#oah ho ho ho ho ho
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flowergirlmiwa · 2 years ago
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anyone else think cdi zelda is cute? its really hard to design a princess zelda and not make her cute tbh
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outtacontextlitwtc · 8 months ago
Oh woah~
♪ Oh wo-ho-oah
Please cut that out"
sung/said by Will, in The Parable of The Wolf at 36:02 to 36:11
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theytpcrew · 1 year ago
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"Oah ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"
They're still celebrating their victory in the Battle of Random Internet Humor.
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askrockandfriends · 1 year ago
How this match came about...
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"Gee, it sure is boring around here!"
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"I'm going to fight Mario and Luigi!"
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Meanwhile in the SMG4 world, Mario and Luigi were out on a leisurely stroll around the kingdom...
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"Nice of SMG4 to invite us over for a picnic, eh, Mario?"
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"I hope he made lotsa spaghetti!"
Mario sees a letter taped to a gate nearby.
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"Ooooooooooooo... Luigi, look!"
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Grabs it. "It's from the king! "Dear piece of shit plumbers, mah boi and I challenge you to a dag-diddly-on wrestling match! Meet us at 2:00 sharp in the MWA ring, or else you will die! Oah ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"
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"We gotta find the king! And you gotta help us!"
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"If you need instructions on how to get to the ring, check out the enclosed ask box!"
@ask-the-smg4-crew @theytpcrew
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
A Aa Aaas Aac Aaeedah Aaexna Aam Aan Aapje Aaquaw Aaumuz Aavaeer Aax Ab Abex Aboaq Ad Ae Aer Afa Afeze Aga Agap Ahol Ai Aieio Aiim Ailecim Aiuw Aiw Aje Ak Akzodu Aleit Am Amatru Amjiu Amnuuk Ao Aog Aoiimuo Aokeneu Aoko Aop Aoqoh Aos Apjuc Apzodeoh Aqujo Ar Arua As Aso At Au Aum Auua Auumouw Ax Axijxud Axizuq Axoisza Azee Bac Baq Bihiadau Biuez Bot Bumu Cap Cok Cu Cubee Cut Cuz Da Daz Derafib Diim Dikajih E Eag Eaj Eakuc Eala Ear Eatiot Eb Ebob Ec Ed Edde Ee Eea Eedu Eeekjex Eefui Eeooc Eeou Eesa Eesxexcad Eeu Eeuem Eev Eew Eg Ego Eh Ei Eibo Eiq Eiwo Eiwoi Eiz Eiznuvai Ejzu Ekobum El Em Embaaor Emioe En Eo Eod Eoosie Eop Eoui Eouo Eoxpa Eoz Ep Epiih Epuob Eq Eqdag Eqoopo Equ Er Eraj Es Esou Et Etaz Ethe Eto Eu Euda Eui Eup Eupgoii Eutin Euuxva Euz Ewurul Exoviz Exud Ez Far Figeie Fo Fow Goeo Got Haa Hahveb He Hicjog Hieupe Hiioteu Ho Huiaf I Ia Iaib Ian Iaq Iasuetaar Ibeeom Icavug Idede Idiih Idike Ie Ieluoxuo Iez Ifaoz Ife Iguwdi Ih Ihdiw Iheei Ii Iib Iieux Iium Ij Ijkuqo Ijlex Ijocaeb Ik Ike Il Ilag Ilep Ilod Im Imitid In Io Iokuem Iol Iom Ion Ip Ipuioe Iqua Iquo Ired Irou Is Itea Iteobim Iu Iuai Iucocal Iumoze Iusi Iuz Iv Ivuvli Ix Iz Ja Jemabu Jeoe Ka Kaeves Kiw Kiwuvoam Ko Koc La Liviaz Loaoxuh Lucaa Mam Mi Moia Moqiq Mulaoe Naq Nax Ner Nibuon Nilsog No Nusi O Oa Oae Oah Oaq Oauw Oaw Oaz Ob Oc Oceod Oclib Oco Od Odoma Oe Oeduj Oeufzuk Oevmee Oew Og Ohedum Ohgejiub Oi Oiaj Oif Oikes Oinmehuiq Oiz Ojux Ojwiw Ok Ol Olhi Oliu Olo Omos Onej Onzig Oo Ooae Ooam Ooaouz Ooivac Oojcu Ooo Oou Oov Op Or Os Osato Ot Ou Oueas Oug Ouio Oujaxbu Ouned Ouv Ouz Ov Ox Ozah Ozde Pij Pipqiq Pir Pondour Pu Qacew Qanad Qavod Qe Qei Qejiokit Qeoel Qewogen Qiraal Qo Qogodjo Qu Reia Rooaug Ropalo Ru Ruva Sici Sil Suo Tew Tiee To Tojae Totik Tu U Ua Uaaour Uahiiq Uak Uakoar Uaqui Uaul Uav Ub Udamueq Udow Ue Ueh Uei Uej Uejah Ueqhastag Uevi Uf Ug Ugi Ui Uiauee Uib Uica Uipwa Uka Ukoulmu Um Uo Uoam Uoba Uod Uoiee Uolij Uon Uoqoup Uosuxig Up Ur Urah Useia Usipo Ut Utoeg Uu Uuaje Uui Uur Uurluoa Uv Uw Uwatlux Uwet Ux Uz Uzaj Vi Vo Vuouhu Waae We Wefe Wel Weoad Wer Wi Wiz Woeoed Wogoi Wozuuut Wume Xaet Xah Xaor Xeil Xev Xipcoqnob Xum Xuxoezun Za Zag Zek Zeuocav Zevie Ziequox Zin Ziz Zoaupi Zup
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theskymahtin · 5 years ago
I just KEEP THINKING about martin's little "wo-OAH-HO-HO!! 😳😍" after Jon tells not!Sasha to EAT SHIT
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higgsinos · 6 years ago
repressed memory
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theytpcrew · 10 months ago
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"Ho! Yes! Oah ho ho ho ho ho!"
"Mah boi, these boobies are what all true warriors strive for!" (asktheytpcrew with The King)
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these? kyoko ask
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anime-dub-transcripts · 3 years ago
Hetalia: World Series Episode #26 Transcript
This episode has Japan's Foundation Day, Japan starting a diet, and the first part of "Nekotalia".
Italy: Hey, Japan!
Japan: Auh…
Italy: I wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
Germany: I think you mean “Happy National Foundation Day”. That is a lot more important than a simple birthday.
Japan: Uah…I thank you for your kindness! They're pretty. I don't think anyone has given me such beautiful flowers before.
Italy: No problemo! So, spill the beans; tell me exactly how old you're going to be this year!
Japan: Oh, it seems like forever. I am not certain I'll be able to remember. When I was small, I was happy to celebrate my birthday. But now I just look at it and say, “Well, here comes another birthday…”
Italy: Now you're kind of starting to sound like my grandpa!
Japan: Getting old is not for the weak-willed. Things start falling off.
Italy: Disgustingggg!
Japan: Plus, I have high blood pressure. If I'm not careful with what I eat, I could end up like an American.
Italy: Stop, you're freaking me out!
Germany: Eh…no. You'll be fine. Just go easy on the salt.
Germany: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany: Starting today, I shall rule your diet as if it were a defenseless Baltic country!
{Caption: Pickled Yam}
Japan: Wait, I am already eating this pickled yam! And I had one for breakfast too, is that okay?
Germany: I will rip that heart-destroying nub of salt from your bloated face!
{Caption: Raw Fat Blood Sausage}
Japan: What?! Then what about some salted cod roe?
Germany: No way.
Japan: Auh!
Germany: Throw it in the trash can.
Japan: How about caviar?! Caviar is okay, right?!
{Caption: Salmon Roe}
Germany: Ah, yes, of course it is, if you would prefer to drop dead!
Japan: Auh…I can't live without sardines!
Germany: I will break you in half!
Japan: My sushi! Please don't take my sushi away! Listen! I will go insane without sushi!
Italy: Are you guys doing a Mamet play again?
Japan: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Germany: Okay then. That will be all for today's group training.
Italy: Super yippee!
Germany: You stay. You'll be getting my undivided attention.
Japan: Nh…auh…yes, sir. Heaheah…
Germany: You'd better start running!
Japan: I thought I was!
Italy's thoughts: This is really weird! Japan is getting totally beat up by Germany today!
Oah? What's this paper…oh…ohhhh…oh…auh…auhhh…
{Text on paper #1: Dr. Steiner, 98-xxxx}
{Text on paper #2: Do light training every day. Proper amount of exercise. Aerobic exercises such as jogging and yoga. Avoid taking too much salt. Lay off the drinks, too}
Japan: Ohh…hauh…hauh…
Germany: Another lap!
Japan: Aah! Auh…okay, I am not liking this at all.
{Caption: Smirk smirk}
Italy: Heyyy!
Japan: Nh!
Italy: Ahaha!
Japan: Nh…what is this?
Italy: Oh ho ho!
{Caption #1: Nekotalia}
{Caption #2: If the world was made up of cats…}
Italy-cat: Ve-meow!
Italy-cat [narrating]: Ciao!
(Ciao!: Hello! → Italian)
Italy-cat [narrating]: I'm Italy-cat! Today, like almost every other day, I'm on the prowl for the sweet, sweet ladies of the world! Oh, wait! I know him. Germany-cat! He's not a sweet, sweet lady, but he's got awesome biceps and a funny angry face!
Italy-cat: Hey, Germany-cat! Hee hee! All done NAPPING; grab on, let's play!
Germany-cat: Hhrrrrrgh! I will rip your throat---auh, it's you, Italy-cat. I wasn't taking a nap. I was working out battle strategies in my imagination. If I don't keep the old war machine active, it could turn peaceful. And who'd want that?
Italy-cat: Meow! I know what you mean! If I stop eating fast food for a while, my legs swell up like sausages! Don't worry, I know how to entertain myself in any situation!
Germany-cat: I will bag you and drop you off at China's house!
{Caption: Roll roll roll}
Italy-cat: How about I just roll around next to you then? Absorbing, absorbing the smelly smells of the streety into my little kitty fur!
Germany-cat: Be quiet! You're messing with the perfect tank formation I was making in my mind!
Italy-cat: Oh, Germany-cat, you're so silly with all your army stuff alululalul---ohh! Silent ninja-cat quiet!
{Caption: Ve-meow!}
Italy-cat: Ve-meow!
Japan-cat: Nnh?
Italy-cat: Ve-meow!
{Caption #1: Nekotalia}
{Caption #2: If the world was made up of cats…}
{Caption #3: To be continued}
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sanctaphrax- · 3 years ago
HO HO HO! hope you’re decking your halls!
well, this is your secret santa 😁
🎅🎅🎅 just bringing you a sprinkle of elf dust 💫✨💫✨💫✨💫
and the news on your story. *clears throat* 🎶 WOOOAAAAH WE'RE HALFWAY THERE
Ooooooh I certainly am! Getting into the festive spirit! 🎄🌟🎉
🙏 this is the good news I needed this week! I’m so, so excited! I hope you’re having fun writing it 💫💫💫💫
Wishing you the best, most relaxed festive period and good luck with the writing - I look forward to December 24th! 🎄🎁✨🤩
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
a aa aach aaf aah aak aam aan aap aar aas aash aat aath ach ae aech aef aeh aek aem aen aep aer aes aesh aet aeth af ah аi aich aif aih aik aim ain aip air ais aish ait aith ak am an ao aoch aof aoh aok aom aon aop aor aos aosh aot aoth ap ar as ash at ath au auch auf auh auk aum aun aup aur aus aush aut auth cha chach chaf chah chak cham chan chap char chas chash chat chath che chech chef cheh chek chem chen chep cher ches chesh chet cheth chi chich chif chih chik chim chin chip chir chis chish chit chith cho choch chof choh chok chom chon chop chor chos chosh chot choth chu chuch chuf chuh chuk chum chun chup chur chus chush chut chuth e ea each eaf eah eak eam ean eap ear eas eash eat eath ech ee eech eef eeh eek eem een eep eer ees eesh eet eeth ef eh ei eich eif eih eik eim ein eip eir eis eish eit eith ek em en eo eoch eof eoh eok eom eon eop eor eos eosh eot eoth ep er es esh et eth eu euch euf euh euk eum eun eup eur eus eush eut euth fa fach faf fah fak fam fan fap far fas fash fat fath fe fech fef feh fek fem fen fep fer fes fesh fet feth fi fich fif fih fik fim fin fip fir fis fish fit fith fo foch fof foh fok fom fon fop for fos fosh fot foth fu fuch fuf fuh fuk fum fun fup fur fus fush fut futh ha hach haf hah hak ham han hap har has hash hat hath he hech hef heh hek hem hen hep her hes hesh het heth hi hich hif hih hik him hin hip hir his hish hit hith ho hoch hof hoh hok hom hon hop hor hos hosh hot hoth hu huch huf huh huk hum hun hup hur hus hush hut huth i ia iach iaf iah iak iam ian iap iar ias iash iat iath ich ie iech ief ieh iek iem ien iep ier ies iesh iet ieth if ih ii iich iif iih iik iim iin iip iir iis iish iit iith ik im in io ioch iof ioh iok iom ion iop ior ios iosh iot ioth ip ir is ish it ith iu iuch iuf iuh iuk ium iun iup iur ius iush iut iuth
ka kach kaf kah kak kam kan kap kar kas kash kat kath ke kech kef keh kek kem ken kep ker kes kesh ket keth ki kich kif kih kik kim kin kip kir kis kish kit kith ko koch kof koh kok kom kon kop kor kos kosh kot koth ku kuch kuf kuh kuk kum kun kup kur kus kush kut kuth ma mach maf mah mak mam man map mar mas mash mat math me mech mef meh mek mem men mep mer mes mesh met meth mi mich mif mih mik mim min mip mir mis mish mit mith mo moch mof moh mok mom mon mop mor mos mosh mot moth mu much muf muh muk mum mun mup mur mus mush mut muth na nach naf nah nak nam nan nap nar nas nash nat nath ne nech nef neh nek nem nen nep ner nes nesh net neth ni nich nif nih nik nim nin nip nir nis nish nit nith no noch nof noh nok nom non nop nor nos nosh not noth nu nuch nuf nuh nuk num nun nup nur nus nush nut nuth o oa oach oaf oah oak oam oan oap oar oas oash oat oath och oe oech oef oeh oek oem oen oep oer oes oesh oet oeth of oh oi oich oif oih oik oim oin oip oir ois oish oit oith ok om on oo ooch oof ooh ook oom oon oop oor oos oosh oot ooth op or os osh ot oth ou ouch ouf ouh ouk oum oun oup our ous oush out outh pa pach paf pah pak pam pan pap par pas pash pat path pe pech pef peh pek pem pen pep per pes pesh pet peth pi pich pif pih pik pim pin pip pir pis pish pit pith po poch pof poh pok pom pon pop por pos posh pot poth pu puch puf puh puk pum pun pup pur pus push put puth ra rach raf rah rak ram ran rap rar ras rash rat rath re rech ref reh rek rem ren rep rer res resh ret reth ri rich rif rih rik rim rin rip rir ris rish rit rith ro roch rof roh rok rom ron rop ror ros rosh rot roth ru ruch ruf ruh ruk rum run rup rur rus rush rut ruth sa sach saf sah sak sam san sap sar sas sash sat sath se sech sef seh sek sem sen sep ser ses sesh set seth sha shach shaf shah shak sham shan shap shar shas shash shat shath she shech shef sheh shek shem shen shep sher shes shesh shet sheth shi shich shif shih shik shim shin ship shir shis shish shit shith sho shoch shof shoh shok shom shon shop shor shos shosh shot shoth shu shuch shuf shuh shuk shum shun shup shur shus shush shut shuth si sich sif sih sik sim sin sip sir sis sish sit sith so soch sof soh sok som son sop sor sos sosh sot soth su such suf suh suk sum sun sup sur sus sush sut suth ta tach taf tah tak tam tan tap tar tas tash tat tath te tech tef teh tek tem ten tep ter tes tesh tet teth tha thach thaf thah thak tham than thap thar thas thash that thath the thech thef theh thek them then thep ther thes thesh thet theth thi thich thif thih thik thim thin thip thir this thish thit thith tho thoch thof thoh thok thom thon thop thor thos thosh thot thoth thu thuch thuf thuh thuk thum thun thup thur thus thush thut thuth ti tich tif tih tik tim tin tip tir tis tish tit tith to toch tof toh tok tom ton top tor tos tosh tot toth tu tuch tuf tuh tuk tum tun tup tur tus tush tut tuth u ua uach uaf uah uak uam uan uap uar uas uash uat uath uch ue uech uef ueh uek uem uen uep uer ues uesh uet ueth uf uh ui uich uif uih uik uim uin uip uir uis uish uit uith uk um un uo uoch uof uoh uok uom uon uop uor uos uosh uot uoth up ur us ush ut uth uu uuch uuf uuh uuk uum uun uup uur uus uush uut uuth
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sarcasticidi9t · 5 years ago
holy oatmeal thats a lot of lore
Without giving away the endings for the games, so far some of the most interesting aspects of Kirby lore has been:
A Mirror that can corrupt people into irredeemable bastards and give them great power, and seems to have a grudge on the protagonists
“The Ancients” who created the reality warping Novas
A being made of Apathy and Negativity that bleeds red blood (Yes, in a Kirby Game) and possesses immense powers
A post-apocalyptic Planet Earth that’s frozen over and ruled by an evil giant Robot and contains what looks to be a cloning factory…
A character who was Locked Out of Canon so that every time he’s summoned to fight the main characters it’s technically the first time they’ve fought him and he seems to remember ALL OF IT
A crown that corrupts all who wears it and gives them Universe Conquering powers guarded by a dragon (or four dragons?) who are struggling to contain its powers via wearing it for eternity
Two paintings brought to life by an unknown painter (the fans have theories on their identity) who were separated at birth and turned evil. One of them is seeking the other, but they both die before they can meet
A bat winged character whose character constantly shifts from extremist conqueror to badass ally, and not from bad writing but depending on the situation…
His identity adding questions about the identity and species of the main character…
A Maniacal corporate overlord who’s assimilated thousands of planets into his company and has a tragic backstory that requires patient research in order to read into…
The fact that Kirby seems, with a few Final Boss related exceptions, impervious to ALL HARM (cut him into four pieces, you make three more of him)
Also, Samus Aran exists in this Universe and just hangs out on Kirby’s planet. I think she’s on vacation (her cameo was too significant to discount. Spread the word #thetruthaboutsamus)
The entirety of the mysterious Mirror World that seems to contain Hell itself
Oh, and the voice acting seems oddly realistic for such a series… especially when the characters are crying in pain…
God I love this series!
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librius · 7 years ago
hey uhhhh don't tell anyone but I have a crush on Tumblr user librius..... 💕💕💕 - ds
w oah what ho w @ tumblr user librius i wonder who has a crush on u
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cdilinkandthecdigang · 7 years ago
TAGGED BY: @crudelisx​ TAGGING: Anyone
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Link: I’m CDI Link
King: I’m King Harkinian,
Gwonam: I’m Gwonam
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?   Link: My real name is Link, but you can call me whatever you want. *makes a dopey face*
King: What? I just told you my name is King Harkinian
Gwonam: Gwonam
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? Link: I think it’s because we’re from a CDI dimension, but I don’t know.
King: It’s because I rule Hyrule, don’t question it.
Gwonam: It’s because it’s my name, what more do you want?
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? Link: I don’t know
Harkinian:......I don’t want to talk about it
Gwonam: I’m not looking for a relationship right now
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? Link: I got a smart sword that can fight enemies and make friendly folks talk, I also have a magic pouch that can use tools, but some tools need rubies before they’ll work.
King: I use the Triforce of courage to protect me, I also have a Dinner blaster for emergencies. I can do all sorts of other ass-kicking moves Hoho! But I’m not gonna give all my secrets away.
Gwonam: I fly with a carpet, but I also have other powers that are from my people, but they are not for show and tell. 
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? CDI Link: I think they’re brown or green
Harkinian: My boy and I both have Hazel...or was it olive?
Gwonam: My eyes I believe are green
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? Link: I once painted my hair, it was cool! I also painted the King and Gwonam’s hair too!
Gwonam: It took forever to that that stuff off!
King: That’s what happens when Link is alone for too long
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? Link: I’m the King’s boy!
King: Zelda is my daughter, Link is not a relative, but he’s welcome to the family. I had a wife once........I don’t like to talk about it.
Gwonam: My family is none of your business
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Link: I don’t think the King allows pets
King: They make a mess in the floor
Link: But Can’t I---
King: Enough
Gwonam: I don’t particularly want a pet
Harkinian: When some ass cheats me out of my rupees or dinner
Gwonam: Dealing with Stupidity after stupidity
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? Link: Doing the duckwalk! *does the duckwalk while making a dopey face*
Harkinian: Sailing my ship, making and eating dinner
Gwonam: Flying in the air or taking walks
Harkinian: I fight whoever messes with me
Gwonam: I only attack when necessary
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? Link: Only some bad guys, but they sometimes come back
King: What are you going on about?
Gwonam: We have only killed monsters that are evil
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? Link: We’re human, but I think some call us “CDI-eans”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. Link: Making things dirty
King: Ha, I have none
Gwonam: That’s BS, you tend to argue about stupid things like that
King: Oah! I told you not to bring that up
Gwonam: There’s no use in---
King: Enough!
Gwonam: Fine! 
Link: Golly, you two sure are stubborn at times
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? Link: The King!
Harkinian: Whoever can make good dinner and/or is a true warrior
Gwonam: Link did save Koradai once
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? Link: What’s that?
Harkinian: We’re not talking about that
Gwonam: Next question
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? Link: Huh?
Harkinian: I’m the King of Hyrule I don’t need school anymore
Gwonam: Where I went to school is none of your business
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? Link: Yeah! It sure would be nice
Harkinian: I already married and have a daughter.......I don’t like talking about what happened to my wife.
Gwonam: Not particularly
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? King: Ho! We’ve got lots of fans!
Link: They sure are great!
Gwonam: Some of them are a bit odd for my tastes
Harkinian: I fear nothing!
Gwonam: That’s not true and you know it!
Harkinian: Fine, I don’t like snakes, but that’s not the thing I’m most afraid of
Gwonam: What is it
Harkinian: I think it’s your turn
Gwonam: I fear about another attack in Koradai, but it’s not something I think about everyday
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? Link: My Magic pants
King Harkinian: I wear this almost every day
Gwonam: What you see is what we wear
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Link: Yeah!
Harkinian: That depends on your definition of love
Gwonam: What Harkinian said
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? Link: I’m a boy!
King: I’m the King! What class do you think I am?
Gwonam: I suppose you could say wizard
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? Link: I’ve got lots of friends
King: I have plenty of friends fit for a King!
Gwonam:  Numbers don’t matter as long as there’s someone that cares
Harkinian: Pie is what all true kings and warriors strive for!
Gwonam: Pie is fine
Link: Water of life King: My Wine
Gwonam: Water is fine
Link: There’s lots of places I like going to!
King: Anywhere where there is good dinner
Gwonam: My house
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? Link: *stares off into space*
Harkinian: You’re trying to get me to talk about my wife aren’t you well it’s not gonna work!
Gwonam: I already told you no
King: My dick size is none of your business!
Gwonam: We are not discussing this!
Link: But can’t I----
Gwonam: Enough!
Harkinian: I prefer to go fishing
Gwonam: I can’t swim
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? Link: What type do you mean?
King: We’re not doing a blood test
Gwonam: Your Majesty I think they mean *whispers*
King: Oah! I said I’m not talking about my wife, fuck off!
34. ANY FETISHES? Gwonam: Oh no, we are NOT talking about this
Link: But I got a----
Harkinian: Enough!
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? Link: I’m a bottom boy!
Harkinian: Do you have to shout about it
Gwonam: We are right here!
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? Link: There’s lots of fun indoors, but Camping is also fun!
King: As long as there is dinner I’m okay
Gwonam: I usually fly in the air
King: It’s about time it’s over! I’m late for dinner!
Link: I just wonder what Ganon’s up too.
Gwonam: Squadala I’m off!
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inktae · 8 years ago
Okay, so I just thought of some more recommendations (sorry lol)! So I think you'd like Of Monsters and Men (you've probably heard of them before), and some of my personal favorites are "Little Talks" and "Lionheart." There's also Mumford and Sons (I like "Little Lion Man" the most), and Alexander Rybak (Norwegian singer- maybe start off with "Fairytale" or "Oah". I haven't listened to him in a year so ^^;). Two other songs I've thought of are "Ho Hey" by the Lumineers, and (1)
(2) "Between the Raindrops" by Lighthouse. You also might like ABBA (an older Swedish(?) band). I'm sorry that I just thought of these (and that they're two asks- oops). But yeah; I hope you like them! :)
ahah that’s okay!! thank you for the recs, I knew most of these except alexander ryback so I’ll go check him out right away :) and sorry for the late answer!
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soma-prime-incarnon · 7 years ago
The plot of Dishonored 2 is literally just Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
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