#ntdp case mccarthy x reader
mialikeshockey · 20 days
What a time - Jack Hughes (rewrote)
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this is a rewrote version of something I wrote last summer in ‘23, it was very bad and one of the first things I wrote on here so hopefully I can do better this time 😭 (credit to gif maker!)
what a time (og version)
My mom used to always tell me that memories, are something that we always hang onto. Good memories, and bad memories. They are like core memories, things that play back in our heads, randomly. Ever since then, I have always liked to try to make sure it becomes something in my memory.
When Jack and I started dating, I wanted everything to be kept as a memory. Everything was just so sweet and unreal, I wanted to always be able to look back at moments like this. I wanted to relive everything.
Jack and I always took a lot of photos of places we would visit, even as kids. Growing up as best friends, we always took videos and photos of places we went, or the things that we did. Which leads us to this moment.
Jack and I are sitting on the floor in front of our fireplace, while the fire keeps us warm. Jack hands me a picture of him and I on a boat a couple months before we started dating. “I still remember this day, it’s like a core memory.” Jack says giggling. Everyone in the photo making funny faces after a long day on the boat. A lot of us sunburnt.
“Cole look like a lobster.” I state, Jack letting out a wheezing laugh. “Oh my god, my face. I look horrible, Ellen did me so dirty.” I can’t help but cover my mouth, seeing teenage me, with a sunburnt face and my hair a mess from being in and out of the water.
“Oh hush, you look beautiful. You’re my perfect girl.” Jack states, leaning over and giving me a soft kiss.
We continue to look through more pictures, we end up inviting the whole ntdp over, seeing that we spend a lot of our summers with them and they would most likely want to see some of the photos too.
Everyone is laughing and taking pictures of the photos and sending them to each other.
Here comes another memory that I want to keep.
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mialikeshockey · 22 days
Sick - Case McCarthy
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I wake up to the most pounding headache of my life. All I could do is groan out in pain. I go to open my mouth to get a drink of water and the pain in my throat hits me like a rock. I cannot be getting sick, Case was supposed to be coming over today for his birthday.
I check my phone and see a text from Case from about five minutes ago saying he’s on his way, I panic. I hurry up and get out of bed and quickly put some comfy clothes on, meaning one of his hoodies and some sweatpants. I run down the stairs, my mom turns around from standing in the kitchen.
“What’s up with you?” She questions, “Case is on his way over, it’s his birthday.” I say, stuffy from not feeling well. My mom starts giggling. “It’s not funny.” I state, trying to fix my hair from looking like I just woke up, because I did just in fact wake up. Before I could ask my mom if I looked okay, there was a knock at the door. I wait a second and then I open the door.
“Hi sweet boy, happy birthday!” I say, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. Case follows me up to my room, first saying hi to my mom and asking her how she’s been.
I walk into my room and lay in bed and cuddle up in my blankets right away. “Cold?” He questions, “Perhaps.” I sleepy reply. “Are you okay? You sound stuffy. Are you sick?” Case asks, walking up to my side of the bed, feeling my forehead.
“Sweetheart, you feel warm.” I sit up and my head starts pounding once again. “Okay, maybe I’m sick. I don’t want to ru-.” Before I could say anything else Case cuts me off. “You will never ruin my birthday, you’re sick and you need to rest. So let’s do that.” He gets up from my bed. “Wait, where are you going?”
“To ask your mom for medication for you, so you can feel better.” He states, heading down the stairs.
A couple minutes later, he comes in with a tray of medicine for me. He sits on the other side of my bed and I move closer to him. “Here take this, and than this after.” He hands me water and a couple of pills.
I take them and I lay back down. Case puts the tray on my desk and takes his jacket off to lay next to me. I turn over and cuddle up to him. “Thank you for taking care of me.” I softly say, trying not to speak to loud or to much with how bad my throat was hurting.
“You don’t have to thank me. I will always take care of you. Get some rest, sweet girl. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He gives me a kiss on my forehead and next thing I know I’m drifting off asleep.
I need this so bad rn, I am very sick and I want nothing but to sleep but my body is too uncomfortable to do that. I hope you all are doing well 🫶🏽
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mialikeshockey · 19 days
Case or Alex as a boyfriend?
Case McCarthy -
- big on giving small gifts
- lets you keep the hoodies that you like, so that you can wear them whenever you want. You always choosing the ones that have his last name on the back.
- randomly comes over because he’s best friends with your mom, and claims that he’s always coming over to yap with you but in reality, he sits in your moms reading room with her and talks about how cute you are.
- takes you to get coffee or a small breakfast on the way to school every morning
- big on cuddles and hand holding, hugs, ect.
- loves when you play with his hair or rub his back
- goes shopping with you all the time and he holds some of your bags for you because he’s not a big shopper but likes seeing what you get
- loves your family and your family loves him
- loves watching tv shows and movies with you
- tries to help you with homework but always gets the answers wrong
- spams you with tiktoks or insta reels randomly
- randomly calls you because he misses you
- lets you do his skincare so that you guys can be matching
- offers to do matching outfits when he’s over or when you are going out to the store, ect
- loves playing with your hair because of how ‘soft’ it is to him
- his TikTok reposts are all about you 100%
- goes into best friend mode instead of boyfriend mode when you yap about ‘girl things’ so basically drama
Alex Turcotte -
- loves when you play with his hair
- helps you with school work a lot because he can be really smart when he wants to be
- is best friends with your dad and goes golfing with him a lot
- goes to the book store with you and actually gets a book every now and than
- randomly takes goofy photos with you just to have them for memories
- has a spam account dedicated to your guys relationship
- lets you take his hoodies whenever you want because he likes seeing his name on you
- online shops with you
- is the listener while you are the yapper
I’m so sorry I couldn’t think of more stuff to put down 😭 I have such a horrible headache because I’m still sick but I wanted to post something today and this is the only easy thing I can post without having to look at my phone screen for to long, I will probably add onto this later on
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mialikeshockey · 23 days
Memories- Case McCarthy
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Case and I have been best friends since I could remember. He was the first kid to ever give me back something in grade school. Like a little kid would do, they would keep it, but no. Case gave it back and that’s basically how me and Case became inseparable.
It was the first day of kindergarten, and Case was sitting at my table next to me. I had my pencils and markers organized on my desk, just how I liked them. Case sat there empty handed, it kinda confused me.
Class started and we did an ‘all about me’ page. Which now growing up, we do a lot of. Even in high school. Case looks over and sees me pick which pencil I wanted to use out of the three I had on my desk. “May I use one of those?” He asks, I nod my head and handed him one. He smiles, six year old me was going insane. He was and is the cutest boy in my class, never would I ever imagine him and I being best friends for years to come.
At the end of the day, Case kept the pencil to do all of the work we needed to do for the first day. While packing up to go home, Case turns to me. “Thank you.” He smiles handing me back my pencil. I try to hide the smile that comes across my face from the fact he cared enough to bring me back my pencil, that kids our age at the time, would’ve lost or never gave back.
It’s the first day of junior year, Case and I have our first class together, being history. He sits down next to me, I sit my bag down on the floor and just like since I was a kid, I had everything neatly on my desk, just how I wanted it. Case let out a little giggle, “So times still have yet to change?” He chuckles, I roll my eyes. “Unlike you, I’m always prepared.” I let out a sigh while Case laughs again.
Our teacher hands out an ‘all about me’ page just like how they do every year and I get to start working on mine. Case let out a sigh, I turn over to look at him. “May I use one of those?” He asks pointing to the 2 pencils left on my desk. “So times still have yet to change?” I let out a laugh, handing him my pencil.
“Maybe this time, I won’t give it back.” Case says, writing his name on his paper.
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mialikeshockey · 26 days
Chapter One - You and I
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It’s the third week of junior year, I never thought that it would somewhat go so smoothly. I like most of my teachers and my classes, I’ve made a couple new friends and have even been more out going than I normally am. The only problem was, Case McCarthy.
Sure he was cute and attractive but he was also my brother’s teammate. Jack would actually kill me if he ever found out that I had any interest in Case or any of his teammates in general. So the year’s worth of crush, basically means nothing.
It’s Monday morning, bright and early 7am. My alarm goes off and I groan, I so could have used more sleep. I scroll through social media for a bit and answer Snapchats that my friends have sent. I open one from Case and he looks amazing. Even when he’s so tired and you can tell he is, he’s just so adorable. It was a picture of him and Trevor in the car, on their way to come pick up me and Jack.
I snap Case back a picture of my wall, not wanting him to see how horrible I look when I first wake up. I put my phone down and get out of bed and start to get ready.
I’m a very organized person. I like everything to be in its place and I like to have everything planned out. So in that meaning, i already have my outfit picked out. I put on a hoodie and sweatpants, and I go start to curl my hair.
Maybe it’s just a me thing, but I always feel so much better when I curl my hair, so my hair is most of the time curled if not in a messy bun. I plug my curling iron in and I give it some time to heat up while I start doing my makeup. Easy and clean. I brush my teeth and put on deodorant, I finish with only putting mascara on and lipgloss. I go to start curling my hair, and my hair literally won’t curl.
I try many different pieces of my hair and it has yet to curl. I check to make sure my curling iron is on and it says it is, but it’s not even hot. I guess my curling iron is broke, nothing could be worse than that.
I quickly put my hair in a messy bun, when there’s a knock on my door. “Come in!” I yell from my bathroom. “Hey, you ready?” I hear Cases voice, “Yeah, sorry hold on.” I fix my hair and walk out of my bathroom grabbing some perfume and spraying it. Case walks away from the door and sits on my bed.
I grab my bag and start putting my shoes on. “You look pretty.” Case says quietly, I act like I don’t hear him and I continue to put my shoes on. He puts his head down and rubs the back of his neck. I stand back up and guide him out of my room.
Trevor and Jack walk out of Jacks room, meeting me and Case at the door. We all get in the car and head over to our normal morning routine for school. Starbucks.
After we order our drinks and go to pay, I feel around my pockets and my bag and I don’t see my wallet anywhere. “I swear I put it back in my bag last night.” I tell myself quietly. “It’s okay, I got it. Don’t worry about it Char.” Case smiles, pulling out money for my drink. “Thank you Case. Remind me to give you money for that.” I take the drink out of his hand. “You don’t need to, seriously it’s okay.”
We all head back in the car and make our way to school. Only Trevor and Jack have their first class together so me and Case part ways with the both of them to get to our first classes. His being history, mine being biology.
The day goes by somewhat fast, other than the fact I have a big headache. I feel like my head is throbbing and has its own heartbeat. Thank god my next period was lunch and I’ll get to be with my friends.
The bell rings and I make my way to the cafeteria, my friends who normally beat me to getting there first, are already sitting down and talking. “Hi guys, sorry I’m late. I have a big headache.” I say putting my head down on the table.
My friend Emma starts to giggle, I get confused on what’s funny and I put my head up to see Jack and his friends walking over this way. I groan, knowing his friend group is loud.
Jack and his friends sit at the table, Trevor sitting next to Emma, Jack sitting next to Wren and the rest of them sitting around each other. Case sits next to me and looks over at me. “Are you okay?” I leans over to me, my head still being on the table. “Big headache.” I whisper. He nods.
Lunch goes on and everyone gets to loud and laughing, I couldn’t take much of the noise so I got up and made my way to the nurses office. As soon as I got up I ran right into someone and their drink goes all over my hoodie.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” A random girl I’ve never seen before starts picking up everything that was dropped and tries to see if I’m okay. All my friends and the NTDP boys are all looking over with jaw drops.
Case quickly gets up and follows me out of the lunch room while I try to run into the bathroom. Right before I walk into the bathroom, I hear Case yell.
“Hey, you can wear my hoodie. I have a shirt on under this, and knowing you, you probably don’t.” He takes his hoodie off and hands it to me. I get hesitant, but I take it knowing I really don’t have a choice. He smiles and waits for me to come back out of the bathroom.
His hoodie smells like him and fits me perfectly but being just a little big. I look at myself in the mirror and smile, I turn around and see the McCarthy on the back of the hoodie. Maybe today isn’t so bad after all.
hi lovely people, first chapter and I don’t think I like it at all, but I wanted to give something to the post. It’s currently 3am for me and I have to get up for school at 7 and then I have weight lifting after school. I’m actually gonna die from being so tired. I hope you enjoyed and are doing well!! Dms are always open if you need to talk :)
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mialikeshockey · 26 days
You and I - Case McCarthy
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Not a lot of people write for Case, so I’m gonna try to do something to change that. I don’t know how much this is gonna be updated because I start weight lifting practice this week and schools already kicking my ass. I don’t know if this series is gonna be any good but I hope you enjoy!
Charlotte Hughes couldn’t lie when it came down to having a crush on Case McCarthy, well she couldn’t lie until it came down to her twin brother Jack.
Case was one of Jacks close friends, Charlotte was constantly around him, he was constantly around her. Case was over a lot, even when Jack wouldn’t be home. He was like the fourth Hughes brother, leaving Charlotte to slowly come across the fact that maybe she sees Case in a different way.
What happens when junior year in high school changes everything? What if liking Case, became the best thing that’s ever happened?
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mialikeshockey · 20 days
The Climb - Jack Hughes (rewrote)
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another thing that I am rewriting from last summer, hopefully this one is better 😭 (credit to gif maker!)
the climb (og version)
Jack walks into our shared room, with tears all over his face. He doesn’t say a word to me. I give him a second to get comfortable in bed before I try to even talk to him. He lays on his back and lets out a sigh.
I try to think of things that could be wrong. A video that I seen on social media comes to my mind. An interview he did, on how people call him a pretty boy hockey player, who couldn’t play. All I could do is sit there and think about how he had rough game. I turn to my side and put my journal down on my night stand.
I roll over and face Jack. I kiss his shoulder and he turns and looks at me. “It’s not gonna be easy, sweetheart. Life isn’t gonna be easy. There’s always going to be something there that’s gonna push you to your limit but all that you can do is push past that.” I say, continuing to give him soft kisses.
“I don’t understand why they won’t just give me a chance, it’s like all they want to do is push me to my limit just to see me fall down.” Tears still on his face, I use my thumb to wipe them off.
“I know sweet boy, I’m sorry. You just have to keep pushing. There’s always going to be something that you can’t fix and sometimes you’re just gonna have to work around that.” Jack hums and moves closer to me. I pull him into a little hug and I start to rub his back. “You’re more than what people give you credit for.”
I turn to lay on my back. I run my fingers through his hair, while he lays his head on my stomach. He holds his hand out for me to take, I take his hand while I continue to run my fingers through his hair.
After a couple more minutes of just giving him time to relax. I hear small snores coming from his mouth. I lay still and close my eyes.
I could only hope to always be here for days when he needs me like this.
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mialikeshockey · 25 days
mialikeshockeys writing
I am also gonna be rewriting some things and putting them onto here too, I might rewrite a lot of things even if they are things that I just wrote but I will always leave the original post up. All (most) of my writings (constantly being edited, credit to all the gif makers!)
ABOUT ME/BLOG (please read)
Requests are always open 🫶🏽
Case McCarthy
YOU AND I - ( series )
Jack Hughes
WHAT A TIME (rewrote)
THE CLIMB (rewrote)
Johnny Beecher
Alex Turcotte
Trevor Zegras
Juraj Slafkovsky
PRETTY (rewrote)
Luke Hughes
Mark Estapa
Ethan Edwards
MINE (rewrote)
Nico Hischier
Quinn Hughes
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mialikeshockey · 11 days
Soft - Trevor Zegras
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The sound of my phone ringing goes in and out of my ears while I’m half asleep. I roll over and grab my phone to make sure it wasn’t just in my dream. I look at the screen and see that it’s Trevor calling, so of course, I answer it.
“Good morning sweet girl!” Trevor says, obviously being fully wake. “What are you doing? It’s 4 in the morning, Trev.” I lay back down in bed and close my eyes for a couple of seconds. “I wanted to know if I could come over, and uh…” He trails off, leaving me confused.
“And uh…?” I repeat, he goes quiet for a second. “Could you do that skin stuff that you do? Like every time you wake up and go to bed? It always makes your skin so soft and I’ve had a rough night and I miss you.” Trevor begins to rant, I smile, knowing that he wants me to do his skincare.
“Of course sweetheart, let me sleep for a little bit and then we can, okay? You can come over.” I state, still being very tired. Trevor sighs, “okay okay, I’ll be over soon.” He hangs up the phone and I turn back over to how I was sleeping before.
After a little bit, I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close. Trevor starts kissing my neck and I push him off, wanting to sleep more. “I’m tired.” I mumble out, Trevor sighs. “Fine, I guess I can leave then.” Trevor jokes.
“No! I’m awake.” I sit up, Trevor giggles at me. I point over at my bag, full of all my skin care stuff. Trevor gets out of my bed and walks over and gets it. He walks back over and hands me the bag. “Lay your head in my lap, so that it’s easier because I am not getting out of bed.” I laugh.
Trevor lays his head in my lap, I start doing my every day skincare on him, as he relaxes. He closes his eyes, and after a couple more minutes, he falls asleep and small snores come out of his mouth. I let out a small giggle, trying to be quiet so I don’t wake him up, even though he woke me up.
I finish with his skin care and I start organizing everything in my bag, like how it was before. I slowly move Trevor’s head, out of my lap so I can stand up and put my bag away. Trevor sits up and smiles. “I feel better.” He states, making grabby hands at me, as a walk to my bed.
“I would feel better, if someone would let me sleep more.” I sighed, climbing right back in bed. “Fine, only because I’m tired too.” Trevor lays down next to me, and it doesn’t take more than five minutes for him and I to be both asleep.
Oh my word, my teachers are trying to kill me with homework. I’ve spent the last three hours doing all homework that I can to make sure I’m caught up all this week and they are still adding more on top of that. I hope everyone is doing well!! I’m gonna try to write more this week, sorry I haven’t been posting, I’ve been busy with friends and going to the mall and on top of working on homework.
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mialikeshockey · 20 days
I don’t know if you write for Alex or not but can you do like a fic about playing with his curly hair while he sleeps or is talking about hockey 😔☹️ 🙏🏿
Curls for the girl - Alex Turcotte
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Alex laid his head on my stomach, while I read my book. He just came back from spending the morning with the ntdp boys and having breakfast with them. I could tell he was extremely tired, from how early they all woke up.
I turn my page and hold my book in my left hand, moving my right hand to his head. I run my fingers through his curly hair, as he hums. He kisses my stomach and turns his head up, closing his eyes.
“We went to breakfast, and Trevor and Case ate too much. They both didn’t feel good the whole ride, we kept having to pull up because Trevor was convinced he was gonna throw up, so we turned on Taylor Swift to shut him up.” Alex says softly.
“What did you get to eat? Also Case used to eat everything I sight as a kid, my brother is no stranger to food.” I giggle.
“I got some pancakes and eggs with a cup of coffee.” He says quietly. “Mmm, sounds good.” I state, him nodding his head. He struggles to keep his eyes open.
“You can take a nap, if you want angel. You guys were up very early and had a late practice last night.” I softly tell him, continuing to run my fingers through his curls. Alex nods and moves to basically lay on top of me.
He lays his head on my chest, I pick up my arms so that he can get comfortable. He holds my sides and wraps his legs around mine. “Sleep well sweet boy.” I give him a soft kiss on his cheek and I go back to reading my book, keeping my fingers running through his hair.
Small snores start coming out of his mouth and I can’t help but giggle a little at how peaceful he sleeps and falls asleep that fast.
I love my curly haired boy.
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mialikeshockey · 22 days
Chapter Two - You and I
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A couple days later, I still have Case’s hoodie. He has yet to ask for it back, so I haven’t tried to give it to him. I kinda like having it, I don’t know if that’s weird, but it’s nice to have a part of him around when he’s not.
It’s a Saturday morning and everyone is out of the house but me. I get up and start to clean, anything and everything. I love a clean house, I have a huge cleaning addiction and everyone but my parents get upset with me about it.
While I’m cleaning, I get a text from Case. I smile while reading the text. Before I could reply, his caller id shows up on my phone. “Hi.” I answer, putting down my cleaning stuff, to sit at my desk chair. “Hi, I just got back from practice, do you maybe wanna go to that new coffee shop that opened downtown? I could take you by that one bookstore that you’ve been wanting to go to.” I couldn’t hold back my smile, “Yes, of course. That sounds fun, I’ll be ready in like 10 minutes.”
“Okay, great. I’ll let you know when I get there.” He hangs up the phone. I wonder if anyone else is coming, or if it’s just a one on one with Case. Hopefully the second option.
I start getting ready, I put on the hoodie he gave me to borrow from school and a pair of sweatpants that match the colors on the hoodie. I put on some comfy shoes and put my hair up in a messy bun. Not even bothered to wear makeup, I head downstairs.
I text my mom where I am going, and I let my brothers know too. I hear a Case’s car pull in the driveway and I head out. He gets out of the car, I wonder what he’s doing. I make a confused face, until he opens my door for me.
“Thank you.” I say softly, getting in the car, he shuts the door and walks over getting in the car himself.
“McCarthy looks good on you Hughes.” He smiles, pulling out of the driveway. He hands me his phone to play whatever music I want, I pick a shuffle of Maroon 5 songs. I hand him his phone back and he sits it in a cup holder.
After ten minutes of laughing and talking about how boring schools been, we finally get to the new coffee shop. I get out of the car and the smell of fresh coffee is in the air. One of the best smells in my opinion.
Case opens the door for me and follows me in. I walk up to look at the menu. Case orders for himself and then turns to look at me, he steps back and lets me order. I get out my wallet to pay and he pushes my hand down. “No ma’am, this is on me.” He smiles. “You don’t have to, I have my money with me.” I state trying to get my wallet back out. “Char, it’s okay. I got it.” He says softly.
I let him pay, and he grabs our drinks and we find a place to sit. “So, what kind of books are you wanting to look at?” He asks, making it kinda obvious he doesn’t really know a lot of good books to talk about.
“Mmm, I haven’t really thought about it. I kinda just walk through the store and read backs of books and pick one.” He nods his head and I sip on my coffee.
After a couple minutes, we head out to the book store. Case basically follows me around like a lost puppy the whole time in the store, not wanting to do with any of the books. “You know you don’t have to stay, I can have Emma pick me up.” I say, pulling a book off the shelf to read the back of it.
“No, I wanna stay.” He walks behind me, reading the back of the book over my shoulder. Forgetting how tall Case was, all I could feel was butterflies in my stomach.
After, it seems like a year for Case and only five minutes for me. I land on two books and I walk to the check out. All of a sudden I have to go to the bathroom. I ask Case to hold my books and he does. When I come back out I see Case paying for my books. I quickly run up behind him, before I got to close I could hear him and the cashier talking.
“Are these for your girlfriend?” The cashier asks him. “She’s not my girlfriend but she’s really pretty.” He replies back. “Ohhh, do you like her?” Case lets out a little giggle. “I think so.”
The butterflies in my stomach come again. I walk up behind him. “Case, i could’ve paid for those.” I sigh. “Too late” he smiles, handing me the bag.
We walk out of the book store and get in the car. Case opens his phone and starts texting people while I take pictures of my new books to show my mom.
“Jack asked if I wanted to hang at your house tonight.” He says blushing, meaning he gets to spend time with me and my brother. “That would be fun.” I reply back.
Case hands me his phone once again to pick music, I pick some songs out of my playlist and me and Case dance and sing along.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt this comfortable with a boy before, other than with my brothers.
This is definitely gonna be a core memory and a day that feels like a dream.
This is very short and bad but I am currently not feeling too well so it’s all I could come up with because my head is pounding and I’m so tired. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying this so far 🫶🏽
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mialikeshockey · 20 days
Case McCarthy gifs
There’s not a lot of Case gifs so I’m gonna post the ones I made 🙏🏽
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I’ll probably add more to this bc there’s not a lot of case stuff out
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mialikeshockey · 25 days
New kid - Case McCarthy
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I tiredly open my locker, getting my biology book out. I would do anything to be able to crawl back in bed and sleep for the rest of the day. I could already tell that it was gonna be a long day just by seeing how slow my morning has went. Only one class down and i already feel like I could crawl up and die from the lack of sleep.
I make my way to biology and sit down in my seat next to my friend Emma. “You look exhausted, did Trevor keep you up last night again?” Emma questions me while I rub my eyes. “Yeah, him and Jack have been up playing video games really late for the past three days. I have barely been able to sleep. It sucks so bad, having his room so close to mine.” I complain.
Emma laughs and rubs my back, our teacher walks in and gets a phone call from the office. She looks around the room and her eyes land on me. I was kinda confused because it’s only our second class of the day. What could I have possibly done wrong. Then I start thinking of what Trevor could have done. Last time he got in trouble for skipping class, he got me caught up in it, claiming it wad a family emergency.
My bio teacher waves me up to her while she starts walking to the door. I follow, looking confused at Emma.
“Go to the office, and ask for guidance.” My bio teacher sighs and closes the door. I walk to the office and text Trevor. Wondering what he did this time, he shockingly sent a snap of him and Jack in math class.
I get into the office, and I see a boy sitting in one of the first chairs. “Hi, I was told to come to guidance.” The office lady starts randomly aggressively typing and I look down, trying not to laugh. “What’s your name sweetie?”She asks, her glasses about to fall off of her face.
“Charlotte, Charlotte Zegras.” The lady goes back to typing and I can’t help but giggle a bit. she gets out of her chair and walks up to the boy.
“He’s a new student, you guys basically have almost the same classes, so we were hoping you had time to show him around?” The boy smiles, i nod my head. I walk out of the office and he follows.
“Hi, im Case.” He says smiling, i tell him my name and he hands me his paper with his classes on it. “Wow you basically have my schedule.” He puts his head down.
“Nervous?” I ask him, “Maybe just a little.”
“Don’t be, it’s okay. We have most of our classes together and I can get you caught up on notes and stuff if you’d like.” Case smiles. “Thank you….whats your name?”
“Charlotte, Charlotte Zegras.” I put my hand out for him to shake. “Zegras, as in Trevor’s sibling?” He asks. I sigh and let out a little laugh. “That would be me.” I look down at the tiles on the floor. “I playing hockey with him. I’m Case McCarthy.”
“Well, I wouldn’t trust Trevor to help you get caught up on classes. He barely does the work himself. I got you, you can come over and I can get you caught up and then you can hang out with Trevor and his friends. They normally come over almost every day after school because of hockey.”
“That would be great actually, thank you.” Case smiles, holding the paper in his hand a bit tighter.
This is so bad but I wanted to post something because this has been in my drafts for a bit. My biology teacher is actually trying to kill me. I have 100% on every single assignment and somehow I have a D in her class, like bro are you trying to get me in trouble 😭
I hope you all are doing well!! Dms are open if you need to talk 🫶🏽
Credit to gif maker
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