#nunchuck of the turks
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silly slideshow I made for my friend awhile ago who was first getting into ff7. it’s about the before crisis core turks and how I view them. all the information is mostly cannon but I added a couple of my own inferences.
#ff7#ff7 before crisis#ff7 turks#verdot of the turks#shotgun of the turks#two guns of the turks#gun of the turks#rod of the turks#martial arts (female) of the turks#martial arts (male) of the turks#knife of the turks#katana of the turks#cissnei of the turks#nunchuck of the turks#Woah that’s a lot of tags
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Now I wonder what Kunsel has on everyone in Shinra. How is he able to blackmail even the Turks? (and not get a bullet to the head for attempting to?)
Kunsel's Blackmail List
• A video of Sephiroth pursuing a laser from a laser pointer, calmly but clearly intrigued.
• A photo of Zack playing online games on the computer in Lazard's office *note: he's wearing one of Lazard's suits.
• A video of Sephiroth putting sugar on his french fries in the mess hall and saying "Perhaps this will make me feel alive."
• A photo of Sephiroth and presumed-dead former Turk Vincent Valentine side by side, with a sticky note that just reads "hmm"
• A copy of Reno's special brownie recipe that he occasionally leaves in the Turks' break room. *note: it's weed.
• An audio of Genesis saying "Sometimes I feel like Loveless isn't that good."
• Evidence that Cloud Strife is a time traveler: Video of him "trying out" Angeal's Buster Sword. Cloud expertly slammed the sword onto a metal door and Angeal shrieked as if Cloud had harmed his first born child.
• A video of Zack arguing with a dog. The dog is seemingly winning the argument. One minute later Genesis also joins the argument.
• Evidence that Reeve and Cait Sith are the same person - an audio of Reeve going "Hojo can suggest turnin' injured soldiers intae guinea pigs an' the President's all for it, but if Ah were tae break Hojo's knees, Ah'd be in the wrong an' sent tae jail."
• Audio of a conversation between Sephiroth and Genesis where they discuss how to "hypothetically" fake their deaths and flee to a remote island away from civilization.
• Photos of Zack and Cloud that Angeal took. It's the classic prom pose. Zack has his arms around Cloud.
• A video of Angeal discreetly pouring alcohol into his morning coffee and going "don't worry, it's decaf"
• Security camera footage of Sephiroth taking an entire cake from the break room exactly one minute after it was placed there.
• Emails between Zack and Cloud where they're freaking out because Sephiroth still hasn't noticed that his sword is a replica, and they lost the real one.
• Evidence that Cloud Strife is a time traveler: The smoke detector went off in the lounge and Cloud immediately attacked Sephiroth.
• A receipt from Angeal where he purchased horse items: a saddle, reins, and feed. Curiously, Kunsel never found the horse.
• Security cam footage of Sephiroth walking, stopping in the middle of the hallway, shouting "FUCK!" and then proceeding as if nothing happened.
• Dashboard footage of Angeal teaching Zack how to drive, a chaotic twenty minutes of A: "YOU JUST RAN A RED LIGHT!" followed by Z: "I mean what's the difference between red and green, realistically?" and A: "PULL OVER YOU'RE COLOR BLIND"
• A video of Zack going into the men's bathroom empty-handed and then coming out with a popsicle.
• Evidence that Cloud Strife is a time traveler: video footage of Cloud showing up to Sephiroth's apartment unannounced with therapy pamphlets.
• Chat logs from the SOLDIER group chat the day they tried to hide evidence that they broke the training room from Lazard, with Sephiroth suggesting they all gaslight Lazard into believing the training room is fine and the fire has been there all along.
• Security camera footage of Zack dropping down from the vents, placing a photo of Cloud Strife on Sephiroth's office door, and then retreating back into the vents.
• A video of Zack walking into the break room, going over to the fridge, opening the door, and climbing inside. Motives unknown.
• Security camera footage of Sephiroth practicing his nunchucks maneuvers in an empty training room, accidentally hitting himself in the face, and then standing there as if he just got slapped by an invisible force.
• Evidence of a file on Angeal's computer labeled "things that make me happy." Kunsel expected pictures of his friends. Instead, there's just an image of the buster sword and a stock image of an air fryer.
• A photo of Genesis' drawer of theft™ in his office, which includes Zack's kazoo, Zack's harmonica, Zack's hand bell, Zack's rubber chicken, and Zack's autographed photo of Sephiroth.
• A selfie of Tseng with Rufus asleep at his desk in the background. Tseng is holding up a bottle of Nyquil.
• An email from Sephiroth to Hojo that he never sent. It describes in detail how he would love to use his face to sand concrete.
• A photo of Tseng and Rufus pushing Dark Star around in a baby stroller like they're parents.
• A family tree connecting the president, Lazard, Rufus, and Evan Townshend, with a sticky note that reads "introduce president Shinra to condoms"
• A poster on the back of Sephiroth's office door that's a giant picture of Angeal shirtless. When asked why he had it Sephiroth replied "I look at it whenever I need to find inner strength to continue with my day"
• A box of auburn hair dye found in Genesis' bathroom.
#ff7#ffvii#final fantasy 7#sephiroth#final fantasy vii#genesis rhapsodos#ff7 crisis core#ffvii crisis core#angeal hewley#zack fair#cloud strife#crisis core#kunsel ff7
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AU Verses
Note that if you don't see a verse that works for your muse I'm always willing to come up with new ones while plotting! Feel free to shoot me a tumblr IM or discord message to discuss.
Available for Plotting/Interactions
Final Fantasy VII: In his late teens, Kiryu joined the Turks alongside his closest friend. He stayed in the group for a short while, but quickly became jaded by the fact that he was expected to put Shinra profit and trade secrets as higher importance than the importance of the people close to him. Following the death of his closest friend and partner within the Turks, a situation that may have been preventable if other Turks had shirked their allegiance to Shinra over each other, Kiryu decided to leave the organization behind him. Though he has never leaked any of Shinra’s secrets that he learned while on the job, and doesn’t plan to, he knows full well that SOLDIER or perhaps the Turks themselves may be ready to track him down at any moment. He has settled for a much more humble life, currently working as a freelance bodyguard and mercenary mostly based in the Wall Market area of Midgar's undercity.
Genshin Impact: Kiryu possesses a Geo vision which he received at the same time as he received the first katana that was forged specifically for him, following extensive training under master swordsmen to become a samurai. He had planned to follow in his adoptive father’s footsteps as a well-respected samurai, however soon after he returned to his home village following his years-long training his adoptive father was murdered. After being framed for the murder, Kiryu was first imprisoned to be executed before managing to escape from the small cell he was held in. Thus began life as a fugitive and ronin. Kiryu wanders the islands of Inazuma as a ronin. Despite that he cannot return to the village where the murder took place due to his fugitive status his main goal is to learn the true culprit and avenge his father.
God of War: In this verse, Kiryu is a minor kami that can take the form of both a human and a red serpentine dragon. He is one of many kami associated with controlling the wind and rain. He is initially from the realm of the kami called shinkai, the Japanese Shinto realm that is hidden from but mirrors the humans’ realm on Earth. Though kami are similar to the gods of the Western cultures the word encompasses more than just gods, and there are estimated to be at least eight million kami in total (though the actual number is "infinite") with some being far more powerful and well-known than others. Following the violent death of a much more powerful kami, Kiryu becomes the prime suspect and is exiled from shinkai, and he ends up traveling west until he finds himself in the realms of the Nordic gods, settling in Midgard, where he runs an orphanage.
Persona 5: As an ex-yakuza member, Kiryu quickly became a knowledge broker to the Phantom Thieves. He can provide them with knowledge about targets in Mementos or point them to people who may have palaces, including high-ranking yakuza members or members of the law enforcement where he also has connections. Additionally, his access to a range of weapons that can be brought into the metaverse such as nunchucks, tonfa, katana, and spears make him a valuable ally. Due to his own real world experience, he can also help teach the teenagers how to properly use and store said weapons. Furthermore, as a proficient mixed martial artist (including skills in boxing, judo, wrestling, and karate) he can help train the kids on their basic attacks.
Superverse: Kazuma Kiryu, aka The Dragon, has powerful ties to criminal organizations due to being formerly with the yakuza. He gained notoriety for his superhuman strength and his mastery of a rare and mostly extinct form of martial arts. Despite being deeply entrenched in the underworld of Japan, he had also been known to work alongside law enforcement to try to avoid any business from those organizations interfering with or harming civilians, and would not hesitate to take down any yakuza who might harm those uninvolved. This earned him many enemies, most of whom lack the honor in which he takes pride. In order to keep his loved ones safe, he has left, and is living a nomadic lifestyle as something of a mercenary, frequently taking on odd jobs such as bodyguard work, bouncer work, or collecting on under-the-table loans. He does not reveal his identity easily, though the tattoo on his back might give him away if he’s not careful.
Tolkien 3rd Age Verse: Kazuma Kiryu is a Ranger of Ithilien, thus one of the last remaining members of the culture once known as the Dúnedain of Gondor. For the most part, he is a solitary warrior that protects the land of Ithilien from orcs and any assailants who may be under the influence of Sauron. Technically, he is under the Captain of the Rangers of Ithilien, but for the vast majority of time as the Rangers must protect vast swaths of land and communication is difficult, this is more in name than in any sort of practice that involves following specific orders. However, during the War of the Ring, alongside the other Rangers of Ithilien, he more formally takes orders from and serves under their captain at the time, Faramir. Following the War of the Ring, he chooses to live a highly nomadic and mostly solitary lifestyle, traveling outside the borders Gondor and exploring the vast lands of Middle Earth.
Coming Soon
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First Show off
( @ataciturn , continuing from here )
His first week as an official Turk! Sure he would miss Legend's cool training and guidance but now this was the real deal. The blonde had been nervous and on his toes the first four days. Determined to show his best sides and take this job seriously.
But four days had quickly passed and he still hasn't had the opportunity to introduce himself to some of his new colleagues. And some of them appears less approachable than others. One of them was this tall, bald mister who looks like he could snap Nunchaku in half with minimum effort. (so cool!)
His skill to talk and charm almost anyone had worked all of his life, but these were unknown social waters for him. The Turks were a league on its own, Nunchaku had known this for some time, and was still adapting.
With professional precision he swings his red nunchucks around and over, putting off a real show of his skill take in that weapon. Hoping it would caught the muscular Turk's attention. This could be the icebreaker they needed- AND IT WORKED!
The young man slows down his hand movements before putting a halt and hangs his weapon over his shoulders, "Nunchaku, sir. My pleasure to meet you...?" He reaches out a hand for the other to shake, and waits with a lively interest for a name.
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True, but FFVII in particular seems very modern and like a world where science exists. So I think a theory of evolution might exist. As would a field of paleontology. There may be a creation Mythos for that world, but within the world there are probably non-believers who look for other explanations.
Just a thought - also I headcanon Nunchuck Turk’s father as a paleontologist. Bone village to me seems like a mix of paleontological and archeological research.
In Final Fantasy, dragons are real. There are old bones lying around, and even older bones to dig up, but more importantly, there are dragons, real, live, breathing dragons walking around, landing on your trucks, stealing your princesses and fucking up your shit.
Childhood doesn’t have a dinosaur stage, not by that exact name, not in that exact way. There’s no brachiosaurus here, no velociraptor. Just dragons, in all their varied shapes and sizes, because what the world had was a Dragon Era, one that still isn’t all the way done.
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Tseng, in denial about being sick, finally passes out on the floor of Rufus' office, and gets forcibly sent home for the day. Who does he put in charge of the Turks while he's out, and what is the result?
*Rufus enters Tseng's office to check in on Reno after leaving him in charge*
Rufus: I must admit, Reno, I was concerned I had made a mistake by leaving you in charge, but things are actually running quite smoothly.
Reno: Thanks, sir. I got it all under control. No funny business happens on my watch.
*A robot crashes though the wall. Rude is chasing after it*
*Nunchucks and Shotgun crash through the ceiling*
Nunchucks: We were checking if SOLDIERs were up there spying on us.
Shotgun: We also found a family of angry rats.
*Cissnei walks into the office with a live snake*
Cissnei: I turned Legend into a snake with materia because he made a sexist joke and now I'm selling him to the circus. None of you can stop me.
Rufus: Reno, I thought you said there was no funny business.
Reno: Honestly, I don't find any of this funny.
Rufus: Oh my god.
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Among the Turks, who is the best at going undercover and wearing disguises? What was the best and worst disguises anyone has ever worn on a mission?
• Tseng has never worn a bad disguise because he’s a master of shapeshifting. He can transform into an elderly man, a honey trap, a teenager, and has even transformed into Rufus one time when they needed a body double.
*President Shinra walks up to Tseng disguised as Rufus*
President Shinra: You look well, son.
Tseng: ......
*Rufus appears*
President Shinra: You too, son.
Rufus: Really? There's two of us and that doesn't raise any questions?
Tseng: Sir, have some compassion. The President is an aging gentleman who's eyesight is beginning to deteriorate. Let's be more understanding.
President Shinra: No, I just assumed I had twins all along and forgot.
• Reno and Rude's go-to disguise is to dress as a hetero couple and it hasn't failed them to this day. They always argue over who gets to play the wife because they both want to.
• The best disguise anyone has ever pulled off: when Shotgun and Emma posed as a mother and father, with Nunchucks disguised as their child.
• Rufus's idea of wearing a disguise is throwing on a baseball cap and sunglasses, believing that's enough to go unnoticed in public. He thinks pairing this with his full designer hakama and coat is all it takes to blend in.
*Rufus is wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses while he's waiting with Dark Star*
Reno: Sir, I really don't think that'll make you blend in. It's too obvious.
Rufus: You're right. What am I thinking?
*He places sunglasses and a baseball cap on Dark Star too*
Reno: There you go.
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In the Wolf’s Jaws
@theshinraheir :
Rufus glanced between Ossis’ mass of curls and his (always) happy face, not wholly convinced.
…. Still. It wouldn’t hurt to try, Rufus supposed.
It was upon his next appointment did Rufus eat his words. The place was ….. not quite what Veld would approve to be safe for someone of his importance. Pedro’s salon was buried in a nook of Sector Five, easily missed save for the slightly bizarre statue standing by the door. Rufus - dressed in a long white coat and black scarf, had to pause for a closer look. It looked like a monstrous wolf, holding a large ring in its mouth. It’s blank eyes stared back at Rufus, body thrown upwards in an arch to attack. Not a very welcoming sight to an establishment, if Rufus was honest. The Vice-President wasn’t very brushed up on his gods, but he was pretty sure this was -
“Fenrir! Such a complicated beast indeed!” Rufus jerked up, finding himself staring almost nose to nose with a very energetic man in his forties.
“I can tell by the brilliant white few could pull off, or scarcely dare to wear amongst the darkness of Sector Five that you are my ah… VIP customer?”
The man was a bit too in Rufus’ face for his liking, and while there was no venom in his words - ironic humour was only funny when it involved the Old Man.
“Pedro, I assume.” Rufus replied, silently swallowing his heart back down his throat. He slowly looked over his shoulder at Ossis with an expression that demanded what the Turk had gotten him to.
The young Turk was proud of himself for being allowed to arrange this meeting with his favorite hairdresser. Somehow he had got clearance from Veld without any huge effort put in to it. So he was in good spirit tonight. Hoping his old school mate will be impressed by Pedro's talent as much as he do.
Pedro seems flattered of hearing his name come from the white dressed man's mouth, "At your service."
Ossis meets Rufus' bitter look with one of his dazzling smiles, while shaking his head to tell he's not going to 'safe' Rufus from this social situation. Feeling that this will do his friend good.
The intrusive man followed Rufus' gaze and shoots in a teeth flashing smile upon seeing the other blonde youngling. "Mr Ozzy!" They greeted each other with one strong handshake.
"Good evening, Pedro. Our gratitude for your time." Their hands parten and Pedro moved back a half step, still close to Rufus. "No, no, the pleasure is all mine." Came as response.
And with the introduction done the barber eagerly invites them inside, closing the door and locking it after them. It didn't take long before Pedro was once again all up at Rufus, chattering, and insisted on letting him help the vice president with his beautiful coat -hanging it on a hanger near the entrance. Ossis felt almost -ALMOST- jealous of all the attention his old school mate was showered with and not him. But it gave the curly haired Turk great satisfaction seeing Rufus learning to get used to social with different kind of people.
Pedro then guides his WIP costumer to a tidy hairdresser chair to take a seat. Ossis seats himself in the black leather couch by the door, keeping his Turk jacket on. It was in that jacket where he kept his red nunchucks and other gear. He watches with amusement as Pedro leans closer to Rufus to drag his experienced fingers through the blonde hair and takes a sniff of it. The gesture was a bit on the odd side, yes, but a classic Pedro thing. Full of surprises.
"If you two gentlemen excuses me," Pedro peeked up, "I'll bring you some tea while I prepare the conditioner. I have just the perfect one in mind for you Mr vice president." And with that Pedro disappears behind the counter and to the shop's back room.
Looking over at Rufus, the Turk gives an encouraging smile, "Pedro means well, and serves delicious tea." Both statements were Ossis going to eat up later that same night.
#theshinraheir#in the wolf's jaws#i hope this is okay#i'm trying to get back to writing so yeah some things are a bit awkward here and there
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Night Intruder...
@theshinraheir (continued from here);
For a moment, Rufus didn’t respond to Ossis’ goodnight, wanting to be snide about what would be a ‘beautiful’ dream, but instead just let a long exhale of relief. Even with his unwanted guest, Rufus was still going to sleep either way. He was thankful for small miracles. “Same to you. Goodnight.” Within minutes, Rufus was sound asleep, not realising that Ossis was not, at all. Funnily enough though, Rufus did dream. He was in the hotel in Junon they’d stayed at all those years ago as teenagers, recognising the dark red and gold that was Junon’s colours on the carpet under his bare feet. Looking up, the hallway was long and seemed to sink into a darkness Rufus’ eyes couldn’t quite focus on. Something was inside that darkness, and the clichéd ‘Abyss’ could’ve been applicable here, but - Instead, there actually was someone there, looking directly at Rufus. As his eyes narrowed to try and make the figure out, the lights started to brighten, but seemed to be sucked into the darkness. Intrigued rather then scared, Rufus decided to walk towards the figure. In turn, it seemed to walk towards him too - like a mirrored effect. Rufus walked, the shadow walked. Rufus stopped, the shadow stopped. Raising an eyebrow, Rufus started to walk again, ignoring that as the shadow walked, it swallowed the lights in the hallway like ink over paper. Then they were face to face - if darkness had a ‘face’ until Rufus heard something like … a muffled thump. His head tilted slightly to the side, eyes still on the figure, until he slowly turned his head to see what the noise was. The hallway still stretched out before them, but instead there was a door at the end. Another gentle thump. He turned back to the shadow, having half-expected it to grab him and suck him in or something. Instead, it had waited patiently. Then its hand reached out from the black, and from the wrist down, Rufus could see it was someone wearing a black suit. “You need to hide.”
Rufus frowned, and unconsciously laid his hand on the offered one. “Ossis?”
Listening, waiting. Calm and slow breathing. His lips are a slightly parted to make it appear more genuine. The cool bedroom air against his exposed torso was the only thing that really prevented Ossis from falling asleep for real on Rufus’ comfortable bed.
Close by he could hear the faint breathing from the sleeping heir, and calm snoring from the guard hound. The young Turk has no idea how long he have been pretend sleeping. At least his waiting were for nothing, because it finally happened. His hearing snaps up a small click sound, that immediately followed by a short yappy from Dark Nation before she fell silent.
It took less than a second and Ossis were up. In one quick roll off the bed he grabs his red handle weapon -that he had hidden under the bed, and locked his eyes on the threat -who were standing at the windows. Another click and what appears to be a blow-dart flew right past Ossis cheek, too close for comfort.
Before the black dressed intruder had time to send a third dart at him, Ossis jumps up, blocking the passage to Rufus, and charges right at him. Most of the assassin's face was covered but the eyes -that looked more than surprised when they were hit by a kick to their stomach and receiving a hard swing to their chin by nunchucks. Ossis' attack sent the assassin to fall to their side, losing hold of the gear in their hands. But flexible as a 'ninja', they jumped up and started to fight back.
There were kicks and punches from both sides. All while he had to prevent the other from reaching to their dropped equipment and from reaching to Rufus. While Ossis himself had to avoid their's attacks and... was that a limit break? OH HOLY MOTHER OF-
Ossis had started to power up his materia, but was sent up to hit the ceiling with as fast spin of lighting before he had the chance to use it. Gasping in pain, he doesn't realize he have dropped his weapon until he falls down to the floor and finds himself empty handed.
Feeling giddy, he forced himself upon his hands and knees. Seeing how the assassin have picked up their dropped gear, and turns to send a kick to Ossis' head -to finish him off. But Ossis captures their foot and drag them down to the floor with him. A noisy wrestling starts, and unfortunately the blonde didn't have the upper hand. "Rufus!" Ossis shouts in warning to get the vice president's attention. The Turk could feel himself losing the fight, and he wasn't given the opportunity to grab his gun or reach for his nunchucks. And he was too occupied to call for backup...
"Rufus!" His breathing is heavy, "Bakom sängen! Bakom sängen finns en knapp... Tryck den!" If he remembers correctly Rufus could speak Icicle, and the assassin would hopefully not know the language and believe the Turk was speaking some rubbish in panic -as their hands are now squeezing around Ossis' throat. The black dressed intruder looked keen to silence the curly haired man for good.
#theshinraheir#this one is 100 years old sorry#you don't have to match the length#i can't write short action scenes#And don't worry#dark nation is fine#those were sleeping-darts ;)
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