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The House on the Lake
by Nuala Ellwood
I don’t read many books in the mystery & thriller genre, and I’m glad to say that I was given the opportunity to read and review this book. I enjoyed this book, so much so I know that I could read it again. I don’t say that very often about the books I read so this tells you how much I enjoyed reading this book. The book is full of mystery with many thrills along the way.
This book has two different timelines one in 2018 and the other in 2003.
In December 2018, Lisa runs away from her husband Mark taking their 3 year old son Joe with her. Her husband is a control freak when it comes to Lisa. He treats her like a child that can’t do anything without being given instructions. He criticises her on everything and anything. Making Lisa think and feel as though she is incapable of doing anything, and he is even worse when it comes to looking after their son Joe.
The day she decides to run from her husband Mark. All Lisa has are a few things she hastily packed and a crumpled piece of paper with an address with a couple of instructions, that a good friend had given her. Telling her that she could stay there anytime free of charge. The place is called “Rowan Isle House” and it is situated in rural Yorkshire.
To read the rest of my review click the LINK
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Ceux qui te mentent de Nuala Ellwood Avis Ceux qui te mentent de Nuala Ellwood Elle disperse les cendres de sa soeur. Elle s'en veut car elle avait…
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Thank you @nualaellwood for a signed copy of your book and the lovely card. 💕 If you're a fan of psychological thrillers then I highly recommend this book for you. #book #bookstagram #bookgram #signedbook #bookgeek #bookworm #booknerd #booklove #instabook #igreads #mysistersbones
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Premier roman qui est un véritable coup de coeur pour moi. La construction m'a surprise. Quel coup de maître avec cette histoire de deux soeurs, une grand reporter de guerre, l'autre qui a moins réussi sa vie. Toutes les 2 sont alcooliques. Elles se sont séparées car le père, violent et alcoolique, a été un véritable poison. Entre la guerre en Syrie, des liaisons qui n'apportent rien, une garde à vue, des visions, le roman ne se lâche pas. #ceuxquitementent #nualaellwood #netgalleyfrance #michellafon Nuala Ellwood Author Editions Michel Lafon NetGalley Réseau Francophone #books #bookaddict #livres #livresaddict #bookstagram #livrestagram @netgalley @editionsmichellafon
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Utter perfection 📖📚🎁 #reading #happybirtbdaytome #currentlyreading #thriller #crime #wtf #mysistersbones #nualaellwood #read #books #bookstagram #instabook #booklr
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Partageons mon rendez-vous lecture #7 -2018 & critiques
Partageons mon rendez-vous lecture #7 -2018 & critiques
Voici mes critiques littéraires de la semaine sur Livres à profusion, L’enfant de mon mari de Deborah O’Connor L’enfant de mon mari – Deborah O’Connor Coup de coeur pour Ceux qui te mentent de Nuala Ellwood Ceux qui te mentent de Nuala Ellwood Nouvelle lecture avec Avec elle de Solène Bawkoswki Avec elle de Solène Bawowski Présentation de l’éditeur :
Il était une fois une famille heureuse et…
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#CeuxQuiTeMentent#michellafon#NetGalleyFrance#nualaellwood#avis Ceux qui te mentent#avis Ceux qui te mentent de Nuala Ellwood#avis Deborah O’Connor#avis L’enfant de mon mari#avis L’enfant de mon mari de Deborah O’Connor#avis Nuala Ellwood#avis romans Deborah O’Connor#avis romans Nuala Ellwood#éditions Presses de la Cité#Ceux qui te mentent#Ceux qui te mentent de Nuala Ellwood#Deborah O’Connor#Editions Michel Lafon#L’enfant de mon mari#L’enfant de mon mari de Deborah O’Connor#Michel Lafon#michel lafon éditions#Nuala Ellwood#Presses de la Cité#presses de la cité éditions#romans Deborah O’Connor#romans Nuala Ellwood
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