karma-llama-908 · 7 years
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nygmaoswaldlove · 8 years
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My gift to you @miss-harleenquinzel is Nygmobblepot x happy scenes 💓💓
 I hope you like it.
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nygmobblepot-trash · 8 years
Happy Valentine’s day @scarletb1tch I hope you enjoy the story! This takes place 4 years after the latest Gotham episode. Oswald and have Ed have worked everything out and are secretly dating. This is one of their dates.
 Edward Nygma anxiously ran his fingers over a golden ring encrusted in diamonds, with a ruby in the middle. Ed had spent months on it, robbing several jewelry stores to find the perfect jewels. He was no jeweler, but he was the Riddler, who was smarter than any man. Well that’s what he told himself even if he was proven wrong… a lot.
Edward took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He watched the sun slowly get lower and lower in the sky.
“Ed are you up there?” A voice asked below a trap door.
Edward almost dropped the ring while briskly putting it back into his iconic green suit. He ran over to the trap door and helped Oswald Cobblepot onto the roof.
“You’re late, Mr. Cobblepot.” Ed noted.
“You try finding this place on your own. Every building is abandoned here in this side of Gotham.” Oswald snapped back.
Edward escorted Oswald to a table he had set up for the date. The table was covered in a black cloth with silverware, ceramic plates, wine glasses and candles in the middle.
“What do you think?” Ed asked afraid that maybe he had gone overboard as usual. Normally he wouldn’t care as much, but this night had to be perfect.
“It’s beautiful Ed.” Oswald said as he sat down.
Ed took the other seat and pulled out a bottle of wine. “May I?”
“Of course.” Oswald handed his glass to Edward.
As Edward poured Oswald couldn’t help, but to laugh.
Ed looked at him perplexed. “What’s so funny Os?” He asked giving Oswald the wine.
“You said I was late, but you’re the only that’s late, 3 years late.” Oswald pointed at the wine.
Edward faked a smile. “Yeah you’re right.” He looked off into the distance remembering the day he promised he would show up to Oswald’s house with a bottle of wine. Fate had other ideas and he was taken away by a blonde headed girl. Edward didn’t know if he should tell Oswald that was the wine he bought years ago.
When Oswald realized what he had done he quickly spoke, “I’m sorry Ed. I didn’t mean t-”
“No it’s fine Ossie.” Ed’s fake smiled dropped again as he studied his lover’s face. All of his mistakes stared him back at his face. Over the years Oswald’s face and body had been the victim of terrible crimes. Most of the marks had been caused by Ed and it haunted him.
“Ed you’re staring. What has gotten into you?” Oswald asked obviously worried.
Edward suddenly stood. “Why do you stick around? I’ve done so much to you and yet you’re sitting here with me. You should just put a bullet in my head.” Ed couldn’t help it. No matter what he did there was always a voice that told him he wasn’t good enough. “I’ll hurt you again. I know I will and-”
“Edward that’s enough!” Oswald shouted. In one swift motion Oswald pulled Ed into an embrace. “I told you to never talk like that again. Listen to me Ed, you’re the only person I will ever love. You’ve saved me countless times even after everything I’ve done. If I could go back and do it all again, I would. Falling in love with you was the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Oswald held Ed tighter trying to hold back his tears.
Edward panicked. He didn’t know how to fix things, he had ruined another date. He always knew what to do, except when it came to Oswald. When he was around Oswald all reason went out the window and his head became static. “What do I do?” Edward whispered.
“Shut up and kiss me, Nygma.” Oswald cried into Ed’s shirt.
Ed was about to do as he was told when he heard two car doors slam shut.
“Jim, I’m telling you, the freak put you on another goose chase. He won’t be here. Let’s just call it a day and go get a drink.” A voice came from the street below.
Oswald and Ed both froze they knew exactly who was down there.
“Harv, we can’t just ignore this. If we don’t act quickly who knows what Nygma will do. He’s sick. Besides if you can’t handle it, you can just go. I’ll find you later.” Another man’s voice chimed in.
“And let you kick Nygma’s ass without me? Hell no.” The first man spoke again.
“Ed you need to leave now.” Oswald said with urgency.
“I’m not leaving you.” Edward said grabbing Oswald.
“Don’t worry about me. They’ll only take me to Arkham. I’ll be out in a couple of days.” Oswald pulled away and say back down at the table. “I’ll only slow you down.”
Footsteps and voices were heard from the trap door.
“Go!” Hissed Oswald.
Edward finally did as told and found a ladder on the side of the building. Oswald smiled at Ed one final time as Ed disappeared down the building.
“GCPD!” A man yelled as he busted open the trap door.
Oswald watched as two men climbed up through the opening in the roof. One man was fairly older than the other with a grey and brown beard, the younger one had slick brown hair and eyes that teared into Oswald’s soul. They immediately pointed their guns at an unamused Oswald.
“I see you still have no manners.” Oswald sighed and crossed his arms.
“Where’s the green freak, Penguin?” The older man asked clearly out of breath.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now if you excuse me, my food is getting cold.” Oswald picked up a container of spicy mustard.
“Cut the shit, Cobblepot. I figured out Ed’s riddle. He should be here. I suggest you tell us or I can drag your ass back to Arkham.” The younger one was obviously not in the mood.
Oswald turned to both of the men. “As much as I would love to help you with whatever adventure you’re on now, I’m kind of busy currently.” Oswald said with a mouthful of food. “You’re not very good at your job, Jim. I expect this much from a buffoon like Harvey, but not you. Nygma and I are enemies. Don’t worry I’ll find him and when I’m done I’ll send you what’s left.” Oswald hoped Ed was long gone, so he couldn’t hear the terrible things being said about him.
“You say that, but here you are at a table set for two. I was there 4 years ago when you and Nygma were buddies. I know he’s here, Oswald.” Jim Gordon took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Oswald to a pipe connected to the building.
Oswald was about to tell Gordon otherwise when he was interrupted by the Riddler’s booming voice over what sounded like a megaphone. “Detective Gordon and the other imbecile there’s still one final problem! You have 8 minutes and 45 seconds to stop my bomb from going off. I gave you more time since you have a Harvey with you, Gordon. You better hurry or all the people trapped inside will die. Good luck, you’ll need it.”
A building a half block away lit up with green.
Oswald turned back to the detectives and pleaded. “Don’t you dare leave me here. If that maniac finds me, I won’t be able to defend myself.”
“Don’t get my hopes up Penguin.” Harvey said as he quickly dropped down the trap door.
Gordon stared at Oswald as if he knew what was happening. “You can run, but I’ll find you guys.” Jim promised as he disappeared down the hole after Harvey.
Edward climbed back onto the building as the detectives raced to the green building. He quickly ran over and uncuffed Oswald.
“I told you to get out of here!” Oswald yelled.
Edward only ignored him and pulled him down where Jim and Harvey exited earlier. Once they were out of the building Ed picked Oswald up and ran. He didn’t know where he was going, but Edward knew he had to get them out if there.
“Edward Nygma stop ignoring me and put me down at once!” Oswald screamed.
Ed kept running. Tonight was the night he was going to propose. He wouldn’t let Jim or his own mistakes ruin it.
After about a mile and a half of running and taking quick breaks, Ed suddenly stopped realizing where he had taken them. The dock haven’t changed in years.
“Why do you never listen?!” Oswald shouted as he broke free from Ed.
Ed stared at the water in front of them. How could he have taken them here? Memories Ed tried to forget every night flooded into his head all at once. He heard Oswald’s voice begging him not to pull the trigger.
Oswald watched as Edward fell to the ground. “Damn it. We don’t have time for this. They’ll corner us if we don’t leave now, Ed.”
Oswald tried to push his own memories of the dock away, but couldn’t. So he sat next to Ed and watched as police lights get closer.
Oswald put his hand on Ed’s. “It’s going to okay, Eddie. We can’t let the past ruin our future.”
“You’re right Ossie, like always.” Edward smiled. What happened in the past is the past. This place doesn’t have to be a hurtful reminder. Maybe it could be a happy beginning.
Edward put his other hand into his pocket and felt the ring as Oswald stood up to face the nearing ever closer GCPD. An idea pushed its way into his head, it was crazy, but he had to do it.
“Oswald do you remember when you told me that we needed each other, that one couldn’t exist without the other?” Oswald heard Ed’s shakey voice behind him.
“Yes then you shot me.” Oswald stated coldly not wanting to remember the past.
“It took me four years to realize that you were right. I need you Oswald.” Ed’s voice was now cracking as if he was about to cry.
Oswald saw Jim running towards them in the distance. Oswald spun around to face Edward. “What the hell-” Oswald stopped mid sentence. Edward was on one knee.
Oswald choked back sobs of joy, “Edward Nygma I swear to God if you propose to me with a god damn riddle I will shove you into the water.
“What needs two to work, falls apart with one, and ends only at death?” Edward smiled proud of his riddle and pulled out the ring.
“Screw you Nygma.” Oswald sobbed.
“Is that a yes?” Edward pressed.
“Yes, you big idiot!” Oswald yelled as he ran into Edward’s arms.
“Wait Nygma and Cobblepot are a thing?!” Harvey yelled out of breath from running. Harvey opened his wallet and pulled out 20 dollars.
“I told you.” Jim Gordon sighed and took the money from Harvey.
They had a bet on if Edward and Oswald ever got together. Jim may have left the part out where he saw the two singing together in Ed’s apartment.
Edward paid no attention to the GCPD and kissed Oswald.
“Can I shoot them now?” Harvey joked wanting to go home.
“It’s too much extra paper work, Harv.” Jim sighed again.
“You’re just mad, because Nygma and Cobblepot got a happy ending, but you and Lee didn’t.” Harvey laughed suddenly enjoying the situation.
Jim turned to one of the officers. “Make sure those two are far away from each other in Arkham.” He turned back to Harvey “I need that drink now.”
“Now you’re talking. Have fun on your honeymoon in Arkham.” Harvey said following Gordon back to his cop car.
Oswald responded with a gesture that Harvey sadly didn’t see.
The Riddler and the Penguin were then apprehended and taken to Arkham. They were both out in record time.
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cherryhawks · 8 years
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(wow take a look at this terrible moodboard i tried to do omg i'm so sorry) (it was suppose to be an extra present for being so late ugh) (hopefully the story makes up for this trash) anyway, my valentine is @redvelvet-cupcake123 i love you so much and you are the most beautiful angel in the world omg and thank you for waiting forever for this!! i really hope you like it :) Bully (Harry Potter AU) (i hope you like Harry Potter oh my gosh) {lots of fluff at the end, some bad words but only a couple, angry! Oswald, (kind of) innocent! Ed} Oswald despised Edward. Edward despised Oswald. Or, at least that's what they thought. The Slytherin and the Ravenclaw just never got along. Yet, there was always a secret desire there. Each felt like there could be something more, something that resembles love that blossomed beneath that hatred... ---- Edward doesn't actually despise Oswald. He would never admit it, though. Ed was so sure that Oswald absolutely hated him. Oswald never failed to always try to upstage Ed, tease Ed, or outsmart Ed. Ed SHOULD hate him, but Oswald gave him attention. Granted, it wasn't GOOD attention, but it was attention nonetheless. And attention is something that Edward craves. See, Ed isn't exactly popular. Being from Ravenclaw, he is mostly seen as a typical nerd and while also being socially inept, Edward is definitely a target for bullies. Oswald knew about the bullies, too. And he was NOT happy about it. ---- Oswald and Edward were in Potions class. Oswald was admiring Ed. He did this a lot. Ed was just too beautiful and interesting to not admire. Today, though, Oswald knew something was wrong. Ed's usual, alluring smile was turned downwards into a frown. Oswald had to figure out what was making his sunshine so sad. Oswald doesn't hate Ed, either. Oswald would even go as far as to say he was in love with him. Maybe, Oswald always teasing Ed was his way of showing how much he liked him? Or maybe it was to hide his disappointment that Ed would never love him because of that cursed Kristen Kringle, the girl Ed had always had a crush on. Therefore, Oswald had to keep his love secret. Oswald would NEVER bully Ed, though. No, each just LOVED to make the other one mad whether it be Ed receiving an Outstanding on every homework assignment and gloating about it to Oswald, Oswald's house, Slytherin, always beating the Ravenclaws at every Quidditch game, or each trying to outdo each other at perfecting spells. Each just wanted to prove they were better than the other. It had just always been that way. And Oswald hated it. ---- It was the end of class, and Ed had just bolted out of the room. He had to get away; He just could not take the constant taunting anymore! Edward was almost to the Ravenclaw common room! Just a couple more steps- "Hey, freak; Wait up!" Harvey Bullock, the meanest kid in Gryffindor. Also, Ed's bully. "Where's my fucking homework you were suppose to do, huh?" Harvey spat at Ed. "Umm, I-I was v-very busy yesterday." Ed stuttered. "That's not a good enough excuse, Nygma," Harvey warned, "I expect it by tonight or I will break your skull, got it?" Edward nodded frantically. What Edward didn't know was that someone was watching this ordeal happen, and he was going to do something about it. ---- "CRUCIO!" "Stop, please!" Harvey screamed, "I won't bother him anymore, I promise, just make it stop!" "No, no, Harvey," Oswald taunted, "You deserve worse for everything you have put him through!" "Avada Kedav-" "Stop!" Edward exclaimed, bursting into the room, "Oswald, that is enough!" Harvey stood up, groaning in pain. "Get out, Harvey," Ed sneered, "And if you tell anyone what happened here, I'll tell the headmaster about all the times you've hurt me." "Whatever, you fucking psychos." Harvey jeered while leaving the room. ---- "Ed," Oswald started, "I had everything under control." "Yes, of course, Oswald," Ed replied, "Because torturing and almost killing another student was "under control." "I DID IT FOR YOU, ED!" "I CAN HANDLE MYSELF, OSWALD!" "I JUST WANTED TO PROVE THAT I DIDN'T HATE YOU!" "What?" "I don't admit my true feelings because I know you like someone else." Oswald muttered. "Ozzie, what are you talking about?" Ed questioned. "I like you, okay?" Oswald blurted. "Y-you do?" "Yes, but I know you like Kristen-" "No, I don't!" Ed interrupted, "I...I might possibly like you, too." Oswald and Ed shared a glance and shyly laughed at their stupidity. "Thank you," Ed said, "For stopping Harvey. I could never be that brave." "He had to be put in his place," Oswald replied, "Although, I would have loved to kill him." "That's why I stopped you," Ed stated, "You would have been sent to Azkaban, and I would never see you again." Oswald blushed. "Well, then, I'm glad you stopped me." Edward smiled softly. He walked over to Oswald, pulled him into an embrace, and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. "Maybe we could try being boyfriends?" Ed suggested, "How about we go to Hogsmeade together this weekend?"
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universallyunlucky · 8 years
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Smol nygmobblepot beans for @dreamofyellowskies I hope you like it and I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! (:
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edwardnashtons · 8 years
At long last! Here is my contribution to the Nygmobblepot Valentine Exchange for @isoldewass. I hope it’s up to snuff!
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rockyrants · 8 years
I Won’t Let You Fall
For the Nygmobblepot Valentines Day Exchange!!  This is for the ever lovely @flygurl2sam​. Though I don’t know you very well as I’ve just gotten into this fandom your blog is so wonderful to scroll through and you are genuinely such a lovely person.  Read on Ao3 Here Summary: Oswald realizes that he really has never taken Ed on a date in public before. Ed realizes that Ice Skating is perhaps not his forte.  Oswald rolled his eyes as he flipped through the channels on the television. The closer it got to Valentine’s Day, the more ridiculous the commercials got. Get your lover that diamond ring they’ve been wanting, or flowers, or chocolate, or a romantic dinner. Hell, he could do that for Ed any time of the year. In fact, he did. Frequently. Being the Mayor and King of Gotham had its perks. 

Oswald tipped his head though as a new commercial came on for the Gotham Ice Rink. A couples skate for Valentine’s Day. He had fond memories of the ice rink from growing up, his mother used to always take him for Christmas. Oswald looked at his leg and then back up at the screen. He wondered if he even could at this point.
Ed walked behind the couch, watching the commercial as well.
“What’s bright like diamond, hard like rock, crushed or cubed or a solid block.” Ed said with a smile. Oswald looked back at him.
“Ice. Not as clever when the answer’s right in front of me.”  He gestured to the images flashing of happy couples on the TV. 

“Correct.” Ed grinned, “Have you ever been skating before?” He asked nodding to the television as the commercial finished.

“A long time ago, I’m not so certain it would be such a good idea now.” Oswald said, another sappy commercial came on and he changed the channel. 

“Well clearly you think its at least an idea. You haven’t stopped on a channel long enough to watch a full commercial. And we’ve never really been on a date.”

Oswald turned around on the sofa immediately, “We go on dates.”

“Not so much ones in public.” Ed said sorting through the files in his hand. He handed Oswald a couple of them, “This is for your meeting with the urban development department. And this one is the blackmail photos for your meeting with Mr. Loretti on the East side.” Ed leaned down and kissed Oswald’s head gently before continuing on his way out of the room. 

Oswald watched him leave, turning his attention back to the television. He leaned against the arm of the sofa, cheek resting on his hand as he thought. Ed wanted a public date then, did he? Then that’s exactly what he would get. 

“Where are we going?” Ed asked, head rolling against the back of his seat in the limo like an impatient child. They’d been driving around for far too long and Oswald had been nothing but cryptic the entire time. Ed had already tired him out with his usual questions. He hated being stumped. Oswald simply smiled at him.
“You’ll see.”

“I’ve been trying to see, you’ve been keeping the windows shut and I’m pretty sure we’ve driven around the same block seven times now.” The car made another left turn, “Eight.”
“You had mentioned that I don’t particularly take you out on public dates. Nice restaurants. Movies. Things like that. Things that ordinary couples do.” Oswald looked down at his hands for a moment before his head snapped up with a half manic smile, “Well, no more. You deserve to be seen with me in public. And not just as my chief of staff, but as my boyfriend. As you already are.”  The car finally slowed to a stop.
Ed got out and went to go open the door for Oswald, as he always did, but paused when he found himself on the other side of the car. He blinked at the building before him. The white lights were a bit hard to miss anyway. Oswald pushed himself out of the car carefully, mindful of his leg. 

“Ice skating.” Ed said slowly. Oswald stepped up next to him, looping his arm in Ed’s.

“Of course. I thought it could be fun.”
Ed looked to him, “You’re going to need extra bracing on your knee.” Ed said quickly.  Oswald rolled his eyes and reached into his coat, pulling out a folded up Ace bandage. 

“Already ahead of you.”
Ed took a deep breath and smiled at him, “Alright then.”
Edward knelt in front of the mayor, tightening the bandage again for the eighth time. His brows were furrowed in deep concentration.
“As romantic as it is having you bandage up my leg again, don’t you actually want to get on the ice.”
“This isn’t going to work.” Ed said with a frown, going to unwrap the bandage again, “You need more support. Your foot on top of a thin piece of metal, it won’t be good for it. The balance of it all- You could twist it further, cause nerve damage, or-” Oswald lightly smacked Ed’s hand and tilted his chin up so that his chief of staff would look at him right in the face.

“Ed.” He said firmly, “It’s fine.” He kissed Edward’s nose, “Are you nervous?”
“I’ve tried skating once.” Ed pushed his glasses up on his nose, “I wasn’t very good at it.”
Oswald stood on his skates, holding his hand out for Ed to help him stand as well, “I’ll keep you up. It has been quite some time since I’ve been on the ice as well. We’ll simply stay to the sides.”  He gave Ed’s hand a squeeze, “You’ll be fine.”
Ed nodded, “I’ll be fine.”
“Oswald, this is not fine.” Ed said, white knuckling the railing of the ice rink. He and Oswald had been around the rink exactly once. Well Ed had. Oswald had remembered how to skate fairly easily. 

Shockingly enough, the ability to glide forward without having to put too much pressure on his bad leg was quite comforting. He’d never been able to move around so easily. And after learning to put most of his weight on his good leg anyway, keeping balance was not too large of a concern. 

Edward on the other hand was struggling. He’d made it around the rink once before grabbing desperately to the sides, squeaking each time a small child or couple whizzed past him.
Oswald skated up to his boyfriend, “You need to let go of the wall.”

“Like hell I do.”  

“Just try.”
Ed slid one foot forward. And Newton’s Third Law took effect. His other foot immediately slid back and he found himself in an almost splits, desperately trying to pull himself up into a standing position. He readjusted his glasses.
“Well, that went about as well as I thought it would.” He huffed, looking at Oswald. The mayor couldn’t help but laugh, earning him a slight glare from his boyfriend.
“Sorry, I- Just- here.” Oswald skated closer and tried to take Ed’s hand, “I’ll keep you from falling.”

“I’m a whole head taller than you, Oswald. My center of gravity is much higher. I am so much farther off the ground. And I’m at least fifty percent knees at this point.”

Oswald rolled his eyes and put his hand over Ed’s, “Edward Nygma. I will not let you fall. Let go of the wall.” He said, taking the man’s hand. He had to pry Edward’s fingers off of the ledge, but managed to lace his own between the other man’s, “Just lean on me.”

“I’ll make you fall if i do that.”

“No you won’t.”

“I’m perfectly comfortable right here.” 

“Your knuckles are turning white from gripping the railing.” 

“Well would you look at that,” Ed said with a panicked laugh, “Looks like I’m getting frost bite. Well we might as well-”


Edward took a deep breath and finally loosed his grip on the wall enough to slowly scoot forward. Oswald tugged lightly on Ed’s hand, helping him move inch by inch. Soon they began picking up a little bit of speed.

“Too fast!” Ed said panicked. A child zoomed past them and Edward found himself desperately gripping to the wall again with both hands, glaring at the child, “Little troll.” He grumbled.
Oswald skated in front of him and held out his hands, “Both hands off the wall.” He demanded. Ed’s lips tightened into a flat line as he looked between Oswald’s hands and his face. He timidly reached out, grabbing tightly to his boyfriend.
Oswald pushed himself off, moving backwards and dragging Ed along with him. Ed’s legs wobbled as they went.
“You can’t see where you’re going.” Ed said after a long while.
“Well I’ll just trust you to tell me where I am, won’t I?” Oswald shot back. Ed took a deep breath, watching for the turn that was coming up.

“Turn.” He said.  Oswald stepped behind himself, causing them to turn with the crowd. 

“See? You know what you’re doing.” He smiled. Ed offered a weak smile back, still gripping tightly to the other’s hands.
“When did you get so good at this?” Ed asked, tilting his head, “If you weren’t so busy holding me up you could be skating circles around me right now.”
“I wanted to skate with you, not around you.” Oswald explained. His foot faltered a little bit and he found himself holding on to Ed for balance instead of the other way around. Ed kept them up and Oswald smiled, “You’re getting better already.” Oswald said, letting go of one of Edward’s hands so he could skate next to him instead.
Ed found his footing soon enough, letting Oswald go from holding his hand to balance to holding it for comfort to simply lacing his arm with his boyfriend. Every time Ed began to slip, Oswald was right there to keep him upright.

Oswald kissed Ed’s shoulder and felt him tense up. 

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Oswald. How the hell do we stop?” 

Oswald laughed and pretended not to hear Ed’s request.
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fujoshi16 · 8 years
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Happy Valentine's day, everyone! This is my first nygmobblepot drawing ever and I'm really happy of how it looks 😍😍. This is my present for @nygmaticreport who is a great buddy and a great fanboy 😀😀.
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thedeevirus · 8 years
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Had these drop into my message box today and liked them so much I just had to share! 😍These lovely pieces of art by the wonderfully talented @ji-chi are based on my Nygmobblepot Valentine's Day fic 'Part of His World' (found here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9693209) and really capture the tone of the story perfectly!
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bittersweetrage · 8 years
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here’s my valentine for @theheirofslytherinlives! 
my prompt was ed and oswald watching a movie, i hope you like it!
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birdie-does-things · 8 years
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I was really sad to hear that my partner for the exchange had deactivated their account.
Thankfully @vertibird came and helped me out a bit. They wrote me a beautiful and lovely fanfic that I am grateful to be gifted. Well here is my valentine’s gift to you!!! I know it’s not your prompt but it’s some angsty nygmobblepot (+Bonus Oswald with hearts). I’m not the best artist, but I’m improving! Hopefully you like it!! So sorry it’s kind of late, I’ve been caught up in some school work but anyways, Happy [late] Valentine’s Day!! Hehe ~^~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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ji-chi · 8 years
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Nygmobblepot valentine exchange for @thedeevirus   _ Edward and Oswald at the zoo/aquarium
Since I currently hate how Gotham treated Nygmobblepot so I just drew a college/highschool AU for this prompt, I hope you like it, the aquarium took me a while to draw @@  this might be the most detailed picture I’ve ever drawn, please click for full view ^^” 
Anyway happy valentine day :) 
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isoldewas · 8 years
here is my contribution to the Nygmobblepot Valentine Exchange for @freckledandspectacled ​
hey hey, here we are. your blog is lovely, your fiction is amazing, your prompt- well- it was certainly a point de départ.
prompt (short version) : "Canon Divergence : Isabella doesn’t allow Ed to leave her, and on the night of their confrontation things go very sour when she takes measures to ensure he can’t […]. When Ed doesn’t return that night, Oswald grows worried and then takes matters into his own hands […] and rescues him. Hurt/Comfort follows for Ed (obviously a bit distraught after the experience), then confession time for Oz, and they get together and live happily ever after. […] Basically all I want is Oz rescuing Ed from Isabella’s evil clutches and then them being gay.[…]“
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roguepythia · 8 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Gotham (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma, Nygmobblepot - Relationship Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma Additional Tags: nygmobblepotvalentine, Friendship/Love, Fluff and Angst, nygmobblepositivity, Nygmobblepot Valentine's Exchange, Valentine's Day, pre teen Edward, Ed's dark inner monologue, Happy Oswald Cobblepot Summary:
A look into Valentine's Day past and present from Ed's POV.
Takes place in between 3x04 and 3x05.
This is my gift to @honeybeehum​ for the Nygmobblepot Valentine's Day Exchange! I hope you like it!
Honeybeehum’s prompt: Anything dealing with Oswald's and Ed's respective childhoods. I'd just love to see them learning about each others pasts - maybe something about a weird Valentine's Day tradition that Oswald and Ed share?
Special thanks to @flux--and--flow for the amazing beta work! She really did a ton of work to help out a total stranger and I couldn't be more appreciative. Any remaining mistakes are my own.
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redxbird-blog · 8 years
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Happy late valentines day @nyranin!
Hope you enjoy your suit!nygmobblepot💞
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erizee · 8 years
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my valentines gift for @simple-penguin :D sorry for any mistakes, I’m still figuring this whole drawing-thing out
hope you like it though! :D
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