n2qfd · 8 months
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Published 2003
Blackouts like 65 will never happen again!
August 2003 Northeast Blackout!
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emodialisse · 1 year
Peter: Phew, good thing I had your back out there, could be really nasty Lichtenberg figures for the ER team to deal with.
Otto: From now on I will much appreciate a little warning beforehand. I have six hands, not a sixth sense.
Peter: It's okay, Doc, I won't gossip. Whenever you like to be manhandle by New York's finest hero, just say so.
Otto: I feel as if we're losing focus. There's something that escaped my mind just now...
Peter: Give me a minute, swing like that without stretching really takes me out of my game. I feel as if my spine has become little Lego pieces...
Otto: Oh, heavens, Peter... Where's Miles?
Peter: Ah, right. I thought... You were watching him?
Otto: No chance, Casanova! I was too busy admiring your eyes for the entirety of that face off with NYSEG's business partner!
Peter: You sound mad. I think--
Miles (over their earbuds): I THINK I MIGHT HAVE SCREWED UP, GUYS!
Our youngest Spider-Man shows up, carrying to the mise en scene a very bitter Vulture, as a certain bug decided to stick on his neck for a piggy back ride.
Peter: Nope, I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a very loose screw right there.
Vulture stopped mid air suddenly, suspended, struggling to fight the boy's grip. But in matters of pugilistic skills, the dreadful engineer wasn't really the biggest threat.
Otto: Adrian, I demand that you put him down this instant!
Peter: Not your best choice of words, Doc...
Adrian: Fuck off, traitor!
Otto: What, you're still on that?
Adrian: You--!! Oh, I'm sorry, I bet it'll serve me right, just like your perfect plan did!
Otto: Cut some slack, old man, it's better for your health.
Adrian: You left us all there to rot, while you eloped with your precious little Spider whore!
Peter: Uh oh, I think he took the “Miss me, miss me” joke seriously... I'm flattered, but you boys don't need to fight over little old me.
Adrian: This isn't about YOU at all, you pusillanimous cad! We could've ruled this city, Octavius, and you took it from us!
Otto: I'm sure you and the rest of the jailbirds will come up with something yourselves. But I won't promise things will go smoothly, so just shut it and yield!
Adrian: Never! The great Adrian Toomes will not submit to such pathetic, impervious minded chimps.
Otto: By Jove, did I used to sound like that?
Peter: Meh, no time for speech classes. First rule of super-heroing, action before words!
Otto: What about the excessive quipping?
Peter: All part of the means of production!
Miles: Hey, don't sweat it, Ock! I got him good, but what we should really worry about is--
Surely the boy made the call right on time, because Max Dillon came crashing into their party to cause a scene, like always. And of course that included an over the top incandescent show. Suddenly each pole pig had been lit from being attached by his wonderfully magnetic personality, exploding some the majority of the circuit breakers. The telecom company must be having a "blast".
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exculis · 4 days
Nyseg jackhammering right under my window at 8 45 am.
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adk-almanack-mirror · 1 month
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cestfromage · 2 months
Electrifying but not shocking
I was waiting for the Electrician (or someone like him) and he arrived today. With three helpers. They were here most of the day. And got most of the work accomplished – all the necessary work. He will be coming back tomorrow to install the Tesla charger. So excited! And then a week from now, the NYSEG inspectors (or some sort of inspector at least) will come and check over the work. I am…
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carpesherlock · 3 months
I rarely make posts but given the state of the world my advise might help someone.
Most utility services are monopolies. This is just the nature of things you can only have so many pipes under ground or wires running through neighborhoods. Because of this most states regulate these companies.
I can only speak for my state (New York) and my company (national fuel). We are regulated by the PSC (public service commision).
First and foremost find out if you are eligible for HEAP. More information here. They place a 30 day hold on the account, remove the shut off notice and (as of this year, changes each year based on funding) place 400 dollars towards to balance. This is their emergency HEAP grant. They are only supposed to be open until August this year so act fast (Post dated 6/30/24)
Important distinction because they offer a "basic" grant you can apply to each year no matter what your balance it. Emergency HEAP is only for when you have a shut off notice.
If you CANT get HEAP
Ask for an installment plan. If you are eligible for the minimum it is zero down and 10 a month towards whatever you owe added to your monthly bill.
The negotiated is the only other type of plan and here you have some power. The reps read off what the computer tells them but you can ask them to adjust it. If they tell you 100 down and 100 a month say "I don't think that is something I can manage right now, can I do 50 down and 20 a month" they have to say yes. (Obviously adjust as you see fit but the lower a month the better, you can always pay more one month if you have it, they don't charge interest so paying it down slower will not hurt you, but missing payment will, they charge late fees and can cancel the plan or give you another shut off if you miss one
I understand some reps are bitches so if they give you push back just ask to speak with a supervisor. Full stop. They are supposed to say yes to any amount over 10 dollars. If you cannot pay a down payment they are supposed to offer you a minimum agreement.
If they are being difficult just stop the conversation and ask for a supervisor. It will be a call back so be prepared to wait but the supervisor will absolutely give you any plan you ask for because they know the PSC will mandate you get a minimum if you complain to them.
Now if they say you are NOT eligible.
Now might be the time to be a bit of a Karen. And I don't mean yelling at employees, call reps can't do too much. But if they say you are not eligible ask for a floor sup, they will offer you a plan more than likely but with a large down payment. But better than owing the total balance.
If you truly can't afford that go to the PSC and complain that they are not working with you, tell them you had a change in circumstances which resulted in a change to your income and expenses (IE lost a job, sick love one, increased rent you name it, they don't really fact check your income and expenses, be mindful though I'm only speaking about national fuel, HEAP absolutely will check so don't lie to them) this will almost 100% of the time result in a new more affordable installment plan.
Now I can't say for certain but national grid and nyseg at least for western New York should operate very similarly as we are all regulated by the PSC. And if you aren't with these companies or regions find out who regulates your company. Call them and ask about your rights.
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wheretheeternalare · 11 months
nyseg didn’t bill me for months until I started bothering them about it, then when they did bill me I paid immediately, and now they’re sending me late payment notices on that same bill
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betempl · 1 year
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USA Massachusetts Boston NYSEG electricity utility bill template in Word and PDF format
Fully scalable and editable USA Massachusetts Boston NYSEG electricity utility bill of high quality – well organized, named & very easy to use.
This utility bill template generally shows the summary of the account, which shows the current month’s usage.
Our downloadable utility bill templates enable you to submit the required information. So, you can easily fill out your billing summary assets. You do Not need Photoshop to edit this template.
Easily edit and customize with all versions of Microsoft Word (MS Word). We made the sample in doc format, as it has many advantages: ○ easily download small size file, ○ easily modify your information (name, address, date, usage,…), ○ print or save in different formats…
It’s difficult and time-consuming to make an account summary. So, save your time and just download our professionally made template, which may be the best for your online account verification, research, presentation, or work.
Windows standard fonts are used in this template. Anyhow,
You can also download 2000+ fonts from our FREE section to ensure your system is complete with all necessary fonts.
We are eager to accept direct payments, just pay and ask for a template file via email, and you will get it right into your inbox.
If you have any difficulties, try our mirror site – www.katempl.com , www.sotempl.com and www.yutempl.com Our customer service is always ready to help you  contact info! email – [email protected] or [email protected] telegram – katempl or betempl
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Iberdrola invertirá 3.663 millones en modernizar las redes de Nueva York
Galán refuerza su apuesta de crecimiento en el país en pleno proceso de compra de PNMR
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Iberdrola, a través de su filial Avangrid, se prepara para llevar a cabo una potente inversión para modernizar las redes eléctricas del estado de Nueva York y facilitar una mayor integración de las energías renovables.
La compañía ha recibido ya el visto bueno de la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de este estado para poner en marcha un proyecto que constará de dos fases y que supondrá destinar 3.663 millones de dólares (3.315 millones de euros) para reforzar los tendidos de la zona y darle cabida -sólo en la zona de la eléctrica- a cerca de 4.252 MW de nuevas energías limpias.
En la primera fase del proyecto, Avangrid cuenta con 13 inversiones que la compañía ha presupuestado en 1.413 millones de dólares (1.278 millones de euros) en las zonas de Lockport, Lancaster, Ithaca, Oneonta y Binghamton.
Según los cálculos de la empresa, estas mejoras que irán entrando en servicio desde 2026 a 2030 permitirán una integración de 2.252 MW de renovables en el sistema eléctrico de Nueva York en la primera fase.
Asimismo, el 16 de febrero, la NYPSC emitió también una orden para autorizar la llamada Fase 2 que consistirá en añadir un total de 62 mejoras en las redes de transmisión para apoyar nuevas fuentes de generación renovable de conformidad con la aplicación de la Ley de Crecimiento Renovable Acelerado y Beneficio Comunitario.
La Comisión de Servicios Públicos de Nueva York ha autorizado una inversión total de 4.400 millones que permitirá integrar otros 3.500 MW de renovables, lo que facilitará el acceso a una energía equivalente al consumo de 2,8 millones de hogares.
Iberdrola, a través de sus filiales NYSEG y RG&E, ha recibido el visto bueno en esta segunda fase para una inversión de 2.250 millones de dólares (2.036 millones de euros), es decir, más de la mitad del presupuesto de este desarrollo que incluye también a empresas como National Grid o Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation (Fortis Company).
La medida permitirá a la compañía, entre otras cosas, la instalación de 1,9 millones de contadores digitales, además de otras actuaciones en la red de subestaciones de la compañía. La Ley de Crecimiento Renovable Acelerado y Beneficio Comunitario exige que el 70% de la electricidad del estado de Nueva York proceda de fuentes de energía renovables para 2030 y de energía libre de emisiones para 2040. Junto con otros objetivos, la CLCPA se marca como objetivo la construcción de 9 GW de capacidad eólica marina.
Nueva York invertirá en energía limpia más de 35.000 millones de dólares en 120 proyectos renovables y de transmisión a gran escala con el objetivo de facilitar una rebaja de las facturas a los clientes.
Apuesta por las redes
Iberdrola está incrementando así su nivel de inversión en el negocio regulado de redes. La compañía, que firmó recientemente un acuerdo con el fondo soberano de Singapur, GIC, para crecer en Brasil, avanza también en el proyecto de interconexión con Canadá.
La justicia volvió a dar la razón a Iberdrola esta pasada semana y podrá continuar con la construcción de su línea eléctrica entre Estados Unidos y Canadá, New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC). El Tribunal de Negocios y Consumidores de Portland ha fallado, tras dos semanas de juicio, a favor de la eléctrica.
La inversión en Nueva York resulta además uno de los puntos clave ya que la Comisión de Nuevo México utilizó para cargar contra la eléctrica española en su proyecto de compra de PNM Resources las sanciones que la empresa había recibido por algunos problemas en los tendidos.
La eléctrica ha ido despejando poco a poco los puntos que puso en duda en su día la comisión de reguladores y se encuentra a la espera de la decisión del Juzgado para poder volver a solicitar la única autorización que le falta para cerrar la compra de la compañía valorada en 7.000 millones de euros.
La inversión en redes de Nueva York se produce además a las puertas de la visita del presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, a la Casa Blanca el próximo 12 de mayo y en medio de una fuerte disputa existente por las reclamaciones que varios fondos de inversión han presentado en el país por los arbitrajes que España ha perdido por los recortes de las renovables y que ponen en jaque varias emisiones de deuda soberana.
Más plazo para la compra de PNMR
Iberdrola está dispuesta a cerrar la operación de compra de PNM Resources para crear un gigante valorado en más de 40.000 millones en Estados Unidos. La compañía española, a través de su filial Avangrid, ha alcanzado un acuerdo con la estadounidense para prorrogar al 20 de julio el plazo para comprar la compañía. La NRC había otorgado a la filial de la española una prórroga hasta el 25 de mayo y ha vuelto a ampliar el plazo para facilitar la operación de compra de la eléctrica de Nuevo México.
Fuente: https://www.eleconomista.es/
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n2qfd · 11 months
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The next time you read about a line strike I want you to know that one of NY states biggest utilities thinks 10% accuracy in ASBUILT location is ok.
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katempl · 1 year
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USA Massachusetts Boston NYSEG electricity utility bill template in Word and PDF format
The following template is an editable sample of USA Massachusetts Boston NYSEG electricity utility bill in doc format. Edit with MS Word. Easy fillable sample with fine quality.
Forget about Photoshop and PSD format, only Word is you need for this template. We designed a template for people who do not have Photoshop or design skills, but need the template for their work, research, presentation, media or something else.
Purchase, get link, download the doc extension file and change the text, photo, logo, billing summary, account usage details and anything else you need. The template is very good to print, scan and many time uses.
You can also download 2000+ fonts from our FREE section to ensure your system is complete with all necessary fonts.
We are eager to accept direct payments, just pay and ask for a template file via email, and you will get it right into your inbox.
If you have any difficulties, try our mirror site – www.betempl.com , www.sotempl.com and www.yutempl.com
Our customer service is always ready to help you  contact info! email – [email protected] or [email protected] telegram – katempl or betempl
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cestfromage · 2 years
0? 0. 0!!
I got my NYSEG bill today and I owed $0. In fact, I have a balance to put towards my next bill. I guess that really high bill the other month wasn’t right. Or something. I will not be excited about not owing anything on my energy bill this month until a few months have passed and they haven’t added anything back in again. Yes, I do not trust NYSEG. But that was a pleasant surprise. That first…
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energypowersaver · 2 years
Energy Efficient Lighting - How to Get an LED Light Rebate
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The NSW Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) cuts electricity and gas use by creating financial incentives for households and businesses to be more energy efficient.
Under the ESS, businesses have the opportunity to generate Energy Savings Certificates, also known as ESC’s, which are then traded on the electricity market. To know more about LED Light Rebate NSW, visit the Energy Power Saver website or call 69650912468.
Energy efficient lighting is a low-cost way to lower electricity bills and reduce carbon dioxide emissions without sacrificing the quality of your light. LED lights use less energy to produce the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs and they last for 25 years or more, so you'll save money over time.
The NSW Government offers a number of incentives for households and small businesses to upgrade to energy efficient lighting. These include financial incentives such as ‘energy savings certificates’ (ESCs) that can be redeemed for cash or used to offset your electricity costs.
Business customers in NSW can also benefit from an energy efficient lighting offer by the Electricity Wholesalers of NSW (EWEB). Their Existing Building Retrofit program offers a streamlined approach to encourage lighting upgrades and their Custom Incentive Program offers cash incentives for larger or complex projects.
Investing in an updated lighting system can provide dramatic energy and maintenance cost reductions, along with less quantifiable benefits like better light distribution, improved productivity, and reduced carbon emissions. These improvements are multiplied when proper lighting controls, such as timers and dimmers, are used.
Several states have worthy competition for the title of cheapest electricity provider in your locale. In the name of Science department there are numerous no brained estimable savvies to be found amongst them. A few lucky few will go home with a tiddly prize to boot while the rest of the pack will be left to dry in the name of credit sleeve. Most necro units will have an equal number of evicts to the winners. Some may re-locate to neighbouring blocks. A few lucky ones will make a lasting impression while others will fade away in the blink of an eye.
If your business is based in New York State, you can take advantage of several incentives and rebates to make your lighting upgrades more affordable. These programs are designed to help businesses reduce their energy bills, increase employee productivity and make a positive impact on the environment.
If you are a small business owner looking to cut your electric costs, consider a lighting upgrade to LEDs. These lights use 75 percent less energy, saving your business hundreds of dollars a year in electricity bills.
NYSEG offers small business customers the opportunity to get a free lighting assessment, up to 70% of the cost of the project and installation through their "Small Business Direct Install" program.
This program requires you to find a Cleco-approved contractor to complete the project engineering, permitting, interconnection and financing paperwork. After your application and incentives are approved, you can then work with the contractor to schedule and complete the project. This process can take months, so plan accordingly.
If your business is looking to upgrade their lighting, there are a number of subsidies available in certain states and territories. These subsidies can significantly reduce the cost of products and installation, meaning that they can have a huge impact on your ROI.
In Australia, the Victorian Government’s Energy Upgrade Scheme (VEU; formerly VEET) offers a subsidy program for commercial and industrial LED upgrades. Its goal is to encourage businesses and households to replace older, inefficient lighting with newer, more efficient LED lights. To know more about LED Light Rebate NSW, visit the Energy Power Saver website or call 69650912468.
Under the current scheme, the level of subsidy available for LED lighting is heavily dependent on the length of time that a particular business operates and the number of lights. As a result, VEU’s subsidies are more suitable for commercial applications than residential applications. This means that it’s vital to act now if you’re interested in gaining access to these rebates!
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