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Mindy Kaling by Mª Isabel Sánchez Vegara. Illustrated by Roza Nozari
Age Recommendation: Early Primary Topic/ Theme: Comedy, Representation, Biographic Setting: America Series: Little People, Big Dreams
Rating: 4/5
For the sake of disclosure I've never had anything to do with Mindy Kaling or her work, this is another entry I'm reading for the sake of completionism. That is not to say I didn't find this interesting because I did. Mindy is one of those women who broke down some barriers, helping adapt The Office UK for an American audience and creating representation for people like her. I appreciate Sánchez Vegara adding information about the Kaling family, who have something of an unusual background. This is a pretty good introduction to her life, covering the basics and for an adult maybe prompting them to look at more information. Kaling has written multiple books some of which I believe are autobiographical.
While I'm not a massive fan of Nozari's illustrations, I can see why they match well to Mindy Kaling. They feel like they suit her form of comedy. That's not to say they are comedic but they aren't serious either not like some in the series. The inclusion of some ethnic bends for popular films was a good choice. The ones I saw were A League of Their Own, Legally Blonde (I think?) and A Princess Bride (Nozari's a lady after my own heart). There are some really cute patterns on her outfits they definitely suit her. I do like the cover, that cardboard TV feels like something that kids would have. The end pages are a perfect choice suiting the comedian herself the just laughs everywhere.
This whole paragraph goes off the rails a little. But I feel it needs to be said. If I'm honest Roza Nozari aka YallaRoza is an odd choice given what her illustrations are usually. I want to add her art introduction from her website here as it helps understand why I think it is odd. "Much of my art is rooted in my own identities and the communities I belong to --as a queer, muslim cis-woman of colour. I use art to tell stories of trauma and healing, of oppression and injustice, and of resistance and collective care. My art centres the stories of those often erased from our archives of mental health and wellness —in particular, the often erased stories of queer, trans and two-spirit people; of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person(s) of Colour); of Muslims; of femmes and non-binary folks; and of many more. I hope that, through art, I can illuminate the tremendous, intergenerational wisdom that lives in 2SLGBTQ+ communities of colour about trauma, healing and community." This just doesn't feel like it suits storytelling. I know this has Sánchez Vegara's text but the illustrations tell their own story.
#little people big dreams#ma isabel sanchez vegara#roza nozari#mindy kaling#book review#ktreviews#read 2022#booklr
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🇷🇺🇺🇦🇮🇷Hatmul-Enbiya Merkez Karargahı Harekat Personel Yardımcısı Serdar Fazlullah Nozari:
Rusya'ya füze gönderilmedi. İran hiçbir tarafı desteklemiyor ve bu savaşı meşru görmüyor.
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Rose Garden Cafe These are the four locations of the Rose Garden Cafe, a small chain of cafes that Rosy founded so that she could share good food and hospitality to people across the galaxy. Each location is on a different planet. One on Earth, one on Everdawn, one on Illum, and one on Capitol.
Earth: This location is in the outskirts of San Francisco with a small farm and house nearby that was the home of Rosy’s adopted father, Farmer John, for the remainder of his life.
Everdawn: This is Rosy’s home as well as the largest of her cafes. It is located on the homeworld of her people, the Mothkin. Everdawn is a beautiful, warm, tidally-locked planet with most of its habitable land locked in a perpetual twilight.
Illum: This location has been built on the Mantid homeworld because it is where Rosy’s closest friend and chosen sister, Regina, has chosen to make her new home. It has an astonishing cliffside view of Chie’s crystal palace, and is the most remote of Rosy’s cafes, being in an entirely different galaxy. It is accessible only through portals built by the Mantids which are kept hidden from all but a select few individuals that they trust.
Capitol: This location is the most recent one and has been built on the megastructure which serves as the mobile capital of the Galactic Alliance. It was built here because it is one of the most cosmopolitan places in the entire Nozari Galaxy, given that it is able to create a wormhole allowing it to warp to any system in said galaxy. Additionally, given that Capitol is an artificial world, Rosy had a lot of freedom to mold the geography of the surrounding area. With this ability, she decided to make a recreation of her very first cafe in Windsworth, which sadly was never able to open.
The surrounding area is also modelled after the geography of Windsworth, with the transit hub being built on the spot where the neighboring town of Smolderon would have been.
None of the buildings other than the cafe itself and the two central trees of the town plaza and outlook were recreated, but on the spot where Farmer John’s old house would have been, there is instead a memorial dedicated to all of the people who Rosy knew from the world that has since been destroyed by The Withering. The memorial is surrounded by rose bushes, and is built in the shape of the emblem of The Swarm, with its spikes being made from amethyst, the favorite crystal of Queen Parizz Ite.
The memorial has a display screen mounted on it which displays the emblem of the Silver Lotus as well as an extensive list of the names of each individual that Rosy knew. If a name is selected with the touch screen, a portrait of the person is displayed along with a brief description of them.
There is also a plea for anyone who comes across the memorial to provide any information they have on any of the people on the list:
“Every name you see on this list is a person that I knew and cared about on a strange world that has since been destroyed by a horrible catastrophe.
Each of them helped in some way to shape me into the person I am today, and showed me kindness and friendship during a time in my life when I had only begun to understand that such things were possible.
They showed me that there was more to life than simply trying to avoid death. They showed me that I could actually enjoy my life, that I could live every day looking forward to tomorrow. I cherish every last one of them deeply, and hold their memory close to my heart.
This cafe is a faithful recreation of the very first Rose Garden Cafe. It was something that I was very proud of, and I had hoped to open it with a big celebration where I’d invite everyone I knew. Sadly though, I was never able to do this. I had to leave, and by the time I returned, everything was gone...
To anyone who sees this, I beg of you, please read every name you see, and tell me if you know anything at all about any of them, no matter what that may be. I still hold out hope that someday I’ll be able to hold that big celebration that we never had.”
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In an interview with Iran Watch published on 9 September, Ardestani explained that “Iran exports drones and missiles to Russia,” while the “Russians cooperate with Iran to bypass the [US] sanctions. We import many of our goods from Russia.”
The Iranian MP’s comments came amid reports from western and US intelligence officials that Iran had recently transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia to use in the war against Ukraine.
A senior Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander denied the allegation on Monday. Brigadier Fazlollah Nozari was quoted by the Iranian Labour News Agency as saying, “No missile was sent to Russia, and this claim is a kind of psychological warfare.”
iranian official baby you cant just say that
When asked if supplying missiles and drones to Russia would result in additional US sanctions on Iran through what is known as the snapback mechanism, Ardestani responded, “We give rockets to Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Hashd al-Shaabi [PMU], why not give rockets to Russia?”
He added, “The Europeans sell weapons to Ukraine. NATO has entered Ukraine. Why not give missiles and drones to Russia to support our ally?”
Ardestani explained that the world is divided into Eastern and Western blocs, led by Russia and China on the one hand and the US and NATO on the other.
“We are in the Eastern Bloc, and it is natural for us to oppose NATO for our own interests.”
He added that “Iran is not at war with anyone and does not intervene directly in any war, but Russia is our ally and helps us to bypass the sanctions. Therefore, we cooperate with them to send drones and missiles.”
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Igaunijas ekonomikas un digitālo lietu ministra vadītā tūrisma konsultatīvā padome sākusi izstrādāt ilgtermiņa redzējumu par tūrismu, jo nesenās krīzes situācijas liecina par nepieciešamību izprast tūrisma nozari kopumā un ņemt vērā norises arī citās dzīves jomās. Pirms Covid-19 pandēmijas tūrisma nozare Igaunijā katru gadu stabili auga gan tūristu skaita, gan apgrozījuma ziņā. Ja 2019.gadā tūrisma pakalpojumu īpatsvars kopējā eksportā bija 29%, tad 2022.gadā tas veidoja 15%. Nozare joprojām turpina atkopties no pandēmijas, taču pasaulē valdošais satraukums par drošību jau rada jaunus izaicinājumus. "Tūrisma aina pēdējos gados ir būtiski mainījusies, un pielāgošanās pašreizējai situācijai ir bijusi ļoti svarīga. Tomēr parādās jauni faktori, kas var ietekmēt ceļošanu nākotnē. Lai izprastu tūrisma nozari un izstrādātu tās politiku, mums šīs tendences ir jāņem vērā jau tagad," sacīja ekonomikas un digitālo lietu ministrs Tīts Rīsalo. Vīzijas dokumentā plānots pievērst lielāku uzmanību tūrisma saiknei ar citām nozarēm, piemēram, transportu, vidi, izglītību, darba tirgu, tehnoloģijām, kā arī ārvalstu investīciju piesaistei Igaunijā un jaunuzņēmumu videi. Ilgtermiņa plāns tūrismam līdz 2035.gadam būs uz zināšanām balstīts ceļvedis gan Ekonomikas un komunikāciju ministrijai, gan partneriem. Tas palīdzēs pieņemt svarīgus politikas un uzņēmējdarbības lēmumus un nodrošināt nozares attīstībai nepieciešamo atbalstu. Tūrisma nozares nākotne tiek plānota, izmantojot stratēģiskās prognozēšanas metodes. Tas nozīmē, ka tiek analizēti dažādi iespējamie nākotnes notikumu scenāriji, kas var ietekmēt tūrisma nozari. Galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta jaunām idejām, turklāt tiek pētītas arī nevēlamas nākotnes situācijas un attīstības tendences. "Savā ziņā mēs mēģinām paredzēt nākotni, kas, protams, ir sarežģīts uzdevums. Taču, no otras puses, šāda sagatavošanās palīdz mums labāk sagatavoties nākotnes nenoteiktajiem pavērsieniem, ātrāk reaģēt uz tirgus signāliem un pārbaudīt pašreizējo atbalsta pasākumu un risinājumu noturību nākotnē," skaidroja ministrs. Tūrisma ilgtermiņa plāns tiek izstrādāts sadarbībā ar vairākām ministrijām, tūrisma asociācijām, reģionālās attīstības organizācijām un tūrisma nozares uzņēmējiem.
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had to go hunt this post down again. I’ve kept the google sheet open and took a while to get to it. Honestly a great list of songs so far but I was cross referencing it with my own poly-playlist and there’s a few songs that I think could be good additions. Some are definitely poly, some just have poly adjacent vibes but anyway here’s my suggestions Girl Crazy - Paige Alyssa Partners In the Sublime - Claudia Christian Goodnight - Bone Poets Orchestra I’m His Girl - Friends Room for You - Betsy Rose Regina’s Specter - Two Knights The Luckiest Guy On the Lower East Side - The Magnetic Fields Polyamorous - The Perfidy of Pop Question of Monogamy - Keo Nozari Obsessed With You - The Orion Experience < this one in particular is less the song and more the music video for it
do you know of any polyam love songs?
The list is not as long as I'd like but I literally keep a spreadsheet of polyam songs 🎵
Top picks for love songs are probably, in order, Can't Help but Fly, You and Your Friend, and In the Middle.
I'm always looking for more so if anyone who knows any others PLEASE add them, I'm literally begging 😭
Plaintext song list (sans ratings, so don't judge) below the cut
In The Middle by Dodie
The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience
Mambo No 5 by Lou Bega
3 by Britney Spears
Someone New by Hozier
Do Ya Thang by Rihanna
My Girl Got a Girlfriend by Ray Lavender
Felices Los 4 by Maluma
Kinky by Ke$ha
No I in Threesome by Interpol
Save the Last Dance for Me by The Drifters
Let Me Love You byGeri Halliwell
Five Moms and Three Dads by Tom Hunter
Perils of Poly by Gaia Consort
Polyamory Song by David Rovics
Can't Help But Fly by Climbing PoeTree
Cyrus in the Moonlight by Cyndi Lauper
Triad by Jefferson Airplane
You and Your Friend by Snake River Conspiracy
Why Does it Have to be (Wrong or Right) by Restless Heart
Just Be Good to Me by The S.O.S. Band
Follow Me by Uncle Kracker
Everybody's Girl by Jinkx Monsoon
Polyamorous by Breaking Benjamin
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Which canon Magic character would she be most likely to hang out with?
I’m gonna be real with you chief. It’s been a while since I touched the story and for all I know, the next official story stuff could be Chandra punching dinosaurs and saying she’s gonna be Boros now
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When @elaheh_nozari began training for the New York City Marathon, she started t… When @elaheh_nozari began training for the New York City Marathon, she started testing sports drinks too. Previous marathons taught her to avoid "hitting the wall" (a.k.a depleting the body's glycogen stores) by consuming fast-acting carbohydrates and salt, but not all drinks are created equal.
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Ben kuşların yokluğunu ...”
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dağılıyor sis nereye gizlesem senden olan bu hüznü
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The babes from Evertree Saga ♥
Theyre not all there, I just drew my faves !!
#crow's art#sordwin#evertree inn#digital art#art#drawing#artist on tumblr#lamuel#daisy thorne#dandy thorne#orion#ruby redburg#im not super happy with the evertree inn peeps but u_u#im romancing lamuel;dandy & orion rn with my charas#idk if u can continue a relationship with Hayden but im gonna try with a new chara#i was too thirsty for Orion to pass him up in my first playthrough even tho Nozari was going out with Lamuel sdioshsd she broke up#rest in pieces#DandyDaisy is so my type tho#i dont think i really got their essence accross but what can u do!#i really like ruby tho#and i cant wait to continue smoochin' orion in lux:city of secrets >:3c
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Bak; sen göğü görüyorsun Ben kuşların yokluğunu...
Sirous Nozari
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Ar katru gadu pieaug no Latvijas izvestā svaigā piena apjoms - piemēram, pēdējo piecu gadu laikā eksports pieaudzis par 20%. Vai tas ir tik slikti? Par to pastāstīja Zemkopības ministrijas vadītājs Didzis Šmits. — Piena nozari pēdējos gados ļoti uztrauc zemās iepirkuma cenas, tāpēc mūsu izejvielas nonāk Lietuvā, un tās atgriežas pie mums dārgākas produkcijas veidā. Sakiet, vai tagad ir šādi? — Daļēji var piekrist, ka uz Lietuvu izvestais svaigais piens tiek atgriezts Latvijai gatavās produkcijas veidā. Piena produktu importam no Lietuvas šā gada četros mēnešos bija 44% no Latvijas piena produktu eksporta apjoma uz Lietuvu. 2022. un 2021. gadā šis rādītājs bija attiecīgi 27 un 31%. Piena iepirkuma cenu ziņā 2021. un 2022. gadā tika sasniegts vēsturiski augstākais svaigā piena iepirkuma cenu līmenis Latvijā, kā arī visā Eiropas Savienībā. Straujš un praktiski nepārtraukts cenu kāpums sākās 2021.gada vasarā, kad pēc plašiem Covid-19 ierobežojumiem pasaules tirgū atjaunojās pieprasījums, taču piena ražošana pasaulē samazinājās un piena produktu tirgū radās deficīts. Cenu pieaugumu veicināja arī ražotāju resursu cenu kāpums no 2021. gada otrā pusgada, īpaši lopbarībai un enerģijai, turklāt pēc Krievijas militārā iebrukuma Ukrainā 2022. gada 24. februārī sadārdzinājās ievērojami pieauga ražošanas resursi. Šo faktoru ietekmē iepirkuma cena Latvijā pieauga no 0,304 EUR/kg 2021. gada jūnijā līdz visu laiku augstākajam līmenim 0,498 EUR/kg 2022. gada augustā, kas šajā laika periodā ir kāpums par 64%. Taču, sākot ar 2022. gada septembri, piena iepirkuma cena Latvijā sāka samazināties, un dramatisks cenu kritums bija vērojams 2023. gada janvārī un februārī, kopējais cenas samazinājums šo divu mēnešu laikā (salīdzinot ar 2022. gada decembri) līdz 30%. 0,340 eiro /kg. Turpmākajos mēnešos cena bez būtiskām izmaiņām saglabājās ļoti zema, un šī gada jūnijā tā atkal bija 0,340 eiro/kg. Runājot par svaigā piena eksportu pārstrādei ārpus Latvijas, jāatzīmē, ka tā Latvijas piena nozarei ir raksturīga jau daudzus gadus. Pārsvarā uz Lietuvu tiek eksportēts svaigs piens, taču pēdējos gados pieaudzis arī eksports uz Igauniju. Tāpat jāatzīmē, ka ar atsevišķiem izņēmumiem ik gadu pieaug no Latvijas izvestā svaigā piena apjoms - piemēram, pēdējo piecu gadu laikā no Latvijas izvestā svaigā piena apjoms pieaudzis par 20%. Ja 2018.gadā pārstrādei ārpus Latvijas tika eksportēts 295,1 tūkstotis tonnu (38% no visa no Latvijas piena ražotājiem iepirktā svaigā piena), tad 2022.gadā tas bija 353,8 tūkstoši tonnu jeb 44% no visa iepirktā svaigā piena. Svaiga piena eksportu pārstrādei ārpus Latvijas galvenokārt veicina tas, ka piena nozares pašnodrošinājuma līmenis Latvijā ir 133%, un tāpēc galvenais nozares izaugsmes potenciāls ir eksporta apjomu pieaugums. Vienlaikus Latvijas uzņēmumi darbojas Eiropas Savienības brīvajā tirgū, kas nodrošina brīvu preču plūsmu starp dalībvalstīm un palielina konkurenci plašākā mērogā, tostarp Baltijas reģionā.
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Woman spotted 'chatting on phone' in 1938 video that 'proves time travel exists'
UNILAD By Aisha Nozari August 11, 2023 In an unbelievable sight, a woman was spotted appearing to use a mobile phone in a video from the 1930s The clip has left the tinfoil hat-wearing internet users convinced the footage is proof of time travel, but those who don’t spend their time reading though obscure forums aren’t so sure. Read more…
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