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chlogummy · 4 months ago
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Les stickers sont 100% finis ! Il reste encore 14 jours sur notre Ulule et on frôle les 200% qui mèneront à 5 stickers supplémentaire offerts dans chaque commande, n'hésitez pas ! Au passage, on a commandé le tissu principal de Xelor récemment :D On vous le partage dès qu'on l'a reçu ! à bientôt :D ~~~~~~~~ Stickers are 100% done! There are 14 days left on our Ulule campaign and we are close to the 200% leading to 5 additional stickers added for each order, do not hesitate ! By the way if you have trouble on the website, we can take the orders through Paypal ;) Ah, and we recently purchased our main fabric for our Xelor cosplay! We'll share it as soon as we receive it ;)
See you soon :D
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izmaddieyt · 1 year ago
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I did one:D i tried- this is one of my charaters from my au! i whould have done the rest but it whould have taken me way too long and i dunno how:/ but this has to do with the hug horror post!
The skele-girl in the pictures name is Noxin,and if the ears or tail look like a dog of sorts(which they do) they are cat ears and a tail:)
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worldsofzzt · 4 months ago
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Source “Monster Damage” by Noxin (2001) [Monster Damage.zzt] - “get to boss” Play This World Online
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alephnol · 2 years ago
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Height comparison, i guess
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noxin-sans · 8 months ago
More lil update cuuuuus i hadnt posted anythin to here in months..
Like Original Undertales Sans, and his well known likeing for ketchup and to drink ketchup, commonly being seen either holding or drinking a bottle of ketchup, Noxin Sans whould instead commonly be seen with Pickles.
So being near her..or just watching her, seeing her doing anything not impoetant or nothing at all, you have a good 80% chance to see her with a jar of pickles and likely eating them or drinking the known to be sour pickle juice in the jar, she will not share, but she will dare you to drink pickle juice, and maybe in return.. she'll give you one of the gold feathers, it dosent do much besides glow, and dosent really hold magic aside from what makes it glow, but its cool looking? And if she likes you enough, she may give you an explosive throwing knife, she will also not be responcable for any.. casualties that may occur with your use of the knife.
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radiomogai · 2 months ago
That thing about abstract qualities and concrete qualities is fucking incredible. We've noticed the same thing and have been trying to put words to it for *years* but haven't been able to; I think this is exactly the thing we've been trying to figure out. Thank you!!
Understanding outherinity
When we talk about outherinity we aren't talking about one strict quality, but rather about a set of different qualities, each with its unique characteristics, that are all distinct from the pre-existent sociegender qualities without being xenogender or xenogender-adjacent nor beyond the concept of gender. This means that all outherinities are:
Not neutral, feminine, masculine, androgynous, epicene, etc.
The term was coined around 2019 here.
Outherine genders and qualities can be categorised in different groups depending on how they can be described. This categories were originally named, but last I've decided to give a name to each of these original outherine subtypes + adding a new one.
Categories mentioned by the coiner and later named by me:
Dipherine: It describes any outherine quality born of the uncommon combination of two pre-existing sociegender qualities. That be, any combination between masculinity, femininity, neutrality, androgyny, etc except androgyny itself and femmulinity.
Dipherine (archived)
Itherine: It describes any otherine quality that can be categorized as brand-new with no connection to previous existing qualities, yet not exactly xenine or anything similar.
Itherine (archived)
Some itherine qualities are:
Autonomous/Autonomine(?): Caracterised by gender independence, freedom, self-determination, etc. The main autonomous gender is Autonomique. It's also an umbrella term that includes other itherine qualities like maverine and autonine.
Aliusine: Describes genders that can be characterised as simply "other", as standing apart from pre-existing social gender constructs. The main Aliusine genders are aliagender and troique.
Maverine: Similar to Autonomine, but with a strong inner sense of gender. Originally it also mentioned gender unorthodoxy and unconventionality. The main maverine gender is maverique.
Ilyagine: An "other" quality with no connection whatsoever to pre-existing qualities. A feeling that there's a gender that's distinct from fem, masc, neu, andro and anything derived, similar or related to them. See post on Ilyaginity.
Autonine: Describes gender qualities that are unique to a person or system. Characterised by individuality and a strong sense of personhood/systemhood. Egogenders are considered outherine and itherine because they're unique to a person or system and have no connection to pre-existing gender categories.
Périne or péraine: Describes genders completely disconnected from the masc/fem/neu trinary. The main perine gender is Péra(gender). See post on Pérainity.
Preterine and Umbine: Both refer to brand-new qualities that are still comparable, while distinct, to pre-existent gender qualities. The different between Preterine and Umbine is that, while the former is for outherine qualities adjacent/comparable to abinary qualities, the later is for outherine qualities adjacent/comparable to midbinary qualities. (I decided to coin two different terms for what was originally a same "descriptor" because I think these are two different experiences, or at least I experience them in a different way)
Some preterine and umbine qualities are:
Aineminine : Gender quality comparable to femininity
Ainuline: Gender quality comparable to masculinity
Altraenine: Gender quality that can be described as a "pure " androgyny that exist in opposition to both femininity and masculinity rather than in between them. See post on altraeninity.
Preterine (archived); Umbine (archived)
Categories added by me:
Anderine: Not originally considered by the coiner. It describes any outherine quality born of the combination or that exist in between two or more outherine qualities.
Anderine (archived)
Peraverinity (combination of perinity and maverinity) is an example of an anderine quality.
Technically the combination of outherine qualities with pre-existent qualities could be considered outherine as they would form brand new qualities too, but no term for them has been coined as of yet. Normally people refer to these genders as simply aporine, but all outherine genders are aporine as aporinity as an umbrella term refers to any comgender quality distinct from femininity, masculinity, androgyny, epicenity, effeminacy/effeminity and femmulinity. I'm thinking on coining something, and when I do this part will be edited, but for now they are just "aporine".
(I'll repost the longer explanation about each outherine quality and link it here in the future)
Differences between outherinity and xenogenders: Why are outherine gender not xenine?
[PT: differences between outherinity and xenogenders: why are outherine genders not xenine?]
The main difference between outherine and xenine is that outherine is a sociegender quality/group of qualities. That is outherinities are defined by themselves and no component on their definition can exist outside the concept of gender.
This is because outherinities, being sociegender qualities, have circular definitions. That it's, all the part of their definition define each other. For example: Maverique. The main quality of maverique is maverinity; maverinity is defined around the quality of being maverine. We could go a bit further and define maverinity around an strong sense of gender autonomy, but we cannot go further than "gender autonomy", which basically means "gender distinct/separated from pre-existed concept".
Maverinity cannot exist or be defined without the existence of things and individuals/systems that are maverique or some other maverine gender; but, simultaneously, these genders wouldn't exist if maverinity didn't exist as a possible gender experience.
I like to refer to sociegender qualities, including outherinities, as "abstract", comparing them to "abstract nouns" as the thing they are defined around cannot exist without genders that are that thing. Femininity, masculinity, neutrality, androgyny, outherinities, etc can only be measure through genders and people who are fem/masc/neu/angi/outher/etc, just like happiness can only be meassure and contained by people and other beings who are happy.
On the other hand, xenogenders, some kenous genders, and other similar qualities are defined by and around things, beings, and concept that have an existence independent from the concept of gender, but are being applied to gender concepts. they have a linnear definition, meaning that the ultimate concept they are defined around does not depend on the others to exists.
If we take soporinity as an example, soporine genders are related to the concept of sleep. Its definition is linnear because while soporinity and soporinity need each other and the concept of sleep to exist and be defined, the latter doesn't need either; it has an independent existence outside the concept of gender.
That's why I like to refer to these type of qualities as "concrete",
because I like to compare them to concrete nouns in that the thing they're defined around exist outside gender as a concept (This does not mean, of course, that xenogenders and adjacent gender categories, are only ever defined around concrete concepts. It's xenine qualities themselves that are concrete qualities, but they can be defined around abstract nouns like emotions).
Derived terminology
[PT: derived terminology]
Just like with any other qualities, outherinities can be used to refer to the nature of gender, the core aspect of gender, presentation, expression, alignment, and more.
A person can have an outherine gender without necessarily having an outherine alignment or presentation/expression or have an outherine alignment or presentation/expression without necessarily having an outherine gender.
Likewise, "contradictory" or "paradoxical" genders that are OUIN but not OUIA/ OUIA but not OUIN exist too. For example: Cettreur (OIUN + MIA) and Faunverique (MIN + MVIA [OUIA])
Genders that are outher-alignment, regardless if they are otherwise outherine, are called "outheric". To refer to both outherine and outheric genders we can use the term "outherly".
That's all for now, I'll keep editing this post to add more information or share link to my other post and/or useful resources on outherinity.
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izmaddieyt · 1 year ago
I finish somewhat of a ref sheet on Noxin,one of my UTAU sanses that you see in an anthro form as my pfp atm, the main/unedited bases for makeing these were from deviant art and google,(some like the main base for the seperations for the ref i cannot find where from where i originaly found it on google:'l)
This only shows her as an anthro atm because theres no bases for skeletons and i cant really draw- but the anthro version of her is basicaly the exact same for her skeleton/sans version! Shes just a skeleton with the colors she has in the image and her eyelights are the colors if her eyes in the anthro version and she keeps the ears and tail in the skeleton version aswell!
(Note: this was all made in flipaclip aside from the background behind the part showing what she looks like,that part was made in IbispaintX. Also the full picture shows up blurry since the only way i know how to take the picture i made from flipaclip is by screenshoting,so i have each of them indivisualy.) Pictures under the cut.
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The one with alot of words is info about her,and some of what her personality is like!
Incase (which is most definetily is) the info part about her is too hard to read,heres it with a solid grey background! And the other potential name for FeralTale/FeralTail since im too indicisive to choose between the 2 wordings-
(Note2: Also theres morsecode in the picture showing her visual apearance and above what shows her name,its one word and dosent rlly mean anythin,but its fun to disifer if u wanna!)
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Also heres her signature jacket-
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She wears black jeans with the jacket for now.
Edit: This acc will be a rp and ask acc!
Last updated: 2024 april 23rd 9:40am
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worldsofzzt · 2 months ago
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Source “Monster Damage” by Noxin (2001) [Monster Damage.zzt] - “Title screen” Play This World Online
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tinkerclaw · 1 month ago
Tennodachi Life
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Reposting the codes or here too since community posts are stuck where you post them first.
Incase you couldn't get enough of chatting with them in-game in KIM, you can now dust off your 3ds and put them in to your tomodachi life save! Incredibly niche, but hey, maybe. (Emulating on a piece of tech rot also possible)
Noxin is my wf tag, so naturally that's also my Drifters.
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radiomogai · 1 year ago
[PT: Noxingender Pride Flag. End PT]
Noxingender Pride Flag
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Noxingender: an umbrella term for all genders that are not xenine in nature (NOXIN). Also a term to refer to a gender that isn’t fully defined but definitely unxenine, or a gender in which unxeninity is its defining feature.
Colors obtained from inverting the xingender flag. Note that not all non-xenine genders are considered anthrogenders/anthrous.
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sadidastheria · 1 month ago
Je partage enfin nos goodies sur le thème des Xelor avec @chlogummy suite à notre cagnotte Xelorium !
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Nox, l'Eliacube et les Noxine -
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Harebourg, le Dofus des Glaces et Frigost -
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Close up sur les deux pins !
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Les coussins des deux personnages :
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Et pour finir le dieu Xelor lui-même avec un badge effet métallique et un sticker !
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dustsansm1 · 10 months ago
I refuse...
Also for funsies
@absurdumsid and @nightmare-verse
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Seinfeld Theme • Seinfeld Theme (Highlights Of 100) • Seinfeld Theme (The Chronicle) • The Jerry Show Theme (The Pilot Part 2) • Kramer's Pimpwalk (The Wig Master) • Jerry The Mailman (The Andrea Doria) • Himalayan Walking Shoes (The Hot Tub) • John Jermaine Jazz #1 [The Rye] • John Jermaine Jazz #2 [The Rye] • John Jermaine Jazz #3 [The Rye] • Kramer's Boombox (The Package) • Jerry Vs Newman Chase (The Soul Mate) • Cable Guy Vs Kramer Chase (The Cadillac Part 2) • Noxin (The Cadillac Part 2) • Jesus Is One [The Burning] • Kramer's Crappy Banjo (The Muffin Tops) • Peterman In Burmese Jungle (The Chicken Roaster) • TV Cartoon / Wheels On The Bus (The Contest) • Finale Suitcase Montage (The Finale) • Waiting For The Verdict Blues (The Finale) • This Night Show (The Trip Part 1) • Rock Music Video (The Trip Part 1) • The Lopper (The Frogger) • 1937 Wedding Cake Waltz (The Frogger) • Kramer Bachelor Auction (The Barber) • Rochelle, Rochelle The Musical (The Understudy) • Pier Contemplation (The Invitations) • Loud Dixieland Band (The Mom & Pop Store) • Scarsdale Surprise (The Summer Of George) • Checkmate/Chunnel/Death Blow (The Movie, The Pool Guy, The Little Kicks) • Blimp (The Puerto Rican Day) • The Pain & The Yearning (The Comeback) • Believe It Or Not (George's Answering Machine - The Susie)
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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radiomogai · 8 months ago
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I've had this term in mind for a while but only just got around to making a flag. This is a gender quality called anthrine.
Anthrine is a gender quality referring to all non-xenine qualities. This includes femininity, masculinity, epicenity, aporinity, outherinity, agenrinity, maverinity, and all others (on their own or in combination) that are in no way related to xenity. You may consider this quality to be anthrine-in-nature (ANTHIN.) - 💙💚
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nuclearisopod · 1 year ago
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homestuck oc !! it is named NOXINS CORDLY and its a PURPLE BLOODED TROLL CYBORG
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aspenvelaz · 11 months ago
Noxie skips into Aspens hotel room.
“Ash! I’m here! Guess what?!?”
Bouncing around, excited to see her twin who’s now older than her due to dying separately.
They look up from where they were sitting and reading.
“Noxine, how did you get here? You were an angel…what happened to your wings and halo?”
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