#noya wears shoes a size up to feel bigger
dankali-owo · 2 months
swapped haikyuu!! doodle dump ‼️
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 Weak Immune System (Karasuno Volleyball Club/*MALE* reader) Part III
'Jesus, when did the weather get this pissed off?' You mused. Beyond the safety of the gym the rain was pelting down in sheets that pounded against the windows, the claps of thunder that followed lightning flashes made the glass shake. 'I thought the storm wasn't supposed to start 'till midnight.'
'Looks like mother nature changed her mind,' Suga mused 'I'm worried, Hinata can't possibly peddle home in the rain and at night.'
You looked down at your upperclassman, he was huddled in his uniform jacket, arms wrapped around himself, trying to keep himself from showing how cold he was. Your bigger build granted you more protection from the cold. You shrugged off your extra jacket and threw it around Suga, leaving yourself with the long waterproof windbreaker you'd be needed to get home. 'Worry about yourself a little there, Sugamama.'
The setter's face flushed as he took in the garment that you tucked firmly over his shoulders, it was at least two sizes too big for him. 'Hey! I'm not a girl!'
With a curious frown, you tilted your head at him 'is that supposed to be a reason for me to let you freeze to death, dumbass?'
'You've been spending too much time with Kageyama.' Suga pouted at you but didn't object any further.
You smiled wistfully and glanced around. The rest of the team was scattered around the gym, sat against walls, or standing in groups. The first year that Suga was worried about didn't look phased with the prospect of cycling home in a hurricane, but you knew that in this weather, cars were going to have trouble seeing him on those unlit mountain roads, on top of that, Hinata was wearing black. There was no way you were letting him go home in this, and it didn't look likely to let up any time soon.
Daichi walked over to join the two of you beside the window, if he noticed Sugawara huddling into your jacket, he didn't say anything, merely followed your eyes to the ginger, sat against the wall, talking to Noya. 'What does the forecast say?'
'Nothing nice,' you replied grimly 'my place is closest, might ask 'im if he wants to stay over. No one's gonna see him in this weather, it's an accident waiting to happen.'
'Sorry, Suga did you grow up?'
'Ha.Ha. Very funny cap.' you rolled your eyes, grateful to be dragged out of your fretting. You don't know how Suga does it, the anxiety would kill you.
'I'm making a run for it guys!' Tanaka announced 'Saeko's gonna freak if I'm late for movie night!'
'Don't die!' you teased 'I'll steal the girlfriend you don't have!'
Tanaka flipped you the bird 'screw you, dude!'
'You wish!' the pair of you chuckled before he turned away and took off into the deluge, soon followed by Nishinoya who was probably going to crash at Tanaka's place now that you thought about it.
'I guess we outta make a run for it too.' Asahi concluded.
As everyone else braced for the downpour, Suga nudged you toward Hinata. The boy's expression had shifted to something resembling apprehension, and you knew he was trying to hide the fact that he was nervous about going home. You sighed and tapped the boy on the shoulder 'Hinata, cycling home's gonna be a little on the risky side in this weather, you can come to stay at mine if you want.'
Hinata squawked in surprise, stepping back as his face flushed 'I-I'm not scared!'
You chuckled 'I believe you, so? I'd feel a little better knowing you're not trying to climb a mountain in the dark.'
'If your parents don't mind...'
'Pfft, don't worry about my parents. Dad would be more upset I didn't offer. So, race ya?' you gave your junior a roguish grin, shrugging on your waterproof over your bag to keep your books dry.
'You're on!'
'Don't stay up too late, Sleeping Beauty!' Suga teased on your way out, looking relieved.
'Dude, it's me, be lucky if I'm awake past ten!' you huffed, holding the door open for Hinata 'see ya tomorrow!'
Side by side, you and Hinata pelted through the rain. Your shoes were soaked in seconds, puddles splashing up your legs and soaking your trousers while the wind and water beat down against the thin layer separating your skin from the weather. Hinata was fast beside you, almost too fast, you were worried you'd lose him if he took off ahead without knowing the way. You wouldn't put it past him, nor were you in the mood to explain to the club parents that you'd lost their baby crow, so you reached out and snagged Hinata's sopping wet sleeve, tugging lightly as you weaved off the main road and pelted up a flooded side-street, water rushing down, washing over your sneakers.
Hinata's sleeve slipped through your fingers when he slipped in the riverbed that was once a road, and you managed to catch his hand just in time, your momentum hauling him upright after you, he was so light and you were still warm from practice, long legs eating ground even up the steep hill.
You didn't dare let go of him again, weaving past the occasional pothole that you knew all too well and through the back gate of your house. Your family home had a granny annex attached to the side of the main house, you'd moved into it when your older brother had moved out this year. Up a short flight of stairs, you shoved the screen door open and practically hurled Hinata inside the entrance hall ahead of you, gasping for breath and feeling both hot and cold at the same time.
With the door shut behind you, you looked at Hinata and laughed, the shorter boy soon joining you as he collapsed onto the tiles of the mud-closet, as you called it.
'Thanks for catching me back there!' the ginger scratched the back of his neck sheepishly 'I thought for sure I was gonna knock my two front teeth out!'
You chuckled, shrugging off your soaked overcoat, thankfully at least some of parts of you were dry, the same could not be said for any part of your bellow the knee 'no worries, give me two seconds and I'll get you a change of clothes, you look like a drowned rat.'
It was true, Hinata's usually voluminous tufts of orange laid flat against his forehead, some still dripping water onto the tiles. He'd be freezing his ass off soon if he didn't get a warm shower, with how small he was.
You found some of your old clothes, even if you had been fourteen the last time any of these fit you, they would still be a little big on Hinata, but it was the best you'd find without raiding your younger brother's closet, and you doubted Shouyou would appreciate you telling him that he fit your ten-year-old brother's clothes. You offered Hinata some dry slippers and ushered him into your little one-bedroom annex.
He looked around at the open layout, you had a kitchenette to the right of the door, a small living area in the center, and your bedroom was on the left, the bathroom was ensuite.
'Wow, you have all this to yourself? Don't you get lonely?'
You shrugged 'family tradition, the oldest son always moves in here before moving away for good.'
'How many oldest sons are there?' Hinata regretted phrasing it that way, but as usual, you merely chuckled off his awkwardness.
'There are four of us brothers altogether,' you explained, holding out a towel wrapped around a change of clothes 'now go shower, your dripping on my floor.'
'Sorry!' The redhead followed your directions to the bathroom, and you soon heard the sound of running water, so you took to your fridge to find something to feed you both. You hadn't been counting on having guests, and you knew for a fact that Hinata could eat like a horse after practice, so you made your way to the storage closet in the corner of your little space. It was like a secret passage, through a hazardous trap door that lead directly into your younger brother's room. He was busy playing video games with his headphones in, so you snuck past without bothering him and raided your mother's fridge while she was still in her office. It was nothing new, she always had the thing stocked to bursting anyway.
You returned unseen from your mission and managed to haul the load back through the trap door without dropping it all. With the shower still running, you got busy making dinner. In your family, everyone but your mother better be a good cook, the poor woman had no taste so anything she made was good only by accident and coincidence. Your father had drilled the art of not letting shit burn into all of your brothers at a young age, so much so that his first son now worked at a Michelin star restaurant somewhere in London.
Hinata emerged from your room, and before you could say a word, you burst out laughing, because the tiny middle blocker was drooling, following his nose and dragging his feet toward the pull-out table where you'd set a huge dish of egg fried rice. You'd found a fuckton of cooked rice downstairs.
Wordlessly, you served him a massive helping and handed him a pair of chopsticks 'enjoy, I'mma go change.'
Hinata gaped at you in awe 'you're an angel!'
'It's just egg-fried-rice dude, easy as fuck.' You shrugged, heading to your room, smiling as you heard Hinata tucking into the food you'd made. You ran the risk of him eating all of it before you got back, but you could live with that "happy hampster" look he got.
After changing, you and Hinata sat on your sofa so you could eat, you tried not to chuckle at how baggy your old clothes looked on him as you flicked through your phone.
'Hey, (Y/N)-senpai?'
'Yeah?' you looked up to find the boy staring at you with those wide, hazel eyes, like you were something complex to be solved, like a math problem or something 'why are you looking at me like that, man?'
'How come you act like you're not a good player?' Hinata ignored your question, still staring at you like he could burn the answers out of your soul 'you're probably just as good as Kageyama, so why won't you let coach put you in?'
'Pfft, me? As good as Kageyama?! Yeah right.'
Hinata pouted and stood up, marching into your room, only to return with one of the frames you kept on your dresser. He sat beside you and shoved the picture into your lap 'I wasn't sure who it was at first, your hair's so different but, is that you, at the All-Japan Junior training camp?'
You sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of your nose. The whole point of dying your hair is completely different from your natural colour was to avoid people recognizing you in featured pictures like this, how had the shortcake figured it out?
'Yes, yes that's me and my older brother.' you relented 'I was in my third year in middle school, none of the guys know about this so don't you dare tell 'em.'
'Why not?!' Hinata wailed 'we're going up against Shiratorizawa! It's going to be five whole sets! If you'd at least sub in to give Daichi or Asahi a break-!'
'I can't do that,' your voice was low, quiet, in massive contrast to Hinata's passionate outcry 'my brother made that mistake, he's playing on borrowed time to this day, his career could end with one fall.'
'What do you mean?' the boy blinked owlishly at you, leaning on the arm of the sofa.
'I told you, there's four of us. Our dad played all sorts of sports with us when we were kids. Fumihiro's my oldest brother, he might have become a chef but he was a regional tennis champion in mixed doubles. Masashi...we're only two years apart, and we both fell in love with volleyball. He always wanted to be on the court, we both did, but Masa...he wanted the entire team to rely on him, to believe in him no matter what position he played. One day he...he burned out, collapsed mid-set. Watching him getting taken away in an ambulance shook his teammates so much that they gave the game away. I know he's blamed himself for it ever since, but will he stop playing? Hell no.'
You crossed your arms and shrunk in on yourself, brows drew together in a scowl, glaring at the picture in your lap 'if people rely on me, I'll inevitably let them down, or burn myself out trying not to. I...I don't want to live as Masa does, wondering if and when his shoulder's gonna give out and force him to give up something he loves.'
'That's...Senpai you're an idiot!' Hinata wailed, making you jump and knock the frame off of your lap, but your eyes were fixed on the determination in your junior's eyes. 'You told me so many times, there are six people on the court, SIX! That means that there are five other people to fall back on if one falls short! You're just so scared of failing you won't even try and that...that pisses me off! You're tall, you're good at the game and everyone can see it!'
There were tears in his eyes now, his cheeks were flushed crimson, and you froze as the weight of his words hit you like a ton of bricks. Here he was trying to compensate for not having something that he couldn't control, while you wallowed and fought your own desire to get on the court and fight with your friends.
It was almost ironic. 'If I could make you tall and me short, I would.' you murmured, Hinata opened his mouth to argue, but you held up a hand 'I know, that's not what you meant. Look, I can't promise anything, but...next time Coach tells me to get in there, I won't argue with him, okay?'
Hinata lit up with a smile, the tears forgotten and replaced with the sun in your own living room 'just try! That's all I ask Senpai!'
'Quit tryna butter me up, Tangerine, I ain't Noya.' You reached to ruffle his damp hair, smiling despite yourself. The frame lay forgotten on the coffee table while you and Hinata went about setting up the sofa-bed, arguing about who would take it or the bed while a movie played in the background. It didn't end up mattering, since at exactly ten o'clock you knocked out with a half-eaten back of chips in your lap, and Hinata soon followed suit after binging at least two more episodes of the series you insisted he starts watching.
Pt.1 Pt.2
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