#nucarni exchange
lifetrimmed · 2 months
My gift for svedka69 on twt from the nukani exchange event (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
I've given the pic to my giftee in the server but forgot to post it here oops
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Their outfits gave me a headache ngl LOL
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nucarnievents · 2 months
XXXmas in July Exchange Now Posting!
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Our #XXXmasXchange is now posting! Check out the tag for all the amazing works created. And pop on over to our collection to help spread some holiday cheer!
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phaerlax · 7 months
NU: Carnival fandom events to check out in 2024!
Mauve Member: a Morvay birthday fanweek 😈
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Kuyaru Week 2024 🐺🦊🐺
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Essence: a Rei birthday zine 🦉
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XXXmas in July gift exchange event 🎁
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Sunkissed: a Dante birthday zine ☀️
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Daster Week 2024 ☀️🦇 coming September
Pretty in Pink: an Aster birthday fanweek 🦇 coming November
WolfWeek 2024: a GaruKaru birthday fanweek 🐺🐺 coming November
NUcarni Advent Calendar 2024 🗓️❄️ coming December
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tellmewhatyouc · 6 months
march update ✨
i have perhaps signed up for a lot of things lately, but i'm confident i can get them all done 😌
current exchanges:
let me introduce you to my fandom, a new fandom exchange (i am already feral for the fandom i got)
unsent letters, an epistolary exchange
kink lucky dip, a smut exchange
nucarni event's xxxmas in july
also currently a part of:
zibe time zine
rei birthday zine
i got a couple bids for fandom trumps hate, so i'll be writing at least one fic for that, but those aren't due until the end of the year
i'm working on the next sweet & spicy bingo event, opening in early april
as for non event stuff, i'm still editing my crack ships fic, which i'll post by the end of the month! i also have a couple more pain management time shots i've drafted and will edit...... eventually
in a bit of a writing lull this week but i'm prioritizing exchanges and crack ships since those are the upcoming deadlines!
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phaerlax · 9 months
2024 fandom goals
I meant to post this around New Year's but I was consumed by the Secret Santa fic I was trying to finish (which might speak to my need for more organization lol but anyway...)
2023 was a year of fandom reawakening for me. I started it with a singular NU: Carnival fic to my name, which I had posted in late 2022 after years without making any fanworks. I ended the year with 30 NU:C fics and two original works. Not too shabby! I'm also still feeling pretty inspired and happy to be engaging with the community; fanworks and fan projects have given me a needed creative outlet as I wallow in the morass of academia.
This year I wanna...
Post at least one fanfic per month. I love those 'my year in art' things and I wanna do it with fics. For 2023 I missed January.
Finish my longfics. I'm so bad at non-oneshot content... but I look at how many subscribers Familiar Feast and Presents came early have, and I feel an intense need to deliver. I'm also really interested in what comes next for those stories. I just... eugh... shiny new things instead... but I will!
Participate in NU:C events. Particularly the lineup by NuCarni Events. I'm interested in the Blade week, the Morvay week, the mid-year exchange (god help me), the Aster week, and the Advent Calendar. I might also do the Daster week, the Dante week and maaaybe the kuyaei week, depending.
Organize NU:C events. The 2023 GaruKaru week was a great success, I should do it again. I also want to use that fanpage to put together other fandom events that are wolfboy-centric. Priority #1 is a kuyaru week...
Housekeep my fics. I should update the start and end notes so they're less about that moment in time. I should also make some changes to the Blade/Rei and the Aster/Huey in light of new canon information. Clunky as AO3 may be when it comes to this.
Write more original work. Fanfic cannot accommodate all of the depraved visions with which I am cursed... though I am very driven by comments and kudos and, as such, fanfic will always be my priority. What little engagement I get on these has been so nice, though.
Overcome all fear of cancellation. Not that I have a lot of it, but still, I did worry a lot at first. This fandom has been fantastic about adhering to Don't Like Don't Read, though. I'm emboldened to post some more horrible things under my problematic pseud and trust people to curate what they engage with.
Collab with other creatives. I've never done it before, but it sounds fun, if a little daunting. There are a couple opportunities on the horizon, we'll see!~
Pair Garu and Karu with every other character. I already managed to make it so that fics with all of those pairings exist on Ao3 (check them out in this sheet), but many of those fics were not written by me. As a funky long-term goal I want to personally have at least one fic that is specifically written for each possible wolfboy pairing... and I've already written at least one fic with each character (even Edmond!), I think I can do it.
Guess I'll look back on this in December.
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