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Wow. Just.... Wow.
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Another charmer. His first message ever was sent at 9:22. His second at 9:27. I wasn't online at the time either....
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Sighs. So the story behind this is as follows: sometimes I accidentally open up the "oasis" app on my phone. For those of you not familiar it's a green coloured app like a couple of other apps I have such as what'sapp. And the same as FaceTime and messages. So sometimes I click on the wrong one. Furthermore I have three pages of icons on my phone so sometimes I will go to the third page and click on where Facebook is only to open up oasis by mistake. Also sometimes I don't have time to really reply to many messages so I will log on and I take screenshots of the messages I haven't gotten around to replying to yet. Because the little symbol next to their name can dissapear after an hour, or a day or a few hours (it's kinda random lol) so I routinely screenshot them so I don't lose them. In this dudes case I'm not sure which it was for the first two messages when I saw the third. My doctor called me in then so when I got home I opened his message to reply to explain these (despite the fact in my bio it DOES say just because I've not yet replied I'm not ignoring I'm just busy!) to see the fourth message and that he'd deleted me. Some men on online dating are soooo freaking needy! Sighs. NB: at least he didn't change one day into three like- lol- extralonghotdonkey who's donkey ducks gone to his brain....
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I’m guessing he means “be nude and play?”
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Ooooh you have a merc, automatic panties dropper there. Not. I’m not that shallow. Now if it was a Ferrari or Porsche may well be a different story... 😜
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Let me tell you what I *need* mate: I need to delete you because I want nothing to do with such a shallow guy. I *need* to do that before I feel the urge to punch the screen because today is *not* the day to piss me off or test me believe me....
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Because all that matters is what I look like right....
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Ummmm not sure I'd accept that sort of username....
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Love passive aggressive sarcasm, it really makes me want to keep talking to someone and to catch up with them. And I'm sooooo sorry I have relatives over for the first time from overseas and am going to have surgery. It's just sooooo rude and inconsiderate of me I know....
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Sighs. My name is in my username ffs....
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He deleted me because I didn't reply. But I wasn't online late Saturday night/Sunday afternoon. This drives me fucking mental- being deleted for not replying straight away. Some of us are not attached to our phones or laptops or iPads 24/7 like there's a bloody umbilical cord. Grrrr. Rant over. ( 🎼 my blog and I'll rant it I want to, rant if I want to... ��� )
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