#oakville ark
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sn1ckie · 2 years ago
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this is how i imagine the room looks when anthony does a emotional scene where he is just screaming
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urbanhermit · 2 years ago
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Saint of the Day – 13 June – St Anthony of Padua OFM (1195-1231) Evangelical Doctor – Hammer of Heretics – Professor of Miracles – Wonder-Worker – Ark of the Testament – Repository of Holy Scripture. St Anthony of Padua is one of the most famous disciples of St Francis of Assisi. He was a famous preacher and worker of miracles in his own day and throughout the eight centuries since his death, he has so generously come to the assistance of the faithful who invoke him, that he is known throughout the world amongst many who are not Catholics too. St Anthony of Pauda Parish, on Meramec Street in St Louis City was the older brother of my home parish of St Francis of Assisi in Oakville, MO. My Dad's parents would go to confession at St Anthony's because they could confess in German. The parish was also the Provincalite of the Sacred Heart Chicago-St Louis Province. When I was in the Army I spent 2 of my years in San Antonio, Tx, & the last two of my undergrad studies at St Mary's University in San Antonio. An excerpt from Sermon, I #226 The man who is filled with the Holy Spirit speaks in different languages. These different languages are different ways of witnessing to Christ, such as humility, poverty, patience & obedience, we speak in those languages, when we reveal in ourselves, these virtues to others. Actions speak louder than words, let your words teach & your actions speak. We are full of words but empty of actions and, therefore, are cursed by the Lord, since He Himself cursed the fig tree when He found no fruit but only leaves. Gregory says: “A law is laid upon the preacher to practice what he preaches.” It is useless for a man to flaunt his knowledge of the law, if he undermines its teaching by his actions. We should speak, then, as the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of speech. Our humble & sincere request to the Spirit for ourselves, should be that we may bring the day of Pentecost to fulfilment, insofar, as He infuses us with His grace, by using our bodily senses in a perfect manner and by keeping the commandments. Likewise, we shall request, that we may be filled with a keen sense of sorrow & with fiery tongues for confessing the faith... https://www.instagram.com/p/CevsHttLE1d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lanterncozies · 3 years ago
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This is basically what my book@ark making station is going to look like @artinmygarden. I have prepared some water colours for you and will have black ink for the writing on my old Kelsey letterpress. Butcher twine and ribbon I’m going to have three blocks to choose from - but what words? A quote? EXLIBRIS? I’m not sure but I would love some suggestions. Anybody out there have a (short) sentence that would suit a bookmark? Please comment or dm. I have to have them carved in advance…. And I’d like to be able to post a quick tutorial in advance of The day. . #kelsey #letterpress #letterpressprinting #bookmarks #bookmarksofinstagram #watercolourpainting #watercolourart #craft #radicalselfexpression #slowliving #analoguevibes #hardcopy #itshappening #oakville #oakvilleontario #artwalk #unexpected #serendipity #lastminutegifts #library #librarylove #librarylovers #booklovers #booklover #booklove #readersofinstagram #butchertwine — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3BC5lE4
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vinhosemsegredo · 6 years ago
Em mais uma reunião da confraria, o almoço no ótimo restaurante de carnes Varanda Grill, foi regado com alguns cult wines de Napa Valley. Parte deles, como Cabernet Sauvignon puro, e os demais como cortes bordaleses. Nas duas versões, os americanos mostram que entendem do assunto, cumprindo bem a função de digerir a fibrosidade de alguns cortes nobres com seus poderosos e finos taninos.
  uma festa para bons taninos!
Os cortes acima, miolo de alcatra e fraldinha, entre outros que desfilaram, mostraram ótima suculência para abrandar taninos, um dos componentes do vinho de maior conflito em harmonizações.
Antes porém, uma pausa para refrescar este impiedoso verão. Chardonnay e Sauvignon Blanc americanos.
uvas bem interpretadas com tipicidade
O Chardonnay à esquerda, pertence à região da Costa Central, beirando o litoral californiano, a sul de Napa Valley, a caminho de Los Angeles. Região de altitude em Santa Bárbara que compreende as AVAs: Santa Rita Hills, Santa Ynes Valley, e Santa Maria Valley. Trabalham muito bem as uvas Chardonnay e Pinot Noir. Neste exemplar, o vinho passa 10 meses em barricas com baixa porcentagem de madeira nova. A fruta está bem presente, o vinho tem frescor e equilíbrio. Os aromas são elegantes, lembrando algo da Borgonha.
O vinho da direita é um belo Sauvignon Blanc do histórico vinhedo Eisele, propriedade de Araujo Estate. Como curiosidade eles trabalham com um clone exótico de Sauvignon Blanc denominado “Musque”. O vinho tem um mix de aço inox, barricas usadas e uma pequena porcentagem de novas. Como estilo, fica no meio termo entre um Sancerre do Loire e um Bordeaux blanc. Fresco e muito instigante.
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históricos vinhedos de Napa
O vinho da esquerda é do histórico vinhedo Eisele em Calistoga, extremo norte de Napa Valley. Pela lei americana, um vinho com mais de 85% de uma determinada uva é considerado varietal e pode colocar o nome da uva no rótulo. Neste caso, temos 93% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Cabernet Franc, e 3% Petit Verdot. O vinho passa 22 meses em barricas francesas, sendo 75% novas. Vinho de muita estrutura, sem sinais de decadência e com boa vida ainda em adega. 92 pontos Parker.
Enfim, o primeiro 100 pontos do almoço, Abreu Madrona Ranch 1997. Talvez o melhor Abreu de toda a história. Tinto complexo, elegante, cheio de nuances. Madrona Ranch é um vinhedo histórico da AVA Santa Helena, mesclando uvas bordalesas. Neste corte temos 50% de Cabernet Sauvignon, 35 a 40% de Cabernet Franc, o que explica a elegância do vinho, e uma pequena porcentagem de Merlot e Petit Verdot. O vinho passa 24 meses em barricas francesas novas. Um Bordeaux de primeira classe. Foi páreo duríssimo para o Dominus 1994, que será comentado a seguir.
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200 pontos na mesa
O ponto alto do almoço. Se existe perfeição em Napa Valley, ei-la aqui. Harlan Estate é um corte bordalês de alta classe. Com cerca de 80% Cabernet Sauvignon, e o restante com Merlot e Cabernet Franc, é um autêntico margem esquerda. Esse da safra 97 é um dos mais perfeitos Harlans. Tem potência e elegância num nível absurdo. É profundo e de longa persistência. Enquanto o Abreu descrito acima encontra-se no auge de sua evolução, este Harlan ainda tem chão pela frente, embora já delicioso.
Já o vinho da esquerda, é a perfeição num Cabernet Sauvignon puro. A safra 97 foi uma das históricas da vinícola boutique Screaming Eagle com produção limitadíssima. A potência e a montanha de taninos que esse vinho apresenta consegue ter a mesma dimensão na textura cremosa de seus taninos. Um tinto impactante que tem força para te esmagar, mas no entanto te dá um abraço carinhoso. Espetacular!
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estilos opostos
Este foi sem dúvida, o painel mais contrastante em termos de estilo de vinho. Dominus 94 é um vinho praticamente perfeito com 99 pontos Parker. O ícone dos cortes bordaleses de Napa com 70% Cabernet Sauvignon e o restante entre Merlot e Cabernet Franc. Um vinho inteiro, cheio de charme e elegância. Embora com um pouco mais de estrutura que o Abreu 97 acima comentado, ainda tem alguns anos para atingir o pleno apogeu. Os vinhedos da Dominus estão na AVA Yountville, divisa de comuna com Oakville.
Já o Colgin Herb Lamb 1994 foi o vinho menos evoluído do painel com um rubi profundo na tonalidade de cor. Um Cabernet austero, potente, e bem casado com a madeira. Precisa de decantação, pois de início pareceu um pouco fechado. Aguenta fácil mais uns dez anos em adega, mostrando o potencial de longevidade destes grandes tintos de Napa. 96 pontos Parker. Os vinhedos da Colgin estão na AVA Santa Helena.
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sete anos depois …
Não é foto repetida não. Foi mais um flight desta estupenda dupla de tintos sete anos mais nova com a safra 2004. Não temos mais 200 pontos na mesa, mas o nível continua altíssimo. Este Screaming Eagle 2004 tem 97+ pontos de Parker. A novidade é que apesar de ainda ser um Cabernet Sauvignon em sua essência (85%), temos um pouco de Merlot e Cabernet Franc. A profundidade de sabor e a elegância de taninos continuam notáveis. Evidentemente pela juventude, ainda tem bons anos em adega.
Passando ao Harlan Estate 2004, um monstro engarrafado com 98 pontos Parker. É de uma riqueza e elegância excepcionais. Fica difícil julga-lo neste momento, mas seu equilíbrio, estrutura de taninos, seu poder de fruta, são arrasadores. Seu apogeu ainda está longe, mas será um dos grandes Harlans memoráveis.
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AVA Oakville
O mapa acima mostra a AVA (American Viticultural Area) de  Oakville, uma espécie de Denominação de Origem americana. Assim como temos as comunas de  St-Estèphe, Pauillac, St Julien e Margaux em Bordeaux,  em Napa temos Rutherford, Oakville, Santa Helena e Stag´s Leap. A atenção especial a Oakville vem do fato de ser o distrito que abriga as vinícolas Harlan e Screaming Eagle em lados oposto do vale. Harlan Estate do lado esquerdo do mapa, junto ao conjunto de montanhas Mayacamas, tem um solo aluvial, bem drenado, proporcionando vinhos elegantes e com bom potencial de guarda. Já o lado leste de Screaming Eagle, junto as montanhas Vaca, tem um solo mais pesado de origem vulcânica e um clima mais quente, proporcionando vinhos de grande caráter e potência. Acho que isso explica bem a diferença destes dois ícones americanos, embora grandiosos em seus respectivos estilos.
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join venture famosa de Napa
Opus One foi uma jogada de mestre do carismático Robert Mondavi, unindo-se ao Baron Rothschild para produzir um dos mais icônicos tintos de Napa Valley. Este 2007 provado é um dos melhores de todas as safras já produzidas. Ainda jovem, tem uma boa trama tânica, bem equilibrado, e bem dosado nos seus 19 meses de barricas francesas novas. Tem 95 pontos Parker e é composto de 79% Cabernet Sauvignon, 8% Merlot, 6% Cabernet Franc, 6% Petit Verdot e 1% Malbec.
Já o Opus One 1997 é um vinho pronto, muito agradável no momento, bem equilibrado, tendo todos os terciários de um corte bordalês. Embora seja um dos grandes de Napa, não foi páreo para o time de cima como Harlan e Screaming Eagle. Este exemplar tem 88 pontos Parker. Opus One pertence à AVA Oakville.
  garrafa magnum e bife de tira
Este tinto apresentado em Magnum, foi dos menos empolgantes do painel. Hundred Acre é uma das vinícolas boutique mais badaladas na atualidade, pertencente à AVA Santa Helena. Este Cabernet Sauvignon do vinhedo Ark safra 2007 não despertou paixões, embora bastante macio e pronto para ser apreciado. Faltou um pouco mais de estrutura e classe para chegar ao nível dos demais. Como curiosidade, valeu a experiência, mostrando que devemos ter cuidado em separar o joio do trigo. Muitas vezes a publicidade e o influente lobby do vinho fala mais alto que a verdade na taça.
Enfim, fica mais uma vez ratificado que os cult wines de Napa são vinhos de grande prestígio, de grande poder de longevidade, a despeito de preços estratosféricos como Harlan e Screaming Eagle. A diversidade de marcas e estilos enriqueceu o painel, mostrando que a confraria voltou com força total para 2019. Agradecimentos a todos pela generosidade, a boa conversa, e o entusiasmo por sempre estarmos presentes e compartilhando histórias. Que Bacco nos proteja!
  California Dreams Em mais uma reunião da confraria, o almoço no ótimo restaurante de carnes Varanda Grill, foi regado com alguns cult wines de Napa Valley.
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whatwentviral · 7 years ago
7 Sailors Emerged From Diverse Backgrounds to Pursue a Common Cause
“He was going out on so many adventures with his fellow sailors, and we at home missed him,” said the sister, Lan Huynh. But, she added, her family was “so happy that he was finally happy.”
“He found his purpose and he loved every minute of it,” she said.
Seaman Huynh, who went by Tan, was born in Da Nang, Vietnam, in 1992, and immigrated with his mother to the United States in 1994, looking for a better life, said Ms. Huynh. But his mother struggled to find her economic footing here, and his childhood was difficult and unsettled, with the family moving often. As the oldest of four siblings, he felt the tug of responsibility.
By 2014, Seaman Huynh, who his sister said became a citizen in 2009, was yearning to find adventure and a way to provide for his family, his sister said. So he enlisted in the Navy and was soon assigned to the destroyer that traveled to ports in Australia, Japan and Korea.
Mr. Huynh turned 25 on June 16, shortly before the collision that cost him his life.
“Wishing him a happy birthday,” Ms. Huynh said, “was the last thing we said to him.”
In recent years, the military has tried to draw in immigrants with programs that allow enlistees to become citizens after basic training, attracting about 5,000 takers each year, according to the Defense Department. One out of every 13 sailors is foreign born, the highest proportion in any military branch, according to the Navy. The service regularly holds citizenship ceremonies aboard ships.
At the same time, the proportion of racial and ethnic minorities in the military, mirroring the nation as a whole, has surged to 40 percent — nearly twice what it was 20 years ago.
Former sailors from the destroyer said the diverse ranks shared a common cause.
“You are crammed in with all sorts of cultures on the ship,” said Corey Bell, 23, of Wynne, Ark., who served on the destroyer with six of the sailors who died. “But when you are on the Fitzgerald, you’re family. There was no racism or nothing.”
The relatives of Gunner’s Mate Second Class Noe Hernandez of Weslaco, Tex., whose family immigrated from Central America, followed his Navy travels around the world from their small town in the southern tip of Texas. Seaman Hernandez, 26, was stationed first in Italy, then in California, then in Japan.
“We just felt so proud that one of our own was living this life,” his cousin Aly Hernandez-Singer said. She added, “To me, he represents — I’ll be honest, I have to say it – what Trump says we are not. He represents the good side of the Latino community. He was a proud American. He was a good citizen, and he was Latino and proud of his roots.”
Monday was supposed to be the birthday celebration for the brother of Fire Controlman Second Class Carlos Sibayan, 23. Instead, his mother, Carmen, said she was preparing for a Mass at her home in Chula Vista, outside San Diego.
Ms. Sibayan said that her son was born in the Philippines and that the family left when he was 4 to join his father, who served in the United States military. Friends describe Seaman Sibayan as an outgoing sailor who regularly dominated informal tournaments of the video game Super Smash Bros. that were held on the destroyer.
“He helps people,” she said. “He loves to help everybody. He’s a very good kid. He’s a good big brother.”
Ms. Sibayan said that even though her son was a citizen, she had seen postings on Facebook denigrating him and his death.
“My son died because he was protecting their ass,” he said. “People are saying he is a Filipino, that he’s not a hero. Things like that. I hate it. I hate it. I have to stop looking at Facebook. They need to stop posting things that are not right.”
Ryan Canate said he attended third grade with Mr. Sibayan on a military base in Japan, and reconnected with his old friend on Facebook about five years ago.
“Even back then he was very sure he wanted to be in the Navy and serve our country,” Mr. Canate said. “As military brats, we are taught at an early age that our parents are deployed and something can happen to them,” he said. “But to learn that happened to him? He was 23 years old.”
Yeoman Third Class Shingo Douglass, 25, of Oceanside, Calif., was the son of an American Marine father and a Japanese mother. Like many on the destroyer, he liked to listen to metal songs and play video games during his downtime.
While serving as a boatswain’s mate with Mr. Bell, he painted vast portions of the now crippled destroyer, and at first, he said, they were merely bound by shared drudgery. “The day we became friends, we pulled into port in Japan and I heard him talking on his cellphone in Japanese,” Mr. Bell said. “After that he kind of became our tour guide.”
Seaman Douglass would translate kanji and take friends to hole-in-the-wall concert venues where they could see their favorite American metal bands touring Japan.
“He was a stand-up guy, a hard worker and a great friend,” Mr. Bell said.
Also killed were Gary Rehm Jr., 37, of Elyria, Ohio, who followed in the footsteps of his World War II veteran grandfather by joining the Navy, and was just months from retirement, and Dakota Rigsby, 19, of Palmyra, Va., who before joining the Navy volunteered for his local fire department alongside his mother.
Personnel Specialist First Class Xavier Martin, 24, of Halethorpe, Md., whom friends described as kind and mature for his age, also had an international heritage. He was the son of a black father from Detroit and a white mother from France, according to his friend, Cristina Dunstan.
“He was raised by his father, who was his best friend,” she said. “They talked almost every day on the phone.”
Seaman Martin emulated his father in everything he did, including exercising daily and joining the Navy, she said. He loved working on cars, and was constantly souping up his Mazda. Whenever he made a new modification, he would call his father to share, she said.
Ms. Dunstan began to cry as she described the moment Mr. Martin’s father realized he had missed a call from his son minutes before the deadly crash.
On Monday, she said his father, Darrold Martin, was surrounded by family and deeply sad.
“It’s very hard,” Mr. Martin told a Baltimore television station shortly after learning of his son’s death. “He’s my only child, he’s all I have.”
Reporting was contributed by Jess Bidgood from Oakville, Conn.; Adam Nagourney from Los Angeles; Manny Fernandez from Houston; Patrick McGee from Dallas; Bruce A. Kauffman from San Diego; Jonah Bromwich from New York; and Kitty Bennett from Washington.
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The post 7 Sailors Emerged From Diverse Backgrounds to Pursue a Common Cause appeared first on What Went Viral?.
from What Went Viral? https://www.whatwentviral.com/7-sailors-emerged-from-diverse-backgrounds-to-pursue-a-common-cause/
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eatplusdrink · 8 years ago
Best Bottle Dinner @ Gwen
This is your chance to taste some of the greatest wines ever made - over $10,000 worth of collectable gems - a fantastic journey with great food, a dynamic audience, in a exclusive private setting at one of LA's premiersteakhouse's. Great Champagne, Burgundy, Bordeaux, and California Collectables will be served... A dinner at BOA steakhouse is always a treat, all/ any dietary needs will be addressed (with advanced notice). wineLA provides all the hiqh-quality wine service, decanting and stemware; all wines will be poured blind for a non-bias discussion and better appreciation. Price is all-inclusive and will increase as the dinner approaches sell out ..... more wines will be added at that time. All pours are approx 1-1.25 ounces, a large number of great wines will be enjoyed throughout the evening. We host this scale of dinner quarterly and while our approach is different, wine is abundant and the price value is unmatched. We look forward in having you will join us!!
$895 per person
Wine List
CHAMPAGNE FLIGHT Krug Brut, Champagne, France 1990 (97-pts Tanzer) $500 Dom Perignon Brut, Champagne, France 1995 (95-pts Tanzer) $295 Salon Cuvee 'S' Le Mesnil, Blanc de Blancs, Champagne, France 1996 (97-pts Parker) $500
BURGUNDY Robert Groffier, Les Amoureuses, Chambolle-Musigny Premier Cru, France 1995 (everyone knows this should be Grand Cru) Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Bonnes-Mares, Grand Cru, Burgundy 1998 (Mindblowing with Air - $500 Value)  Robert Arnoux, Romanee-Saint-Vivant, Grand Cru, Burgundy 2002 (Incredible - $650 Value)
BORDEAUX Chateau Cheval Blanc, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru, Bordeaux 1990 (98-pts Parker) $1200 Chateau Margaux, Margaux, Bordeaux 2000 (100pts-Parker, Spectator, Suckling - A perfect wine) $1200 Chateau Latour, Paulliac, Bordeaux 2001 (95-pts Parker) $650
CALIFORNIA CULT CABS Joseph Phelps Vineyards Backus Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon, Oakville 2012 (94-97pts-Vinous) $1000 Frank Family Vineyards "Patriarch" Cabernet Sauvignon, Rutherford 2012 (98-pts Parker) $240 Harlan Estate, Napa Valley 2004 (98-pts Parker) $650 Screaming Eagle, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 2011 (99-pts Suckling) (price is going up $2349 average) Seven Stones, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 2011 (A favorite of Ian Blackburn) Hundred Acre "Ark Vineyard" Cabernet Sauvignon, Howell Mountain 2012 (100-pts Parker) (winner of our July dinner)
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villagecigarcompany · 6 years ago
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It’s Tabernacle Tuesday! A passion for Broadleaf, a super premium Foundation Cigar, the Tabernacle is the cigar that showcases Nick Melillo aka "Chief of the Broadleaf’s" passion for the Connecticut Broadleaf. Nick-R-Agua blended this smoke using a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper over a San Andres binder and combined filler using tobacco from Jamistran in Honduras and the Jalapa and Esteli Valleys in Nicaragua. The bold smoke itself is rich and meaty with a roundness of flavour that touches on almost every pleasurable aspect of the palate, with earthy tones, hints of raisin, ripe fruit and steak, and a finish of a fine dark Swiss Chocolate paired with an espresso. The Tabernacle Box tells the story of the cigar’s name. The artwork features an image of none other than Hailie Selassie, 225th King of Abyssinia, whose lineage traces directly to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The reference to “Tabernacle” is as a container for the Ark of the Covenant. “They call me ‘Chief of the Broadleaf’ for a reason,” Melillo said. “I have been working closely with farmers in Connecticut for over ten years. Broadleaf is more than tobacco for me. It’s something sacred.” Find this incredible powerhouse short torpedo inside each of our three custom built walk-in humidors today, Tuesday! Village Cigar Company & Barbershop Burlington, Oakville & Guelph VillageCigarCompany.com #cigar #barber #BurlON #BurlONT #DTBurlON #Oakville #DTOakville #Guelph #premiumcigar #handmade #walkinhumidor #getitatVCC #barbershop #barbershopconnect #barberlife #cutthroat #straightrazor #shave #haircut #beard #toronto #hamont #milton #classic #VCCarmy #foundationcigars @foundationcigars @nickragua #tabernacle #tabernacletuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/BqIPivWBvic/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mmo4n1mes6uw
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reedsaloser · 2 years ago
lark?? doing that thing?? and the doodler thing?? ngl, i was tearing up in my car
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this is how i imagine the room looks when anthony does a emotional scene where he is just screaming
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