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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 1 year ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a promo/print advert for English post-punk/industrial rock band KILLING JOKE's 1981 USA Tour, promoting their then second studio full-length "What's THIS for...!." The advert also doubles as a "Tour Dates" flyer -- from the September 1981 issue of "NY Rocker" music magazine.
"This band would not just be a pleasure principle, it would have a social function, rather than something you put on when you get home from work. I guarantee that if you do that with a KILLING JOKE record, you'll lose your job. We knew we were different -- we were articulate and intelligent, yet we were portrayed as thugs, which admittedly there was an element of truth in."
-- JAZ COLEMAN on the ethos and underlying message of KJ
Source: https://amp.cdandlp.com/en/killing-joke/usa-tour-1981-usa-1981-original-promo-type-advert-concert-tour-dates-punk-poster-flyer/poster-display/r118849179.
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xabiramone · 2 months ago
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Television #NYRocker
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rewstarr · 4 years ago
We got to play!!!!ThaNku @wethesherock here’s a snippet of ‘think about’ with #therewdonez #nycwomen #nycwomenwhorock #nyrocks #livemusic #originalsong #rocknroll #band #thinkabout #iwd2021theme @draaandrea @battalionstudios @hotindiemediapresents @offstagetunes @tunehatch (at Battalion Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMM89QGlGb1/?igshid=yxrf5pkk4a03
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undergroundrockpress · 3 years ago
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singeratlarge · 4 years ago
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(In photo L-R Davy Jones, me, David Robicheau, Felipe Torres, Eric Biondo, and Aviva Maloney): FRIDAY FLASHBACK: The Wayback Machine takes us to 1927—on this day Duke Ellington began his historic run at the Cotton Club in New York City. There are many musical stories to tell in NYC, fast forwarding me to Beyondo a.k.a. Eric Biondo—singer-songwriter, recording artist, producer, trumpeter, and multi-instrumetalist. He cites Hall & Oates as a musical influence, but critics have compared him to Todd Rundgren and Steely Dan. His song “Show a Pretender” was a favorite of Davy Jones of The Monkees, with whom Eric worked with (Davy would play Eric’s music over and over…). It’s a start to exploring Eric’s amazing catalog on bandcamp. To show support for musicians who’ve lost income and work because of COVID-19, bandcamp is waiving their fees for all downloads today. That means that if you buy this track, 100% of the money goes to Eric who, like many in NYC, can’t get out to do the usual paid gigs.Eric’s horn has taken him around the world, in the touring bands of The Monkees, Antibalas, TV On the Radio, Angelique Kidjo, and a galaxy of other A-list music acts. I’ve had the honor of performing and recording with Eric, and his music only gets better with time. Music lasts longer than a slice of NY pizza—download this today! 
#newyork #newyorkcity #cottonclub #dukeellington #beyondo #ericbiondo #pretender #davyjones #monkees #trumpet #hallandoates #toddrundgren #steelydan #antibalas #tvontheradio #angeliquekidjo #NYpizza #singersongwriter #artrock #poprock #jazz
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thecastnyc · 7 years ago
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On the walls of The Cast #IggyPop old issue of #NYRocker #1979 Photo: #MarciaResnick #TheCastNYC (at The Cast NYC)
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alucardistaken · 2 years ago
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Euphoria Morning is entirely different from anything you did with Soundgarden, far more quiet, subdued, melancholic. Why did you call it Euphoria Morning? It doesn't seem so euphoric....
"It was the process, the whole process I was in. It was euphoric in a lot of ways. Being able to record an album is a pretty great position to be in. Most people who consider themselves artists don't have situations where all they do is concentrate on an album, nothing else. There was no time pressure, nothing. I could take my time and write. That changed a lot for me."
NYROCK, October 1999
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frenchyandthepunkofficial · 8 years ago
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We'll be in Cleveland (Bedford) Ohio tomorrow Sat Aug 26! See you there... #duo #fokpunk #cabaret #carnivalcabaret #steampunk #nyrock #scotthelland #samanthastephenson #batfrogs #heyheycabaret l (at Bedford, Ohio)
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placebrain · 6 years ago
I love being a freak. It's great!
Brian Molko.
NYRock "Interview with Brian", Apr'01
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nyrockstv · 3 years ago
Peter Baron NYRocks TV Interview Part One
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elvendorkwanwan · 7 years ago
NYROCK: For a while you were almost a political band, if I think about songs like “Charmless Man” and such. DAMON: I was naive enough to believe it would be enough to replace the government. Well, I made fun of the people in the government and then realized that even if we got rid of them, they were replaced by exactly the same guys.
Damon Albarn | NYRock – March 1999
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nyrock322-blog · 8 years ago
Nyrock: Lord of the Rocks characters.
Nyrock: Lord (obviously) Glitchy: Royal King Suss: Royal Queen Deathy: Nyrock’s assassin Sebb: Rip warrior, also intel person Elijah: Best Knight Morgan: Second to Best Knight Mark: Spy Reece: I don’t know his role yet Cubic Sphere: Sniper More characters to come! >3
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certaingeneral · 7 years ago
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Coming May 2018! "Touch" from Certain General. A limited edition 7" vinyl EP of four previously unreleased songs. Recorded 1981 in downtown New York, this EP captures the band in it's formative creative period and features the original lineup of Parker, Phil, Marcy, and Russell. Digitally remastered with full color picture sleeve. Dealer inquiries welcome. #downtown #postpunk #nyrocks #vinyl #nowave
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amyrivard · 8 years ago
As always had an amazing evening singing for the Leave A Lasting Mark Concert Series, in support of @oxfamamerica #musicforacause #musicforagoodcause #concertforacause #benefitnight #benefitnights #musicevent #musicevents #charitynight #oxfam #oxfamamerica #thebitterend #thebitterendnyc #nyrocks #bitterend #musicnight #musicnights #newyorkmusic #oxfaminternational @greatmusicunited #greatmusicunited #musicchoice #singing_entertainment #ilovesinging #ilovesingingsomuch #singingcovers #singingtalent (at The Bitter End)
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hobobuzz · 8 years ago
New #hoboken tweet. Check out "BASB "Are You Gonna Go My Way" Hoboken Bark in Park 10116" by The Big Apple Sunshine Band - https://t.co/TUdFUsjNPz #nyrocks
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alucardistaken · 2 years ago
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How do you think your fans will react? Do you think the Soundgarden fans will accept Euphoria Morning or do you think you'll find a completely new audience?
"Of course, there are hard rock fans who only like hard rock and that's OK, but I think the majority of the people out there are rather open minded. I always liked a lot of different styles and hard rock was just one of them.
I think Euphoria Morning is an album you can always listen to, even in a couple of years; it isn't dated. That's what I was striving for with every Soundgarden album, something lasting, something you want to listen to, again and again. Since it was always part of my approach it wasn't too difficult to record an album like Euphoria Morning. I didn't have to re-invent myself. "
NYROCK, October 1999
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