anxietygremlin7 · 4 days
Welp. It’s been a week! Hai, your crappy theory awaits. *smiles in eye twitch*
Etho passes out at Joel’s apartment. He was really badly hurt. Joel for a moment thinks he has to make a choice between betraying Etho’s trust or losing him for good. Which gets kinda angsty. Lucky for him, this is the moment he discovers he has fast healing powers, but only when he genuinely admits he loves said person/ pet he’s healing. Oddly specific, which is why he didn’t know about it. But it’s going to be a heck of an awkward conversation when Etho wakes up, healed instantly.
Also Skizz is there for absolutely no reason, and he pushed them apart even though you can tell he was trying so hard to do the opposite. He’s going to suffer big time now because why not, you said Skizz is always suffering anyway.
not my usual silly, I’m not in the mood right now.
Thank you for the 'crappy' theory! Very interesting, I like it. (I do love myself some angst) :)
That is an oddly specific power, though if Joel were to have a power, I could see it being strange/niche lol
As always, thanks for the theory! (and I don't mind the pace change, anything and everything is welcome)
So.....about that update......it's not gonna happen for a bit......oops.......I'm working on it, I swear, my friend just rec'ed me a really good fic so I'm distracted by that rn lol (but I do really wanna finish this fic and continue writing more stuff, I love writing fics)
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randomnameless · 1 year
Replying to @fantasyinvader’s post mentionning how Linhardt and Hanneman are more interested in - especially if you don’t poach them - science than leading the people, or even, the people themselves, I wanted to make a post about Lin’s support with Catherine, which is played as a “for science!” support where Cat is amazed at his dedication to research stuff...
But it has those ominous lines :
But to continue my research without taking this chance to know the truth—what would be the point?
Besides ignorance can breed even greater dangers.
Linhardt wants to know “the Truth” and says ignorance breeds dangers... Which is a reasonable point to make, but this is immediately followed by this :
For example, do you know for whom Thunderbrand was originally crafted?
We’re talking about the “truth” hidden about the relics - which is more dangerous, ignorance or people who know “the truth”??
The goddess.
Catherine replies with an argument of authority, most likely the only Rhea thought would make most people stop thinking too much about the hows of Relics and drop the topic...
But not Linhardt!
Correct. And because of that, everyone just stops thinking about it.
Yes, that’s the point.
No one really knows what the Relic is made of, how it was crafted, or what its very structure may be.
Until we know those things and truly understand the power and the danger Relics hold...
We won't be able to...gain any new knowledge. I'm tired of talking.
This, this is the reason why that secret was made, and the truth hidden! And while those are, say, reasonable questions to have about “magic weapons”, bear in mind Linhardt’s natural route - i.e. where he isn’t poached - with Catherine is SS, where we later learn Nemesis got “more power” from the corpses of the Nabateans...
(Which can be tied to the WoH and Willy’s war, as depicted in Houses, as he “crushed people who wanted more power”, are we talking about people who knew where and how Nemesis got his shinies and wanted more shinies?)
Linhardt will have this new “knowledge”, but what will he do with that knowledge? What are going to be the consequences? Should that truth be revealed? Would he try to kill a Nabatean to test a theory about Relic making?
This support touches one of the themes completely eluded by the game about Truth and if it should always be shared with the World, or if some truths should be hidden to protect some people -
SS!Linhardt is someone sensible (sort of, he also has this line against SS’s final boss “Well, that's something, isn't it? A shame we must kill her. Consider the research potential...“...) who wouldn’t skin Flayn alive to see if her bones can really be used to make a relic...
But unrecruited Linhardt or even CF!Linhardt doesn’t give a fuck about being sensible or not, fights alongside Baldo’n’Waldi, which raises an entire can of worms, can we really believe Linhardt, who’s passioned by Crests and their applications, would just roll with Baldo’n’Waldi popping up as Crests Beasts, heck, when some of the War Assets are artificially engineered by the Empire, who also makes artificial Crest Stones? Wouldn’t Linhardt try to, idk, know how those “things” are made, and oversee researches himself?
He has the common sense to spare Indech, by not rattling him to Supreme Leader and Hubert in CF, but is it because Indech has no interest for him in CF, so he doesn’t want the battlefield to become more “bothersome” since it’s useless to kill him, or for some reason, wanted to spare him because he’s still the same guy who’s afraid of blood and hates bloodshed, but when it came to Baldo’n’Waldi he cannot give any fucks?
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vitasexualiiis · 1 year
shout out to asagiri for making all the most compelling ships in this series age-gap, pseudoincest, real incest, TRAGIC™, steeped in questionable power dynamics, straight up mutually homicidal, unarguably abusive, or, SOMEHOW, an eye-watering combination of many of the above.
there really are no winners here :`) love that for us.
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sentofight · 1 month
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ooc. oooh they are going to do some kind of new sys for this crosover!! waa!! pray circle we gonna get skit faces for the team and not still ones waaaa!!!!!! please we need more
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bleh face for k/ula lmao. aaaaa shes so adorable maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan SHAKING LAPTOP LIKE A SAVEGE BEAST EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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pain that always it got to be only 4 playable characters sobs. would have loved to have athena too waaa.... and B.J oh well. why THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WAAA DATE ME ATHENA BJ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO CUTEEEEEEE !!! oh and uh..yey iori and k...wow. you there huh. could've gotten leona or idk (shingo where? shingo where?????????????????????????WHERE IS MY BOY SHINGO???)
never forget. my childhood nightmare.
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me now: youknow......................................i mean.......MMMMMMM>??????????????????????????????????????????SIR??????????????????????? nah. nah. npoe. naaah. but hmmmmmmmmmmmm~?
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timeladix · 1 year
Wwdits s3 finale spoilers
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zeeposting · 4 months
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
nope reading tatsumi's idol story was a bad idea
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petrifiedson · 6 years
“The boys don’t listen to a thing outside of a punch to the gut from Baku.”
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Hasta la vista-
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gnostic-heretic · 7 years
uhh ok so... apparently ao3 did something shitty and now everyone is being like “ao3 is racist trash! boycott ao3!″ but like... y’all realize that by boycotting ao3 or whatever you’re basically once again strangling what little recognition and feedback less popular content creators, especially fanfiction writers, already get 
“then if you’re a writer don’t post your works on ao3″ y’all realize that ao3 is the one (one) website to post fanfiction that has, as far as i know, the best way to tag your content and make it easier to search for potential readers... i mean come on guys, you wanna compare the tagging system ao3 has with fanfiction.net? or even worse, with the likes of adult-fanfiction?  you wanna compare the audience you can reach on ao3 with tumblr, where most people don’t really bother to give fanfics a like, let alone a reblog?
boycotting ao3 is a stupid idea and a stupid idea that is going to damage fanfiction writers, especially less popular ones, no matter how it plays out 
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trashcanniballecter · 7 years
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manny-jacinto · 4 years
the true plot twist of 2020 is that user capta*npoe still hasn’t remade 
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swoojin · 7 years
You and daniel would have a cute love-hate relationship! I can see you push him away but he comes back making faces @ you and teasing you to get you to smile
........................please stop i’m weak 
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robotslenderman · 4 years
OTP Meme
Yoinked from @aelwen​.
Starting off with my Super Problematic Arturo/Olivia, will probably do the same quiz with other ships as well.
For those who are not aware: Arturo kidnapped Olivia at the end of CoNY while trying to figure out what to do with her and ended up keeping her around, and she’s blood bound to him (for non VTM fans, that’s basically a love potion). So yeah, there’s a huge power imbalance and a drug-induced Stockholm Syndrome here, and one half is a megalomaniac. There is a shitton of dubcon.
You have been warned.
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Arturo, but like, that’s not saying much. I can see him only raising his voice when he’s pushed almost to his limit and even then only to say something like “DON’T INTERRUPT” when he’s in a monologue or a “NO” to cut someone else off.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Neither of them.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
OLIVIA LOL. Arturo has known she’s been wanting out since the beginning but the blood bond kept her compliant until Qadir and her Coterie finally got their shit together and busted her out. Arturo may have gone completely apeshit trying to get her back but then once he knew the blood bond had timed out, gave it up and let her go.
Who trashes the house?
Neither of them. Toreadors do not trash their own house and Olivia too desperately wants to please Arturo to get messy even if that was her style.
Plus, you know, they have ghouls to clean up after them.
Do either of them get physical?
ngl for the first few months Olivia keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop on that, since Arturo absolutely bitchslapped Sophie at the end of CoNY, but after a while she realises he’s not typically violent and calms down.
How often do they argue/disagree?
Almost never, due to the blood bond. Olivia occasionally pushes it, but never goes too far (by Arturo’s standards). She’s too chemically wired to want to please him to full out disagree or argue.
Who is the first to apologize?
Olivia, for obvious reasons. Arturo does apologise from time to time, but rarely, and usually accompanied with an eyeroll inducing monologue pontificating about something or other. (Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the monologue itself is not an apology.)
(Headcanon interlude -- vampire sex is basically blood drinking, whether mutual or not, given how aroused both drinker and drinkee become. They can have “human” sex with blush of life, but it’s not nearly as satisfying without the blood drinking. So yeah keep in mind I’m not talking about human sex here, even though there might be some of that accompanying the blood drinking.)
Who is on top? Who is on bottom?
Olivia on top. Kind of hard to suck the blood from someone’s throat if you’re on the bottom.
Any kinks?
They’re vampires, what do you think?
Who has the strangest desires?
Arturo thinks he’s weird as shit for enjoying it when she cuddles up to him lmfao.
Who’s dominant in bed?
Arturo, despite positions.
Is head ever in the equation?
Nope. Although I’m sure if Arturo managed to get her back when she escaped he might’ve been relieved enough to do it.
If so, who is better at performing it?
Ever had sex in public?
He never lets her out, so no.
Although... he does have ghouls, and he treats them like he’d treat a portrait on the wall. Olivia is often mortified by the stuff she’ll do in front of them when the blood bond’s at full strength.
Who moans the most?
Definitely Arturo. It’s vampire sex, Olivia’s too busy drinking blood to make noise.
Who leaves the most marks?
Neither, they heal too quickly.
Who is the more experienced of the two?
With mortal sex it sort of balances out -- Arturo was apparently a canonical playboy when he was alive, but obviously that stopped forty years ago so that evens out there. With Olivia, she’s slept with a few people but got too wrapped up in work towards the end of her life to have a sex life.
Plus, Vampire Sex Is Different, as I’ve said a million times already, so... they’re not blushing virgins but neither of them are at a level where you can say either of them is more experienced than the other. Sure, Arturo has Panhard drinking from him too, but in my headcanon her drinking from his wrist is not sexual even by vampire standards. Olivia was the first he let bite from his neck.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
I think there’s far more emotion in it than Arturo is ever willing to admit.
How long do they usually last?
As long as Olivia can draw it out without diablerising him, lmao. He does get into the habit of keeping himself topped up for her when it gets sexual though.
In human-sex terms, well... vampires have way more stamina than humans. But again, not as satisfying, so they tend to leave that for when Arturo’s low on vitae or when he has a few hours free (which isn’t often).
Rough or soft?
Soft.  Unless Arturo’s been to visit Panhard or Adelaide. Olivia gets bitey when she’s jealous and Arturo finds it endearing.
Is protection used?
Does it ever get boring?
By mortal standards, certainly. But drinking/being drunk from by a vampire feels so good that for them, no, it never gets boring.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Anywhere the ghouls are working. Olivia dies inside a little once the post-nut clarity kicks in. The ghouls just GTFO and don’t make eye contact for a while.
Arturo doesn’t think of them as people...
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
Jesus fucking Christ my blood ran cold just READING this question. Nope nope npoe NOPE. Even if they could have children, NOOOOOOO. GOD, NO. NOOOOO. NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE
As for childer? Vampires are single parents by nature, so they’re not raising any together. If anything, Arturo is seriously considering adopting Olivia as his childe by the time she GTFO’s. 
(For non-VTM fans: I swear that is not as fucked up as it looks. “Childe” = vampire who hasn’t been a vampire for long. It’s a mentor/mentee relationship, not a parent/child relationship, despite the terminology. Vampires seem to be way more likely to have romantic/sexual entanglements with sires/childer than anyone else because of the power imbalance and how fucking dangerous it is to get involved with a vampire on your level. Why yes creatures who drink blood from humans are fucked up, what tipped you off?)
If so, how many children do they want/have?
I’m charging you for my therapy bills.
Who likes to cuddle?
Goes without saying that the blood bond makes Olivia a cuddle slut, but Arturo enjoys it way more than he is willing to admit.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Arturoooo. Those poor fucking ghouls.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
They’re vampires.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Arturo is a slut for headscritches.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
The sofas near the windows overlooking New York.
Who snores?
They’re vamps, they literally sleep like they’re dead. VTM vampires are easily mistaken for corpses unless you know what to look for, such as the fact they don’t stink and that insects and scavengers aren’t helping themselves.
My headcanon is that younger and higher humanity vampires sleep more akin to something like humans, and so younger vampires like Olivia might sometimes wake during the day (altho quickly pass out again), move in their sleep, or dream, or accidentally use blush of life. Closest she comes to snoring is by accidentally using blush of life in her sleep and therefore breathing.
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Sleep separately, up until the first attempt to bust Olivia out, at which point Arturo gets clingy and insists she sleeps next to him in his bed. It’s not like he’d wake up if any ghouls showed up to liberate her, but it makes him feel better.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Cozy up.
What do they wear to bed?
Olivia is still in the habit of wearing PJs, but Arturo just wears whatever he was wearing that day.
Are either of them insomniacs?
No, it’s extremely difficult for vampires to stay awake when the sun comes up.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Nope, they wouldn’t work.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Depends on how clingy Arturo’s feeling that night.
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Both of them.
Who wakes up first?
They both wake up around the same time.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Arturo will fucking murder any ghouls that bleed all over his bed, so neither.
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Arturo likes to cling to Olivia after the first liberation attempt.
Do they set an alarm each night?
No need.
Who has nightmares?
Olivia, due to her young age, is able to dream from time to time and therefore gets nightmares. After Arturo, she gets way more -- although that’s not because of any trauma from the Arturo incident (although she’s definitely spooked by it, the blood bond actually protected her from the trauma it would cause because of the nature of how trauma forms), but more because of the idea of oh god what if someone WORSE than him puts me under a blood bond?!
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
Arturo. Despises. Modern. Television.
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Olivia is the only one out of the two of them that dreams. For Arturo, being older and with lower humanity, it’s more akin to being put under anaesthesia.
Her dreams aren’t that ridiculous, though.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Olivia doesn’t sprawl, but she does move in her sleep so I suppose she’s closest.
Who makes the bed?
The ghouls.
What time is bed time?
Up to half an hour before dawn, depending on their mood and if they feel like just curling up and talking before they black out.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Not really. Arturo likes to go over his schedule, have a sip from a ghoul, but that’s about it.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Arturo, if he’s dreading something that night.
Who is the busiest?
Fucking Arturo is always running around feeding his one million ghouls and three blood bonded pets, and feeding himself to keep them under his control, and that’s not counting when he’s getting up to schemes or schmoozing in Elysium. Dude is pretty much out of the penthouse from dusk to dawn most of the week and when he’s at home actually working he’s shut up in his study.
Olivia? Bored out of her fucking mind at home binging on Netflix or books. After working 70+ hours a week when she was alive she is not used to having this much free time.
Who rakes in the highest income?
Arturo, obviously. Famous architect with a shitton of shady “associates”.
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
They don’t do sick days.
What are their jobs?
Arturo’s a Harpy, if that counts as a job (think vampire socialite), and also an architect.
Who sucks up to their boss?
Arturo is the boss, even if he pretends not to be at Elysium.
Olivia had to do a lot of sucking up in life. She does not miss that bit.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Arturo. He does what the fuck he wants.
Who stresses the most?
Believe it or not, Arturo. He’s got a lot of balls in the air and works hard to keep himself from dropping them. After Hope’s failed attempt at getting Olivia out, he gets even more stressed out.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Olivia does not miss her job but also doesn’t know who she is without it, now.
Arturo enjoys his job. He’s always enjoyed it, but after being Embraced he became completely obsessed with it.
Are they financially stable?
Yep. Famous architect who designs for both kindred and kine elites? Yeah.
Who does the washing?
The ghouls.
Who takes out the trash?
Who does the ironing?
Who does the cooking?
Nobody, they just munch on a ghoul.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
I’m not shitting you when I say that Lucas, one of the ghouls, is most likely to try and sneakily cook something on Arturo’s never-used stovetop when he’s out and accidentally fuck it up in the process.
Who is messier?
Arturo, but that’s not saying much. He tends to pick up after himself if he doesn’t have to go out of his way to do it, and there’s ghouls to do the rest.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
My headcanon is that vampires do, in fact, pee because they need to get rid of metabolic waste somehow. So that’d be Olivia.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Arturo, if it doesn’t upset the aesthetic of the room too much (fucking Toreadors). Olivia did start leaving her stuff around for the ghouls but it stressed out Arturo so she stopped.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Neither of them.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Arturo usually takes the subway, but if the ghouls are driving him somewhere it’s definitely Lucas who fucks up the most.
Who answers the telephone?
They don’t have a landline. Olivia doesn’t have a phone.
Who mows the lawn?
They have a penthouse.
Who does the vacuuming?
The ghouls, usually Alex.
Who does the groceries?
Nobody, although the ghouls sometimes stash stuff in the fridge Arturo keeps for the aesthetic. It doesn’t bother him as long as they keep their shit put away.
Who takes the longest to shower?
Olivia likes to shower almost every day out of habit and because the warmth is soothing.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Arturo. This is the guy who wears glasses he doesn’t need because he likes the aesthetic. No way in hell he isn’t in there for ages preening himself.
Is money a problem?
Not at all.
How many cars do they own?
Arturo almost certainly has something fancy and hipstery that he barely uses.
What’s their song?
LMFAO sorry this question made me laugh my ass off because a PERFECT song appeared in my head immediately:
 “Every Breath You Take” by the Police
but unironically, and with total awareness of the actual fucking meaning of the song.
Specifically, the cover in minor key. The really creepy one by Chase Holfeder.
(There is a reason, other than the blood bond, that Olivia hangs the fuck tight and waits for Qadir to get her out instead of making a break for it herself. And there’s a reason why she bolts to the other side of the country when the blood bond wears off. She ain’t taking any chances.)
Do they live in the city or in the country?
New York City, baby.
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Own it. It used to belong to Charlotte, Arturo’s sire. He got it when she carked it.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Arturo’s a Toreador so I see him as having a love/hate relationship with his surroundings depending on what they are at the moment.
As for Olivia, it’s fancier than she’s used to but mostly the cabin fever drives her crazy from time to time.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Arturo gets up to all kinds of shit -- Elysium schmoozing, bossing ghouls around, doing architecture/engineering work, researching, making deals with Kaiser, feeding Adelaide and Panhard...
Olivia? Mostly Netflix binging, hanging out with the ghouls, and wishing she could go out for a fucking walk or something.
Where did they first meet?
At Elysium. Arturo was one of the people she talked to that night. She said his glasses looked good on him when he was bitching about them. He said “you bet they do.”
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Arturo tends to make less purchases but moves more money when he does.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Neither of them, dear god.
Any mental issues?
what do you think
Arturo: I would be here all day.
Olivia: she actually winds up less traumatised than she thought she would once the blood bond wore off. The blood bond actually protected her in that way -- trauma needs fear to take root, even if it’s fear after the fact. So while she was very nervous in the first few months of captivity, once she realised Arturo wasn’t going to hurt her or anything she settled right down and isn’t scarred by that. She is scared that she’ll have to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life, she is scared he’ll try to take her back, but she’s not scared of him, if that makes sense?
But the whole “wow, anyone could do this to me and they could be a lot worse than he ended up being”? Yeah, that fucking terrifies her, so she does end up with a lot of trauma around that afterwards. Yeah, she was a captive for a while, but... she ended up very, very lucky in who her captor was, and she knows it. Arturo didn’t go out of his way to be nice to her, but he wasn’t a complete asshole either. Worse he did (dubcon, captivity and blood bond aside) was snap at her every now and then and be self-absorbed.
She actually finds it pretty hard to deal with life after captivity because... well. There’s a lot worse than Arturo out there. She’s an orphan. Kindred are pretty fucking horrible and she doesn’t have Arturo protecting her any more.
Sometimes the gilded cage was way easier to deal with. Sometimes she really, really misses not having to fight for her survival. Sometimes she wants to go back. She often wants to go back.
So yeah -- there is some trauma there, just... not the trauma she expected to end up dealing with. She expected to feel violated and to hate the guy. She doesn’t. She didn’t expect to feel lost, scared and exposed without him. She does.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Olivia, not that she’d ever show it. Sometimes it’s just satisfying to watch the puppet master deal with tiny little wrenches in the works like that.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Olivia hates them.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Arturo rolls his eyes and gets a ghoul to do it.
Do they have any fears for their future?
Arturo, once he realised how attached he got to Olivia, was terrified of losing her.
Their favourite place?
They both like the couches in the haven that sit next to the huge windows that overlook the city.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Every now and then a ghoul gets some really good vitae as a treat for Olivia.
(So yeah, neither.)
Who pays the bills?
Who’s the tallest?
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Olivia sings under her breath when it’s just the ghouls around, but not loudly, and never in front of Arturo.
What do they tease each other about?
Ooof, Arturo likes to rub salt in the wound by calling her his little pet, but ofc blood bonded Olivia doesn’t feel hurt by that. It’s not until post-New York that she’s like “DUDE WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???”
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Arturo, naturally. I think it’s physically impossible for a Toreador not to cringe at someone’s clothing every now and then.
Who crushed first?
... Both? Sorta.
Olivia naturally had the blood bond, but Arturo was the first that actually caught genuine feelings.
Olivia did have some genuine fond feelings even after the blood bond wore off, but not enough that she let that stop her from GTFOing to LA.
Any alcohol or substance-related problems?
You mean, aside from Olivia’s literal addiction to Arturo’s blood? The one that compels her to have strong feelings for him to the point that even though she’s captive and could walk out the door at any time, she doesn’t?
Yeah, I’d say that’s a substance problem.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Arturo, if he was desperate enough to feed on a drunk, but even then -- blood has a very low alcohol content compared to actual alcohol, and while I HC that vampires are sensitive enough to alcohol that they can get a buzz from drinking from someone drunk enough... it’s just a buzz.
Who swears the most?
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
roxy: be crme do gay
terezi: DONT YOU M34N “B3 G4Y DO CR1M3”?
roxy: npoe!! :)
//sent by @allhail-the-doodlist
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luminies · 4 years
unfollow capta*npoe for clear skin ✨✨✨✨
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kendalroys · 5 years
shield your eyes but it’s funny how fin*npoes don’t seem to realize how they’re constantly being queerbaited by everyone about their ship
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