nyxedit replied to your post: "Cass, do you... want to start piano classes?"
“Alright, you can follow me to the piano room, alright?”
“Right.” He nodded, putting his hands behind his back with a curious smile.
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gigekitanzan · 4 years
"I've been dipping stuff in borax all of a sudden... I have made a lil... Here's a pebble I found outside I dipped in the stuff." Allister awkwardly but tenderly puts a pebble covered in borax crystals in Gordie's hands. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's got spirit.
Once again, Allister’s caught him off guard, simply because Gordie never expects him to turn up. His hands are held out, and he looks at what Allister’s given him for a few moments.
“Oh, this is really cool!” Borax isn’t something he’s worked with himself, but it’s something he knows about. “Did you know that borax is used for small-scale goldmining?” Honestly, the way that borax likes to form into crystals like this... it’s very pretty. It’s almost like bismuth sometimes!
Here’s a potentially loaded question from Gordie. “Where’d you get your borax from?” Maybe more importantly, what does he use it for?
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vlricnyx · 5 years
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(⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎)♡
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gloryshielded · 4 years
@nyxedit plotted for a starter!
    ɪᴛ’ꜱ a pretty lax day for Galar’s new champion! With no exhibition match planned for today, Gloria was free to do whatever she chose. And choose she did! Being tired of milling about in Wyndon (and being stopped every two steps by fans), and with Hop busy and hard at work, Gloria opts to explore a little more in one of the towns she didn’t usually spend much time in...
    ... Which is to say, Stow-On-Side has a special little visitor! Gloria spends some time perusing the market before making her way around to the gym. And, perhaps somewhat fittingly, she spots a familiar face nearby as she walks. Not one to be unnerved by much, Gloria approaches the gym leader with an enthusiastic wave and a bright smile.
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❝Allister!! Hello over there!!❞
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saitousaikyou · 4 years
⌫ @nyxedit ⌦
    BEA, ALL THINGS considered, is doing well for herself. She’s got a good job that pays well, she’s got fans, a few good friends...  There’s no doubt that she considers herself to be happy where she is now.
    ... But as always, most of that meant very little to her parents. Bea no longer lives with them, of course. She’d long since moved out, and the absence of their too-high expectations and strict rules was undoubtedly good for her.
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    Funny how one little visit can wear her out so quickly. They’d been unsatisfied with her, of course, and Bea can’t help but find herself oddly lethargic after they left. So, it’s on the outskirts of Stow-On-Side that she sits, gazing wordlessly up at the stars.
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spectershy · 5 years
@nyxedit​ said: Azrael stares at Xander. He doesn't like him, but he doesn't like confrontation even more. They gaze over and look back at his book. The mask obscures his face, but you can feel the pensive expression from under it. He'll probably talk to Onion later.
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xander isn’t fond of the feeling of eyes on him, but he won’t say anything. there’s no proof he’s being stared at so he just bites his tongue. typically he wouldn’t care, but... azrael is 6′9. he doesn’t think he wants to start something over staring that he can’t even prove. so he doesn’t say anything.
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northerntrash · 5 years
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Nyx ||| Νύξ ||| The primordial night
“for we all have our own twilights and mists and abysses to return to” – Sanober Khan
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namyandtheowls · 4 years
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Notte o Nyx (in greco antico: Nύξ, Nýx, "notte") è una delle divinità primordiali della mitologia greca[1][2].
Secondo la Teogonia di Esiodo, Notte era figlia di Caos, mentre nella cosmogonia orfica era figlia di Phanes[1][2]; nelle Fabulae, Igino la dice figlia di Caos e di Caligine[3]. Sempre secondo Esiodo, Notte era la personificazione della notte terrestre, in contrapposizione al fratello Erebo, che rappresentava la notte del mondo infernale. Era inoltre contrapposta ai suoi figli Etere (la luce) ed Emera (il giorno).
Notte era una delle divinità più antiche, e dimorava nel cielo; secondo Omero, anche Zeus ne aveva paura.
Questa divinità fu ripresa nella mitologia romana con il nome di Nox.
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breakingswipe · 4 years
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      “This world will never be what I expected.”
     @nyxedit​  ⊱⊱ lyric starter ⊰⊰
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hibana-hyottoko · 4 years
@nyxedit​ replied to your post “Mr.Kabu... I really need some help here." Allister was awkwardly...”
"I have... relatives from Hoenn and uh... They're not good in english. I haven't practiced since I stopped homeschooling..."
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“Ahh... You need a translator, then? I believe I can be of some service. Are they here? Or are you perhaps writing something for them?”
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rockindark · 4 years
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He’s just going to hold out a small Gengar towards Azrael, tilting his head to the side. “Found ‘im in Spikemuth. Wasn’ doin’ anythin’ but I dunno. ‘e seems sorta small compared ta others, don’t ya think? I’m willin’ ta keep ‘im around the city, Team Yell seems to adore ‘im. But we’re Dark types and we don’ know much abou’ ghosties like this fella. I’d love ta have some advice, if yer willin’ ta give it.”
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nyxedit replied to your post: "Alli..." Azrael sits next to him. "How are you?"
“Just feel real tired all the time but I’m fine too.”
“Tired?” He tilted his head, now concerned. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”
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cottonthumb-archive · 4 years
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@nyxedit​ has the baby!
"Milo. Look. It's a baby." He says this with a monotone voice but from the look of their eyes, he seemed really happy about this. He holds up an espurr up. "One whole baby..."
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❦ Milo couldn’t help but blink in surprise as Allister approached, kitten in arms, small and curled up with it’s large all-seeing eyes. The farmer stopped what he’d been doing though, practically cooing at the little Espurr. “Oh gracious, look how tiny it is! Tiniest little baby...” Who in their right mind could not be charmed by tiny fluffy Pokémon such as these? He reaches out, gently scratching under the little Espurr’s chin, his attention turning to Allister as he did so. “Where’d you find this little tyke? Did you catch it yourself, Allie?”
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@nyxedit liked for a starter!
     Leon stretched his back, unable to stop the pained noise that left him as he did. Corviknight taxis were never comfortable, but it seemed like it was getting harder and harder the more cooped up he was in his office. He was meant to be heading to Ballonlea for a meeting, but he knew better than to wander through the Glimwood Tangle by himself, and he had an hour to kill at least before his guide with experience navigating the dark paths through the tangle was meant to meet him.
     Thankfully Stow-on-side was a fairly easy place to spend time-- the market stalls that were almost always open provided plenty of distraction. He was searching through the wares for things he could use to spoil his Pokemon, as he usually did.
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gloryshielded · 4 years
Send me ‘✍’ and I will draw your muse horribly on MSPaint(Not Accepting!)
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saitousaikyou · 4 years
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⌫ @nyxedit​ ⌦ said: 
❝Apparently, some of my fans want me let you ride on my shoulders so that 'you can be taller'... but I have the upper body strength of an uncooked noodle.❞
    BEA GLANCES OVER at Allister, tilting her head at the notion.
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❝That... is something I see people saying a lot. I never understand why my height is such a point of interest. Surely it’s more tactical to be smaller?❞
    It’s hard to tell if Bea is being sarcastic or not, but she doesn’t give much time to dwell on it, as she dons a determined sort of expression and clenches her fists.
❝If ever you would like to try and remedy your ‘noodle’ situation, I’m always free to help you. However! In the meantime, I think I may have something that could satisfy your fanbase, for a time. Hah!❞
    ... With a little cry and one smooth movement, Bea (carefully) lifts Allister over her head.
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