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educritter · 1 year ago
Why This Ingredient 3: Minerals
Part three of the ingredients and their uses series, minerals! Take care of your body: lick a rock today!
Very few of these are the minerals described in the article, but they look cool so here we are.Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash Minerals are underrated. For a lot of minerals, only a tiny amount is needed for them to take an immense part in the body’s ability to stay alive and well. Many come from rocks, but often those rocky mineral sources are broken up and modified by plants, or simply mixed…
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lossweight7 · 2 years ago
learn how to loss 150lbs
click here tinlyurl dot com/Loss150lbs ( remove dot with . yo get started)
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p--ito · 4 months ago
Oceňovací příspěvek pro mého manžela, protože je rozkošně pečující.
Jsem v nemocnici a on mi musel sbalit tašku. Nejen, že sbalil vše, co měl, ale přidal taktéž:
Extra páry spodního prádla se slovy "in case you shit yourself". Ten člověk zná mé neopodstatněné strachy.
Sluchátka, protože nemohl najít moje bezdrátová (protože jsem je měla u sebe). Ale ne jen tak ledajaká. Jeho sluchátka, bez kterých nemůže spát, ale v jeho očích jsem je potřebovala víc.
Ne klasický ručník, ale ten nejsvátečnější, co máme.
Hroznové víno v krabičce s párátky, abych nemusela své churavé tělo nutit ke kontaktu s hrozny, než je vložím do úst. Aristokratický přístup.
Svetr. Teda tři. V různých tloušťkách, abych si mohla vybrat, jaký mi nejvíc vyhovuje, kdyby se tohle peklo změnilo na dobu ledovou.
Svou nehynoucí odvahu mluvit česky se sestřičkami a hádat se se mnou o tom, jestli to megadivný zvíře, co mám na povlečení je jen yassified kráva (můj úchop) nebo krab s ksichtem na krunýři, bez nohou (jeho úchop).
Whatever je tato zpráva:
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kejklir · 6 months ago
Absolutně jsem zapomněl sem nasdílet mou maturitní práci na kterou jsem stále docela hrdý.
Je to ilustrovaná audiokniha povídky 'Král Mor' od E. A. Poa. Ta povídka není celá, protože to bych časově nezládl, ale snažil jsem se to utnout v jakžtakš dobrou chvíli. Namluvil mi ji milý známý na kterého je odkaz pod videem. Doporučuju jeho tvorbu pokud vás baví strašidelné audio příběhy.
Je to asi největší projekt který jsem dokončil a docela doufám že budu schopný tvořit podobné věci dál i když mě k tomu nebude nutit škola.
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gorillageek27 · 1 year ago
Jaune: sun, it's been too long. What the hell are you doing here?
Sun: oh me? I'm a trip through the cosmos in my mind
Jaune: yeah we get it. You're on peyote. Where the hell is neptune?
Sun: oh him. He's still on the airship. We can go say hi to him if you want. HEY NEPTUNE WE GOT GUEST! SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT!
Neptune: ...
Sun: you lazy piece of shit
Neptune: jaune, is that you?
Jaune: i'm here neptune, what happened?
Neptune: a week ago this motherfucker smoked 12 ounces of peyote, and then stabbed me
Neptune: he's been high ever since
Sun: you better shut the fuck up before i dip my testicles in your mouth again.
Neptune: jaune please, he's crazy
Sun: whooo! (T-bags neptune)
Neptunes: (muffled) JAUNE! HELP!
Sun: i'm sorry i dont know what came over me
Jaune: dude, he's turning blue. What the hell have you been feeding him?
Sun: i've been giving him testicle samwiches for like a week
Jaune: SUN YOU CANT SATIATE SOMEONE'S NUTITIONAL VALUE ON NUTSACK! alright shopekeeps is not too far from here
Sun: my nuts have all kinds of nutional value
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thewisaaaaad · 2 months ago
So to start with, he is called Oscar! Hes my persona, so to speak.
And then I came up with a bunch of lore for him and his species so he doesn't act like me canonically WHOOPS
so. the idea started with "how would a plant survive in the void." and to clarify, by "void" i mean a dimention filled with dead, shattered worlds. so. not space.
ANYWAY how does the plant get nutition when the environment itself tries to sap away life? well you grow like a weed, of course! So i tried to base his design off of a dandelion. Those bastards grow EVERYWHERE and you CANNOT get rid of them. rip them out at the roots and they will STILL find some way to grow back.
So basically Mandrakes are rapidly mutating dryads with impressive regenerative capabilities that enable them to stave off the corrosive effects of the void. Great! That provides a wide range of abilities and appearances that Mandrakes can take, from stinging nettle to clovers!
But what do they eat? well, normally they drain what little nutrients they can find in the drifting chunks of rock that drift through their home dimension. But thats not nearly enough to keep the population alive.
So naturally they feed on blood. Surprise! their humanoid shape is to lure in dimensional travelers to root in their corpse!
Anyway what about Oscar? Most mandrakes have the intelligence of your average fantasy goblin, without the whimsy. but with such a rapidly mutating species, naturally one or two had to come about that have a higher level of intelligence. And that would be him! (ignore how i misspelled like half of that paragraph AND THIS ADDENDUM)
So he wanders the void, looking for SOMETHING to do. Mandrakes tend to split off from each other- competition for resources is fierce. He winds up finding a ruined library that used to belong to a sect of wizards that were studying the void and its powers. Seeing as the library is a very recent addition to the void and the rest of its world did NOT follow, you can imagine how that went.
Oscar uses the library and its fresh, loamy earth to study the books and learn all about GRAVITY MAGIC. he... didn't need it to fly, seeing as gravity was already subjective in the void (hence study of it resulted in gravity magic) but it was very handy in making his staff hit much harder. And also for flinging rivals into the depths of the void.
As he was studying, though, he got the attention of the being that sent the library INTO the void in the first place. It found him because he learned its name.
That was how Oscar found himself in service to an entity only safely called The Ends Witness. It sends him to various worlds already touched by Its influence...
and it is his job to make sure It never arrives.
Can you imagine how horrible it must be, to witness countless fantastical worlds, only for them to wither under your gaze?
It wishes for the end of its own domain. For It to be able to hold a flower, to feel grass under Its feet.
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takovanormalnielie · 1 year ago
Ozvali se mi z jedný kliniky a s politovaním mi oznámili, že už mají úplně naplněný kapacity, ale pokud si každej rok zaplatím nadstandardní program, tak to jó, to by se místečko našlo. Tak jakýpak naplněný kapacity? Není to moc peněz, ale štve mě princip. Jakoby se na některejch klinikách snažili využít naší zranitelnosti a nepříznivý situace. Celá tahle mašinérie mě neskutečně rozčiluje. Nejdřív mě společnost (včetně tý vědecký) bombarduje transfobií a nutí mě stydět se sama za sebe. Ve chvíli, kdy to konečně překonám, mi začnou házet klacky pod nohy a musím projít tranzičním molochem o pěti doktorech a dlouhejch letech čekacích lhůt, kde se ke mě nadpoloviční většina z nich bude chovat s despektem, bude nutit operace nebo naopak nasazovat co nejnižší dávky hormonů a nenechají mě rozhodnout absolutně nic. V tom všem se objeví zachránci, co vám vyberou kapsy za záchranej kruh. Jak ušlechtilé. Děkuji, pukrlíčko provedu, protože já si to asi fakt (opět) zaplatím, abych měla klid a jistotu, že se ke mě budou chovat s úctou, ale budu zcela nekompromisní k misgenderingu. Běžně jsem velice schovívavá v tomhle směru. Nah-uh, teď už ne, ne v rámci nadstandardního programu.
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forasgaard · 2 years ago
Series Masterlist
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Part 3
this chapter contains some nutition science but I had to change the facts and imagine a fictional carbohydrate (shugar) in order to make sense for the Na'vi biology and the plat of the story. I hope you don't mind.
Mo'ats condotion didn't change. Se had a fever and hallucinated. Spider and the Sully kids gave us news whenever her condition changed. Many more humans and Na'vi got infected but at least Norm and I knew what made them sick.
The antibiotics didn't help much, so we were forced to increase our researchers. Norm found out, that the gene of the virus mutated to fit the Na'vi biology perfectly. So that it could invade their bodies and multiply more quickly, which to made them sick.
The defence cells of the body needed special receptors to fight off the virus. Those receptors were made of glycoproteins, which the Na'vi didn't have enough, Norm figured out.
And those glycoproteins were made of different proteins and carbohydrates (sugar). And one of this sugar was missing in the Na'vi biology. It was a polysaccharid, which was only to be found in nocturnal plants.
The human body was able to produce this sugar on its own, Norm said, but the Na'vi body wasn't. Without it, the immune system couldn't produce the right glycoproteins which were needed for the receptors to fight off the virus. So without that sugar, the virus wasn't destructible.
So we needed to find a way to create that sugar synthetically. Norm had the idea to take samples of all (or as many as possible) nocturnal plants in this area. After that we could find out, if one of those plants contained that special sugar and we could make an antibiotic out of it.
Better said than done - there were like hundred different plants that bloomed in the dark. It seemed impossible to find the right one. But Norm was a helpless optimist.
Night after night, we went out into the jungles of Pandora and collected as many nocturnal plants as we could.
We totally sank into our researchers and didn't notice that weeks had gone by. But by the end of the month, we got a radio signal from Jake: Mo'at felt worse.
Norm and I went through the village of the Omatikaya Clan to Mo'ats shed. Bones and feathers decorated the entrance. Inside were Jake, Neytiri and ther son Neteyam. I took a look at his bandage but it seemed still clean and fresh. So no bleedings. And he looked better, less sweathy. His eyes sparkled even in the dim light and his fangs shone white when he smiled.
"Glad you came", Jake said and his brows furrowed. "She's worse."
"When I came here this morning, she was not conscious. But I could wake her up", Neytiri looked at her Mom in fear.
The old lady coughed and made a hand gesture. "I'm fine. I'm fine"
"Well, you don't seem fine!", Norm kneeled down next to her and opened his medicine case. He listened to her heartbeat und bit his lip. "Too fast, did you have hallucinations again?"
Mo'at was sick, but her pride wasn't gone. "No!"
"Yes", Jake murmured. "She did"
Norm sighed and looked at the shaman in silence. "I will give you another antibiotics."
As he prepared the injection, he explained what we've found out.
That we tried to produce an antibiotic from nocturnal plants and that it could be possible to heal every Omatikaya with it. But we needed to hurry.
"Thats a good plan", Jake said. He looked at Mo'at, who had gone back to sleep. "Norm, listen, I want you to send someone who can watch her twenty-four-seven. Someone who checks her out. She is one of the most important people on our Clan, if something happens to her..."
Neytiri suppressed a little sob.
"I know Jake", Norm said an placed his blue hand on Jake's arm. "I will send someone"
Jake nodded and put an arm around Neytiri's shoulders. Neteyam just stood there and seemed lost.
I had an idea. I looked at Norm. "I could watch her."
The scientist raised his eyebrows. "Eva, I need you with the... Hm but why not? That's a good idea! I want you to watch over her and take good care of her. And in the meanwhile you can take some samples of some nocturnal plants around here. With that we can reduce the time and maybe we can find the right glycoprotein in no time!" He was so excited. I chuckled. "Aye-aye, Captain"
Norm looked at me proudly. "Thank you. Oh! And I need blood samples from everyone who got recently infected."
I nodded. "As good as done"
He smiled and gave me one of the two radio devices, he always carried around here. "If something happens you can call me. And you can return in the lab whenever you want, I think you can leave the Avatar body here." He gave Jake a questioning look. Toruk Makto just nodded.
"Alright, perfect. I'll bring you all the equipment you'll need in like an hour. I wish you good luck."
With that he said goodbye to the Omatikaya and left. Jake and Neytiri gave me some last informations about Mo'at and the Omatikaya and showed me a place to sleep. "Neteyam, can you show her a bit around?", Jake said and the boy nodded. They left and Neteyam and I were alone. I looked around, we stood under a massive tree which had some kind of hammocks in it's branches. That's where I was supposed to sleep!?
Some Omatikaya looked at me in curiosity and smiled when our eyes locked. Then I remembered, Neteyam wanted to show me around. I turned towards him. He was taller than me, and I already felt really tall in my Avatar body. My hair was waist-length and had no braids in it. Not like most of the Na'vi around here. I worse human shoes and clothes. A black tank top and cargo pants. Nothing spectacular, but I felt different.
Neteyam just stared at me, as if he had never seen a female Avatar. A strand of his braided hair had fallen over his cat-like ears and framed his face. He was actually really handsome. Wait, what did I just think? We was an Alien, sort of.
"Ready?", he asked. I frowned. "For what?"
"I wanted to show you around?"
Face palm. I felt my cheeks getting hot. Of course, how could I forget?
I followed him through the village and tried to remember the things he told me, but I couldn't pay attention. We were in a part of the forest, I've never seen before. It was absolutely stunning. The trees were as high as skyscrapers and their branched as thick as highways. Hundreds of vines growed down towards the earth and created some sort of curtains. I saw buildings like tree houses or huts up in the branch forks and I imagined what it must be like growing up there.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?", Neteyams voice. I looked at him. "It's amazing! I've never seen something like this!"
He chuckled. It sounded cute.
"You know, I've got an idea", he said and we stopped walking. "Yeah?", I asked.
Neteyam looked down at the bandage around his chest and I began to worry.
"I could help you with the plants. I know this area much better than you, I know where all those plants are. And that's the very least I can do to, I mean you and Norm stiched me back up again when I was wounded."
He looked at me and smiled shyly.
"So, If you'd like to..." He shrugged and I smiled. "It would be nice, thank you"
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hvezdarensti · 1 year ago
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Dítě č. 3
*hluboký nádech, ukazováky na spáncích*
Nebudu se nutit k perfekcionismu
Nebudu se nutit k perfekcionismu
Nebudu se nutit k perfekcionismu
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linadita · 1 year ago
ne, děkuju ti nechci dům s podtácky  ani nechci ten s ubrusy a hračkami chci, aby se postele nikdy nestlaly chci, aby kuchyňská linka byla jako krájecí prkénko a jestli musíme nutit svět u dveří vítat na rohožce domovních dveří to pak raději svět co přichází s nedostatky 
v mém domě se o mě budeš starat budu mít jizvy a modřiny a nikdy si neukopnu malíček
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educritter · 2 years ago
Is Corn Bad?
It's got the juice. (It's got the juice.) And, it's kind of complicated. Want a relatively unbiased opinion on it from an animal nutritionist? Here you go!
These do not, in fact, have the juice.Photo by Jayson Roy on Unsplash Corn is often misunderstood as a feed ingredient. It seems that everywhere you look, corn is either at the top of the ingredients list or it’s labeled as a “filler ingredient” and removed entirely. As a result, public opinion of corn also tends to lean to one extreme or the other, and there’s a lot of uncertainty and…
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kralovna-ne-stesti · 9 months ago
Jednou z ironií života je, že jakmile se pro něco rozhodnete, svět, vesmír, co/kdo-koliv se vás pokusí to zpochybnit, přehodnotit, vycouvat.
Včera jsem tu psala o tom, jak jsem si na začátku března dala půl roku k vybudování svýho fungujícího, spokojenýho života. A jak si to po měsíci začalo pomalu sedat, vyjasňovat, zapadat do sebe.
Říkejme tomu prozatím Vesmír... tak Vesmír se chová tak, že jakmile učiníte rozhodnutí, začne vás nutit ho zpochybňovat. Kdysi jsem slyšela, že to není proto, že náš výběr je chybný nebo špatný, ale důvod tady těch nepříjemností je ten, že se nás snaží utvrdit v našem rozhodnutí. Tím, že nám přinese něco, co není v souladu, nám dává možnost si své rozhodnutí zhodnotit, poznat, jestli je opravdu správné, nakolik si za ním stojíme, nakolik jsme si opravdu jistí. Pokud podlehneme a necháme se odradit, nebyl to ve skutečnosti náš pravý záměr, vnitřně tomu nevěříme nebo na to nejsme (zatím) sami připraveni. Je to vlastně taková zkouška našeho rozhodnutí.
Hnedka na začátku března, pár dní po tom, co jsem si řeka, že potřebuju víc času pro sebe a podnikání, ve firmě přišla akutní situace a snažili se mě přimět, abych si rozhodila režim, pracovala i večer, víkendy, přesčasy. A byl to stres, ale řekla jsem NE. A uhájila si to. Bylo to něco, co by mi prakticky znemožnilo v tu dobu rozvíjet podnikání, což byl opak mého záměru.
Včera byl první den, kdy jsem si ve firmě upravila smlouvu a snížila čas, který jim věnuju. Abych měla víc času na sebe a svoje podnikání. Ještě jednou to zopakuju - včera byl první den. Včera odpoledne mi oznámili, že jsem byla jako jediná z celého týmu za náš trh doporučena na manažerskou pozici, abych řídila lidi. Práce je to časově jednou tak náročná, co mám.
Můj hlavní cíl v práci je (samozřejmě spolu s penězi) čas. Není mi lhostejno jak dlouho pro někoho jiného pracuju. Čas je něco nenahraditelnýho (kdežto peníze ano). A hned po tom, co jsem si upravila režim, mi přijde nabídka vedoucí pozice v mezinárodní firmě, po který by jiní bez mrknutí oka skočili.
Tak. Další rozhodnutí, další zkouška, co opravdu chci a pro co se rozhodnout.
Já tu práci dělat nechci. Chci jít vlastní cestou. Ale taky je to nabídka, která lidem nepřijde za celý život. Pracuju tam rok. Jiní tam jsou mnohem mnohem déle. A jsem vybraná já. A zase... naše osobní plány začínají nabírat na obrysech a vím, že tuhle práci nemůžu a nechci dělat pořád.
Jen ať mám klid, musím to promyslet ze všech stran. Ani nevím, jestli to mám s někým řešit, poslechnout si názory.. Tohle nedělám, je to můj život, já to ne/budu dělat. Zároveň vím, co mi který člen rodiny případně řekne... Díky, Vesmíre. Nebavím se. Jsem unavená.
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trouw-nutrition · 1 year ago
Trouw Nutrition India: Feeding the Future with Innovation and Sustainability
Trouw Nutrition India, the animal nutrition division of Nutreco, is at the forefront of revolutionizing the animal nutrition industry. With a comprehensive range of feed specialties, additives, premixes, and nutritional services, Trouw Nutrition India has been catering to the needs of farmers, home-mixers, feed producers, integrators, and distributors since 2007. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the industry, Trouw Nutrition India is committed to its purpose of "Feeding the Future" by providing innovative solutions that ensure sustainable and efficient animal nutrition.
As the global population continues to grow rapidly, Trouw Nutrition India recognizes the urgent need to produce 70% more food by 2050 to feed nearly 10 billion people without depleting the planet's resources. In addition to human nutrition, there is also a growing demand to feed our four-legged friends. Trouw Nutrition India, along with its parent company Nutreco and sister division Skretting, aims to drive a transformation in the industry by guiding milk, egg, and meat farmers towards a circular agricultural system that utilizes land and resources more sustainably.
Trouw Nutrition India established its office in Hyderabad in 2018 and inaugurated a state-of-the-art production facility in 2020, underscoring its dedication to strengthening its presence in South Asia and India. With a presence in all stages of the value chain, Trouw Nutrition India brings unique insights and reliable experience to the challenge of sustainable animal production. By promoting good farm management practices and leveraging the power of nutrition, Trouw Nutrition India aims to build trust between farming communities and cities while ensuring the long-term viability of our planet.
Trouw Nutrition India recognizes that the power of nutrition and sustainable farm management practices can transform the industry and our planet. By challenging the current workings of the feed-to-food chain, Trouw Nutrition India strives to create a brighter future from planet to plate. Through innovative solutions, research-backed insights, and a commitment to continuous improvement, Trouw Nutrition India aims to make a significant impact on the industry, fostering a more sustainable and efficient approach to animal nutrition.
Trouw Nutrition India is leading the way in the animal nutrition industry, driven by its purpose of "Feeding the Future." With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to driving transformation, Trouw Nutrition India, together with Nutreco and Skretting, aims to revolutionize how the industry operates. By promoting circular agriculture, sustainable practices, and the power of nutrition, Trouw Nutrition India is actively contributing to feeding the growing global population while building a more sustainable and trusted future for farming communities and cities alike.
Trouw Nutition’s Sustainability roadmap 2025: Sustainability RoadMap 2025 - Trouw Nutrition
For more information visit at: https://www.trouwnutritionasiapacific.com/en-in/sustainability/
Contact us: [email protected]
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violetwonder · 2 years ago
Paralyzovaná vlastním mozkem.
Volnej čas je pro mě něco, co si ráda užívám a poslední dobou si uvědomuju, jak s tím časem šeredím. Hlavně proto, že mývám manický nálady a nejradši bych dělala 10 věcí najednou, ale bohužel v dobu kdy ten čas nemám. Ale můj mozek najel před pár lety do módu, kdy mě v ten můj volný čas tak paralyzuje, že dokážu jen minimum. Většinou na něco koukám, nejlépe nějakej comfortní seriál, nebo poslouchám muziku. Víc nezvládnu. K ničemu víc se tělo nehne a můžu ho nutit a prosit sebe víc. Často kvůli tomu brečím. Často si to vyčítám.
Nevíte někdo, jak proti tomu. Jak se z toho dostat?  ... protože paradoxně bych šla něco dělat až když jsem totálně vyčerpaná a padám na držku z toho zaseknutýho stavu ve kterým jsem schopná být i dny v kuse.  
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habinka · 2 years ago
sex mě po čase přejde, nepotřebuju ho a nechci
chci k sobě někoho kdo tu bude pro mě přes vše, kdo mě nebude nutit, bude vědět kdy mě obejmout, kdy mi dát ruku, pomoc mi…
cítím se úplně v hajzlu
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newby6320 · 2 months ago
Ok. No. This is discussion is actually actively dangerous and I can't just leave it. Contrary trekkele there thinks, some kids WILL actually starve themselves. Some kids WILL eat themselves into malnutrition. Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) "is characterized by significant limitations in food intake leading to malnutrition, weight loss, or nutritional deficiency, without the concurrent body image disturbances typically seen in anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Individuals with ARFID display avoidance or restriction of food intake, often due to sensory issues, fear-related avoidance of eating, or low appetite, leading to nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, and psychosocial impairments. ARFID can occur at any age but typically arises in childhood and can persist into adulthood."
If all Dick is eating is chips, if that is the only thing he is eating, then the correct response depends on how long that behavior has gone on. Has it been a few days? Bruce is right, leave him be. A couple weeks? Alfred is right. Dick needs to be eating a more diverse diet and this is probably a sign of clinical depression. They should take him to see a doctor. A couple months? Alfred is right on all counts. Dick needs a proper meal. He has likely already developed scurvy. He almost certainly has ARFID and needs to see a doctor, if not be outright hospitalized. Neither response here is objectively wrong, it's just a matter of difference of threshold of concern.
And this is setting aside the fact that the idea that children are able to magically self-regulate their way into a healthy balanced diet when adults with explicit nutritional counseling routinely fail to do manage that is completely bonkers. Chips are an ultraprocessed food and there is increasing evidence that such foods undermine the body's ability to nutritionally self-regulate. Both the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recomend limiting child intake of ultraprocessed foods like chips. Children don't need their food intake micromanaged, but they do still need to have direction and training in their dietary habits. Their ultraprocessed food intake still needs to be monitored, and when necessary, restricted in order to direct them towards more nutritionally dense foods. And that means that if Duck is eating chips to excess for more than just the period immediately after his parents' deaths, an adult will need to step in and say he has to eat. Even beyond this, studies have found that maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent and treat depression, making it particularly important that Dick recieve good nutition at this point in time.
Again, neither Bruce nor Afred are wrong here. Acknowledging a child's emotional pain by allowing them unrestricted acces to comfort food immediately following a tramatic event is good parenting. Making sure that a child maintains a healthy diet even and especially during stressful events is also good parenting. And each person is going to make a different call on which is more important to prioritize, and there isn't an objectively right call. What is right is going to carry by child and it is impossible for any parent to know a priori which is right for which child. And THAT is the terrible nuance and difficulty of parenting.
Little Dick and his chips in Batman #54
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