#o: Rowan Swann
istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
AFFC: Jaime II (Chapter 16)
The funeral procession departed King's Landing through the Gate of the Gods, wider and more splendid than the Lion Gate. The choice felt wrong to Jaime. His father had been a lion, that no one could deny, but even Lord Tywin never claimed to be a god.
How is Daenerys losing against Tywin? Tywin.
Ser Kevan snorted. "So do we all. How fares your king?" His tone made the question a reproach.
"Well enough," Jaime said defensively. "Balon Swann is with him during the mornings. A good and valiant knight."
"Once that went without saying when men spoke of those who wore the white cloak."
No man can choose his brothers, Jaime thought. Give me leave to pick my own men, and the Kingsguard will be great again. Put that baldly, though, it sounded feeble; an empty boast from a man the realm called Kingslayer. A man with shit for honor. Jaime let it go. He had not come to argue with his uncle. 
I'd love to see who he'd put on the Kingsguard. Guaranteed he'd remain as one of the seven.
Is it too much to ask for Jaime to move off of Aerys, and start reflecting on other things that make him a terrible person?
"Will you remain at Darry after the wedding?"
"For a while, mayhaps. Sandor Clegane is raiding along the Trident, it would seem. Your sister wants his head. It may be that he has joined Dondarrion."
Jaime had heard about Saltpans. By now half the realm had heard. The raid had been exceptionally savage. Women raped and mutilated, children butchered in their mothers' arms, half the town put to the torch. "Randyll Tarly is at Maidenpool. Let him deal with the outlaws. I would sooner have you go to Riverrun."
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Notice how no one in the story is having a difficult time believing it's Sandor Clegane doing this?
Hell, I'd love to know how many readers never questioned it.
"Addam Marbrand could deal with these outlaws just as well as you. So could Brax, Banefort, Plumm, any of these others. But none would make a good King's Hand."
"Your sister knows my terms. They have not changed. Tell her that, the next time you are in her bedchamber."
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He had hoped against hope that Cersei had somehow misunderstood, but plainly that was wrong. He knows about the two of us. About Tommen and Myrcella. And Cersei knows he knows. Ser Kevan was a Lannister of Casterly Rock. He could not believe that she would ever do him harm, but . . . I was wrong about Tyrion, why not about Cersei? When sons were killing fathers, what was there to stop a niece from ordering an uncle slain? An inconvenient uncle, who knows too much. 
Is Jaime going to think Cersei killed Kevan?
Is this about anyone else? I can think of plenty of uncles and aunts who would slay their nephews and/or nieces, but I'm drawing a blank going the other way.
"That's just the thing a bride wants on her wedding night," said Jaime. "A husband who knows how to do his duty."
A flush crept up Lancel's cheeks. "I pray for you, cousin. And for Her Grace the queen. May the Crone lead her to her wisdom and the Warrior defend her."
"Why would Cersei need the Warrior? She has me." Jaime turned his horse about, his white cloak snapping in the wind. 
Ohhh! We love to see it! Sister and brother as the Maiden and the Warrior!
I thought that I was the Warrior and Cersei was the Maid, but all the time she was the Stranger, hiding her true face from my gaze. - Jaime IV, AFFC
❤️ The Maiden lay athwart the Warrior, her arms widespread as if to embrace him. - Davos I, ACOK ❤️
The Imp was lying. Cersei would sooner have Robert's corpse between her legs than a pious fool like Lancel. Tyrion, you evil bastard, you should have lied about someone more likely.
Garlan the Gallant had taken half the Tyrell strength back to Highgarden, and his lady mother and grandmother had gone with him. The other half had marched south with Mace Tyrell and Mathis Rowan to invest Storm's End.
As for the Lannister host, two thousand seasoned veterans remained encamped outside the city walls, awaiting the arrival of Paxter Redwyne's fleet to carry them across Blackwater Bay to Dragonstone. 
Ignore me.
Half the Tyrell strength with Garlan at Highgarden.
Half the Tyrell strength with Mathis Rowan at Storm's End.
Two thousand Lannister men at Dragonstone with Paxter Redwyne.
Got it.
Then the Knight of Flowers mounted up and put the others all to shame.
Jousting was three-quarters horsemanship, Jaime had always believed. Ser Loras rode superbly, and handled a lance as if he'd been born holding one
I was trying to understand why I was reading about jousting for an entire page, until I came to this and remembered.
Knight of the Laughing Tree clues.
"Oh, look," purred Lady Merryweather, "your brave brother has returned, Your Grace."
"Most of him." 
lmfao. brutal.
The queen was in her cups, Jaime realized. Of late, Cersei always seemed to have a flagon of wine to hand, she who had once scorned Robert Baratheon for his drinking.
Perfect, a blasted Cersei talking with Lady Merryweather. That's exactly what we want.
Pycelle looked desperately uncomfortable. "There has been a bird," he said. "From Stokeworth. Lady Tanda sends word that her daughter Lollys has been delivered of a strong, healthy son."
"And you will never guess what they have named the little bastard, brother."
"They wanted to name him Tywin, I recall."
"Yes, but I forbade it. I told Falyse that I would not have our father's noble name bestowed upon the ill-gotten spawn of some pig boy and a feeble-witted sow."
"Lady Stokeworth insists the child's name was not her doing," Grand Maester Pycelle put in. Perspiration dotted his wrinkled forehead. "Lollys's husband made the choice, she writes. This man Bronn, he . . . it would seem that he . . ."
"Tyrion," ventured Jaime. "He named the child Tyrion."
If I wasn't aware of all the things Tyrion has said and thought about Lollys Stokeworth, I might be able to find this amusing.
By the way, Tommen is sitting right there and hearing all this feeble-witted sow talk.
Jaime knew the look in his sister's eyes. He had seen it before, most recently on the night of Tommen's wedding, when she burned the Tower of the Hand. The green light of the wildfire had bathed the face of the watchers, so they looked like nothing so much as rotting corpses, a pack of gleeful ghouls, but some of the corpses were prettier than others. Even in the baleful glow, Cersei had been beautiful to look upon. She'd stood with one hand on her breast, her lips parted, her green eyes shining. She is crying, Jaime had realized, but whether it was from grief or ecstasy he could not have said.
The sight had filled him with disquiet, reminding him of Aerys Targaryen and the way a burning would arouse him. 
I'm positive it's supposed to remind us of someone else.
But please, continue with these Cersei-Aerys parallels.
A king has no secrets from his Kingsguard. Relations between Aerys and his queen had been strained during the last years of his reign. They slept apart and did their best to avoid each other during the waking hours. But whenever Aerys gave a man to the flames, Queen Rhaella would have a visitor in the night. The day he burned his mace-and-dagger Hand, Jaime and Jon Darry had stood at guard outside her bedchamber whilst the king took his pleasure. "You're hurting me," they had heard Rhaella cry through the oaken door. "You're hurting me." In some queer way, that had been worse than Lord Chelsted's screaming. "We are sworn to protect her as well," Jaime had finally been driven to say. "We are," Darry allowed, "but not from him."
Jaime had only seen Rhaella once after that, the morning of the day she left for Dragonstone. The queen had been cloaked and hooded as she climbed inside the royal wheelhouse that would take her down Aegon's High Hill to the waiting ship, but he heard her maids whispering after she was gone. They said the queen looked as if some beast had savaged her, clawing at her thighs and chewing on her breasts. A crowned beast, Jaime knew.
This is when Daenerys was conceived! I didn't know that!
It would be totally unfair and in poor taste to suggest any of this influenced her disposition, but I'm going to do it anyway.
By the end the Mad King had become so fearful that he would allow no blade in his presence, save for the swords his Kingsguard wore. 
Why, were Usurper's Knives chasing him?
His beard was matted and unwashed, his hair a silver-gold tangle that reached his waist, his fingernails cracked yellow claws nine inches long. Yet still the blades tormented him, the ones he could never escape, the blades of the Iron Throne. His arms and legs were always covered with scabs and half-healed cuts.
Let him be king over charred bones and cooked meat, Jaime remembered, studying his sister's smile. Let him be the king of ashes. 
"I am growing very fond of Lady Taena. She amuses me."
"She is one of Margaery Tyrell's companions," Jaime reminded her. "She's informing on you to the little queen."
"Of course she is." Cersei went to the sideboard to fill her cup anew. "Margaery was thrilled when I asked her leave to take Taena on as my companion. You should have heard her. 'She will be a sister to you, as she's been to me. Of course you must have her! I have my cousins and my other ladies.' Our little queen does not want me to be lonely."
"If you know she is a spy, why take her on?"
"Margaery is not half so clever as she thinks. She has no notion what a sweet serpent she has in that Myrish slut. I use Taena to feed the little queen what I want her to know. Some of it is even true." Cersei's eyes were bright with mischief. "And Taena tells me everything Maid Margaery is doing."
At what point did Cersei forget all of this?
She knows I can do more for her than Margaery, so she makes herself useful to me. You would be surprised at all the interesting things she's told me."
"What sorts of things?"
Cersei sat beneath the window. "Did you know that the Queen of Thorns keeps a chest of coins in her wheelhouse? Old gold from before the Conquest. Should any tradesman be so unwise as to name a price in golden coins, she pays him with hands from Highgarden, each half the weight of one of our dragons. What merchant would dare complain of being cheated by Mace Tyrell's lady mother?"
That's the information she gave Cersei? Weird, that almost makes her seem like a Varys agent.
I know, I know, I'll save the tinfoil for Bran.
"Roose Bolton is our Warden of the North. He will deal with Stannis."
"Lord Bolton is trapped below the Neck, cut off from the north by the ironmen at Moat Cailin."
"Not for long. Bolton's bastard son will soon remove that little obstacle. Lord Bolton will have two thousand Freys to augment his own strength, under Lord Walder's sons Hosteen and Aenys. That should be more than enough to deal with Stannis and a few thousand broken men."
Ignore me.
Two thousand Frey men in the north.
A few thousand Stannis men in the north.
Got it.
"You still require a Hand, however. If not our uncle, who?"
His sister laughed. "Not you. Have no fear on that count. Perhaps Taena's husband. His grandfather was Hand under Aerys."
Lady Merryweather has already managed to secure one of the most powerful positions in all of Westeros for her husband. Who is playing who here?
"I govern the realm."
Seven save us all, you do. His sister liked to think of herself as Aegon Lord Tywin with teats, but she was wrong. Their father had been as relentless and implacable as a glacier, where Cersei was all wildfire, especially when thwarted. 
Tywin is ice, and Cersei is fire?
But. . . jonerys??
"A weak ruler needs a strong Hand, as Aerys needed Father. A strong ruler requires only a diligent servant to carry out his orders." She swirled her wine. "Lord Hallyne might suit. He would not be the first pyromancer to serve as the King's Hand."
Can everyone please go to the wiki, and look at the image used for Lord Hallyne? Thank you.
What's dumber, making a pyromancer your Hand or giving the job to Tyrion Lannister? Tough, right?
No. I killed the last one. "There is talk that you mean to make Aurane Waters the master of ships."
"Has someone been informing on me?" When he did not answer, Cersei tossed her hair back, and said, "Waters is well suited to the office. He has spent half his life on ships."
"Half his life? He cannot be more than twenty."
Sure, but consider this: he's hot.
"A weak ruler needs a strong Hand, as Aerys needed Father. A strong ruler requires only a diligent servant to carry out his orders." 
"Half his life? He cannot be more than twenty."
"Two-and-twenty, and what of it? Father was not even one-and-twenty when Aerys Targaryen named him Hand. 
I love when they put daddy on a pedestal.
"You are a child, Jaime. Redwyne is Tyrell's bannerman, and nephew to that hideous grandmother of his. I want none of Lord Tyrell's creatures on my council."
"Tommen's council, you mean."
"You know what I mean."
Too well. "I know that Aurane Waters is a bad idea, and Hallyne is a worse one. As for Qyburn . . . gods be good, Cersei, he rode with Vargo Hoat. The Citadel stripped him of his chain!"
"The grey sheep. Qyburn has made himself most useful to me. And he is loyal, which is more than I can say of mine own kin."
The crows will feast upon us all if you go on this way, sweet sister. "Cersei, listen to yourself. You are seeing dwarfs in every shadow and making foes of friends. Uncle Kevan is not your enemy. I am not your enemy."
I think it's a bit concerning Qyburn is being grouped with other bad decisions like Aurance Waters, and Hallyne.
"Get out, I said. I am sick of looking at that ugly stump of yours. Get out!" To speed him on his way, she heaved her wine cup at his head. She missed, but Jaime took the hint.
Evenfall found him sitting alone in the common room of White Sword Tower, with a cup of Dornish red and the White Book. 
Thrown out by Cersei, and straight to Evenfall. This is big foreshadowing in Braime Land.
Every single day I feel spoiled.
"I saw you in the yard today," said Jaime. "You rode well."
"Better than well, surely." Ser Loras poured himself a cup of wine, and took a seat across the half-moon table.
"A more modest man might have answered 'My lord is too kind,' or 'I had a good mount.'"
Both Cersei and Jaime having to deal with younger (less evil) versions of themselves is a riot.
"This one is for us. The history of every man who has ever worn a white cloak is written here."
"I have glanced at it. The shields are pretty. I prefer books with more illuminations. Lord Renly owned a few with drawings that would turn a septon blind."
"Good enough. He died, but his king lived. A lot of brave men have worn the white cloak. Most have been forgotten."
"Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best."
"The best and the worst." So one of us is like to live in song. "And a few who were a bit of both. Like him."
A bit of both, eh? You're running out of time, and I see little opportunity left.
"The best and the worst." So one of us is like to live in song. "And a few who were a bit of both. Like him." He tapped the page he had been reading.
"Who?" Ser Loras craned his head around to see. "Ten black pellets on a scarlet field. I do not know those arms."
"They belonged to Criston Cole, who served the first Viserys and the second Aegon." Jaime closed the White Book. "They called him Kingmaker."
Does pushing a child out of a tower count as kingmaking? Heh, kingslaying and kingmaking, he did a bit of both!
Anyway, Criston Cole is the Kingsguard who was rumoured to be Rhaenyra Targaryen's lover. Let's ignore the rest of the history, and pretend it was unavailable at this point.
We first learn about Criston Cole in a chapter where Arianne Martell is being intimate with a member of the Kingsguards. Now he's being brought up again to close out a Jaime chapter, and the word 'CERSEI' follows in big, bold letters.
Based on that alone, it feels like this has less to do with kingmaking, and more to do with sexual relations between Kingsguard and would-be queens. But what the hell do I know?
Final thoughts:
The more we get into the history, the more I'm in serious trouble.
Only gifs from here on out.
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Agnes Tully busca a “Damon Tully”: Damon Tully es el segundo hijo de Lord y Lady Tully, pero ello no ha hecho de él un zagal de excelentes modales. En su lugar, Damon Tully rehuye las obligaciones como nobles para juntarse con caballeros de bajo rango y mujeres dispuestas a ceder a sus deseos. A pesar de todo, cumple el lema de los Tullly, y desea tener una familia unida muy a pesar de las peleas de sus padres (Link).
Gysella Botley busca a “Lady A de la casa B”: Es una noble isleña qué, sin tener derecho a heredar, ha conseguido acercarse a la regente de las Islas del Hierro. Es una mujer fuerte, luchadora, fiel admiradora de Gysella  (Link).
Rosey Rowan busca a “Bethany Rowan”: Hermana mayor de Lord Rowan. Tuvo una severa eduación que la convirtió en la dama perfecta, tal como demostró cuando aceptó ser desposada por un hombre que no amaba. Es señora consorte (o viuda) de una gran casa, y tiene al menos un hijo (Link).
Casella Swann busca a “Jeyne Swann”: Menor de los hermanos Swann. Su hermana Casella no solo la crió para ser una bella dama y con modales, sino también para ser inteligente. Como resultado ha nacido una muchacha afanada con los libros, que no tiene prisa por casarse (Link).
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rolhispano · 5 years
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Agnes Tully busca a “Damon Tully”: Damon Tully es el segundo hijo de Lord y Lady Tully, pero ello no ha hecho de él un zagal de excelentes modales. En su lugar, Damon Tully rehuye las obligaciones como nobles para juntarse con caballeros de bajo rango y mujeres dispuestas a ceder a sus deseos. A pesar de todo, cumple el lema de los Tullly, y desea tener una familia unida muy a pesar de las peleas de sus padres (Link).
Gysella Botley busca a “Lady A de la casa B”: Es una noble isleña qué, sin tener derecho a heredar, ha conseguido acercarse a la regente de las Islas del Hierro. Es una mujer fuerte, luchadora, fiel admiradora de Gysella  (Link).
Rosey Rowan busca a “Bethany Rowan”: Hermana mayor de Lord Rowan. Tuvo una severa eduación que la convirtió en la dama perfecta, tal como demostró cuando aceptó ser desposada por un hombre que no amaba. Es señora consorte (o viuda) de una gran casa, y tiene al menos un hijo (Link).
Casella Swann busca a “Jeyne Swann”: Menor de los hermanos Swann. Su hermana Casella no solo la crió para ser una bella dama y con modales, sino también para ser inteligente. Como resultado ha nacido una muchacha afanada con los libros, que no tiene prisa por casarse (Link).
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lamagadeoz · 5 years
Kingdom of Thorns (Búsquedas)
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Agnes Tully busca a “Damon Tully”: Damon Tully es el segundo hijo de Lord y Lady Tully, pero ello no ha hecho de él un zagal de excelentes modales. En su lugar, Damon Tully rehuye las obligaciones como nobles para juntarse con caballeros de bajo rango y mujeres dispuestas a ceder a sus deseos. A pesar de todo, cumple el lema de los Tullly, y desea tener una familia unida muy a pesar de las peleas de sus padres (Link).
Gysella Botley busca a “Lady A de la casa B”: Es una noble isleña qué, sin tener derecho a heredar, ha conseguido acercarse a la regente de las Islas del Hierro. Es una mujer fuerte, luchadora, fiel admiradora de Gysella  (Link).
Rosey Rowan busca a “Bethany Rowan”: Hermana mayor de Lord Rowan. Tuvo una severa eduación que la convirtió en la dama perfecta, tal como demostró cuando aceptó ser desposada por un hombre que no amaba. Es señora consorte (o viuda) de una gran casa, y tiene al menos un hijo (Link).
Casella Swann busca a “Jeyne Swann”: Menor de los hermanos Swann. Su hermana Casella no solo la crió para ser una bella dama y con modales, sino también para ser inteligente. Como resultado ha nacido una muchacha afanada con los libros, que no tiene prisa por casarse (Link).
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guardianasdelrpg · 5 years
Kingdom of Thorns (Búsquedas)
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Agnes Tully busca a “Damon Tully”: Damon Tully es el segundo hijo de Lord y Lady Tully, pero ello no ha hecho de él un zagal de excelentes modales. En su lugar, Damon Tully rehuye las obligaciones como nobles para juntarse con caballeros de bajo rango y mujeres dispuestas a ceder a sus deseos. A pesar de todo, cumple el lema de los Tullly, y desea tener una familia unida muy a pesar de las peleas de sus padres (Link).
Gysella Botley busca a “Lady A de la casa B”: Es una noble isleña qué, sin tener derecho a heredar, ha conseguido acercarse a la regente de las Islas del Hierro. Es una mujer fuerte, luchadora, fiel admiradora de Gysella  (Link).
Rosey Rowan busca a “Bethany Rowan”: Hermana mayor de Lord Rowan. Tuvo una severa eduación que la convirtió en la dama perfecta, tal como demostró cuando aceptó ser desposada por un hombre que no amaba. Es señora consorte (o viuda) de una gran casa, y tiene al menos un hijo (Link).
Casella Swann busca a “Jeyne Swann”: Menor de los hermanos Swann. Su hermana Casella no solo la crió para ser una bella dama y con modales, sino también para ser inteligente. Como resultado ha nacido una muchacha afanada con los libros, que no tiene prisa por casarse (Link).
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wepurge-rpg · 5 years
Kingdom of Thorns (Búsquedas)
Tumblr media
Agnes Tully busca a “Damon Tully”: Damon Tully es el segundo hijo de Lord y Lady Tully, pero ello no ha hecho de él un zagal de excelentes modales. En su lugar, Damon Tully rehuye las obligaciones como nobles para juntarse con caballeros de bajo rango y mujeres dispuestas a ceder a sus deseos. A pesar de todo, cumple el lema de los Tullly, y desea tener una familia unida muy a pesar de las peleas de sus padres (Link).
Gysella Botley busca a “Lady A de la casa B”: Es una noble isleña qué, sin tener derecho a heredar, ha conseguido acercarse a la regente de las Islas del Hierro. Es una mujer fuerte, luchadora, fiel admiradora de Gysella  (Link).
Rosey Rowan busca a “Bethany Rowan”: Hermana mayor de Lord Rowan. Tuvo una severa eduación que la convirtió en la dama perfecta, tal como demostró cuando aceptó ser desposada por un hombre que no amaba. Es señora consorte (o viuda) de una gran casa, y tiene al menos un hijo (Link).
Casella Swann busca a “Jeyne Swann”: Menor de los hermanos Swann. Su hermana Casella no solo la crió para ser una bella dama y con modales, sino también para ser inteligente. Como resultado ha nacido una muchacha afanada con los libros, que no tiene prisa por casarse (Link).
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crown-of-winter · 3 years
Listado de Pertenencia y bandos durante la danza.
Aquí les dejaremos constancia de a qué bando perteneció cada casa durante la Danza de los Dragones. En caso de que tu casa no aparezca directamente mencionada se debe tener en cuenta las indicaciones de cada Reino.
Partidarios de los negros.
- Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden o bien haber apoyado a los negros o no haber participado en el conflicto:
♔ Casa Stark – negros
♔ Casa Manderly – negros
♔ Casa Dustin – negros
Partidarios de los negros.
- Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden o bien haber apoyado a los negros o no haber participado en el conflicto.
♔ Casa Arryn – negros
♔ Casa Sunderland– negros
♔ Casa Borrell– negros
♔ Casa Royce– negros
♔ Casa Corbray - negros
Dividieron sus apoyos entre los dos bandos.
- Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden haber apoyado a cualquiera de los bandos o haberse mostrado neutrales.
♔ Casa Strong - verdes
♔ Casa Bracken - verdes pero se unieron a los Tully cuando estos tomaron partido contra Lord Baratheon.
♔ Casa Vance de Atranta - verdes
♔ Casa Tully - negros
♔ Casa Blackwood - negros
♔ Casa Frey - negros
♔ Casa Darry- negros
♔ Casa Mallister- negros
♔ Casa Vypren - negros
♔ Casa Charlton - negros
♔ Casa Piper - negros
♔ Casa Roote - negros
♔ Casa Vance de Descanso del Caminante - negros
♔ Casa Smallwood - negros
♔ Casa Wode - negros
♔ Casa Mooton - negros, cambió de bando a verdes a finales del conflicto
♔ Casa Perryn- negros
♔ Casa Chambers- negros
♔ Casa Biggleston- negros
♔ Casa Deddings- negros
♔ Casa Butterwell- negros, cambió de bando a verde.
Dividieron sus apoyos entre los dos bandos.
Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden haber apoyado a cualquiera de los bandos o haberse mostrado neutrales.
♔ Casa Bourney- verdes
♔ Casa Velaryon- Negros. A finales del conflicto se hicieron verdes, para después terminar traicionando a Aegon II y dando el golpe final, volviendo así al color negro.
♔ Casa Celtigar- negros
♔ Casa Bar Emmon- negros
♔ Casa Massey- negros
♔ Casa Darklyn- negros
♔ Casa Stokeworth- negros, cambió de bando a verde.
♔ Casa Rosby- negros, cambió de bando a verde.
♔ Casa Byrch- negros
♔ Casa Staunton- negros, cambio de bando a neutral.
♔ Casa Brune de Vallepardo- negros
♔ Casa Brune de Refugio de Malacosta- negros
♔ Casa Crabb- negros
♔ Casa Hall- negros
Partidarios de los Verdes.
- Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden o bien haber apoyado a los verdes o no haber participado en el conflicto.
♔ Casa Reyne- verdes
♔ Casa Lannister – verdes
♔ Casa Tarbeck– verdes
♔ Casa Lefford– verdes
♔ Casa Crakehall– verdes
♔ Casa Swyft– verdes
Dividieron sus apoyos entre los dos bandos.
-Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden haber apoyado a cualquiera de los bandos o haberse mostrado neutrales.
♔ Casa Hightower – Verdes
♔ Casa Fossoway– Verdes
♔ Casa Redwyne– Verdes
♔ Casa Peake– Verdes
♔ Casa Roxton– Verdes
♔ Casa Norcross– Verdes
♔ Casa Ambrose– Verdes
♔ Casa Graceford– Verdes
♔ Casa Risley– Verdes
♔ Casa Leygood– Verdes
♔ Casa Rodden– Verdes
♔ Casa Rowan- negros
♔ Casa Tarly- negros
♔ Casa Costayne- negros
♔ Casa Caswell- negros
♔ Casa Footly- negros
♔ Casa Grimm- negros
♔ Casa Merryweather- negros
♔ Casa Mullendore- negros
♔ Casa Beesbury- negros
♔ Casa Woodwright- negros
Dividieron sus apoyos entre los dos bandos. Las casas aquí no mencionadas pueden haber apoyado a cualquiera de los bandos o haberse mostrado neutrales.
♔ Casa Baratheon– verdes ♔ Casa Wylde– verdes ♔ Casa Swann – Verdes ♔ Casa Buckler- negros ♔ Casa Fell- negros
Los Greyjoy se mostraron favorables a los negros, aceptando atacar Occidente.
- El resto de casas se pueden declarar partidarios de los negros o neutrales.
No participo del conflicto.
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sadserotonin · 4 years
“You have made me a better person.” “I’ll always try to make you happy.” rolev <3
“You have made me a better person.” 
“I did no such thing. You grew up so much all by yourself before we got together and I noticed every second of it. You were a better person than me to begin with. You fell in love with a shitty 17 year old and you kept loving me but I...I fell in love with you as you were growing into this handsome, sharp-tongued, no bullshit man. Whatever you are now you made yourself and I just loved so tightly it only slightly took the shape of my dream guy. You did all this by yourself, Ro, you made you.”
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“I’ll always try to make you happy.”
“I know you will. And I know you’ll succeed too,” Detlev grinned, leaning in to kiss his soon to be even though technically he wasn’t supposed to for another few moments and a cue from the officiant. A couple of traditional rules would be the last things to keep him from showing the heart beaming on his sleeve today.
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