grunkle4d · 5 years
Only Child
@nxtwhatheseems || closed
Stanley never had a chance to meet his uncle Stanford, he’d died before he was born. His father was always very tight-lipped about his brother, giving the sense that he was ashamed of the man and not at all sad that he was long dead. The only clue Stanley had ever really gotten about who his uncle even was, was a brief bout of anger when his father was drunk one night and went on a rant about how his good-for-nothing brother had selfishly hoarded some large amount of money he’d gotten from some kind of achievement his father hadn’t specified, and left the rest of his family to rot in destitution while he went out to live on the west coast in a fancy cabin in the woods.
There were so many years between that and the notice that Stanley was being passed down a cabin after attempting to give it to charity had fallen through for legal safety reasons, that he’d almost forgotten who it belonged to. The cabin was in bad shape when Stan got there, with some kind of crazy cult symbolism all over the place, most of which Stan was able to clear out in a big junk scrapping run, but some of which was built directly into the walls and windows themselves. At a glance, it looks like illuminati shit, but that’s probably a myth, anyway. Besides, the place was free, without any mortgage since his crazy uncle had it built on the land, all Stan had to pay were utilities and the land tax, both of which were much less than paying for a house anywhere else would have been.
Rural Oregon was never his idea of a good time, but it was enough of a base of operations for him to swing back around to now and then between traveling gigs to keep himself busy. The locals were weird, and the wildlife was weirder, so he never stuck around for very long, it was just a cheaper place to land between jobs than a motel would be.
It’s during one of those brief stays that he hears something weird. It wakes him up in the middle of the night, and while his first instinct might have been ordinarily to think that someone was breaking in, that doesn’t seem to track for this. It’s a deep rumbling noise, like an earthquake. The entire cabin quivers like an earthquake. But there’s a strange, faint blue light seeping up from the floorboards, shining up through streams of dust. With a bit of exploring, Stan might find a panel of the wall downstairs he never thought twice about before, where a rectangle of that same blue light is shining out on all four sides of a hidden door.
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dirnensions · 5 years
“Gee Idunno, I-I-I’m pretty sure I just said what I was doing. Borrowing your car battery. Borrowing. Like I was gonna give it back.”
Pulling his hands back to avoid several broken fingers, Rick pockets the device and crosses his arms, jumper cables still in hand. Seems it was gonna be one of those days...
“L-Listen, Fez, I don’t have time and don’t give a shit enough to explain the gravity of the situation other than I need power, and all the cars I’ve seen are pieces of sh-- they’re garbage.”
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“I will literally leave your whole fucking dimension if you let me use your car.”
@nxtwhatheseems con’t
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cantrcturn · 5 years
@nxtwhatheseems || [x]
❛❛ Common sense is the sixth sense you’re all missing. ❜❜
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— —★ “That’s rich comin’ from you,” He grumbles, not impressed by the dorito demon. “You’ve been braggin’ about how old you are, yet it’s taken you this long to get remotely close to accomplishing your goal? Sounds pretty pathetic to me.”
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The disdain in Cipher’s voice is obvious as he eyes the man with a look of deadpan, yet intrigue. Ah, Stanley. The ignored twin; the stupid one; yet in some weird way, one smarter than  S I X E R  would ever be. Admittedly, that was something Bill could respect, and perhaps being a fellow con-man had something to do with it. There had always been a reason he tread carefully around the guy.
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techmosamson · 7 years
The elf let out a plume of smoke from his mouth as he lingered on the question, leaning against his Delorean as they stood in front of the Mystery Shack. .He stubbed the cigarrette out on the hood of his car and rubbed his nose for a moment.
“Look man, I’ve lived on this planet much longer than you, so from where I’m standing, you’re the alien here,” he replied. He straightened his back to stretch, then rolled his left shoulder, an audible pop coming out of the slender socket, then took out another cigarette and put it between his lips.
“So, did you want to buy the product, or not? Guarantee you, you’re not gonna find a better price.”
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dcmonicwheels · 7 years
@nxtwhatheseems​ (🐍)
Jimmy faintly sneered when he heard the comment and took another sip of the booze. Forced to grow up beforehand, the biker badly remembered the time he felt himself as a true child - not knowing any grief or worry and enjoying the most insignificant things only a little boy could relish in his carefree life. 
But he clearly remembered when it ended...
“Heh... Ya don’t even need to. I got kick in the butt rather early so my memory of this as crappy as a warm beer. What ‘bout my parents... Well... Let’s just say my father was a livin’ example that booze can do evil things with ya spirit. A bad habit can hurt and take a lot if ya don’t know th’ measure - yer work, yer soil, yer friends... At th’ end, it gets to your family too.“
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“I can forgive ol’ man for my ruined childhood... But I still can’t forgive him for that night. Never blamed mom though - leaving him was a right thing after everythin' he did to her.“
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campsongcounselor · 7 years
ℕ𝕖𝕨 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤
🏕   @nxtwhatheseems
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❝ Hi-ya, Mister ! Are you a parent here to pick up or drop off one of our 🏕  ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝’𝕤 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤 🏕  ? ❞
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bannedinmoststates · 7 years
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?•awhile back, I did one where Stanford was possessed by Bill and he basically tortured Mabel by removing one of her eyes. And then Ford came back to witness the repercussions.•also, that blind faith AU one is one of my favorites!! I want to do more with that
✈ : What do you think is your reputation in your role-play community?•uh… I think I’m pretty well liked? I know that I have been really bad at replying to people and taking forever, though. I hope you guys are having as much fun as me
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[☠] @nxtwhatheseems [☠]
    “Stanley Pines hmmm?” Evil grinned, tilting his head to the side slightly, “Heh. . . how interesting to see you outside of your little shack~ come to find out about the visitor in town everyone talks about?~” He seemed rather cheerful for being in a place rather populated. . .
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bezazzled · 7 years
nxtwhatheseems replied to your post: it’s 12:03am which means i am officially no longer...
Happy birthday! :’D
[[ thank you!!! :3 ]]
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hxstlerfox · 8 years
@nxtwhatheseems​  My Precious bae || Cont. From here
                 ❝Kinda hard not ta' see all that. Ya weren't really DISCREET                   about your cash. I saw it hangin' out'ta yer pants a mile away.❞
---Could have been an exaggeration, but with this area, everybody was watching. As the young man struggled to get his footing, Finn took a second to examine the new face. He either looked like a man who lived ON the streets, or didn't much care for a bath; but either way, he was a MESS. This, however, was Finn's normal route as he made his way back to his home for the night. Though his business was strictly a self-employment, he never worked from home. In the profession he was in, it would be too dangerous to do so.
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❝This ain't the best part of town you're in, bud. I suggest ya' take whats LEFT of your sorry ass, and head out'ta here.❞Unusual to see a new face roaming the streets--- or in this man's case, ON The street.
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patrociinar-blog · 8 years
@nxtwhatheseems || closed starter
Bill knew that portal would bring nothing but trouble. The demon knew that.       But did he DO anything? NO!
And now half the town could be OBLITERATED BY NUCLEAR BLAST because of his negligence. Stupid stupid stupid!
Bill hadn’t run like this since the days of Trembly. Then again, he had no reason to run since those days. In any NORMAL situation, the demon would have teleported to the scene of action and skip this whole running nonsense. But, to teleport now would be seriously reckless. The amount of sheer force this open portal was generating would tear his molecules to bits if he tried to teleport. So, running it was.
He didn’t bother knocking on the shack’s door before swinging it open. He looked around--the force of the portal creating waves in his sight--as his empathy pulled him down the stairs. The only thing stronger than the nuclear force of this portal was the force of the agony occurring down in the basement.
The demon flew down  the stairs two at a time to save those precious milliseconds. The portal seemed to be stable--but Aloxal knew how long it would hold. The closer he came to the basement the harder it was the withstand the combined forces of the pain he felt from the brothers mixed with the pure energy that was radiating from the machine. But the demon didn’t slow his pace. Even if the two forces were causing a migraine that intensified with every beat of his racing heart. Bill put a gloved hand to his head and continued down.
Then, as he was approaching the last flight of stairs, it stopped. The portal’s energy ceased. The headache settled, and Bill shook his head to clear it. It stopped...? 
His empathy reported anger shifting into SHOCK... that slowly morphed into a quiet and singular GRIEF.
Bill kicked the door open. He stopped a lone Pines kneeling on the floor. He could only utter a quiet word as realization set in.
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“ St-stanley?! ”
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spacealcoholic-blog · 7 years
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░ 👽 ░
“What the hell Stanley? Won’t even offer me a beer? Just gonna- gonna make me get it myself? I doubt you can even still outrun the law. ” 
Portal gun still in hand, the end of the barrel is prodded at the other mans chest. Something akin to an outburst. But the grin that follows as the gun is finally aimed away and shot into the wall says it’s not all that serious. 
“If your old man knees can’t keep up I’m not payin’ your bail.”
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bannedinmoststates · 7 years
Three blogs to recommend!!
@siixxer - Okay, please go and follow them? They are an absolute delight to talk to, they have so many wonderful ideas, and all of our roleplays have been absolutely phenomenal. They play Ford very well, in my opinion, and are definitely worth checking out
@nxtwhatheseems - I haven’t roleplayed with them personally I am admiring you from afar but? From what I’ve seen they play Stan really well and I am always happy to see them on my dashboard. Very nice, 10/10 would recommend
@pinkqxartz - not only do they play Rose well, and I adore all of our interactions and our ships, but I applaud them for being able to manage so many roleplay blogs at once. Seriously, go and check them all out, please! Especially if you’re interested in wonderfully written Steven Universe muses
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grunkle4d · 5 years
tagged by @nxtwhatheseems
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Honey  And  Lemon  Or Milk  And  Sugar  //  Musicals  Or  Plays  // Lemonade Or  Iced  Tea  //  Strawberries  Or  Raspberries  //  Winter  Or Summer  //  Beaches  Or  Forests  //  Diners  Or  Cafés  //  Unicorns Or  Dragons  //  Gemstones  Or  Crystals  //  Hummingbirds  Or  Owls  //  Fireworks  Or Sparklers  //  Brunch  Or Happy  Hour  //  Sweet  Or  Sour  //  Rome  Or  Amsterdam  //  Classic  Or  Modern  Art  //  Sushi  Or  Ramen  //  Sun  Or  Moon  //  Polka  Dots  Or  Stripes  //  Macaroons  Or  Croissants  //  Glitter  Or  Matte  //  Degas  Or  Seurat  //  Aquariums  Or  Planetariums  //  Road  Trip  Or Camping  Trip  // Colouring  Books  Or  Watercolour  //  Fairy  Lights  Or  Candles
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bezazzled · 7 years
⚠ (Hope you don't mind!)
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Mabel let out a giggly squeal. “Grunkle Stan! Put me down!”
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