notyourmoderate · 6 years
pretty sure ivanka is not sitting in as secretary of state. tried to verify, nothing came up
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deadpresidents · 7 years
hey... I hope you are at least a bit comforted by several of the individuals that compromise your audience sending their good thoughts and hopes for u rn (me being one of them)
I do appreciate it. Thanks to you and to everyone who’s reached out, not just tonight, but also over the past few weeks while I’ve been on a bit of a sabbatical to regain my balance and try to find my way again. I’ll be myself again very soon. 
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andrevasims · 7 years
hey what windows did you use for the beaker makeover?
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they’re from the Demolition Set by Guatla :)
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
For @caticalcorrectness, @twofingerswhiskey, @alicephant, @carriests2designsworld, @nuitanantes, @penig, @holleyberry, @eulaliasims, @morphinetomichiko, and @heavensims...
caticalcorrectness replied to your photo “Will grew up hungry, so he headed for that microwave contraption. It...”
...is there really no english word for Schadenfreude? I can't believe this feeling is reserved for germans :)
No, there really isn’t. I mean, I could have written the sentence as “Napoleon revels in their misfortune,” which is of course what schadenfreude means, but that just doesn’t have the same ring to it, you know? The German language seems to be well suited to inventing single words that describe or evoke a whole feeling that in English would need multiple words to describe or explain. Like Schadenfreude. Or Volkswagen’s “Fahrvergnügen” slogan from a few years back. Or at least, it’s way better than English in that way. So, of course, English just steals the German word and claims it as its own because, you know, English is a freakin’ thieving scavenger that way. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your photoset “After the Fire Drama, Owen became a grumpy toddler.”
Oh, get outta here! :)
alicephant replied to your photoset “After the Fire Drama, Owen became a grumpy toddler.”
I know! Lookit the pout! :) Of course, he’s only pouting because of the fire and everything, but stil...
carriests2designsworld replied to your photoset “I hadn’t actually planned to make this, but I was messing around in...”
Love your work, as always, llama, but I too rather tend to cringe when it comes to making walls and floors with the home crafter. Honestly, if I could find a cloning tutorial that was made for someone who has no idea how to walk and chew gum at the same time, I'd never touch home crafter again. LOL I do love your work though :)
Yeah, Homecrafter is a pain in the ass in that you have to make the files and then, unless you want to keep its gibberish alphanumeric file names, you have to go through and rename all of them. That got a lot easier, though, when it dawned on me that if I were to sort the files by the time they were created instead of alphabetically, I could do that without opening each file in SimPE to see which one it is, greatly reducing the amount of time it takes. (It literally took me YEARS to realize that little trick. I am so dumb sometimes. :) ) Unfortunately, making walls/floors/terrain paints in SimPE is even more time-consuming in that you have to go into a few lines of resources to change text strings. Which doesn’t sound like a lot of work, but it actually sort of is if you’re making dozens/hundreds of files. :\ Ultimately, Homecrafter really is the easiest way. But yeah, after making like 1000 files in it over the last week or so, I need a break from it. :)
nuitanantes replied to your photo “Screwing around with high-res’ing Jonesi’s bed blanket, trying to...”
that looks really good
Thanks! I’m having lots of fun making some new and different patterns/textures for the blanket. So much so that I might just toss most of the ones I already have.... Or not, since then I’d have to replace them in houses I’ve already built and am using. So really, I’m just making my horde of recolors even larger. Go me! :\
penig replied to your photoset “Over at Arcadia’s pool hall…Simon stole Joe’s drink. But it’s OK, he...”
Simon figures Joe owes him rent on the exercise bike.
And he’d probably be right! He certainly uses it more than anyone else actually living in the house! 
holleyberry replied to your photo “Yup, Joe Oates barged in to bogart the exercise bike, for about the...”
At first i thought you were making a Harry Potter POA reference.
Well, since I’ve never seen/read any of the Harry Potter stuff (except for maybe the first 20 minutes of one of the movies, where it was the in-flight movie on a plane trip but I promptly fell asleep), that would be unlikely. :) But, yay unintentional references? :)
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “Random captioned randomness.”
Napoleon is the best cat. And so accurately named!
He is a fun cat. I totally don’t know what’s going on in my game, since he’s fully trained not to destroy stuff...yet he still does so on a regular basis, even though he has a cat condo plus a small scratching post in the house. Josephine uses those just fine, now that she’s grown up, even though she’s not yet trained to not destroy stuff, but Napoleon? Yup, he’s an asshole. 
That, plus people just barging into houses without being greeted. But, I’m not complaining about either because it’s kind of fun and the latter makes it very easy to maintain relationships. ;)
morphinetomichiko replied to your photoset “Painted floors are hard. :\ Too much grain/texture and it doesn’t look...”
Your floors are so awesome I've started deleting literally all my old ones that aren't yours lol
Aw, I’m glad you like them! I’m taking a break from walls/floors due to Homecrafter Burnout, but there’s more that I need to make, so...Yeah.
heavensims replied to your photoset “Painted floors are hard. :\ Too much grain/texture and it doesn’t look...”
I really love all these colors!
I’m pretty pleased with the palette, yes. It covers the spectrum, more or less -- skimps on the yellows a bit, but...eh -- in a reasonable amount of colors. And it’s cheerful in general, in keeping with the “retro” thing.
twofingerswhiskey replied to your post “Thanks to everyone who replied about my angsting. :) I’m glad I’m not...”
TS4 boots up and will warn you before boot if something is amiss and will tell you EXACTLY what file(s) are not TS4! So I hope that that at least helps your worries. O:
Well, that’s good to know, at least! I mean, I imagined that the files would just be skipped over, same way TS2 skips over pictures and stuff in one’s downloads folder. But I imagine it’d be disappointing if you found something you really liked only to belatedly find out that it wasn’t for your game. So, I’ll just stick a little in-text disclaimer on my stuff from now on. :)
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simmeroux · 7 years
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nuitanantes replied to your photoset “105 Sim Lane, Pleasantview Great Room, Powder Room, and Courtyard As...”
How are your curtains and things so high quality???
The short answer is that they aren't really quite as high quality as they look in the final images I post; resizing, a small bit of sharpening, and the adjustments I use improve the quality a bit from how they naturally are. That said, my graphics are pretty good (AMD Radeon R9 380), though, so that helps it along. But for a comparison, the left image above is unedited (no resizing before uploading, no sharpening) and the right is edited.
sterina-sims replied to your photoset “105 Sim Lane, Pleasantview Master Suite and Terrace The bedroom is an...”
This is soooo beautiful!
holleyberry replied to your photoset “105 Sim Lane, Pleasantview Dining Room and Kitchen While Jennifer...”
Love the kitchen!
holleyberry replied to your photoset “105 Sim Lane, Pleasantview Great Room, Powder Room, and Courtyard As...”
I love the gray and blue color scheme.
Thank you so much for the comments! I'm glad you like it!
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simper-fi · 8 years
nuitanantes replied to your photo
DUDE what sky is that
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