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lauraagrace · 5 months ago
It's almost a new month which means it's time to share the "shoujosei calendar" of all the releases coming out this September!
Hope you see one of your favorites releasing a new volume or discover a new series! 🥹
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Please note that all dates are subject to change and that almost all information (dates and covers) are directly taken from the publisher's website!
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who-do-i-know-this-man-s3 · 4 months ago
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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tenfoldtranslation · 7 months ago
Nukozuke is licensed!! Coming Sept. 24!
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"A pocket-sized cat-human: have you met a Nuko? In a world where these curious creatures evolved from ordinary cats, part-timer Yuya finds two abandoned nukos on the side of the road and brings them home out of the rain. Kei needs his ducks to be in a row, while Sasame charms everyone she meets. Yuya’s got the cooking and sewing skills to take care of these adorable new housemates, but when he’s the one falling asleep in any warm spot of sunlight, who’s really taking care of who?! Kick back and let this human, his nukos, and their ameowsing life warm your heart!"
So excited to be on this series and to share it with everyone who needs more cat in their life!! I wish I were as brave as Sasame, as reliable as Kei, and as good at cooking at Yuya, but I'll have to settle for Yuya's motivation (none) and a touch of Sasame's cuteness (I have a cosplay in the works!)
I've been waiting so long I'm already working on volume 3, but hopefully I can use this blog to keep sharing more of what I love about the series!
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chouhatsumimi · 1 year ago
Words from Nukoduke, vol. 4, part 1
Words in bold are particularly relevant to the story, and words in italics seem like they’d be worth remembering outside the context of the manga. Bold and italic together means they’ve probably appeared somewhere in Nukoduke more than once. Kinda long list but it’s for a whole volume… actually it’s too long for tumblr, so splitting into four parts.
グロッキー, グロッギー groggy 表情筋 ひょうじょうきん mimetic muscles 冷や麦, 冷麦 ひやむぎ thin udon noodles (served chilled) 素 す one's nature, one's feelings, oneself, plain, unadorned, undecorated, unadulterated, au naturel, mere, poor, exceedingly 賑わう にぎわう to be crowded with people, to be bustling with, to prosper, to flourish, to do thriving business / prosperar, florecer, animarse でん粉, 澱粉, 殿粉 でんぷん, デンプン starch / almidón, fécula 様様, 様々 さまさま our gracious (e.g. Queen), honorific that attaches to name of a person or thing that has bestowed grace or favour upon you 不意打ち, 不意討ち ふいうち surprise attack, surprise visit, catching a person off guard / ataque sorpresa 荒療治 あらりょうじ drastic measure or treatment / medida drástica, corte por lo sano 寄り道, 寄道 よりみち dropping in on the way, stopping off at, making a side trip, going the long way round, making a detour / parada, escala 命日 めいにち anniversary of a person's death, monthly return of the date of someone's death / aniversario de la muerte 葛饅頭 くずまんじゅう ball of bean paste covered with a kudzu starch glaze 無垢 むく pure, innocent, spotless, immaculate, unspoiled, pure, unmixed, unadulterated, long kimono made from the same plain-coloured cloth / pureza 踏ん切り ふんぎり determination, decision 暴風域 ぼうふういき storm area (winds of 25mps or more) そよ風, 微風 そよかぜ, びふう gentle breeze, soft wind, breath of air, zephyr / brisa 体育会系 たいいくかいけい sports-minded, sports-oriented 人相 にんそう looks, countenance, facial features, physiognomy / aspecto, facha, pinta 外方 そっぽ the other way / exterior, afuera そっぽを向く, 外方を向く そっぽをむく to turn away, to face away, to ignore, to be uncooperative, to be unconciliatory グサッと, ぐさっと deeply (stab, thrust, etc.), hard 手なずける, 手なづける, 手懐ける てなずける, てなづける to tame, to win over 意地 いじ stubbornness, obstinacy, willpower, pride, disposition, nature, appetite, desire, greed / disposición, espíritu, fuerza de voluntad, obstinación, carácter, firmeza, apetito [this appears again at least once more, vol 6 p53) 鳥目 とりめ night-blindness 引き抜く, 引抜く, 引きぬく ひきぬく to extract, to pull out, to draw out, to uproot, to headhunt, to lure away, to poach, to entice / extraer, arrancar, sacar, extraer, desgarrar, desarraigar, reclutar talentos, reclutar talentos, atraer 替え玉, 替玉 かえだま proxy, ringer, substitute, double, second serving of noodles (to add to previously purchased ramen) / sustituto, doble, testaferro 店番, 見世番 みせばん tending a store, salesperson, sales clerk, shop assistant / tendero, vendedor 正直者 しょうじきもの honest person / persona honesta 正直者が馬鹿を見る しょうじきものがばかをみる honesty doesn't pay, life is unfair 卑怯 ひきょう cowardice, meanness, unfairness / cobardía, mezquindad, injusticia ちょろちょろ, チョロチョロ trickling (of water), flickering (of fire), darting about (e.g. a small animal), scampering about, moving rapidly / moverse de un lado a otro, ir y venir suavemente, fluir un hilo de agua 余談 よだん digression, sequel (of a story) / digresión, acotación
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doronjosama · 4 months ago
This week (10/02/24), 6 new furry-interest titles! DC Horror Creature Commandos #1, Darkwing Duck: Negaduck V.1, Falling In Love With a Traveling Cat GN, Nukozuke V.1, Werewolf Frankenstein #1 & Wolf Pack V.1 ! Check your local comic shop, or order online! #FurryComics #FurryGraphicNovels #FurryManga #comics #graphicnovels #creaturecommandos #darkwingduck #fallinginlovewithatravelingcat #mofusand #nukozuke #werewolffrankenstein #wolfpack
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lord-raccoon · 4 years ago
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yall should read nukoduke/nukozuke if you havent this shits so adorable and you will not regret it its so good
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mangafeeds · 5 years ago
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Alternative : Герцог Нук (Serbian); ぬこづけ!(Japanese); 喵居生活! (Chinese); Nukozuke!
Nukoduke! summary: This is the cute story of Yuuya Freeter, who picks up two stray 'Nuko' a species that is more cat than human. #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/nukoduke_1587921719
Read more.
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mangaredditdotcom · 5 years ago
Alternative: Герцог Нук (Serbian); ぬこづけ!(Japanese); 喵居生活! (Chinese); Nukozuke!
Description : This is the cute story of Yuuya Freeter, who picks up two stray 'Nuko' a species that is more cat than human. #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/nukoduke_1584408999.html
Read more.
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nyoomdoesstuff · 9 years ago
poipoiyatta replied to your photo: “Spent the whole day reading Nukozuke! THIS MANGA IS THE CUTEST THING...”
Are you serious? I was reading it yesterday!!! It's just so cute~
please excuse my hyper excitement www
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tenfoldtranslation · 10 days ago
Trying way too hard to make sure everything's perfect on volume 5 right now. Not a whole lot happens in this volume per se, but we're just starting to get hints dropped for some major backstory that appears later in volume 8, so I want to make sure it hits right when we get to it. (because it's so delicious, augh)
Just hope that volume 8 makes it to print too :')
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year ago
Nukoduke (also known as Nukozuke)
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On his way home from his part-time job, Yuuya Amane finds two small cute creatures in a box looking for an owner. These said creatures are called "Nukos"—cats that have evolved with qualities closer to those of humans. As a result, they can speak words and feel human emotions while not straying too far from their catlike instincts. Curious about their nature and at the same time drawn to them, Yuuya assumes ownership of the two Nukos and offers his house as a place for them to stay.
Adorable and heartwarming, Nukozuke! depicts the everyday life of Yuuya and his two Nukos: Kei, a calico Nuko who acts mature despite often being mistaken for a girl, and Sasame, a black Nuko who is the younger of the two.
Words from Nukoduke, vol. 5, part 3
Words in bold are particularly relevant to the story, and words in italics seem like they’d be worth remembering outside the context of the manga. Bold and italic together means they’ve probably appeared somewhere in Nukoduke more than once. Kinda long list but it’s for a whole volume… actually it’s too long for tumblr, so splitting into three parts.
愛い うい fine (person), good, nice, splendid, admirable もぐもぐ, もごもご mumbling, chewing one's words, chewing (food), squirming, wriggling 蝦蟇口, 蟇口, がま口 がまぐち purse with a metal clasp, handbag (with clasp), pouch (with clasp), coin purse (with clasp) ぐる, グル accomplice, cohort 淡泊, 淡白, 澹泊 たんぱく light (color, colour, taste), simple, plain, frank, candid, ingenuous, indifferent / suave, ligero, sencillo, poco cargado 入り浸る, 入りびたる, 入浸る いりびたる to stay long, to hang around, to hang out, to frequent, to be immersed (in water) for a long time, to soak / pasar mucho tiempo en, ir a menudo a, frecuentar 理事長 りじちょう board chairman / presidente de la junta, presidente del consejo 無断で むだんで without permission, without notice / sin permiso, sin autorización, sin previo aviso, sin avisar 持っていく, 持って行く, もって行く, 持ってゆく もっていく, もってゆく to take, to carry (something) away, to bear / llevar (algo) 根が深い ねがふかい deep-seated, deep-rooted, ingrained 色素 しきそ pigment, coloring, colouring, colorant, colourant / pigmento, colorante 神妙 しんみょう, しんびょう meek, quiet, docile, humble, faithful, obedient, mysterious, marvelous, marvellous 功労者 こうろうしゃ person who has rendered distinguished service 所帯じみる, 所帯染みる しょたいじみる to be worn out (from domestic life) うんたらかんたら, うんやらかんやら something-something, yada yada, so-and-so 因数分解 いんすうぶんかい factorization, factorisation / factorización 問 もん [it used 'toi' for the furigana] counter for questions / contador para interrogaciones, preguntas, problemas 代入 だいにゅう substitution, assignment 子守, 子守り こもり nursemaid, nanny, babysitter, child-minding, babysitting / niñera 滅相もない, 滅相も無い めっそうもない Don't be absurd, That's out of the question, Nonsense, Don't mention it カフス cuffs ピアス earrings (for pierced ears), ear piercing, body piercing / pendiente (eng: agujero) イヤリング earring / pendiente (eng: earring) ど, どう, ド precisely, exactly, plumb, totally, very much, damn, stupid, cursed [used in ドM meaning 'masochist'] ノーカン not counting (as anything significant) 区切り, 句切り くぎり punctuation, pause, juncture, end, (place to) stop / párrafo, corte, final だらし無い だらしない slovenly (appearance, work, etc.), sloppy, untidy, undisciplined, careless, loose, slack, weak, feeble, weak-willed, gutless むさい filthy, squalid, dirty, foul, sordid 散々, 散散 さんざん thoroughly, completely, utterly, severely, harshly, terribly, miserably, wretchedly, badly, scattered, disconnected, dispersed, smashed into tiny pieces / terrible, cruel, ininterrumpidamente 怪力 かいりき superhuman strength 筆頭 ひっとう, ふでがしら brush tip, first on a list, head, chief 怒気 どき anger, wrath 俊敏 しゅんびん quick-witted and agile, keen and nimble 嫁, 娵, 婦, 媳 よめ wife, bride, (one's) daughter-in-law / nuera, esposa, novia (desposada), (propia) nuera 姑 しゅうとめ, しゅうと, しうとめ, しいとめ mother-in-law / suegra 公認 こうにん official recognition, authorization, authorisation, licence, license, accreditation / reconocimiento oficial, autorización, permiso, licencia, acreditación
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tenfoldtranslation · 5 months ago
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About Nukozuke!: In a world where the mysterious, intelligent creatures known as Nukos evolved from ordinary cats, part-timer Yuya finds two abandoned nukos on the side of the road. Yuya begins his new life with the hot-and-cold calico Kei and the sweet-as-sugar Sasame! (2/3)
Release schedule: After volume 1 on Sep 24, volume 2 will come out just six weeks later on November 5th! The hit series is already up to volume 21 in Japan. (3/3)
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tenfoldtranslation · 1 month ago
If Multi-Mind Mayhem has NINE volumes out and Nukozuke gets axed any before that, SO HELP ME~~~~
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