#nt sophia
th3b4dk1dzz · 11 months
What if Post-Yellow Jacket Ethan adopted all the magic roller rink kids?
At this point, Lex and Hannah leaving Hatchetfeild probably wouldn't spare him from getting hurt by Charlie and his men. He held him at gunpoint, he knows too much about the fighting rink, and what's more, he may not know where Lex and Hannah are, but Charlie doesn't know/might not believe that (either that or he might use him as bait to lure the Fosters back to Hatchetfeild). He just can't go back to living a normal life at this point.
In the same vein, the roller rink kids aren't safe to go back to their homes. Their parents might not be able to protect their children, assuming they were clearly much more dependent on the rink for income. They might even leave to keep them safer.
Just picture a bunch of superpowered teenagers wanting to rescue Sophia, and the boy Otho posessed showing up on the doorstep of the only person they've ever seen pull one over on Charlie, and Ethan unable to ever turn away a troubled kid in need (especially those who were so friendly to Hannah) just accepts his inevitable fate.
It's not just about his strength or protective capabilities, though. Remember, Ethan now has a huge apartment full of toys and games, which otherwise would go to waste, and has always been the one to cheer both Hannah and Lex in hard times so he would be a great source of comfort to these kids, especially after saving Otho's former victims, they both need that stability and support after what happened to them.
In return, the kids give Ethan a new sense of purpose. The older kids like Sophia and Daniel help out around the place and hold down the fort while Ethan is working and look after the smaller kids.
A comfortable pattern is established of spending the days snooping around for clues about Charlie's operation before crashing out on the bounce house, (which is covered in sleeping bags and blankets to create the ultimate sleep fortress) with take out pizza and whatever movies they can get their hands on.
Duke finds out that Ethan has been looking after a bunch of runaway kids on his minimum income (because you can't hide that sort of thing forever, not from Duke) and after extensively explaining the whole deal to him he agrees to cover for the kids absences, raise funds to help with food and maintenance costs as well as looking into the wealthy clientel who attend the rink fights. He even brings the cat to cheer the kids up.
He lets Miss Holiday in on the secret, and she helps the kids understand and get better control over their new powers without the use of mind milk. She also uses her staff connections at Hatchetfeild High to get ahold of textbooks and old test papers so the kids don't fall behind. This moves Ethan to tears for some reason. Only Duke understands why.
It still hurts, losing the Fosters, for both Lex's lover and for Hannah's friends. But the pain is a lot more numbed when the cavity is filled with new people to love instead.
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pernillecfcw · 1 year
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Kai & Sophia are engaged how cute 🩵
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lovelybrandt · 2 months
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I Love You 💗😍👏 Kai And Sophia My Best Friend You're Are The Wife In Wedding 💒👰
Source: Posts Images From Instagram And Twitter Facebook.
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silkygermanboy · 10 months
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Caption: Berlin 🇩🇪
Source Instagram Kai Havertz: 19.11.2023
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trustherkindheart · 2 years
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medievalthymes · 5 months
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Beloved, Realm of the Elderlings / Cassandra of Troy
'An Oresteia,' Translated by Anne Carson / Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb / Lilo Baur as Cassandra in THE ORESTEIA' by Aeschylus at the Cottesloe Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London in 1999  / Anne Carson, excerpt of Cassandra Float Can, from Float / Zoë Sophia Garcia as Cassandra in “The Oresteia.” / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb / The Green Knight (2021) / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Uknown / Golden Fool - Robin Hobb / I'm Your Man - Mitski / Florence + the Machine / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool's Fate - Robin Hobb / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / Fool' Errand - Robin Hobb / Cassandra - Florence + the Machine / The Green Knight (2021) / Cassandra - ABBA / Assassin’s Fate - Robin Hobb
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brokecorviknight · 9 months
Hatchetfield Pokémon AU - Partner List:
Main Characters:
Paul Matthews - Exploud
Emma Perkins - Porygon
Tom Houston - Donphan
Becky Barnes - Comfey
Lex Foster - Zigzagoon (Cressellia is also here)
Hannah Foster - Mew
Pete Spankoffski - Stoutland
Steph Lauter - Luxray
Grace Chasity - Hatterene
Max Jägerman - Passimian
Wiggly (Wiggog Y’rath) / Wendell (Dark/Psychic)
Nibbly (Nibblenephim) / Nicky (Dark/Psychic)
Pokey (Pokotho) / Porter (Dark/Psychic)
Blinky (Bliklotep) / Blaine (Dark/Psychic)
Tinky (T’noy Karaxis) / Theo (Theodore) (Dark/Psychic)
Webby (Queen in White) / Wendy (Psychic/Dark)
Important Characters:
Ted Spankoffski - Volcarona
Bill Woodward - Leavanny
Alice Woodward - Skitty
Prof. Henry Hidgens - Liligant
Gen. John MacNamara - Genesect
Ethan Greene - Cyclizar
Linda Monroe - Vespiqueen
Tim Houston - Cubone
Richie Lipschitz - Gallade
Ruth Fleming - Sprigatito
Solomon Lauter - Honchkrow
Detective Shapiro - Pikachu
Henry (Fake Prof. Henry Hidgens) - Mimikyu
Lucy Stockworth - Gholdengo
Wooly-Foot - Galrian Darmanitan
Konk (Ted Spankoffski) - Darmanitan
Pryce Perkins (Paul Matthews 23) - Ditto
Emilia Matthews (Emma Perkins Android) - MissingNo
Time Bastard / Homeless Man (Ted Spankoffski) - Iron Moth and Slither Wing
Jane Houston (Perkins) - Revaroom
Miss Holloway - Hypno
Duke Keane - Snorlax
Gerald Monroe - Vivallon
Perky (Emma Perkins) - Aribolva
Ziggy - Shiftry
Jeri - Nidoqueen
Jerry - Nidoking
Lumber Axe (Lil’ Jerry) - Witchwood Haxorus
Shelia Young - Froslass
Rose - Toxtricity
Melissa - Meowstick (Female)
Puss - Espeon
Named Characters:
Greenpeace girl / Harmony Jones - Shaymin
Ken Davidson - Grumpig
Charlotte Sweetly - Oinkalogne
Sam Sweetly - Braviary
Nora - Minccino
Zoey Chambers - Alcreamie
Deb - Liepard
Frank Pricely - Sableye
Sherman Young - Salazzle
Gary Goldstein - Meowth
Uncle Wiley / Wilbur Cross - Tentacruel
Man in a Hurry / Barry Swift - Yanmega
Dude with Peanut - Pachirisu (Peanut)
Xander Lee - Empoleon
President - Unfezant (Male)
Mark Chasity - Flapple
Karen Chasity - Appletun
Off. Bailey - Skarmory
Kyle - Chesnaught
Brenda - Oricorio (Electric)
Jason - Bastiodon
Caitlyn - Altaria
Ms. Mulberry- Audino
Ms. Tessburger - Corsola
Rudolph - Sawsbuck
Brook - Finneon
Trevor Lipschitz - Magcargo
Allison - Lanturn
Madame Iris - Reuniclus
Craig - Tropius
Barker - Coalossal
Rupert - Gigalith
Jonathan Brisby - Tyrantrum
Sylvia - Floatzel
Andy / Executive Kilgore - Aggron
Jenny - Milotic
Dan Reynolds - Karrablast
Donna Daggit - Shelmet
Tony Greene - Klingklang
Jacqueline Frost - Glaceon
Pamala Foster - Komala
Roman Murray - Morpeko
River Monroe - Combee (Male) or Teddyursa
Trent Monroe - Venomoth
Seaton Monroe - Ninjask
Jordan Monroe - Shuckle
Malone - Octillery
Hailey - Skuntank
Zach Chambers - Gogoat
Liz - Beartic
Judith - Butterfree
Martha - Clawitzer
Mary - Bibarel
Mima Chambers - Drampa
Bob Metzger - Witchwood Aegislash
Carl Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Larz Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Louie Metzger - Witchwood Honedge
Mary - Medichan
Noah - Furret
Gabe - Sudowoodo
Marco - Copperajah
Kale - Chatot
Thrash - Noivern
Skud - Rillaboom
Courtney - Zebstrika
Russ - Scovillain
Beth - Centiskorch
Eddie Chiplucky - Krookodile
Stopwatch / Daniel - Phantump
Spitfire / Sophia - Blaziken
Charles - Type: Null
Bruno - Pangoro
Otho - Flamigo
Freddie Biggs - Corviknight
Mina - Pyroar (Female)
Chrissy - Alolan Persian
Aubrey - Purugly
Teddy Bear - Mabosstiff
Jerrie - Golurk
Different Actors:
Hot Chocolate Boy (Peter Spankoffski) (TGWDLM) - Polteageist
Pete Spankoffski (AC) - Aromatisse
Prof. Henry Hidgens (HQ) - Jigglypuff
Prof. Henry Hidgens (WB) - Spinda
Max Jägerman (TGWDLM) - Cinderace
Ethan Greene (YJ) - Goodra
(I’ve been working on this for a few weeks. I thought it would be fun to share. Hope you all enjoy it)
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kriegertops · 7 months
Ashlyn centers herself in every public capacity every chance she gets. It makes her “activism” seem entirely self serving and completely disingenuous. I didn’t buy it 6 years ago , and I definitely don’t buy it now. All her recent stuff is clearly to appease her new GF. I don’t recall her being a big voice on the NT when it came to being outspoken in the media on equal pay. All the things she used to speak up about benefited her personally. Comes across as fake. I think her over talking and obnoxiousness in pods etc stems from insecurity. After being on NT for so long, and barely playing, she’s gotta prove her worth somehow. She just does it in such an unlikable way. I’m just surprised no one, like an agent, has sat her down and told her to tone it down. She’s not believable. She thinks she has way more clout than she actually does. I think it’s why she’s had such a hard time with the fallout from the divorce - she’s so narcissistic, she can’t understand why ppl aren’t buying her story.
Ashlyn’s Sophia’s little pet now😂 they post the same and dress the same and Ashlyn doesn’t have a life outside her gf😂
I agree that her obnoxiousness stems from insecurity. Ashlyn seems like she’s not receptive to feedback. If she couldn’t be respectful to her wife when Ali said she was talking too much then there’s no way Ashlyn would be receptive to an agent telling her she’s being obnoxious 💀
Ashlyn’s lack of self awareness is so alarming, definitely very narcissistic
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catcorsair · 10 months
Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Thanks to @sadeyedlady-writes for the tag!
(I'm going to count each of the 5 published parts of Teeth as a separate story, even though I do have others, because they function that way and take up the majority of my time 😅)
Here goes:
Like Pulling Teeth: Part One
"Really, Christine," I spat as she clasped both hands to her lips, giggling madly behind them, "compose yourself!"
Like Pulling Teeth: Part Two
Of course, such ridiculous sentiments had never passed her lips. Christine did not protest, not once; not once! I reminded myself as I collected my thoughts against her, panting boorishly into the yellow tangle of her hair, not once! as I clutched her sweating, trembling flesh to the damp front of my waistcoat, my spent c*ck slowly draining of its urgency within her—no! she had uttered no complaint at all!—and yet, even now, that bitter fluid, that blood, that propellant of disaster, returned to flood my brain, and in those sobering moments I admit I might have—for only an instant—begun to doubt.
LPT: Part Three
For months I have upheld this charade.
Months of terror. Months of bliss.
Ah—and one day more, by the chiming of the clock.
LPT: Part Four
"You like this," I told her, madly, watching the flickering candlelight throw shadows on the desaturated red haze of her naked chest and thighs. Light danced in the blue ocean of her stare; I could not bear to look for the brilliance of that mystic gaze. Words poured from my lips like vomit, reeking, foul: "you want this, you c*nt. You always have. We both know you've begged me for it. Erik is only giving you what you—f*ck you, you fucking—f*ck—"
LPT: Part Five
(PSYCH it should be posted by the end of the year 😅)
I had been stupid not to anticipate a suitor; for a woman such as Sophia, it was remarkable that she did not have a line following her about. For all that I could gather during those first few miserable weeks following her return to the wardrobe closets of the Opera above, it would appear that she only had me.
And him.
Notre Dame des Lorettes
The cacophony of war echoes far beneath the earth. It is an insistent, tuneless music, its rhythmic monotony resounding in the dark, pronouncing destruction with every vibration upon the surface; to Erik, the lone occupant of the palatial underground beneath the unfinished Opera Garnier, the clamor is deafening, pounding above his head like the wounded heart of Paris herself. He cannot escape the sounds of her suffering, no matter how deeply he buries himself within the dirt.
A Home at the End of the World
"Where is the girl?" The Persian demanded, his shrewd, jadeite eyes flashing as he scrambled to his feet, his waterlogged dress shoes skidding over the tight weave of the Turkish carpet. Dark hair like smooth onyx, plastered to his forehead with wet and sweat, hung about his gaze as he surveyed the dark underground room. His deep voice came rough and rasping as if he had recently swallowed a great deal of water only to violently retch it up moments following. Still he huffed, each breath a painful struggle, "where is he, that stupid boy? Have you harmed the boy?"
Things From the Dirt
In the quiet, evening candlelight they cling together, legs entwined beneath the disordered bed linens. Long past the close of another day, flush with the usual bustling banality of life--her, managing the vast household, the service staff, their child; him, his interests in Nantes, in Saint-Domingue, his accounts, his debts--they are finally free to forget themselves for only moments, to claim their dues of one another as husband and wife. As they had for the first time, a week to this day, seven years ago.
Private Parts
In the underground bedroom she dresses in silence, taking pains to arrange her hair and rouge her cheeks, despite his being the only one who will look upon her. Pausing a moment to collect herself by the door, she turns to throw one last glance at her anxious expression in the mirror atop the bureau, then straightens her skirts and her cuffs with clammy, tremulous fingers.
Red Velvet
Why had she sought refuge here, of all places? On the roof of the Garnier she had already revealed all; Raoul promised that he would take her away to safety. She would be free from him forever. And yet, as soon as they had parted, she found herself rushing down the million stairs of the colossal opera house only to enter once more into his domain.
(edited to censor, whoops!)
Thank you again for the tag! Tagging in @emotionalmotionsicknessxx @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques @shinyfire-0 @jennyfair7 @flora-gray @wheel-of-fish @paperandsong and whoever else wants to join!
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thanksforthedinosaur · 3 months
july 2024
charli xcx - 360
alice longyu gao - lesbians <3
shygirl - mute
salute - luv stuck
wilo wilde - all these little words
hunnygloss - somebody's daughter
dazegxd - way 2 good (idc)
llll - dunno what it is
ienne - pollen - matrace remix
janghoon - believe
angel jelly - gacha
snoozegod - paradox
rocco bunko - project
sophia stel - object permanence (radio edit)
abbi press - atmadja
perc%nt - origami
porter robinson - russian roulette
elizabeth rose bloodflame - above below
cyber milk chan - sunkissed
joint beauty - tokyo friday night
wednesday campanella - carolina
newjeans - supernatural
kohei shimizu - supernova +..++.*…
hakos baelz - hide & seek 〜なかよくケンカしな!〜
tinashe - getting no sleep
nai br.xx - ride
piao - flip phone
kallitechnis - nights without you
hailey knox - on nothing
raveena - junebug (feat. jpegmafia)
kaytranada - more than a little bit (feat. tinashe)
jaden - "roses"
kehlani - 8
sycco - swarm
raye - genesis, pt. ii
don toliver - inside (feat. travis scott)
nxworries - fallthru
mgk - bmxxing
nyck caution - good company
donte thomas - crashing down
lenny gazebo - distant memories
logic - deja vu (feat. dj drama)
savon araeo - shotgun
kaelin ellis - heart
tuamie - grahams
kinrose - satellites
tobi - ego slide
cupcakke - nun nun
qveen herby - magic
megan thee stallion - worthy
again&again - west coast autumns
nothing,nowhere. - hydrangeas (ft. darcy baylis)
aurora - earthly delights
the marías - echo
ruru - liminal
night tapes - projections
april - burden
venus & the flytraps - frankenstein
anthony green - if i wasn't yours
pale waves - perfume
towa bird - deep cut
balance and composure - cross to bear
the early november - the magician
annabel - all time
ajj - death machine (bedrock take 2)
cursive - up and away
the aquabats! - the ballad of the shapeshifting pilgrim boy!
toro y moi - tuesday
homeshake - believe
abby holliday - couch comrade
kississippi - last time
trella - body language
air max '97 - keepsake
layzi - too high
elio - allofthat
billy lemos - chip away
teddie - say it
phem - donuts
yullola - animal of the night
niki - blue moon
lølø - suck it up
upsahl - summer so hot
mothica - red
lil aaron - misery loves company (feat. royal & the serpent)
cehryl - row row row
dora jar - timelapse
nep - pup
jack m. senff - whole heart
the decemberists - long white veil
katy kirby - headlights
gracie abrams - felt good about you
jahnah camille - roadkill
land of talk - magnetic hill - acoustic
superfan - everybody rides the carousel
bloomsday - bumper sticker
simone - any girl
ruby waters - numbers
luna shadows - bleach
niamh regan - record
sedona - baby run
stevie bill - girl
superfan - twilight living
paige stark - zombie brain drain
jahnah camille - roadkill
zolita - bloodstream
zealyn - she's coming over again (anxiety)
kevin atwater - star tripping (reimagined)
yumi nu - vines
buffchick - alright
illuminati hotties - didn't (feat. cavetown)
charly bliss - calling you out
queen of jeans - bitter pill
porches - itch
pony - freezer
the japanese house - :)
brye - grow together
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lovelybrandt · 3 months
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Wish And Best Friend Having At Beach In Doha Qatar During World Cup 2022 Make At Hot Very Sunny Wow! 🏖️🌞🍹🌊🐚 Release Back In November 27 2022 Wins Spain VS Germany 🇪🇸-🇩🇪 1-1
He's My Love Kai Havertz Best Girlfriend Sophia Weber! 💚😍💜
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uswnt5 · 6 months
Sophia Smith is getting so many backhanded compliments right now 😭
Every comment I see says “Smith is so great for Portland. Why is she trash for NT.” I’m dying
ha poor girl
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omg different anon but visca barça!! i love them they’re my favorite team and lately i couldnt help but make comparisons with ur footy au cause its so fun. there’s been a couple of geyse ferreira’s moves lately where she’s just going for it all and directly pressing the gk that reminded me of ava so much. also claudia pina ilh shes a little devil maybe in a different world where ava plays the midfield a little bit more. and keira walsh so british and gets away w sm class reminds me of bea lol
barca is FUN to watch !! i always think of bea like if kim little, julie ertz, & alexia had a cm superbaby lol (it's my perfect footy world i may as well lmfao) & ava is just based on sophia smith, a little debinha, but also all of my favorite goals ever scored lol. jogo bonito babey
BUT the fun part of the story & part of the reason that leagues/clubs/nts etc are vague is that like whoever anyone's favorite players are you can imagine bea & ava (& the whole crew) as them! hopefully u let ava have her christen press against spain 2019 full tilt goal (still the most underrated insane goal jfc) but yknow other than that, go wild. it's so fun imo
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tesaurotaylorswift · 3 months
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BT: Album NT: Fortnight (Feat. Post Malone) [song] NT: The Tortured Poets Department [song] NT: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys NT: Down Bad NT: So Long, London NT: But Daddy I Love Him NT: Fresh Out the Slammer NT: Florida!!! NT: Guilty as Sin? NT: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? NT: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) NT: loml NT: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart NT: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived NT: The Alchemy NT: Clara Bow NT: The Black Dog NT: imgonnagetyouback NT: The Albatross NT: Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus NT: How Did It End? NT: So High School NT: I Hate It Here NT: thanK you aIMee NT: I Look in People's Windows NT: The Prophecy NT: Cassandra NT: Peter NT: The Bolter NT: Robin NT: The Manuscript
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jaywritesrps · 4 months
Did Ash ever really love Ali, or was it all an act? She seems like she’s morphed into a completely different person than she was 5 or 6 years ago. The marriage didn’t last- whatever- people get divorced all the time. But the way Ashlyn acted towards Ali the last 6 months they were together just seemed so out of character. She was intentionally mean and cruel and I just don’t get that. Especially when you’ve moved on with someone else. It’s like she had to hammer Ali in the process.
Only Ashlyn can answer that, my friend. To me, I think that she did love Ali, but not the real Ali, it was mostly the version of Ali that she had in her head and once they got married and started to having a daily life with routine and all that, she lost the interest in having that white picket fence dream after having kids and noticing Ali didn't have the same devotion she had.
She looks to me someone that needs big gestures of love all the time, and Ali isn't that person. Ali is a pratical person, she said in Foudy's podcast that she is not from talking too much, she shows. While Ashlyn looks like someone that you need to constantly tell her you like her. You can see that at how she follows Sophia around like a lovesick puppy and how she totally changed her style to fit in with Sophia and her friends, it's completely different than six months ago too, this shows a lot as how her interior is.
"It's like she had to hammer Ali in the process"
One of the persons I have talked to about this while I was trying to know better what was going on told me that you could see during the the trainings in Gotham that it was different with them. It looked like they were competing with each other, rather than working together as a team, which was very different than from when they played for NT or for Pride. It's why I believe there's a some sort of ressentment from Ashlyn's part toward Ali, cause she really thought Ali was going to choose her over soccer, cause they had an agreement in retiring together and Ali broke it so she could have her last dance, which she (ali) is not wrong, soccer is her big love, it's not her fault Ashlyn's injury tht ended her career, so why couldn't she have her last shot to win NWSL Trophy? But Ashlyn is not wrong either, what would you if you realize that you are at most the 3rd important thing in your wife's life and that soccer will always comes first than you? I totally understand her reasons, but this doesn't give her the right to act like she did with Ali, by playing on with another woman behind her back.
What I wish people understood is that the only reason that it didn't have cheating it was cause of Sophia didn't want to have a relationship with someone still married, but if it was another person with a different set of values, the cheating would happened, because Ashlyn was up to that, since she didn't want to stay married anymore, and in her head, this wasn't cheating.
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