#oakli is really cute actually
hmmm 5 is a good number!
and behind door number fiiive... is lincoln/normal! i actually really like these two so im glad this number was pulled hehe
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what-if-nct · 10 months
HI NO BECAUSE TODAY'S REMINDER WAS LITERALLY GOING TO BE CATBOY DAN WTF!!!!!!! why what how i have SO many questions and also like. can you believe it. can you believe how far we as a nation have come. how did we go from Dan watching straight porn with Tyler Oakley to this?!!!!!! from "the power of triangles" to this?????? we used to have to look for crumbs in their eight videos together a week and now Phil is just out here openly taking thirst traps for him???? once a phannie always a phannie i guess because fuck me this has gotten my 14-year-old fangirl senses rising from the dead
Hiii! And oh my god really?!! Great minds think alike cause I was in disbelief. Cause if it was Phil it'd be shocking but not as much cause Phil's a silly little guy who's always doing something mildly questionable and silly. But look at how far Dan has come, Ten years ago Dan would be in absolute disarray if you even brought this to him. I'm so proud of him. Cause even as a joke this is so outside of the box for Dan. The 2013\2014 phan girlies are living their best life. And oh my god the whisk!!! I totally forgot about that I still even as an adult never looked into how the whisk was used but I do not desire to find out. I haven't heard Tyler Oakly's name in years. I recently started watching emo YouTubers I use to watch and Dan and Phil being like some of the original Emo YouTubers and the legacy still going strong is so wild to me. There's a YouTuber named Christian Novelli his aesthetic is actually perfect and he has a band, fox academy, i love their music. I remember he had a little friendship with Phil cause they looked like brothers. And Deefizzy! I feel like no one remembers Deefizzy. I remember he would reply to me on Younow.
Oh random side note. I had to go to insta to look at the pictures again and I got distracted a lot and I somehow found the guy I was seeing who looks like Doyoung's insta it was just like there I don't even have his number so I don't know how it was even there. I didn't follow him but I looked around and he's so cute and nerdy and slightly pathetic and precious. I wrote needy instead nerdy that works to cause he once messaged me "do you miss me mommy" before calling me on Snapchat and now I remember why I ghosted him. Nevermind. I snapped out of it. I might snap back but only if he calls me. Hearing his voice is the only thing that has and can break me.
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gottalovetheletos · 7 years
Shannon, a family man. Part 2.
Authors note: I once again want to state. I do not own any of these pictures they’re all from google, tumblr or pinterest. x x
WARNINGS: Cuteness.
Shannon Imagine.
After the evening of Jared and Constance coming over they returned home. Our last week was up, so while the men were away Constance came over to stay. I was very uncomfortable. 4 days away from my due date. Shannon wasn’t too happy they had to go away for a week before the baby was going to be born but, it’s what they have to do. On the first day Constance came over it was raining so we had a nice day inside. The girls and their Nana were making lots of things in the play room. Like me Constance loved to play and make things. In this house we love a creative mess. Shannon was ringing us on face time. Jared was with him. 
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“Hello my babies, hello mom.” “Hey guys, how are all of my girls?” Jared added. 
““Daddy, Uncle J” The girls shouted in unison. “Hey guys how are you doing? I hope you’re taking care of Tomo”. Was the first thing Constance said. She’s so caring. 
“We are! We’ve landed and have just arrived at the hotel. How’s the bump babe?” “Uncomfortable, I feel like I’m ready to explode” I told him.
“No mommy don’t explode” Eden shouted looking sad making Constance and I giggle. “Oh honey, mommy won’t really explode” She explained to Eden. The guys had to go as they were just checking in with us to let us know they arrived safely. They were off to go and get dinner. 
It was time for the girls to go to bed so we took them upstairs. Bathed them, brushed their teeth and tucked them into bed. Us each having one to read a bedtime story to.  After we went into the garden and admire the night life with a nice cup of tea. 
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As we were watching the bats and other creatures of the night I felt like I needed to thank Constance for coming to help. I honestly don’t think I could have done it by myself. “Mom, thank you for coming to help me with the girls. I can’t thank you enough.” She looked at me with the most loving stare. “Really, Y/N it’s no problem. Thank you for letting me help you. You know those girls are my life. You and Shannon have raised them well. They are two of the most beautiful, polite, smart, creative children I know. You show the girls there is nothing that will stop them from achieving their dreams”. Her little speech made me tear up. “Thank you, you know sometimes I feel like I’m not doing a good job with them. I struggle, you know with being pregnant and all, but its nice to hear that. Thank you” “Shall we go inside?” Constance asked. I nodded my head and we gathered our mugs. Once they were in the kitchen sink we grabbed our favorite books and sat on the sofa in the living room and read until 10 pm. “My goodness, I didn’t realize the time” I gasped. We said good night and went to our rooms.
*The next morning* 
 Usually I don’t need an alarm clock when the girls are off of school and day care because they are my alarm clock however it was 9 am. I managed to have a lay in. I walked downstairs to see the girls at the breakfast table, eating breakfast and doing some drawings while Constance was doing the washing and ironing.   
“Mom, what are you doing? You’re here for a break. Please let me finish that”. I stated. “Oh honey really. You’re about to give birth do you really want to be doing all this. Honestly tell your mommy to rest girls” She laughed with the girls. “Mommy, will you draw with us?” Eden asked. “Mommy. Paper” Saskia said handing me some paper. I looked at Constance. She just nodded at me, so I took a seat. I whipped out my phone and asked the girls to pose with their waters that they had in mugs so I could send a picture to daddy. 
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I sent him a text saying: “Taking after their daddy!! xxx” 
He sent back: “😂😂😂. Ahh I miss you guys so much xxx” 
A couple days went by. I was sitting on the sofa talking to Shannon on face time. “So we’re gonna make our way back today. It’ll take a couple of hours. Is your hospital bag packed?” Shan asked me. “Oh good. We cant wait to see you and yes everything is in there” I told him. We were lost in conversation when “Shit Shannon. I think my waters just broken”. “What are you sure?” “Shannon what do you mean am I sure! Yes I’m sure, I’m fucking sitting in it. I must have been having slight contractions earlier. I thought it was just cramps” I laughed. “Babe you’re going to have to leave now If you wanna make it to the birth of your son” I added. “I’m gonna get my stuff and start driving to the hospital. See you there. Don’t give birth without me being there okay?” he sounded panicked. We’d done this twice already, both births taking over 8 hours and he’s panicking. “Yes Shannon I’ll squeeze my vagina to hold him in” I joked trying to lighten his mood. “That’s my girl. Love you see you soon” “Love you too daddy”. I found my way to Constance. “Erm. we’re going to have to ring the upholstery cleaning company. My waters have just broken all over the sofa” I told her. “What? Oh my god. I’ve gotta get the girls and your bag”. “Mom, calm down please”. I laughed. “I’ll go and get the bag. Please can you call the upholstery cleaning company first then get the girls ready. I’m gonna have a really quick shower” I asked her. She nodded and looked for a company to clean the sofa. Since I’d already been through this twice I knew it was not a fast pace like in the movies, so I went an had my shower. After I dressed in comfy clothes and put my bag by the front door. I went into the girls room where Constance was getting them dressed. “Don’t worry we’re not in a rush. The contractions have to be 5 minutes apart. At the moment I’m around 15 minutes. The hospital wont take me in if they’re more than 5 minutes apart. I say I’ve got at least half an hour. 
 It was actually an hour and a half before we went to the hospital where Shannon had arrived at the same time as us. “Oh good no baby yet” He rushed over and gave me a kiss and kissed the girls. “Jared’s just parking the truck” Shannon told us as he was picking up Saskia. We waited for Jared out the front of the building. “Shouldn’t you guys be inside? Aren’t one of you having a baby?” He joked. “Oh is that why we’re here?” I joked back. “Good to see you Y/N. How you doing?” As he asked me that a contraction pulsed from inside me. “Ahhh.. Brilliantly thanks J”. “Right lets get you inside” Shannon took my hand helping me into the building. Jared picking up Eden on the way and putting his other arm around his mom. Jared and his mom and the kids were in the waiting room asleep on the chairs. Shannon came out. “Guys, my little boy is here” He said gently to wake them up but not the whole waiting room. “Can we come an see” Constance asked tiredly. He nodded and lead the way to the room. “Guys meet Oakly” I introduced him. 
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The girls were in awe of their new little brother. Constance stood next to me wiping the tears from her eyes and bending down to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. “He’s beautiful, can I please hold him?” “Of course you can” I said handing her my precious baby boy. Jared came over to hug me too and admire his new nephew. “Well done Y/N, he’s so handsome just like his uncle”. “Give the kid a chance J. He’s handsome just like his dad.” Shannon chuckled. 
I sat back and watched as everyone was laughing a giggling and in this moment I knew our family was complete. 
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galazarus · 6 years
Pokemon Au
Some background first! I think Professors giving kids a pokemon is apart of a research program that you can sign up for and have to be picked from a list of other kids. Pokedexs and the rare ‘starter’ are apart of the program. Normally people go on a journey with their own pokemon. Also! I like to think there’s a contest in every region. If I was a pokemon trainer I would be from the Unova Region born and raised. I wouldn't leave right away on a journey. My family’s not to well off so id work for a while and leave later on. I like to believe i would finally be able to get my own pet! A Poochyenna and i can go on my journey at 20 years of age. Id honestly have NO idea what I’m doing because my “research” is “how much do dog pokemon eat?” and “how does tent???” and giving up on anything other than that. I also SUCK at reading maps soooo thank god we live in an era of GPS. Id probably make plans to see friends and call them often but I’m not good at communicating at all! Since I’m alone I don’t eat to well and have to actively look for fruit and not buy candy every time i look up. Id love my tiny little dog I lovingly named Poochy and Id try my best to make her happy but I’m awkward when it comes to dogs. I’d like the idea of collecting all of the pokemon but realistically i cant take care of them! And an entire team would be hard as well but worth the effort. Id try to think about team balances but lets be real. I want cute ones! The Gym leaders would be hard and would probably force me to catch another pokemon for my team. A Pidove a happy name Coop! I keep walking forward until i encounter the desert and end up stumbling upon a Darumaka! I try really hard to catch it and i successfully do! And its a success! I name her DeeDee! Running into team plasma would be so annoying and for some reason they have very similar pokemon. I’d bother me what they were doing and id stand up for kids and other trainers. Id never be happy about it and id probably be very vocal about being against plasma. Hopefully i make some friends along the way. And i would be try a few contests! I’m nervous but hey, that’s how it is right before a public performance. As a theater kid id know. Id be a pretty average contestant but that’s totally okay with me! Id be happy participating and if i actually win one id be surprised but happy though its not needed!! Poochy would be my main contest pokemon and I’d try to make her look super cool. I’m not a fast person and I’m very relaxed go with the flow like. I imagine the journey would take a long time for me to complete. When winter comes around im upset and refusing to camp out in the forest so i dont make to many moves away from towns when its to cold.  I eventually feel like im doing to much lingering and ill try and go ahead anyway despite how cold it is. This is where i meet my Deerling i name her Blanche! I also meet a sweet heart Poliwhirl who i named Oakly. They turn out to be a sweet duo and get along really well! I love route 8. Its such a nice area, pretty with all the ponds and puddles. I spend a lot of time here training for battle and contests. One my way through route 14 I find a Cubone abandoned and i take him in and name him Cuball! I wont realize this until later but he is an Alolan Cubone.  I have an entire team and i continue training, contest training, and battling trainers until I’ve made my way to the league. I wasn’t sure how to get there but i wasn’t about to backdown due to nerves! I wanted to see exactly how far i could go! If i won that’s great but if i lose that’s fine because I’ve already made it farther than i thought i ever could! I don’t make it to far with the league (with my team fully evolved) and that’s totally okay!! I take down Shauntel’s team with great difficulty before moving on to Marshal’s before being brought to my knees. I knock out one of his pokemon before mine gets defeated and i smile, thank him, and leave. Its fine with me! Not everyone can be champion and i think my talents are best elsewhere! I make my way home slowly reflecting on my journey and everything i learned and the people i met. I hope to have helped some people and to have grown into a stronger person because of this. I imagine coming home and my family celebrates and that’s fun, but id move out soon afterwards.  Id find place to stay(hopefully a small house on route 8) and id often leave for contests and maybe a regular job in either Opelucid City or Icirrus City. Maybe if i save enough money i can visit some other regions, but for now? this seems like enough In short, my journey wouldn’t be a big deal. Id have struggles, most with confidence and quick thinking but learning to overcome that and move faster for me and my pokemon’s sake isn’t impossible. Id work the hardest i could on gym battles with a heavy interest in casual contesting and when i get to the Pokemon League id fail pretty early on never meeting the champion but I’d be happy with where i land, I’d go home with my team and live my life in peace.
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