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midweekblues · 11 months ago
Finally, after a slow night at work and much ruminating, I hereby present my own True-Detective-Night-Country world-famous ramble stew. Tipping my non-existent hat to one Mr @rhavewellyarnbag
Something something Sedna of the many names, Arnarquagsag, Nerivik, Nuliajuk, the one who would not marry, the wife of all.
What's you name, girl?
Navarro, Eve, Angie, Evangeline, Missy, your mother never told you your real name (the one of the Real People) and some think you have forgotten it.
Sedna of the many names many stories Arctic wide, Alaska to Greenland, many stories and in all of them she lives under the sea, in all of them she ends up there because of her father.
Her mother? sometimes a shaman (voices. episodes.) sometimes entirely absent from the narrative (died in chilbirth), sometimes a background character following her husband.
Her father? oh, he always throws her in the sea, sometimes in a panic, sometimes in a rage. She would not marry the man he told her to.
Well, is that the right question?
She would not marry the man he told her to, because she was already married to her dog who was a man, a shapeshifter, so they kept it in secret.
So many secrets here... do we trust Qavviq the dog-man, the home-brewer? or is he gonna die a terrible death?
i dunno, man. Annie keeping it secret. Danvers keeping it secret. But Everyone here knows.
Sedna whose fingers were cut went she went overboard and she tried to hold on to her father's kayak. Sometimes her whole hands, bit by bit.
So many fathers here, too. Hank, raised by an animal to act like an animal. His son trying to be better than him. The son's son drawing the woman with no hands, no fingers, spooking his father.
What is it with white people getting spooked about other people's religion? Not me, i was raised catholic. A lady with no fingers is no big deal. But maybe i mean white-white. Not opening that particular can of worms right now.
Oh and of course Travis. Fucking Travis Cohle. And his little interpretive dance. That was a man drowning. Or several. Didn't Lund cough up some filthy water when he woke up corpsicled? Cause of death: Spooketh. But also maybe drowned. 
The lady under the sea, the lady with no fingers, cannot untangle her hair. Her hair traps the marine animals and she gets agitated and there is storm and famine. Her hair under the sea, her hair maybe like the sea, and who hasn't dyed their hair sea-blue, sea-green, when they missed so much? i have. Wear the monster's face, wear her hair, whatever you can manage.
The lady with the sea-hair beautifully painted on the door to the warehouse where the people gather. And the people are pissed. 
Something in the water, and no one seems to be asking questions. Not even the wrong ones. Tsalal is the mine is the thing under the ice, now she's awake and y'all done fucked up.
The lady with no fingers that lives under the sea gets pissed off sometimes. Main thing driving her mad is greed and ungratefulness, apparently.Those who take more than they need and those who do not honor their prey. The seals have souls, and so do the whales and the walruses. Those are Sedna’s children, not exactly like children, born from her chopped fingers like Eve from Adam’s rib. 
Sedna (90377 Sedna) is also a dwarf planet hanging around Ceres. This season feels like the Belt. As oppresive as S1 made Louisiana look (humid, hot, that heavy heavy sky) this creeps me out more. What's worse, air thick with miasma or no air at all? Women walking out to the dark, a tiny circle of light and then the vast nothing. Very cosmic horror. Also i miss Naomi Nagata and i miss Camina Drummer. Funny that Danvers' kid was named Holden. But i digress.
You know how scientists are, naming stuff after goddesses. Pieces of rock, sometimes lifeforms. She's awake alright. 
Who are you, girl? Eve? An angel? I am reminded too that Evangelion means Good News. Are you catholic, Navarro? Was your father catholic? What did he drink?
Something in the water, something in the ice. Crabs are bottom feeders, aren't they? How fucked up is an ecosystem where the carrion-eaters die off? Maybe stuff isn't dying at the rate it should. Caribou spook relatively easy, but maybe they know something we don't, too. Micro earthquakes and magnetic fields and shit. Guess we’ll find out.
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xphaiea · 4 months ago
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Nuliajuk by betta-girl
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immap-ukuua · 2 years ago
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Kirima Amaruq - angehende Schamanin und unwissentlich die Reinkarnation der Meeresgöttin Sedna. (RPG in Romanform, deutsch)
Fasziniert drehte die kleine Kirima die geschnitzte Figur in ihren Fingern und strich mit den Fingerspitzen darüber. Ahnah, eine ergraute Schamanin, setzte sich mit einem leisen Stöhnen zu dem Mädchen und zog ihr die Fellkapuze vom Kopf, damit sie Notiz von ihr nahm. Ihre braunen und weisen Augen betrachteten erst Kirimas kindliches Gesicht, das sich ihr zugewandt hatte, bevor sie weiter zu der Schnitzerei wanderten.
"Hast du das gemacht?"
Die Alte nickte mit einem warmen Lächeln und nahm dem Kind die Figur ab. "Weißt du, wer das ist?"
Kirima schüttelte mit großen Augen den Kopf und spürte, wie schon gleich darauf die Hand der Alten über ihre schwarzen Locken strichen. "Das ist Sedna, eine große Gottheit. Eins war sie eine normale junge Frau, so wie du es sein wirst und ich einmal war. Sie soll wunderschön gewesen sein, aber genauso eitel. Jeder Mann, der sie wollte, den lehnte sie ab, ganz zum Unmut ihres Vaters. Dieser gab sie dann einem Freier, einen Jäger mit verhülltem Gesicht. Erst, als der Ehemann sie mit dem Kajak zu seinem Heim brachte, entblößte er sich als Rabe und das Heim als harte Felsenklippen. Sedna weinte und schrie ganz jämmerlich in den Wind. So laut, dass ihr Vater ein schlechtes Gewissen bekam und sie zurückholte.
Sednas Ehemann wollte sich das aber nicht gefallen lassen. Er griff das Kajak an, in dem Vater und Tochter saßen. Seine Flügel verursachten einen Seesturm, der dem Vater solche Angst machte, dass er sie über Bord warf. Panisch versuchte sich Sedna am Kajak festzuhalten, aber ihr Vater schlug ihr mit dem Paddel auf die gefrorenen Finger. So lang, bis sie zersplitterten. Sie versanken im Meer und mit ihnen Sedna. Ein Zauber des Raben verwandelte die Finger in Robben und die Hände in Wale und andere Meeressäuger.
Sedna sitzt auch heute noch am Meeresgrund und ihren Zorn auf die Menschheit, den spüren wir heute noch. Sie lässt gewaltige Seestürme und Wellen über dem Meer peitschen und ihr Groll über den Verrat macht sie mächtig und zornig. Sie bestimmt darüber, wie viele Meerestiere von uns gefangen und gegessen werden. Wenn man ihre Gebote verletzt, dann lässt sie Stürme frei oder zieht ganze Familien mit in die Tiefe. Ihr Haus steht dort, auf dem Meeresgrund. Dort lebt sie mit den Meerestieren und Seehunde bewachen es. Jeder Unbefugte wird gebissen."
Verschüchtert machte sich das Mädchen ganz klein und zitterte leicht. Ahnah lächelte mitfühlend und tätschelte ihre Wange.
"Aber, aber Kind. Du musst keine Angst haben. Wir Schamanen sorgen dafür, dass Sedna besänftigt wird. Jedes Mal, wenn ein Mensch ein Tabu bricht, dann setzt sich Schmutz in Sednas Haaren fest. Das macht sie furchtbar wütend, aber dann begeben wir Schamanen uns auf eine Seelenreise. Wir wandern hinab zu ihrem Haus und kämmen ihr das Haar aus. Und weil wir das tun, dürfen wir auch weiter aus ihrem Meeresreich Nahrung schöpfen."
Die Hand der Alten wanderte unter das Kinn des Mädchens und drückte es sanft nach oben. Sie lächelte so ansteckend und warm, dass auch Kirima wieder ruhiger wurde und das Lächeln erwiderte.
"Wir haben viel Glück, eine so weise Schamanin zu haben, Ahnah. Vielleicht kann ich auch mal eine werden."
Die junge Inuit sprang auf die Beine und ihre Augen glänzten begeistert. Ja, das klang nach einem guten Plan in ihrem Kopf. Sie würde ebenfalls dafür sorgen, dass Sedna besänftigt wurde und ihr Stamm weiter von ihrem Reich profitieren konnte. Voll kindlicher Energie lief sie davon, völlig in Gedanken.
"Vielleicht…", rief ihr die Alte fröhlich hinterher, bevor sie seufzte,"…Sedna."
"Sedna" - die dort unten im Meer; „Immap ukuua“ - Mutter des Meeres; „Arnaqquassaaq“ - das majestätische Weib oder „Sassuma arnaa“ - die Frau dort unten; „Nerrivik“ und „Nulirah“ - die alte Frau des Meeres; „Nuliajuk“ - die liebe Frau
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nordseehexe · 21 days ago
Sedna ᓴᓐᓇ
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Sedna (Inuktitut: ᓴᓐᓇ) is the goddess of the sea and marine animals in Inuit religion, also known as the Mother of the Sea or Mistress of the Sea. The story of Sedna, which is a creation myth, describes how she came to rule over Adlivun, the Inuit version of the underworld. In sculptures, Sedna is often depicted with the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a marine mammal, similar to a mermaid.
Sedna is known as Arnakuagsak or Arnaqquassaaq in parts of Greenland. She is called Sassuma Arnaa ('Mother of the Deep') in West Greenlandic and Nerrivik ('Table', Inuktun) or Nuliajuk (District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, Canada). She is sometimes known by other names by different Inuit groups such as Arnapkapfaaluk ('Big Bad Woman') of the Copper Inuit from the Coronation Gulf area and Takánakapsâluk or Takannaaluk (Igloolik). In Killiniq, Labrador, she was referred to as 'Old-woman-who-lived-in-the-sea'.
More than one version of the Sedna legend exists. Some legends have her as the daughter of a goddess named Isarrataitsoq, while others only mention her father.
In one legend Sedna is a giant, the daughter of the creator-god Anguta, with a great hunger that causes her to attack her parents. Angered, Anguta takes her out to sea and throws her over the side of his kayak. As she clings to the sides, he chops off her fingers and she sinks to the underworld, becoming the ruler of the monsters of the deep. Her huge fingers become the ringed seals, walruses, and whales hunted by Inuit.
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In another version of the legend, she is dissatisfied with men found for her by her father and so marries a dog. Her father is so angry at this that he throws her into the sea and, when she tries to climb back into the boat, he cuts off her fingers. Her fingers become the first seals and she becomes a mighty sea goddess. When she is angered, the angakkuq (shaman) travels to wash and comb her hair for her, after which she is placated and releases the animals to the hunters. In other versions, she is unable to comb her hair because she lacks fingers, so a shaman must brush it for her.
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In the Netsilik region, the story states that Nuliayuk was a mistreated orphan. One day the people tried to get rid of her by attempting to drown her by chopping off her fingertips, which transformed into seals and walruses. Eventually, Nuliayuk marries a sculpin and lives in the sea controlling all sea mammals.
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Other versions of the legend depict Sedna as a beautiful maiden who rejects marriage proposals from the hunters of her village. When an unknown hunter appears, Sedna's father agrees to give her to him as wife in return for fish. Sedna's father gives Sedna a sleeping potion and gives her to the hunter who takes her to a large nest on a cliff, revealing his true form: a great bird-spirit (variously described as a raven, a fulmar or a Kokksaut / petrel-spirit). She wakes surrounded by birds. Her father attempts to rescue her, but the bird-spirit becomes angry, causing a great storm. In desperation, Sedna's father throws her into the raging sea. Attempting to cling to the kayak, her hands freeze and her fingers fall off becoming the creatures of the sea. She falls to the bottom of the sea and grows a fishtail.
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Sedna is kidnapped or deceived by a different bird creature in yet another version. Her father then leaves in his kayak to rescue her from the floating ice-island where she is imprisoned while the bird creature is away. The creature, enraged by her disappearance, calls to a spirit of the sea to help him. The sea spirit locates the kayak with the two humans aboard and creates huge waves to kill them. Her father throws Sedna overboard in the hope that this will appease the angry god. Sedna clings to the kayak but her father grabs a little ax and chops three of her fingers off before striking her on the head. The three fingers each become a different species of seal. The stroke to her head sends Sedna to the ocean floor where she resides, commanding the animals of the sea.
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In an additional version of the story Sedna marries a man who claims to be a fantastic hunter. He then takes her away to a distant island and once there he reveals himself to be a birdman. Being a birdman he was not a good hunter and could only hunt fish. Unable to escape the island she resigned herself to her situation, until her father came to visit one day. Her father decided to kill the birdman upon realizing he lied about who he was, attempting to rescue his daughter. They left the island on her father's kayak, when the birdman's friends attacked them in retaliation. They flew above the kayak and created great waves to attack the kayak with. Sedna's father was so frightened he threw her overboard; she then grabbed onto the edge of the kayak holding on for her life. Fearing she would tip over the boat her father cut off her fingers, making her fall into the water. The fingers that were cut off then became sea animals and she sank to the ocean floor where she became a spirit of the ocean.
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In one Baffin Island tradition, Sedna was in a kayak with her family when a storm started. Her parents thought she was to blame for the storm and threw her into the sea. She clung to the kayak, but her father cut her fingers off: first the tips, then the second knuckle, then the last knuckle. Her disembodied fingers turned into sea creatures. Sedna gained control over the animals. If humans angered her, she could stop the animals from coming to their hunting sites, thus causing famine.
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The varying legends each give different rationales for Sedna's death. Yet, in each version, her father takes her to sea in his kayak, chopping off her fingers. In each version she sinks to the bottom of the sea, worshipped by hunters who depend on her goodwill to supply food. She is generally considered a vengeful goddess, and hunters must placate and pray to her to release the sea animals from the ocean depths for their hunt. At Killiniq, people threw worn-out harpoon-heads, broken knives, and morsels of meat and bone into the sea as offerings.
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miss-nerd-alert · 2 years ago
I’ve found a few more names that I think would work for OCs. I researched as much as I could, but please feel free to correct me if I get anything wrong.
Fire Nation:
Kidlat - a Tagalog boys’ name that means “lightning”
Hikaru - a Japanese name used for both boys and girls that means “radiant”
Rangsei - a Khmer girls’ name that means “ray of light”
Northern Water Tribe:
Batbayar - a Mongolian boy’s name that means “strong joy”. I’m admittedly including this one because it sounds similar to “Bato”.
Xuanwu - the Chinese name of the Black Tortoise, who represents the direction north and season winter
Maral - a Mongolian girls’ name that means “deer”. I’m including this one because of the presence of fauna that appear in the North Pole that (so far) haven’t been shown in the South Pole, like buffalo yak.
Chang’e - the name of a Chinese moon goddess, who was separated from her love Hou Yi after taking all of an immortality pill/potion and chose to live on the moon to be closer to him. This one might be too on the nose, but I wanted to include a reference to Yue and Sokka, since their story partly mirrors Chang’e and Hou Yi’s.
Southern Water Tribe:
Tootega - the name of an Inuit goddess that has the power to walk on water
Nuliajuk - the name of a goddess of the Netsilik Inuit people, and another name for the goddess Sanna. Believed to live on the ocean floor, and control sea mammals.
Datu - a Tagalog boys’ name that means “chief”. I know the Tagalog language and Filipino culture are more heavily associated with the Fire Nation, but Bato’s name actually means “rock” in Taglish (a mixing of Tagalog and English used extensively in the Philippines) and I wanted to include it.
When doing research for this Tumblr, I come across a lot of interesting terms and mythological figures that immediately make me think, “That could be a name in Avatar!” I thought I’d share some of these names for any fan writers or artists who are interested in creating Avatar original characters. The names/words I’m listing are relatively easy to pronounce for an English speaker and in-line with the naming conventions that exist within Avatar (in my opinion).
Also, most of these names/words would not be used as names in the real world, but that’s always been the case with names in Avatar. ATLA is just a world of very on-the-nose names.
Fire Nation Royal Family
Suzaku (朱雀) - The Japanese name for the Vermilion Bird, which represents the element of fire, the direction of south, and the season of summer.
Sanzuwu (三足烏) - A red, three-legged crow known for dragging the sun across the sky in Chinese mythology.
Alaz - God of all fire in Turkic mythology. If fire is treated with respect, his flames can purify. If fire is neglected or disrespected, his flames can destroy.
Nezha (哪吒) - A protection deity in Chinese folk religion. He is often shown flying in the sky with fire wheels and a fire-tipped spear in his right hand.
Water Tribe
Sanna or Sedna (ᓴᓐᓇ) - Inuktitut name for the Inuit goddess of the sea. Sanna is the actual pronunciation of the name, but Sedna is strangely the way the name is typically Anglicized in academia and other informational sources.
Arna - Various Inuit groups refer to the sea goddess by a name that incorporates the syllables “Arna”: Arnaqquassaaq (Greenland), Sassuma Arnaa (West Greenland), and Arnapkapfaaluk (Copper Inuit). I’m assuming Arna might be a morpheme indicating that the name/word relates to a woman.
Takana - Short for Takánakapsâluk or Takannaaluk, the Igloolik names for the goddess of the sea.
Akna - The goddess of fertility and childbirth in Inuit mythology.
Nanook - I know it’s a bit cliche since there’s already a film called “Nanook of the North” about an Inuk man in the Canadian Arctic, but it has a nice ring to it nonetheless. Nanook means “Polar Bear” in many Inuit languages.
Kaneq - Central Yupik for “Frost”.
Kuik - Central Yupik for “River”.
Qanir - Central Yupik for “To Snow”.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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silverfishbuffet · 3 years ago
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Nuliajuk in Those who dwell below by Aviaq Johnston
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kaci-doodles · 4 years ago
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Nuliajuk, mistress of the sea
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i-r-readcomics · 6 years ago
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Aquaman: Time and Tide
Volume: 1 #3
Snowball in Hell
Writers: Peter David
Pencils: Kirk Jarvinen
Inks: Brad Vancata
Covers: Kirk Jarvinen
Featuring: Aquaman (Arthur Curry), Kako, Orm, Nuliajuk 
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grandscrumwizard · 8 days ago
oh its an Inuit Goddess
"The inner core of the coin features an image of Nuliajuk (the Spirit of the Sea and Sea Mammals) wearing a parka, and clockwise from Nuliajuk are a walrus, two beluga whales, a seal and an arctic char."
Found my second Chuck Buck in the wild today: A toonie!
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But wait! Whata that on the other side??
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Is that a Dugong Mermaid???
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the-travel-junkiie · 3 years ago
Reposted from @shinanova Each of her fingers became a sea animal that we now have today... Thank you Sedna🙏🏼 Sedna, also called "Nuliajuk". The Sea Goddess🙌🏼 Maintain a good relationship with her to provide for our people #sedna #inuit #legend #culture #nuliajuk https://www.instagram.com/p/CV-8XFwFQae/?utm_medium=tumblr
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midweekblues · 1 year ago
GIRL HELP anyone got sources on specifically Iñupiat tellings of Sedna/Nuliajuk's story??
I'm spiraling (heh) over True Detective Night Country's themes and their ties to arctic spirituality, but unfortunately most of my sources/knowledge come from my obsession with The Terror and are related to the Nattilik or wider Nunavut...
Also if anyone wants to read me rambling or share their own theories about this please hit me up before I end up posting on reddit jsjahdjkk
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devilcat210 · 2 years ago
Aside from her mom, does anyone else know that Fanya is an idol?
The people who knew are;
Her family
Vega Botan (Her bestfriend)
Harris Marizaki (Her boyfriend)
And others (spoiler)
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palae0lithic · 7 years ago
Nuliajuk lives in the ocean for a very long time. Nuliajuk just sits on the ocean floor, her long hair flowing, moving back and forth with the tides and the currents. When you look down into the sea over the side of a boat in summer, you can see her hair, swaying back and forth. Sometimes as her hair moves with the water, it gets all disheveled and tangled up. The creatures of the sea get caught in it and no matter how hard they try they cannot get out. It would be so nice if Nuliajuk can run her fingers through her hair and let all these animals out, but Nuliajuk has no fingers.
You see a long time ago, when she was just a girl, Nuliajuk refused to marry; she would take no men for a husband. It was a cruel world in which she lived. There were no animals to hunt, no caribou, seals, whales, walruses, fish, nothing. Her family was starving and could no longer feed her. If she had married she would have had a husband to support her but no she refused to marry anyone.
One day Nuliajuk’s parents loaded their boat with the few things they had and headed off to another hunting place, hoping for better luck. They left Nuliajuk behind. They could no longer support a woman who had refused to marry. Nuliajuk did not want to be left behind so she swam out to the boat. Nuliajuk grabbed the gunwales and tried to climb aboard. Her father took his axe and chopped her fingers off to keep her from climbing in. Nuliajuk no longer able to hold on to the gunwales of the boat, slipped down to the depths of the sea. And that is where she lives to this day. Her fingers too fell into the sea one by one and one by one they became the animals of the sea. They became whales, walruses, fishes and all the other sea creatures.
But now Nuliajuk has no fingers with which to comb her hair, and when her hair is all tangled up, these poor animals get caught in and cannot get out. They tickle her head and that makes her angry. She shakes her head; she screams and flails her arms about. She makes the water boil until there are big waves. If her hair gets tangled up, there are no animals to hunt, no meat to eat, no sealskin for boats, no whale meat to feed the dogs. Even if there were animals about no one could go to sea to hunt them when Nuliajuk is angry. Nuliajuk has become the most feared creature in all the land. She has the power of life and death over all the people.
The only people who can calm her down are the shamans. Now and then, they dive down to the bottom of the sea. They run their fingers through her hair and make it all neat and tidy. They free the animals. They soothe her and settle her down and the sea becomes calm and smooth again. There are seals, walruses, fish, and whales again. People can go out to hunt and have food to eat.
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theriverranon · 8 years ago
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Cover for the book I made for class
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lesbianladyeboshi · 4 years ago
Nothing like informing a toddler you have read a particular book to her 9 times in the past few hours and if you can alternate, then having her enthusiasticically exclaim "no this book, DO you going to read it AGAIN?? :D"
I can't say no 😂
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ceazspicrew · 5 years ago
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Make a lil animal here!
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