
Muzan says, "It looks like rain." (Why did he tell us?)
In doing so, he floods my brain (Sakonji, get the umbrellas)
Married in a hurricane
(What a joyous day but anyway)
We don’t talk about Muzan, no, no, no!
We don’t talk about Muzan
Hey! Grew to live in fear of Muzan stuttering or stumbling
I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch!
It's a heavy lift, with skills so troubling
Always left Kagaya and the Slayer Corps fumbling
Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand
Do you understand?
A seven-foot frame,
Rats along his back
When you call his name,
It all fades to black!
Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams!
We don’t talk about Muzan, no, no, no!
We don’t talk about Muzan
He said my spiders would die, the next day, dead!
He said I would lose my leg, and just like he said
He said that all my hair would disappear, now look at my head
(All three of them)
Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read!
He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine
He told me that my power would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the vine
He told me that the girl of my dreams, would be just out of reach....
Betrothed to another
(Daki & Zenitsu)
(It’s like I hear him now) Hey, boy?
I want, not a sound out of you (It’s like I hear him now)
(I can hear him now!)
Um, Muzan
Yeah, about that Muzan-
I really need to know about Muzan
Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Muzan!
Hey Hashiras, Upper Moons are here!
Time for slaying!
[A/N: Sorry, this is too confusing to write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just imagine it]
(Everyone & Tanjiro)
Don’t talk about Muzan! (Why did I talk about Muzan?)
Not a word about Muzan
(I never should've brought up Muzan!)
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shirairo · 4 years
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Firework Cuddle
(And then she stood up)
For @sweet-childhood-dreams :)
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