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To Save The Sun
Astrophel nervously paced back and forth, muttering to himself that Supernova was going to be fine, Monty was gonna get him, it would be fine.
He had to be.
He stopped and looked up when he heard the door open, but his stomach dropped when he didn't see any signs of Nova.
"Monty...where's Nova?"
Monty was silent, setting his shotgun down and sat, his head in his hands.
"Monty. What happened." Astrophel asked again, voice low and starting to shake as he began to imagine the worst.
Finally Monty spoke.
"I'm sorry, Astro. I got there too late. Bastard dragged him through his portal as I got there. I got a few shots in Nexus before he vanished but...I couldn't get Nova..."
Astrophel felt himself shaking, starting at his hands and quickly spreading across his body.
Even if Supernova was taken alive, he didn't know how long Nexus would keep him that way.
He sat down, gripping at the chair arms to try and ground himself enough to try and think of a plan.
He'd been so lost in his own panic and thoughts that it took him at least a minute to register Solar knelt in front of him, holding his shoulders and calling his name.
"Astro, God damnit, do you hear me? Come on, talk to me, say something...!"
Astrophel blinked, also noting the tears down his face. He reached up and wiped them away.
"Yeah...I-I'm here, Solar..." He hung his head, lightly taking hold of Solar's wrists since the arm chair wasn't working- he figured something more alive would help ground him more.
"Ok good, finally. You good to start talking?"
"Monty can tell you more, I had him go get Nova."
Solar stayed by Astrophel and looked to Monty.
"Astro called me, told me Nexus was with Nova and asked me to get her. I got there just as Nexus took her through. I shot him a few times but I couldn't get Nova back in time."
Solar listened and sighed.
"Ok. Well, at least we know you can damage him. How did you, exactly, actually?"
"Star powered shells. Got some from Nebula, and the gun might explode if I shoot off too much, so I'll need a few more to make sure the job gets done."
"Star power huh? Might have someone that can give us some extra help then." Solar thought aloud.
"Yeah. If he's able to that is, but that should be fine to handle."
"Alright. He' downstairs. Monty, you wanna talk to him or should I?"
"I will." Monty said as he stood. "You stay with Astro." He headed downstairs.
Lunar was sitting on a beanbag watching TV and eating Nurella, looking up when he sensed Monty.
"Hey, what's up?" He paused his show.
"Hey, little guy. Question, can you ask one of your Astral friends if you can use your power against Nexus?"
"Uh...yeah I can ask, why?"
"Uh, well...he kidnapped Nova and I injured him with star power infused shells from Nebula."
Lunarbpaused mid bite of Nutella, eyes locked straight ahead as he processed what Monty said.
"He did what."
"He kidnapped Nova. I tried to save her but I was too late..."
Lunar set his Nutella down and stood. He could feel electricity sparking all across his body, then took a deep breath to calm down and not electrocute the house before he stepped outside.
"Gemini! Taurus!" He shouted.
It didn't take long for the two (three?) Of them to arrive. Taurus commented first.
"Your power and energy seem to have spiked, little puck."
"Yeah, what's going on Lunar?"
"I need a favor. Nexus kidnapped Nova and I'm VERY pissed off. He can be damaged by positive star power. He's a threat to my family, this world, this whole dimension due to his abuse of negative star power. Do I have permission to use my power to it's current fullest extent to deal with him once and for all? After all he's basically a dark star being now, and that'll be my job eventually right? Dealing with things like him?"
Gemini and Taurus looked at each other, then stepped aside to briefly discuss, and it didn't take long before they turned back to him and nodded.
"You are correct. I suppose, then, you may consider this your first real mission. You have my permission to do what you must and put an end to this threat once and for all. And before you ask, yes, you can charge your power into weapons." Taurus said, gazing down at Lunar.
Lunar nodded, electricity running along his body again. "Thanks Taurus." He headed back inside.
"Ok guys. I got the all clear to use my powers on him. When do we leave?"
"I gotta prepare my guns first. Then we make a plan and we're off."
"I can get you some more guns, Monty." Astrophel said, sitting back in his seat and now more calmed down. Still upset and worried, but no longer in a panic now.
"Solid. Alright. Let's get started."
Nova groaned softly as he began to wake up, trying to move but he couldn't. Looking around he found his arms and legs restrained by ropes of purple energy and saw he was in some sort of facility.
Then he heard footsteps and a voice.
"Are you finally awake yet, dear brother Nova?"
He jolted slightly as Nexus' voice met his ears, and he tried to look at him.
"What do you want? I already told you I'm not going to help you!"
"And I told YOU that you don't have a choice in the matter." Nexus growled, grabbing some cables and forcing Nova's head down as he started plugging them into the back panels.
Nova squirmed, trying and failing to get away from Nexus before he stepped back and started typing away on his computer.
"What are you-" Nova was cut off as waves of electrical shocks shot through his head and throughout his body, making him tense up tight like a seizure, a loud cry of pain tearing from his throat.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this is probably gonna hurt." Nexus said with a twisted grin as his computer began to scrub through Nova's system trying to find any of the info he wanted, how or why Nova can sense the shards, or where the ones he had already found were stored, anything.
And if he had to he'd force Nova to be his compass. It was the only other use he had for him.
It didn't take long for the computer to ping with an alert.
Nexus quickly turned to the screen and pulled up the compiled note file it had made for him. "Well that was fast...guess I-"
He was cut off by an alarm going off in his sector of the facility. Pulling up the cameras he saw Monty, Astrophel, Lunar and Solar.
"Well, well, looks like someone came to save you. Let's see if they can find you in time."
Nexus pressed a button, changing the intervals of the shocks to endless, each wave shooting through her body, making her cry out in pain again as Nexus left.
The four of them had split up. Their main goal was to find Nova and finally do away with Nexus for good.
If they ran into Equinox or Solstice they'd also be dealt with.
Astrophel was with Monty, briefly freezing up when they heard screaming from somewhere deep within the facility.
"Hey, Astro. We're gonna find her. She'll be ok."
Astro nodded, but his anxiety kept telling him she wouldn't be.
They rounded the corner and stopped.
Standing just ahead of them in the hallway were Solstice and Equinox.
Solstice put his hands up as Monty raised his gun.
"Easy, I'm not here to cause any trouble this time. If anything I'd like to help you."
"Why? Why would you?" Monty asked.
"Because everything Nexus has done up to now is causing me problems and frankly I'm tired of it. His plans are interfering with mine."
Astro and Monty looked at each other.
"As for why I'm here," Equinox began. "I plain and simply put do not care for Nexus whatsoever. If you can put him down then I will do what I can to help you do so."
"What do you think? Should we trust them?" Monty asked Astrophel.
Another scream echoed through the halls, making Astrophel jump and shut his eyes tight, trying to ignore the "worst case scenario what ifs" before he sighed.
"We don't have time to question it. If they can help find Nova, I'll take it. But if either of you are lying-"
"I promise we're not. On the Graves of my friends, Astrophel. I swear on nothing less." Equinox said as they began to walk.
Astro and Monty fell into step behind them.
The screaming got louder.
They were getting closer.
Nexus returned to the lab he had Nova trapped in one last time to finish what he started.
There were faint marks on Nova's body now where the electricity ran through her.
Oh well. It wouldn't matter in a few short minutes anyway.
"Y'know, I probably could have been helped before all of this happened, but no. None of you tried enough. And now your blood is on their hands."
She managed to look up at him, not noticing the shocks had stopped.
"We did try, Nexus. You didn't let us help. You didn't tell Earth about your breakdown the last time we did family therapy. I didn't tell her because I didn't think you'd want me to tell her."
"She wouldn't want me to tell her your private business like that, no matter how much it would do you good. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to go behind your back. You weren't fine, Nexus. None of us were, but you were worst. We did try to help you. You just didn't want it."
Nexus listened, only half-heartedly and not really caring for what she said, before he growled and punched him.
"Shut up. I'm done listening to you and your bullshit excuses."
Nexus stepped away, his back to her. Part of him, buried and hidden away deep inside, knew she was right.
That in his grief he unintentionally sabotaged himself, dooming himself to his actions and the following outcomes.
But the person he was now would never admit it, never address it. And dealing with Nova would ensure he never thought about it all again.
With his back to her still he raised a hand, a ball of purple energy swirling into his palm.
"Nexus...? What are you-"
"Goodbye, Nova."
Nova felt the panic rise in her body as she began to frantically try one last time to get himself free, closing his eyes when he didn't and braced for the impact of the attack.
Except it never came.
Hesitantly he opened his eyes, his eyes widening at the sight before him.
Lunar stood before him, a shield put up and deflecting Nexus' blast, throwing it to the side, hitting and destroying a part of the wall.
Nexus stumbled back slightly as he stared at Lunar, almost in shock.
"Lunar? What are you-"
"We came to get you back. What, you think we're just gonna leave you here?" The smaller animatronic looked at him with a grin, which fell when he saw the marks from the shocks and bruising from Nexus.
He turned back to Nexus.
"How did you find me so fast?"
"Did you forget I'm an Astral? A youngling maybe, but still an Astral. I can feel your dark star power almost anywhere." He began to approach Nexus.
Nexus backed away, throwing another bolt of energy at him, then another, and another and another.
Lunar deflected each attack.
"W-what do you think you can do to me, anyway?"
"Monty hurt you with some shells, right? Star power infused. Positive energy is like poison to you, doesn't feel very good." Lunar charged up a quick attack, throwing a bolt of lightning at him.
Nexus barely managed to deflect it.
"What the-"
"My emotions and powers are connected, remember? And right now I'm VERY pissed off. You tried to kill my sister, you sent one brother into a heavy depression spiral, and you kidnapped and hurt my other brother. So yeah, I'm pretty pissed. But I won't kill you." He approached until Nexus was backed against the wall.
"No. I'll let them handle you. But if you ask me, even that's too good for you."
Taurus and Gemini appeared behind Lunar.
Taurus snapped his fingers, trapping Nexus in blue energy ropes.
Nexus tried to use his powers but couldn't.
"What the hell did you do to me?!"
"Anti-matter and anti-star power bindings. Your powers are now rendered useless."
Nexus struggled against the bindings still. Taurus turned to Lunar. "Go to him. We will deal with this one."
Lunar nodded and hurried over to Nova and unplugged the cables, then started untying the bindings.
Taurus, Gemini, and Nexus vanished just as Astrophel and Monty arrived.
"Nova!" Astrophel ran over as Lunar got her free and she fell forward into Astro.
"Woah, hey easy, I got you. It's ok, you're safe now." Astrophel held him close.
Nova clung to him tightly, burying his face into his shoulder.
"What did he do to you? Where did he go?"
"He plugged me up to these cables that were constantly shocking me, trying to find my Wither Shard connection thing in my system. He left me here to be shocked. When he came back he almost killed me if it weren't for Lunar. Taurus and Gemeini took him away."
"They're most likely gonna have a trial for him like they did with me. Except they might end up just killing him."
Nova looked away. "I'm guessing there isn't much we could do about that?"
"Probably not for him."
"Even after all this time, everything he's done, you still want him to live?"
"Whether he wants to be or not he's still my brother..." Nova said as Astro helped him stand.
"Sometimes I think you're too nice." Astrophel shook his head.
"Heh. Maybe I am..." Nova muttered before she suddenly collapsed against Astrophel.
"Woah, hey, Novie? Nova!?" He paused and knelt down with her, checking her over briefly to make sure he was alive.
"I think he's fine, just finally passed out from everything." Solar said, scanning her as well. "Electric damage mostly. Nothing that can't be fixed."
Astro sighed and picked Nova up, carrying him out with the others.
They were met with Equinox at the entrance.
"What are you doing now?"
"I'm leaving this place. Nexus is gone, Solstice has no use for me anymore. So I'm leaving."
"And where will you go?"
"I don't know. But rest assured, for the most part, I am out of your lives." Equinox said with a shrug.
"Hm...alright then. Let's head home, guys." And with that, they headed through the portal to go home.
#the sun and moon show#thesunandmoonshow#tsams#the lunar and earth show#the sun and moon show au#thesunandmoonshowau#tlaes#tsamsau#thelunarandearthshow
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bence nurella ve bahar candan in arasindaki iliski cok ozeldi
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(Nurella and Deniz at a cafe table – Asli hurries out with their tray)
ASLI: Ms. Nur, I’m sorry. I’m a big fan of you. Welcome, you brought us light.
NURELLA: Thank you, dear. At last, I see a great face, I just don’t have the courage, Deniz.
DENIZ: Nurela, just try it, you’ll have the pleasure of knowing him. (calling across café) Sarp! (to Nurella) I have an excellent husband for you. (Nurella shakes her head)
SARP: Deniz hanim?
D: This is our master chocolatier.
(Nurella turns – she is SMITTEN :’DDD)
N: Merhaba.
S: Merhaba. (kisses her hand)
N: The copy of Judd Lou. (Jude Law?)
S: Yeah?
N: (coyly) That proportion, that shoulder, the hair like a flame.
N: Simple and rebellious style. Like the stars themselves.
S: Thank you very much. (FLIRTING x10) You haven’t tried my dessert. What do we do?
N: (echoing) What do we do?
S: (FLIRTING x100) Just a moment.
N: All right.
(he runs off – Deniz and Nurella laugh – ASLI IS FILMING)
D: It’s like I told you, isn’t it? How to flirt!
(Sarp comes back with a tray – Asli is taking a selfie)
S: With permission – for you. (sets down a dessert) Let’s see if you like it.
N: (takes a bite) I don’t like it, it’s bad. (Sarp and Deniz exchange Looks) Just kidding. How is it possible? It’s very good! Deniz, I have to say it: the birds have flown, baby. Actually, this dark day, you’ve painted the colors for me, boy. Thank you. (gives Sarp the flower from the dessert)
S: You’re very kind. Thank you.
N: Thanks to you.
(Sarp kisses her hand)
D: He deserves a star, doesn’t he?
N: All the stars for him.
S: Now I’m leaving.
N: (pulls him back) Don’t go!
D: (laughing) Oh, Nurella! Thanks, Sarp.
S: Have a good day.
(he goes to kitchen – Nurella gazes after him)
D: Just like I told you, right?
N: (shakes head) Bomb!
(Deniz bursts out laughing)
#PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY :'DDDD#I can send you a link skipped to it if you so desire#acquaintances: Nurella#sarp and deniz#summary adventures#BROTP: asli
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for friends of the lovely @isyancialtan:
Reblog if your muse is a card-carrying member of the ~Dramatique(TM) and Hot For Sarp Club~
#Jesse would like to unofficially make himself president for what that's worth#Nurella is also high in the ranks
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Alsancak’ta 5 ₺’ye dert dinleyen Nurella teyze diye biri var, bir kız oturdu yanına, alsancağı iki saat gezdikten sonra tekrar aynı yerden geçtiğimde kız hala ordaydı, sen nasıl bir yıkıksın.
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Kısa boyu ve kiloları ile bilinen Nur Yerlitaş şimdilerle zayıflaması ve diyeti ile gündemde.
NUR YERLİTAŞ ZAYIFLAMASI : Bir ara göğüs kanseri ile mücadele eden Nur Yerlitaş sonrasında hayatını tamamen değiştirdi. Sıkı bir zayıflama diyetine giren Yerlitaş ömrü hayatında ilk kez bu kadar çok kilo verdi ve son hali ile herkesi şaşırttı.
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Nur Yerlitaş, Ferdi Tayfur ile efkarlandı
Nur Yerlitaş, Ferdi Tayfur ile efkarlandı
Jüri koltuğunda oturduğu İşte Benim Stilim isimli moda yarışmasına veda eden ünlü modacı Nur Yerlitaş, evinde bir başına Ferdi Tayfur dinleyip efkarlandı. Yerlitaş’ın bu hali dikkat çekti. Detaylar haberimizde…
TV 8 ekranlarında yayınlanan İşte Benim Stilim isimli moda yarışmasının jüri koltuğunda oturan duayen modacı Nur Yerlitaş, duygusal çıkışlarına bir yenisini daha ekledi. Yarışmadan…
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#işte benim stilim#Nur Yerlitaş#nur yerlitaş işte benim stilim#nur yerlitaş ıvana sert#nur yerlitaş kimdir#nurella
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Nur Yerlitaş, İşte Benim Stilim’i kesin olarak bıraktığını Anılcan Tanrıyar’ın, UçanKuş TV’de sunduğu Gece Kuşu programında canlı yayında açıkladı ‘Gece Kuşu’ adlı programa açıklamalar yapan Nur Yerlitaş, ‘Nurella’yla küstüğünü ve geri dönüşü olmadığını dile getirerek programı kesin olarak bıraktığını açıkladı. İşte Nur Yerlitaş’ın açıklamaları; “Çünkü yaşantım birbirine karışmıştı. Sonuçta Nur…
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Uzmanlar tartışıyor! Alanyaspor mu Fenerbahçe mi? Yüksek oran arayanlara özel...
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