#o: austin
violaobanion · 6 months
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scucharlie · 3 months
Austin genloss is Soo human btw, he's human in the way he lies to ranboo so ranboo will pick him, because he needs to live. he's so human in the way in the way he screams when Ethan dies and begs for ranboo and sneeg to react so he doesn't feel batshit, And he's human when he tries to kill the others, tries to survive at the end, and he's even more human when he dies
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macfrog · 5 months
what are joel, sarah, ellie, and reader doing on a typical day like today?
i had an ickle answer for you, non, but then @mrsmando sent me a tiktok and said it was scom coded, and - well. here's what my babies were up to today.
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the whole world 1.8k words | series masterlist warnings: lots of sickly-sweet family love, couple teeny mentions of ellie throwing up, joel's a flirt at the end
“…beautiful blue skies all day today with highs of eighty in some parts, cooling down into the sixties as we head into the evening…”
Your skin still smells like the pool.
Chlorine, chemical summer – and the sweet spritz of sunscreen. It’s still glistening, still shiny and tacky on your arms.
The girls were bathed the second you got back inside. Sleeves rolled to your elbows; suds slipping down swollen, sun-kissed cheeks.
One hand at Ellie’s back, the other swishing water at her tummy to make her giggle. Joel knelt at your side, wrestling with Sarah over a soaked sponge the entire time.
He kept wringing it over her head, cracking up at the look on her face – water dripping from the tip of her nose and her pouted bottom lip.
Mama, she announced – with a twang even sweeter than her dad’s – I ain’t talkin’ to Daddy no more.
You scoffed, nudging a rubber duck along the water to Ellie’s open hands. I’ll believe that when I see it, Duck.
As the water drained from the tub, Sarah let Joel bundle her in a towel and follow her – a trail of damp footprints along the hall carpet – into her bedroom to grab her pajamas.
Lasted long, didn’t it? you muttered to Ellie, swaddling her in a dino bathrobe.
It’s May. Everything is alive and bursting with color. The birds and the bugs and the static from the radio. The windchimes and the orange slices and the tickticktick of the neighbor’s kid’s bicycle, whirring past the house.
Your daughters giggle, sharing secrets through nuzzling noses and flashing toothless grins. Nearly seven and just turned one. All their mom’s beauty with their dad’s old soul, so you’ve been told.
You figure it’s just a flowery way of saying perfect. Everything about them is perfect.
Everything about this is perfect. The slow-setting sun, needling between the trees as she slips from the sky. The cool shade under the porch, the soft tinkle of ice in your glass. The scrape of the dog’s claws on the wood as she slumps down.
This life you’ve dreamt up, held together by string lights and hanging plants; made real by the trike parked over in the corner, the teething toy wetting the tablecloth.
It’s all so fucking perf–
A clatter echoes from the kitchen.
“Shit – Jesus –” Joel hisses, another crashing sound swallowing the rest.
Sarah peers up at you, eyes wide. Knees tucked under her chin, tiny in the chair beside you.
“Did you hear that?” you ask her, lifting your eyebrows. Doing your best not to break into a grin.
The corners of her mouth twitch. She looks just like you, in this light. Same cheeky smirk. You never really noticed it until you saw it on her.
“No,” she mumbles, pressing her lips into her knee. She giggles.
Your eyes thin. “Mhm.”
“Mhm,” she mimics, reaching for her Barbie.
You lean back in your chair, arms wrapping a little tighter around the toddler in your lap. “You sure you’re okay in there?” you call through the house.
Joel’s arm swats around the kitchen doorframe. “Fine,” he says. “Fine. It’s just – goddamn it – it’s fine.”
“Heard that,” Sarah says. She stares at the doll’s hair, combing it flat.
“Shh,” you whisper, hearing the creak of the floorboards.
Joel materializes on the porch, balancing three plates in his arms. A stained towel slung over his shoulder, his shirt loose and chest dappled with sweat.
“Alright,” he pants, bending to set yours down first.
Ellie twists in your arms, her green terrycloth spikes flapping as she turns. The hood slips over her eyes and you pull her free.
You grab her hands before she can slam two tiny fists into the ravioli. “Jesus, Nel,” you snort.
She pulls herself to her feet, swaying from side to side on your thighs. Watching Joel intently as he sets Sarah’s plate down, then his own.
He straightens, running the towel between his hands. “Can I sit next to Mama?” he asks his daughter.
She shakes her head. “I’m showin’ her my Barbies.”
“Can you show her them from your own chair, Duck?”
Another head shake. “How is she s’posed to see ‘em?”
His eyes flash up to yours. His expression sets like stone.
All these years, all that time you spent desperately trying to crack him. Chiseling away with tools made from jokes, from teasing. From frisbeeing his newspaper and aiming for his plant pots.
A little smile; a quiet, “How am I s’posed to see ‘em, Joel?” – and you melt him instantly.
He breathes a laugh, shaking his head as he wanders around the table. This huge, broad man, squeezing into the space by the windowsill. Dotted with toy animals and scattered miniature accessories.
He pulls the chair out and settles back into it.
You nudge his calf beneath the table.
Joel’s hands find your knees, slipping around them. He pulls your ankles into his lap, thumb trailing circles on your skin, and picks up his fork.
“Alright, Duckie,” you elbow her gently, “Barbies down. Look what Daddy made us.”
She fixes the pink pumps back onto the doll’s feet, straightens her spacesuit, and sits her carefully on the edge of the table.
Ellie blows a raspberry and collapses again into your lap. She yawns, turning to snuggle into your chest.
“You wanna try a little?” you whisper, blowing on a piece of ravioli.
She steals it from your fork and suckles on it. Her long lashes blink slower and slower until her eyes are closed, full cheeks still chewing.
Joel scoffs. “That’s her mom. Right there, that’s all you.”
“Fallin’ asleep with food in her mouth?” you chuckle, kissing her head. “Glad I’m leavin’ some legacy.”
“Uhuh,” he replies, tongue in his cheek. His eyes flash golden when they meet yours, brighter than the sun.
Ellie’s warm under your cheek; her skin still as soft and plushy as the day you met her. She quietens, stills as she drifts off. She’s solid in your arms – sturdier than her sister ever was at her age.
Or, as her uncle Tommy said, the first time he held her: She weighs a goddamn ton, don’t she?
She weighs nothing to you. Your arms were made for cradling her. Hips were designed to hold her. She’s the perfect size to fit in the crook of her dad’s arm. Her favorite game is being tossed in the air by him until she throws up.
“Ah-ah, Duck. Not right now,” Joel says, shaking his head. “Wait ‘til we’re done, or she’ll just beg.”
Sarah huffs, lifting her fork from the dog’s mouth. “Sorry, Shim.”
The shepherd trots around to Joel’s side, settling her chin on his thigh. She breathes a pleading sigh.
“I know, girl,” he ruffles her ears, “I ain’t fair to ya, am I?”
She falls to a heap under the table, and spends the meal pouncing at scraps Sarah accidentally drops.
The sky drains, the world darkening until you’re lit in shades of orange and gold; the candles flickering and stretching funny shadows across the porch ceiling.
Joel bribes Sarah with staying up later, so long as she helps him clear the table. She babbles away as they fill the sink with dishes; follows at his heels and catches him up on the politics of second grade.
He leans down to take Ellie – sound asleep and snoring – from you.
“Thank you,” you whisper against his lips, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” he says, and kisses you. “C’mon, Duckie,” he groans as she climbs into his other arm. “Bedtime.”
Upstairs, you split off into the girls’ rooms. Shimmer follows you into Sarah’s, curling up at her feet in a nest of pink blankets.
Your firstborn is already tucked under her covers, her nightlight spinning hazy stars around the walls.
“How much do I love you?” you whisper, stroking her hair.
Sarah takes a few seconds to answer, sleep already overcoming her. “More…more ‘n the…” she yawns, “…more ‘n the whole world, Mama…”
“The whole world,” you repeat, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. “Sweet dreams, little Duckie.”
Joel meets you in the hallway. He holds the baby monitor up. The screen lights; the fuzzy outline of your baby in her cot. Arms outstretched, above her head; fists balled and a determined frown on her face as she snoozes.
“Like a log,” Joel mutters, nudging you over to the stairs. “’nother thing she got from her mom.”
You smile – a loose, sleepy thing. “’s my girl.”
He follows you downstairs.
The reflections of the candles glint from each photo frame on the wall, lighting them one by one as you pass. First birthdays, first Christmases. Sarah perched atop a pony in Jackson; Joel in a suit holding Ellie, seconds before she spat milk down his tie.
Each one a tiny thread, linking you from who you were to who you are now. Stringing you together, binding the wound you never knew how to tend to.
At the bottom of the stairs, you feel a tug from your back pocket.
“Joel –” you giggle, stumbling into his arms. “We got dishes to – Joel –”
“Come on,” he whispers against your lips, stealing soft kisses. “It’s a nice night, let’s just sit for a while.”
He leads you out front and rocks back on the swing. He sets the monitor down at his feet and opens his arms. A goofy smile on his face, eyes twinkling.
You fold your arms. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
“I know. But I love you.”
Your breath catches, the way it always does. Almost seven years, two kids and a fucking joint mortgage – and it still catches you off guard when you remember.
He loves you. He always did.
“That’s what makes you the idiot,” you reply, stepping forward. You slip into his lap, knees either side of his hips, and link your arms around his neck. “Fell in love with your nemesis.”
“Hm.” Joel’s arms scoop around your butt. “All that time, I thought we were friends.”
You laugh, leaning in to him. “We were never friends,” you say, “I never wanted to be just your friend.”
His chest rumbles beneath yours. He presses more kisses into your neck, kneading your waist. He takes your jaw, pulling back to look at you.
This man, and the silver through his beard, and the marks on his careful hands. This man, who never looked surer of himself – never looked more like the gleeful kid you once spotted in a photo frame – than when he has one daughter in one arm and the other slung over his back.
This man, who once built you a closet in exchange for a fake date. Who, drunk on liquor and something more, followed you back to your hotel room and changed you forever.
Made you his, forever.
You forget what it ever felt like to be anything else.
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rainrayne · 2 months
^_^ art dump with random things !!
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And felozzy cuz the brainrot is strong
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Tumblr stop fucking up my posts thank you
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
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“I think you’re about to see him play everything under the sun,” Nichols says of Butler, “because the truth is he is just a stone-cold movie star. They exist; they are real; there are not a lot of them, but they do walk on this earth, and he is one of them. And when he walks up and shakes your hand, you realize that you’re meeting one.” And it’s not just about handsome good looks, the filmmaker insists. “That’s a misunderstanding of what it takes to be a movie star. There’s something vibrating under their skin that makes them undeniable. Austin has it.” (x)
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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While she starts to cry
Mascara running down her little Bambi eyes
"Lana, how I hate those guys"
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creative-robot · 3 months
How fucked up would it be if the real experiment of the Social Experiments beyond Showfall testing out a live audience with their show was them actually genuinely shutting off their control on Ranboo and maybe temporarily(?) Charlie’s during act 3 (while having the full ability to flip it back on if/when wanted) to see what they would do and how they would react if they ever actually started to broke free, so Showfall would be able to predict and squash any attempts at getting out if something ever went wrong with their fan favorites in the future.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 months
On the first flight of this trip the pilot asked me what I wanted the code word to be and I finally got bold enough to make it "Mojo", and I've had to repeat it like 5 times cuz we keep getting new captains, and two of them now have been like "oh lol like Austin Powers!" And I'm like
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kittyandco · 1 year
DON'T think about your f/o who wears a ring (or many) and then idly putting one on their left ring finger before you've even discussed or thought about marriage with them just to see how it would look 😳😳😳
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ab4eva · 2 hours
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Day 28: Pumpkin spice
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idaaadivock · 6 months
not to talk about dune on main but like. lisan al-gaib became an instant meme in the theater i was at. like great acting amazing music (thank you hans zimmer you're a real one) phenomenal photography and setting and fight choreography
but stilgar's LISAN AL-GAIB in every circumstance possible was so funny it made the whole theater erupt into laughter directly after the fight with feyd-rautha which is supposed to be like. poignant ig and powerful and an overall vibe
y'all hit the wrong vibe besties 😭😭
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tygerland · 1 year
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cokesnipprz · 2 months
I'm cooking
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And I'm finishing it tomorrow:>
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apology-or-marcus · 6 months
Please boop me 🙏
Me if you don’t give me boops:
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
austin butler x single mom priscilla actress!reader social media imagine 📲🐣💙
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liked by bazluhrmann, altonmason and 26,768 others
y/n life is strange, and terrifying and good and exciting all at once somehow. baby /lastname/ coming march ‘23.
edotpresley oh my god???
inthechapel baby her last name means it’s not austin’s pour one out guys 💔
bluemo0n i mean i’d hope not i don’t think kaia would appreciate that 😭
abutlers she seemed pretty close with the guy that plays scotty at cannes…👁👄👁
catherinemartindesigns So excited for you sweetheart!!!! xx
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liked by abish, perezhilton and 20,767 others
justjared Only fools rush in? Elvis star Austin Butler and Kaia Gerber are pressing pause on their relationship. Head to the bio for everything we know.
abfan11 oh shit maybe y/n’s baby is his 🫣
bluemo0n it’s not, xaiver liked a comment about it being him and posted something on his story about adam dunn getting him a #1 dad mug
abfan589 still interesting timing idk!
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liked by abfan01, random26 and 1,878 others
inthechapel baby daddy as in xaiver samuel??? he all but confirmed it was him a few weeks ago didn’t he???
bluemo0n yeah i wonder what happened he seemed like an alright guy 🥴
random975 mmm i heard he can be quite the asshole behind the scenes. not surprised by this tbh.
inthechapel elaborate bc what???
abfan07 not that austin stepping in isn’t sweet but i’d be hurt too if i was like kaia, it’s almost like he was just waiting around for a reason to go back to y/n.
abfan34 soulmates always find their way ba-*gunshots*
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liked by austinbutler, bebeorleans and 29,545 others
y/n i didn’t know it was possible to love another person so much until i saw your little face. welcome home peyton 💙
inthechapel he is precious congrats y/n!!!!!
bazluhrmann Welcome Peyton, can’t wait to meet you real soon! ⚡️
austinbutler ❤️
bluemo0n oh now i’m really going to cry
abutlers i think he was there??? check tmz
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liked by inthechapel, bluemo0n and 265,678 others
tmz_tv Austin Butler was all smiles arriving at Cedar Sinai Medical Center as friend and former co-star went into labor early this morning. Full video at the link in bio!
abutlers he looks so happy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
inthechapel entering his not the step dad the dad that stepped up era
abfan11 are they even really together though? even tmz is just calling them friends
bluemo0n sounded like it was her he was on the phone with i think i heard him say ‘it’s gonna be fine i’m coming up now’ 🤕
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liked by abfan378 and 1,287 others
austinbnews Austin via his Instagram story, looks like he’s spending Mother’s Day with Y/N and Peyton!
abutlerfan11 waiting for the ‘they aren’t dating he’s just her friend and a nice guy’ truthers to explain this one
inthechapel louder!!!! 🎤
bluemo0n the little bb hand (,: i hope she has a great first mother’s day
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liked by _ashleybee_, bazluhrmann and 509,547 others
austinbutler #TheGoodOlDays
y/n i love love love you
austinbutler Love you more mamas.
inthechapel MAMAS??? lord i used to pray for days like these 🙏🏼🥲
ashleytisdale Does Peyton have a baby Carhartt jacket to go with the beanie??
y/n one of his own and one of austin’s that he slept with when he was on the MOA press tour and claimed as his
bluemo0n peyton sleeping with one of austin’s jackets when he’s away 😭😭😭😭😭 i can’t do dis
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